o o o o o o O o O O VOMAX' HI .IITS- Dennis' McFlynn has been thinking about - wonwns rights' and bis excited imagination finds vent in roelry. Readjt : Hurrah ! for the time that 13 comin' Whin lacies shall voe like the min ; Och, wont the polls be a bloomia' Wid fithers and crinoline- thin. Election day thin I am thmkin' Will be the great day of the year, "Whin la.&ies an'dads will be elrmkin' Together the candidates' beer What's the use to wrangle wid Biddy About who the livin' shall make ; Air sure if 'twill plase her I'm riddy To give up the hod for her sake. An' by stayin' all day at the shanty To "tind the domestic affairs, A boilin' the baif an' petaties. An' mendin' the rips an' the tairs. Thin whin election approaches, An' the lassies are in n chin" t he slrate Wid big bands of music an' torches, An' Biddy is standin' the trate, I'll be on the sidewalk huirahin' For me own darlin' Biddy McFlynn, Wid a chile in me arms, an'diawiu' A cab wid another one in. An' whin she is makin' her ppaches Before the great min of the land. OSure thin I will lind her mv braches An' sit by her side.on the sthand. An' after she's done wid ;er t.ilkin' Och. thin, how the people will cheer, An' off to the polls be a walkin' An' v&tin' for Biddy, my dear. An' whin all the votinMs over 0 An' Biddy's elected.ure thin I'll live like a pig in a clover, Wid Honorable Mrs. .McFlynn. The shanty I'll quickly be lavin' An" livin' wid elligant taste, Wid a horse an' a shaj for me drivin' An' a nager to wait'on the baste. It's niver a lie I am spakin' But thrue iy'ry word that I say, It's rueself 'twould niver ! takin' The rights ofthe ladies away, if a lassie, thinking it proper, Should shoulder the mortar an' brick, Bad luck te the thaif that would stop her, 11 black hh two eyes purty quick. The way is for all to kep aisy, An' give to the ladies their way ; They trip up and vote like a d izy, No matter what blackguards may say ; An' thin, should the oftice be sakin', Or twirlinQtlie nick or the sphade, An' for us the livin' be makin', Who cares, so the lavin' is made! WhpAunt Sally Never Married "Xow, Aunt SallT, do please tell US why you never married. You know you said once that when you were a girl you were engaged , t . . i -ton wnnlM te ni n limit, it semo- time. Now, Aunt, please do." " Well, it' ever I did see such ltd- ll-l ill 111 I' 1 w i1all L1C! 1 t II 11 1 .1 111 au HA '''in 'Ul Jl t 7 tease, tease, from mornintr till ti!rhf lint ii-Jiof r 1 l 1 ' 1 1 i XT' i 1 1 i limit M'nrvtliimr t it vnii any business to know anything about. Such inquisitive, pestifer ous creatures as you are ! When I was young, girls was different; i- .1 1.,.. :,... . , . 1 . . , 111 111 lc 1 wuu ;u,,,irelused a scat to Whittcmore on tin in 1 go sailing ai ounci wun a whole string of beaux, gettin' their heads filled with all sorts of 11011 .ser.se. I never dared to ask. mv (Hunts, niarricd or singleabout any of their a Hairs. Pretty mess I'd trot into if I had When they of- lei ered to tell me anything of their own accoo , 1 Kept my moutn ana nsrenea. jveryinmir is oniercni j r.ow-a-uays: young ioiks nave no O respect br their elders. But as I q 3ce I am not going to have any peace till I tell you, why jist listen ,'ind don't let the hear a word out of one your mouths till I it..., get llliOUW. "That's right, Aunt Sally go right-ahead, do, and we'll keep perfectly straight." " ell, 3'ou see, when l "was about seventeen years of age, I was living in Utica, in the State ot New (York. Though I say it my self, I was quite a good looking girl then, and had several beaux. I ho one that took my lancy most o was a young minister, a very prom ising young man, ana re mark imy i 1 1 1 pious ana steaay: lie inougru u good deal of me, and I kind of fancy to him, and things ran on till we were engaged. "One eveniiig he came to me I remcmember it as well as if it O were Qnly yesterday. When he came into the parlor whore I was sitting alone, hp came up. to me and but now, shaw ; girls, I don't like to tell'the rest." "Oil, Aunt Sally, for mercy's sake, don't stop; tell us what he did.' "Well, as I said, he came up to me and put his arms around me, and rather hugged me, while I trot excited and some llustrated, and it 0 was a long time ago, I don't know "but what I might have hugged him back a little. Then I left hut now iust clear out every one you, I shan't tell you any more." "Goodness, gracious, no. Aunt SallvO Tell us how you felt Didn't you feel good; and what