i . - :.,.. O 1 - o O o o . 1 o .i t o O o I 1 ' o o o f i.l o t il t j t , t O 1 5 I t i 1 : i 'SljciUcckln Enterprise o v- Oregon City, Oregon , Saturday : : July 9, 1570. Yankee Hypocrisy. A few weeks sineo some Yankee niaru - f nt'irer3 from Mass-iclms.-tia ire, ported into that State a larce n amber of China mn fr th purpose of tMnplovhig then, under a slave contract to work in the six v factories. fis State, whiclhas been th. mo?t loud-mouthed ajrainst African t'av ?ry, wanted lo inaugurate another system of slavery in tier tiiM-t. and the State ai -t Srilies promised the moon-eyed Colo. -t'uhs all tbe necessary protection if th y would go to work and fill their labor con tract. Hut it appears that the laboreis whom these heathen slaves were to sup plant were determined that fhey should iot be ousted by them, and John came to the conclusion thai he had better bres k the contract. A portion of them went to Njw Yor&, where the indignation was p0 gre it tlQt even the few who had formerly been at work there were obliged, to give up "the p ursuits in wbioa they had been ongrtd. and Mr. John could lind no wtrk with safety there. A bill to proh; bit the i nportaiioa of Chinese under l.;bor con tracts (another nr.me for slavery) was in ....!.. i : ,1. . ai . . w . . "lujeu i.i i:.e ..lassacnase.rs Legislature, whh was tabled. This shows .vlu ther that holy and moral Sta'e is opposed to slavery or not when she can make us; of it in her factories and enrich her capital ists. But the hypocrisy of the Puritans is so well established that it needs no ar gument from us to prove the fact. But we wish to call the a; ten lion of the labor ing men of this coast to this fact : In Idas sachusetts the Chinamen weie prevented Gfroia supplanting the while men and women : also m New York, vet on this coast, where the rat-gsi-ing heathen ; Lave j desolated whole towns, made business stagnate In many others, taken the bread out of the raouthjof hungry w hile child ren, to turn over" rir iv.rniugs to their masters abroad, are ttnie'.ly allowed to continue this plan of encroachment upon -ihe rights of the laboring white men and -women, while even in Massachusetts pub lic sentiment will not !? tab. the dt'grr.d.i- tioii of white laborers lower th.'.n they 0 have already come. Can any on why Sli e Chinese Lave an' u reason woy mo cuinese .'jave auj better rights here in Oregon and the Baeinj :OAf-t than (hay gliouid enjoy in lue last-a-n States? Certalr;!y not. They are a detriment and injury to ev rv clas ;n our community. Then why not make a d-- snnnd that the "equal rights" which the Radicals claim that they possess shall and iiitist be taken from them. The whi'e laborers are strong enough to make this demand, and if m ule in a proper titati uer tlercqueit would have to be ac ceded to. It is useless to say that the capitalist is benefitted by this class of hbor. He is not. and unless he is a fool, he can see that every Chinaman is an in jury to this whoie community. We take our own town to ii'nsh a'. this fact. About o yetirs since. Chinamen were employed in tuo Oregon City Woolen Factory. From that day to this, trades of all kinds have beh decreased, rents have ccme down, and no matter how many factories ma be erected here, as long as thev em- ploy the moon-eyed curse that is in our midst, bu.-.ini'S3 with the me; than 1 ! 1 ! chaniCfOud farmer will be r.o better than at present. The factory which is now in operation here Is capable of employ ing at lean 75 white men. Allowing thai one half of these are married, it. would bung 37 familietj here. This would mike a de mand fVsJ) just that number cf dwelling-", n:.d the unmarried men vould support their earnings at least two good, ho tels. This labor is'now done by that num ber of rat-eater?, who live iu rite small fhananl their board is furnished them by their masters, from China, from which no white man receives at benefit wd.at- ver. The trad; to this factory alone for ihe clothing ot that number of white fami lies would amount Q as much as Ju; dii JoVence in the wcges makes, or nearly s But from the Chinese Ihe owners of the f'tclory receive no benefit, while they look to the white men and women to consume their f,ibri5. The laboring white men in tin sasi w in not come to ti.is c ' they know that they mus compete vvi;!i the Chinamen when tnev com, 1 keep.? hundreds of people trom oar State, aind while the China labor fv stent is tol erated in our State we can lock for no gieat or immediate improvement in our business circles. The late campaign -,v.is Made against this Chinese question as much a any other. The people have selected men who are pledged against the interests of these rat-eating Leatuens. and we nope action will be had as to force the.;e Chi nese out at our fctaw eu.irciy, or m rjie it so that it will be iuipossiide. for ihem to labor for less than a white man. We be- - r -, Beve tLatthis matter is of great anu vita! importance to our State, and her "a.-opb trenerallv. and if the Legislature will con - nsi nut f our State entirely, or ns-f!