o O o o o 0 o o o o o o IITrtdLl FEET. In castle halls or cottage homos, "Wherever guileless childhood roams, O. there is nothing half so sweet, As busy tread of little feet. The sighing breeze, the ocean's roar, The pni'ing rill, the organ's power. All stir the soul, but none so deep, As tiny tread of little feet. Vbon forth we go at early morn, To meet the world and brave its scorn. Adowu the garden-walk so neat. V.rusee the taints of little leet. o 4 At eve, when homeward we repair, With aching limbs and brow of care, The voices ring cm clear and sweet Then comes the rush of little feet. The knives ire lost, the dishes stray, The tool are spirited away. And when we go the lost to seek, Vv'e take the trail of liltle feet. But when the angel Death hath come, And called the fl uv"rest frcm our home. Oppressive :;ilenee reigns complete Y.'eCihiss the sound ot little feet. The toojsj are safe, no dishes strr-y, !No doors go slamming all the day ; Ilut. O ! 'twould give us pleasure sweet To hear aain those noisy feet, Soft night hath come ; all are-a.-!eep ; Yes. all but me. 1 vigil keep. Hush ! hits li ! mv heart, and cease to'beat, Was that tile step of little feet? o Yes. mother, 'tis the softened tread Of her you miss and. mourn as dead ; And often, in your sweetest sleep. You 11 dream of hearing little feet. And when this pilgrimage is o'er, And you approach that blissful shore, The first to run your soul to greet, Will be vour darling's little feet. O ! . ' now toiLu i: lie carried my satchel to school. And me throegh the drifts carried too : Could I think why he hugged me so close"' O If I couldn't, how could I '.' could you ? At eve lie tied under my chin My hood with its bright ribbons blue ; Why he gazed in my lace, could I tell ? If I couldn't, how could I ? could you ? Ile told me-my eyes were so black, The brightest of any he knew ; Cl blushed and looked down: could I help it? , f r . . i i 'i. 1 11 f 9 I I , ' II 1 COUiUil l, nun luuiu J- . lunia vuii . v.1 qIIo left on my chek a warm kiss. O Then oft' with the lightning speed flew: If I could I'd have scolded and stumpt : df I couldn't, how could I? could you? ?Twas long years ago, and since then He has spoken words loving and true ; I only leaned close to his breast. For how could I help it? could you? o o A Word to the Girls. 1 )o our j'oung women know what it is tliat strikes one who lias been uw ay from the country lor a time the most unpleasantly on his re turn ? It is not their faces, assured ly, which for regularity of outline, aiu delicacy and freshness of tint, are unsurpassed, indeed, are not equalled, by anything that one sees abroad, save in the linest pictures. Xor is it their forms, which are lithe, supple, and graceful, with a spring in the step and a freedom of carriage that are always a de light to the eyes. Xor can it be said to be their dress ; for though they dress too much, in colors too positive and decided, and are in this respect far behind the French wo men, they are yet in advance of all others, English, German or Italian. Tint it is the A'oice and ihc manage ment of the voice. After looking at our American girls, it is a disap pointment to heSr them speak. What they say is perhaps well enough, but the tone and mode in which they say it is not well enough Their voices are commonly too thin and shrill, and when they are not, lire pitched in too high a key. Sometimes they come through the nose a good deal lflore than is de sirable. They have a metallic ring, or at least a ready quality, like vox Jiwruiiio of the organs, and not that sft, low, and gentle oualit v. which Shakespeare proclaimed so excellent in woman." Climate lias ! no doubt a good deal to do with this result, for the fault is most per ceptible at the South ; but careless ness lias epiite as much to do with it Our mothers and teachers, we suspect, do not take much pains to train their children and pupils into habits of enunciation. They are carefully taught to sing, but they are not carefully taught to