o i J 0 o o o Q o o o G o 0 & u o hafc 0(1 it. X I on' ' RE ,nd of td 08- 00' C3 Oft 03 n o J Jfjc lUeekln enterprise. TOWN' AND COUNTY. Tii v. P. T. Company's Wokxs. This com pan y has one of the most extensive improvements at this place in the State. They purchased the island in the Wi 1 a me tie, ainl constructed a basin around the falls, which enables them to transport freight from the upper to the lower river at aTnoMiinal expense aniPtrottble. Tin main building', or warehouse, is LV2 feet in length (which reaches to the lower basin) by b'() feet in width. The L at tached to the main building is 70 feet long by 5 a in width, from wliich a slide and car carry the freight from the upper to the lower warehous". A large dock is below. 80x"l. which is all under cover. The capacity of the warehouse for storms freight s from 1,200 to J. SOU tons. They have a large dry dock, which can be liiled with water and their largest boats taken in and be on the stocks and the duck ready for woikmen in the short period of 3 j minutes. They also have a midline and carpenter shop a short distance from tin? warehouse, in which they do all their rep tiring, and employ quite a number ot mechanics. Tte expense of their basin and improvements will not fall short of ivjiji). una. They own seven boa's on the tipper river, and two on the lower, con oi.-tiiig of the Reliance, Fannie Pat ton. ) G A litany, .veuve, ouccess, uuyton. and Mi jo Fly on the upper river, and Alert ' and .Senator on the lower. This is the , largest as well as the most remunerative Steamboat company in Oregon. While the' (. S. N. Company's stock is larger. yet the value at this time is not equal to that of the J'. T. Company's. The business of the latter company is continually increas ing, and also their slock of boats, while (he former have decreased their number of boats, and the business for those em ployed has not for the past two years been jvnfijtieraMve. It is also noteworthy that the 1'. T. Company is composed ot purely Oregouians men who Lave been here a 1 :ig time, and who have made their capi tal and invested it in Oregon. The offi cers of the Company eons'n nte some of our I;iot substantial and enterprising citizens. O and while they are making money out of our people in a legitimate manner, they reiatti it here and invest it. A PisTixaiis-Hto) Visitor. On last Thursday our residence was visited by a rather disagreeable looking individual. Our hou-e fronts on the river, and is in a rather retired placf-. About II o'clock in the miming Mrs. X. beat 1 a man at the door, and she went to it. dem Hiding of hi:n" What do yon want?"' to which he rfpi!icd. Money." I have none,'7 she answered (and we positively believe she told the truth); to which lie replied, "Yint have, and I am going to have it." As he ma !e this threat. Mrs X. caught the door and innied the key, wtien he immediately Went-ao tin window, which wi.s partly r i'-.'d. and reached his hand in to the catch toipen it. when Mrs. X. snatched a derringer an 1 told him that if he attempt ed t open the window she would shoot haiiQ lie s'oppe l and gazed at her. and ttt.-ii w.ie; tiff sin loot, to which Mm replied that if he did not, leave she would sli )ot anyhow. lie then concluded that In; had better leave. lie walked around to the north side of the Catholic ('liarch, and thetio almost immediately Marled to run to tbe bunk of the river, where he got into a skill' and went down the stream. He is a very large man. had -muck wnisKers, (wnic.ii irom tne Uescrip tion we believe to be a false set) and his j eyes urere red. as il sure. The right pre- j vious a couple of suspicious fellows were j around the residence of .Mr. Larocu ne. 1 Ma. L. had oec i-ion tj go out ab mt nine o'clock in the evening, when Ihyy took to their heels and rati oif. The gang that appeals to be operating in Portland ex tends anp irently through the entire val ley, and we would caution the people to &ij on the lookout for them. The fellows who Imvt) been seen in the neighborhood of Col. Jennings' place are there for no good purpose, and steps ought to be taken to secure them. Put the imjeiidence of this fellow in coming to the residence of an editor and proprietor of a newspaper !oi' money, ptubHidy has no aralkd in history. .n . TiTvr (7 have,. We slated last week that porthQs ef Main street wei e being improved by a new coat .of gra. el. We were in error as to improvement and also gruvi.d. There have been several loads of rock, or boulders, put on the street. which sire a nuisance. Vus sire not. aware who ha the matter in cfiarge. but say plainly that such an outrage :i s that now being perpetrated m Main street .