- trenerallv. and if the Leg is. a. are wia con tiilttbe interests of our Slate at present j and her future, they w ill impost ! such taxes as will prevent them from remaining in our m'uUt to interfere with white iti'uor. But our Radical friends vvii; ay that a slate fca no right to cisc-imj- , , . nate between iho Cainami-a and wk:, The CUiuama-j buo becotat' & pesti md nuisance, a source of disetfce and de noralization to our State ; he is a bin den oi the tax-payers, without himself Leiog a Contributor towards the payment of h.s own expenses to keep up a State cr local roverament, and as such wo have a right o force him to pay a portion of our pub 1 c expenses, arid also lo eject him tls a misance. - There is no power on earth hat would dare to interfere with the State f r exercising this God-given l ight by ih leople of Oregon. We, for one. are ready o see it tried and abide the result, let it je what it mav. The --i"- -'l 'r of Anw- have j ill passed into the hands of Ben. IIollada ! u:d the men he ie presents. This makes he O egnii and California Railroad the 1 u-gest and most complete monopoly in oir State. lie purchased the west side ro.td last week, through the Directors td fiat Company, and has now the control on bo'.h sides of the river. If he can only get hold of sufficient stock in the 1 'V. Company to control that, tho people of oar young State will be at his mercy for a'l time to come. While we would cheer f iliy endorse every move that Mr. Ilolla d vy has made cr will make in the f'utjre for the'devel opment of our resources, we can see no good that will in the long run lvsult to the people of Oregon hi the con solidation of these great and important interests in the handset' one man. It gives him a control of our entire State as far as travel or the transportation of freight is concerned. He has the complete mon opoly of cur ocean transportation, and uow with the inland transportation the people of this State will be completely in his hands without the sdighest hope of re lief in the future. But this is not the worst feature in this monopoly. He ex pects to foice the State of Oregon to sac cumb to his dictates and interests in a po litical point. Alrtady we see threats as to Lis A: tare intentions, and unless the people uf Oregon will submit to Lis dic tates he will hold the rouds in abeyance to compel them to aeknowledge hU power lor her own destruction, lie staked his all ate political canvass with his co-l.iborer in this monopoly Ceo. II. Williams and was defeated. But lie will no! cea?e. lie has now the control of the most vital interests of our State, and these he proposes shall be his power to compel submission to hi in. lie is about to sUsrt an organ to advocate his cause, which he expects to be anotLer source ut inuuence. The whole upstart of this railroad excite ment is, that Ceo. II. Williams wants to be le-elected tw the U. S. Senate, and Ben. I ioliaday wants hi. a there, as he is his tool in that body, and by creating a jeal ousv between, the rival sections or our iate, t! exoect to o': am support Jrom fd in the matter. pai ties who are in teres The whole thing is so plam on its face as to leave do doubt in the mind of any ob- j serving Pe-on. We presume that there is not a man ia Oiegon w ho is opposed to Mr. HolLtday's railroad interests provided are not in antagonism with lite of the State, and we sec no rea he should take such an active in teres San v li j part to secure the re-election of Ceo. II. o.iams. and .'i liie.s are now betit ia that directum, and for whit using this great leverage of railroads in Oregon. His continued meddling in the political affairs of the State will result only to his detriment and cause continued i pers from Southern Oregon, that this ques oppo.itiou to himtind his railroads. j riun j.s receiving some attention among the Ni:w pAi-rit. We see it stated that ma terial has been purchased in San Fran cisco to print a new paper in Portland. Report has it tha.t Ben. Ilolladay is the owner, and a Mr. Ames is to be the editor. It is to be a very large pap'u-, independ ent in politics Ben. Ilolladay s organ. We see no rea.-on why Mr. Ilolladay should take this course to injure the Ore yonkai by establishing another paper at I ortland, for a personal institution, as that paper has been a? faithful to him as any organ he can ever have; in fact, the entire Radical press of Oregon has' been his for the past year. It is as good an op portunity as Ben. has ever had to ink a few thousand dollars of his surplus cap- No Mail. We learn from the Orrgnn 1-i 'can that the establishment of the i daily mail on the west side ol the river has diseon .inued the mail service on the old Territorial road leading from Corvai iis to Dallas, and that the Lucki amute. ..... ...v ii.i v j i v uvi without any in .ill. There is a lurge set- j which sum keeps under pay in each State tienient on this road, and it inns through ! an ''u'-v of Politicians who are most :ise r.. , , 7, ii j till in manipu!at;nr primaries, managing a portion of the best part of Polk county, (.h,ctiuns ai;a contnbulij.g to party lands. heroes supplying all of the northern end j Thi is one of the reasons why ihe present of Benton. We hope that early proi.