did he do next?" "Oh, such torments as you are. I was like another girl: and pretty soon I pretended to be mad about it, and I pushed him away, though I wasn't mad a bit. You must kf?ow that the house where I lived was on one of the back streets of the town. There were glass doors in the parlor, which opened right out over the strtet, and no balcony or anything of the kind in front of the house. As it was in the sum mer season, these doors open and the shutters drawn to. I stepped hack a little from him, and when he edged up dose I pushed him away again. I pushed harder than I intended to, and, don't you think, o-irls the poor fellow lost his balance, and fell through one of the doors into the street. 1 es, it's so. And as lie fell I gave a scream and caught him But I declare, I won't tell anymore. I'm gointo leave the room." "Xo, no, Aunt Sally. How did you catch him ? Did it hurt him much V " Well, if I must, I must. He fell head first, and as he was go insr, I caught him by the leg of the trowsers. I held on for a min ute, and tried to hold him back, but Ins suspenders .gave way, and the poor man fell clear out of his pantaloons into a whole parcel of ladies and gentlemen passing the street." "Oh, Aunty, Aunty, Lordy, Lord'. He, lie, he!" ."There, that's right; giggle and squeal as much as you want to. Girls that can't hear about a little thing like that without tearing around the room, and he-he-ing in such a wav, don't know enough to come in when it rains. A nice time the man. that marries one of you will have, won't he? Catch me telling you anything again." " But, Aunt Sally, what become of him? Did you never see him again t "Xo; the moment he touched the ground lie got up and left that place in a terrible hurry. I tell you it was a sight to be remem bored to see how that man did run. Father happened to bo coming up the street at the time, and he never saw anything equal to it in hi wiioie me. 1 heard others say that he tint the fastest running ever known in that part of the country, and that lie never stopped or look ed behind until ho was two miles out of town. lie sent me a note a few days afterwards saying that the engagement must be broken off, as he never could look me in the face again, after what had hap pened, lie went out West, and I believe he is preaching out in Illi nois. But he never married. He was very modest, and I suppose he 'was so badly frightened at that time that he never dared to trust i himself near a woman again. That, cj'rls is the reason 1 never married -r . . - ! I felt verv bad about it a long time for he was a real good .man, and I've often thought to myself that j . Ill-, T -1 1 nt' Miuuni ;ni DLi 11 11.1i)- 1'3" if his suspenders liadiit given The Tree and the Fruit The people of South Carolina, tvliiln rfiniciiKT flint, tb.n TiYm !m 1 j o v " account of the infamy of his per sonal cahracter, complain that the House inflicts a whole party of Whittemores upon their State, without -a compunction. "We, in South Carolina," says the Charles- 1 t" Lourier, '"are called upon j tamely to mit to . and, in fact, ; )erpetuat0 the verv perpetuate the very corruption which a Radical Congress repudi ates and casts out with scorn and contempt." The logic of this complaint is irrefragable. Radicalism declares that Whittcmore is not fit to sit in the lower House of Congress; but, at the same time, it declares that Whittcmore, and other venal carpet-baggers like him, and the ignorent negroes who elect and re-elect him, are fit to gov ern South Carolina. All the de partments of government in South Carolina and Georgia are, to bor row a vigorous California expres sion, "lousy" with such vermin as this congressional cadetship dealer j placed and maintained 111 power i 1 . , tie maioritv in Comrress turns a deaf ear to his comnlaints of the victims of these corruption ist in the South. It imposes on them a burden which itself refuses even to touch with its little finger. It smears them over with the very contamination, a single drop of which it will not allow to fall on its own spotless robes. It rejects the dead sey, apple which its own planted tree returns for its eating; but it continues to allow that tree to bear its harvasts of malignant fruit, and it forces the people of South Carolina to eat them. Re vubliean. A man being asked, as lie lay sunning himself on the grass, what was the height of his ambition, re- .j plied, "To marry a rich widow wun a baa cough. " " Wouldn't you call this the