i i o , I ill I ! I I 'A o o o o o o o o o 3 ; v U 3 .iE' -r ljc iDcchin Ohitcrpris. TOAV.V AXD COl'XTY. CoixTY Fixa.vcks. In this issue will bo found Jliw exhibit of the financial condi tion of our county. The exhibit nukes a better s-hjw'ng than was made a year ago, and shows ihe indebtedness of the county to be near $l.."ut. while last year it. was ovl.rSS00D. The expense of the county fur the year w9s near 13 0U0. According to this report, the county taxes could be reduced for the present year one-third., and with the increased property valua tion, the amount realized would pay off tbe county indebtedness and leave a bal ance on hand. We &hali have occasion to refer to this matter at length hereafter. Tiik Coxtkst. Last week an applica tion was made before Judge Upton for a writ of mandamus to force Mr. Myers to give up the keys and other property be longing to the Sheriff's oflice. The motion was heaQl lust .Saturday by Judge Upton, who took the mutter under advisement. I'p to the hour of going to press, his opin ion has not keen given. 1'asskd Tiiuoioii. We noticed the fa miliar countenance of Hon. Ja?. D. Fay, State Senator elect from Jackson, on the Ogtaire last Thursday afternoon. It does us good to see faces that did such noble work fur the party during the last campaign. The main lire ot tiie Radicals was aimed at Fay and Ben. Ilaydeu, and they were b th triumphant. Boat II ace. The steamers Active and Slioo-Fiy took a race- from Champoeg to the basin, in which the latter came ouff first best by a half hour. She will prob- i I uhlyjje the swiftest Iat on the river, as !ie has great ower and draws but. little water. Capt. Bass Miller took her outn tlie trial trip la-t Sa' unlay and eveiything ? worked well. On Monday she was placed 5 on the line lor regular service. I I U sim:s.s. If you desire to benefit your--J 5e!f in trade, always look over the adver i tisi; columns of your local paper. Asa A rulehoxe who advertise their roods do I more business than those who do not, and6; 5 are of a more liberal nature, and wiil al- Mays ive you the best Bargains. . Let our readers remember this. I diTKKXTii Amkxijmkxt. A fifteenth I amendment (Chinaman) got a "headr' put -on him lat Saturday by no boy. The ; Cliiuaman was about to strike the boy willi an ax. when the latter picked up a J butcher's cleaver and hit John willi the j biek of it on the shoulder, when he let j the av drop and the boy gave him a good I thrashing. Est'Ki'En. The two Indians who were conSned in jail f5r robbing a squaw, made their escape last Thursday night. The jail is said to be very nnave. anl that it is but linle trouble, lor critn'flial.s to get Mit 1 ti this case, it is probably best that tliCy are gone, as it will save expenses to the eodnty. A LnffR .V drunken loafer has In feste 1 tmr town for the past week, lie made it a practice to slop everyone he ' 9,;l":M'd and ask I'lem lor money to buy 3 m l.isky Q, ith. Tin? City M;rsb;tl should give such nuisances lodgings ia the jail. O A Bn.K. A fellow giving his name as , Toi Clark, claimed to have been robbed last Friday night, and on the strength of it he went around and struck the bakers for a piece."-" clajtning 1o belong to that trade. Ho was undoubtedly a bilk. Cir.crs. Bartholomew's circus j;avc two performances in this city this week. The tent was crowded on Monday night and tiie performance gave general satisfaction. The trained ponies arid goats are well ' worth the price of admission, while the performances of the children is amusing. Sroi.K.x. Some fellow stole the key of Mr. Bacon's store a short time since. It was evidettfTy his intention to rob the s'urj but Mr. B. discovered the theft in thiurto have a new lock put on. Mr. 1. q thinks he knows the thief and has his eye on him. Arnox F.vin. The Apron Fair, under the management of the ladies of the Con gregational Church, takes place this (Fri- l i) ) evening, at the Court House. It is expected to be a veiy pleasant affair. There will also be a supper, ice cream, Ac. given. Smash Up. Mr. Warner's team attached a wagon, took fright last Thursday and ran off. They took the road on the hill, and when about half way up, the ' vigon up-set, which