o o o O o O 0 o 7 The Eibl: Hon. C. L. Vallandinpcliam lias Iccturl recently the literature and history of the Bible. The lecture was an eloquent production and gave great satisfaction-. We select a few passages: 'Nothing in the whole ratine of literature, in poetry or file-ton, could equal the details of the inci dents of the deluge full of cx-qui-it In-auty and interest, and the episodes, so to speak, of the dove and the rainbow. The posterity of Abraham and Lot exhibited a delineation of passions very oppo site to the malice of Cai . There was a strife between the herdsmen of tl?ose two partriarclies. Abra- O 1.ii-i rw!) in r-otflo nml -vrlil iinl O silver, addressed his poor a' d younger kinsman in the simple elo quence of a great heart : "Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between our herdsman, for we be brethren. Ts not the whole land before thee? If thou wilt take the lelt hand.. tln I will o-o to the rirht ; or i; thou will depart to the right hand, then I will r to the left." "The parting of Hector and AndjroinecTia in the sixth - b,,ok of Iliad has always been considered in, the liiahc-t decree affecting. "Yet it could not be claimed that it appeaJed more strongly to the sympathies than tiie reeord of the expulsion of Hagar, and her w:v-b'i-lnrs in 1 he wi'derncss when the water was spent in the bottle, and s!ie cut the rhiUl under one of the shrubs and went and sat her down over agaiut nnn, a gooa !!!! ! O'llilil -IV Off as it were, a bow shot. 'for he said 'Let-ane not see the death of th t cm i Ard s!u' sat over against hi if? and lifted up her voire an. . wept. The ie language ap peals stronger to the feci nigs an sympathies of every mother thai the most dignified epic verse. '"The story liixpah is worthy o the best powers of epic and tragh muse, and the narrative of th filial Until arid noble heroism o! Esther are not to be forgotten. "The entertaining of the three men passing the tent of Abraham, his purchase of the cave oi NIaelijrah, in the field of Kjhron, for a burying-place, are narrations jull oV interest and pathos. s sfc s: "A :i r. CO!', ot !' ill- i)in- of many of the arts and scii lices, auo oi invii gra.i..ai ' - gi5)ss and developnK't lis. 1 A i ! 0-orthv of our attention and study. Also the beginning of agriculture. Pasturage and agriculture were Gchronicled here. S the record of the first vintage and the first drunkenness, an 1 of its striking consequences. Here were recorded also the beginners of geography, .ship building and navigation, and of the nmnufaeture of brass and iron; the history and progress of tradaud commerce and architec ture. X knowledge, of the ar s and sciences and the art of war is found to be contained in the Bible. In the Bible we have a chronicle of the earliest system of govern ment, legislation and jurispru dence. Here we learned how property in bond was fp-st ac qu'ivd,0 Here we read of the first purchase of real estate. Here was the law of inherit nice and beqmt. The art of healing also found mention in this book, and it also contained the origin ot two of the most remarkable social and political institutions ever establish ed Marriage ami the Sabbath both ordained at the creation, but the Sabbath first." o South Carolina. o o The Jieauties of the atrocious Fifteenth .nieiulment, I i . 1 1 the wretches in Congress pretend j to have fastened upon t ne count ry, ! may ie iniaginei hy tie ;c n and educated whites of the IN'orth when we state that of the sity three members of tht South Carolina Legislature, lifty are j nigger: and 'Thirteen are wnue men. Out of t! sixt y-three State Tegislatois (.?) but eight are ableAo read and write intelligibly, O and nut tnty-tvo can read and write at all. No less than forty one of these miserable half brutes winch tne Aiongi el tTevernmeut ot is not preaciitng w huai kills preach Grant fc Co. liavo foisted as rulers ; ers, but dyspepsia, wiiieli they ac of that unfortunate State ),mk ! "piire at sehool or college wiiere their marJc (x). Only nineteen of j their minds are trained and their that entire Legislative b 1 y pay j stomachs neglected ; sitting down taxes, and the gross amount of j in a study cudgelling their brains those taxes are 8 1 1 t GO; official over a dry theoretical sermon in data. The rest of thvse law .