The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, July 23, 1870, Image 1

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Ul N H UJluJl ll IklLIOijJJo
The Weekly Enterprise.
Business Man, the Farmer
OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Maiu streets
Oregon City, Oregon.
Single Copy one year, in advance,
.$3 00
Transient advertisements, including all
notices, y sq. of 12 lines, 1 v.$
2 50
1 00
FoiTJD''h subsequent insertion. . .
d ie Column, one year
Itilf " "
.$120 00
. ;o
. 40
O urter
U'l-iiie-is Card, I square one year 12
US' Ilemift mrt s to btj made at the risk o
S'i'jr:rib?r, and at the expense of Agents.
o '
fti The Enterprise office is supplied with
beautiful, a pproved .-t vies of type, and mod
ern M ACULE: PKl-:S:sr-;s, which will enable
tlie Proprietor t do Job Piinting at all times
Qwr, Quick and Cheap .'
l:'B Work solicited.
A'l Hini'txi. ti'anmrtions upon a Specie baL.
r- ' -. -
A Move in the Right Direction.
At an Anti-Coolie meeting in San Fran
cisco, held this week, the following pro
ceedings were This is a move ia the
right direction, and the rat-eaters will be
forced to leave our Coast before many
das in spite of the exertions of their
friends and protectors in the hulls of Con
gress :
OWiikiieas. Employment of Chinese la
bor in shoe and boot making; business and
oilier trades in this city has reduced the
w.iges nf such trades fifty per cent, there
by driving out of employment many of
our number: and whereas Unemployment
of Chinese m.nur trades is rapidly increas
ing in spiie of our "pt'o'e.sts, no attempt
in ide to put a stop to such immigrai ion to
ir criKiiYy. the very means of our peo
ple being used to encourage the importa
tion of Chinese by paving large subsidies
to steamers that bring them here ; and
wln-reas. the Chinese i tesli ni having be
come a national on . our fellow working
in -a in the Eastern Suites being already
threatened by the same competition that
is tteoiiving us of bread ; therefore, be it.
Jt-'s-ilreil. ly the mechanics and labor
ing nCTm of S in Francisco here assembled,
tli it we dewWre our determination to pre
vent this evft an I monstrous competition
that is now driving us and our families to
starvation, by any and all means in our
pow er ; that ve c ill upon our fellow
workmen throughout the United States to
siaml with us in this common danger and
m ike it. a (i!ies.i.a in which there shall be
no equivocation or subrenuges.
'-'. re J. That we demand of the Gov
ernment, of tin- United States a stoppage
of payments now being made to Chinese
s eauiers. and that we insist upon the ab
regi'ion of the treaty with China and the
passage of a law prohibiting mongolians
from cuining to this country, except for
Comm-M'cial purposes.
soli-ad. That for the better manage
ment ot our opposition to Chinese compe
tition, we are in favor of a convention of
mechanics and other laboring men of this
q A'.'-.soU'cZ. That all labor associations in
this city are requested to take immediate
steps to favor such a convention.
The meeting was addressed by A. Sum-
ner, t.en. n inn iiarris. ieo. i. .Mooney
Mr. Campbell. C. C. Ilidcey and others,
ne udy a!)of whom counsel d the most
violent, measures. The Anti-Chinese tarty
were advised to form civil and military
organization to oppose Chinese, and
Mooney said he had been preaching this
theory "night after night, of taking steps to
prevent the immigration of Chinese. ITe
was pleaded with the resolutions, particu
larly urgin ' on iom to form anti-coolie
companies and establishing headquarters
for men to be instructed in the drill, and
when we had 10 1.0)0 men organized, we
would see what would become of the Chi
nese, before the meeting broke up it
passed the, following:
7?e.W(V Z. That when we adjourn, we
will do so to meet ag uu next Friday night,
at the P.ivili in. to hear the proposition of
O Ahe Miianic"s State Council to carry out
our views relating to organization of La
bor Convention, so as to concentrate our
vieys in opposing further immigration of
Chinese to this country.
Amalgamating the' Army.