-'lould not be allowed, and the parlies hauling the rock- on the street should bo compelled to re move them forthwith. If it Las been done by authority of any officer or Street Com mittee, and the people's money thrown away in such an outrageous manntr. the partiiM should be held responsible to an insulPd community. SjlhIi throwing away of money, ae.d spoiling of our main thor oughfare, is an outrage, and should be stojiped by some one in autht rity. Some one is guilty in this matter, and we hope th.it it is not the Committee on Street:!, and that they will never accept or pay for the work thus done, and compel the re in val of the obslructions. Srsriciot Chauatk':s. We are in formed that a couple of men have been lui kintbout the place of M; Tompkins. b )'U a mile below this place, for the past Week or more. One day they went to the ho is!- of the renter living on Mr. T.'s place, and demanded something to eat, which was given them. They appear to b- young men, and have on them two pistols and a knife, each. While Portland appears to be infested with a band of rob bers, 've hear of depredation.1 committed at vat ions other places. This gang of thieves muDbe the lot which sometime i-ir.ce were compelled to leave San Fran cisco, ittii! a vigilant, e'f rt should be tu ide by the authorities to bring these desperadoes to justice. Since the above has been in type, we learn that these fellows have left. " The A'ruox Fair. The apron fair giveu by tbe ladies of the Congregational Church at the Court House on Friday evening, o July 22d, was n grand success. The arti cles for sale prepared by the ladies, were agerly sought after, and the supper was one of tbe best ever set in the city. The attendance was large. The net receipts were $122.50. On Saturday evening an ice cream sociable was given.at the resi dence oP.I. M. Moore. 1'sq.. by the same P it ties, which was a very pleasant affair, and well attended. Tlie Oregon City lirass Bind, with their usual liberality, gave their services for the entire evening free of charge, for which the ladies desire us to return their thanks. Meteor. A most beautiful meteor passed over our city last Wednesday eve ning. It is said to have been the largest one ever seca. Its direction was north east, o O O o Gone to Tut; Socxi). Mr. S. D. Pope, of this place, agent for the Globe Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New Yotk, for Oirgon and Washington Territory, left here last Tuesday for Whitby's Island. W. T.. to pay an insurance on the lfl'e of Mr Bozarih, who died a .short time since. The money on the insurance will be pa'd to the widow within forty days from the time of the death. This is commendable punc tuality. and shows the company to be worthy of confidence. Mr. P. expects to be absent about two weeks. Retl-hxed. Judge Caufleld and family, who went to the coast about two weeks since, in company with Capt. Hedges and family, returned home last Friday, aioar ently looking better after their ree'reat'ion. The Judge says that Salmon river i quite a favorite place of resort, a large number of vi.-itors being there, and they were con tinually arriving. The roads are good. Tiik Dancs. The dance given by tLe string band last Tuesday was only toler ably well attended. This is not right, as the young gentlemen composing the band and for whose benefit it was given, have ever been ready to give theirservi'ces to ail occasions, and all who attend such places should havw gone last Tuesday. Clif? IIou.se. This house is becoming a great lavorite with the traveling public since the present proprietor, Mr. Leon PeLouey. has become its landlord. Every thing is served up in the best style, and meal.s can be hail at all times. Oregon City is not behind any place in Oregon now, so tar as first class fare is concerned. Give him a trial. Track Laying. Considerable iron has passed up the railroad during the past week. We learn that about eight miles of track has been laid since the commence ment this season. It is expected that the ears will be ready to run to Salem by the loth of September. Rivkii News. The Albany is ready