The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, July 30, 1870, Image 2

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Oregon City, Crsgon,
Ccunty Finances.
We stated last week 1;1( WP Wnuld Inivo
something further to remark on tin
financial condition of our county. There
lias been, .and very justly, too. a great
tL;al of complaint on account of tin )rV h
taxes levied in tlii.s county, and the use
made of the revenue. We will here re
view the condition of this c.Muitv for the
past four v";irs. and show its dilfereiit re
ceipts and expenditures, pnd let our read
ers judjre to what cause ilm present healMiv
condition of our finances is due. In 1SL7
Iho receipts of 'he county ..,. 1 ! l-: ,
he expense were 818,570.30. oi
which amount 07 240 80 was expended
for tm'dg!$. In JSCS we find the receipt
of the county reachins: SI R.H7S 5f. and
the expenditures SI 1.307 jl). halving ihe
county indebt.-d at the close of the'yoar
Si. 721 03. This year only S"80 5o was
expended for bridges. In I Sti!) the re
ceipts were S 1-3 Off) 4C. and the expense
recched the sum of $1; ()01 22. lea viiir t h
ccunty again in debt to the amount of
SS.2CS03. This year S3 732 CI was ex
pended on bridges. In i.s;,) we have the
receipts of Si:) !t:l 31, while the expmw
were only 3 12.911 -12. out of which S72:
23 wftippiopriVed. for bridges, and
S1.23!i 75 for road viewing, bi-ii ;,,,,, ,?
double the amount that had at any pre i
o n year been appropriated for this pur
1 '.V
u jiu.-e, aim wje only lime when any consid
erabie amount was paid for this service
wiuCin IgCS.the only year when the county
indebtedness was actually reduced. Pis'
we Relieve that the present financial con
dition of our county is due to one import
a tit source, and that is. to the faithful and
honest discharge of .the duties of Sheriff !
and collector of taxes. The fust year v
O was impossible for the SheriiT to get the
hanif the office and make any material
. -changes, but on the second we find that
he collects and returns to the county over
t i Ann . ii..... . . . .
i " iiiuit.- wjs l t'iui neii the prev;-
year, and also shows by hts own ac
count on file that his fees for services to
tln county were SI. COO less the last yeai
thatthe three years previous. And then
there were two extra sessions of the cir
cuit Court in lS.'if). and much more crim
inal business than the previous two years,
which cost the county at lea' t S 1.500 ex
tra. It is also well known that during the
9ear ISGS. when we notice quite an im
provement in our financia1 condition.sonie !
one. under the name of Calcli.ts.'' wa
wtitching the Cort House clique very
closely, and they were necessarily com
pelled to make a bitter showing than
heretofore. We believe that the main
credit of all this change is due Mr. John
Myers, and next the precarious condition
i;t which the Radicals have been for the
past two years, know ing thtit unless a
change fcrhe better was made, the entire
jiarty would be ousted from office and the
Democrats fake their places. We are
satisfied that these are the f rue canses.and
if they had to-day everything their own
way as they had it four. six, or eight vears
pg.o. our county would probably be hope
lessly in debt, as it was four vears ago.
In 18fjt, on the receipts of the c
nearly the same as in 1870. th
debt wajjjOnly reduced one half, while in I
1870 it wa.a reduced down to about $1.3 )0. !
We leave this m ilter with the read -r to I
judge whether it is net benefle'ti! to have '
a cli9nsje occasionally in the nvanagemeut ;
of county matters. We think it is. It i
will be claimed that the cof of brid ges !
has ma le all this difference. We deny it.
In 1SU7 $7,210 Si) for bridges, roads. &c.
wis paid. In I SCO. Si.S.IS SI. Last veir
rords and bridges cost SI. till 1", (ha, !
showing that ihe first year the county ran j
in debt SS.OOO. the amount expended for i
ihis purpose was only .?.. tiOO 00 mo-e than
il was last year, and about SJ.oiK)
than in LSGO. and yet the county went in
debt about S1.00J that ear. We mo
youhe Ggurcs. ar.d ask a careful consid- !
era ton.
JrPGE Boi.sK. The (J'c'taii, !"k l wn'v;i connected with Ihe paper f,.r the I
very much displeased at the s(afis of .'
.tit,ifl.a Tt. t...i:. ... . - i
" iviiuieatisin. ami alter ve- !
jH-ated attacks by that paper on the Judge. !
j as r-itcceeueu in gelling htm to d !t ie ,U '
yt ,K i on Qe various questions. Unlike
his colleague. Mr. Sullivan. Judge Boise
succumbs to the lash of the Orctfj.-uar, ai-d
accepts the most ultra doctrines of the 1
liadicals. No one ever questioned the '
iiadicalism of Judge Boise, and we could I
see no cause for the attacks of the Ore- ' on him. unless it was lhat be had !
been spoken of by' some Radicals as tbe
MiCcessor (iPthe Radicals bad can ied the
Legislature) of Geo. IL Wiili.ims.
Come at Last. After a long time, and
the passage of sundry complimentary"'
marginal notes, the Mountain Democrat
makes its appearance in our exchange list.
V have no particular desire to see any j
Democrat go the road with the famous
lludiouls. and are willing now to take it
notice that tbe in-onrietorshio and editorial ;
ili'inm ,if llv.l nanuy hs aiS!im,l K I
. ..... ju, . 1 .... v i.iji . " - . , .
.Mr. Jotin . Kelly, r. jv. is an aba ;
writer, and we feel assured that he will
xnake the Democrat a valuable paper to i
ihe party in that section,
access attend Liin.
