o o o o i o o TOWS AND COUXTY. j Tue Foimu. TLe impromptu celebra- tion gotten up by our cizizens on the i fourth was a success. While they made n0 pretensions for an extensile observ- ance of the dc.y, the programme adopted for the occasion was fully carried out and ' nuch enjoyed by all who participated. ; n the morning the fire companies marched I through, our streets, headed by the Oregon : City L'rass Band, John Myers acting as Marshal. The boys presented a very good nnuamnro. . Alter narau.;ii Willi incu apparatus tbey housed them and inarched I to the pub!i square on the hill, where 5 the programme was gone throughvitb. TLe munio" by the band was very good, j Mr. Smith read the Declaration of f Independence in a clear, distinct and able -? iu.iiUH'f, but the main feature of the oxer rises wis the singing bf the Glee Glub, ' led by the Rev. Mr. Sell wood. We but i express the universal sentiment of those present when we eay that the various i piece Sang by them were most excellently rendered, and added greatly to the suc of the celebration. After these exer cises tiie people enjoyed themselves in Various ways until "'about two o'clock. ' when they returned to their homes. In - the evening the usual amount of fire works were let off by our young folks. I lake the agjiir as a whole, and our people L. have reason to feel proud that we had a celebration, even cn a limited plan, while other larger cities made no efforts to- 5 wards any whatever. Ila'd there been 1 sufficient time, and the proper effort made, our celelffatlon co-ilM have been gotten 5 tip on aluueh grander scale, but as it was. it a matter of credit to tbosu who i did so well. The liberality On such occa 1 siofis of onr patriotic citizens, who sub- scribed much mare money than was needed, justifies us in saying that we can have a rousincelebration next year. Monk v Orders. The following is the money order business of the Oregon City poQoffice for the yx-ar ending January 1st, 1S70: " Whole number of orders issued -l0. for $ 7,890.03 Fees lor issuing same 5(i.;)(i Mney orders paid same time. . 2.103.31 Money orders issuetl' for the e) pixmonihseiuling June 30 : Number of Jorders, 190. for 3.810.74 Fees on same . , 27.50 Money orders paid same time,. 3.11G.06 Total amount for orders issued IS months , .11,71.5.77 Total iiinonnt lor orders paid for 13 uioiithiP . . .5.219.37 O J- M. BACON, 1'. M. Wk CaVt Help it. 'We can't help men CD tionmg the fact that our city parents still allow the sidewalks to remain in a condi- tioCUiat a fellow duly sober is liable to hive a plank meet him la the fare almost i'l any part of our city and put a moss ugiteou hiin.:? The weather has been Very warm for the past week, but we tlmily-t'.iat enough imlustrioits men could tj t'oixii 1 to take the contract to " tack'' down some of these refractory planks in the sidewa'ks. A few dollars applied to 3 that purpose) out of the half per cent, tax collected would be of great convenience to those who pay the.se t.vtes. Useless Expense. Would it not be e)l for on J) city ' parents' to apply the $30 per month to the improvement of the sidewalks which is now paid to the ' city night, watchman:' We learn that this individu.-il is a useless expense to the city, as he does nothing towards observ ing Hie tease of the place, and is only Useful toWvake ui people who desiie to gQ up early in the morning, for which the parties interested pay him themselves. DisoiiaCeelQ Some of our citizens ob served a young boy about 12 years of age beastly Intordeatt-Vl oa the Fourth of July grounds. Qt is a disgrace; to any comma nity to have men iu V who are so low in principle or decency as to sell or give a boy of that age intoxicating liquors. ThereJsa heavj penalty attached to such violations and outrages on a community, and we hope the parents of the boy will take the necessary steps to ascertain who the guilty parties are and bring them to justice. Q City Taxes. We notice an ordinance posted on our streets to the effect that the City Council have levied a tax of five mills on the dollar for city pur noses, and the same for schools. A one pet cent, tax to sustain a small city corporation (be sides one dollar poll-tax) seems to us rather extravagant, and we have heard of a great deal of complaint. The tax payers would