again for service. The Dayton now only runs on the Yamhill river, connecting at its moutn with the other boats running on tho W.llamette. The Shoo-Fly swung aga'nst a tree above Albany on her last trip. No serious damage done. Gor.o Hunter's. The parties we men tioned a couple of weeks ago as going with an Indian who had claimed finding gold on the Clackamas, returned las; Wednesday. They did not find the cov eted article, but say that they found pros poets at. the head of the Clackamas, but not ifi suflicient quantities to pay working. Horse Running. Some fellow passed down Main street last Monday at a terri ble fast rate. He cf.me near running over some children. There is an ordinance against fast riding in the streets, which should be enforced in such cases. Not Stopped'. "We noticed thi week quite a number of boys in swimming at the foot of Eighth stret; The city mar shal should enforce the ordinance, if there is one. which prohibits persons, from inde cent exposure of their persons. Defiant. The cows in this vicinity don't seem to recognize the right of the locomotives to drive them off the tradv. They seem to defy the iron horse, and compel the engineer to get off to drive them from the track. A run in lo the other dav, number were Dissolution. The firm of Singer &. Wertheimer furniture manufacturers, has been dissolved. Mr. Singer continues the business of manufacturing, at his machine establishment, and we learn. tha t he will soon open a new lurnoure store. Mr. Wertheimer continues' at the old stand. Shot. Mr. Willi on Fianklin, who was shot by tie care!esi'-ss of some special police in Portland, last week, was formerly of this city, and highly respected by ail who knew him. His many friends here hope that the wound may not prove fatal. A Nuisance. The creek on eighth street has become dammed up, and the water stagnates in it. from which a most horrible stench arises. This, for sanitary purposes. snouot oe cieaied out so that the water may pass olf. Spark Catchers.-The P. T. Co.'s boats have all been supplied with patent spark catchers. This is quite an item to travel ers u ho Lave heretofore had their clothing burnt by sparks. Personal. Y. II. Watkinds. of Salem, gave us a call as he passed through town on his way to Portland last Monday. Pill had on a bran new suit, of grey rlothcs. which l.e s;;ys were paid fur by a Radical. Ueveraue.s. We acknowledge the ie Ceipt from Messrs. Harding- fc Potter, of the Exchange, some soda and ale. The.-e articles are quite refreshing on a warm day. New W agon". Mr. David Smith, of this place, is manufacturing good and sub stantial wagons. He has turned out quite a number recently, of superior quality. Thanks. Col. Weit, W. F. & Co.'s mes senger, has our thanks for files of San Francisco papers. The Col. generally re members us. Ri.covei'.ud. Chas. Adam, who was in jured last winter by jumping oif the loco motive, has recovered sufiiciently to be around again. Sea Gulls. A large number of sea gulls visited this place last Sunday. They t-aielly ever come up as far as this place. That Enemy of Mankind, Consumption cut be cuied ; but it is far better to prevent toe disease from tautening itself on tie s s tem, bv the timely use of a remedy snehVs Dr. IV.etars Bukamof Wild Cherry aflblds. Euri-ka! Eureka!! Eureka!!! What? Nature's sovereign remedav for he.ilintr the Mek. Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext." or Golden Med Nature's nut valuable med cal properties than was ever btf.oe combined in one nirdi- ... I'nui.c;, muuies 1U liarmonv m ,r, r.T cme. i-or the cure of all coach-, whether acute or lingering, it ha? proven its superi ority over everything else. For "Torpid L.ver or -Billiou-ness" and for Constipa tion of th.? bowels, it Js a never failing reme dy. Asa Blood Purifier for the cure tit Pim ples, Hlotohes, Eruptions and all humors it is unequalled. Sold bv d!'ua"-is.s. ' SI VKUIED. At the residence of the bride's fatlier.Ji.lv 17, 1-S70, by Father (Lbney, Mr. James Claren ai d Mi-is Mary Annie V. Blair, all of Encpne G.tv. We isb both our friends much jov and happiness, and hopj that their path i'f life may b csowded with its richest I lesings, and that no sorrow may over cross their pith in thjir journey through this woild.J WILLIAM DAVIDSON, . OIice, !