read and speak. Yet more titan half the charm of all social intercourse de pends Jjipon the agreeable or disa rreeable use of the voice. How repulsive when one has been losd in admiration of a beautiful face and a noble figure to hear the mputh open like the grating of a. hinge, or the " sptawk "of a guineafowl ! How delicious when Jt opens with the sweet thrill of a ilute or with the warble of birds, or with that deep, rich, mellow and sympathetic liquidity, which no other instrument but the human throat ever attains ! .PutiJiatStt JUTtfaziric. Cost of the Late War. A Confederate medical officer lias estimated that the whole num ber of Confederate killed during the war was 53,773 and including those who died by disease, the number lost was 100,000. He says th whole available force of the Confederates fiom first to last was 600,000, 3Ir. Geo. II. Stuart, in a lecture in Philadelphia, on Thurs day night, stated3 that the number of men enlisted in the Union army during the war was '2,000,055. The number of commissioned vessels was 731, and tlie number of color-j ed soldiers 178.975. The total! number of men in service when General Lee surrendered to Gen oral Grant was over a million. The Government spent for the maintenance of the struggle about three thousand live hundred million of dollars. The cost of the South' 1 a i rii cannot oe compuiou. me ex j i.ense of the slave property and, imted at live thousand million dol-i lars in gold. 3Tr. Stuart stated that the proportion of the South for the. national debt had now to be paid, and will make a thousand million dollars causing the aggre- gate loss to the South to amount to full six thousand million dollars. Short Cut to Misery. lWin by thinking that no one cares anything lor you, that you tire not of any use to anybody a sort of nonenity in the household where your place would not be missed, but easily supplied. Pon der on your want of beauty, and lead yourself to believe that no otic can love a plain face, or think you are agreeable, because there are others more charming. Fancy that every one who looks upon you makes a mental comparison which militates you in favor of some one else. Imagine that every word in jest, is only meant to cover a deeper and more painful one; that every article of wearing ap parel you don is criticized and rid iculed. Do all this, and your ten dency to morbidity of feeling will so increase that in a very short time vou will become one of the mos miserable of hitman beings. Iru3 iiercisni. The man who walks the street with unruftled brow and peaceful heart, though his business is ruined his prospects be clouded, and his family reduced to want, who main tains his integrity amid the peril ous temptations of the hour, and bravely, hopefully struggling against these stern adversities up born by an unyielding providence, is a hero. And in yonder room, where that pale-faced girl, through long weary days and dreary nights, with aching eves and wast ing frame, bravely battles oft gaunt starvation or flouting infa my, with no other weapon than a trusting heart and little needle- there is one of God's great CD her o- ine A ew L SK FOU VrillSKY. .V Scotch correspondent of the Lon don .Farmers Chronicle linds a use for. whisky at once novel, in teresting, and original. His apple and cherry trees had been greatly injured by blight, and every ex periment to arrest the disease was unsuccessful. Finally he concluded to dose his trees with whisky. This he did in June, 1800. The effect has been magical. Xo blight has smce appeared. lie al so rid his plum trees of insects by the use of whisky; and he found it eifctnal in curing his dogs of mange. Y e believe it would cure sheci of the scab. Great is whis ky when used for proper purposes. One of the most singular sights growing out of the war is a contin uous line of peach trees of nearly fifty miles in lenghlh, around Pe tersburg, ami extending toward IJichmond. They are growing from the breast-works thrown up b; the rebel army, and are the on