likyi to know what is done with this money. Will our city fathers inform them ? Contest. At the present writing, Clack nns county has two acting Sheriffs. Mr. Myers took all the necessary steps to con test Mr. Warner's right to the office, and holds to the office on the ground that he is the legally elected Sheriff of the county. He has offered to file his bonds of office, which the Count? Clerk lvfused to td ice on file, and as the Radicals have the other J oRices they recognize Mr. Warner. Mr. Myers, in our opinion, should hold to his offue until the question is legally decided as to who is properly elected. Cosmopolitan IIotft,. This popular hotel at Portland, kept by the prince of botel keepers, Mr. J. P. Sprenger, has rc iiently been thoroughly refitted aud fur nished. a;il is now. as It always has been and will he while Mr. Spicnger keeps it. ihe hotel Gf Oregon. Persons visiting Portland should not fail to give the Cos m ipoiit-n a call, as they wlU always find a good table set before them and a com fortable room, cieaalv and well furnished. Slx SriucK. A mart named Collins, working on the railroad a few miles above thisQity. was sun s'ruck lart Wednesday, from the eJTects of which he died almost Instantly. On Thursday six more men were struck at the same place, two of wbofflOdted on that day. We have not bfn able to ascertain their names. Such pases are verv rare in Oregon. Serenade. AVe were the recipient of a serenade last Wednesday evening at our resij-nce. The music consisted of two harps and violins, and to say that it sounded beautiful on the midnight air would not express it. We appreciate the complimeat, and Return th.tcks to our friends. rtTTX.VM's MOXTULV.- the July number of -We have received this magazine. It maintains its reputation as a first class m igizme. Flora l. Festival Extensive prepara tions have been made by some of the la dies of our city to have a grand floral and promenade festival at the Court House i this (Friday) evening, lor the benetu or the M. E. Sunday School. We presume everybody will be in attendance, as the object for which it has been gotten up is one worthy of the liberality of our citizens. Personal. We had the pleasure of a visit from Mr. S. Fennoyer, one of the ablest newspaper writevs in the State, Mr. U. E. Hicks, also an old newspaper man, and Mr. St. Clair, compositor in the llrald office, last Monday. Messrs. Stout. Trim ble and Chapman, all of Portland, were also in town during the week. Should ise Stopfkd. Some of our yenng folk3 ale in the babit of going in swim ming in public view of the entire town. Decency should dictate to these bojs to go out of sight, and if they will not cease making an exposure of themselves the au thorities should attend to the matter. In Good Order. The '-Emigrant'' wagon road across the Cascade mountains is now in complete order, and ready for the traveling public. It is said to be the best and shortest pass over the mountain, and cattle drovers and emigrants will find it to their advantage to travel over this road. Scalded. Mr. Henry Humbel, while engaged in cleaning out a vat at his brew ery, lost his balance and fell in, severely scalding him. We are glad to state that his injuries will not prove fatal. Census. -Deputy U". S. Marshal S. D. Moore informs us that he has not ascer tained of twenty-live deaths in this county during the past year ; that tha crops are excellent, but the late rains knocked down some of the earlv fall wheat. Openinu. The old Fashion saloon has been completely reconstructed, with a new front, new awning, etc., and will be opened in a few days by Messrs. Geo. A. Harding and Robt.'Poiter. This will be kept as a first class saloon hereafter. A Schooner. The Alert towed up a schooner to thia place last Tuesday morn ing. It is a rare sight to see such a craft at this place, as the ' oldest inhabitant" informs us that this is the second one he has ever seen at our docks. Kidnapping. We learn that there are certain parties around our town for the purpose of kidnapping children, and hold them for rewards Our people had better keep a watchful ey3 on tluir children. Smash Up. As the picnic on the Clack amas was breaking up, one of the ice cream stands packed up the dishes &.C., and placed them in a wagon. The horses attached to it took