XfcS O o o O O O 0 o J. J jljc tttetkln (Enterprise TOiV.V AXD COUXTV. Tlie Kloral Festival. ... -r-r The fe-nval given at me court notisc " Friday evening for the benefit ot,the Ve'budirtt'Kpieopal Sunday School was well attended, tlie hou.se being very full, - -tml the audience being a very apprecia tive one, which was manifested by the plays being so frequently applauded A It i re had been elected iu the back pi.l t ol ' lnhall. which was beautifully decorated J " with smalt fcr trees ana nice cowers, niak S. it Sot only cool and commonable, but iitiafu! fri appeal ance, and also making '"' U the handsomest thing of the kind we Imve ever seen in the city. The principal eature of the evPning was the crowning if the May Qiieen. In this play were birtv-two young ladies, all dressed in Ui't'.e. those Q-p resenting the four seasons kein-r dressed to suit each season of the v,.ar? Ike marching and play by The ; y,,iing ladies showed that much time ? an 1 pains had been taken in preparing for :' it. ami all making a beautiful appearance. Tlie principal charac;ers were .Miss Addie Cr-1'.vford. as "May Queen' winch was excellent ; .Miss Nora Mo-vs. as Flora." was very well played ; .Misses Moilie I'ost, i j.',jj;ti.i .Miller, Ku'io Barclay, and Moilie Harlow, as iheeasons, did all that Could h- expected, at the conclusion it was lii'ddy applauded. 'Ik;.; music bv the - ... :...; i iv "an. 1 string band, the young ladies j t'i'i.ss 7 ,n;l v club, was also excellent. With venire s! id Compelie'l- to somewU.it criti cise. The icciUfcion of Drake's Ameri can Flag ' was rather pttorly executed the ' lad v reciting t he Qame tiaving neglected i,i commit it t metv.ory. by reason of TM hicii !-he was compelled too frequently (.j ta call op the prompter, vh was also out of place, be speaking so loud that he could he distinctly heard throughout the house, jinking ituppear to the audience that he was reading and the speaker reciting after It in. Tlie hind and glee club, also in tlie piece, were too long in entering, making it embarrassing for the speaker and cans in:; the audience to think that the prompter had Lee mie disgusted with reading it, and '..ft. The seatand tables were, also vety poorly arraagM, there being entirely too vjS seals and too much unoccupied room. i which would have In'en far better for the audii'ii -e had it been tilled with seats. eexeeptions the5 kind tint h'-st thing of titedund t;i it has ever taken pf'C'in this city, tor wh'ch the ladies li.ving the matter iu ch uge deserve at credit, not only lor the exmbi- tin). liStt for the mi'iring eneriry they have in uii ese.l in gelt ng up. i ae hi-,t5;iud .string bands also deceive credit lor the liberality shown by them m pla ia the whole evening gratuitously. As tor its gathering a lare crowd together, ii was a success, but whether it was so liir.iacially wil are unable to state. The entertainment given at the same place on Wednesday evening, by the same jor:ies. was well uttende 1, and gave gen eral .sitisfudion. Cor xt r CouitT Pitvx-Kictirvit.s. The fol 1 wing business was transacted by the ; Tou.ity Court of Clackamas county, at its : July term : q rVr;hur(iVarner presented his bonds. with 'lie (liimes of Wm. Farhvr. 1). I'. Thomp !tn. T!(0)S. Gluninn. J. L. I'arlow, W. r Juhii-ion and Forbes 1 arclay as sureties, u-'iieh ere approved by the Court. J as .01. Fra.er prwenieil liis bonds, with ' the name? of FQlJarcl iy. X. W. Randall. J. T. Apperson. Win. Broughton. Charles 3 1. urus, Wm. Whitlock, Jas. Milne, Jas. , I'a'ler, A. J. Apperson and C. T. Locey as sureties, which was approved by the gsmru II. Sa:T,irrar.s presejited hU bonds as Treasurer, with the names of Jos Hedges. n J. KOISingm in, C. F. Kent. eo. I.arocqne and ("has. Logus as sureties, which was (jlpproviQ by the Court. In matter of petition of Eiisa Mosier asking (,otirt to appoint viewers to vn-w road. Abel Mattoou . Joel Dixon, Nicholas Wells gyre appointed viewers. J. II. Ralston. ex-Treasurer, presented report, vhicli07as fonn iQ'orrct. Sherilf Myers presented for examination (leliu pient tax list, which was found