o o o o o O ? i O O o ni r r si S s I III JL i i H J i VOL. 4. emuiJt-miii.'jLXJj.Jui mi 11 M ill diimi1 1KB I l-fcH The Weekly Enterprise. ADEMOCRA tic paver, o Ton THE Business IV3an, tho Farmer Aiul the FAMILY CIRCLE. o o issrr.n eviiy Saturday di A. NOLTNER, o editoii and runr.isiiER. OFFICE Corner of Ftftu and Main streets Oregon City-j Urer -o - TERMS of SCBSCRIPTIOX: Single CV;iy one year, in advance, $3 00 O (TER MS hf A DYER TISIXG f Transient :ilvi'rf Nemetits. including all O I,:, (I aoti.-es, ). of I'? lines, 1 w.$ 2 .50 For .ich subsequent insertion 1 (,() One 0 yliimii, one year ...$120 00 Hi!f " " 00 Q fiVtcr " " 40 Bdiites Curd, 1 sq-iare one ye.'.r 12 fiff" ll'm'tl'inrt- to be made at the risk o Subscribers, and at the Pxpewse of Agents. BOOK AX It .OR 1'RIXTIXG. tli" The Kut'-rprise office is supplied with he I'lriFu!. sin pro veil tvh'H of type, and mod em MACUI.VK i'UKSSl-N. which will enable Ce l'i opi M t'r t do J l) Piinting ;it all times Xi at. Quirk and Cheap ! t,7T 'VQ-k .!;;. ted. 5 AH J!'i! '"' t'j ;- ir'iima upon n Kficfte bais. o ; asxh'ss a a rd s. J. II VITCI1KI., J N. POLPH. MITCHELL & DGLPH, Attorneys and Counsellors at Laic, SxiuciterfPin Cirmccnt, and Proc lorn m Ad ;ri rally '0rre. Odd Ftlh)-vf' Temple, corner of First a; I .leu--' reefs, J'ortiaiid, Oregon. O AW PABTXLKSIIIP. ,1 A. K. KI'.I.TY, r.c-iiii.'!i' ( '..hntitiiu ; I..--. ! 1 and .51 ts. J. II. EKED, Tlesi.leiiee ciinii't of Columbia and 7th st.s. Jus. Iv. Kelly and J. !1. lu-e l, under the firm name of W.i! practice law in the 0urts of Orejrnn oiu.-.' new i'o First street, near Alder, over the (4ott t ...lice room, For' - w and. axsing STOUT. I (J) Attorney and Counselor atfLa,v7, roiiThAND, o nr a ox. O :!;" T'uder th United States District Court II mm. FroiitXstreetO 4itf ' AE -cc T1IAYEI1, , ATTOlTXrA'S AT LAW. OFFICK In ('rt e. r.uildinsr, corner of I i oot and Stark -. tivtds, I'or'datid. -0 r,-2:tt J. V. CAPgf. J.0'. M O K EL AND. V.ftA-: UORF.LAXP, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cor. FRO XT !),d SYASIIIXtrroX st.t PORTLAND. OIIFCOX. j 1' ( I E X E A .CM O X IX,. J A TTORXEY A T LA IV, Kooms 7 and S Cirtfr' lllock, 4. POUTLAXD. OUFa;0X. O J v. uoss, d., Pliysiciaa and Sursccn, X7"0;Tice on Main Stieet, opposite Mason ic lla'l. t ) roLcsj-i Citv.O 1 3tt" Fliyriician anil Surgoon, "runu'1 at hi- Drwz Store, near Tost G.Ti :effgon City, Oivr i. . . Fit! Q i. vViJIjG'il, DEXTIST. Orcjon. City, Oregon J'lrnQ'icuti' LK' r'cd at J O ROOMS With Pr. Sanarrans.on Main st. JI. W ATKINS. M. D , OFFCE-Od I jrt .-.nd Mder stiv 51. i in aud Seventh s OFFICE--Odd Fellows' Temple, corner ret ts Residence corner of streets. ! ALAfJSOri SrlITH, 1 Attorney nd Cour.s:! or at Law, I'iluC TOll AM 50LK ITOK. I AV0CAT. I'raeflecs in Sta'e and U. S. Ccurts. I Ojjur Xo. 10.S Front Strr'-LPurihuul. Ore.jon, 1 Oi ji ite MeCot ick's Book Store. 2 r Q "Barnum Saloon." ENT Sc PLU3EV, DI PEXSF.KS OF Chdico Wines, Liquors Cigars., Main st.. Oie-ron Citv. OvT" c.dl, iin.lo'.ort Potter will show von I :hrin"h the establishment. Pitt j W. F- KIGHFIELD, Pt hli-;!ied since 149. at the old stand, H tin Strcft, Oregon Clftj, On-'jon. J An Assortment of Watches. Jew dry. and Seth Thomas" weight 6 Cl.ii ks all of which are warranted Y -'TV J to he a- represented. l!erainfiL' done on short notice, nd thankful for past favors. "iiiva and Let Live." riELDS& STinCKLEK, DEALERS IX PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, &c., choice qAvines and iiquohs. "At the old tind of Wortman & Fields Oregou Cit. , Oreg in. " ICtf - ".-I I L ! ' ? - ' V.-- - ' .. '" - ----- Wli HH II I III The Nest Legislature.- The next Oropon Legislature will stand as led lows. lit-publicana in italic : SENATE. 