.May the bet of
1L e City Corporation.
The manm-r in which jnattetVhave been
conducted under ur ci'y orgarii?.alion 1ms
created considerable feeling against a con
tinuance of the present chaffer. Ye are
not awaiv uhat the principal grounds of
comprint are. but we h'ar that great dis
satiot'actinn exists on aiccr.nt of t!;e high
taxes which is required to keep the cor
poration up. ar.d the manner in which the
school is conducted, for which a large tax
is ussesed annually for its support. While
we believe that a corporate organization
for a town of this size U ti'ee?sary. and
productive of good, all the good deiived
;rom the corporation will b" insigrr H.-ant
to the amount of evil if the taxes and an
extravagant expe-ndiMue of the people's
money is can ied on by those who are
elected to iuhuinis'er 'he atla'n s of the city.
We believe that the amount of money re
alized by the city at its pi e:-t lit l a'e of
taxation is far too much tor the amount
actually necessary to administer i's muni
cipal .flails. rI I e M Li o!, which is kept
up by a city tax. lor which we doubt ii
any oiw tun be tent d. i.- ao a vt iv s 'ri
ous objection. Tie e pie p;y enough
tax- s for -hat purj use to keep ai d to.i ii.
w ! h the ; ti :( trt, t raised.
whi.e at present we have but one
'hat is over ciowdrd and i;wa!ed so
s to
accommodate oa!y a portion of the citi
zens. This schorl ha- been under flu ,M!e
management of one m .n Mid while he
may have conduct) d it to h: own satis
hic ion. the people generally are dissatis
fied. We have no m -Miis of knowing the
exact revenue of this city, tut ihe assess-
;b!e proper'y amounts to Sftoo UOO. oa
whic h a tax of one per ( ent. is "levied one-
mio inr scnooi ami the other lor cit
mg sn. ooo
and poll
ax. whttti is pieln.bJy $2,000 more. Thi.
auioiint of money is paid out fur the government-
,.f a t-ma ! coi poi a! ion. of which
1.000 is paiil to lh? Water C -inpany.
W h i
Ho oi-e k'jows V ' : e re lie ba';u:ce of
l lie C-o.h'00 goes to. Jh:s being the eiiul
lion of fi'iiis and the tax pavers seeing
I heir money s-quaudiied i vi n ar. thev
are be; ; in;i g very general in their de
mand for the abiega'ion of the charter.
Vie believe t ha1 the corpora' ion is useful
and beneficial. but those who are entrusted
wiih its administration may. and we fear
they have, used it in such a manner that
il has become a lou den instead a in refit
to tin; people. Let the cha' fer be amended
where it is defective, and we believe we
I express toe sentiments of a large majority
( of the tax-payers when we say that the
school, instead of being in chasge of the
I Ma vor. should be made a distt ici school
and wii:;e the people are willing to pay a
lax to keep it. up. liey desire that they
shoo!.! have a voice in the managemen! c!
its aflatis. And in addition to the above
tax. the city corporation pays a road lax
to the amount of about $1 c0O. mak'ng a
grand total of 000 per annum that the
people within Ihe city limi s have to pay.
There are but ;:bout 230 voters in the cor
poration, out of which there are probab'v
Mxty who pay no t;;X whatever, leaving
Ihe lid voters to pay tins SO OuO. mah im-
over SoO each jear per tax-payer. This
is an extravagant bin den, and no (own
can prosper with such taxes upon its citi
zens. It appears that the city authorities
are ar.d have been in the pas!, adminisfer-
ing the affairs of the city in such a way as
to disgust the people w ilh the corporation,
and we ass tire them that lhey hive about
succeeded. We have figured up the re
ceipts of ihe city to a huge sum. and now
we call, in behalf of the tax payers, on the
ciy authorities io show what they do or
propose to d with this money.
R::rn:.ri. The last is.--
ie of
Riijhfs Dtmrx'.rnt cames to tis with the val
edictory of Mr. C. D. Del linger. While in
our opiiiidirtho views entertained bv Mr.
Rtllinger in regard Io cerlaln issues in the
Democralic party were md hi harmony
u"'! !l reat majoriry (' his parly, and
caused a great deal of distrust ag dnst him
his pa;er. we cannot d my but what
'u' has been and is one of the most able
writers iti the Slate, and has made ihe
crat a very good pap
to resume his profession
the law. dei
hig lhat he will never
a p
We wish him abundant smcess
in fiis
prac ice. ar.d Knowing n;s aotiities as a
lawer. we feel satisfied thai he will soon
gain an enviable standi: g at the bar. Mr.
Burmesfer. well and favorably known in
Oregon, is his a; titer, and may the best
of success titter. d both our blends. The
edi orial management H the Diwrat is '
assumed bv Mr. M. V. Brown, who ha
lKXt t:iri,t' years.-uid h is b;'i;oino-favora!ly j
'. - i.i !! tn,,i. i.;,,. ...... i
" -- -; " .-.-.-,
believe that the Dnnocrot under bint
1,1 i;;':;,m - ntgtt position whtch it i jj
has iif taitied. W e believe that Mr. Brown's
! W
views on Ho
eat and viral eh
! i ii reso
le.', mi ar
1 etuocra
in harmony v.ith the res! -jf the
C p .pers of the State, which
does away w
this question.
the foi mer division on '
miAi. Chaxck. The last issue of!
t Utd Uni-Ic D'tnncrat coms to us with
u.e a.ect.ctory ot Juuge L. L. Mc Arthur.