cor rect. A petition was presented by citizens of Clackamas county to .appoint h-wers to iew road. Adam Knight. Samuel Wald ron and Johlji Warren were appointed viewers. u Th.'m liter of tTii road running from Harding's to Raker's prairie was post poned until next term. A bill was presented by the City Coun cil of Oregon City for the payment of special police for services rendered on the tith day of June. Rejected. Sh riF Myers filed his receipts for taxes for The Clerk was ordered to bal ance the account of said SherilF for the yftir 1SG!). IVdfs to the amount of So21.nl to sun dry persons were ordered paid. A petition was presented to buiid a bridge across Milk Creek. Laid over. The petition to change road from Cut tingsville was laid over. In the matter of the redemption of land belonging to John Wixon. the Clerk was ordered to receive orders in lieu of gold coin. The Court marked the jury list for 1 S71. The lerk was ordered to purchase hooks for the County Treasurer. TheGCainty Surveyor was ordered to Jr '-certain wtother the bridge across Aber- (!n' t i ti r i- -ta .tt iri i In oit t i-n nrvf " - j vi v v i ,i pai b in iuv. v'i j i nvv o to ascertain the most practicable place a new bridge can be built. . .iioo Fi.y. This steamer had her ma chinery inspected last Thursday, and found t be all right. She will take her place on the line next week. The Fannie Pat tun has been taken off for repairs and im provement. There are at present four hnats running, but the Active will be taken off next week.hich will leave the Alb my. Success and Shoo Fly . with the I'lyton on the Yamhill trade. These boats wilt probably be able to runoall summer. I T K i i X A T I o N A I. lloTKi- A new ndver s tisetnent of this hotel, at Portland, which ' A as loner been known as the New Colum- s.tlrs week. '"an, appears in our column "e learn that the new proprietors 'if this house give general satisfaction to their P tests, and that nothing is spared to make them comfortable. .uir.ers. Nelson's circus performed in this placo last Monday night to a full hoo na(mi,iin, ",.;,, r,rr House. Ihe tumblinsr was the main feature 'd the entertainment the rest was not vorth mentioning. The grand entre was ft farce, and until they get better horses it vould be as well to omit that part of the performance. Gone to the Coast. Quite a number of our citizens have gone to the coast, and we learn that itS the intention of a, n am ber more to o soon, Xkar a Firk. The residence ot Mrs. Dement, at Green Point, came near being destroyed by fire last Thursday. Mrs. D. h id built a fire in tht fire place, and the soot caught fire, the sparks igniting the roof. A neighbor. Mr. Fergr.son.observed the flames, and if it had not been for his t tiiely assistance the house would have b en destroyed. The chimneys should be cleaned out. or we may have some de structive fires this fall. IIeaki Fito j. Or. Barclay recti ted a letter from the father of V'. J. Mitchell, who fell off the bluff at this place and was killed a short time since. He requests that the bill of expenses for burial or other purposes be sent to him for payment. I: appears from the letter that "the young man had a good raisi.ig. but took a notion to wander, and finally came to a sudden and untimely death. Rl'N.vwav. A horse ran away with a man last Monday. lie came up the street at a terrible pace, and turned the corner by the stage stable, where Jie came near running over a small boy. and dashed into the stable, throwing the rider against the bor. bruising him some, but doing no serious damage. Amtsing. A pedd.er was stopping at one of our hotels last Monday evening, lie was placed ia a room occupied by two n,uor young men. lie retired early and the other two occupants of the room went to the circus. When they came in, the peddler jumped up and commenced cry ing murder- ami took to the street in his night clothes hunting for the watchman. II.vui.ki Off. The steamer Senator is taken olf the route between here and Portland, aiA is beac'.el at the lower end of town for repairs. We learn that she is to be thoroughly