The following dispatch appears
in the regular telegraphic report
from AYashington :
Orders will soon be issued
authorising the assignment of
white recuits to the 9th and 10th
cavalry regiments, now composed
of colored troops. The object is
to keep the regiments to the
numerical standard. It is difficult
to obtain colored recuits.
That's it ! Mix the nisjerers with
tne white soldiers and thus jrradu
ally accustom the people to amal
gamation in all quarters! That is
i their game and yet we have some
silly fools in the Democratic party
who would savLet us accept the
situation V (Jj'v.ycrhctcl.
A negro judge in Alabama, when
his first case came on, and every
thing was ready, was told by a
lawyer that he "had neglected to
charge the jury, he rose up, put
ou his specs, and said : "Gentle
men ob de jury, I charge you half
a ilollar apiece, and you must pay
it "fore de case goes on." lie will
he in the U. S. Senate some of
these days.
.Why Talk About Eeditance?
From the Maine Democrat.
So inquires a friend in reference
to our suggestion to resist the Fif
teenth Amendment by an appeal
to the ballot-box, or by judicial
test, though Aye at the same time
believed that forcible resistance by
a single State in violation of law
not decided uneonstitutional,vould
be as unwise as it would be hope
lessly futile. Yet we by no means
intend to deprecate an uprising of
the people of this country against
the future aggressions of the fac
tion at Washington. On the con
trary, it is our deliberate conviction
that all further aggressions and
usurpations of Congress should be
checked, if it can be done no other
way, by the mighty voice of a pop
ular revolution. We speak these
words advisedly. They embody
the doctrines for the vindication of
which the founders of the Ameri
can Kepublic staked their fortunes
and their lives, and it becomes the
people in every State to cling to
them now, despite the menaces of
the faction which wields the purse
and sword of the nation and con
trols the corrupt current flowing
from what a short time since was
our great fountain of justice. AY hat
is called loyalty to-day is a ban en
lie, and true patriotism means stern
and manful resistance to the pow
ers that be. Is there never more
to be opposition to arbitrary ride?
Is there never to be a limit to sub
servient submission? Are ihe ma
jority of the citizens of this country
to refrain henceforth from having
a voice in its affairs? Is the Rad
ical faction to be suffered to oblit
erate the Constitution altogether
and forever, and to trample at will
upon the rights of two-thirds of the
people? It would seem so. Xow
or never is the time when those
who would stop this mad Radical
revolution must act. This year
the people must reconstruct Con
gress, or rather substitute a better
one. Xo tyrant has ever more
manifestly abused the power con
fided to him for the public good
than has Congress none has ever
rendered himself more justly amen
able to popular indignation and
lmnishment than the leaders of the
Radical faction. The- have over
thrown the public laws and time
honored chartered institutions.
They have cruelly oppressed and
wronged thousands of innocent
men. They have, by trickery and
violence, forced upon the people of
various States rulers whom the
latter justly and cordially despise.
They have wrested political power
from the hands of the white man
and conferred it in a. large measure
upon the "negro. They construct
and overrun date governments by
their own despotic edicts, regard
less of the will or ricrhts of the crov
erned. They are the masters of
this land, and if thev be not now
called to account, the American
freemen must soon sink into the
political serf. The hypocrites call
their course " progress." Crom
well called it the " Lord's work"
when he put his foot upon all that
was best and noblest in Kngland,
stabled his dragoons in her
churches and cathedrals, and filled
the Parliament at Westminster
Hall with a set of ignorant and
canting levelers. Marat preached
fraternity when the heads of hun
dreds of innocent women were fall
ing beneath the guillotine, and lit
tle children were being shot and
drowned en vta.o in the name of
liberty. If resistance to the course
which the Federal Congress is and
has been pursuing be not the priv
ilege nay, the duty of the people
then the teachings of all history
are wholly false, and the principles
for which"our fathers fought were
but so much clap trap. They be
came but perjured traitors by tak
ing up arms against the successor
of the Plantagenets and Tudors, if
Americans are to be accounted
culpable should they refuse further
submission to the decrees of the
sham Congress which now claims
to be the real and legal representa
tives of the people of the United
States. The South is helpless
Maryland is threatened standing
alone, and on the verge of deadly
peril, as did the prophet upon the
edge of the pit of ravening lions.
iut the Democratic party still ex
ists. The majority of the North
ern people, even here in New Eng
land, cannot but deplore the ruin
which is being wrought, and de
spise the agitators who recognize
now no law but their own will and
their own interest. The timid sub
serviency, or to speak plainly in
this great crisis, the cowardice of
the conservative leaders of the
large Northern States, has made
the Radical faction what it is. For
years they cowered before military
insolence and. the threats of arbi
trary power. They not only main
tained silence when it most became
them to speak out manfully, but
uttered from time to time thoughts
which they loathed, and accepted
doctrines which they despised.