1st District. Marioa Broicn. J. II. Moores. county Samuel 2,1 District Linn county-R. R. Craw ford, Lnocb Holt. 3d District. Lune county R.B. Cochran A. W. Palierson. 1th District, Douglas couritv L. F Motslier. C. M. Push huker. aih District. Jackson county Jarnes D. Fay. (ith District, Josephine county B. A. Ilolzclaw. 7th District, Euaion cotnty A. M. Yt'Uli.am. 8th District, Polk county B. F. Bnrcb. 9th District, Yamhill county J. V Watts. 3 10th District. Washington. Colombia. Tillamook and Clatsop counties Thos. II. Cornelius. ID- District, Multnomah county Lan sing Stout. I). Poicdl. 12th District, Clackamas county D. P. Thompson. 13 h District, Wasco county Victor Trovitt. 14th District. Raker county S. Tson. 15th District. Umatilla county N. Ford, loth District, Union county J. lien der-diott. 17ih District. Grant coun y J. W. Baldwin. Democrats 1 1. Republicans 8. HOt'-SE OF KKPKKSKXT.VTIVKS. Marion county T. IF. Direupnri. II. P. Eahnrt. J. M. Harrison, V. It. Dan bar, O'co. 7'. Ilolnvin. Linn county Geo. R. Holm. W. F. Alexander. Thos. M tinkers. J. Ostrander, W. F Elk ins. Lane county J. Whiteaker. G. B. Dor i is. Jas. F. Amis. Douglas county Hutchinson, Caldwell. Drain. Jackson co-mfy Jack Ruder, Joseph V a! is, A. J. J.ui'iiett. Josephine county A. Waldon. Coos and Curry Lockhart. Denton cot.uty Y. J. Dunn, 1Y. J. Krlhj. l'.'ik county Ben. Ilayden, R.S. Grant, W. Comagv . Yamtiiil county Lee L'mglJin.Al.llnsey. Washington county A. T';y.'or..Mills. Columbia, Clatsop and Tillamook C. O'nejf. Multnomah coun'v J. 1U. Whallpij. U' lieijan, L. I'. Y. Quimliy. John C. C'iaekamas county TF..1. Slarkicealh"r. J. T. Ai'p'-rson. Ptfer I'-icpn-t. Wasco county James Fulton. O. L Savap.e. Dakor cotmty TI. T'orfer. liaker and Union J. P. McLain. I'maiiMa countv Two Deniocrats. (intnt county J. M. McCoy, W. II Clark. Union county J. T. Hunter. Democrats 'J.'J. Republicans IS. Ma jority on joint ballot. 17. Local Papers. We lake the following from an exchange, which tells plain truths. There can be no question but what a paper sustained liberally by the community for whose in terest and benefit it labors, is a greater source of remunerative wealth than any other institution which can be fostered in a town. It says : What tells us so readily 1 lie standard of a town or a city as the appearance of its paper? Audits youth or its age can as well be determined by the observing as by a personal notice. The enierpris-' of its citizens is depicted by its advertise ments, their liberality, by the looks of the paper Some papers show a good, healthy, solid foundation, plethoric, purses, and a well-to-do appearance generally ; others show a striving to contend with the grasp ing thousands around them, trying hard to wrench an existence from their close tis'ed communities. An occasional meteoric display in its columns of telegraph or local, or of editorials, shows what it can .lo it it had thf means ; but it cannot con tinue in the expensive work until support comes, which ought to be readily granted. A newspaper is like a church - if wants fostering in the commencement, and for a few years ; then, as a general thing, it can walk alone, ami reilect credit upon its lo cality. 'Take your paper home it. gives you more news of immediate interest than any other paper can possibly do ; it talks for you when ether bicalities bed? you : it stands up for your tight;-. ; you always iiavt: a ehanpion in your heme paper: and those who stand up for you should cer tainly be well sustained. Your interests arc? kindred and equal, and you must rise or fail together. Therefore, it is to your interest to support your home paper, not "grudgingly, but in a liberal spirit ; as a pleasure, not as a disagreeable duty, but as an investment that will amply pay the expenditure. Siioulii Ic Increased. One of the firs: things that the incom ing Legislature should d is to remodel me oiase v.