overhauled, repainted, and her power increased. When slit makes her appearance again on the line she will be better that; ever. Nor Tkue. We are informed by the proprietor of tlie Soda Springs, in this county, that certain parties are circulating a report to injure the Springs that there are and have been cases, ot small pox there. This is a willful lie. as then; never ban been anything of the kind at that place. Our, County. It is customary for the County Court at its July session to submit to the county a statement of its financial condition. This has not been done by the County Court of this couuly. The tax payers wouid like to see what has been done by their servants during the past year. St:vr.i:i Tut:M Rk;iit. A couple of strangers made themselves rather notori ous around town last Saturday. They went into a saloon up town and got drinks, which they refused to pay for. The owner of the saloon put a " moss agatev under tlie eye to w n . of one of them, when they lelt Rough IxTitoo'i enox. A stranger was traveling through this county somewhere near the Clackamas, when his horse be came frightened, running and emit The p'.etely smashing up the buggy. horse lad not been found at last accounts. Opkxixo. The Exchange Billiard Sa loon, formerly the Fashion, will be opened ia grand style to-n:gbt (Sa'urday). by Messrs. Harding it Potto. The band will be in attendance and a grand lunch will be set at !) o'clock in the evening. MiT.i. SToiTKD. The Hume at Mr.Grepe's mil! -gave way this week, w hich has caused a stoppage in the mill to make repairs and put in another wheel. Thr mill will be in operation again in a few days. Patktck Bpowx. This esc -ped convict was seen a short distance below town last week. It is supposed that be has made his way over the mauntains to Eastern Oregon. Hauvkstixo. The farmers in this vi cinity are busily engaged in making hay. The crop is said to be very large. The grain is ripening very fast, and we may expect an unusual early harvest. Patknt. Mr. John Schram. of this cify, has purchased the rigid for this county of the Home patent sinch fastener-. It looks to us as a most complete article, and in every way adapted for the purpose it is recommended. liAn.Tio.vi. We learn from I. R. Moores. Esq., that track laying will be commenced next week and that it is expected to have the road in running order to Salem by the loth ol September. PenstoxAb. Hon. Pen. Ilayden. of Polk P. Ponham. Esq.. of 'S i em. and T. Pat terson, State Printer elect, gave us calls during the past week. Pen. looks remark ably hanpv after his glorious success in old Polk. " Ivsaxk. A woman named Khoades was arrested by Mr. Warner and taken before Judge Wait, who adjudged be insane. She was taken to the asylum last Wednes day. Goi.p. An Indian came into town tlrs week with some gold dust, which he said he found on the Clackamas. Pai tics from, town went out with the Indian to the place where he said he found it. PosTroNKD. The apron fair announced to come off on Friday evening, by the ladies of the Congregational Church, has been postponed to some future time. Lost A child's small neck-chain. The finder will be rew arded by leaving it at the Belvidere saloon. I.MrnovtNG. We notice that the Citv i Marshal is improving the sidewalks , somc piaco5,. This is as it should be. in Smash Up. As the train was comtnt n j from the south last Wednesday.it ran into a-'uLit" at full speed. As fortune would j have it, there was no serious damage done. j IlE.vnn Ii:om. t apt. Geo. Pea?e and party had arrived at Chicago on the 23d ultimo. Married. Mr. Wm. M. Hand, of the Mountaineer, was married on the 12th. We wish him and his bride a happy life. Ice Cream. Ve return our thank3 to Mrs. Geo. A. Pease for a Cne dish of ice cream. WILLIAM DAVIDSOIT, Office, Xo. Ct Kroiit Slrert, PORTLAND, - . . OREGON. ESTATE DEALER, SpG3iaI Collector of Claims; A. lars amount of CITY and EAST P OUT RAN i) Property for Sale. Also, IMPROVRI) FARMS, and valuab'e un cu tivatud LANDS, located in idl parU ot the State. Investments in REAL ESTATE and ofber PROPERTY, made for coi re-pendents. CLAIMS of