T!ie Dfinocivie has been a live paper since !
its commencement. The Jnd"e li-ivii-"-1
been elected to the bonVh ' I
r .. . tunciLit wa traces- i
sarv lor Lis w u bdnwii r n
irjwal- -'ir. M. II. Ab i
butt, well and .u-f,r,i,!,. i-.,, , i
out, Oregon
.. iiir. u liir(Uil-'
1 an ab'e an,! iti, .,.. !
assumes the sole editorial and "bo sine 1
management of the paper. We hope Hi it !
he may be richly rwarde.l ,. 1,:',
ties, and that me Dcrm.rmf ,.... ,
in it.s good wuk
. v 1 .i , , II 1. Mill- '
- e
,"fT OK I t .;-:. "
v - ant of something better to !. e-...
. -1 1
DOS. Qfe HOW busiiv t-n!r.l :n .. .!
- 1 .1 j..
- oinei,.. cnugmg one another of!
causing the ..e'eaf .of the parfv. V,0 on !
gentie;ren. ia-m.-moer the old savi i fi
When vogues fail out." tc. S
ouie mter-
1 eling develepnicuts are beirg aiade
The Contested Cases.
Last Saturday Judge Upton decided in
favor of the mandamus, and on last .Mon
day an alternative writ was served on Mr.
Myers to show cause why he should not
.surrender up the keys of the jail, &c.
which was to have been argued her.? last
Thursday, but owing to the absence ol
Mr. Myers' attorneys, the cae was post
poned to this Saturday, to be heard at
Portland. We Can s-e no reason why this
second pidieatien shonbl be made for ap
parently the same object for which the
first was. unless, as we have charged be
fore, fhat il be to gain time and 'hrowthe
case beyond the next term of the Supreme
Court. Hut what we regard ts rather
peculiar is this : On t!
which the motion for the muml iraus was
made, two weeks ago, Mr. Myers" counsel
argued tiie motion m have the trial of the
cases come up without fur her delay, and
i decision on this motion ha been reserved
to h!s time. It is apparent from the
our.-e this case i.s now taking, that the
I udge is geit iug the i king some w hat mi xed
or why the necesH'y of'agiin hearing ihe
application for the v!)id'iuun ? Knowing
that an nnpeal w u!d be taken on ihi- -cision
the cases must necessarily take an
o her turn. Why does he not render a
decision i n ihe motion to have a day set
for hearing of these cases? There has
.:iii '-! li
io liave 1
n Mite
enough waited already
1 the matter ended, ar.d had it
, ,. , ,
x for She-purpose of accommodat-
no! bo
1 1
udge lip'on s pleasure m the m it'o
a day would have been design . -ted in the
original complaint. We presuui" that the
motion to lie aigued io day will bo taken
under advisement, and as there is a !pe
i ai term o! ihe Circuit Court for Mnl!r, -
mah called for
iviii be imposs
time to bring ti
the Kill), we suppose it
'! !e for Ihe Judge i find
ie Crises to il ial before the
bt r.
We h
Cptor. !
ei m o
Court, which is m (Jcto-i
arn from ciilzens lu -re thai Judge
!-f!i in ih; td-iee on ! i-
retutn li t in t!ie S
ta'e C
onventiou whicn
lll.ltlli.'l'l.ll It tll I' V !; If!
I liiar
the oGicts for which la
was phiced in
iiomitia'ion was not a political one. but he
would remember those who would vote
for him.:; Of course the Radicals voted
for him. and we leave the reader to infer
er he
not i:mv i etio n
'i Hit
!u n
Taking ihis view of the matter, we would
most respectfully call thealteniion oft
parly interest
the following slalutorv
provision, ami also
lug friends- while ot
' that
eiio Jti oe
rights ai
de ra'ed.
upon will not be
fite governor may remove
ofiico a judge ol the supreui" enuri. or
proM'cuiiiig attorney, upon the joint rc.-o
litdon ol j he legislative assembly, in which
lwo-;hirds tif ihe nu-mbei.- etecied to each
house shall concur, lor meomuotene y, cor-
ihi ce, or
null feasance or
deimouencv m
oilier suiiicieui cause siaieu in
such i esolution.
Lecture of ilcv. Mr. Bxitlccre.
We were not present at the M.KChmch
last Sunday eveuh gto hear Ihe lecture of
this gentlemen, but learn from parties who
were that he delivered a most ch iracter
istic Radical harangue, lit' eulogized
the fifteenth amendment, declaring it to be
a great
tloiiors iixed fact, which
never couid bet taken tavity from the
negro. '' He declared the oft-repeated
Radical as-riion that 'he negro teach-ors
were insulted and nm' treated in the Sontli.
and said that the negio teachers deserve
more credit than Ihe soldiers who l.-i.l
down liieir lives lor llie preservation of
the l.i''.ven;meiit.
e sttrr
d llmt G n
Scott told him that the negro;
benefit fo the Federals than any other
class." We believe thai Gen. Scott's mil
itary career was ended long before the
I negroes were ocing used by the liovern
i nnuit. and simply suppose that the Rev.