-ion ! needless taxes are continued, though they for a mail service will be made. Before I :uv lk',-u,,-v crus!li" lIle industry and eu- the change this . l'o 1 ,,1 a si :i-vei klv mail, and now it has none. Tie matter .-.uotild be attended to without delay. ;.s a very huge community is without in .til facilities. p. ft n-;rfi- A Political II AKAX'JCi:. We learn from i artles who were present at the M. B. ple- n-c pro nr. Mr. C.S. : s (,n the Clackamas, that a Rev. precher made a most digustlng . political hurangne as a Fourth of July! I oration at that pi, ice last Monday. The '.ate. for which the has left the peop.t; of Oi ogon should let! grateful. ! i acu narrow-minded political preachers ! j are of no bvnefn or ue to on y cctptnimi' v" and Oregon should feel rejoiced 1, i ! ,. r , 0ll,a at being 1 j rid of one of them. His calibre i in f uu j hat mony wiih Li Uiiltire. and to one i ! could expect anything !.t.,. ., ,. . I v."Jih Lk .i,Uir.. ... . i o one t ,ie..v ar,tU!iK3" !. .. ,i .. tnsfjeunt !tdijw. . w,,iji-t:.r:fi. r.cWCEP. The subset ir,ii.,n . I ! t,e IhntU has been redoL.i ! i per :ek. On-: dan wiil. we .are s ,v;-o,l :ifio ? IV !!ir.fc,t!,,.l . 1Vn lioP-vi-,c r,rm , , , ! ,l- ,ii...uay otcAn i to be larger i t,..1T1 . rr, f. rA- , . , "ir ........ - s ...r,v .,, .j. ,.j '(.-t;r.Ce s j issued at thai pric?. Tils SLliries of cur State Officers. ' Some of the Radical papers are. terribly alarmed already about the proposed in crease of the salaries of our State officers. Ihey claim that Oregon wiil go Radical in 1S72, and ss it wit! take four years to amend the State Constitution, it will not be for the benefit of the Democracy but for the Radicals, which they say will be elected two and four years hence with so much ease, but which will not be. The move to increase the salaries of our State officers will not affect those who were elected at the last election, as their salaries cannot be increased or diminished during the term of their office. They say that the Democracy, as soon cs they get into power, propose to double the salaries ol their officers, thereby increase the much complained of burdens of taxation. We venture the prediction that the salaries o: all the State officers could be doubled un der an honest and economical Democratic State administration and the tax for State purposes hi reduced. There are other places where the people's money has been squandered, and not a legitimate salaries. If tbe State officia's were to receive double their present salares it would only be 33,800 increase per annum, while the in ducements to the officers to administer the aT.iirs of the people in an honest and faithful manner would far exceed this sum There are plenty of places wdiere this amount can be chopped of"."' and among them is the 800 paid to C. A. Reed as Adjutant (general, and the- printing of his reports, $200 more, which are about as much use lo Oregon a;, a fifth wheel is to a wagon. If the DemocTae3r increase the pay of honest ofMeers, the people need en tertain no fears that the present high taxes will be increased, but on the contrary they will be reduced. The State Govern ment of Oregon was organizes! at a time when her population was small, and had the Constitution provided for high salaries the people would have rejected it. But we Lave grown, and our taxable property lias more than doubled since the State was admitted, and while the Radicals had increased the State taxes from one and a half mil: on the dollar to five and a hull, wiih the huge increase of taxable prop erty, they Lave not increased thos salaiies of the State officers, but s-fjuandered the money which has been collected trom the tax-payers for unknown purposes. Dur ing Whitcaker's administration, when the salaries were the same as under the Radi cals, a State revenue of about $40,000 per annum left a surplus in the State Treasury, while the revenue has been increased so i hat tho State now collects about $2."0. 000 per annum. Will any one say that 1. . . . . . . .. .. ;i;e cia;e cannot, j ay out ot ats sum to its three executive officers the paltry sum of $7, CO ) per annum and not increase the taxes : W e hone next L egisla- tit re will make a thorough examination tnto the affairs of State at its ses.-ioi;, and wh:it bas hvcn (lone whh '!(;'y i ma i: as ueen et itocteu trom the neoole. it may have been paid out in legal and legitimate expenses, but to us as well as a majority of the peonle of Oregon, it, looter rather doubtful. '1 i no will develop w hat In ln-en uotie w itn the money, and in the intime the people may rest assured I m that the Democracy will honestly and . ti'lifiiUv :td ti ;ri in t'n-1ty..-- f" ! iru-.u and economy. Suori.n Q AI.AUIES i:k IXOKKASED i on i State Orr; cu l.s ? We see by interior pa- peojiio. mere v. as a Time in past yea when the population of Oregon was not a third of the present number, and style rather primitive about the capital, per haps the salaries of Governor Secretary of State. Treasurer, etc., tailed with the duties thev bad to perform ; btt at present those officials cannot, perform" their in creased duties and houfsth sustati." their social and financial obligations noon tin salaries now allowed bylaw! 