ly legacy left by the poor fellows who were on the advance line within one hundred yards of our forces. Having eaten the fruit ! while on picket duty, they cast the j aml nmv tI),:v :n))e;ll- in one continuous line of forty-five miles of beautiful trees, which yielded an abundant crop the last A Xkw Pi:mi:iv. From Sur prise Valley comes the following story of an old fellow who got very jealous because his' young wife went to a ball with a good looking fellow, ttml staid out until broad daylight. The old chap went to a Justice of the Peace and to his story, winding it up with "I want yer to help me for that ar thing lias been goin on bout long eimf." "Vrdl," says the justice, "you can write down to Yreka and see if some of the lawyers can't get you a divorce." "Divorce!" roared man, "Who the d 1 the angry wants a di- vorce . i he Justice, began to get wrathy. "It you don't want a divorce what the donee brought you hereV" V hy I want ail injunctioi ion to stop iurther proceedings!" A merchant in Montgomery, Ala., recently hired a new clerk, and ot course innitiated him at once into the mysteries of the "trade mark' Shortlv afterward me Kmght ot the- yardstick u-n s.iowmg some goods to a lady cus tomer, when sue d sue demurred at tl ne prices. llie tee hnrrs .-.f of the mer ! ! chant may he ima-ined when tliejiS-l vnnnnp ini n.-i!!n.l i . ton ot Ins voice: "Wh-it tins; lor . It 1 marked lour dollars i aro now being sold singly at cost, or whole and a half, and CO-t fiiv emts ' " j sale less than cost. Other goods at greatly '-'--i- reduced rates. (4'-'.tf GREAT REDUCTION I EH PR! AT 13. L. STONE isvy r?i rosst Street, VVALlilAJi W AlLlll GOLD OROIDE WAT LUTES AXD CIIAIXS, FIXE JE WELTI Y AXD SILVERWARE. A.I1 at Xew York Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EVERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches and Jewelry repaired. jnOif Savings ! Gavir.i FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF POrSTLADD. 1 Savings Do artrrerst ! This Bank has c.-dablished, in connection with its fti'iiem! F.;uikin:r business, a savings deiiiirttiieiit, ami will allow interest on coin deuo.-its, made in accordance with the condi tions adoptvd by this'Uank. In c.-tabii-lrii-,' a Savin -s Department, this Banking Asscci 'tion lias in view the- bent'tit-. to accrue to a class of peis ins having small suns to loan, by providing a sare lac- ot deposit, ample sc-enntv, and !a;r rate of in terest, as w, U as to ayr e irate an 1 brinj vto use Hie capital. For the safety of deposits in this Rink, are ple.i-ed its entire cap tal and resources, and also the personal liability of it Diicc tois and Stockholders, as provid ed by Sodioii 12 of the National Currency Act, approved Jv. c ?, . IS.il, a greater secu rity than that given by ordinary Savings Bank-. Printed copies of the conditions up on which deposits are received, may bo had upon appl ;C:i! ion to the Board. J1I;N'KY FA 1 LING President JAMES STKKL Cashier DIRECTORS: IIkxivt Faiiino, Hknhy W. Corbktt, 11. Walki'ii.lo, Jauks Stkel, W. J. YanSc new nit. Thomas Cliarman'! Successor to CHAiniAX & BRO., rpiIE DEATH OF MY BBOTIIER II AS JL compel'el me ar;iin to cliaue the name of the firm of CHAKMAN & BRO. to that of Til DM AS CHARM AN bavins purchased of the estate all the interest held by my broth er in the stock of jroods owned hy Ciiarman Brother, taking effect January Gd, Will be Carried on as Usual AND A FULL STOCK Will be kept up ly me, and will consist, in part, of the following branciics oftra.de : Dry Goods mid Clothing, JIals Caps, Loots and Shoes; Jancif jYotions. Perfumery And Patent Hedicines. Paints, Oih, Color Dye Stuff's and Varnish, Quecnsicarc, Crockery iC' Lamps Sash. Doors, and Window Blinds, Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, Rope, and KaiU Of Lvery Description. I ash Especial Attention to my FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. G ROGER IE S O F E VER Y VARIETY. Famsng Emblements OF ALL KINDS. TS" Attention will be paid to any business