-trad of walking abroad anion" makers (?) do not pay one mill, bm 1 the poor, the sick, the tempted, the fill the Legislative hall oi South i otwv and the tiiv.i, fetching back Carolina, a cavern of beastly, j a hundred living sermons b;ibb!in brutal, annualized, ignorant mg-, n t !K- lieart ; 1 dling idlv in roifv gers. One would suppose a pier- j parlors and dh.m'.V and winin- l i uie oi mu:m nuo, u.e i -uo ... 11.1 : IT. meriean Pennblie:!!i . . . , ' i ,. i"i,-oisg a. hi mi nee jnrs government (?) in the year lN70,ot the dear si,U-r, until sick and with over thirty millions of white! weary of siu-h a lii'e, a sensible man Xopnlation to be disgraced hy it, j would long for the luxuries of brim would pro luce a revolution in j l).v ad and cold pot a o s" it 's'" fQty-eight 'hours in this co-nutrv. i pending hours and hour's writ " North and South, that would del-! dry essays which no oneel'sV "-'n nge the land with blood knee-deep. : ever read, rather than s'nl , and bang the perpetrators of" this po'i ical and social inhimy. every mail of them, as lugn as II; iaman. It cannot be that whit tn n will cnntinue to sleep, and let t u se outrag.-s go on uureOuKe.l. Aiovojstiil cravat and a closc. t.0j.u. for your white men's clubs. Let I bending the neck and cramping I - the potent voice of the people en masse, crv out. "Down with the Fifteenth Amendment ! We will have none of it." N. -Y. Day Bo ok. Wliite or Blac'c-Prcgcss or 2Ion prtlism. There has come a period in the history of this country in which it is to be decided whether our des tiny is fin good or evil. It is now t ) be choteen whether theSv? States are to go on in the path of civili zation and refinement, or take the other road, the one on which poor Mexico is traveling. History is monotonous in giving us examples of what a people must look for in the event of mixing with an inferior race. There is not an instance on record where the whites become partners in govern ment with the blacks, but that miscegenation followed and a mix ed hybrid race incapable of self government, subject to frequent revolutions was the consequence. We are not going to discuss the flood, negro slavery or the war. The living present is enough now to lcal with. Are we to allow the infamous p'ot which has been planned by traitors to the white race to be car ried out, and thus convert the country we live in to a second Mexico. Toe operati n of the Fifteenth Amendment and the Enforcement Act, makes us partners with the negroes in tin. government. Are we to accept the partner ship. The question must be answered a r. There is but one organization around which the trie i is of white man's government can rally, if the democratic party should by any means fail in the crisis, or be come weak on this white or black question, posterity would cu.se de mocracy as a traitor to civilization. How important it is then that every available means should be used for a rapid and effective or ganization of the democracy to in' et this issue. iiAery man who calls lumsolt a democrat has a responsibility rest ing on him. Every newspaper, calling itself democratic has a fearful responsi b.lity, and the people should watch with palous care the movc-nents of democratic papers in this event ful crisis. -:-pot" those which talk " accepting the situation." iboilt Mijpoj't none hut white men s papers ! CopptrJnjid, s C" '- Here Subsidies- Encouraged by the liberality of Congress towards the Xorth la citic Bailroad, the telegraph in forms us that fiye bills for land grant subsidies tocanals in Califor nia, ten sections to the mile, have been reporteil favorably. If the United States propost's to retain any considerable portion of the magnificent domain of the people for homestead purposes, it would be advisable for Congres to stop further grants. At the rate in which our Senators and Represent atives have succeeded in disposing of the broad acrs of the Govern ment, the remaining days of the session will suffice to complete the despolia'.ion. Wo note also that Senator 'Thayer, of Nebraska, has reported a bill to give all the coal lands on the line of the Union Pa cific Bailroad