'jt v,i,'! take four years to increase official com-. peus-.up-m through ,i constitutional mode, and it i.-rlhe interest of the w hole State to move in the matter, so as to remove temptation away from the inmates of the Suite House. G,mmcrcld. Ben. Hulladay is not satisfied with be ing the Railroad King of Oregon, but he wants to be the newspaper King also. He ard Geo. II. Williams have embarrassed the west side Company so for the past two years that they had to sell out to him. Aow he hopes to get control of the papers. when h:s road to crush the people of Ore gon will be coin plec Nearly six and a half million dollar; savs tin amt-n'o lu-iKirltr. willbenaid fin; lis vr:f I or rniiee ;m- in ri'i-i-niii I terprise ol me country. i There has been quite a muss among the colored members of the Texas Legislature oec iiise toe use oi iue nan was r veu lor a great State ball at the capitol on the 3.1 oUBine. which the sable law-makers were not invited to at'er.d. When thev found out that they were excluded ihey "nir-de a strong efTort to repeal the permission, but failed. That was a pretty thought of the old savage. Red Cu-ud, when he said : "Our nation is melting away 1 ke snow on the sid cf the hill w hen the sun is warm, j while your people are like the blades ol P in 'i11''11' u lie" S:l!'arn'r is corning." An,l' 'Udn'l !fm,vv. l f'rom Longfellow or atiy otnrr lebow. either. - TIie Bulletin". This is the tliile of the ni- ,:iV.v whirli is to nrrn-nr on isui TYik Bulletin. This is the ih!e of u,.. v nmv l:iiiv winch is to nmie:ir nn l!n IsiL t -- 4, - ; j inst. at Portland. James O'Jfeara is an- nounced as publisher. It will issue a daily monuns and evenimr ediiion. and also a wee It ), , ... , , ., 1 tta ! forihwau to complete the first sect on of ., . J . , . . 1 the 'revisions of the act. Telegraphic Clippings. j Congressional. In the House, Axtell opposed the amend ment increasing the appropriation for inci dental expenses of the Indian service in Cal Hernia from $7,500,000 to $10.000,000,a3 it was intended for the removal of the peace ful, industrious and civilized Mission Indi ans, who are citizens and voters, to reser vations in San Diego. He represented tbe movement to be a speculative one to se cure the farms of these Indians. The amendment was non-concurred in. Butler, of Tennessee, from the Com mittee on Elections, reported ia the Ken tucky election ca ;e that Rice, the sitting member, was disqualified under the Four teenth Amendment, and that tbe uovernor be notified thereof. The funding bill was considered. Vari ous amendments were offered and rejected, including one for payment of interest in foreign countries, when the Secretary of the Navy deems advisable. Another to strike out the exemption of bonds from taxation. Another making bonds and coupons payable in lawful money instead of coin. Another prohibiting the employ ment of agents, and another prohibiting the payment of any commissions or brok erage. Washington", Jul' 1. In tbe Senate, to night, the vote on striking out the income tax, was reconsidered, and Wilson's amendment, continuing it till the end ot 1872 at the rate of 2J per cent, adopted. The Senate classification of duty on cigars was also restored. The public debt state ment shows a reduction during June of 320.20:5.77;. The coin balance is 113 7(10,018, including $6-1,517.120 in coin cer tificates; currency, 528 915 007. The President has nominated Felix A. Mat thews, of California. Consul to Tangier ; Bdward Johnson, of South Carolina. Con sul to Ta'cahuno ; Mos.s Grinriell. Naval Officer of New York ; TIioh. Murphy, Col lectoij. of Customs lor New York. The President has signed the ads to regulate the foreign and coasting trade, and to pre vent the extermination of fur-bearing ani mals in Alaska. The amount ot interest falling due on bonds held as sinking and special fund, amounting to $2,300,000 coin is to be sold and used to purchase more bonds. The House Judiciary Committee have agreed to a general bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue dupli cates for all lost bonds, on full proof of loss, and indemnity against all luture claims. The joint resolution instructing fhe President to negotiate with the Indians on the Cmatilla reservation was signed. The naturalization bill was taken up. Sumner's amendment striking out the word " white' from the naturalization laws havipcr been adopted, the question was upon W'ii'i mis' amendment to exclude Chinese from its benefits. After a long discussion the Senate took a recess. At the evening session, the vole by which Sumner's motion was reconsidered was oassed. 