Since the red cloud of war has
passed away they have ceased to
speak with bated breath, but mis
trusting the hsmest instincts and
noble courage of millions who
await the signal to vindicate lib
erty and constitutional govern
ment, they are dallying with
sell ernes by which to cheat a bold,
insolent faction out of its power of
seeking the channel through which
it may be most "expedient" to
filch back the rights and freedom
which have been taken. ITow long
the true patriots here at the Xoith
propose to bear the yoke of our
untrammeled and despotic Con
gress, we do not know. How long
they intend to consent to a surren
der of all they were taught to hold
so dear and pticeless, we may not
surmise. But in the name of all
that is patriotic in our cwn patri
otic and beloved State, not quite
powerless, we. protest against this
shameless apathy, this quiescent
degradation. On lier behalf we
demand of the intelligent and lib
erty loving people of this land a
re-assertion of the sacred right of
revolution, and when they do show
the knaves in power that they are
in earnest and resolute in tlie deter
mination to defend themselves, a
revolution will ensue than which
none has ever been more bloodless
and peaceful. AYhere there is lit
tle danger, Congress is bold and
insolent ; but with a few honorable
exceptions, not a more infamous
set of cowards ever pervaded any
legislative body. Let there be a
general uprising ol the people de
termined to govern, ami the now
defiant members will cower in the
AVirz Scraps of History.
The New York World, in criti
cising Judge Black's defense of
Stanton, published in the Galaxy,
introduces the following incident :
"Nor is it amiss here to state a
fact not generally known, but sus
ceptible of proof, that when on the
trial of Wirz, Judge Ould, the
Commissioner of Exchange, came
to Washington as a witness under
subpoena to prove the facts as we
have stated, Stanton sent him word
if he did not return home at ohcc
his parole would be determined,
lie went away and AYirz was
Commenting upon the subject,
the Savannah (Georgia) Hepub
lican says :
"To which we would add the ad
ditional fact, not generally known,
that Gen. R. E. Lee and Gen. How
ell Cobb were also subpoenaed and
ordered to Washington as witnesses
for the accused, but were subse
quently met en route by dispatches
from the government, ordering
them not to come on. Gen. Cobb
got as far as Savannah, and, re
ceiving his dispatch, turned back.
The prosecution had both these
gentlemen rejected as witnesses on
the ground that having engaged
in the rebellion they were person
ally infamous and not to be believed
on oath.
" We may also state, aUffh in
teresting fact in this connection,
that Gen. Cobb, who was in com
mand at Macon during the year
180t, had he been allowed to reach
AYashington, would have testified
that upon receipt of a very large
number of wounded Confederates
from a recent battle, more than
could be accommodated in Macon,
he wrote to Andersonville to have
a quantity of lumber that had been
collected at that place sent up im
mediately, to be used in the con
struction of temporary hospitals.
This lumber AYirz refused to let go,
alleging tha"t he had been trying
long and had procured it with diffi
culty in order to shelter his pris
oners. AYe had this circumstance
from Gen. Cobb's own lips."
Thus it was that witnesses for
the defense were silenced by that
bloodthirsty court, and poor -Wirz,
innocent though he was. was sent
to his last account. Stanton has
gone to meet him before a higher
tribunal, where no witnesses will
be required.
An exchange savs: " You might
as well attempt to shampoo the
head of an elephant with a thim
bleful of soapsuds as to attempt to
do business and ignore printer's
ink." That man's head is level.
Accepting the Situation.