-a"o. CI Front Strett, PORTLAND, - - . OREGON. REAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector of Claims. A latere amourt of CITY and EAST POST LAND Property for Sale. Also, IilPItOS E " FARMS, and vahiab'e un em'tivated LANDS, ioeutju iu all parts ot the Sute Inves'me'Us iu REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY made fo tone -pondents. CLAIMS of all descrintions promptly col lected. HOUSES and STORES leased. All kinds of F.nanc al ami General Agency business transacted. Parties having PAliM PROPERTY far sale will pleft-e fumi.-h rteso 'pt Oas of the same to tbe AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in eaeh of the principal Ci llES and TOWNS of this STATE. July 2:tf Tlie Vital Statistics of California. Show that peiioi ical fevers and acute and i htonie tlisord.-rs of the .-toinaea aid bowels, are anions the nu.st proinii ent ami fatal dis eases i'i this Stilts, disobedience to the laws of health, as regards diet ; the use ot perni cious stimulants ; and the wear and tear of bus. cess excitement, and of " lust !ife'T gen era'ly, have ni-.ch to do with the prevalence of these maladies in our cities; wlole in the interior, and especially in the gcld-yielditt districts, thej' are chiefly due to malaria, un wholesome w iter, ami the exposure and pri vation incident to life in new settlements and Hindus; camps. Now, it is a fact that it is as possible to protect tbe linn an system aain-t these maladies, as to fjuard life and property against the inclusions of assassins and thieves- Strengthen the vital organization with IIO.sTKTTEU'S S ! OMACli HITTERS, and it becomes as capable of resisting the active princip'e of epidemic or endemic o'is ease, ;o a tire-pro f safe is of resitini; the action of combustion. This is the experi ence of thousands wiio have remained un-veath-d by malarioe,-! disorders in the sickli est sea-ons, while their m ijjh'oors, who neg lected to tone and repubite their sv.-tenis with this u neo nailed dieinal stimulant, have fallen t'i.ek and fast around them. Weak ness invites disease. Vior repi Is it. Help eatine to fight the -rood li-ht with infection, whether il be in the air, the wat r, or the soil, with this matchless prepara ion, a c 'inpoun 1 of the rarest vegetable extracts with the pure-t al all d dVesive stimulants. DUTOHER'S I.lGIIT.Vi.i 1- V-Iitl.T.fl Isaeid of anything f the kind. Han ly ami cheap. Try it. Sold by Druggists. jn!:e2 :2ni Itcliccra Degree Tjotle So. 3, 1. O. O. I". o rx Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y EVES'IXOS, ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend, by rfler of N. G. ii is It ni.-d does not sim y rs.r.e for a sb ii time, but it produces if ct ' d per mr,net;t cures of tl:e worst cases of Chronic Nasal Catarrh, and will fay $.):" rnvtvd for 11 ruse ihnf I avnof cure. "Cold in the head" ami Oatarihal Ibadache are cured wi-ii a f.-v applications. If yi u have a dis charge from the nos-e, odenstve or otherwise, stopping up of the noe at time-', partial loss f the sense of smell, taste or bearing, eyes watering or-weak, feel dull, have pain or preasnre in the bead, you may ret assured that, vim have Ojifmh. Thousands annually, without manifestitrjr half of tl c aoove sys iems, terie.inate m lonsumj-tam and end in :!)' (iiave. No disease is so c'linmon. more deceptive or h s- und rstootl bv phyi ian. I will send my pamphlet on Catanh to any add re. s free. " I)r. Sage's Catanh Remedy is now SOLD HY MOST DRUGGI-TS IX ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Price ."0 cents Sent br mail, postpaid, on receipt of D cents, or fair packages f.r two did airs. Heware of cmoiti rf ifi and wrrlh .--.- imWxi'-nnn. See that my private tmap. which is a pn.siflvp gnara n'cfi if ; ('" ui )H r.---, is upon the outside wrapper. Remeinhtr that this private s'amp, issued by the United States Government expressly for stamping niv mediem. s, has my portrait, name and address, an i the words ' U. S. Certinea-e ot Genuineness " ngrav-d upon it, and need not be mistaken. Don't be swindled by iravc ers arid '!bers,iepresentitg themselves as Dr. Sasre ; I am the only man now living that, has the knowledge and rt-.