calf ofah'gV" asked Bob, pointing to ! one of his nether limbs. "No replica l'at 1 should say it was the leg of a calf." " What does the minister say to our new cemetery?" asked 3Ir. Ilinos. "He don't like it at all ; he says he won't be buried there as long as he lives." " " Well," said Hines, if the Lord spares my life, I will." " I can marry any girl I please " said a young fellow boasting y. " Very true," replied his waggish companion "for you can't please any." The husband who devoured Ins j wife with kisses, found, afterward, : that she disagreed with him. GREAT REDUCTION 11 PRICES 13. L. STOjSTETS, jo.107 Front Street, Portl&iit19 Oregon. WALTIIAM WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS AND KINGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATBIIES AND CHAINS, FINE JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. A11 at jSfew Yoi'k Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches aad Jewelry repaired. JuOtf B U SI NESS CARDS. J. H MITCHEL, J N". DOLP1I. MITCHELL & DOLPH, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty rT Office, Odd Fallows' Temple, corner of First and Alder streets, Portlaud, Oregon. L AW PARTNERSHIP. J AS. K. KELLY, J. H. REED, Residence corner of Columbia and 7th sts. Residence, Columbia st bet. 2d and 3d sts. Jas. K. Kelly and J. 11. Reed, uuder the firm name ot KELLY & HEED, Will practice law in the Courts of Oregon Oilice on First street, near Alder, over the new Post office room, Port.and. (-iutf J AN SING STOUT. Attorney and Counselor at Law, PO I J TLA X I, O It KG ON . Ofiice Under the United States District Court Kuom. Front street. 4utf I AGE & THAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE In Cree's Buildinc, corner of Front and Stark .-.treets, Portland. 35:tf J. F. CAPLE?. J. C. MOUELAND. CAPLES & M0P.ELANI, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cur. FUG XT and IVASIIIXU TUX Sts., I ' 0 IIT L A N 0, Oil EG OS. JUGENE A. CRONIN, " ' ATTORXEY A T LA IF; lloorus 7 and 8 farter's r.lo-fc, -10. . POKTLAND, OREGON". " W. ROSS, M. IX, Physician and Surge on, wOiiice on Mam Stiect, opposite Mason ic Hall, OrciroM Citv. lotf SA FF A Rli A N S, Physician and Surgeon, Ofiice at his Drug Stoi c, near Post 0!tit: Oregon City, Oregon. l.Ttf J. WELCH, DENTIST. PerntauenUj Locate-l at Oregon Cdy, Oregon ROOMS With Dr. SaiTarrans. on Main st. W ATKINS, M. D., SURGEON. Por.TXAxn. Onr.at n. OFFICE-Od Fellows' Temple, corner Fir.st and Mder streets Residence comer of" Main and Seventh streets. ALAFJSOfJ SMITH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, PROCTOR AXB SOLICITOR. AVOCAT. Practices in Sta;e and U. S. Ccurts. Office Xo. 108 Frorft Street. Forilund, Orejon, Opposite McCormick's Hook bfltore. It Barnu m Saloon." JENT & PLmrET 5 DI PEX.-ERS OF Choice Wines, Liqnars & Cigars. M.iin st.,Oiegon City. ZaT' Call, and Kol'Crt Potter will show you through the establishment. PHf W. F. HIGHFIELD, Estshli-hed since lS-JS.sit the old stand, Miin Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, aad So th Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to he as represented. Repairing done on short notice, ind thankful for past favors. "Live and Let Live.' J7IELDS & STRICKLER, DEALERS IX PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, &c, CHOICE "WINES AND LIQUORS. .-U the old stiud of Wortman & Fields Oregon Cit. , Oregon. 13tf p G." STEWART, 109 FROX1 STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. O Watchmaker And Jeweler. And leaW in CLOCKS, WATCHES. AND .JEWELERS GOODS. Asrent for Wilcox & Oibbs Letter "(J" Sewing Machines, whicy are now being sold singly at cost, or wholh sa less than cost. Other goods at greate T-ednce.l rates. (4o.tfl CLAEK GREENMAW, rv . tr- irv urnrinnn. Al! orders for the delivery of merchan- ! dire V i n packa-zei and freisrlit of whatever des on. to any part o' the city, will be exe- promptly aud with care. 1) JOHN MYERS II. C. MYERS. JT. 3IYE1S S HIlO.j UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, OREGON CITV. ORECON. RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY IS, GROCERIES, ROOTS & SHOES, II ARR WARE, ATe also constantly keep on hand SALEM CASS IMF RES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. JWe will also pay the highest price for Putter, Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. jKS" Give us a call and satir-fv vourselves. Over 20,000 Persons Testify to the VVondeifnl cures ot Dr. J. W MURRAY'S Balsam for the Liver and Blood. NATURE'S OWN REMEDY. . Or.c of the Celelrotnl Physicians of Portland, aaxjH tie is riuud fifths I Am and I.irer cvm jildint, and that lie oirn-t hfc to Dr.JHar 1 a if 'n Luu g and Liver liulxacx . Ri ad irhat he say : Portland, Mav 21. 