Under this title, there is a spir
ited paper in 27ie Old Guard, for
July, commences in the following'
was ;
One of the most eminent politi
cal writers of England of the last
century says: "No man can be
too desirous of the glory of his
country, nor too angry at ill usage
nor too revengeful against those
who abuse and betray it." It is
not a little inspiring to the heart
and bfain of one, in these collapsed
sort of times, to read brave old
fashioned sentiment like this. The
drift of political writing at this
moment is altogether another way.
For a man to be anxry now at the
ruin of his country is to draw up-i
on his head the censure of a thou
sand asses, who, having made Up
their minds to " Accept the situa
tion," can see only "imprudence"
and " im practibility" in the more
brave and patriotic man, who does
not propose "accept" any " situa
tion" which involves the loss of
liberty and the destruction ot his
country. Looking out, through
the windows of the present time,
into the history of the past, we
find many great and glorious ex
amples, which appeal to us with
the power and authority of bat
tles, and triumphantly vindicate
the manhood and the sagacity of
those who have refused to accede
to the demands of despotism in
every age. Aristotle was a mem
ber of the Cabinet of Alexander
the Great, when he wrote his work
on government, entitled Politics,
which was in opposition of the
ambition and tyranny of Alexan
der. No doubt the general run of
the politicians of those times were
quite shocked at the hardihood of
Aristotle they denounced him as
an "Impracticable," "extreme,"
and " imprudent" , sort of man,
who refused to "accept the situa
tion" or to bend to the lessons of
"manifest destiny." Rut behold
now what a different fate time has
measured out to all these parties!
AYhile the thousands of timid or
venal fools who cried out at the
imprudence of Aristotle have piss
ed away into a voiceless oblivion,
and while even the glory of Alex
ander has grown dim, the book of
Aristotle survives, as an oracle of
political truth and wisdom for all
generations of mankind. The
work of the "extremist" who
could not be silenced by the hope
of office, nor the threats of power,
lives m perennial glory, while all
who denounced it have gone into
nothing but dust and oblivion.
Their ignorance, their venality,
and tleir cowardice have, thank
God, perished with their own
bones. The worms which fattened
on their decaying carcasses arc
now of just as much importance to
the world as the once rich and
swollen "conservatives," whose to
tal virtue and wisdom consisted in
"accepting the situation," and eat
ing the dirt of power like so many
hungry dogs. This bit of history
must be taken as a lesson to those
pitiable cowards in our midst, who
are reduced to that last extremitv
of degredation which can see no
sagacity in anything but "accept
ing the situation" of admitted
force, fraud, and usurpation.
Alas, alas, what wretches! what
dogs !
There is another example of a
great and honest writer, Titus lAc
ius, who in the time of the Em
peror Augustus, wrote to discoun
tenance the silly doctrine of "ac
cepting the situation," which called
for submission to wiong and on-
press ion.
The same did Sir Thomas Moore
j in the time of Henry the Eighth.
I The works of Machiavelli were
Written in opposition to the "situ
ation" of Italy when it a-as ruled
by princes, who oppressed the peo
ple. The same may be said of the
greater part of poetical writings of
Petrarch and Dante. These works
notwithstanding they were ,de
nounced by all the fools of their
day, have been growing in the re
spect and admiration of mankind
ever since. And all this time they
have been the fountains from
which honest men and patriots
have imbibed lessons of liberty and
truth. The world is as much bet
ter for having had such men in its
generation as it is worse from the
legion of knaves and fools whose
highest maxim has been to "ac
cept the situation," whether good
or bad.
The writings of Harrington,
Sidney and De A'oe those ever to
be revered names which were
such tremendous protests against
the political "situation" in Eng
land in their days, were bitterly
assailed by all the ignoraDt, or
1 A Y , .1 UjL Y 28, 1870.
venal, or cowardly raff of politi
cians; but they worked upon the
public opinion of England until
the "situation" was entirely
changed, ami this once free repub
lic of America, was actually born
out of the writings of these brave
and true men.