27 to 1 1. and it was rejected by a vote of 30 against If. Warner moved an amendment!) extend the naturalization laws to aliens of African descent. Adopted 30 against 20. The bill as reported lo the I Senate and amended, was passed. j Cnte.voo. July C. A Thii.cs'' Washington peeial says tin opponents of Chinese j moor are no; sausneu w un u;e action ot the Senate yesterday in depriving that race of the benefit of naturlization. but desire that Congress should uo further. and pass a bill to prohibit ron'racts for servile labor. An effort in the latter direction will be made in the House during the present week, and both parties seem inclined to legislate to that end. ' 1 he del) -Me in ihe Senate yesterday on t uis question fended to ridicule presenta tions made in certain quarters that Chines laborers were about to flood the country. Ni.w Yoi;k. July G. A Washington . special to the Tribune says it is rumored and ereu'.tetl in omcial circles that Hamil ton Fidi has tendered his resisrnation. lie has been urging the President to accept his resignation, as he desires to retire from public life in this country. A Democratic Presidential Committee has boon appointed, Hon. Samuel J. Ran dall. Chairman. In the Reconstruction Committee ses sion to-day. the motion to have a general amnesty bill reported fcr action at this session was lost by a tie vote. An effort will be made by some Southern members to introduce the Butler bill and pais it under suspension of the rules. j Washington-, July 7. It is said that I before the close of a week a number of j important changes in the diplomatic j service will lie made a strong appeal to I the President against the "removal of Motley. If appears that Grant is deter mined to remove that gentleman. Ban croft is also understood to be in danger of removal. x"rtT,d: rsf HSecr Among fhe m-i-iy exchanges that have congratulated Oregon on her success, we cite the following : We do not in the South, says the Richmond Enquirer. appreciate I ally the victory in Oregon, which resulted in the e'ecfion of a Demo cratic Governor and ot.Ver .State officers, and a Legislature which secures the defeat of Mr. Williams, among the most ultra of the Radical members of the Senate. For a year past it has engaged Ihe atten tion of political circles at Washington, and all the patronage of all the Depart- moots of the Government has been prodi- j w-'Itv used to secure :i Perm Jitie-.i n viefnrv. t r, - , . . . , - Custom-nouse. postomee. ami ottier appro priations have been made by Congress without stint, with a view to the re-election of Williams, and the Federal appoint ments have all turned upon this single point. And yet. with all this against them, the Democratic party of gallant Of gon has tiiumphed. Who can over estimate such a victory at such a time, and in the face of such a pnwerfull com bination. It seems that, as the American Union, settled by Europeans, taught their motherland for seventy years the practice of constitutional liberty, to tin slope oi j the great Pacific, peopled by settlers from the older States will preserve a nucieus I of political freedom, around which thr citizens of the Atlantic States may rally ! t!lt'r coming light against Radical oppression, corruption and misrule. The j Radicals beaten at Washington, under the veiy eyes of ihe Radical heads of depart ments, and in Oregon, where they had prepared for certain victory, will now bejrin to see that the people are mov-insr. and that the daws of their despotism are numbered. Roll on the ball. New Bishop. Bishop Wightman, of Charleston. South Carolina, has been ap- pointed to preside at toe approacuingw-- .i,,5 ( t!,. r', ,,,-,,; I,-..,-i:i.- ami I, OS . . .i r - u .lll,r,.i4.ti,Tii(.,,-j,r,,'..w.. I iir .1,. I 1 , III! I lU. South. lie is expected ia Oregon some time in August. Official Vote of the State. The en tire official vote of the State has not yet reached us. Grant. Union and Curry are not yet received. We shall probably re ceive the official vote through the Secre tary of State in time for our next issue. STATE NEWS. The Herald says : We are called upon to cbronicle the most fearful accident which has ever taKen place in this city. The Senator, which was returnirg from the Emmet Guard ex cursion on Monday, had scarcely made her landing when the gang plank gave way precipitating into the river some fifteen or twenty persons, many of them ladies and children. The plank was resting on a -drop apron." which Jrom some cause proved insufficient to bear the weight of ttie people who were oa the plank. The sight struck terror to the hearts of many who witnessed the scene ; but brave men reckless of their own lives, plunged into the river and rescued the unfortunate, people who were struggling in the water. It was thought thought that all were res cued, but it was soon discovered that a lady named Mrs. Bellian was missing. Search was instantly made for her, but without avail, and it soon became appar ent that she had been drowned. At an early hour yesterday morning her body was recovered by W. llartly, a short dis tance from the wharf. The coroner was notified of the fact, and held an inquest upon the body of the deceased. Sheriff Craig, of Union County, arrived in the city last evening, haying in charge three prisoners en rtnde for the Penitenti ary. The names of the convicts are as follows : Geo. Dodson. convicted ou the charge of murder in the second degree and sentenced for life : John Allen and John Joseph, sentenced for three years each, having ueen convicted of grand larceny. From a gentleman who arrived in the city yesterday from Astoria we learn that a son of Captain Ilobson. of the Josie McNear, was drowned near Clatsop