-ht to niuiu facttire th gr nine. Dr. Sage's (!iitarh U-v.ti-cdy, and I never tr vel to sell this medicine. R. V. PIERCE. M. D., jn23m3 153 Seneca street, Ijiilfaio. N.Y. Zf" If you wiish tltc very best Cabinet Piiotaon-aphs, ion must call or. BRADLEY & RULOFSON, 43 1' Montgomery street, San Fri'.nciseo. niultnotiiulu Lioiltre I, A. I '. a 11 at j?y A. Jl. Holds its regular c.immuni n cations ca the First and Third Sat ' vrday in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 2uth of September to the 2oth of March, and 7 A o'clock from the L'oth of March to the ioth of September. Hrethreu in good standing are invited to attend. Hy order of Tf. M. Lost. O OME TFREEMONTHS SINCE, A GOLD ritubr will be suitably rewarded l y re'ura tug the same to OWEN WADE. :'0:v3 GEO- O.VJ. JAMES MOftK'SOX. HTEF.b'ATiONAL HOTEL, Formerly flew CoSunibian f Corner Front and Moni-io.i tit reds, pOUTJL.M, OliECiO.V. NOAH & MORRISON, PROPRIETORS. Free Culi to anil from ( tic I'cusc. July 10th, tf To Stock Drovers. THE ROAD ACROSS TIIE CASCADE M-un tains, know ss the " Old Emurrnnt Road." is imw in splendid crder Car be ac o-.nmodation o' the putdic The bridges on be road hve ail been ihorongidy re,. aired, and stock drovers will find it o trouble to c oss the Mounta n bv this route. There is iptenty of good uer to! gns-s on both s.id-s of toe Mountain, a d the distance across is only K(.i miles being t!ie shortest as well as tbe best road over t ie Cascade Mountains. Sto -k drove s and emu rants wi.l find it to their advantage t travel over tbisioute. Tules reasonable. JOSEPH YOUNG. Prrs eat. Clackamas county, July, 137i:juiS.f 11'"'' '' j V James B. Upto-. STITZEL & UPTON. Hval Estate Brokers and General Agents, Comer of Front and Wash trig ton streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Wll attend to the sale and purchnse ot P.eal E.-tate in all parts of the City and State. Special attention given to tbe sale ot East Portland property. Address I. O. box 412, Portland. Oregon. STiTZEL & UP I ON, 19tf. llexl E stale Brokers. BOOKS ANDSTA ONERV. Joksi Fleisiliag-, . H S .IT7ST RE CEIVE1) -y a line stock ot School J lio ks.Stanonery and every thing us-iabv kept in a b--o.v store, direct from the East, which he offers to 'lie public at reduced pi ices. Store ua. er the .. . Give me a Lun and cx- inv t? mv (rii.itis ail O " ' 'ifv -I i prices, is, lS70:tf LON DSIiOUEY, Of the P.ARNCM RE-TAFRaNT, Main street, OREG )' ClTY, Begs to inform the public and bis friends that he has leased the lower part of the CLIFF HOUSE, Which he has opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAUR ABIT. The table w 11 at all times be supplied with the te.-t the market aOords. Orders for -nippers and parties will be promptly attended to. ' iv -2:tf LAUDE 3 & OeFRANCE'S .NATIONAL BUSINESS GE, PORTLAND, OREGON, For tbe instruction of Middle-ilged luen, Ycnng Ttleu aad Boys, la the branches of a Easiness Education. rpiIIS IS WITHOUT DOUbT A MUsT X. thorough and etiieient In-titution, ami has made tor bs- lf a name ii Oregon, of which its friends are ju-tly proud. The braacb- s whicn stand out promineiit- y in the cnriicalnm of study arc BOOKKEEPING. C ) M E It CI L A R I T 1 1 M ETIC, POLITICAL ECO.NO.M Y, PENMANSHIP, COMMERCIAL LAW, CO R RES I 'O N DEN CE , AC. A most thorough practical department 1 in constant operation, in which are com pr sed all tiie rniiiutia of business atl'airs. Students can enter at any time. No va ra: ions. Call at rooms; comer of FRONT and AL DER staec ts, . or st nd for a circular contain ing full intormatiori. A Jdress, LACUK it D.PHA5CE. Tortlajd, Oregon. Harvest oi 1870 ! ! Sdluig oif lo Close Jtusincss, Ami ! HUMBUQ! DSYIGOCDS. EE A D Y-2IAI)E CLOTHING. JLC OXS AND SHOES, Mens' Ladies, Misses' and Childrens' HATS AKD CAPS. Grcccri&s, Crockery Glasiand Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Cliimr-eys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to be sold Regard lass of Price! "2, To convince j-ourscdf with rc?pcct to tliis matier, call at the old corner. I. SELLING. South rf T?pe it Co.'s 1 in Store, Oregf il Cit- i 1840 f 18 ZO M 1 W9 i This ValaaMe Family Medicini has been wi iel a d f.; or.-b y known in our own aut ii rein t n ri s, u ward-- of urrv VEAKs : It hns losv none f ts good name by r. -p ated trials, but c.nntin to occu; v a promine it position in every faaiiiy me lim eiiCnl. It is an External and Inte nal Ken edy. For Summer Complaint, or any other form ot bowel disea-e in chiiurfn or adults, it is an almost certain cure, and has without doubt been more suc;essf.l in cming t'.e various kinds of CHOLEitA than any other known remedy, or the most skd fu.1 pbysi i in. In Inura, Africa and China, wbeie this dreadful disea-e is tnost prevalent, the Pain Ki ler is coas ered by the natives, as well as European residents in those rhmates, a .