brought them to a halt. T'ae horses were not injured, but the wag-m is a jreneral wreck. IIktckxed. Rev. Mr. Sellwood. who has been absent for the past three weeks on a missionary visit, in company with Bish p Morris and others, to Washington Terri tory, returned home Friday morning. Diuwv Off. The Fannie Patton was placed in the dry-dock this week for re pairs and lengthening. Her cylinders have been taken out lor the purpose of boring them larger to give her more pow er. She will be much improved when she takes her place on the river next fall. Water Low The Dayton, ns she was; com'mg into the basin last Thursday. struck the bottom. It was necessary to take off part of her cargo before sto got oT. No da.iuge done. Daxc'iC. The Oregon City String Band will give a ball at the Court House next T iesday evening. The buys will be glad to have atheir friends ia attendance. j Imi'uovixc. Main street has received aj new coat graved in places. There is a very ugly bole on the corner of Eigth and Main, which ought to be filled up. New Book. Mrs. Millett is canvassing our town for subscriptions for a book en titled -Ten W-ars in Wall Street." We : h ive not seen the bok. but our exchanges speak very highly of it. ;. Corxrv Oitmcns. Persons taving coun j O ty orders on hand, will find something to , their interest in the advertising columns from Ihe Treasurer. : SttiKWAT.Ks. Our City Marshal is m.ik; 1 in:rune progress with the sidewalks on Main street, and ere long, a new and sub-' s'antial walk will extend the entire length s of ihe street on both sides. EErAtmxG. The Activeas temporari ly taken the place of the Albany, which l d - m ,i ;n i undejroinjr repairs The Albany ill es uui prooaoiy next .uouuay. Skrenade. The Oregon City String Band favored, us with a serenade last Fri day evening. Out. Mr. Humble, who was severely scalded last yek. has sufficient! j recoved to be out iigaju. O o t STATE NEWS. From the Herald we take the following items : Yesterday evening, between six and seven o'clock, a German tiamel Myers, an employee on the railroad, wad almost in stantly killed by being run over by a hand-car, near Camp No. 1, on the line of ihe road. It appears that Myers and sev eral others were engaged in clearing the track, and wefe on their return to the eaijp when Myers was struck by one of the levers ot the car and thrown on the track, the car p issii.g over his body. The North Uerinan ship Hermann Doc tor, now loaded at this port with wheat for Liverpool, baa been ordered to remain here until further notice. Jo?. Hackney, charged with beiri"- con nected with the highway robbery yn the macadamized road, has been bound over j by Recorder Anderson in the sum of $250. A woman tes.itied that Hackney procured money oi ner tor one ol the robber. The north German Consul at San Fran cisco has telegraphed to Mr. Itosenbaum. at Portland, to caution German ships against French war vessels. The Alpha, G. II. Rhodes, Master, ar rived here yesterday, in tow of tug boat Astoria. The Alpha is a Novvegian ves sel, from Liverpool, sailing under English colors. From a private dispatch we learn that the Board of Trustees of Willamette Uni versity have elected the following Faculty lor the coining year : T. M. Gatch. Presi dent and professor of Ancient Languages; L.J.Powell. Professor of Mathematics; C. C. Stratum. Professor of Natural Sci ences ; Miss L. J. Reddy. Preceptress, and Miss Ellen Chamberlain. Teacher of the Preparatory Department. Mr. Keith announces that the St. Charles hotel will be opened August 1st. Wilson, one of the men who shot John ny Holton. and robbed him and others, was arrested at Portland last Wednesday evening. '1 he Bulletin has the following items : An extensive wholesale and retail house, under the firm name of Jan ion A' Rhodes, has been opened in Ankeny's New Block, in the store-room formerly occupied by John Kineth. This is one of'a thain of four large importing and commission houses, viz.: Robert C. Janion. Liverpool; F. II. Davis, Honolulu ; Janion. Rhodes it Co., Victoria, and Janion & Rhodes, Port land. Beii. Ilolladay has not purchased the saw mill of Estes it Sanson's, and does not intend'doing so. The wharf of Estes and