! gentleman made a mistake in the facts of
1 history. Taking the lecture as a w hole, h
-a: a very ;dde Radical
speech, lauding
ie negro, -ir
a p
eaiing to ihe tender
passions of h;s hearers lor
ney. u :.:n-
e won:u emo-.rse any cuaniate j-lloi t on
il i i : 1 1 1 r, ; i v r 1 1
;he ptirt of a man. we hold lhat such lec
iuie. ; whtcli misrepresent a huge pnrlion
of our own ,e.p'i'. are of no betn-fii to
;.ny eom'.nuuitv. We believe tiitit al
surplus funds our
people have can In a
I to a better u.-e in our own mid-.t
own kin.
ltd siiiijairi ing the poor
the r.egroes work a
sustain ttlemseiv
ihev hav
la I'etOiore
ilei took the
until Va.-.ket
re 1 IV U il
contract of supporting and them
at the expei
-e of !!i
t c- i .
ng wttr.e peojile.
; 1 1 is a mailer of satisfaction to stafe that
fits success in ti-ceuing our Citizens was
rear c-nlv receiv,
iboiiL I
iti in
Not So
v e
intice lhat, Ihe rerioi f. of
i peri id er
emleni if Agrlcuhure at
tt'.ii s ll at. tiie crop-s "n Gre-
oi l ng;on
i goll tiiis se
heiow an ave
California is laced inncti beiow an aver
age. ml we.-ui'ose to take oil' some nn-rit
from our State if was necessary to place
her in mat i
hi also. We have not he;
from aiiv s-eciion ol this Slate where ihis1
..n .....-.. ., . i
,ai p - '" ' '!
bnt- on tlK' eun!rar.v- a!I our ,nform',,,,' ,
i-i ,l,;lt be above the average, j
Should there be no losses iu saving the:
c ,,,. ,
crops this veur. the same are i oi Ust year
1 i
wi!! produce a much greater amouit this!
1 ;t
We wish the outside world to tin-
derstand 1 hat our crops 1 his year are above
the average, and not below."
1, .
Wio.t us IfrciMft tw rrWe received 1
- - -
! tW.. f..,... .,f. I... Tlii!,, Ji, ,'!,!;,. lasr u,.(0; !
' s itce v. !;r
h time it
h is
ast d to reach.
this oflii-e.
We believe (he paper is still i
, r i i 1 . . j
.sl.fO .
i -.
To Enlakci-.-Wo are pleased Io notice
that the business of the P-aindealer iusti-'
es uie proprietor. Mr. nm. Tiiompscn.toi
' 1
announce Ins intension .to enlarge Lis pa- j
j per. fcucccs Etlend his enterprise.
The Republican vs. the Oregcnian.
The Oregon republican, s. Radical organ,
goes after the Orejoiiian iu the following
manner. It completely endorses the po
sitions taKen by the Democracy and shows
that the treachery of Williams and the Or
lyvitlui were the causes which led to the
ilefeat-of the Radicals last year and also
two years ago. This article acknowledges
the truthfullness of all that has been as
serted by the Democracy, and shows that
the Republican has been endeavoring to
conceal the true position of its party. It
is a somewhat lengthy article, yet it is
worthy of a perusal, and it should be kept
by every reader for future reference. The
wo papers mentioned cannot act together
in the future, as the difference between
i hem. is the vital issue now before the
country. It says :
The Or(ju)titn comes out in its issue of
Wednesday andtakts for t lie subjec of
its leader What the matter is in l'olk."
Itsass. - The Republicans lostl'olk coun
ty when they onht to have carried it."
How does the Orvijonhtu know we ought,
to have carried it ? Does that paper think
we ought to have carried it against a fair
majority of 30 or -10 votes? We supposed
t in- majority bl.oul.l rule in Republics like
ours. Does the Or-jonktu desire that men
siiouh' be purchased with money, body
and mind, to act against their wishes when
they d'.-posit their ballots. or does it desire
that Ira ud and trickery should be used to
induce men to vole us it indicates? We
s tv to the On-tiotiiaii. that the Democrats
had. in this county two years ego. a large
. . . l .!....!.. i ., i . i. .. I ..... t : . ' .
j m ;Ji ny. ani uu-v u-m n,ue eieei ion ;
and we hoki it peitectiv legitimate lor me
. j, , ,h:U i,aslimij01.ity. to huve
and Isold the offices.
How is the Urnjonian affected by our
being beaton in l'olk? If wecan endure
X: live under Democratic rule so far as
the administration of this county i.s con
cerned, the 0. ej')i:on in Mult'.omah ought
not Io cotiiolain.
lain. Dut w e think we under
stand what's the matter. The members of
the-Legislature aienot favorable to the
re-election of Mr. Willi ims. Xo, bit. Mr.
Or-it!ti:in. nor would they, had the Re-
l""idc-an HcKet oeen elected.
j We do t:ot biatue the editor of the Orc-
.i, inn tor niiKiuga narti and respectaole
ight tor I lie man from whose hands he is
eceiving such fat thirds and we fully uii-
dlil lhal wi
the action of Williams
i tt l! !l
ma kilt:
upon old Ro'k, it has been
' t III'
t 11 t . MI'1 7
pear p.
The cuiior
savs that
-in Mi
illtvau have not been willing to accent
any prominent measure of Ihe Republican
parly lor ihe last five years' Whore dtd
the Ore joii'ua stand tur years ago upon
what it cells ti.e prominent measures o!
the party? Was i; in favor of negro suf
frage Ihen? No. ii op osed ii upon prin
ciple and roitici iles never change. What
has come over ihe spirit of the (Jrvijanian's
dream: un- did it himtlv come out in
iviii- of thai which but a short time be
fore it se bitterly opposed, aril declared
u w as nor the prmciptes ot our party ?