to that Company, at the minimum Government price per acre. The generosity of Con gres to the railroad interests seems to have no limit. Xot content with millions of subsidies in bonds and lands given by the Govern- !m.nt.to aid' 'in the construction oi tj, Union Pae lie, that cunmration now as tor '.II the coal beds ! It would be characteristically modest for the Central Pacific to ask for a 1 ; grant of all the mineral lands in California and Nevada at the min imum Government price. They might succeed as well as the Union Pacific. Chron :ch Waat kills Pcaeafcrs. A re! religious coternporary says it .......7 .ijuuuen brethren and feed hi" on . K.. . .1 , . . ia - i .ii on the ihn i.., 1.1: .. i ! the living -trM nnt'il It l . ' i rz - - 11114 1 I I t I ..'..:( ... u ui.nj me neart, and tl ; pouring it out to thirsty souls IP-,. : UK' gusn or i w. ? fm,.,; pa standing up, haltVhokcd with o every vocal organ in the effort to .. .:! t1i-i i-icn read a prosy sermon, uu -is livid and the brain is paralyze, instead of standing erect, free and clear and talking earnest common pensJ and good gospel to persons who need it, and long to hear it soured forth. Te ichors' Zusln .?s Institute. In July, there will be organized at the Bryant & Strattotfs Busi ness Institute, Chicago, a special session for teachers-to continue for six weeks. The plan of work will be similar to teachers' institutes, now so common through the coun try. Thorough drill in Book-keeping, Penmanship, Busines Law, Business Arithmetic, Banking, In surance, Bailroading and Commis sions, will be given. Prominent business men of the city will give practical talks upon "ilow Busi ness is Done." A splendid oppor tunity is offered. The June Cour ier, with programme, terms, etc., sent free on application. Address Bryant, Chase & Spencer, Chicago. Savings! Savings! FL'ST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. 1 Savings De artrr cnt ! Tins T?:ink Ti.iq pst:i tiliIiorl in ennnpetirin v th iis general Hanking business, a savings lep;irt me t, and will allow interest on coin de:.o-its, made in accordance with the condi tions adopt d by this P.ar.k. In etablih:n;r a Savin Department, th liunking Assici tion has in view the benefit to accrue to a class i f peisms having smali siit is to loan, by providing a sa'e place ot dep :sit, ample security, and (air rate of in terest, as w 11 as to ag-eate an 1 bring i to ise i lie capital. For the -afVtv of deposits i:i t, lis U nk. are pledged its entire can tal Hid ivsouices, and dsn the personal li.ibilitv f it- I)i e tors and Stockholders, as provid ed by Se -tioi 12 of the National Currency Act, approved Ju e ;J . IS ', I, a greater jcu- tty t ian that given by ordinary Savings 15 nk-. Fi inteU c pies d t':e conditions up on which deposits are received, may be had upon appl cation to the Board. 1 1 h M : V t A 1 1 A y (i rresi. ient JAMES 8TKt:i, Cashier DIRECTORS : ITenky Failing, Hkxi:y W. Corbett, L. II. WALEFlr.LD, J AMI S STEEL, w.J. Va.nScuiyvlr. nOtf Tlomis Charaian ! Succcscoi' to CHARM AX RIIO., rpiIE DE TH OF MY BROTHER HA? i compel'ed me again to change the name ot Th.' firm of CI I A!; MAN A; lillo. to that, of i HOM AS CI I A ilM AN bavin purchased of the estat all the interest held by my broth er in the stock of goods owned by Ciiarnian k, Erother, tnkiug etiect January 3d, 1 S J t . 'A. sac iii 2i?ai Will lii Carried on as Lsisal AND A FULL STOCK Will be kept up by me, and will consist, in patt, of the following branches of trade : Dn Goo-Jm nn l Cl('i''in$, JIafft. Cap-', B'loi-v mid SIme., Fancy JVotionx. Perfumery And Patent Medicines. Pithifs, Oils, Ctttont) Dfe Stuff and Varnish, Qiicmsirei re. Crockery & Lamps Sash Dears, and Window I Hinds, Hard ware, Tools and Cutlery, Hope, and Nails Of Every Description. J ask1 Especial Attention to my FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. G ROC E R I E S 0 F E VER V VARIETY. Farming implements f OF ALL KINDS. TS" Attention will be paid to any busines left with nie on Coisi-nission Notick. My ISn-tTioss with all who favor tne with their patronage, will be done o:i a gulp basis but Lf'al Tender will be re c. ivt'd at the tr.at ket quotations. Z?T I iesire to s.