all de-ciiotions promptly col kvted. IIOL'SES and STORES leased. All kinds of Finaue a! and General Agency b u s ; n ess t ra i i s a . t e, 1 . Paities having FARM PROPERTY for sale Will plea-e turni-h desar 'ptions ef" the same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each cf the principal Oil IKS and T0W2S of this STATE. July 2:tf 'I lie Vitail .siatisjis of l:iilinua Show that periodical ferers una acute and chronic disorders of the stomach and bowel, are among the most pT omirctit and fatal dis eases in this State.. JHtsobedience to the laws of health, as regards diet; the use of perni cious stimulants; and the wear and tear of business excitement, and of " fast life" gen erally, have ni'.ch to do with the prevalence of ttiese maladies in our cities ; while in the interior, and especially in the gcld-yiel ding distiicts, they sire chiefly due to malaria, un wholesome water, and the exposure and pri vation incident to life in new settlements am? n.i.'iins amps. 2w;v, it is a fact that it is as possible to protect the human system a-ain-t these maladies, as to guard life and property aaainst the incursions of assassins and thieves- Stremrthcii the vital organization with IlOSTKTTKirs S I OMAOil WTTrlKS, and it becomes as capable of resisting the active principle of epidemic or endemic dis ease, as a lire-proof safe is of resisting the action of combustion. This is the experi ence of thousands who have remaiued un scathed by malarious disorders in the sickli est set on, while their neighbors, who neg lected to tone and regulate their sy.-tcnis with this unequalled medicinal .stimulant, have fallen th.ck and fast around them. Weak ness invites disease. Yior repels it. Help nature to light tlie good tight with infection, whether it be iu tlie air, the water, or the soil, with this matchless preparation, a c impound of the rarest vegetable extracts with the i'ure-t of all d.lfusive stimulants. t I'WiRli'S HGKTMNt; K'.V ICIIKIl fs ahead of anything of the kind. Handy ami cneap. I ry it. juuci!."i:2:ii Sold Lv Druggists. Ilt'Iigioiss Services. St. P. ids (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John Y. Sell wood, rector. Services on Sunday at loi a.m. and 7 r. m. Sunday School and Ibble class at '2 j m. 1st Conorres-ationnl (,'lmrch Scats Eioo M o rn ing Services, 1 0. 1 " Sa;ilatU Sch-ol, 12 o'clock M Evening Services 7 o'clock Itr.v. E. Gkku v, Acting Pastor I'K.VYKIt Ml'ISTlX 0 S Sunday e-onimr, f o'clock Tuesday evening o .7 o'clock. M. E. Church, .Seats Frre. in.:o, . . . 7 o'clock. Morning Services, Evening Sei vices social mkktincs. f'!i?3 Mii'tinf fn! biivi rt" Mnniin" Scrvii'M S ib'hath Sch oolM 2 o'clock P. M. Tkv. C. W. Turn. Pastor. mult noi:iii i'xlge So. 1, A. sml a A. M. Holds its regular ronimuni Vacations on the I'li-at and Third Sat r vrdty in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 2oth of September to the 2'Ub of March, and 7 A o'clock from the 2otb of March to the :20th of September. Rretlireuiu good standing are invited to attend. IJy order of Yt'. M. LAO 0 EN & BcJaANCI'S iMTIfIAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, PORTLAND, OREGON, For the instruction of Middle-Aged Ken, Ycnn !t3 and Boys, I i the branches of a Business Education. rpniS IS WITHOUT DOUBT A MOST JL thorough and efficient Institution, and has made for itself a name in Oregon, of w hich its friends are justly proud. The bra' ches which stand out prominent ly in the curriculum of study are BOOKKEEPING. COM EIUTAL A IIITIIMETIC, POLITICAL ECONOM Y, PENMANSHIP, COMMERCIAL LAW, C O K I i ES PONDE X C E , & C , A most thorough practical department is in constant operation, in which are com prised all the minutiae? of business affairs. Students can enter at any time. No va cations. Call at rooms; corner of FRONT and AL PEU streets,, or st nd for a circular coi.t ,i ing full information. Address, L.U'UE.V fc OeFIlASCK. Portland, Oregon. Sheriff's Sale "XT0T1CE IS HEREliY GIVEN THAT D V ! virtue of an execution, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, and to me direct ed, iu favor of William P. Poland and against James M. Aiocre, tor the sum ol live thousand, eight hundred and nineteen dol lars and Jc.