Stinson's mill is to be extended and enlarged. Superintendent Meacham has had the machinery for a saw mill and flour mill made for the Klamath Reservat oi w.i.c i have started for their dest. nation Capt. Doardorff says that the ! e v city clock, a'o long talked of h.n been ordered from New York, and will reach here about the middle of nett mouth. Tiie reisdenee of P. Manciet was entered by burglars Monday evening, w lile the folks were out walking, and robbed of $200 in coin. The Orcjonimi has the following items : Three hundred men who have been engaged in the salmon fisheries this season, will soon be out of a job. The salmon catch will amount tit 12.000 tons. One half mil lions pounds have been canned. Wo learn from Mr. B. L. Nordeu that he has abandoned the contest for the County Clerk's oflice. The first Oregon green corn was brought to market the other day. We learn from the Fiaimleuter that a large drove of cattle passed through Eoseburg. bound south. George M. Prior was thrown from a horse and seriously, but not fatally hurt. The toad to Bohemia, a mining district, is open, and many persons will visit the mines. We learn from Mr. Fink, who returned last Saturdav with the mail form Randolph, that Frank Uatliffe. son of Capt. RallilTe, aged about twenty-one 3-ears. was drown ed at the forks of the Coqui'le river, on the 5th of July. A man named Leonard CuHip. in Coos county, on Wednesday, the (th inst., was killed by a log rolbng over him. The Jacksonville Xeics has the follow ing. Mrs. Miller, while a train was camping at the Big Springs in Lnngels valley, was seriously injured by the explosion of powder secreted in the cook stov. The family were from Linn county and were traveling for Mrs. Miller's health. We learn that a serious affray, between Wm. Chapman former Sheriffof Josephine, and W. M. Evans, occured at Kerby ville, Josephine county, o t Saturday evening last, in which the former was stabbed twice, once in the arm and once In the side. The wounds are not as yet regarded as serious. The Gazette says that a lady, by the name of Owensby, living near Corvallis. has recently enriched her lord by present ing Imu with a pair and a halt of heathy infants. The predecessors of the trio were twins, and thus the lucky husband drew to a pair and filled."" "he mother and babes are doing well, and the father as well as could be expt cted. The Roseburg Ensiqn says that another case of small pox is reported at the mouth nf tlie river. The father of the amilv to which the other who had it belonr is tlx; subject, and being an old man, it is thought his case will be a severe one. Tlie St.ii'esmnr. says : Mr. David Xew smn informs us that daring nineteen years' residence in Marion county, ho has never seen ?ueh abundant crops and so prolific a yield of both fields and gardens as is the cr.se the present season, the quantify and quality of hav is unprecedented, and is being saved in the best possible condi loin. Some forty baTes of choice wool, select ed from th lots purchased by tie V. W. Mfg Company are now in the wearehouse at the wharf waiting advice from Mr. drover ns to shipment. They are intended for Boston. The young man from Xw Yoik. who. according to the BulMln. was missing, and might as easy as not have been murdered in the bushes, in svnie soquejtterod place, near our town, returned here vesienl.iv. and says he has been having a good time out in the country. C-y.V-llrw R. V. Pi rce, M. D., 131 Sene ca s'reet, P,uf!al X. V., and get a pamnt let on C ita-rh !rei or sent sixty cents and net I)f. Safe's Catarrh Remedy. ."0o reward is offered bv t! e proprietor for a case of Ca tr h in the h-a l wheh he eairmt cure ! Sold by lusrr'ssts. Look out for counterfeit i ttnd irortMevJ in,i!ut.ion. Tbe genuine ha pr Pien-e's rrivafe Government -tamp on it. Cut this oot,"as you may never see it ag.iin. J"- 3wl Svf. Yortt Doctor's Dims. When Dr Wistar's Balkan of Wild Cherry wil cure coushs. ctdds bleeding at the lungs, and ar rest the fell destroyer, Consumption, it doe- ttKre than most physicians can do. A single trial wiil satisfy the incredulous. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Office, Jio. GA Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. REAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector of Claims. A lar-re amount of CITY and EAST PORT LAND Property for Sale. Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located in all parts of the St.ite. Investments in REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly col lected. HOUSES and STORES leased. All kinds of Finauc al and General Agency business transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will please furnish descr'pt ons of the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of tbe principal CllIES ai;d TOWNS of this STATE. Julv li:tf Tlie Vit;l Statistics of Ciilltoi niii Show that periodical fevers and acute and . hronic disorders of the stomach and bowels, are among the most prominent and fatal dis eases in this State. Disobedience to the laws of health, as regards diet ; the use ot perni cious stimulants; and the wear and tear of business excitement, and of " fast life'' gen erally, have much to do with the prevalence of these maladies in our cities ; while in the interior, and especially in the gcld-yielding districts, they are chiefly due to malaria, un wholesome water, and the exposure and pri vation incident to life in new settlements and niiniiiir cunips. Now, it is a fact that it is as possible to protect the human system again t these maladies, a-s to guard life and property against the incursions of assassins and thieves- Strengthen the vital organization with HOSTETTER'S STOMACH HITTERS, and it becomes as capable of resisting the active principle of epidemic or endemic d is ease, as a rire-prj.d' safe is of resisting the action of combustion. This is the experi ence of thousands wiio have remained un seath' d by malai iou-i disorders in the sickli est sea-ons while ilieir neighbors, who neg lected to tone aud regulate their systems with this unequalled medicinal stimulant, have fallen thick and fast around them. Weak ness invites disease. Visor repels it. Help t.ature to tight the good tight with infection, whether it be in tlie air, the water, or the soil., with this matchless preparation, a compound of the rarest vegetable e tracts with the purest of all U.lfusive sliniul nts. I.UTCJiKU'S MOIITX Mi I-'LT IC'I-L.TSIl Is ahead o anything of the kind. Han "y and cheap. Try it. Sold by Druggists, j utie 2") :2m Ribectu. fgit Ltnl. . O. F". Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y EVEXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in O 'd Ee ows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend, by order of N. (!. Willamette Lodge Xo. 1T I. O. . 1' Meets every Saturday evening, at the roocc S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, f,t 7 12 o'clock. Visiting members are invited tr attend. Ly order of W. C. T. A so nts ! WJ E W ILL PAY AGE X TS A S A EAR Y VV of3() per week and expenses, or all rw a commiss'on, to sell our iuw and wonder, ul inve tions. Address M. WAGNER & CO., Marshall. Mich. May 2Sm2 ZzW' If yoti wish the very Lest Cabinet Photographs, von m ist c til on BRADLEY RULOFSON, Montgomery street, San Francisco. Multiiomafi Liottgc Xo. 1, At H' ami a A. JJI. Holds its regular eommuni ''"cations on the First and Third Sat ttrdinx in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 20th of September to the 20th of March, and 74 o'clock from the 2'th of March to the 2oth of September, lirethreuin good standinr are invited to attend. By order of W. M. Lost. SOME THREE MONTHS SINCE, A GOLD Uu. kle, marked M. AV. t 0". J. The finder will be suitably rewarded by return ing the same to OWEN WADE. 36: w3 GEO. NOAH. JAMKS MOnit RON. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Formerly Seew Columbian Corner Front and MorrUon Streets, POllTL.VXD, OKEGO.V. NOAH & MORRISON, PROPRIETORS. Free Concli to ami from I lie House. July loth, tf To Stock Drovers. rpilE ROAD ACROSS THE CASCADE JL Mountains, know ss the Old Ernim- nt Road." is now in splendid rder or he ac coaimodation of'the puhlic The b ldges on the road hav all been thoroughly repair d. and stock drovers w 11 find it o trouble to Coss the Mountain y this route. There plenty c.f good wa'e and grass on both sides of the Mountain, and the distance across is only 50 miles, being t e shortest as well as t e best road oyer the C, ale Mountains. Sto- k drove s an 1 emigrants wiil find it to their advantage to traTel over this toute. T. les reasonable. JOS CPU Y'OUXO. Pr si eat ( 1 cka as co nty, July, S70:ju:G This Valua Ie i amily edicins ha bee. wi el a d f or.ib y 1 i own in our ow.i an j f- re.gn n ri s, u ward o;' XIiriXTY YEARS I Ithaslos nonj f its good name by re peated trials, bu cuntin ie- to oceuiy a prominent posi.i.n in eve y family medicine chest. It is an External and Internal Remedy. For Summ r Complaint, or any other form of bowed disease in children or adults, is an almost certain cure, and has without doubt been more successful in curing the various kinds of CHOLEKA than any oilier known remedy, or the most skil ful physi - cian In luuia, Africa and Cauia, wheie this dreadful disea e is most prevalent, the . ,? V 1S CO 181 1ert'd b;v the natlves- as cn l.ui ujiean resiaeuts in tuo-e ri'iu.iies, a .-"ire remedy : and while p. i- a uost efli lent j rene v for pain, it i a nuT-frt.K DJfo m. Hi. I cine, even in unskillful" bauds. 'Directions accom any each bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25cts., SO'cts.. and 1 nor h tHf July 16:iw Jacob J-TirziL. James P. Uptox. STITZEL & UPTON, Heal Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Washington streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. TW Will attend to the sale and purchase ot Iteal Estate in ail parts of the City and State. Special attention given to the sale ot East Portland property. Address P. O. llox 4-V2. Portland. Oregon. STITZEL & UPTON, lStf. Ileal KHute Brokers. BUOXS AHDSTATONERY. HAS JUST RECEI V ED a tine stock of School ' O'dcs. Stationery and every thing usually kept in a book store, direct from the East, which he offers to the public at reduced prices. Store under the (J.Jtirt House. Give me a tud aDd cx ami ie my gond and prices. O'-egen City. June 18, 1870:if L-ON DELOUEY, the P.ARNUM RE TAl RANT, street, OREG x: C TY, Of Main Begs to inform the public and his friends that he has leased the lower part of the CLSFF HOUSE, Which he has opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. The table will at all times be supplied with the bet the market ailords. Orders for suppers and parties will be promptly attended to. Julv 2:tf Sheriff's Sale. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT DY Jl viitue of an execution is-ued out of the Ciicuit Court, of the Stats of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, and to me di rected, in favor of William P. Doland aid asrainst James M. Moore, for the sum of five thousand, eight hundred and nineteen dol lars and -i'.-lou ($", Sly 4)), W;th interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 11 th day of May, l5t',;, ana the further sum of $25 'jo-l oo costs and for dollars ac cruing costs ; 1 have this second day of'Ju'y, A. D., 1870, levied upon all the light title and interest of the sa d James M. Moore, which he now h:is, or may have had at any tune ;-ince the eleventh day ot March, A. D., lsi;i, in the loHowing dt serihed land, to-wit : Claim i!7, beinsr part of section thirtj'-oir-(:J1). T two (2) south R, two (!, cu.-.L con taining about sixty-three (.') aires, the same being the land sold by Geo. -. Pease, Ad ministrator de bonis iou , of tlie estate of Robert Moore, deceased. And will proceed to soil tiie same, at public auction, to the big hest bidder for cash, in frotoj th C.unt H u-e do r, in OregouCity. on S..turd--y, thosxth day of August, A. D., 1-7'', at the hour of lo o'ei'ick a. m., to satisfy said exe cution, Costs and accruing c -ts. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff Cla -kamas county, liv T. J. McCauvek, Deputy Oregon City, July 2, l70.:juUto LAUDEN & DcFHAMGL'S NATIONA BUSINESS CO PORTLAND, OREGON, For the instruction of Middle-Aged Men, Ycnng Elen and Boys, In the bianchcs of a Business Education. rIMIIS IS WITHOUT DOUBT A MOrtT JL thorough and etlicient Institution, and lias made for itself a name in Oregon, of which its friends are justly proud. The brai.chf-s whicli stand out piomiu n -iy in tbe cunic.dum of ttudy are IIOOKKKEPIXO. C ) M ERC I A L ARITH M ETI ?, POLITICAL ECONOMY, PEX.M ANSI! IP, COMMERCIAL LAW, CORRESPON DENCE, AC. A most thorough practical depariment is m constant operati , in which are com pr sed all t e miuutiaa of business iiff iiis. Students can enter at any time. No va cations. Call at rooms; coi ner of FRONT and AL DER streets,, or send for a circular cout.iu iug trull information. Address, LAl'UE. & Ot-KHAH CV I'ortla.iJ, Oregon. SheriiT's Sale. -VTOT1CE IS IlEREiiY GIVEN THAT BY JJ viitue of an executioa, issued out o i lie Circuit Court of tiie State ot Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, and to me direct ed, iu fiivor of William P. Do'an 1 and against James M. Moure, for the sum of hvi thousand, eight hundred and nineteen dol lars and 4")-loo, (.",S1U 4) with interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum irom tin ekventli day of May, IsiJO, aad the furiliei sum ot .$2sj Oo costs, an I tor dollars accruins? cos is I have t his seeotid day ot July, A , D., 1870. levied upon all t a? inter est w hich James M. Moore now has, or max have had since the eleve .t'i day of Marco, lS'il, in and to tlie land claim of Robeii Moore, deceased, said claim beiim knowi. upon the plats n the J.ni! O.Tiee at Oregos. Cny as claim No, 71. Notification No tV-n section C, T. 2, S. II. 1 K. and ciusui No r4. art of sectioa 1,T. 3 S. R. 1 K, sa;d mt-i-est being au undiv dedfomth interest in sai claim. And will proe ed to seil t.se same, a; public auction, to the liighst bidder tor cash, in trout of the Court Hons" door, h. Oregon City, on atu.daV. the sixth day August, A. D.. lS7",atthe hotirol in o'clock a. m., to satisfy said execution, costs and ac cruing coats. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff Clackamas cu ity. By T. J. McCarvek, Deputy. Or--n City. July 2, ls70.:juyt5 QOSMOPOL1TAX HOTEL. FORMERLY ABRIG0N!".-, fron r sr., Portland. J. B. SiEENGER, - rpnetor. The Pnprietors of this well known House having superior accommodations, guarantee I entire satifu tion to all ue-ts. The II 'tel Coach wul lie m attenoa e to convey passengers and baggage to ai d from the" Hotel, free of chanre. ( t-tf Office Oregon aud California Stap Co. JUSTICES" BLANKS, of every descr tion. printed at the Enterprise office COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOPJJTA. JPKOTZMAX K0. 121 FRONT STREET, Portland, Oregon. Asiot iter jpriii BOOTS & SHOES JUST OPENED OUT. rpHIS IS THE SECOND FULL AND AS L sorted stock received this spring. We be fif leave to assure our customers that we will keep our store ALWAYS FULL, And our Goods shall be of FIRST QUALITY in tlie MARKET. Those who have not heretofore dealt with us. are respectfully invited to call and ex amine oui goods. We challenge competition in prices, a sor trnent and quality. niay2Stf THE BEST KEW YORK ? ? AT SEV'EH DOLLARS, ALSO, A Lirgc of TT A T ft I WERE RECEIVED BY J. C. Meussfioilfer & Bro. C. W. FOP IEAf.Kl:S IX STOVER TIN PLATE. SHEET ITOV.rRA ZIL s" ' OIM'E!!. LI AD PI E. I n 111 K AND FiTNNGS, RUI5B ", I llO-ir). I. 'CI A N ! I I FT PUMPS 'A C, COPPER, BRASS AND IUuN WIRE. A'so a general assort nisl.ing Goods. enf of House ur- M A N UF A CTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Bron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESC IPTION I 'ONI-: '10 OR-'ER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also at fOPES (VE STOItE you will find HAMATA F AND BAS ETS, WOOD F.N, W. RE D IN AR , 'AXi-' NS, LAM ''S A N D OIL. LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. AL-0 PER AM BULATOlW. o All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES 10 UIT E TIME. C. AV. POPE & CO. Jl:ly Oregon City Oregon. Patronize Konie Industry. THE PIOriEER-CURLED HAIR MAKUFACTORV IS NOW PRE PARED TO I PP V THR market with a No 1 arti.de of Curled lia r ! U .stery work, which will coiu- re with any in l i te article In quality l i ice. Ipiv the highest rrice for Manes and Tails t Horses' and Tails of Cows at my stoic, corner Fr. nt aud Salmon streets. . D. Ml TZUFR. P rtlanU, Or. eon. I). SMITH. Gfp. r. COOK The OCCIDENTAL, FORMKKLT KSTEHN HOTEL. Con First and Morri-on Streets. PORT LAN D, OR KG OX. rs Me-srs. Smith .t Cook have taken this we I known lions;, reiuieu anu re.urinsueii it thi ou-jrout. b .iit a lanje ad -lition, inaknis; shirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the lining nd sitting room-, making it by far he best Hotel in Portland. A rail from the traveling pub'ic will satisfy them that the above statement are true. SMITH .v COOK, Proprietors X. B. Hot and -ohl baths attached. 