7V o ' o o -v:: S o o o I ! 1 1 i i' I AUCTION AND (fOMMISSIOfi o o o o o I I I . 13 Q pi J V VOL. 4. J -y The Weekly Enterprise. q " FOH THE Businessman, the Farmer the FAMILY CIRCLE. O ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY BY A. NOLTNER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. OFFICE Coi ner of Fifth and Main streets Oregon Cit, Oregon. TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION': Single Copy one year, in advance,. ..$3 00 w TERMS of ADVERTISING Transient advertisements, including all lt?iil notices, ) sij. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ For each subsequent insertion 2 50 1 (0 One Column, one year $12T 00 Half " " Qi.irter" " 40 business Card, 1 square one year 12 it s Remittances to be mode at the risk o Subscriber, and at the espvwse of Agents. 5 BOOK- AND JOB PRINTING. enr The -Kiiterprise tilTice is supplied with beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod ern MA GU IN ij PuKhSLS, which will enable the l'ronrietor to do Job 1 i rating at all tunes Neat, Quirk and Cheap ! TT Work solicited. AH Jiiin'riri trunnict'vms upon a Specie brtttis. j jijip ig "My Eear Senator." o We take tho following letter, sincl W.cA W., in other words W. C. Whitson, lately appointed one of the justices of Idaho Territory, from the Oregon lltpub olh'nn, published at Dallas, and a Radical sheet. It is very rieh. Don't fail to read it. The letter referred to wa?P published in the ExTKunsE three weeks ago: I believe you live in Polk where there is no brains. What a pity! What a blow to Boise and Sulli van! It don't rnake much differ ence about us small fry, but to " think that "my dear Senator" should" be' so suddenly brought to a knowledge of the faet that there ' U no brains in Polk, is indeed hu miliating. Why was it we were so unfortunate s to not have some of the brains of the IJlade to as sist us? Such a powerful organ, so ably edited ! Why, it looks as though they used brains for ink. Jiy didn tsMc. write to inv dear Senator" something in this vise: I am tiie only man in Ore gon "what is a man." Didn't I stand by Dave, and come near electing him? Dave lias no brains or he would not have forgotten me. He is dead nowfthough, for he has lost my support. No man ean survive when I cut of his head with the Blade. Pve got brains, and anybody who don't say so, af ter perusing my little paper, can't appreciate the article. I am a big injun. I was elected State Printer once, and from that small start just 'C what I have risen to, therefore, tall oaks from little acorns grow. Bilking my friends is what I call brainsfaml if that be true, I have more than any man in Oregon. " I have bummed all I ean out of everybody that knows nu; I have obtained money under false 'pre tences, and the only reason I have not been honored with a seat in the penasset&bly is that these men who have loaned me money are afraid of my ability. I borrowed 6J0 of Whit son in Portland, at the sain? time I borrowed 6150 at the bank upon the indorsement of Hon. .1. N. Dolph. Pspent the money in gambling, and other purposes that would not please Mrs. Mc. to hear. I paid the 6150 because I was threatened with prosecution, hut the 6-0 I owe Whitson I don't j itend to pay. I got all I could "mt of him, and, after lying to him about one hundred times about paying him, I have concluded to ; stab him m the back for want of brains. I am a very big man in deed. You have no idea, my dear enator,t!)how much I am appreci ated. Just look at the liepe HLiA'i, and then weep. Some peo ple here imagine that the Orcjon amounts to something, but then what uid it do in this election. The truth is, what the association -of gentleman (so-called) was to the Democracv in the last campaign I would likejto be to the Republicans, vVith this ditlerence,that while they Assail their political enemies in a ' very scurrilous and dirty manner, I propose to abuse my friends I for, you know, I have brains. Strange to say, "my dear Senator," th j Republican party refuse my counsels, because the leaders don't know, a good article of brains "tt-hen they' soo them. Ijayley and Simpson wouldn't do anything for I luy little paper, because they couldn't appreciate brains. You know that the IHctde is composed of the very best article of brains. V hitsongand Lafollette would not do anything until they received a G . G .K rt--yr ft consideration or a promise, which of course, must have been for the want of brains. My influence is being felt more and more every day. Why, "my dear Senator," just see how I have risen in the scale of greatness: First editor of the Albany Journal; then the Unionist, and then, to crown my unprecedented success, comes the great "battle of Watterloo," which I fought unaided and alone. I used to have some credit and influence, but now "thank Heaven " I am above want, and those who dont think" tiie a