-'-ioO, (-SH 45) with interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the eleventh day of May, ISe'J, a:;d the further sum of f") costs, an! for dollars accruing cos's; I have this second day of July, A. P., lS7t'. levied upon all the interest"-, hich James M. Moore now has or may have had since the eleventh day of .March, ISi'Jl, in and to the land claim of Robeit Moore, deceased, said claim being known upon the plats m the Land Office at Oregon Citv as claim No, 71, Notification No. t'.S". section 8'"., T. 2, S. R. 1 E. and claim No.o-1, part of section 1, T. 3 S, R. 1 E, said inter est beiug an undivided fourth interest in sai l claim. And will proceed to sell the same, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, in trout of the Court House door, in Oregon City, on -Saturday, the sixth day ot August, A. D.. 1S70, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., to satisfy said execution, costs and ac cruing coots. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff Clackamas cmi itv. Ry T. J. McCarver, Deputv. Oregon City. July 2, lS70.:jujt rUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip O tion. printed at the Extekpuie office Sheriff's Sale. "VTOTICE IS IIEKKBY GIVEN THAT PY JLl virtue of an execution is-ued out of liie Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, and to me di rected, in lavor of William I. Doland a:,d against James M. .Moore, for the sum of rive thousand, eight bundled ai?d nineueii dol lars and 4-VloO (s",siy 4" ), with intere-t at the rate of lo per cent, per aim mm from the 11th day of May, lsi-ya, ami the further sum ot -j-is, jo loo costs aud for (ioiiars ae- cruing costs ; I have this second day ot July, A. I)., 187, levied upon all the light, tiik and interest of the said James M. .Moore, which fie row has,- or wsay bare liad at aoy tune since the eleventh day ot March, A. D. . tSOl, in tiie toilowing dt scribed land,to-wit: Claim 07, being ait ot section thiity-on.-(ol), T two (2) south H, two tji) easti" eo.t taining about sixty-three :;) acres, the same being the land sold by Geo. . Pea-e, Ad-minir-iiator tie i,:,Tiin non, of the estate o! Koberi iiiore, deceased. And will prcceeu to sed the same, at public auction, to the hi best bidder lor cash , in trotid the Com t H.ate doar, in Oregon City, on Saturday, thesxth day of August. A." !-, l-7o, ;it the liour of lo o'clock a. m., to satisfy said exc cutiou, ousts and aeei iiiiiiT costs. JOHN MYEI1S, oh:jrifl' Cbickaioa county. 1W T. J. Mcv'AiiVKii, lieputy Oregon City, July -J., lb7o.:jul'to Jacob Stit::i.. James P. Urro. , STITZEL ii UPTON, Ileal IS.s'cfe Broker and General Agents, Corner of Front and Wash nylon street PORTLAND, OKKGO.V. je-7 Will attend to the sale and purchase of Keal E-tarein all pai ts of th'- City and state. Special a-teotioo given to the sale o East Portland property. Address P. 0. box -ini, Portland. Oregon. ST1TZKL ( l'lO.X, 19tf. L'eai Mutate lh-oktrs. Agents ! Read This ! TA7E V ILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY V y ot per ii t ii ami exiieuses or allow a eommiss'on, to sell our new and wonderful inventions. Addres.-, .M. xA'AGNER ,t CO., Marshall. Mich. -May 2-mu2 BSOlCS AND STATIONERY. ioaasa iFlciaii TT AS JUST RE C E I V E D J 1 a fine stock of School i )o ks. Sta ioi,ery and every thing usually kefst in a b: ok store, direct from the East, which he clf -rs to the public at t educed pi ices. Store iuu:er the Court House Give me a tall and c-x-amiue my goods and pi i: s. Oa-.'on Citv. Jiv.e 18. lT--:tf LYON DSLCUEY, Of the LAEXUM P.ETAIRaNT, street, OREG C.TY, Main I"rs io inform th public muf bis fiicmls that he has leased ti.e lower nai l of tLe CLIFF HOUSE, Which he has opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. The table will at all times be supplied with the be.-t the market aliords. Orders for suppers and parties will be promptly attended to. July 2:tf Patronize Homo industry. THE PIONEER CURLED HAIR MANUFACTORY IS NOW PREPARED TO - I VP Y THE market with a No. 1 article of Curled Hair tor Upholstery work, which will e:n p re with an l i p ate article In quality i pi ice. I pay the highest vricc for Manes and Tails I llor.