-iv to ah who favor me with their jMitroua jre that I shall use my best ability to please them, unci all . rdets sh .11 meet with prompt, attention. My f icilities for doin.4 business ate as good as any house in On-'iTon, and I pledge myself to sell as Cheap as anv House in irood standing in the - t.iie. I will not be undersold hv any one Please give me a call and exam ne for your selves. Thanking von fr past favors, I remain, Respectfully vours, THOMAS CHARM AN. Over 20,000 Persons Testify to t'le vVonderful cures ot Dr.. J. W. MUKIiAV'S Balsam fer to I Ivor and Blood X AT C li LS ) V N R KM I'A) Y. One ft'ic Ct't'.raMl 7i-V,'.a of PorihnJ. .:'! m he run d fft.he A .:! an-1 .irr --m p!r 't. oi'i t al lii' i,iri li life. f i)r.Mnr '-; Lung und Lin B ih-i'.m. ' ,td irhat r.iiiTLU-p. Mav 21.1 -V.) -I h:-.ve tiie 1 Dr. J. W. Mmr,iy' r an 1 Liv r 15 d-a n. I ue I it in m laut- v with the best f success. 1 was sick to - iimn tn ut -, imi u! ii evi ry rr-m-'dv. I i . : l : l ' . .' cou si'v la: i li. it". lia'v uii, iiiu no oo-i. I exija itt-d every ien;ely known to t'.e ttu-d ea pr fessio i. and received no ben tit. Thts Lung ami Liver I !atn cured me, i d I do not :ie-itatc to recommend it to the niiblii; anl my tiiends. us a jr-.cjd and sa'e rem dy. Th so wuo know me, as many do in tula Stat , kv.- that I would not recvm men.! tln'tu to ;se a thin tliat 1 ;is no mtrit, because I am opposed to quack renin! . G. Y. JJROWX. M. D. fcS, For sale at RKLL & PARKER S. and it a.i 1,'rug Stores on tiie Paeiuo Cu.v-t. 0t Agents ! Read This ! 7K v ILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY V of .3 per wrtli aid expt'iiscs. or all w a coniinis.von. t j sell our Lew aad wonder til inve tions. Address il. WAGNER .fc CO., Marshall, Mit-h. May 2Sui2 C0URT3SY OF UNIVERSITY II. C. MYERS. 5m MYERS I511, UXDER THE COURT HOUSE, OliE'iON CITY, OREtiON. RETAIL DEALERS IN GBOCEBIES, 1LLBDWME, We also constantly keep on hand SALEM CASS IMF RES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, "Which we will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. IFWe will also pay the highest price for Cutter, Eggs, and ad kinds of good country produce. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash w its equivalent iu good merchantable produce. Si if Give us a call and sati.-fy yourselves. JMPEUIAL MILLS. Savier, Lalioque & Co., OREGON CITY. f5Keep constantly on hand fn sale, flour Midlings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties purchiug feed must furnish the sacks. JOHN IT. SCII RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, etc., etc., JSIain St 'tit, Oregon City, JC15 Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State He partieulai ly request that an examination ot his stock be made betore buying elsewhere. JOHN F. miLLER, Succexxor to J. I MILDER Co., M AN I I-' ACT U UK !t OF AND DEALER IX Sloofy sisad Shot's ! J ihe Oregon Ciy Root and Shoe Store, Jjfaiu street. THE BEST SELECTION Of LiplieV, Gents', Boys', and Children's Coots and Shoes, on hand or made to order. c H AM, WILLIS X-Co., LIVERY. FEED AND SALE 'TEC OS X31 CI -C: OREGON CITY, OREGON. Having recently n.'ded to ti e Livery Ftck new Carriages, Buggies and Horses, are now pyepared'a.. a!! times to let the sa mo, at tea-, onal-le rates. Horses bought and solJ, or kept by the uaj or week. OREGON CITY B R EWEEY! 1 1 k : hy ii u 3i 15 1: r.. Ilaving purhnod (!;e above Brewery wish rs to inform the pnlj'ie thrit he is now preiar ed to nianufa'-tur' a No. 1 quality of LAGER DEER, As arood as rp.n be obtained anywhere in t!;e Stale. Ordus solicited nd promptly filled. TOIIIn m. da cox, TmDortrr and Dealer in C. .:J E3 S3 CI '2-C ?5 9 STATIONERY, PERFUMERY. &a, &c, Oregon City, Oregon. At Charmav IVm-rier old stand, lately oc- cujnca uj sieaemt-xn, Main street. lo tf S. D. SMITH. Gno. B.COOK The OCCIDENTAL, FOtlMECI.T w ESTEItX HOTEL. Cor. First and Morri-on Sfroofs. PORTLAND. ORftJON. S Messrs. Smith A- Cook have taken this we l known House, refitted nn.l ref m-niOieli it throughout, bailt a large ad Htion, makma tliirtv more pleasant, rooms, enlarge,! iIip :iimng and sittiti'jr rooms, making it by far ne best Hotel in Cortland. A call from the traveling pub';c will satisfy them that the above statements fire true. SMITH it COOK, Proprietors N. B. Hot and cold bath attached. 