4o if Ttf stan boo re . . r oeglis.Inf.u- .-:, Sore ll.roi.ll hoop'ng Co-igh, Croup. ,'Jrrr CjTnn'uint, Jlrotchiti, JiJ'rding of tttf f.uiigx, and every affection of the Throat, bun its and Chest, including Consumption. Uilar' IJals.im does not dry tip a Cough, hut lo -sen-; if. cleanses the lnnrs, ud all ns irritati n. thus removing the emu's .f the 'rrplai t. Xont renu ne nub ss lu-dl Ri.'tts. Pi rpar (1 bv ! t i W. Fowle Son. EostoH. obl by Re;i;n.;t n Ho;. tetter t Co., San Francisco, unJ bv d ;iler geneial'y. Jdi: j lu.i INGTO.N, 110STETTER & CO. Stop that Coughing ! Some of vou can't, and we pity yon. You have tried every l emery but ti e ONE destined, by its intiin b merit, to sutrsede ail similar preparations. It is not surprising ou should be itluc tant to try something else af cr the many cxp iments you b.ive made of trashy coiiip..ui.ds foisted on the public as a FlevyelTs Pulmonary Syrup is reilly the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Coughs, Cold, Sore Throats, Asthma, ll'havping Coughs, Bronchitis and Consumption. Th-aisaiids of people in California and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of PJewelTs Pulmonary Syrup and with one acrord give it their un qualified approbat on. We now itd.li ess ourselves to. all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea oi the are. for the healing of all diseases of the Tliroul uiitl Lungi, assuring you that Jewell's Pulmonary Syrup biis evired thousands, an-t it will cure YOU, if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the ta-te ; sooth imr, healing and strengthening in its eifvets; entirely free from all poisonous or deleterious druis.:md perfectly harm less under all circumstances. For Sale by nil Druggists. REDINGTON, IIOSTETIER & CO., iii and 41S Front street, San Francisco. Ilediiigton's Essence Jamaica Ginger, Jl'hlch .r confiih ttVu reccr.imtndrd as the Lest prtpai tit it, novi bfure the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly co. ceatrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger.has become one of the most popular domestic reme dies for all disea.-es of the stomach and digestive rg;ins. As a ionic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from deliility, whether produced by fever or oiherwi-e; for wlile it imparls to the system all the eb'W and vigor tlu.t can be piodated by wine or brandy, it is entirely f'n-e f m the reactionary effects that follow the use of spnits of any kind. It is a'so an excellent remedy for females who sutler from difficult men struation, giving almost immediate rt -lief to tbf sj asm that so frequently ac company that period. It rives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riuir g m a railroad car, or I y sea sickness, or other causes. It is also valua le as an external rp I li- at on for tout, Ilhe mati-m, Neu ralgia, etc. RKIIXGTOV, HOSTETTKK & CO., 410 and -US Front street, San Francisco. PiC lngton's Flavoring Extracts ABE THE V RFECTLY PERE AND highly c ncentrated Extracts from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great rare. Thev are put up in superior style, and in a bottle holding TWICE AS'MLCII as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none other are ne;til v so cheap. Whenever tested on tiikir merits, thev have been ad .pted in prei'ereuci- to -11 ' otheis. and air row the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS ot the Pacific Coast. MA UK THE ADVANTAGES, By pun-basing Rfdington's Concen trate 1 Flavoring Extract, you obtain an article not only sr.peiior in ricl.i ess and delicacy of fiivor to a: y other of'a simi lar nature, but far more economical, be cause e. ch b; ttle In ids d ubl the quantity contained in a bottle of any oilier flavoring extract sold. REOIXCTON. IJOSTE'ITER A C O., Agents for lae l ucilic Coaft. EOT. Would