1M!. I have tried Dr. .J. W. Murray's Lnng and Liver Balsam. I use I it in my fam ily with the best of success. 1 was sick (or some months, and usi d every remedy. I called several physicians, but thev did me no !Ood. I exhausted every remedy known to the medical profession, and received no ben efit. This Lung and Liver Rilsam cured me, ai d I do not hesitate to recommend it to the public and my friends, as a good and safe rem dy. Those who know me, as many do in this Stat j, know that I would not recom mend them to use a thing that has no merit, because I am opposed to quack remedies. G. W. BROWN. M. D. tv. For sale at BELL & PARKER S, and at a.. I Drui Stores on the Pacific Coast. 9if JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY. fiuKeep constantly on hand f: sale, flour Midlings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties purching feed must f urnish the sacks. JOHN II. SCIIRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc., Alain Street, Oregon City, fie" Wis lies to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the larjrest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination of ids stock be made before buying elsewhere. OEEGOK CITY BREWERY! II EMI Y UUJIBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of EAGER BEER, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. JOIIX 31. BACOX, Importer and Dealer in CCD CD !3L 9 STATIONERY, PERFUMERY. &c, &c, Oregon City, Oregon. At Charrnav JVarner'x old stand, lately oc cupied by S. Ackertaan, Main street. 10 tf g II A DES SALOOX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MA IX STREET, Oregon City. O Bent BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to thm. THE li A It I s S UP V UFA) With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anJ Cigars. Scotch. Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE JTONE -VIIZ: ! " DKaI'GHT. 3 Families supplied. JEW YORK HOTEL, (Dcutfches Gafthaus,) o. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland. Oregon. II. KOTHFOS, J. J. WILKENS, PROPRIETORS. o Board per Week $5 00 " with Lodging 6 0 " " Dav 1 00 WHEN THE LOOK OUT FOE TEE LOCOMOTIVE. low is the Time While they are At mi I Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixturesetc. of Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now Letter prepared than ever to attend to the wants of my customers, and having a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, I have decided to Sell 01T at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact 1 ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS. HATS pf various descriptions; CLOAKS, such us Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOVES, beat quality ; HOSIERY ; DROWN AND RLE ACHED MUSLINS, all widths : BOOTS AND SHOES : II ATS AND CAPS : CLOTHING : FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSIM ERE SUITS; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS; BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all size? and finalities. 23- A SUIT THAT WILL SLUT ANYBODY all on the most reasonable terms. Also a large stock ot Cents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. DOORS AND WINDOWS. Ti?- All kinds of Produce Bought."?iX 112 FRONT STREET, Near Morrison Street. lol FIRST STREET, . Near Yamhill. KAST & CAHALIN. New Stock of Eoots and Slices JUST DECEIVED! Rest Selection in the City Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as IhMikert's, Tirreli's, Fogg's, Houghton & Coolidge's, Reed's, (J oil f rev. and numerous others, of gents' and bovs' wear. .Also Mile's, Sieherlkdi's, Hurt's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Onr customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine onr stuck, which we will sell cheaper than ever. 1'. S. Boots made to ordei, and an assort ment of our make coustautlv 011 hand. jOTICE. -0- Tiie People's Transportation Company "WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CSTV AS FOELOJFS FOR PORTLAND : At 74 A. M.. every dr;v, except Sunday. And 1 P. JL, every day. For Salem, Albany and Corvallis : ON MONDAY. TUESDAY. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, at 7 o'clock A. M., Ana for Dayton : ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY 1 each week. o A. A. McCELLY, President. Nov. 27th, lsay. 4').tf FEW WAG OX AND Carriage PIanufactory ! . The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old fetund Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as inanv new ones as may l,e pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very host of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Biacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, end general jobbing neatlv, qup kly and cheaply-done. DAVID M INI. Opposite Excelsior Market LINCOLN BAKERY. BASLEY,KARDf?JG&CO., Successors of L. Dillkr in the Lincoln Bakery, BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE CITI zens of Oregon City and surrounding c .nntrv, that they keep constantly on hand and t'.r sale, nil kinds of BREAD, C RCkEiJ, CAKES, PASTliY, CAN DIE AND NUTS. Also, a good and general assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and gofds deliver ed at the residence of the pui chaser when desired. The highest prices paid fur Butter, Es and Vecetabl s. co A liberal ''hare of public patronage i3 re ' spectfullv s'.Iic ted. April 20, ls7o:iy BELL RINGS to Buy your s going Cheap ! CE AGS WANTED. WALL AM KT imn WORKS COMPANY I Es'osi Foil fa tiers, AndEoiler Euilders! Xorth Front and E sts., t Mm ror nana, yregon. npiIFSE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the JL bunk of the river, one block north of Conch's W barf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and ciliciently. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Diiector of the Works, whose ex pel it-nee on this tuuM for fifteen years gives him a. thorough knuwledge of tin: various kin of HKH-hinery reip.iired for mining and milling purposes. W cute orders for all c'a: boiler works, such as- ae prepared to exe cs of machinery and MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY FLOUHING MILLS ! PAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING M'MI'S ! ! cze, Arc. SI:nvf;rtiiM and J,' rir Murlintrv e.f all lllOX SHUTTER WORK" at San Franrixro r,t and. f n ight. Wl.?rUr l- Ran dulCs I 'a teat tirlnder on I Amaga mator. I)itnarii anil SUcrrd Self A-ln.-fr'ng J'utent, Pi-don, I'ar!:ing, either oidled to obi or new xt;'in cjliidem. Quartz Stampers, Shot md dU,i, if the U-.-st hard iron- Z'Av CH AS. UODGE. .CIIAS. E. CALCF. .GEO. Vi. SXtLL. IIOLGE, CALS? & Co., IiEALERS IX DEUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, I 'A RX IS TIES, JJR USEES, PA IX TER S Materials, ana irvggigts' Sundries. 07 Kron Ptret, 85. Portland, Oregon. K. f. nr- SELL, Ileal Estate Allorncv. C. V. FFRRY, Xvtai j Public Russell & Ferry, REAL ESTATE BR0REHS AND COLLECTING- AGENTS, Northwest corner of First and Washington Street-s, PORTLAND, OREGON. Q FECIAL' ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE O Sale of Real E.-tute. Collections made in Oregon and Washington Territory. A large amount of desirable City Prop erty, Town Lots, Improved Farms, Stock lUnehcs, Timber Lands, Ac., situated in the best portions of Oregon and Washington Territory, for sleon reasonable terms. Special attention is called to a large amount Eesirable Property in Clackam s Comity. FULL ABSTRACTS OF TITLE AT. THE branch office; ON SIA1X STREET, OltEGO.V CITY, At the off.ee of JOHNSON & McCOWN, Real Estate Brokers. No fxper.se incurred unless a sale is made. May 21:tf H G. SXEATII, WHOLESALE GROCER, 32 Frot Street, Portland. GOODS BY THE PACKAGE, FOR CASH AT SAN FRA.NCISCO PRICES, and Freieht. v-Orders Promptly filled in San Francis co, if desired. Ct"-tf Oregon IamIv Xo. 3, I. O. of O. F. 5 Meets every Thursday even ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's IIall, Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. TV. g. Fur if ays' Only! FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE. DR. JUL IEN-PERRAULT. Dr. of lilcdicine of the Faculty cr ; Paris, CJrntluate of Ie Uiilvrri. ' (tutdi's ColIi gc,and Pliysician of ti,' St. .To Sin liuptUte ,SciH ofSan Fran. Cisco. Dr. Pehr aclt has the pleasure to ir.u.rm patients and otlu rs seeking confidential ir.t(j ' ical advice that he can be consulted daily aj 1 his office, Armory Hall Building Xorth I East corner of Montgomery and Sacramento f' streets, San Francisco, Rooms Nos 9, lo, i; i first floor, up strirs, entrance on eithtr Montgomery 01 Sacs amento streets. Dr. Perkaii.t's studies have been alrrwt exclusively devoted to the cure of the ' various forms of Nervous and Physical dt. bility. the rt-sult of injurious habits