4'" tl g LI ADE 3 SAL00X. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MALY STREET, Oregon City. R-H BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the I.-v.-rs of this popular njnusement to them. THE BAR IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anj Crrars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE o.v pa.iiGiir. C3 Families snpjd'c 1. r ) G. STEWAIIT, No. 100 ERON1 STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. Watchmaker ' 1 V. yiz And Jcvoior. Ami Dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES. AN D .lEU'Ki.lllts (iOOI)s. Asrcnt for Wilcox A Gibbs Letter '-r," Sewing Machines, which are now being sold singly at cost, or whole sa'e less than c st. Other goods at greatly reduced rates. (40 tf " Jacok Stitz"l, James B. Urrox, ST IT ZE L & UPTON, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Comer of Front and Washington streets. TORTLAND, OREG0X. JeT" Will attend to the sale and purchf.se of Real E-tate in all parts of the City and ite. Special attention given to the sale ol East Portland property. Address P. O. Bo 452, Portland. Oregon. JSTITZEL A UPTON, (' 1 Otf. j Kid EstaU Ervkers. BANCROFT LIBRARY, OF CALIFORNIA, JOHN MYERS WHEN THE LOOK OUT FOE THE LOCOMOTIVE. 1 ,S?&v.fifeNA &iisS . l . ' S " " W Plow is the Time to While they are Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacoh & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied hy that fiim, I am now better prepared than ever to attend to the wants of my customers, and having a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, I have dtcided to Sell oil" at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may jest assured of this faci 1 ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS. HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks : KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY ; BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLTXS. all widths: BOOTS AND SHOES : II ATS AND CAPS : CLOTHING; FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASS1MERE SUITS ; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS : BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most ret Also a larjre stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. DOOKS AXD WINDOWS. All kinds of Produce Bought.-? ;fn?7EAGS WANTED 112 131 FRuNT STREET, FIRST STREET, Near Morrison Street. Near Yamhill. K AST & CAHALIN. New Stock of Boots and Shoes " JUST RECEIVED ! Best Sc Uction in. the City! Compr ising all the leading and best h rands known, such as Bcnhert's, Tirrell's, Foirg's, Houghton &, Coolid;es, Reed's, Oodfrey's and numerous others, of gents and bovs' wear. Also Mile's, Sieberl i . h's, Burt's, Siin Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to e ill and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Boots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantiv en bund. N OTICE. The People's ; rar.sportatlon Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM GREGG 13 GiTV AS FOLLOWS : FOE, F0KTLAND : At 1 A. Ar.. every day, except (Sunday. And 1 P. II., every day. For Salem, Albany and Corvallis : OX MONDAY, TUESDAY. TIIUPv-DAY, AXD FRIDAY, at 7 o'clock A. M., And for Bay ton : OX MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY, f each week. O A. A. McCLLLY, President. Nov. 27th. lSG'.h I-lo.tt JTEW WAG OX AXD Carriage manufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of Lis premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets. Oregon City, Oregon. Takes this method to inform ois old pat rons, and as manr new ones as may ht pleased to call, that he is no w prepared, w th ample room, good materials, anct the very b-st of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron arid turn out all complete any sott of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. lttacksmithing, ilorse or Ox shoeing, and ceneral jobbing neatlv. qmcklv and cheap ly done.' DAVID .MI I II. Opposite Excelsior JJarket LiNCGLHBAKER. . BAILEY, HARBSfiG i GO., Successors of L. Pn.Lr.r. in the Lincoln Eakci-y, 17 EG LEAVE TO INFORM TIIE CITI p zens of Oreeon City and surrounding eoi:ntrv. that thev keen constantly on haiiTl and for sale, ad kinds of BREAD, CP. U'WERS, CAKES. PATi:Y, CAN DIE - AND XUTS. Also, a ffood and general assm-tmpnt rC FAMILY GROCERIES. Ordprs tiri.mnf'r filU.l .i . j i- tr f'T ... uii piious deliver ed at the residence of the purchaser when desired. The highest pi ices paid f.jr Butter, anu egtrt.ihl s. Co A liberal -h:ivo of r"l,!;n . .r 1. 