Such are the great results which
come from refusing to accept the
situation on the port of true and
brave men in every age. All the
liberty in the world was, from time
to time, born of the proud resist
ance to the "situation." And all
the unsurpation, all the political
crime, all the despotism in the
world, came immemorially out of
the accursed aeeept-the-situation
policy. This has been the fruitfull
old mother of all abominations. It
was the hist and only friend that
stood )y George the Third in his
battles against our forefathers. All
those detested loyalists of our
Revolution, who had at least to
flee as enemies to their country,
were only for "accepting the situa
tion" when despotism ruled over
this laud. Those who are now for
"accepting the situation" ought to
get together in grand convocations,
to celebrate the memory of their
great-grandfathers, the traitors of!
our Revolution. Those who were
for "accepting the situation" un
der George the Third, were princes
of honor and manhood compared
with the wretched cowardice or
venality of those who now advise
the people to "accept the situation,"
under the black ami dirty despot
ism of Grant and Congress.
The scoundrel who proposes to
"accept the situation," when he
sees the honor of his wife and
daughter threatened, is a fit com
panion of that renegade politician
who tells his countrymen that their
liberties and rgihts are all passing
away, and at the same time ad vises
them to "acct pt the situation."
The Stone Face in the Desert.
In the mountain around which
we had passed on the last day's
journey from Gila Rend, is to be
seen, plainly and distinctly, the
face of a man, reclining with his
eyes closed as though in sleep.
Among the most beautiful of ali
the legends told here, is that con
cerning this face. It is Monte;
zuma's face, so the Indians believe,
(even tiiose in Mexico, who have
never seen the image) and he will
awaken from his long sleep some
dav, will gather all the brave and
the faithful around him, raise and
uplift his downtrodden people, and
restore to his kingdom the old
power and the old glory as it
was before the Hidalgos invaded
it. So strong is the belief in some
parts of Mexico, that people who
passed through that country years
ago tell me of some localities where
fires were kept constantly burning
in anticipation of Montezuma's
early coming. It looks as though
the stern face up there was just a
little softened in its expression, by
the deep slumber that holds the
eyelids over the commanding eye;
and all nature seems hushed into
death-like stillness. Day after day.
year after year, century after cen
tury, slumbers the man up there
on the height, and life and vegeta
tion sleep on the arid plains below
a slumber never disturbed a
sleep never broken ; for the battle
cry of Yuma, Pimo, and Maricopa
that once rang at the foot of the
mountain, did not reach Montezu
ma's ear; and the dying shrieks of
the children of those who came far
over the seas to rob him of his
sceptre and crown, fail unheeded
on the rocks and the deserts that
guard his sleep.
Overland JSIonlhbj.
" May it please your honor," said
a lawyer, addressing the iudire. " I
brought the prisoner from jail on a
habeas corpus." " Well," said a
farmer, who stood at the back of
the court, "the lawyers will say
anything. I saw the man get out
of a cab at the court door."
Josh Billings says: "I don't be
lieve in bad luck being sot for a
man like a trap, but I have known
lots of folks who, if there was any
first rate bad luck laying around
loose, would be sure to get one foot
in it ennvhow.
Gifts. He gives twice
gives quickly, according to the
proverb; but a gift not only given
quickly but unexpectedly is the
most welcome of all.
Affability. This quality must
not go confounded with -politeness
i me tatter is me resur . ot external
polish, the former an indication of ! ators and Representatives, a Con
, goodness of heart. servative Congressional Campaign
Congressional Address to Democrats
and CcnservatiYts.
Washington, June 24, 1870.
The Democratic Senators ami
members in Congress, at a caucus
held last night, agreed upon an ad
dress, which was to-day signed and
issued, as follows:
To our fellow citizens of the Unit
ed Mates, f riends of constitution
al, economical and lionest yov
emment: The undersigned beg leave to call
your attention to the peculiar im
portance of the elections which
take place this year, and respect
fully to submit suggestions for your
consideration. By the State Leg
islature to be elected nearly one
third of the United States Senate
will be chosen. Neatly all the
members of the next House of Rep
resentatives are to be elected next
fall. Upon the coming elections
then depends the question whether
the Democratic and Conservative
element in the Senate shall be in
creased, and whether that element
shall have a majority of Represen
tatives in the House of Represen
tatives, and as a consequence,
whether we shall have constitution
al, economical and honest Govern
ment or a continuance of revolu
tionary, extravagant and wasteful
partisan ride; whether we shall
have a general, uniform, just and
constitutional legislation, with rea
sonable taxation and frugal expen
diture, or unconstitutional, partial,
unjust class legislation, with op
pressive and unequal taxation
wasteful expenditure.' That we
have strong reasons to hope for a
favorable result is plainly apparent.