Simply because the ), ,j: ,i,'(n n had no tu
rn I dependence. JNmpIv because ll was and
j is the servile tool of IloUaday and (Jen.
jll. Williams, having no mind oi its own
j and being troubled with the very disease
I w hicii Mc says ;dilicts l'olk county. . Ihe
! " iie truth is that men of Sa!lavan"s view?
have not changed (heir opinion on that
subject to suit the mind or Williams, nor
have they seen tit to surrender the right
and subs'itute the w rong. And t !) have
-to fit lt light ihe evils of t!ie party
pr.rlv. it siead ol leaving it. and we
in i
tell the 0; ( ;"hi(ni now that three-fourtlis
of the Republican party, in Oregon, re
gret, as much as Mr. 1'. C. Sullivan that
negro sulfi age became a success in our
par:-. The Jitj"'','ifi" is slightly mis
laken in ih.s rc-poct. While there are a
few Repu-blieans that are opposed to ne-
! gro suffrage, it is one of the corner stones
oi the parly, and no man w ho does not en
dorse Ihis plan!; in the Radical party, can
honestiy act with it. The following are
most, si oei in truths, and we are astonished
u see them admitted by a Radical organ.
En.'KiMi: It never was estab
lished by a voice of the people. When
Wi'iiams made his fir canvass in theState,
o:i reconstruction he said lhat we must
have negro suffrage iu Ihe South to create
a loval element, but not in the loval
cat 0-
when ii!;eu if it was
to be
orceo upon the r-iorthern Mates, lie an
i... v
swere.l "iri," thai there was but one man
in the Senate who udroea'ed it and thai
was ( Md Si: m ner." These were his ex
act words, as discern toons as they may
seem, ami the Ortijimian said amen. The
very next session ol Congress the fifteenth
ameiidmi'ut. pa-sod. supported by Wil
liams, and the Orttj()iirn said amen. Then
Williams discovered titt.t ihe n-.g: o of the
South voted ihe rebel ticket, and said he
ilttv! mailt
a mistake ; and the Oret,uion
le.-ponoeu amen
then Williams declared.
v iwi uj
ds, th.u
no oilier ste)s
should be If
Orv:;'iidni h
include all .
that's right:
;iou '.hat is
n in Mat direction, and lite
i:;ed good ! Then the na-
Wi-te chtinged to as to
idea. tul the Qy e (Jordan said
and this is ilie ttlibng vacio.
io be arraigned against men
no rave our-ueu a siraijr ut lorwiiici
course upon t he quest ion of suffrage.
Ii is the course pursued by
that man (Wil:iams who proclaimed in
! the Senate of ihe I anted Smtes. Unit the
i Sou hern Slates were in the Ft.i m for one
; pur!ose, and not for another ; and the
Or'itn)dan. I ha t has beaten us in Oregon.
J the villainy o! u hose purpose shall be )
mad.- known iti due timu if you desire to j
; continue ihis umvai rantable atlack and i
' controversy. !
i ru- aruefe lurtber says there is a paper
pub'ishi-'l in I oik. which has liecon e the
echo of ihe getiilem.-n in Polk county,
whose policy has led the party tf. defeat,
and we assure the editor of Ihe Orcjoiiian
ih at that echo shall ring in his ears to his
heart's content ; that. is. unless he con
cime s to abandon the sanctum and take
refuge behind the Custom House. We
have been beaten on account, tf your va
cii'aiion. Good men of our parly knew
no; what to do. nor where to go. Four
b-r : but now there are no Union men to
.lot ... 'Pi. . . i:. . .t.T..!-, . U IT ..
i of t'ui i or iiiinn.s ine name union
is ma the proper one. and could only serve
daring the war. We differ, and 'repeat
ii is the only name which could have a
charm for those who organized under it.
the of which has taken hundreds of
. , . . , , . . from our ranks, and justly, too.
rilim. ti.. ..,.!.-,,.-. ,.i...-,t h, .,..1,;.
v v. . i . f ,.-,(iivnt iiiai mi uili
but the deceptive name of -I'liiou" has
kept hundreds in the Radical party En
When i is said ihat ihe only correct
poiicy in relation to opposite races should
have been
maintained, wt .suppose it is
meant ihaf the cob
-ae e.,iu!( i I tee ueer S.iOillU
is precisely wiitU. is meant Mr.
We sav tliere must be some line
Edi I or.
established to which the elective fr:ilictd:e
I ....!. I I . . 1 n-i 1- . 1 . .
y .11 1 . ... 11 i.:iii 1 in r 1; ti.i n 1 : ri i
have b-en the line of race. That line fixed
UX "'lt Supreme Power who alone can
in .1.-.. i ti,.,- 1 1 1 a ;.. 1... .w. lit,
, -i, ,. ., . 4, , .1
ili the (h (loiian. after it lias consu.t-u
Mr. Williams, tell us what is the proper
and equitable line Then we know
how to meet In m. and then the people can.
as they freely will, decide. Rut he says
- the people cf the United States have
pronounced their verdict upon the ques
tion of negro suffrage." We deny it, and
demand the proof. "Rut the immortal
Lincoln d'd not advocate the txclusion of
the colored race from the elective fran
chise." We reply that Lincoln did take
the ground, in his celebrated debate with
Douglas, that the only true principle was.
to give the black race their freedom but
exclude Ihem from the ballot.
" Would anybody have believed the Re
publican who" had said, in the late cam
paign, that his party was not in favor of
suffrage for the blacks and the fifteenth
amendment? The supposition is ridiculous."