-e- and Tails of Cows at my sto.e, corner Eruiit and Salmon streets. I). Ml.TZwEK, Portland, Oregon. QOSMOPOLITAX HOTEL. F 0 R M E R LY AERTGONI'S, FRONT Sr., PORTLAND. J. B. SFEENGEE, Proprietor. The Proprietors of this well known House having superior accommodations, guarantee entire satisfaction to all guests. The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to convey passengers and b-tggage to and irom the Hotel, free of charge. " (4etf Ollice Oregon and California Stage Co. jEW YOIiK HOTEL, (DcHtfch.es Gafthaus,) Ko. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland, Oregon. H. EOTHFOS, J. J. WILKENS, P It O P R I E T 0 R S . Hoard per Week " " " with Lodging. . ' " Day 5 00 . G 00 . 1 on CLAUK GSEENIIAH, ,Ii-v.',. ' ray man OREG OX CITY. All orders for the deliverj of merchan dise or packages and freisrht of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, will be exe cuted promptly and with care. JXSUKAXCE. THE MANHATTAN LIFE, AXD JSorth Jiritist (Old J&i'acintile Fii'C In iira:icc Ccmpanla?, E. D. WHITLOW, OREGON CITi' AREN'T. lfi.tf Rebecca Dcgrci- tLmTge Vo. 2, 1. O. O. F". Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXLXGS. of each month, at 7 o'clock, in O ld Feliow Hall. Members of the Degree ate invited to attend. Cv order of N. G. ZdT If you wish the very best Cabnet Photographs, voi nnst call o BRADLEY .t RULOFSON, 430 Montgomery street, San Francisco. Notice. nrv HERE WILL CE A PUBLIC EXAMIN- L ation of tiie Teachers for Clack una? Count v. at the Citv Seminary, Oi on Monday, July 23, IS 70, at Ko' reson titv. clock a. m E. (;errv. Pu't of Common Schools. Oregon City, Oregon, July, 7, !S70:3t i57 Co rv ST, B ifk 7 v .TTTr n e - ' j: FSOTSMM BROS. IJO. 121 FRONT STREET, Portland, Oregon. 7 tt7T' .f" 5 f BOOTS & SHOES JUST OPENED OUT. rpHI5? IS THE SECOND FULL AND A? 1 sort d stock received titis spring. We be; leave to asr-uie our customers that we v. ill keep our stoi c ALWAYO FULL, And our G :ods shall he of FIIIST QUALITY in the MARKET. Those who bare not heretofore dealt with us. ere r.-spt ctfuliy invited to ea.l and t x . in! ne em ooods. . NVe challenge competition ia prices, a soitrrtent :md quality. may'Jblf THE .BEST P5EW YORK fTT "TT Audi KJ t at rfrfjoj p hnz MS OLl'Ul L U u. JU-V 2 tJ r I i ro-n Jiii.il i.' Vy Asscilntent of t p c rr. rs t? r sj! WixiS Lbc! WEKE DECEIVED BY J. C. jIcnssdoriTer & Bro. 4si CO., liEAIJ'.US T.V I :-T0YES, TIN PLATE. SHEET IPON.bRA Z!E S' OPPEIt. LEAD PIPE. IUO I 1! E AND FiTlINtiS, Iil T 1 Ui -: ii HOSE. FOI.CE AND I 1 FT i UMTS. ZINC, C d PER, PR ASS AND IKON WIRE. A'so a general assoit r cnt'of House Fur ni Ling Goods. MANUFACTURERS OP Tin, Goppcr, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOF: NO AND .lOHUING OF EVERY Dl'.SCUi! TION I ON 10 1 O OKdl', AND AT LOW Pit ICES. o Also at POPE S SlbVE STOliE you will find II.VT WAnE AND P.AS- ETS, WOODEN, W ARE D 1 IN VAlt:', t AN i ERNS, LAMPS AND OIL. LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. AL0 PERAMLFLATORS. o All of the above articles are -for sale at PRICES I0--UJT 'I l IE TIMES. C. AV. POPE Si Cf. 31:lrJ Oregon City Oregon. LADD & TS .1559. Deposits received and Acceuns kept sub ect to Check or Draft. INTEREST allowed on TIME Deposits of TRUST FUND--, in sums of ONE DOLLAR and UPWAliDst, from Date of Deposit. Money Loaned on Approved Security. Ronds. Stocks and other valuables received oa deposit for safe keeping. COLLECTTNS MADE, aDd PROCEEDS promptly remitted. Investments in real estate and other prop el ty made for parties. -A"tds for the transaction of all kinds of FINANCIAL and TRUST BUSINESS. SIGHT AND TELEGRAPHIC EXCHANGE On San Franciso and the Atlantic States, FOR SALE. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT and ssdd. 10.T The stan-'ard re - oy r t-g!s, Inflii- nz, Sore Tlrroa' .11 ho 'n'n ough. Croup. I.irer Com hiint, Lrooeluli, Blading of tUt f. nogs f and cverv affection f the Throat, Lunirs and Chest, including Coxslmptiox. IVlstii;-'' Kaf.Hu m does not dry up n Cough, but Io sens it. cleanses the lungs, nd allays irritati- n thus reiivi g tlie coi.