great man only Show a W.ITlt, nf tl.nt irtii.ln t! they haven't got in Polk brains. ' ' j t l lj nut I mere are some wlio think that it is not of much importance to have the J J lade continued; but then. "my dear Senator," ycju know that the Republican party would have to disband it the JUade should stop. If I can just bilk you out of a few dollars, "my dear Senator," I will then be the ""king pin" of the Republican party in Oregon. "My dear Senator," if vou should tret a foreign appointment, I would like to get to be your private Secretary. It is true that Dave Logan would have to stand alone in t lie next campaign, but as for me, I have done all I ever intend to do for the ingrate and traitor. My heart yearns to see you, and my bowels are moved with compas- sion lor tiie iirnorance ot this V J people. Selah." The Whitteiaore Lesson. The decision to exclude Whitte- more from the House after his con stituents had condoned his offense by a re-election, is a signal declara tion ot contempt lor his constitu- fiTi -V" T 1 T I 7 7 encv. ihe Jsew y one y una urges the point that the heavy ma jority of eight thousand negro votes by which this broker of caoet- ships, this venal scamp, this uncon victed lelon was re-elected as their representative, demonstrates the unfitness of Southern negroes for political functions thrust upon them by the reconstruction acts. Iy their fruits shalL ye know them. There-election of "this disgraceful felon and thief is an instructive commentary on the wisdom of negro reconstruction. It is no longer President Johnson's vetoes or democratic denunciations that bear witness against the insane ex periment, but a solemn, deliberate, and almost unanimous vote of the Radical Congress itself. It is a Republican House of Representa tives that lias impugned the char acter of a negro constituency, and declared its unfitness lor political duties. It is not Whittemore alone that is condemned, but the black voters who sent back this exposed rascal to represent them in Con gress. The condemnation involved in the vote extends beyond Whitte more to the negro constituency, and bevond the constituency to the Congress and the black Repub lican party that created it. It used to be said of slavery that it de graded labor by the contempt it caused for those who performed labor. With equal truth it may be said that negro voting degrades the elective franchise by the eon tempt it causes for those who exer cise the franchise. The practical working of negro reconstruction is such that its very authors pro nounce its results disgraceful. It has foisted into Congress a set of seal la wags and carpetbaggers, of whom this venal Whittemore is a sample ; and Congress finds no way to protect itself against the dis grace but by den-ing the right of tiie peogle to select their represent atives, and to exercise their pre rogative of condoning their oflenses and giving them a new trial. We have tidings from Boston of a clergyman of Massachusetts,who on exchange, preached in a brother's pulpit. Taking a note which he found when he opened the Bible, he read that Brother request ed the prayers of the Church that the loss of his wife might be blessed to him, etc. The preacher prayed most fervently. To his amazement and mortification he found after ward that the note had laid in the bible a year, while the bereaved gentleman was on this Sabbath sit ting with a new wife in the congre gation. Politeness. Many a man rais ed from poverty and obscurity to wealth and honor ean trace his rise to his civility. Civility will mi mi always reproduce itself in others, and the man who is always polite sure to get at least as much as he gives. "No man," says Lord Ba con, "will be deficient in respect toward others who knows the value of respect to himself." OltEOO CITY, OKEGON, SATURDAY, J" Y 30, 1S70. Gratitude. Few persons know what a pow erful agent of happiness a lively sense of gratitude is. It is one of the most .profitable of all invest ments, for it yields its dividends of peace and contentment not only annually and semi-annually, but daily and hourly. We are so con stituted that we must judge of things by comparison. We call one object large because it is larger than another; we call one man rich because ho has larger possessions than another. If we have an active gratitude in our bosoms, or if we will cultivate it, we may find con stant cause for rejoicing in con trasting our own fortunes" with the unfortunate. We encounter, al most every day, a misery that we are strangers to. We meet the halt, the lame, the blind, the sick, and the bereaved, at every turn of life's devious pathway. It is im possible to envy the lot of these; we ought to pity them, and be ready to relieve their destitution or solace their sorrow. In doin this we shall discover how much unsuspected wretchedness there is in the world, and experience a feel ing of