1 . t'-vt4v, i.'utiyuae is re spectfully solic. ted. & ipril l...'.':ly BELL MX G S Buy your Goods I going Cheap ! .'asonable terms. WALL A3IET IROH WORKS COMPANY ! b r Kil e i Si.-& S'il And Eoiler Euilders ! Xortli Front and E sts., Eiis Portland, Oregoir. 1 j npiiKSE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the I L bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for tnrn I ir.g out lnacliincrv promptly and elliciently. j Vv'e have secured the services of Mr. John j Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex i perience on this coast for fifteen years gives jhifi a thorough know b-dge of the various i kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We ae prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and 1 i , uoner vvoi ks, sucii as MINING AND STEAM BOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS S SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! &C, &C, cC0.. Mjri'iiirture ar-d Reja'-r Macl'niery nf all IRON SHUTTER WORK ut San Fnincixro eo-4 and frei-jlt. U'leeler f Rri dalFs Patent Grinder an I Amalgamator. I'm-lntr '.y ami SleeoS Self Adjuxtinh J'aUnt f'ixto.') Parking, either applied to a'hl or neir "(earn cylinders. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and dli-s,if tie beat lard iron- 3:X cn.vs. noncE. .ciias. e. calef. .ceo. w. sxell. IIOBGE, CALEF h Co., DEALERS IX DEUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, A V.-IXDoW GLASS, varxisiies, r, rustics, PAixTnza Materials, ana urvygUt? Sundries. OT Front Street, Portland, Oregon. E. F. 1 r SET.L, . ei Rotate Attorney. C. 1. FERHT, Notary l'ub.ic KusseSI & Ferry, real estate brokers AND COLLECTING AGENTS, 01 thwest corner of First and Washington Street--, PORTLAND, OIIEGOX. Q FECIAL TTEXT10X OIVEV TO TIIE ale of Real Estate. Collections made in Oregon and Washington Territory. A !ars;e amount of desirable City Prop erty, Town Lots, Improved Farms. Stock' Ihinehes Timber Lands, A c.,, sitntif ed in the l. est portion.- of Oregon and Washinon, Teiritory, for sileon re isonable terms. Special attention is called to a large amount Desirable Property in Clackara s County.- FULL ABSTRACTS OF TITLE AT TIIE BRANCH OFFICE, OX SIAl-V STREET, UREGOS CITY, At the oHIce of J0IINS0X & McCOWN, Heal Estate Brokers. Xo f xpr.nce incurred unless a sale is made. RG. SXExVTII, WHOLESALE GROCER, 32 Front Street, Portland. 0 00D3 BY TIIE PACKAGE, FOR CASH AT SAX FRANCISCO PRICES, and Freight. Orders Promptly tilled in San Francis co, it desired. UO.tf Oregon Lode Xo. 3, I. O. or O. F. -ttS5- Meets every Thursday -even-? at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Hall, Main s ect. Members of the Order are invited to attend ry oruer. o. For ii sits iiilyli FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE. DR. JULIEN-PERRAULT, Dr. ot Medicine of the Fafn(. JParls, GraiUiate of tiie Lrni-e Qutf ii's Colltge,inl Physician ftf ij,, St. JTulin Baptiste Society of San Frail, Cisco. O Q Dr. PEnRAri.T has the plca?nre to ipf.irn, patients and oth is seeking confidential ical advice that lie can be consulted dailyat his office, Armory Hall Building. No,tll E-.ist corner of Montgomery arjd Sacranietn0 streets, San Francisco, Roiuis Nos t, lo, ; first floor, up strirs, entrance on eithtr Motitcomery oi Saciamrnto t-treefs. Dn. Pehkaclt's htudies liave been alrno-v exclusivelj devoted to the cure of various forms of Nervous and Physical de ite' niiiiy. xne rtsuu oi injurious nanus acqui1((j in 3-1 uth, which usual y termiriate in inipn. tence and sttriliU, and permanently Induce all the concomitants of old age. V litre, secret ii finuiiy exists involvingothe hiippj. ness of a life and that of others, ason an, morality dictate the necessity of its ren.vJ for it is a fact that piemature decline of tl Tiiior ot manhood matrimonial uiihappint.te f compulsoiy single life, etc., have tLuf : sources in causes, the germ of w hich is plu). ed in early life, and the bitter fruits taMtj long afterward; patients, laboring under thi " corajdaint, tvijj omplain of one or more of the kh llowinP symptoms : Nocuial tiui.. sions, Pains in the Bin k and Ilead A taU nes.