--e of the c replai t. Non genu ne unless sirie 1 1. ni:TTs. Prepared bv Set-i V.Fowle i Sox, Roston. Sold by Ret xriT.;x. Do-. tettkr &. Co., Sail Francisco, and bv dealers generally. JelSdy KEDINGTON, IIOSTETTEIi & CO. Stop that Cougliing ! Some of you can't, and we pi'y you. You have Iried every lemedy buttle ONE de-tmed, by i s'inti in-ie" merit, to ?,.;. rsede a. I .-imilar prep.arations. It is net surp,r:si;:g you shot Id be reluc tant to try something else af cr the many expi iments yen have male of trashy cou pnunds foisted on the public as a certain c are j but Jewell's Pulmonary Syrup is rel!y the YERY REST remedy ever cornpounde I for the cure of Ci-vgh, CWrs. Sore Throat, igthma, ll'h.vip'nig 'oitgk, Bro nvhit i.9 and t'onxitmptitw. Thousands of pt opl ill California and Oregou have been already btnehted by the surprising curative powers of seweli's Pulmonary Syrup and with one ac-orJ give it their ud qualified approbat on. We now ad Ires.s ourselves to'all wdio are unacquainted witu this, the jncatest jianai ea ot the age. for the healing of all diseases of the Tin-out unii i.itijgs, assuring you that Plevve!s7s Pulmonary Gyrup b is cured thousaiids. anc' it will cure YOU, if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to llu ta-te ; sooth imr, healing and strengthening in its effects; eutiri ly free fa ni all poisonous or deleterious dm .-a .and erfectly harm less under all circumstances. I'or Sale 1J" stil iJniggists. REDING 1 ON, IIO.-sTETIER 4 CO, 41 'J and i 1 S Front street, San Francisco. lied ins ton's Ess encc Jamaica Ginger, Jl'hich 't- ronf.di nthi rteor.wwndid as the Lttt pi epai Hon note Itore the public This valuable preparation, crn'air.ing in a highly co cent rated form all tlie properties f Jamaica (Jineer.has feci'me one ol the most popular dome-tic reme dies for all discaM-s of the sUmach and digest ive rg::r,s. As n 'onie, it will be f und invaluable to all pers n s leeoveripg fiom debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; for Wi lie it impaits to the system all the thw and vigor that can be produced by wine i:i brandy, it is entirety free f.t.m tlae reactionary efircts tbat follow the use ot spoi' (? of any kind. it is also an ex.ee lb nt remedy for females who si. tier from difficult men struation, giving idnv-st immediate re lief to the s a.m that so frequently ac company that period. It tiives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by ridii g in a railroad car, or ry sea s cki.ess, or other cause s It is also vidua le as an external :'p-pli- at on for Gout, 1 heuniati-m, Neu ralgia, etc. IltUGTOV UOSTETTE! & CO., 41 G and -118 Front street, San Francisco. liesllngton's F S a vc r i Extract s APE THE P RFECTLY PURE AND highly c- ucer.trated Extracts from Fresh 5 ioits, prejuired w ith great care. Tfiev sue int nj m snperio". stvle, and in a bottle holding TWICE AS. MUCH ns the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality and contents, none other are nemly so cheap. Whenever testcdon tiikir MEi:i7S,they have been nd pted iu pie!erei:cf to ;dl others, aiol ar.- now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. MA 11 K THE A I) YAXTA GES. P,y purcbasioo- Rtdington's Concen trated Flavoring Exti acts, youobt.-.in an article not only supeiior in richness and delicac of flavor to ai y other of a simi lar nature, but, far nnue economical, be cause e; ch bi ttle holds dubh the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. KEUlXliTO.W HOSTE1 TER & CO., Agen s for the Pacific Coast. P. la H Would you escape FEVER AND AGUE, ar d i reserve he dthsind vigor during' the s ckly season, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE.' If you are ATT CKED with Chills and bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, a: d used other f.o-called rcmeci'es wi hout permanent, relief, seek at otice the Safest and sin e-t CURE, by using, according to directions MASON & POLLARD'S ANTI-MALARIA, or, Fever and Ague Pills. Time baa proved-them ti on ughlv to be the safest and most, reliable remedy "known. Th.