-"ne r'-rtifdy ; and while it i a most eflicieni remedy for pain, it is a perfectly sate medi cine, even in unskillful hands. Directions accomoany each bottle. Sold by'a'd Druggi -ts. Price '25 et3-,'U cts., and SI per bottle. Julv U':iv Agents ! Read This I V7E WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY VV of--3t pr wetli and expcns s. 01 all w a eommiss'on. tu sell oar new and wonder ul inve t'oio. Ad.rjssM. WAGNER & CO.. Marshall. Mxh. . May 2$m2 Jacob Stitzel. COimTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOPJJIA, tpi its rert ttj v e ""T W " IJ0. 121 FRONT STREET, Portland, Oregon. Anollacf S priii LS9 ESTOOIC . BOOTS & SHOES JUST OPENED OUT. rpilIS IS THE SECOND FULL AND AS J sorted stoek received this spriiiff. We bejr leave to assuie our euttomers that we will keep our store ALWAYS FULL, And our Goods shall be of FIRST QUALITY in the MARKET. Those who have not heretofore dealt with us. are respectfully imited to cad and ex amine om roods. We challenge competition in prices, as sortment and quality. luay2Stf THE BESTREW YORK SILK HATS!! AT SEVEN DOLLARS, ALSO, A Large Assortment of COOL SUHiWlEit EATS ! WERE RECEIVED BY . J. C. Meussdoiirer & Bro. G- W. POPE & CO,? STOVES, TIN PLATE. SHEET IPON.BRA Z1E s' ( OPI ER. LFAI FII'E. II;.') -I'll E AND FIT f INtJS, PC HUE it HOSE. FoitCE AM) I I FT LUMPS. ZI C, COPPER, LIIASS .AND iUoN WJItE. Also a seneral asso; t entj of House Fur nishing C'jods. MANUFACTURER-OF Teh, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING A"D .7 0 LEU G O F EVERY DESCRIPTION i Ni: '10 ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also at POPES' STOVE STCEE you will "find IIA'WAF. AND RASKE'S, WOODEN, WAR E AND JINVVARE, I. ANTE'. NS, ' LAMI'SAM) OH,. LUC1NE AND Midi! LAMPS. AL-O peramlulator;-;. o All of the above articles ore for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. c. w. roPK ?; CO. Iblyj Orcg in City 0;eg m. Patronize Homo industry. THE FICHEFR CURLED HAIR MAKtir ACTORY IS NOW PREPARED TO -FPP Y THE market w.th a No 1 aiti le o! Curled lia r 'to U. elslery woik, which will e-mi-p tio t. .! m.jiOitcil article In quality u Mice. I pay the highest- tric f r Manes and Tails of and T.dis id' (J us store, ui iu i t rout and aliumi str-ts. ,D. Ml-.TZsFR. Pi.-rtland, On c;on. . D. SMITH. G mo. P. COOK The OCOSDEJTAL, FOUM KULY 7 EST EI IX HOTEL. Cor. First and M rri-f i Streets. POiiTLAM), (JRKO'ON. tCts" Messrs. Snrth A Cook have t-iken thi- we l known Housi. refitted and rn'uniisbeli it tbroug'iouf. bai'it a large ad iiti'-n, n-ak nir thirty more pleasant rot i!i-, enlarged t lie lining and sittin'r room-, making it by far 'he best Hotel iu Portland. A call from tir" traveling juib'ic will satisfy them that the above statement- are true. SMITH A COOK, Proprietors N. B. Hot and o!d baths attached. 4" tf The standard re u. ov t r onzhn, Ii-iftu- euz.ii, S-ire 'I'lrro-t'.ll'hrrt'n'ng Cough, Croup, f.izer Complaint, Bran chili, BU-dir,g of the. J.vng, and every affection of the Throat, Lunsis and Chest, ir.c!m!in2 Coxscmption. AVistai-'x rd.l4.t1n does not dry up a Cough, but lo se is it. cleanses t'ie lungs, .md ailay.- ii ri'ati m. thus rtrnnring theratife of ti e f trplai t. Nouf- srenu ne nnlfss 12 ied 1. Rctt?. Prepared bv Sktu W. Fowle A Son, Boston. Sold by Repin-gt.;x. Ho-, tkttfr Co., Saa Francisco, uud bv dealers generally. . JeI9:l REDINGTO:;, IIOSTETTER & CO. Stop Hint Coughing ! Some of you can't, and we jrRy you. You have tried every icmedy buttle ONE de-tined, by i's intiin-ic merit, to suptrsede ad sdmiiaf preparations. It is not surprising you should be itluc 1 1 ut to try something else af crthe many experiments you have made of trashy compounds foisted on the public as a certain care ; but No well's Pulmonary Syrup is really the VERY BEST remedy ever o mnounde I for the cin e of Coughs, &'d?: tore 1'hrcat, Asthma, Whooping I'oigh, Bronchitis mid Coixumptio)'. Thousands of p ojde in California and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of Jewell's Pulmonary Syrup and with one rc ord give it their un qua'iMed apjnobat on. We now ad Iress ourselves to al! who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea oi the are. for the heating of nil diseases of the 'i'lirout ml iTniigs, assuring you that . BJcwcii's Pulmonary Syrup has cured thousands, ant1 it will cure YOU. if you try it. This invaluable medicins is pleasant to the ta-te ; ooth ing, healmg an 1 $t- ngt licning iu its tUVcts; entirely free from all poisonous or deleter ous dnusa-ud perfectly harm less under aii circumstances. l'or Sile Ity Jill li-up. gists. REDINC ION", II0.TETIER & CO , 416 and -lib FroLt street, San Francisco. Reilingtois's Essence Jamaica Ginger, Which aV confidently rtccr.tmer.drd n the het prtpai tion now It-fore the public. This valuable preparation, c n'ab ing in a highly ru.