-onsutuison a? tion of public officers. far as compensa te idea t.iat tne Governor should receive but SI 50l a vear. wneu score-; of mere mule clerks in Port land and Salem receive tu-n iHints mnro 'han ,h;lt su:n-,i-i' ;i ligrace to the State 1 hrt'1' thousand dollars per year is enough a:m u-i n is in lie i .- it... enough. We will ventu-e to say t!i-t the fact of our Gov ernor only receiving 1.500 a year lias kept hundreds from emigrating to this State ; it, give outsiders an idea that we were a poor and groveling people. In like manner we favor the "raisin r of all i other State officers to a reasonable living rate, say ?"J.1U0 per year. We know that enemies of the Democratic party will charge us with doing this to help along the Democratic party and increase the pay of Democratic office holders. But this cannot be done. The compensation of no office can legallv be increased or deminis'ied during hU term. It will take ionr years to amend the State Constitution so as to increase the pay of State officers, and by that time another election will take place. The idea that the Sheriff's office in a mining county should be worth six or seven thousand dollars a year, while the Govenor of the State gets but fifteen hundred, cannot fail OREGON CITY, OllEGOiT, SATURDAY, JFUJL ST 9, 1S70. to strike the most careless otserrer as unjust and ridiculous. California pays her Governor $7,000 per yetr. vhich is too ranch ; Oregon pays hers too little. There is no sense in this 'penury wise and pound foolish7' econo my, and if we do not wish to remain behind our rbter States forever let us now submit the question to the people: Shall our State officers receive adequate com pensation lor their services aud heavy responsibility ? Xtirs Popular Education. We take the following article on popular education from the Jack sonville JXeics. The suggestions in it are good and we believe that the office of State School Superintend ent is a much needed necessity and the benefits that would be received by the schools would compensate for the small expense : It has become a recognized axiom in all fret; governments that as you increase the facilities for education, you proportionately decrease the desire to commit crime. Experience has shown that jails cost more money, both to build and maintain, than school houses, in addition to which there is the danger to prop erty and life to be considered. Therefore, all men who desire to see our State become prosperous, must desire to see her sons and (laughters receive a good and liberal educa tion, to enable them tograpple with the work-day world. ut while Ave arc in favor of a comprehensive and liberal public educational system, we desire to see one that is commensurate with the growth and progress of the State. There are some among us who favor the establishment of a State Nor mal School b' the incoming legis lature. In our opinion, that move ment is premature. What we need is this : First, the establishment of a'Siate Educational Department, with a Superintendent of Public Instruction at the head of it, who will attend to it and nothing else. It is unfair to impose this task upon the Governor any longer. Second, t he establishment of a State Eoard of education, to consist of the Governor, Secretarv of State, Su perintendents of Common Schools in and for the counties of Marion and .Multnomah and the State Su perintendent, the latter to act as Secretary of the Board. Third, the establishment of quarterly Boards of Examination in each county, to consist of the County Superintendent and two teachers, who shall issue certificates based upon a uniform course of examina tion prescribed by the State Board of