left with me on Commission. Notice. My Du-dness with all who favor me with their patronage, will be done on a (ioLi kasis but Ijegai Tender will be re ceived at the market quotations. I desire to say to a!i who favor me with their pat roil a ire that I shall use my best ability to please them, and all orders slut 11 meet with prompt attention. My facilities for doini; business are as good as any house in Ort'iron, ami I pledge myself to sell as Cheap as any House in tiood standing in the State. I will not be undersold bv any one Please give me a call and examine tor your selves. Thanking vou f r past favors, 1 remain, llespcetfuilv vours, THOMAS CIIARMAN. ver liy.uyy? persons Testify to the A'ondeidul cures ot V)n. J. W. .MURRAY'S Balsam for tlio Liver and Blood. NATURE'S OWN REMEDY. One of the CV rh:;.ici.- of Prt1an.l, .nntt !i( 1 curia i'j in 1. 111, nun iicir rotu p ihif. ''J. that fif oc.s- hi life t" Dr.M'r 7 at' 'ts Luii'j and Liver 7lnlxitm. Rihul trhat h'-sati" : Poirri.Axn. Mav '21. 10.). I have tried Dr. J. W. Murray's Lung ami Liver IJ-ilsar.i. I use 1 it in my fata lly with the best of success. I was sick for some months, and used every remedy. I called several pln-sicuins, hut thev did me no trood. I exhausted every remedy known to the medical profession, and received no ben efit. This Lung and Liver B dsani cured me, and I do not heitate to recommend it to the miblie and my friends, as a good and safe rem dv. Th'se who know me. as many do in thisStati, know that I would not recom mend them to use a thing that l as no merit, because I am opposed t quack icmedies. G. W. BROWN. M. D. . - 1 IT 1 I . 7 W For sale. at BELL A PARKER S. and at ad Drug Stores on the Pacific Coast. 'Jit p G. STEWART, iVo. 10D FROST STREET, rORTLAND, OREGON. o Watchmaker And Jeweler. And Dealer in CLOCKS. WATCHES. AND lFU'P! PR COllVU .trnnt i'r.r- Wil.ftv Poa'Hsii&cl, Oregoia. CIIAIXS AXD PJXGS, CLOCKS, JOHN MYERS. II. C. MYERS. s under the court house, oi:i:;on citv, ouecijn.. ketail dealers in 18. Y GOODS, HARDWAKE, YTc al.-o constantly keep on hand SALEM C A S S I M F. R E S, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AXD BLANKETS, Which w e will sell at the Factory Trices, and will take wool ;u exchange. J7"We will also pay the highest price for Butter, Eirs, and ad kinds of uood country produce. V.'e will .sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Ca.-h or its equivalent in good mercliaiit ible produce. Kr" Give us a call aiid sati.-fv yourselves. TMPEIUAL MILLS. JL Savier, LaU-cque & Co., UllECOX CITY. CTV.Keep constantly on hand f; side, ihnir Midlines, Uran and Cliicken Feed, Partita pinching feed mut furni.-h the sack. JOHN II. SCIIUAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SAL DLLS, HARNESS, s'-'--' .etc., etc., ?Itit) .':.YV(f, Oregon City, i?3Vykei to represent that he is now a? well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest, establishment in the State. lie particulai ly rcpu sts tliat an examination of Ins stock be made belure buying elsewhere. rrm?j T" Successor t J. F. MILL: 11' Co., m a x i" f act i" n .: n o f a x n 1 k 1. k it 1 x noons asad SSaoes ! J he Oregon Cily Boot and Shoe Store, Main street. THE BEST SELECTION Of La die', (J cuts'. Boys', and Children's Boots and Shoes, on hand or made to order. ORAM, WILLIS A Co., TdVFRy FEED AM) R.M.FiJO IS5 r.UI7 'CIS TT 12-C a OREOON CITV, OREGON. o Having recently added to the Livery Stock new Carriages, Buggies and Horses, are now prepared.ai all times to let the same, at reas onable rates. Horses bought and sold, or kept by the day or week. 0EEG0N CITY BREWERY ! jSrp HENRY II UMBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the public, that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 qe.ality of LAG Kit el: Eli, -As rood as can be obtained anywdiere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly tilled. JOIIX M. BACON, Tmnorter find Derr in ."ES35 G2 e STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, &c, &c, Oregon City, Oregon. At C1ar?i),i IVurr.vr x old stand, lately oc cupied by S. Achiman, Main, street. 