-icentrated forin all the j properties of Jamaica (lingcr.lnis become o'ic of the most opuIar dme-tic reme dies for all diseases of the stcmach and digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all per; tecovering front debility, whether produced bv fever or otherwise; ! for wl lie it imoasts to the system ail the idow and vigor that can be pt educed by wi'iic or brandy, it ;s entirely free from the i cacti' -nary otfi cts thut follow the use ot spiiiis of any kind. It is also an excelL nt remedy for females who seller from difficult men struation, giving idne -st immediate re lief to the s; asms that0 frequently ac company that, period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by i i !is g in a railroad car, or by sea s cki-e.-s, or other causes. It is also valuable as an ( xterral rp j.licat on for (.lout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc IlIIIilXtiTOV, IIOSTETIKU Sj CO., 410 and 41 S Front street, San Francisco. Iledlngto s Flavoring: Li trn el? ARE THE Pi RFEPTLY EC RE AND highly c rccr.tniti'il Extracts from Fresh l ruiis, prepare.' with ixreat care. Thev ere put up in supcrio: stvle, and in a biutle In Idiug TWICH AS MUCH as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contorts, none ether are ne.ulv so cheap. hf-never tested on ii! kir iiEKiT3",1hev l.ave been ad q'ted in preference to all otiu-is. and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Paeinc Coast. MA UK THE A D VA XTAGES. By purcl.asinc IUdingtoi,'s Concen trated Flavoring Extract-, y uobt.-.in an article not only snpciior in riclmcss and dtdic.icj ot tl i vor to a: y o her 6f a simi lar nature, but far moie eco.-n mical. be cause each b- ttle b Ids d -uble the quantity cOntaim-it in a bottle of any other liavoi-ing extract sold. KEDiXtTGS, IIOSTK'I TEK S. ( O,, Agents fur t ae Pacific Coast. int baa V- Wotdd yon f se -po FEVER AND AGUE, a- d preseive be-dth mid v;goi dui inc- the s ck!y 'ea.-Oi', ir.ake cca-ioual use of the fiilb.-wii.g as A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATT CKED with Chills and bilious I'e. cr, or have bf en a vu tun to sr.ch disease a-d used other "-called remcd'es wi ..nJ permanent belief, sek at cuce V.'O safe-t nod sme.-t C XI K T5 i by using, accoi ding ti directions MASON & PGLLARS'3 or. Fever an t. Ague TiN-. Time has proved them V or ughb. io be the safest and mos reliable re uely k own. Tin y contaiu no meicury or i t or mincial r ctiesi icab '1 h- y are cselusiveiv vege tab'e. Th-y stirnuhite the f in."tior:s of felircr. t.'mge-t:.'ii is impossible wh- re thev are ussd. They h not deter from daily tabor. l;y a sist iu di-'c-t ion tl ev add flesh and mu cie lo the ban e. ThiV are. adapted to ail ages and Loth sexes; ui-d as a FAMILY MB cm Will CURE in their incipipny, three fourths of all d.stuses i'm idental to a mala: ious climate. For Dv.-pcpaiu, in small dose-, tl.ey have no eq .id. For sale bj al! Drugiii-ts. UEDIMiTO.V, IIOSTjaTIKH & CO., SULE AGENTS. 1 ho Battle for Life Which is continually sroin? on between bealtli atid disease, "has never receive 1 from anv medicine such marked and un mistikable as?i-taace, on the side of health, as it Las Loai , Jewell's Pulmonary Syrup REDINGTOV, IIOSTETTER & CO., 116 and 413 Froct street, Saa Francisco. A VCTI027AND COMM?SSIOJf A. H. I3iclia,iIsoii9 AUCTIONEER I Corner of Front End Oak streets, Portlcod, AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, Genera! IJferchad dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday f A. B. KiciiAF.Dsox, As-ctionee?.