gratitude at the privilege of our better lot. There are others aIio are better off than we are,who have more wealth, more friends, and more favors. These are above us. nui il is not tiietr lot Ave should contemplate. Let us look down on the lowly beneath us and not up, on the lofty above us, and give our souls to gratitude instead of envy. Ambition is a noble and proper passion, when legitimately directed, but that ambition that seeks to scale one hight after an other, that is ever looking upward to new realms of eminence and power, and that goes on adding conquest, without stopping to be grateful for its successes, is an in satiate covetousness which usually, in the end, encounters a crushing disappointment sent as a punish ment for its thankless selfishness. To ascend safely and securely, one ml ' must accustom himself to look back, not with h aught-, but with grate ful feelings upon the conquered stages beneath him, and remember that every less successful toiler on the rugged path of life is a proof of heaven's peculiar favor. Xo one who is a stranger to gratitude can be really happy ; but the humblest person who will, as he can discover some cause for thank fulness in his condition, will find contentment at the same time. In one word, gratitude is itself a se rene and tranquil happiness. Three Hundred on Stay Out. The Nevada Chronicle of May lGth says : "A man by the name of was married at the Church on yesterday, to Miss , the bride and bridegroom having had a previous acquaintance of half an hour. After they Ave re married they repaired to their hotel lodg ings for the night. The lovely pair had scarcely taken their room when the bride, with a herculean muscle, shoved the bridegroom out of the room and shut the door, and claimed of him before he could en ter those hallowed precincts tfie pitiful sum of three hundred dollars. John plead, entreated, and then raved and swore, but no go. She said to him : " My dear, pay what I demand, and thou shalt enter this hallowed domain otherwise, stay out." John at last becoming highly indignant at her incessant demand for 6300, left the lovely maiden to pass the night alone, while he took' rooms at another hotel in the city. He passed a sleepless night, and just at the dawn of day, just as the cock crowed, he repaired again to the House, and asked her once more to admit him. She said, " 6300 you come in ; no 6300 you star out." This was the "last pound that broke the camel's back. He with frantic haste planked up the 6300, stepped across the for bidden threshold, and here the curtain dropped. Hurrah for wo- man s rights : We are told that the Northern Pacific Railroad Company does not propose to -wait for any more subsidies before commencing work, which, seeing that it has already secured a franchise worth 6500, 000,000, and can build the road without advancing a ceut, is really very kind. " Bachelors," says Josh Billings, "are always a braggin' of their freedom. Freedom to darn their own stockings and poultice their own shins ! I had rather be a wid ower once in two years, reglarjhan to be a grunting, old, hair-dyed bachelor only ninety days." Newspaper Matters. The following paragraphs have been given in various newspapers, we suppose with a view to show ing the profitableness of a branch of business which perhaps, inter ests the public more than any other, for who does not read every paragraph which appears having reference to a newspaper, even to the libels against its editors and proprietors ? The extracts referred to are as follows: James Gordonfennett, who be gan the Herald with 6200 or 6300, borrowed money, in an Ann-street cellar, writing on a board, is now worth 65,000,000. Manton Marble, who ten years ago, was a task writer on the Even ing lost at 625 a week, is at pres ent sole owner of the Mrorld, valued at least at 6500,000, and has an income of 675,000 a year. Henry J. Raymond, at the time of his death, was worth $300,000, and made every cent of it out of the Times. Horace Greeley, with all his care lessness of, and sovereign indiffer ence to money, could be sold for 6150,000, though lie made his entry in the metropolis a poor printers boy, with all his fortune in a small bundle of clothes swung on a stick. James and Erastus Brooks have estates valued at more than 6150, 000 each, all made from their earn ings as owners of the J'lepres. Robert Bonner, not long since a printer at the case, making, with very hard work, $30 a week, boasts of possessing 6200,000 worth of horses, has an annual income from the Ledger of nearly 6100,000, and would not sell his popular weekly for 61,000,000. Henry C. Bowen, after failing as a merchant, turned h:s entire attention to the publication and management of the Independent, and realizes 690,000 to -$J 00,000, a year from it. I his is not a very brilliant show ing, perhaps, lor there are over five thousand journals