acquis r 111 iiin, milieu usuupj iciiiimaie in lmpo. tence and sttiilit-, and permanently induce all the concomitants of old age. Hvherpj secret i; finniiy exists involving the ham1,), ness of a life and that of others, reason and morality nictate the necessity 01 its removal for it is" a fact that pien.ature decline of the vigor of manhood matrimonial unhappines 5 sources in causes, the germ of Inch is plant ed in early life, and the bitter fruits tasted 5 long afterward; patients, laboring under this complaint, will complain of one or niorerf the U Bowing symptoms: 'oc:ual Emi. ' sions, l'ains in the Bai k and Head, "Weal ness of Memory and Sight, Discharge from -the Urethra Yn gt ing to stool or making wa- ter, Iite hctual Faculties, sre Weakentd Loss of Meiiioi yiriiS'ittg, Ideas ai-fj clouded,' and there is a drinclinatiii lo attend to bus iness, or even to reading, writing or the society of frunds. etc. The patient wiii pr l ably com; lain of Dizziness, Vert go, ari s-leep disturb d by dreams; melancholv, ? sighing, palpitation, famtiegs, coughs and slow fevers ; while some have external relo nuitic jiain, and numbness of the bedr. Some vf the common sympioms are limply in the face, ami aching" in different parts of ; the b dy. Patients suflering from thisd:?. ease, should ::pp!imnit diaiely to Dr. Pr.lt itAi i.t, jeitln r in person or by letter ps he wiil u-tnjtee a cure of Semuial Emissiouj ; and Impotence in six c.eipht weeks. Patients suffering from venerial dicasein nny stage, Oono'nhca (jleet, Stricture., Bubo, Ulcirs, Cutacetrtis Eruptions, etc! ' will be treated success fully. All Syphilitic and 2dercnrial Taints entirelj- ieinoved lruin r the .ystem. q t Dr.. Pkmiai lt's diplomas are in his office, where patients can see for Qhen.selres tha they are under the care of a regular educa ti d prac titioner. The best refeiences gives if rctpun a. Put ients suffering under chronic disease, ! can call ami examii e for themselves. Vie invite investigation; claim not to Intw everything, nor to cure c very b dy but nc e'o claim that in all cases taken unurr treat ment we fulfill our piomis-es. We particular ly request those who have tried this boast,! doeUr, and that oovcrthed jdijician til worn out ai d discouraged, to call i pon c. Low 1 barges r.r.d quick cures. Ladies srdl'ering Jroir anj' conijdaint inci dents to their ex. can coi.sult the doctor with the assurance of relief. Female Dlonllily Pills. PEiinAt LT is the onlv a;rent in Cu Dr. fornia for Dr:. Biott's Female Monthly IWU Their immeie .-ale Las established theirre; utation as a female remecy unupproae hed and far in advance of every oiler lernedy fur suppress ens and it regularities, and other o!.ti notions in females. On the leceipt if five d( llais, these Pills will be set t by ma 1 or express to any pat t of the world, setuie from curiosity or elamage. Persons at a elistatice can be cured borne, by adiii essing a letter to 1)k. I'ki: HAfi.T, (-on er eif Sacrament o nrd Montgom ery streets, Rioms lo and 11, or Box C'., P. O. San Francisco, stating the case a minutely as possible, general habits of liv ing, occupation, etc., etc. All ce mniunications confidential. Iyr4p WAL I Eil I VELVETS, BEUSSEIS, o ' THREE - FLY, o OIL - CLOTH S, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPEE -H A K G I K G S, LACE-CURTAINS, &c a We Would Call tie attention of pur ties Jilting vp houses, or leirg tn need of any thin rj in our line To pur Stock, which is OXE OF Ulh COMPLETEST G On the FaQciltc Coast! -o- Ou" Goods being specially selected at the Factories- in England and the Eastern Stales, we canPstll AT THE JOWESjT siEiPrsiiacisco FriecSi o WALTER irilO ., No. SO Front street, between A0er S5.) and Washington, Portland Oregon A. G. YALLIX8S Pioneer Book Bindery. OllEG O A 1 A N li UI 1. D I K G, IVo. 5 Waklifngtoii Str-e, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to any desired pattern. I MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS- r PAPERS, Etc., bound in every -rariety of s style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at- j tended to. Physician & Accoucheurs.-. DR. TflAPiY P. SAWTELLj FFERS HER PROFESSIONAL S" I J vices t the peoj le of Oregon Cit1 a vicinity. Residenfe in the country, miles east of Oregon City. Mav l:tf STEERS & HEDE? Wholesale Dealers in F0EEIGIT AND ECMESTIC of 7I7cs, JRrandies, IVaskics, E(2 , r No. 4, Fkoxt Stheet, Poutl.axp, Qzts-oV Constnntlvou hand a genuine article 9 Cuttei Whisky. O o