flight and caused a general smash tip of the contents ot the wagon. Ciitci'S. Nelson's Circus will perform in this city next "Monday evening. Our State exchanges speak very highly of this. troupe, and we have no doubt but what their performances will fully meet the ex pectation of our citizens. Of course, the tent will be crowded. State Fair. The next State fair of Oregon will be held at the fair grounds near Salem, cn the 10th of October, We learn that new buildings and other im provements have been made for the ac commodation of the public. Base Ball. A match game of base ball between the second nines of the Eckfords, of this city, and the Athletics, of Portland, was played in this city last Saturday. Our boys won the gatne by 22 rttnS. Disappeared. The old and familiar sore-eye the engine has disappeared from Main street, The Chief Engineer took compassion on the old tub and re moved it. He deserves the thanks of the commutiitv for so doing. Assess'Us. The assessor of this county Las commenced his work. His right to the oElce is contested, and be has taken this early opportunity to do the work be fore the case can be heard. Hot. We have had the hottest weather during the pist week we have ever seen in Oregon for that number of days. The thermometer from Sunday to Friday w as 98 in the shade each day. New Ad. We call the attention of our readers to the new advertisement of Mr. Stone, watchmaker and jeweler, Portland. He has a fine slock on hand, and sells Lis goods at reasonable prices. CELKBHATiO-V AT SoiA Sl'lUNGS. We learn that the celebration at the Soda Springs, in this county, was a grand suc cess. AbDiitOOi) persons were in attend ance, and everything passed off pleasantly. Frita Wokks. A large i.iimltr of our citizens went to Portland ou the Senator last Monday evening, to witness thj fire works at that place. EroKNE. The s-ttfirncr Albany mide a successful trip to Eugene last week. Rather l ite for navigation lo that point at this season of the ye.tr, yet sLe mida it handsomely. Rcnawat. A span of horses attiehed to a buggy belonging to Mr. Ilutnbel. ran away last Sunday, smashing the buggy to pieces, but doing no other damage. Match Gvme. The match am j of base ball on the 1 our th between the Hook &, Ladder arid Hose Companies, was won by the former by considerable odds. New Offics-jw. The newly elected offi cers of CUckamas county were sworn in last Tuesday. The new County Court has been in session d aring the week. Apkox Fair. The ladies of the Congre gational Society will give an apron fair and supper at the Court House next Fri day evening. A pleasaat time may be expected. Hocks at IIomk. This interesting mag azine for July has reached us. It is suffi ciently interesting, if men wou'd read it, to keep them at horn "V as its name indicate?. Serexadkd. The Oregon City Brass Band last Friday evening serenaded the young ladie3 who graduated at the last ierm of the Oregon City Seminary Vacation. The vacation of the Oregon City Seminary will last seven weeks from the 30 tb of June. The Daxcl. The ball given at the Court House last Monday evening was a grand success. New Yoikers drink about 200.000 glasses of soda wafer a day duiiug the summer season. The City Council of Philadelphia Las appropriated $13,000 for free public bath3. The debt of the city of Chicago is $11. 3C2,72b' ; but Chicago always did go in for big things. Four hundred musk-rats were caught in ten days by a couple of Wisconsin tap pers recently. -o- Boston has no more sensations tbev are "great emotions.'' The citv flebt of Brooklyn is said to be about $22,000,000. Two dollars each is the price of Japan ese silk worms' eggs in England. WILLIAM DAVIDS OjM, Ofliee, No. 61 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. REAL ESTATE DEALER. Spooial Collector of Claims. A large amount of CITY and EAST PORT LAND Property for Sale. Als, IMlMiOVEl) FARMS, and valuab'e un cultivated LANDS, located in ail parts of the St.-.te. Investments in REAL ESTATE and other PROPERTY, made for correspondents. CLAIMS of all descriptions promptly col lected. HOUSES and STORES leased. All kinds of Financial and General Agency business transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will please I'urnUh descriptions of ihe same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the principal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE. Julv 2:tf Tiie Vit'l St -itistits of California Show that periodical fevers anct acute and chronic disorders ot the !