The elections already held clearly
show that the tide of reform has
set in with a power that cannot be
resisted. If no blunders be com
mitted by the friends of reform; if
they do their duty and act wisely ;
if they throw off all apathy, and
act with vigor" and steadfastness,
there is every reason to hope that
their efforts will be rewarded by
success. Let there be no dissen
sions about minor matters; no time
lost in the discussion of dead is
sues ; no manifestations of narrow
or proseriptive feeling ; no sacrifice
of the cause to gratify personal
ambition or resentment, and let the
best men be chosen for candidates,
and we may hope to see our coun
try redeemed from misrule ; and in
this connection we beg leave to say
to our fellow-citizens of the South
ern States : Do not risk the loss
of Senators or Representatives by
electin 1" men wli o cannot take the
test oath, or who are under the dis
ability imposed by the fourteenth
amendment. AYhatever may be
said as to the validity of that
amendment, or of the test oath act,
you may rest assured that Senators
elected by the votes of members of
Legislatures wdio are held by the
Radicals to be thus disqualified
will not be permitted to take their
seats, and that members of the
House of Representatives thus dis
qualified will also be excluded. It
is the plainest dictate of practical
wisdom not to incur any such risks.
AYe liope soon to seethe day when
all disabilities will be removed;
but in the meantime do not, we
entreat. you, lose the opportunity
to strengthen the Democratic and
Conservative force in Congress, and
the possibility, nay, probability, of
obtaining a majority in the next
House of Representatives, by put
ting it in the power of our adver
saries to overthrow or disregard
your elections.
A i Thurcnau, Ohio; VCm T Hamilton, Mxl ;
John N Johnston, Va; 1) , Garrett Davis, Ky;
Oeri Viekers, Id ; J 11 Storkton, N J ;
T F Bayard, Delaware ; K easterly, California;
Thos V Met retry, Ky; W buulcbury, Del;
Dan'i S Norton, Minn ;
Of the United States Senate;
and by the following members of
the House of Representatives:
S J Randall, Perm ;
P Van Trump, Ohio ;
It J Haideinan, Penn;
J L Oietz, Penn ;
l.toyd Winctif ster, Ky ;
(i W "Woodward. Tenn;
iet'ii .vreiKT, .MU;
John D Stiles, Penn:
J S Met "orcm.-k, Mo
. KJNiUaek, Indiana;
O Cleveland, .N .J ;
Fernando "Wool, N Y ; E M Wiison. Minn :
J S smith, Oregon ; E t Dirkinson, Ohio
"h Jioi-gan; mio ; reter w Htrader Ohio-
' 1 'I'" um, a, .luuit jjl i reus, Illinois
T N MeXeely, Illinois: Patiick Ilamill. Md -
Era.-t u.-( Welirf, M o ; l'eter M Dox, Alabama
oiwAoonnsiHi, ai Jt J Calkra, New York-
Ben 1 Biprs. Deieware ; J G Shumaker N V -Jas
B Beck, Ky : W H Bammn Vonn
D W letter, M Y ; Thos 1 . .Inn, ' i?.m '
Sam Mambleton, Md ; J (J Conner Texas'-
J Proctor Knott. Kv;
"W N Sweenv, Ky ;
Tos II Lewis," Kv;
D S Trimble, Kv;
John T liird, N J;
Thos Swan. Md :
S S e'ox. . ew York ;
( has Haiht, N J ;
S S Mair-hall, 111 ;
S L M ay ham, N Y:
John Mornw. N Y
John M Rice, X y ;
j.nn i o.x, iew oi k ; Sain Is Axtell. Cal:
v ru S lloiman, Ind ; C A Kldridsre, Wis;
M C Kerr, Indiana ; Oeo M Adarn. Kv ;
D M Van Auken, Penn; J M ( "avanaus-'h, Mon ;
J as Brooks, NY: J K Shatter, Idaho ;
Alberto P.urr, Illinois; S T Nuokolls, Wyoming;
AVm ilngen, Ohio ; DW Voorhees, Ind;
A A G Rogew, Arkansas.