Most ridiculous, we answer, and who
believed the Republicans when, in the
canvass two years ago they publicly de
clared themselves utterly opposed to ne
gro suffrage and the principles of the fif
teenth amendment; and did not our State
platform two years ago declare that the
qu?slion of suffrage belonged io the States
respectively, ami does not the national
platform, on which the party stands to
day, declare the same thing? Who is it
then, that has the be it foundation on which
to stand, and who is it that has changed
front ? Rut men like Sullivan, unless they
will change their convictions of right and
move iu the current wilh the unsleady
course of the OrPijnninn. ought to go to
the Democrats. Well, that may be so ;
but we cant exactly see. just now. where
the editor of thf Orcjouinn ought to go.
If the Republican leaders iu Polk will
cease to teach that the measures of the
party are wrong, and maintain that they
are right, the patty there will be placed
upon the tide that leads to fortune."
We suppose that means if the leaders
in l'olk would cease to fiht error, and de
clare that wrong is right, then ttey could
be placed upon the title which leads to a
large amount of Ilolladay's money, and
i'at offices from the hands of the immacu
late Williams.
There is no use, Mr. Rcpullican. for you
to kick against fate. Ren. IloUaday and
Williams control the Oretjnnvm and that
is the power which controls the Radical
parry. We would suggest to the Repub
lican that it secure the services ef Jasper
W. Johnson, J, and organize a fhird party.
That seems to be, the only opening that
we can now see for that paper.
From the Herald we take the following
items :
The store of W. B. Fain was robbed of
about $o00 worth of cloihing cn last
Wednesday. Rart of the stolen property
has been recovered.
The many friends of John Ilolton. the
gentleman who was seriously wounded by
Wi;Soii on the morning the loth inst..
will be pleased to learn lhat he has o far
recovered from the effects of the wound as
to be able to leave his room.
The Washington County Agricultural
Fair will be held at llillsboro cm ihe -1th
of October. A liberal premium list is of
I'erred by the Society.
Messrs. Leveridge & Wadhnms succeed
m business L. U. Sneaih A In. Jf i and Paris, and the French Government
the.-e gentlemen are well known to the wp.j j1;lVe instant, apporiunity to admit or
people of Oregon, ami we know they will j ,1(.,,v -m responsibility lor (he alleged
keep up the popularity of this old house, j ,ri.u"iy. ; js believed here that if genu-
Oaki.and. Cgn., July 21. This afternoon ine its proposals are French, while i!s
three voting girls. s iiiie b.tihtng in ihe I rejection is due to Prussia. The copy of
mill pond ilea-- (hi- place, were drowned;' the Times is thought to have been sup
two, daughters of M. Lice, aged y and 11 j piie l from Berlin : It is certain the Times
and one daughter of Tims. Batty, aged 1' s would not have published it unless its
ears A daughter of C;.pt. Crouch, aged j authenticity was deemed conclusive.
12 years, was rescued alter sinking a sec- I A writer in the Times thinks Napoleon
ond time. will try to f rce his way itito the old
To-day at Wilbur, a few miles from ! Kingdom of IL.nover
here, four young children of Mr. Cliukem L"vki:. duly 2. I-reneh frigates pass-
bard, were out playing and gathering and
eatiug sour dock, it is supposed they
muL have eaten something iioionoiis. as
thev were taken verv Mck. and shun 1 v
af erwards one of the children died, and
the others are in a ding condition
The Albany Democrat says :
Last Fridav the Vlbanv District School
cl.-sed its summer tevm.
Mr. L. C. PiitiKiiart last Tuesday left in
our office some specimens of mineral sub- j attacks are lo be made along (he valley
stat ces which have ail the evidences of a j 0f the Moselle, and the great battle wilt
certain quality ot stone coal. By burning ! 1J(. in the Rhenish provinces, but Prussians
a piece ol the rock it was discovered to i ;,t.(.m t() be fail:; g back behind the Rhine,
have the strong smell and ali the itdlama- J Pants. July 27. The Jvvrnal Ofilnal
bit; charac-n-iasiics of the bitumen, bin is I publishes a decree naming Km press Re
devoid of the high lustre and compactness j gent, during she absence of the Emperor,
of the anthracite coal.'jiia. July 2(5 There is an
A tew days ago. as the Democrat is
informed, a recruiting olhcer swore in a
pauioac Prus.sian. woo will iu a short
time lake up the line of march for the
Harvesting has commenced in this'
county, and a lew fanners are in
midst of the ir threshing.
Hay is more p;enti!-.ii this season than
for eais before. It is offered lor 6o to
Sti per ton. wiih few buyers.
J heo. iJtirmester. L'mi., has peetl an-
jiointed Beputy lTosecudng Attorney lor
Linu county.
The Mercury says :
In tlii' Southern portion of the;
cif v
several new buildings are going up.
'Ihe boats no longer attempt to reach
Harvesting in this county is being
prosecuted wilh vigor.
A contagious disease resembling small-
pox. but not neariy so severe, is prevalent
Ihis locality at present, but ttie pliysi-
clans report no immidiaie apprehensions
are to be i'eit ia regard to it.
The Corvallis College will open its
next term on fcepi. inn
The Mountain Democrat says :
The Indians, are returning io the Uma
tilla licservaiiori wiih their horses loaded
widi cainas and kouse.
Mr. J. L. Curtis has been appoiifctcd
Deputy Sheriff of this (Union) county.
It is estimated that from three to four
thousand he d of beef cattle have been
driven to market Bum this valley dining
the last six months. In 1 eti of those
driven away, large bands Lave come from
the Willamette alley and other sections.
Seven thousands pounds of wool were
shipped to Portland this week by Morrow
and nun-hart ot this place.