-toinae!i and bowels. are among the most prominent and fatal dis eases iu this State. Disobedience to the laws of health, as regards diet; the use ot perni cious stimulants; and the wear and tear of business excitement, and of " fast life ' gen erally, have nn.ch to do with the prevalence of these maladies in our cities ; while in the interior, and especially iu the gold-yielding districts, they are chiefly due to malaria, un wholesome water, and tha exposure and pri vation incident to life in new settlements and minim: (amps. New, it is a fact that it is as possible to protect the human system against these maladies, as to guard tifo an 1 property against the lucir'sions of assassins and thieves- Strengthen the vital urbanization with UOSTETTElf.S STOMACH lilTTEUS, and it becomes as capable of resisting the active principle of epidemic or endemic dis ease, a-i a fire-pr.-of safe is of resisting the acti of combustion. This is the experi ence of thousands who have remained un-j-cath' d by malarious disorders in the sickli est sea.-oris while iheir neighbors, who neg lected to tone and rerrulate their systems with this utieu ia'led medicinal stimulant. Lave fallen thick and fast around them. Weak ness invites diseasu. Viir r repels it. Help nature to titr'nt the srood tiht with infection. whether it be iu the air. the water, or the soil, with this matchle s nreearatioii. a compound "f the rarest vegetable extracts with the pure-t of all d Cusive siimiil tn s. IVI GIIT.V ! X fcl V LV-KILLEK Is ahead o: anything of the kinl. Han y and cheap. Try it. bold Ly Druggists. ju!,e2"):2m Tiie standard renudv tor Couglis, Influ enza. Sore Throat. IVhooninx Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Broofhiti, Bleeding of the Lungs, and every affection of the Throat, Luntrs and Chest, including Consumption. isti-ti-'K IJ;t!s.---i does not dry ud a Cough, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing thecaufe of the complaint. None genuine unless signed I. Butts. Prepared by Strii W. Fowlk & 'Son, Boston. Sold by Reointgn. Hos. tettek .t Co., San Francisco, and by dealers generally. JelS:ly liclijr ions Services. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John W. Sellwoo 1, rector. Services on Sunday ot P2 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible class at 2 r. m. 1st Congregational Church. Morning Services, Sabbath School, Evening Services . . . .Scats Free. 10.4.. . .12 o'clock M. 7 o'clock. Rev. E. Okkkv, Acting Pastor IT. A YE a MEETINGS. Sunday c-ening,. . Tuesday evening,. .5 o'clock .7 oVock. M. E. Church Seats Free. Morning Services, lo.3o, Evening Set vices, 7 o'clock. social meetings. Class Meeting following Morning Services. 1'ravcr MetiriLT Thui sd ly evening 7 o'clock. Sabbath School at 2 o'chu-k P. M. Rkv. C W. Todd. Pastor. Saddlery. J- H- Schrara, of this City, is now manufacturing the best Saddlery and Harness ia the State. He will hav; at lea-t 50 -ets of all grades, from fine to com mon, finished and ready for sale next month, and more than that number of Saddles. He U bound to make a trade with any man who wishes to buy of him. He uses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, and hi work bears a most excellent reputation abroad. We hope that citizens of our own county will think of this, when they want any articles in his line. ItiultnoniuliL Loilge. No. 1, A. an:! A. M. Holds its regular communi cations on the Itrt aud Third Set vrd'iff9 in each month," at 7 o'clock, from the 2oth of September to the 20th of March, and 74 o'clock from the 2'th of March to the 20th of September. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of . W. M. GcKEAT EEDUCTION PRICES AT 33. L. STONE'S, 3fo. J07 .Front Street, Portland, Oregon. WALTIIAM WATCHES, GOLD CTIAIX8 AXD RIXGS, CLOCKS, OROIDE WATBIIES AXD CHAINS, FIXE JEWELRY AXD SILVERWARE. .Ail at jSTew York Prices. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL EYES. EYERX ARTICLE WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Watches a :d Jewe'ry repaired. juOtf Time testis the JYlt-iitd of all Tliinirs. EST FOR THIRTY YEARS! 