-of 5leniory and Sight, Discharge liii the Urethra on goiny to stool or nk "ing;va. , ttr, Iite hctual Faculties ere "Weak?! f( Bos f Memoiy ci.sues, Ideas aie clonnV and there is a disinclination to attenato busl iness, or evtn to reading, writing (r the - i' socity of lnnds. etc. The patient wif probably complain of Dizziness, Vert'go, and : that Sight and Hear ng are weakened' and leep disturhtd by dreams; melantliolv. sighing, palpitation, iaintings, eoug,hs i.rd slotr fevers ; while some have ext rial nl.u matic pain, end numbness of iQ hi!v Some f Ihe common s mpioms aie pimjilU in the face, and acting" in different p; risr, the body. Patients si. tiering from t Lis dis ease, should apply immediately to Lit. J ER p.Ai LT, either iu person or by" letwrOas t,e will guarantee a cute of Seni'lftil Efiiissiors and impotence in six 05 tight weeks. IJaiients suffering from veneiiul disease in any stage, Gononhea, (ileet Strictiirts, Bubo, Lie rs. Cutaneous Eruptiohs, etc' will be treated successd'ully. AlQ j dniitic and Mercurial Taints entirely leu.ov'ed lrum the rystem. Dn. I'ki, rat lt's dffdofnas are in his effee, where patients can T-te l'oj- then. selve that they are undtr ihe care of a reguLr educa ttd practitioner. The best rei'eWuces given if reqniri a. Patients fufT'prirg under chronic disease, can call and examii e for themselves. V inviie investigation ; claim not to hr.ow evervtl ing. nor to cure tvei y h dj, l,nt n do claim th: t in all cases faSen ur treat, met t we fulfill our piom es. W e paTtict.lur ly request these who have lrd th s Loasttd do t-r, and that auvertiedph sician li.l worn out ai.d dsscom-aged,. to call uj us. Low hargfs and quick cures. Q q Ladies stifl'ering Iron, any cwjiplaintci dents to their i-ex, can cm srt the doetur with the asuiance of relief. Female Dlomkly Tills. Dn. Pekrault is the only agent in Culi fornia for Dm. LTott's Fema".'e Menfhly Pills. Tfn-ir immune .-ale kas estahlihed thtirre. ntation as a female lemecj" umipproaetnl. and fur in advunce ofVgver' 01! er itnitdv fir siij jtress ous and irregularities, ard i tl.tr oi.-tinctions in females. On the leceirt of live d llais, ths se l'iil will be sei t lyOul or e.j ress to nny pait of the world, "secuis from cnrio.Mty or diiii.ace. O i'er.-or.s at a distiinee enn be cured at home, by addressing a let;er to Pa. I'm- " ha t LT, i on er of S;u 1 unit nto and Sli.ri'aoin- ery stieets, If. oms lo and 11, or Box p, ; P. O S;iu Francisco, stating ti e case as : minutely as possible, gtnerul habits of liv ing, occupation, etc., etc. All communications confidential. I3 Wfr Q v WALTER Eifes.! o VELVETS , eeusses, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS o , VINDOW-SHi DES 0 P A P E H - H A K G I K GC , S - LACE- CURT AIKS, &c, dci We Would Cat I the attention of pet' ties fitting up louses, or leivg in need of anyth ing in our line . To our Stock, which is ONE OF 'Hit COMPLETEST 0 On flic Psscllic Coast! o o Uw hoods being specially sehetrd at the Factories in Engla nd and the 0 Eastern Stales, zee ear: st U Q AT TIIE LOWEST 2sii2cisco Trices. WALTER I2KOS,, n No. SO Front seet, hetween AldeP 00.) and Washington, l oitla! Uregon A. G. NVALLTXG'S O Pioneer Book Bindery. OIIEGOSIAN Io. 5 "VVaIiingion Street. PORTLAXI), 0REG0X. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOLNDo any desired pattern. books; magazines, news- i ai Jih, htc., bound in every variety ot style knovn to the trade. " Orders from the country promptl at tended to. rs Physician & Accoucheuse. ER. MARY P. SAWTELLEb OFFEMS HER PROFESSIOXALcSEH vices to the peof le of Oregon City and vicinity. Re-idence in the country, tea rriib-s east oi Oregon City. May U:tf STEERS & H E f D E, Wholesale Dealers in 0 FOREIGII AI-ID DOMESTIC W incs, Jirandics, TF JusJcies, Etc. 9 No. 49, Front Street, Portland, Oregon. Constantly on band a genuine aiticlc of Cutter Wh-.sk v. Q)