10 tf S. D. SMITH. The OOOII Gko. B. COOK. FAL, FOUMEKtr "Y7 ESTER X HOTEL. Cor. First and Morri-on Streets. POKTLAN I), OREGON. K'W Messrs. Smith & Cook have taken this wed known House, refitted and rel'urnislieh it throughout, b:ii!t a large addition, making thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the dining and sitting room-, making it bv far the best Hotel in Portland. A call" from the traveling pub'ic will satisfy them that the above statements are true. SMITH & COOK", Proprietors. X. B. Hot and cold baths attached. 4d tf g HADES SALOOX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MA IX STREET, Oregon City. O Bext BILLIARD TABLES in OREGOX Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anJ Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE ox' Drt.vrGiiT. Families supplied. WHEN THE ,00K OUT FOE THE LOCOMOTIV: a "133 J" w is isrse i sis it? to AVIiilc tliey are M Cost 1 1 r w 1 Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now better prepared than ever to attend to the wants of my customers, and having a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, I hnve decided to Sell off at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact I ask vou to call and satisfy yourself. Mv stock consists, in part of the following" articles : LADIES DHESS GOODS. BAIAl ORALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such a:s Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOVES, best quality ; IK )SI VAX Y HIIOWN AND DLEACIIED TdFSLTXS. nil v.id.s: LOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AS I) CAPS : CLOTHING : FIXE I! LACK. D K ESS SUITS ; CASSIMKUK StiTS; SUl'EinOli HEAVES SKITS : HOYS" AXD YOUTHS" CLOTHING, all fdze and nnuHiios. JED- A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT AXYHODY all on the most reasonable terms. Also a ianro stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods.. GROCERIES -A well Peloctod assortment. DOOKS AND AVIXDOWS. f- All kinds of Produce lh 112 FRuXT STREET, 1531 FIRST stri:et, Near Morrison Street. Near Yamhill. EAST r. CAEALIN. I-ew Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST TIECEIVKD! ?' Sli'l. rlutit in ) C,fii f Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as Li iikcl t', Ti.' l i H's, 1 Houghton A Coolidgo's. L'eed's, (.4,-dfrey's and numerous others of jronts' and bins' wear. Ah- ! ne s. Si Ihh's, Hurt's, San Francisco and custom-made children's wear. ladies and Our customers and the public in goner:'.! are invitee! to call and examine! our ttck, which we will sell che-apcr than ever. P. S. Hoots made to order, ai.el an assort ment of our make constant 1 v on hand. N JOTICE. The People's Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM ORESON GSTY 1S' FOLLOWS : FOIL PQKTLAND : At ?2 A. M., everv d.tv, except Sunday. And 1 P. M., every ehy. FGr Salem, Albany and Corvallis: OX MONDAY, TUESDAY. TlIUilDAY, AXD FKIDAY. at 7 o'clock A. M., And for Dayton : ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY, t each week. o A. A. McCULLY, President. Nov. 27th. 1SCH. HO.tf FEW WAG OX AND Carriage a nu factory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of ilain and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform hU ohl pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, ancl the ver best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort ot a vehicle f rom a com mnn cart to a concord coach. Try me. Dlacksmiihing, Horse or Ox sl oeing, and general jobbing ncatlv, oun-klv and cheap ly done. DAVID SMf i II. Opposite Excelsior Market LiHOOLN BAKERY. BAS LEY, HARDS KG l GO., Saccesiors of L. Dij.lkk in the Lincoln IJaktry, BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE CTTI zens of Oreiron City and surrfunding country, that they "keep "constantly 011 baud and for sale, all V'nds of DIIEAD, CH M'kKiS, CAKES. PASTI;Y, C A N D I E - A N D N UTS. Also, a good and general