published in tf? LTnited States, but if one in five hundred pays expenses it is probably as much as they do. But, after all, the newspaper business ' J. L is in a more health v condition than we are here made to believe ; but t is questionable whether ability displayed in publishing a news paper pays as well as some other Jl A. 1. m br anciies of business trade, for instance. iennett, ot the lieratd, is said to be worth 65,000,000 in the extract given, when he is probably worth three or four times that amount. e have not a doubt that the Chicago Tribune is worth rising a million dollars. The Missouri IlepxdAican is worth a million. Tiie Cincinnati Com mercial is also worth a million. Either of these journals pay at least ten per cent, on a million lollars one year with another. The Philadelphia Ledger is worth more than a million dollars. So is the Baltimore iStai. In Boston there is one paper the Journal which is worth six or eight hundred thousand dollars. There are, at east, four other journals published - 11 . i m Joston wnicn are worth rising one hundred thousand dollars each. To come home to California, we relieve there are four journals here, any one oi wnicn wouiti sen ior 6100,000 and upward. There aie ournals m California- -at least two or three which pay an income of ten per cent, on one, two,three, or our hundred thousand dollars. Of eekly papers, it is said the New York IVeeMw and Bonner's Ledger have each more than 300,000 circulation, and exceed any other in the .Unit ed States in that respect. Among the newspapers weekly which are printed with news the New York Ti ibune and Pomeroy's Democart have the greatetst issue about 500,000 each. It has been stated, in a newspaper directory, that there is one daily newspaper in Xew York (the Herald) which annually receives over $800,000 a year for advertisements, and there are two others which receive over 6400,000. In California there are probably four journals which receive, for advertisements publish ed, from 650,000 to 100,000 annu ally, each. S. K Ccdl. mi 7 There was an old lady who lived next door to the navy yard at Portsmouth Xew Hampshire, and who had the misfortune to be hard of hearing. Last Fourth of July she sat in her parlor, while the boys in the navy yard fired a sa lute of thirty-six guns. As the last sixty-eight pounder went off, the old lady started up in her chair and called, but, " Corne in." COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, Cure for Obesity. Mr. Schindle is the latest addi tion to the list of persons who have undertaken the treatment and cure of excessive fatness in the human race this condition being consid ered by him as a disturbance of the animal economy, in conse quence of which the carbon taken m is accumulated in the form of fat. Diet and exercise, as might be expected, constitute the basis of his treatment. As in the method of Mr. Banting, which some years ago was so much in vogue, the diet advised for fat persons consists of food contain ing a large percentage of nitrogin, to which some vegetables without starch, and cooked fruit, are to be added, for the purpose of moderat ing the excitation due to animal nourishment. This diet is to be -1 T 1 ;uieu, according as individuals are of a sanguine or lymphatic temperament. The use of certain wines is permitted ; beer is, how ever, entirely forbidden. Coffee and tea are allowed, with as little sugar as possible. Cheese, pota toes, rice, beans, pease, maize, maccaroni, tapioca, arrowroot, and soups are not allowed. The use of sulphate of soda is recommended, as moderating the transformation of nitrogenous materials and stim ulating the oxidation of fat; and the use of mineral waters contain ing the sulphate of soda in solution is considered of the greatest impor tance in this respect. The waters, of Marienbad, which are especially rich in this salt, are stated to have, usually, the most happy effect. Their use, - togethtr with that of some alkaline pills, and a strict adherence to the conditions above mentioned, caused a decrease in weight of from twenty-five to sixty pounds in different individu als in the course of a few weeks. Editor's Scientific Record, in Harpers JLagetziie for Julr. Radical Consistency. In the Southern States there are thou sands and tens of thousands of white men who are denied the bal lot, the pretence being that they gave aid and comfort to the rebel lion. How docs this comport with the fact that the chief law adviser of the President, the Attorney General of the PJnited States, is himself an ex-rebel soldier and all through the war fought for the Confederacy? On what principle of right is he allowed to hold one of the highest positions under the Government, whilst men not a whit more guilty are excluded from all participation in the election of offi cers ? The only reason that we hear assigned is that Ackerman gave in his adhesion