'la Pa rry Davis' Pain Killer, Has been tested in every v .riety of cli mate, and by almost every naiioi known to Americans. It is trie almost consiam. com panion anil inestimable frieud of the mission ary and the traveler, on .-ea and land, and no one should travel on our Lakes or Kiveus WITHOUT IT. It is a speedy and safe remedy for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, wounds and various other injuries, as well as tor dysentery, diar rhoea, and oowei compiainis generally, ana is admirably suited for every race of men ou the face of the g'obe. 15e sure you call for and gel the genuine Pain Killer, as inauy worthless nostrums are attempted to be sold on the great reputation of this valuable medicine. Z'-W Directions accompany each bottle. fi ic "33 cts., 5'J tts.t unci 1.01) icr Bolt If. "Sold by all Medicine Dealer?. LEON DEL.OUEY, Of the DARNUM RESTAURANT, stre.t, OREGON' CITV, Main Regs to inform the public and his fiicnds that he has leased tiie lower part ot the CLIFF HOUSE, Which he has opened as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. The table will at all times be supplied with the best the market a'lords. O.dors for suppers and parties will be promptly attended to. July 2:tf Patronize Home industry. THE PIONEER CURLED KAIR MANUFACTORY" IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY TIIE market with a No. 1 article Of Curled Hit for Upholstery work, which will com pare with any imported article In quality or p ice. I piv the h ghest price tor .Manes and Tails of Horse and Tails of Cows at my s o.c, corner Frnt and Salmon streets. D. METZUFR, Portland, Oregon. QOSMOPOLITAX HOTEL. FORMERLY ARRIGONES, FRONT Sr., PORTLAND. J. B. SPRENGER, Proprietor. The Proprietors of this well known House uaving superior accommodations, guarantee entire satisfaction ti all trucsts. The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to convey passengers and baggage to and from the Hotel, tree of charge. (40ti Office Oregon and California Stage Co. JyTEW YORK HOTEL, (Destfches Gafthaus,) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland. Oregon. H. R0THF03, J. J, WILSENS, PROPRIETORS Eoard per Week $5 00 . 0 00 . 1 00 with Lodging. Pav. CLAUK GE.EEITMAH, :T54V ity SJrayKian, ZL2m 0 BEG OX CITY. -S3, All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, will be exe cuted promptly and with care. JXSURAXCE. THE MANHATTAN LIFE, ATtn North British and Mercantile Fire Insurance Companies, E. D. WHITLOW, OREGON CITV ACENT. 10. tf Urberra Dt-gri-e L.olge No. 'i, I. O. O. K. Q Meet on the Second and Fourth X TUESDAY EVEXIXGS, of each mouth, at 7 o'clock, in O ld Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. Dy order of N. Dr. J, II. HATCH, DENTIST, The patronage of those desiring first Class Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. P. Xiirotts Oxyde administeied for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office In Weigant's new tnildirig, west side of First street, between Alder and Mor rison streets, Portland, Oregon JfST3 If yon wish the very best Cab'net Photnnraphs, you must "call o;i bRADI TA k RULOFSON, 439 Montgomery street, San Francisco. JUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip tion. printed at the Enterprise office PROTZ MAW 1511 OS. NO. 121 FRGBJT STREET, Portland, Oregon. Anollici Spring1 5 K BOOTS & SHOES JUST OPENED OUT. rpiIIS IS THE SECOND FULL AXD AS- JL sorted slock received this spring. We ber leave to assure our customers that we will keep our store ALWAYS FULL, And our Goods shall be of FIRST QUALITY in the MARKET. Those who have not heretofore dealt with us. are respectfully invited to call and ex amine ui j;ods. We challenge competition ia prtccs, as sortment and quality. niay2Stf THE BEST NEW YORK SILK HATS ! ! AT SEVEN DOLLARS, A Large Assortment of HATS WERE RECEIVED BY J. C. MeisssdorlTer & Ero. DEALEItS IX STOVES, TIN TLATE, SHEET IEON,F,RA Z1E S' ( OPI'EU. LEAD FIFE. IUO piPT" Avn vti'ti v m'p.m.'