- O AT PRIVATE SALF. English refined Bar and Bundle lion English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes, Fiie", Rasps, saws; Screws, Fiy -pans, sheet iron, R G lion also: O A large assortment of Groceries red Liquors A. B. Kichakdson, A tiotionef r J F m ; a ft IS STILL AT HIS "OLD STAND. CORNER OF MAIN .no SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CiTY, OREGON.' CO TTTIIEEE nE WOULD INYFE HI Y friends and the pnhhc m general, to all and examine his stock, consisting ut i general assortment of o Boots SfillSIfiOCS' o II sits himcI Caps, o Groceries, &c o Z'-fj Ilnving frorr many years experience' learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS Q LIES I II SL1AIL PB OF list IS DETERMi.nEI) TO OFFER SL( II lNDUCl.il EN TS AS WILL Sd. nee the Cry of Portland Ih ices I Oregon City, August 2th, 1SC0. -- Sheriff's Sale O. VrOT:CE IS HEREBY GIVEN TII A T TV Jl viitae of an ixe uiion is-utd oi t oT the Ciicuit Com t, of t! e stat.' of Oitg-u, for the county of Clackamas, and o me d' ree'ed, in favor of William P. Poland aid against J.-iim s M. Moore, for the sum of five t housand, cig ht Imndi Cd and l inetteri dol lars and 4-VIoO fcllt 4-V, w th interest f.Z the rate of" lo poi cont. per aim urn from the' 1 1 tli day of May, lfitiO, an.J the tuiiher sum of $'28 t'O loo costs ami for dollaisgc; cruinr costs ; 1 have this second day of Juli . A. I)., 1S70. levied upon all the light title and infeie-t of the sa d James ZQ "dooie, which he now h; s, or may have badf at ai y tiiiiO since ii e elev t uib day ol March, A. I). , ISfil, in the following d seril ert Ian', t'-wit : Claim 67, being pait of sctitn thiiiy-ouo (31). T two (2.) south R, two (.2; ea.-t," to -taimng about sixty three '( 3) at n s, ti e stirci bcit.g the land sold by Geo. A. Peace, AO--min straior t.V I o nih hi n , of t lie estau- of Robert Moore, dt-eeast d. Ar.d will ;,r ei d O to t-e 1 the same, at j uVuc auctior, to tbe hi -j best bidder ior Cash , in ':iiit' f theCeuit Hou-e do r, in Oregon C ty. en Satuid; v, thesxth day of August, A." D., 170, at ihe l our of lo o'cb ck a. m., to sati?fy aid exe cution, cjsts and accrniiig C' sic. .iOHN MYERS. Shcrifi" Clackamas county. Rv T. J. McCai.vek, Deputy. Oregon City, July 2, lS7o.v'Jto- Sheriff's Sale. 1VTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY JN virtue of an cxi cution,- issued out of the Circuit Cor.tt. of the State ol Oregon, rO the county of Cluckar.ins, ai d to me diitii' cd, io favor of Wiiiiain P. Doland oi l against James M.Moore, for the sum of tne j tt'Ousana. fight hutidrfd and i-me'ien d ! bus and -15-iui, (o;S i o a:,) ith ir.tfie.-t at j the rate of tin per cent, per am, cm lrom the I el venth dav of 'Mav. ISoSb a: d the Xurtih rO sum of C28 Ct' cost-, or.d tor ool.i.is accruing cos s; I hate 1 bis second day i f July, A. I).. IsTu. levied upon all the inter est which James M. I'looienow has, or may have had since the eleventh day of March, lS'd, in and to the lai.d claim" of Kobe. t Moore, deceased, said claim being krjfiv ut O iqion the plats 11 ti e La hd Oilice at Oigoa C py as claim No, 71, Notiiication No. 6; section T. 2, S. It. 1 E. and claim No :- tf iatrt of section l.T. 3 S. R. 1 E, s-a;d inter- 1 est beiirg an undi'v dt d fouith interest in said claim. And will 1 roc-ed to sell ti e same, at public auction, to the highest bidder f-ir cash, in liont of the Com t House door, in On g.oi City, on -a? in day. the sixth day of August, A. 1).. Ib7i .attbe bourol 10 o'clock a. m., 10 satisly ?aid execution, costs and ae ci ning costs. JOHN MYERS, f-l.prifF ( btckit9nas i-o;i ty. Ity T. J. McCarver, Deputy. Oregon City. July 2, 1-70 rjul'LO Dr. J, 11. HATCH DENTIST. The patronage rf those desiring t int Cuis& Up .ration, is ir.ectlully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. Ii. Xitrov O.cyde administered far the Painless Extraction of Tecib. Officf. In Weignnt's new bailding, v'est: side of First street, 1 etv.een Alder and Slor-. risen streets, Portland, Oregon. JXSUKANCE. TIIE .MANHATTAN LIFE, 2Torth British arid Mercantile gire 0 Insurance rcnipanics, 0 E. D VHITLOW, 1(5 jf ORE(K)N CITY A 'ENT. pOSMOPOLITAX HOTEL- FORMERLY ARKIGONt'S, FRONT Sr., PORTLAND. J. P. GPKEKGEK, Pre pnetor. Tlie Proprietors of this well known Hens having superior accommodations, guarantee entire satist action ta at! g-ts. j The lb tel Coach will be in attendance j to convey passenger at d baggage to and jlrom the Hotel, fi er of cbarpp. (40ti OSBce Oregon and California Stage Co. o o o y o o o o o O O O O 3 O .0 o CO cD w I O o O o Q , f I o O o il 1 tr f O 1 .-. I: M - M ' 4 o If i