as-ortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Orders promptly filled, and goods deliver ed at the residence of the purchaser when desired. The highest prices paid f;r Butter, Eg ts and A jogetub! s. 03 A liberal share of public patronage is re spectfully solicited. April 2l l-7i.': Iv BELL -RINGS' yens going- CLeap ! oeos T2 T .: - !.' A. CS WANTED X A L L A 31 E T CGMPANY ! Vrsi t t to) r B 5SS. CPS And Toller Eniiclen 'f-- 2 ortli Front ami E stt MiSS WrUKiEM, WieJiOI!. IIESE WORKS ARE LOCATED OX the I L hank of the river, one block north of Couch's Whar f, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and e.iteientlr. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years ives him a thorough knowledge of tlie various kinds of machinery rcjuired for mining and milling purposes. We a'-e prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING I'UMPS ! ! Sec., eSco., Scc... jr.:r,vf,t,-t,n-f and E j n',r J'ticliiner? of aU ;.. JKOX SIIVTTEU WOEK 'ai San Friin:L-i vcM (not trti'jht. Whtth-r ef' L',11, l,ii'x I'liiint Grin der an I AuialoiUiiotor. l,n,:irs an! r S f Aij uxtinlj lUiUid I'iffi-n I'y'St , either ujjlU,! to old or nev ';''.'') cifiit.lc-rii. Quartz Stampers, Shoe and i's,if the text Tiard iron, oAy CUAS. HODGE. .C1IAS. E. CALEF . . GEO. W. SXELL. IIOLGS, CALB? & Co., DEALEKS IX DEUaS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND V.' IN DOTS' GLASS, FA EXIST! ES, EE US EES, PAIXTEES JSateriacs, ana arvjj'tnts1 Sundries. 07 Krojut Strrot, Portland, Oregon. e. p. ra'-sELi,, Ileal Estate Attorney. C. V. FERIfY, Xctary Public Ferry, 3 EEAL ESTATE BROKEKS AND COLLECTING AGENTS, Northwest corner of First and Washington Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. PECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Sale of ileal E.-t:itp Cil!rrtirms mMrlo in Oregon and Washington Territory. A large amount of elesirable City Prop erty, Town Lots, Improved Farms. Stock Ranehes, Timber Lands, &c, situated in the Lest portion.; of Oregon and Washington Territory, for s ile on reasonable terms. Special attention is called to a large amount Eesirable Property in Clackam s County. FULL AP.STEACTS OF TITLE AT THE BRANCH OFFICE, ON MA IS STUF.ET, ORECOS CITY, At the office of JOHNSON & McCOWN, Ileal Estate Brokers. No rxpepse incurred unless a sale is made May i'l:tf 17 G. CATII WHOLESALE GROCER. 32 Front Street, Portland. GOODS BY THE PACKAGE, FOR CASH at SAN FRA.N CISCO PRICES, and Freight, fa-Orders Promptly filled in San Francis co, if desired. (iO.tf 3, I. O. of O. F.-- 1 w a evcry Thursday cven- pfff ifg at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's uau, jiam s ect. Menil.er-- of HiC Order are invited to attend By order. a. FEEHCil MEDICAL OFFICE. ft. JULIEN FERRAULT, Dr. of MMticine cf the Faculty 0f Paris, ("linliiaie 01 Hie lmvci-jP (iist t ii's C oll aisrt Fliyslciaii of ule S. Joliii liaiiti.te Society af San Fran.. I)r. rKKKAi LT has the pleasure to ird,im patients mid oth is sxi-k'iij; cordidertial n.ej ieal advice that he can be consulted daily at his tiillce, Aimory Hall Building. XoitS Last corner ot Montgomery and baeraniento streets, San Fraiifisci, Io( ms XuS. 9,10, i first tloor, up stnrs, ertrai.ee on eitt.tr 5I"ntcen;erv 01 Saciamtnto streets. Lit. I'kkkai'Wt's studies h.ave been almost,.' exclusively devoted to lLe cu-.e ol' thg va'ious tblms if Nervous ar.d I'liysical de Idlity, the result of injurh us habits aequh,(J in yi-uth, which nsiud y trmiiiart; in in.'po tence and sterility, ai d permanently induce all the concomitants of old age. YVhtiea. secret infirmity xits involvkig the lurm, ness of a Hie and that cf others, reason au.j morality dictate the necessity of its removal for ft is' a. fact that pien ature decline of tl vigor of manhood matrimonial unhappily coniiulsoiy single life, ctH, have tlnir sources it) causes, tljc get m ot Lich is hi. ed in early life, and the bitter f(t)its tatQ long afterward; patients, laboring under this complaint, will complain of one"or moie(f the following symjtoms: XocUird Fn;i-. sions, Pains in the i$!ek and Head, "Wt-iik-ness of Memory and Sight, Discharge fiom the Urethra on g ing to slcol ormi'kiiQwa tt r, Ii.tedt ctuar Faculties r.re Veakti td Losx of Mcmoij- ci sv.es, Ideas aie clouded' and there is a disinclination to attend to bus iness, or even to reading-, writing or Hie " society of Irimds. etc. The patient probably complain of Dizziuefs, Yert;go, urd that Sight and Hear ng are weakened and sdeep distuibt d by ehcams ; melancholy, sighing, palpitation, lainiir.gs, coughs si"(j slow fevers ; while some fare external rel.u matic pain, anil numbnets of the b.uH- Some e f the common 11, jnoms aie jtjiijIim in the face, and acl.ing ij diH'erent Ju:Hm, the body. Patients st.ittTii." fiom this dlt. ease, should sipply in.nitdiaMy to Li:. 'ttL n.it'LT, either in pel sen or bv" letter ?.g ,t will guarantee a cme of Scne'nal Eiu9ior 1 and Impotence in six or eipht wieks. q 1 Patients m; fieri i.g (k in veneiial disease in :-ny static Couoi i l.e a", (ii (t, Stricti.ro., l'ubo, lie. is, .,';itt-ccous Fi uptis, eii ., . ill be treated successl'ully. All Sa pin, inl and Mercurial Taints entirely icn oved irom the s-ysfeir. p, f I)n. I'm hault's elii 1( n ;;s are in l.isjfilce, where paticntsQan sr e for theiie!Qi ,-f tliey are ni.dt-r die ccie of a regular tr.ui. tid practitioner. The best iefeser.ct gnta if 1 1 quire et. Patients f tiiTiprirg under chronic disea. can caii and examii e lor tl.tn scjvc Vu invite iiivestigaiie.11; claim not to 1 in. everything, nor to cic e el bi e:y, 1 nt we f o claim tlu-.t in all ca.Vs takeii in.eier tnat mei.t we lultill our pioin.sis. We paitictlar iy reiue.t tbM v. ho l.; ve tr'cd llos l. ;it.,! doctor, and that acveiij.-ed !sieian hi worn out a: d e!:sc urarW, to tail 1 pen Low charges and quick cures. Ladies sutiering lrora any complaint im-j. dents to thtiiQt-cx, can eoFsult the eiueUr with the as.-uiance of relief. Ft male JIciHlily PIUs. Dn. PriiitAiLT is the only p.e nt in ('v.' fornia for Pi;. Biott's Fcmide Monthly 1 ii!-. Their immtme .-aie l-.as estabiulit-d thl rt;,. utation as a female leii.eey un; i'i oacl.oj and far in advance of every ul er ten eelvri'A supprcss-'ons and ii regularities, and iilf? olist 1 notions in temales. On theCTjecedrt tf five dollars, these Pills will te sent by n,. or ex pros to any aiQf the world,!secLi from curiosity or ti.unage. O i'etsons at a dmcc can be cured at home, by addressing a letter to Dr. Tir. itAi'LT, con er of Sacramento and Monttoip. cry streets, R oms lc and 11, or Box':;, 1T (). San Francisco, stsilinQti,e can-.' minutely as possible, gt i:eKd Uabits o01;r-1 mg, occupat ion, e tc. , e'.c. Q I AW communications conlidential. lyiip EPOS A VELVETS , EEUESEIG o 'o THESE -PLY, OIL - CLOTHS V I K D 0 W- S H A D , PAPEP. -II A II GIIGS, L A C E - C U P. T A 1 11 S, &c, it We Wovld Call the attention oht-- lies fitting vp ovfts, or Leivu in need of anything in oipr line 10 our Si loch whicft is OXE OF 1UL CO 31 FLEETEST Gn (he Pacific CosfsU -o- Our Goods being Sficcially selected cf the Factories fh England and tie Eastern Stales, ice can sdl AT THE L 0 1YEST o resist JFrsiEacigeo Trices WALTER BRO 5 Xo. 89 Front street, between Alder o ana aslnngton, Portland Oregon o o A. G. WALLTNG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OllEGOXIAN 1UJI1.DIx0, So. 5 lVn&liins;ton Street, PORTLAND, OBEGOX. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND tJ any desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEW? PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety 0' style known to the trade. Orders from the country prcShntly aI" tended to. Physician & Accouclieu ER. MARY P. SAWTELL OFFERS HER PROFESSIONALO vices to the people of 0go Cit vicinity. Residence in the country, miles east of Oregon City. j May 14:tf ' ' STEERS & HlUDBi Wholesale Dealers ir o F0EEIGK AIiRdCMESTIC ' Wtncs, JBrandks, Wuchks, J . No. 40, Fkoxt Strket, Portlanp.Q'bk Constantly eu hand a arenuinPait.clt t Cutter Whisky. O 0 j f o O O 0