? HOSE. FORCE AND I I FT PUMPS. .NO, COPPER, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general assort r ent' of House Fur niahing Uoods. V MANUFACTURERS OF "fin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware ROOFING AND JOBBING OE EVERY DESCRIPTION FONE'lO ORDER, AND AT LOW PUKES. o Also at POPE S STOVE STORK yon will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND TINWARE, I.ANTEIiNS, LAMPS AND OIL. LUCINE AND NHiHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. All of the above articles are for sale at j PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. AV. POPE fc CO. JLlyJ Oregon City Oregon. LADO & 33 Established Deposits received aud Accouuskept sub ject to Check or Draft. INTEREST allowed on TIME Deposits of TRUST FUNDS in sums of ONE DOLLAR and UPWARDS, from VAs of Deposit. Money Loaned on Approved Security. Ponds. Stocks and other valuables received on tiep js.t for s.Te keep ng. COLLECTING MADE, ana PROCEEDS promptly rmitied. Investments in real estate and etner prop erty made for parties. fTpr-ts for the transaction of all kinds of FINANCIAL and TRUST BUSINESS. SIGHT AND TELEGRAPHIC EXCHANGE On Hfin Francisco and the Atlantic Stales, FOR SALE. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES ECUGHT and sjIu. 30.if T 3 LTO rj 1859. KEDi GTON, IIOSTETTER & CO. Stop that Coughing ! Some of you can't, and we pity you. You have tried every letuedy but the ONE defined, by its'inti in.-L merit, to supersede ad t-iniilar preparations. It is not surprising you should be reluc tant to try something else af cr the many experiments you have made of trashy compounds foisted oa the public as a certain cure ; but MewelTs Pulmonary Syrup Is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Cuiigh, Co!di,'ore Throat'), Asthma, tVhooping l-oughs. Bronchitis and (Consumption. Thousands of people in California and Ore'-on have bef;u already benefited by the surprising curative powers ot Newell's Pulmonary Syrup- and wi!h one accord give it their un qualified approbat o:i. We now address ourselves to'all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea of the a-re. for the healing of all diseases of the TUroat and lungs, assuring you that Jewell's Pulmonary Syrup bns cured thousands, am1 it will cure YOU. if you try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant tthe tn-te ; sooth ing, healing aud strengthening in its effects; entirely free frm all poisonous or deleterious dru js.rnl perfectly harm less under all circumstances. For SIc lij uH Drugglsia. REDING I ON, IIOSTETIER & CO., 413 and 413 Front street, San Francisco. Kcdingloii's Essence Jamaica Ginger, Which iz confidently recommend vd as the heat prepartion, now before the public. This valuable preparation, cr n'airing in a highly 00 cent rated form all the properties of Jamaica Oinger,h;;s become one of tiie most popular dome-tic reme dies for all diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. As a ionic, it will be found invaluable to all pers-uis recovering fiom debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; f.r wtile it imparts 'to the system all the plow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from the reactionary t tlects thut follow the use of fpiiiis of any kiml. It is also an excellent remedy for females who Fntier from diftievilt men struation, giving aUni'St immediate, rt -lief to the asm-- that so frcquei.tly ac company tha' period. ltgie- immediate relief to Nausea, caused bv liJing in a railroad car, or by St-a s cknes, o oth-r cai.sf 3. It is also va'.i.a le as an external Jr pli :at on f r U ut, llhe ..matiini, Neu ralgia, etc. REDIXGTOV, IIOSTETTE It & CO., 4.1'J an J -US Front street, Saa Francisco. lieilingfo-i's Flavoring Extracts AHE THE PF.RFEC'TbY PURE AND highly concentrated Extracts from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great 1 are. They i're out up in superior stvle, and in a bottle h'oMi.-ig TWICE AS" MUCH as the ordinary brands of Extracts. C mparitig reality andcOntcnts, nor.e other are nearly so chcrp. Whenever tested on theib 3iEKiTS,thev have been ad .pted in preference to all ofheis. and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS of the Pacific Coast. St AUK THE ADVANTAGES. By ' pnrchapinrr Redingtnn's Concen trate! Flavoring Extract-, you obt.-.in an article not only supeiior in richness and deiicac of flivor to a y o her of a simi lar nature, but. far moi e ccononiieal, be ca: sc each b ttie f Ids d-'ubl the qiont ty contained in a bottle of any other HaV uing extract sold. UEUI.