to the Radi cal party, and in this one act alone wiped out all the blood stains from his garment. The men who con tinue to be excluded, refuse to wor ship the ebony idol, and so they are treated as parishes. If willing to support the Radical ticket, the fact that their hands have been reddened in the blood of Union men is no objection, but if they de sire to vote with the Democracy, then they are to be excluded. IP. M. Statesmen. -3 Attentiveness. How much more we might make of ourfamily hfe, ot our friendships, if every se cret thought of love blossomed into a deed ! We a e not now speaking merely of personal caresses. These may or may not be the best lan guage of affection. Many are en dowed with a delicacy, a fastidi ousness of physical organization, which shrinks away from too much of these, repelled and overpowered. But there are words and looks.and little ol)servances,thonght fulnesses, watchfulnesses, watchful little at tentions, which speak of love, which make it manifest ; and there is scarce a family that might not be richer in heart wealth for more of them. It is a mistake to sup pose that relations must of course love each other because they are relations. Love must be cultivated, and can be increased by judicious culture, as wild fruits may double their bearing under the hand of the gardener; and love can dwin dle and die out by neglect, as choice flower seeds planted in poor soil dwindle and grow small. At leintic. The U. S. Senatorsiiip. Some of our Willamette exchanges pro fess to know that Hon. Jas. D. Faj is among the list of candi dates for U. S. Senator. It fre quently happens that we hear most of home when abroad ; and the statement is news to us, not know ing before that Fay aspired to that position. News. American V onders. The greatest cataract in the world is the Falls of Xiagra, where the waters from the great upper lakes form a river of three quarters of a mile in width, and then suel denly contracted plunges over the rocks in two columns, ta the depth of one hundred and seventy feet each. The greatest cave in the world is the Mammoth cave in Kentucky where any one can make a voyage on the waters of a subterranean river, and catch' fish without eyes. The greatest river in the world is the Mississippi, four thousand and one hundred miles long. The largest valley in the world is the Valley of the Mississippi. It contains five thousand square miles, and is one of the most fertile and profitable regions on the globe. The greatest park in the world i in Philadelphia. It contains 2,900 acres. The largest lake in the world is Lake Superior, which is truly an inland sea, being four hundred and thirty miles long, and one thousand feet deep. The longest Railroad in the world is the Pacific Railroad, over three thousand miles in length. The greatest natural bridge in the world is the Natural Bridge over Cedar Creek in Virginia. It extends across a chasm eighty feet in width, and two hundred and fifty feet in depth, at the bot tom of which the creek flows. The greatest mass of solid iron in the world is the Iron Mountain of Missouri. It is three hundred and fifty feet high, and two miles in circuit. The best specimen of Grecian architecture in the world is the Girard College, for orphans, Phila delphia. The largest aqueduct in the world is the Croton Aqueduct in New York. Its length is forty miles and a half, and it cost twelve millions of dollars. The largest deposits of anthra cite coal in the world are in Penn sylvania the mine of which supply the markets with millions of tons annually, and appear inexhausti ble. We are satisfied that Ackerman must have subscribed liberally to the Grant gift fund in order to have his name inscribed on the prefered list. It is very much with Grant as with a ceremonious judge down South, who oidered the witness to whom he was about to administer an oath to hold up his right hand. 'Can't do it,' said the witness, 'I've been shot in that arm.' 'Hold up your left, then,' said the judge. 'Can't do that, either,' said the multilated patriot. uiiiii r ;oir. lium your leg, then,' thundered fl,..tV, ,.!,.,.. r ' t!T,.l.l up the judge, nobody can be sworn in this court, lawlully, unless he holds up some thing.' And so it is with Grant's offices nobody gets one unless his contribution has gone to swell the General's private exchequer. St. Louis Times. A Cure for Low Spirits. Exercise for the body, occupation for the mind ; these are the grand constituents of health and hap piness, the cardinal points upon which everything turns. Motion seems to be a great preserving principal of nature, to which even in animate things are subject ; for the winds, waves, the earth itself, are restless, and the waving trees, shrubs and flowers is known to be an essential part of their economy. "Jimmy, my boy, take these eggs to the store, and if you can't get a quarter, bring them