beach while bathing on Sunday last. At the same place was also drowned on Monday a young son ot Mr. CofJunburg. The reward offered for the capture of Tictmor end Falk, the two men who made their escape from the county jail a short time since, is withdrawn by order of the County Commissioners. The Sentinel says the late rains has dam aged the hay crop considerably. The farmers are cutting wheat, with prospect of abundant harvest. There will be abundance of peaches, pears, apples and other fruits. Hon. W. W. Chapman is announced as to speak in Jacksonville on the subject ot Railroads next week. We learn from ihe Guard that Mr. D. S. Snelling, an old pioneer of Oregon, died last Sunday. The Steamer Albany reached Eugene Monday, June 27th. with a load of freight. Very late in the season lor boats to run that far up. A little daughter of S. E. Warner, of Fall Creek Township. di-d last week, it is believed from the effects of strychnine. Dr. Robert Alexander narrowlv escaped drowning lately, while crossing a slough of the McKenzte fork. The Democrat says that the Ilarrisburg mail leaves this city on Mondays and Thursdays, instead ot Tuesdays and Ft i d.tys as heretofore. There are twelve candid ifes for the de gree of A. B. at the Willamette University this season. Interesting exercises are an ticipated. The Ensign tells of the re-marriage of L. T. Thompson and wife, who were mar ried at sea several years ago. Judge Deady having declared such a marriage ililegal. they have been married again. The schooner Bobolink arrived at Scottsburg with two cases' of small pox ou board. She is in quarar.tiii'i and pre cautions have been taken to prevent the spread of the disease. The rtabtdealcr says that We learn that a larg amount ol new mown hay was injured by tha late rains. But while it was injurious to the hay it ws incalcula ble benefit to the late grain and corn crops. The Bedrock Democrat says : On the night of the ISth inst.. the sluices on the claim belonging-to Messrs. Jones. Rivers it Co., in Blue Canyon, just above Auburn, were cleared up by some expert sluice-robbers. The amount realized by the scoundrels is estimated at from four to five hundred dollars. Suspicion of this robbery rests upon a band of Chinese. Some fears are entertained that the grasshoppers will cause the farmers in Powder River Valley considerable trouble. Already they have devasted several fields or finely-growing grain. The Democrat urges upon the citizens of Baker to build a suitable edifice in which to Lold divine service The Corvallis Gazette says : Dr. R. C. Johnson, one of fhe best known and most successful! practitioners of Corvallis. is lying seriously ill with the consumption. During his long residence here the Dr. has achieved an enviable rep utation in the practice of medicine. We sincerely hope he will soon be about again. The Commencement Exercises of the Corvallis College tianspired on Thursday hist . The recipients of Baccalaureate honors were : Alice L. Biddle, J. K. P Curran and Robert M. Veatch. Miss Pid dle read an excellent and instructive essay no the subject : "Progress of Mind.,' She is a young lady of much literary tal ent. The isLdesman says : The site t'Lr the Railroad Depot was definitely chosen yesterday and is located across Mill Creek" south of the oil mill, on a beautiful piece of gravelly prairie on the roud up Mill Cretk. Thh; location has been decided by the gift of five and half blocks of land, by the Trustees of the University, favorably situated for a Depot site. James M. Curley has been known fo sur veyors and persons around the Lard Office for many years. He has lately be come almost senseless? and incapable from excessive use of liquor, having been pro claimed bv the city authorities as a com mon drunkard. Yesterday afternoon he entered the back door of the shoe store of J. B. Nichols, unperceived, and some time afterward, hearing a strange noise in the i back room. Mr. Nichols entered it to find him in dying condition. lie lived an hour or so and died unconscious. Curley was a civ il engineer by profession and was accounted a most accomplished draughtsman. The worst that can be said of him k that ho was an enemy t j himself. He was to no one else. The iron columns at the new hotel are all in place, and the work will now pro ceed rapidly. The weather is very excefstvely marm. and the river is falling rapidly. A number ofthe business hoifses arnnnd town are being fitted up with gas3 fixtures. 