yon e scape FEVER AND AGUE, a- d oreseive be 1th and vigor durine On s ek v -eason, make occaioual use of the foil-wing as A PREVENTIVE. If you are ATT VCKED with Chills ai d I iliou- Fever, or have been a victim to saib diseese a d used other so-called n nvi es wi bout pf rrnanent relief, seek at oiiee t e safe t an I surest C XJ TI ID , b' using, ac onling to directions MASOM & POLLARD'; ANTI-MALARIA, or, Fever and Ague Pill. Time has proved theru thoroughly to be the safest and most reliabl ie nedy known. They contain no mercury or t cr mineral ( r chemical. Th"V are exclusively ve e tiible. Tluy stimulate the f.n"tior.s of t'.e liver. Couyre-tiuti isimpo-sibh- wh-re tho are ust d. They do not deter from d ii;y laiior. l;y a-sisttnjr dkre-tion they add ficsii and mil ele' the fane. Tliey are adapted u all acres and both sexesj riLd as a F AM SLY EOlCSE Will CURE in tbeir itK-ipleny, three fourths of all d season in.-ii'.ental to a niala'b'us climate. For I)vspr pta, in small lose they have no equal. F:r ale b id! I)ruj2;ai-ts. KED1XUTOX, IIOSTETTER & CO., Sole agents. Tho Battle for Life Which is continual'v goin on between health and disea-e, "has n-ver receive J fiom anv medi ine such marked and nn niist ikable assi-tance, on the side of health, as it 1 as f.om Mcwell's Pulmonary Syrup nEDIXGTOW, HOSTETTEK &CO, 415 and 415 Front street, San Francisco. AUCTION AXD COMMISSION AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and 0k streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchan dise and Horses, Every Wedhesday and Saturday ! A. 13. Richaedsox, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE Af. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws ; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron ; also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liners A. 13. Richardson, Auctioneer J.H.RALSTOIM, rlS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON Ci'i , OREGON. -TT7-IIERE HE WOULD INVITE HIS V friends, and the public in general, to all and examine his stock, consisting a general assortment of o o Clotliiisg,9 IIsils saEicl Caps, Crockery, Grocci'icsj &Cm Z?y Having, frorr manj' years' experience learned that O THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IK SHAIL PROFITS! IS DETFRMiNED TO OFFER SCCII INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Silence tbe Cry of Portland Piices! Oiegou City, August 28th, 1S00. Harvest of 1870 !! Selling off to Close Business, Asd mo M.IJMI1UC I OF o DHYIG09ES. o EEADY-MADE CL01HIICG. G SH0EF, ileDs' Ladies, Misses' aniiChiidrens'' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glassand Plated Ware, Pairts, tils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Eurners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. lias got to be sold Regardless of Price! To convince yourself with respect to this matter, callsit the old corner. . I. SELLING, u South of I ope - Co.'e- 2 in Ztore, Oregon City. WM. SINGER, M. 'WERTHEIMER. SINGER & WERTHEIMER, Have Established O L Factory FOR THE MANEEACTOEY OF SASH, BLENDS AND EGOLS, AND M'lULDlNGS OF ALL SIgES. o ew; They wi'l also do TURNING, of every det-ci iptiou to order, With Neatness and. Dispatch! Furniture s-tore atrertheimei's stand. o- ALL WO UK WARRANTED. Sho on the River, brck of A kpimiti'a OO 11 4-. , .. "-OJ oHjie,eivii ii vjiegtQi Dr. J, II. HATCH, DENTIST Tbe patronsge of tnose desiring limt Class Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. R. Stir nu x Oj-ydf administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Offick In Weiganl's new building, west side of Eirst street, I eiweeu Alder and Mor lisuti streets, Portland, Oregon. TXSUILVXCE. . i TIIE MANIIATTAS- LIFE, AKt) Xorth Erilish and Mercantile Firer Insurance Companies, E. D. WHITLOW, 1B tf OREGON CITY ACENT. Notice. rp HERE WILL BE A TURLIC EXAMIN- Q J ation of the Teacbeis for Clack mias i .u iv at thp ( ltv ieminarv. Wrenon titv. i on Monday, J ulv 2o, 1S70, at" 10 o'clock a. in , E. (JERRY, Pup t of Common Schools. Oregon City, Oregon, July, 7, J870:3t O o n 0 i o 1 I O O O f .1 ? t r O O O O i o Pita. T o o0 o 1 v i o e o o o c- o o O O il OG o ' if Si i! h V O o 0 o 0 0 ii O . r I- Le O 1 V !