&TOX, IlOSTElTEIi &'C0 Aden's for the Pacific Coitt. Would yon escape FEVER AND A CUE, and preserve health and v;goi during the sickly reason, make occasional use of the following as A PREVEf-JTIVE. If you are ATT CKED with Chills and f ili.nis Fever, or base been a victim to stub disease a d ued o'ber so-called rcmeo wi bout permanent relief, tek at tnje tiie saf- t an-i stue.-t CURE, by using, acjorJing to directions MAS rULLAsiU O )5 Or, Fever and Ague Pill. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the s-.Hest and most r eliable remedy known. They contain no mercury or "tuer mineral or. che-nical. Th"V are exclusively vege tub'e. Thy stimulate the finetions of the liver. Conge-ti ui isimpossiblr; wh re t'-e are nstd. They do not rlcter from dai'y labor. l;y a sistins d:. -C-tion tfey add flesh and mu cle i the fian e. They are adapted to ail ages and both sexes, ar.d as a FAMILY FEDieilE Will CURE in their incipien,r, three fourths ot all diseases iio-identa! to a malat i nis. climate. For Dyspepsia, in small dose-;, they have no efpiaL For sale by h1! Druggists. UEDIXGTOX, IIOSTETTEtl & CO., SOLE AGENTS. The Battle for Life Which is continual'y goinz on between health and diea-e, has nT-rer received from anv medicine such marked and on rnist..ka'ble assi-!.i u e, on tiie side ot health, as it has Lorn f-leweH's PuJmonary Syrup ItEDlXGTOy, iiOSTETTEB. & CO., and 415 Front street, San Francisco. AUCTION AND COMMISSION A. 15 Hicl&airtlsoif f AUCTIONEER!0 Corner of Froat and Oak streets, Portland, AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merehan dise and Horses-, livery Wednesday and Saturday ! A. JJ. Richaedsox, Auctione AT PRIVATE SALE:. English refined Par and Buc-dle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes, File, Ktrsps, saws Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Irsra ;: also i A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. B. iJicriARDSo.v, Auctioneer' ; 1 J. R. RALSTON, rTS STILL AT HTS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS,. OREGON CiTY, OREGON, O T75.7HERE HE WOULD INYITE HIS V friends and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a geceral assortment of o o Ifsits stsiel Caps, o Kardwarc Crockery, Groceries 5gT" Having fron many years' expericac? learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES III SMAIL PROFITS? ISDETERMi.s'Ef! TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS "vflLX S Unce the Cry of Portland Piicesl Oregon City, August 28th, Harvest oi 1870 ! I Selling off to Close Business, Asa Tlae EiUirc StocKZ OK o BEYGOODS, EEA.DY-HADE ClOTHIKG. K0TS AND SH0ESf liens Ladies, Misses' ank CbildreQa' O HATS AKD CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Faints, Oils, Lamps, Yicks, Chimneys 'snd Burners lQ Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc Has got to be sold Regardless of Price! jtjl, To convince yourself with respect to this matter, call at the old corner. f J. SELLING, South of T ope Co.'s Tin Stort Ore gen City WIT. SIXGER, M. WEftTlSEIBEH. SINGER & VERTHEIMER, Have Established A Factory o O xl 11 I 1 1 Itlitiil ECU THE MAN UFA C TOE YOF O FURNITURE, SASH, BLIHDS AND ECORS, AND MOtl-DINGS OF ALL RTZES. Itar They wi:l also do TURNING, of eery deciption to order, Vith Keatnecs and Dispatch t Furnitnre ttcre at Wcrtheimer's stand; 0 ALL W01JK WARRANTED, Shop en the River, back of Ackerman's 23.1 y 'Store, Oregon (gjty, Oregofl ISAAC FA MR. P. D. MORRISt JTARR & MORRISS, BUTCHERS, FOR OREGON CITV AND VICINITY. V.'ill deliver to heir patrons all the bc-t'quHliti-s of Stall Fed Beef, also Jlnttcn, Pork, Poultry etc., as i.sual tvtice a week, on TtieKflmjs and Suiur cloys f Thankful tor pat favors of the public Would respectfully ar-1-3 a coi tinuance of the fame JJEW COLU3IBIAN HOTEL, Cor. FRONT and MOPIMSON Sts -PORTLAND, OF.LGON, . EJT The most Comfortable Hotel n tha n;,. T-,.:,rH and Lodsrinsr, from one to two jollrs perdav, aceordi-'ir to rooms occupied. ree Coach to and from the house. ,tf, E )WAll!) CARNEi Proprietor. booksIndationer TT A S J IJST Hi: liti ' t- li XX a fine stock ot School lio' ks. Sfa ionery and every thin -usually kept in a bok store, direet from li e East, which he offers tor 1 the public ft ipooceri prices. Store un. er 1 the ' " rt House. Give me a call aad ex ' acvne m3' goods and prices, i Oregon City, Jure IS, l70;tf o c 0 C O 0 0 O O o