1 The materials of the Press were sold for $525. and will be transported to Mon mouth this week. Sheriff Zieber of Portland came up last evening with two prisoners for tbe State Penitentiary Joseph W. Campbell, of Columbia county, who shot Mills, gets two years for intent to kill ; and m. Spenee. sentenced for one and a half years tor roobery. The Grand Jury, in making its final report, condemned tbe Court House as dilabidated and entirely out of order. The State Journal says that it appears from the census so far as taken by Mr. E. P. Henderson, that the proportion of this county, as to sex. is about equal. The males preponderate in a small degree. n . . Exercised. The editor of the Eugene Journal, formerly a nigger policeman and purveyor of waste paper for Radical con gressmen, but more recently the Radical candidate for State Printer is terribly ex ercised over the rumor that (Jen. Lane will be a candid ite for the U. 3. Senate. To ease the fellow's aching gizzard, we will say that Gen. Lane is a candidate for no position and would not permit bis name to be used in that connection. The sonorous yelp of the entire pack of Rad ical curs will fall but lightly on the ears of Gen. Lane, and will have as little as the barking of Randolph's poodle had upon the moon. I'laimleakr. Received. We have received a business chart of Olympia. containing a picture ol that city in the center, which is said by those w ho have seen the place to be a true picture. The chart was printed by J. N. Gale & Bro., and we are indebted to Geo. F. Smith, formerly of this city, for the copy sent us. Hot Weather. We notice by our State exchanges that the warm weather for the past week has been more severe both north and south than in this city. The ther mometer reach at Salem and Portland 103 degrees, while it uever rose higher then 100, and tee average for the warmest days from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., was 93 degrees in this city. Insult to Injlkv. The be nl in el. after having sold the Oregonian and Statesman with false returns from Douglass county, very cooly tells these papers that they ought to have been better informed than to place any reliance in it. This is adding insult to injury. The Rksit.t in Douglas. The Republi can papers are persistent in asserting that Judge Ke'say obtained a majority in this county and is elected, and that one Applegate a fugitive from the last Legis lature is re-elected. Now. know all men by these presents, that Thayer obtained 15,'i majority in this county, and that the whole Democratic Legislative ticket is elected as appears by the certified abstract forward ed to the Secretary of- State by the proper officers. riaindetder. Lifkw Chakles DiKKNS By Pi R. Shelt m Mackenzie. With Papers. Recol lections. Anecdotes and Letters, by " Boz.' never before collected. T. B. Peterson Ac Brothers. No. 30G Chesnut Street. Philadel phia, have in press, for immediate publi cation. The Life of Charles Dickens. It will contain, beside a full history of his Life, his Uncollected Pieces, in Prose and Verse Recollections and Anecdotes, as well as Letters never before pub'ished : and will trace the entire career of the great Novelist from the timr of his "birth and first connection with journalism as a reporter, to its unexpected and lamented termination on the 9th of Jund, 1S70. By Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. It will also contain a new engraved likeness of Charels Dickens, taken from a photograph for which he sat a few days prior to his death. The whole will be issued in a large duodecimo volume, bound in cloth, uni form with ' Petersons.-' various editions of 'The Cntnnlete Works of Charles Dickens."' Price SI. 50. Agents wanted everywhere, to engage in its sale. Advance copies will be sent to any one, post paid, on rceipi of price. Quick. Work. Mr. Thatcher, Rood Agent for the Oregon and California Stage Company, stocked the line from Portland to Corvallis in six days In this time he had to select and purchase about fifty head of horses, six wagons and harness for his stock, hire drivers, fix stae stands, divide the road into sections, and many other j tilings of a like nature, but all requiring time. e consider it doing business with a rush. Dal las licjniblican. - The San Francisco Fiyaro thus opens on one of our representatives abroad : "Minister I)e Long finds it itnposiLle to live scomfortably in Japan on a salary of $7,500 a year. Things must bo very expen sive in that country. AVe knew M.r l)e Long to live comfortable on a salary of 40 a month and his hash, when he was tending bar for John 'Atchison, at Foster's Bar, Yuba county. An exchange says that Acker man, the newl appointed Attor ney General, ow ns 2.000 acres of land in Georgia. What possible chance was there for Senator Wil liams to be appointed to the office, under such circumstances ? Since Grant is President, "the longest pole knocks the persimmon Herald. )' The Lvadicals all claim that the reduction of the public debt is to be placed to the credit of the Ad ministration. Xot at all. It is due to the great forbearance of the peopl?, who meekly submit to the most outrageous taxation ever imposed on any people. IJx. . Senator Anthony, of Rhode Island, and Senator Cragin, of Xew Ilampshire, were re-elected by the Legislatures of their respective States ou the 1 4th of June. The Connecticut Legislature has refused to strike the word ."white from their State Constitution. Oregon City Prices Current. o The following are the-tmces paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar ticles are selling, in this market : WHEAT White, bushel, 890 cts, OATS bushel. 50 cts. POTATOES bushel. 4050 eta. ONIONS 11 bushel. $1 0C :S1 50. FLOUR bbl. $5 00$5 50. BEANS .White, ft... cfs. DRIED FRUIT Apples, ) ft).. 44i.f Peaches. lb., lfijc: Blums, fl., 15 16 cts.; Currants. lb.. 1020 cts. BUTTER lb.. ir20cts. EGGS dozen. 