At an adjourned caucus of the
Democratic and Conservative Sen-
' Committee was selected, consisting
of two Senators at large, and one
Representative from each State
represented in the Senate and
House by Democratic or Conser
vative members. This Committee
had power given them to appoint
a Democratic and Conservative
resident committee, together with
citizens of the city, to the number
that may hereafter agreed upon.
Hon. J. S. Smith is on said com
mittee for Oregon. q
. &- frw
How Mr. Munsren Stirred the Wrath
of the Austrian Envoy.
A curious incidenfhas leaked
from the State Department, a very0
leaky vessel in esscntialsCthougl
so mysteriously and solemnly reti
cent in small 'particulars. Shortly
after a very objectionable sjeech
from the Hon. William Mungen,
of Ohio, on . Cuban affairs, Baron
Charles Lederer, tfic Austrian En
voy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary, visited the Secre
tary of State, with the speech afore
said in hand. The interview is
thus narrated :
Tfie Baron called thePnttention
of Mr. Fish to it, and said that ho
had come on belialf of liis Govern
ment to ask explanation and satis
faction from the Government of
the VJnited States. O
"Tin's," he said, "is not the mere
production of your newspaper
canaille but it comes from a mem
ber of Congress, and is published
m the Government organ, the
The Baron wished to knov
whether Mr. Fish approved it,
either categorically or otherwise.
Mr. Fish declared and no doubt
with unusual sincerity) that he did
not subscribe to any part of it ; and
furthermore was willing to concede
thtit the speech was an outrage,and
Mungen a nuisance ; nay. heVould
even agree with tdie Baron that
both th"e press and Congress were
nuisances. But what oulde do
in the premises? Mmigen had
abused him.
" Never mind dat " said the
Baron, "I would not even mind it
if he abused me; but it is my Gov- O
eminent he insults, and deii I feel
it here," striking his breast. o
" But, Baron, he had abused the
British Government, and the Rus
sian and the Spanish, and United
States Government."
" Yes, but I am not ze keener of
the honcur of zesc1, but it is for the
insult to my JEmperexir I demand
' My dear Baron," replied the
Secretary, "I really can not make
this an international question. I
deeply regret that we have no
power to punish tljj's exasperating
man. Our laws unfortunately do
not permit it. Look, he has abused
even our own President."
" Ware dat ?" asked the Baron
"No he call him gifted President?
means genius, talent: flatter him:
abuse everybody
and all govern-
ments else."
No !" ejaculated Mr. Fish
meant to insult the President - bn
perpetrated an out ra ere : he told .a
falsehood when he said the Presi-
dent was mited "
"AYhat?" asked the nuzzled
Baron, " he says what not true
when he call the President gifted ?
AY ell, met f,i! zough you and I,
Monsieur Fish, knoAtDthat he is not
very ongtit, you Ins Mjnistere
might have let him pass zat leelle
compliment. But if he abuse zo.
President and you have to suffer
zat, I have no more to sav. Good
morning, Monsieur le Secretaire."
Air. Pisli (very obsequiously) -"Good
morning, Baron."
"But stop, Mr. le Secretaire.
You want to know what we clo in
Austria with this fellow you call
31 ungen ?"
" What would you do, Baron?"
" A e would put him in one dun
geon, Vlr. Fish." - Washington
Cor. AT Y. Sun. q
Not having heard from the de
bating societies, in relation to the
conundrum, " A"hy do hens always
lay eggs in day-time?" a cotempo
rary answers, " Because at night
they are roosters."
AATiy is the letter R very unfor
tunate ? Because it is always in
trouble, wretchedness and misery,
is the beginning of riot and ruin,
ami is never found in peace, inno
cence, or love.
Correction does much, but
encouragement will do more. En
couragement after censure is like
the sun after a shower.
Spurgeon's nose has become a
matter of London newspaper com
ment, It is as much reel as his