back." The boy went as directed, and came back, saying, "Father, it takes me to make a trade. They all wanted them at forty cents,but I screwed, them down to twenty five. Menial Offices. There is no such thing as a menial office when you put a true man into it. A menial office is an office with a mean man in it; and it wakes no difference whether it is a kind's office or a scavenger's office. "Buy dealer. a trunk Pat?" said a "And what for should I buy a trunk," replied Pat. "To put your clothes in," was the reply. "And me go naked ?" exclaimed Pat. "Xot a bit iv it." A giddy student, having had his skull fractured, was told by the doctor, that the brain was visible, on which he remarked : "Do write and tell father, for he always said I had none. 1VO. 38. Hadn't Jined 'em Yet. We heard a good thing recent ly that every member ofkthe Free and Accepted Masons wul be apt to have a good laugh over, and for that we send it out on its travels: A rather verdant young man, whose features exhibited every symtom of the emerald, quite recently entered a jewelry store in Xew York, and gazing earnestly into the qise, remarked: " l on ve got a heap of mighty pretty breast-pines vthar: what moiight you tax forerri?''"" " hat sort of a pin would you like to look at?" Inquired tho merchant. "Well, dunno," said the visitor, pointing at a plain masonic pin (the compass and square), "how much is that yere ?" "Five dollars only, sir," was tho reply. "It's a very fine pin, eigh t en carret gold, and" "You haven't got ary one with a little gold hand saw laid across it, have you?" interrupted the would-be purchaser. "I believe not, sir," said the mer chant. "Wish ycr had; it would suit me exactly. I'm just out of my time, and gwine to set up as a carpenter and j'iner, and I tho't I'd like some sort of a signcto wear about me, so folks would have an idea who I was. What do yer tax for that ar pin you've got yer hand on t" "Seven dollars,'" said the mer chant, producing a compass and square surrounding the letter G. "Seven dollars, eh !" said tho youth. "I'll take it sorry yer didn't have the hand saw, though. But I reckon everybody will nnder-o stand it. The compass to measuro out the work and the square to see its all right after it's done measured, and every darned foot orter know that G attmds for (dni let !" Eight Tlicusand in Counc il. The mass meeting ofotheqwork ingmen of San Francisco, fflt thcO Mechanics' Pavillioji, last evening, shows how thorougly public feel ing is aroused in antagonism to Chinese immigration. It is a mat ter for congratulation that, despite the prompting of passion, these eight thousand people could calmly hear the question discussed, the evils existing and to come portray ed, and yet separate on the con elusion of the meeting as peacea bly and quietly as they assembled. Ihe action last night shows how ' much in earnest are the people, and how determined to insist upon the exclusion of an undesirable element of population. Self-preservation is the first law of Siature, and they invoke it. They, have wisely determined to confide the management of the Chinese ques tion to a convention of their fellow citizens, who will assemble and take such measures to comply with tiie desires ot the people as am consonant with law and order, and o justice. o. I Chronicle. Effect of the Food of Cows on their Milk. It has lately. Q been announced, as the result of care full and long continued investi gation, that the nature of tl food given to cows does not produce the slightest effect upon the char acter or richness of their milk; tho only difference being a greater or less percentage of water. The experiment was tried of feeding the same animals successively, with hay alone; then, successively, with hay mixed with starch, oil, rape seed, clover, etcs., thus giving a greatly varying proportion of Q nitrogenized food. The milk was very carefully analyzed, after each mi mt m ' change of food, without showing the slightest variation in its chemi cal constitution." The conclusion was, therefore, arrived at that the variation or improvement in the quality of the milk is to be accom plished rather by a careful regard o to the breed than to the food sup plied to the animal. These remarks, of course, do not apply ta the peculiar taste im- parted to milk in consequence ot the character of the food of the animal ; since it is well known that the milk cows which have fed upon rrarlic very soon furnishes evidence of that fact to the taste. Editor's Scientific Record, in Harpers Magazine for July. Promises. Let your promises be sincere, and so prudently con sidered as not to exceed the reach of your ability. He who promises more than he can perforin is false to himself; and he who does not perform what he has promised is false to his friend. J 7 o o o o 0 o o o o o o 0 O 0 O o 0 o o o I I o o G O O V t 4 o o o !f "if TIM Tirtroc: t v