'Ihe eduor of the Democrat is informed
that Mr. McDaniels. of the Cove, ha,s
some twenty five hills of Nova Scotia
wheat, grow ng fiinely. It is said to pro
duce sixty-two siaiks to the hill or seed,
and sixi-two grains to the stuik,
'1 he Statesman, says :
liipe apples and pears are in market.
Mr. Stratten has intimated an intention
to decline the prolesjjor.-ihip of Natural Sci
ence iu the Willamette University, to
which he was lately elected.
W. C. Whitson. Esq.. of Polk, has been
appointed and confirmed as one of the
Associate Judges of Idaho Territory.
Kinney & Co. have in their granary
about o. 000 bu.-hels of prime wheat,
bought ai from (i5 to 75 cents a bushel.
Senator Williams has seat wonl tluf fJ
wouid be ta.k Eoon.
Telegraphic Clippings.
New York, July 21. The German and
Hamburg lines of steamers having been
suspended, the letters heretofore going by
direct routes, will be sent by closed mail
via England, under old rates, uutil the
war closes.
Ciiic.vco. July 2L A Washington spe
cial says the President, in response to a
request of ex Cni.ed States Senator
Brown, of North Carolina, who applied
for interference of the malitia of that
State, informed him that he could not in
terfere except by request of the Governor
or Legislature.
Chicago. July 25. Gov. Salomon, of
Washington Territory will forward 200-
emigrants to Ruget Sound, next week,
and as many more in August.
Ciiicaoo. July 26. A lanes' Washing
ton special says the administration has
decided to put the navy on something of
a war tooling. Orders have been issued
to commandants of navy yards to hasten
with all speed the completion of repairs of
every vessel that can be got into commis
sion. Tnis order created great activity at
ail special naval stations, and if promptly
carried out the Navy Department will be-
able to reinforce our European squatiroa
w ith eight or ten efficient vessels in about
two months.
l-'relinghnys.en at last decides to accept
the mission to England, and will sail
about the first of September. It is said
Senator Chandler was the most active in
securing Motley's removal, on the ground
that the Minister snubbed him in London
last fail, in refusing to intioduce him to
Court, circles.
Paris, July 25. Afternoon. No battle
is expected for some days.
Loxnox, July 25. The secret treaty
which was projected between France and
Prussia monopolizes the attention here
of the public press and parliament. There
is intense indignation at. the duplicity of
nowers concerned, and the action ot
Napoleon is considered insulting to En
lam. Complete i uorance of the negotia
tion is professed by the French Embassy
Maukid. July 25. The signal for a
Carlist outbreak i.s momentarily expected
and all needful preparations are made to
meet it.
Nkw Yoiik. July 20. A Tribune's Lon
don special, dated one o'clock this morn
ing, says the English are feeling profound
ly moved by the publication this morning
in the Times of the proposed treaty be
tween France and Prussia. The grave
uugency with which Disraeli, in the House
this afternoon, questioned the Govern
ment, justly reflected the general emotion.
Conversation among members turned on
no other topde. Gladstone's reply, while
declining absolutely to commit the Gov
ernment to any' opinion or declaration
whatever, betrayed in manner more than
words an unmistakable apprehension that
ihe document might prove authentic.
Ilis answer was given with a pale (ace
and hesitating lips. When he sat down,
the House felt lhat England's relation
with tte continental trouble had grown
close, if not alarming. To the mention
of" Belgium the House responded with an
unw onted tin ill ot symnaihy and clear
recognition ol England's obligation to
protect her. It is understood that im
mediate communications wore made by
the Government to its agents at Berlin
; 0,1 11,18 l""n'- oouu ea.v.uarci. ittte yesier-
London. July 26. A brief dispatch
i Jnst Vi'C1'' v,,1- rtTwv
an insurrection in
the Principality ot Ava. resulimg in the
massacre of -ID.) persons. Further details
have been asked.
From Strosbourg, on the 22d. there are
advices of steady concern ration of tidops
toward Theonviile. and nothing rauiains
at Strasbourg. Apparently ihe main
immense fire in the heart of Ihecitr. The
Pennsylvania sugar refinery is destroyed.
i ne lire is spreaouig. l.oss estimated at
;5.'.H.0Ut. The refinery ot Newhall & Co..
seven stories high, filled with valuable
machinery and a large stock of suar. i
t destroyed, and surrounding stores are
much damaged.. The leather store of J. F.
Hiil.-emann. two blocks off. caught lire
t flom sparks and was burned.
j Ralkkjii. July 26. The Governor re-
! fuses to surrender to Chi,. f J.uti,.,. T.. ,,.
s in citizens f Alum ina county held 1 y
iviiK.saiu io numoer over one bundled,
llolden also is said to have ordered a mil
itary commis.-ion to assemble to try per
sons under arrest.
Washington, July 2(1. Baron Geralt
has received the following despatch from
his Government: "Public opinion in
England is favorable to North Germany,
but the Government is not favorable. She
! c-ts wnh the neutrality law against .North
tierm.'iny. as si.e did ag-unst America
wilh the Alabama."
Paki.s. July 26. A large number of
workmen are engaged on the fortifications
at Puiis.
The extreme rigor wiih which the
French iu Germany, are treated, while
Germans in France are in no way molested
or restricted, was complained of in the
council ministers to-day.
London. July 26. The Prince of Wales
has gone to Denmark to influenre. iimt
country to be strictly neutral. .
The Pall McJl Gazette, now that the real
designs of the French Emperor are
revealed, counsels England to make
every preparation for war.