-y contain no mercury or uti-er mineral or chemical. Tin y are exclusively ve;e tabie. Tie y stimulate the functions of thebver. Conge-tiun istmpossihle wh re they are usid. They do imt deter from daily labor, ty a-sisfing diee-tion they add flesh and niu clem the ban e. They are adapted to all ages and both sexes, and as a FAMILY mBBlClUE. Will CURE in their im-ipien'-y, three fourths d all d st-asf s ice ideutal t: a mala i . us climate. For DysprpM;., iu small dose- t-.i-y have loteq al. Ft -ale bv a! Drugii-ts. ItEDIXTO;,' ilOSTlCTl E5! & C O., SOLE AGENTS The Battle for Life Which is continually jroing on between health and disea-, has nver received fiom any medicine such marked and un mistikable assi-ta-iee, oh the side of health, as it las f.om . . SaeWOII S rUIIiitijr REDIXGTOIS HOSTETTEB & CO., 41G and 4IS Front street. San Francisco. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A 15. KicI0,X'4lOIl9 AUCTiONEKU f Corner of Front and Oak streets, rortltnd, AUCTION SALKS Of Real Estate. Groceries, Generalfllerchali dise and Horses, O Every Wedhesday and Saturday A. B. IIiciiardsox Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle lion English Square and Octagon Cast steel ' O noise st.oes, rites, itasps, saws; -Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G Iron ; -v i.so : A largeassortment of Oroceries and Liqnors A. I. Richardson, Aticliotieer P 5Ai i TOitl, riS STILL AT HTS OLD STAND CORNER OF JIAIN ai SIXTH STREETS, 0RLG0N CiTV, ORLGOX. TV HERE HE WOULD IXYITE HIS friifiol- and the public- Id general, to cull and examine his stock, consisting ot general assortment of o Iiy Goods, Z-'J Having frorr many years' experiencr lean ed that THE SECPET OF SUCCESS LIES III SKAT "L PROFITS IS DKTI-TtMi ,sEP TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Sd nee the Cry of Portland Pi ices! Oregon City, August 2Slh; lStiO. Earnest Gi I60J! ! SdllnQojflo Close IJ usincsS) o like Ess.lisee Stoclf I OF DRYSG0CTJS, KE DY-Mi BE CI OTHIK G. - o i.i CIS A11B SKGES, Mens Ladies, Misses' and Chilurens' HATS AKD CATS. o Groceries, Crockery Glass and iPlatetl vvare, Faints, Gils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has (jot to he sold Regardless of Price I tr&, To convince yourself vith re.pect to' this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, South rf T ope 4' Co.'s 1 in Storr, Oregon Cityr WM. SINGER, if. WERTHEIMER. O SINOLR & VERTKEIMERc 9 n"r"-i Have L.slablimtd A Factory r FOll TIIE MANUFACTORY or FUISiIT17RE, SASH, BLENDS AND ECCRS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL STZE& 3 They will also do TURNING, of everv- description to order With Keatness and Dispatch 1 Furnitnre s-tore at Weitheimer's 6tand. o- ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, buck of AekPtman'a 23-by Store, Ofegbn City, Orejron ISAAC FAI R. P. D. 51 ORRIS! JTAKU & MORRTSS, RUTCI1ERS. FOR OREGON CITV AND VICINITY. o Zf "Will deliver to their hatrohs all th8 host qualities of stall Fed Beef, also Mutton Tork, I'oultry etc., as usual twice a week on Tiesdoyx and Sam relays I Thankful tor past favors of the public would esp. ctfuliy ashs a eoi.tinnance of the same "VTEW COLU3IBIAX HOTEL; Cor. FRONT and MOFRfSO f?ts . roii'l LAND, (.LLGONr &iT The nio?t Comfortoble Jlotel i" tno Cit" IJi.ard and LodL'injr, frnin ore tti two doll its per dav, ac. idi; c to rooms Occupied. Free Coach to nnd from the house. otf . L') W A Ii n CARNEY, Pro-.rietor. Dr. J, Hi HATCH, D E.N T I ST; The ratronage of those desiring iirst Clata Operations, is respectfully solicited. i Satisfaction in an cases guaranteea. I N. B. Xifrov (xyde administered for th l rainless Extraction ot Teeth. Officf: In Weigant's new building, west side of First street, f etween Alder jind Mor rison streets, Portland, Oregoc. , O G e O o o O O O o o. o o o o O rlj o o o o o O 1 ft i O o o o o It e f O O 0 c 0 o it f o o O O H !! i j G f O O Q 0 o O - it UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, " 3" ' i -