15(20 cts. 0 CHICKENS dozen. $3 004 00. SUGAR Crushed. ft.. 20 cts.; Island lb.. 10I2 cts.; N. O., lb.. 15 cts. iSan Francisco refined. lb . 1GJ cts. TEA Younjr Hyson, "53 lb.. $1 50: pan. ft)., 90c$l 25 ; Black. ? ft., 75c, SI 00. COFFEE D ft).. 2225 cts. SALT Tf) lb., 1J3 cts. SYRUP Heavy Golden, 1 gnl!., 90c. 5 Ex. Heavy Golden. f fall., $1 00 BACON Hams. ft).. 16 cts: Sides, 15 cts. ft).: Shoulders. 10 cts. LARD jP, ft,., 1215 cfs. OIL Devoe's Kerosene. gall., 70c.(ty 75 ; Linseed oil. raw. gall.. $1 65 ; Linseed oil. boiled, p gall., $1 70. WOOL "p? ft)., 20 cts. BEEF On foot, 7 8 cts. R ft. ' POKK On foot. 6 ets. f Tb. SHEEP Per head. S2 0(!$2 50 HIDES Green, " ft.. 5c. ; Dry ,3 S 10 cts. Wistar's Wild Cherry Balsam. This Balsamic compound has become-a home fix tare. Btt all who suffer, and hSive in vain attempted to cure their coughs, cole's, bron cbial or pulmonary complaints, make use of this unequaled remedy. iioittv. In this city. July m1870f to the Wife of J. M. Bacon, a Son. New ToIsiy4 . 0 LAUDEN & DcFRANGE'S NATIONAL o BUSINESS o O COLLEGE3, PORTLAND, OREGON, For the instruction sf Middle-Aged Iflen, Ycnrg Kes and Boys, In the biantbts of a Er.sir.e53 Education- rpiIIS IS WITHOUT DOUbT A JIOsT JL thorough aud etlicient 1 n-li: uti,n, and ' has made lor i:s lf a name in Oregon, which its friends are justly jjroud. O . '1 lie biua cb'.s wliicn stiiiij out prominent' ly iu the ciin iculum of fctudy are o HOOKKKEFINti. COMLKC1AL ARITHMETIC, l'OI.ITICAL LCU.NOAIV, - O IENMaNSIIIP, COMMEUC1AI, I. AW,. CoKftE.NJ'ONDENUE, IC, A most thorough practical departments in constant operation, in which are com- pr sod all Ute minutiae of business atl'jirtiv SStudeiitd can enter at any time, .otv .? cations. o Ciilf at rooms; corner of FilOXT and AL- t Dilit streets,, or c nd for a circular eonl-iu-j'ug lull iiiioi fnatitin. Address, LAUUE.V & UfFBASCE Portland, Oregon, 0 ; o -j Sheriff 's Sale. fOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY vntiie. of an executiou isetied oat of too (Jncuit Com t, of the Matis of Orrg n, for the county of (Jiackarnas, andto me di rected, in favor of William 1. Ihdand ai.d against James M. Moore, for tbe sum of live ; thousand, eight hundred and nineteen dol- lara and 4.VluO ($r,Sla 4oj, with intere-tat the rate of lo per cent, per annum trom the ; 1 1 tli day ot Ma", lbti'.', and the farther sum ot $2S OO-lOU costs and for dollars ac cruing cost ; 1 have this second day ot July, A. U., 1870, levied Aipon all the light, title and interest of th? sa.d James M. Moore, wtiici. he now lias, or may have had at auv time since the eleventh day ot March', A. I)., lstil, in the following dtsci td land, to-wit ; Claim t7, being part of wctlow thiFtj-one (ol), T two ri)-sout!i K, two t2i eav, ca- tauiHig about sixty-three (C'J) at reft, the me ' buitig the land sold by Geo. A. l'ea.-e, Ad mintstratoi de (joitia hon, of the estate of Koberi Moore, deceased. And will proceed to se.l the same, at public auction, to- th highest bidder ltrcash,iu froitol tlw Const House do r, in Oregon City, on Saturday, the s xth day of August, A. D.r ls70r at tin hour of 10 o'clock a. m., to (Ssttisry said tric cutiou, costs and accruing cost?. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff Clackamas tountr. By T. J. McCakver, Deputy. Oregon City, July '2, lS70.rjuVt5 1 t.m ., ' Sheriff's Sale. "VfOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY Ll virtue of an execution, issued out the Circuit Court of the State ot Ureg"n, tot tbe county of Clackamas, and to Wie direct- f ed, iu favor of William I. Doiand and' against James M. Moore, for the sum of fS)c' thousand, eight hundred and nineteen dol lars and 45-luO, (5,S19 4o) w ith interest at the rate of teu per cent, per annum from the eleventh day of May, 1800, and the further sum ot -2s, 'JO costs, and for dollar- accruing costs; I have this second day if July, A. D.. 1870, levied tipou all the inter est which James M. Moore now has, or may have had since the eleventh dayof March. IStit, in and to the land claim of Kobtit Moore, deceased, said claim being kjowu upon the plats m the Land Office at Oftgou Ci y as claim No, 71, Notification No. v section Sn, T. 2, S. It. 1 E, and claim No w. part of stctioii 1, T. 3 S. It. 1 E, t-aid inter est being an undivided fomth interest in saw claim. And will proceed to sell the same, public auction, to the highest bidder fyf cash, in front of the Court House door, m Oregon Citv, on Saturday, the sixth day j August, A.'l).. 1870, at the hour ot 10 o'o" ; a. ni., to satisy said executi$, costs ana at cruing cost-j. , - JOHN MYERSe 1 Plipriff Clackumiis torn ty. I Ky T J. McCarveu, Deputy ity, July 2, lS70.:ju0tr, Oregon Citv Notice. Q rpriERE WILL BE A PUDLTC E.XAMI"" L ation of the Teachers for Clack im' Countv, at the City Seminary, Oregon C'itJ on Monday, July 25, 1670, at" In o'clock a.io E. OEKRY, Pup't of Common i-chools. Orf eon City, Oregon, July, 7, 187o:ot Willamette Lodge iXo. 151. O, Meets every Saturday evening, at the roctr t S.B-; corner of Main t m. -tte. fw ; O I iiivviv. lSlWUl - u. - - fit attend. Hy order of o o t ..