French forces at Theonviile, estimated
at SO 000.
The French report another skirmish J
II ... . -. t
near .ueiz. and claim that the Prussians
were beaten, with a loss of 3 officers.
Otway. under Foreign Secretary has
declined to make any communication or
express any opinion on the proposal made
by Napoieon to annex: Holland.
F1.01iK.NCK. July 26. Minister Itenasia
hus assured the House of Deputies that it
may not yield to any pressure from
V ranee,
Copenhagen, July 26. The Spanish
Government has issued a proclamation of
An attack will be made by the Baltic
fleet on Stielsund. north of Berlin.
London. July 26. In the House of
Commons. Gladstone in reply fo questions
of Torrence says negotiations for the
settlement of the Alabama claims stood
w here they did a year and a half ago, the
ma,la i. .. 1ontT
I 1 r I ti--f Vv t f - J h.iui'n,- iL a 1 1 ri . . .1 I. .
j "o""'u. i i.e.t auvance
IVew To-
Has Established
A Factory
TS They will also do TURNING, of nerr
description to order, O '
With Neatness and Dispatch
G ;
Shop on the River, back of Ackevjnnn's
Store, Oregon Citr, (Wm
Oregon City, July 20:tf ' Ve
Dissolution Notice.
JL existing between William Singer a' j
M. Wert I icimer, under the fiim iiarne of
Singer & Wertheirner, has been dissolved
by mutual consent.
Oregon City, July ittJ, lS7U:jsGov4
An Exhibit
four ty, tor t lie h-e;d year commencic
July Gth,'d ending July luh, lsvj, 6
State tax collected
State Poll tax
$ S,43l n;
if Ml ti
9,151 (
By Sec'y State receipt
'lor t-tate tax s 8,131 08
By Sec'y State recti pt
for poll tax 720 00
School tax frern al sources
On hand as per last report
3,209 Ti
155 i.4
3,454 ;
By amount paid out on
School feupei interid
ei:t' ordeis
By aur't iu Treasury. . .
3,393 33
;'f 42 3,434 T5
Amount of money received from
sources as follows, to wit : Trial
fees, land redeemed, District At
torney's fei's, ferry lict-nsf s, for
feited road hond, expense o'
view and change of road front
Canemah to Par. oft Braige by
O. 0. It, R. Co., and expt n -e ot
suit Cla-kamas Co, vc. P. T.
Co., paid by P. T. Co.
1,014 f?
Amount of tux oaid into Treasurv . lt;,4:!
.viuuey on liunu al 1U;1 lepori... 2,oeii M
. ml M
By redeemed and can
celled orders since la-t
report to July 0,ls7o. 10,241 4o
By loss on legal tender
Money in Treasury. .
123 ft I Q
3 5Sfr 88 1 !),,.! U
Am't of expenditures for election.
Per diem and mileage of County
Cmnmrssioiiers and collection of taxes,
Miscellaneous, wood, stationery,
Budge-, lumber, and repair of
Expenses paid iu suit of the coun
ty vs P. T. Co
Chen it Court expenses
Rent of Court Ilou-e. Clerk's of
fice, and salary of officers
Criminal cases expense of.
Iri.stnct Attorney's lees
Repair of jail, wood and lights..
Expenses of paupers and insane..
Expenses of County Court
Expenses of viewing and survey
ing county roads
6 p.i Ml
2CS iJ
1 ,002 "
2?S i
72') 2:
1 .S-..1 1
1,371 V
l.i il
Sr," 3?
1,563 12
$12,914 &
Amount for whieh or
ders have been drawn. l?,t)14 42
Ainouat. of outstanding
orders at last leport. . S,2)$ 01
?-21,lS2 45 0
By am't of Co. orders redeemed. . . 16,241 V)
by am't of Co. orders outstanding
July Jth, 1S7U 4,140 '.
To outstanding orders
.Tudgment vs. D. II. Hannah.
Money in Treasury
,. 21,12 i'
70 i"lA
Total SXf S3
Amount of indebtedness over and
above assets $ 1,230 57
Received from all sources $32,557 K
Paid State treasurer.. I', 151 03
Paid oat on School Su
perintendent's 01 dei s. 3,S0S S3
Amount school fund in
Amennt county orders
redeemed ...
Discount on legal tender
Anmuut of money in
56 42
1C,211 4
12S 51 0
County Clerk.
Oregon City, July 0, 1S70:23w2
JL aiiainst Clackamas Couiityof the follow
ing numbers can have coin for the same by
cal ing at the Treasurer's office, at the fetore
of John JIers. Oregon City, Oregon. In
terest will stop trom this date :
321 S
27 To
27 '.15
VJOI a. Xlir.A.-)lllAtjr. t U nOllCG tlijj
Enoch Adams, of th(PRcjster, got a eooj
thrashing from Capt. "m. Turnbull. y
have no doubt but what he deservejit
Never can hit him amiss,
Treasurer Clackamas County.
Orfgon City, July 23, 170. 3
signed has been, by the County Court of
Clackamas county, appointed Admistrutor,
with the will annexed, of the estate of James
L. Loiing, deceased. All per-ons having
claims against said estate, are required to
present them to the undersigned, iu Port
land, Multnomah county, with the proper
vouchers, within six months from the date
Portland, Oregon, July 10th, 1879.
ju23wi " Admiuiotritor.
une is lrom tbe American Governmen ,
5 J
. 1
- . !
' 1 . v.
Tsfc"B6! "F'??'' f(r& HeSto! ,