Education. Fourth, a State tax and a county tax upon property for the support of schools, like every other State has. Fifth, a uniform system of school books in all the counties of this State. The pres ent system of allowing district school officers to select just such books as the like, is so manifestly unjust that any statute which per mits it, is a disgrace to our boasted civilization. Every time a man moves from one county to another, his children have to be supplied with new school books, and this be comes a grievous burden upon poor men, and one that is intolerable to be borne. We learn that Hon. J. T). Fay will introduce a bill having the above enumerated features at the coming session of the Legislature. It lias been carefully prepared un der his supervision by a practical teacher, who has hail several years of experience in the schools of Cai-, ifornia, and it embodies many of the features of the California law, which, though drawn by a liepub lican and passed by a Republican Legislature, has be n deemed so' equitable by the Democracy that they have ever since refused to altet or amend it m any shape. Air. : Fay's bill will be presented early! in the session and from the 'persist-I ent way that he has of advocating! measures, we are confident that it j will become a law. It does not j provide for any State Normal j School, it being the opinionof the j autlTorthat ten years hence is time! enough to think of that. The tax necessary to support such an insti tution would be better expended, for the present, upon the common schools of the State. When Ore gon acquires twenty thousand more population and increases her taxa-j ble property twenty millions of dollars, then" it will lie time enough j to talk about a St.nte Normal school I We hope to see every Democra tic vote in that Legislature east in favor of Mr. Fay's bill, to show the enemies of our party that Demo- i erats are willing to further the I cause of popular education in every ; way consistent with the resources1 of theiitate. And to the Repub lican members we would say that '1 there is no -party question involved in a measure that affects the prop erty and advancement of an entire people. We trust to see it pass by an overwhelming majority and be enrolled among the statutes of Or egon, as an evidence of the pro gress and enlightenment of her people. - .. , 0-4 The Latsst Infamy. After years of shameful delay in ml . granting pensions to the soldiers of the war of 1812, Congress has doled out tardy justice, not how ever without linking with their ac tion a partisan i nfamy, character istic of their of their legislation. The bill, as passed, provides a pen sion of eight dollars a month to all surviving veterans, who served three consecutive months and were honorably discharged and who are now dependent on their own labor or that of others for support. To this, however, were added two amendments, one extending the relief of the bill to surviving widows, who were married prior to the treaty of peaet and who are now in like dependent cirncmstan ces, the other one excepting such veterans as at any time during the war sympathized with the rebel lion. In all the long category of out rages for which the present Con gress is responsible, there is not one exhibiting such a spirit of ma lignant hatred as this one. What infamy could be more atrocious than this revengeful thrust. at the poor old soldiers of the republic, tottering on the verge of the grave? For years entirely ren'ler- ed harmless by the infirmities of age, unable at farthest to more than cherish a natural sympathy for the land and people to whom they are linked by "every human tie, why deny them requital due to services done nearly half a century anterior to the war? Does the mere feeling of sympathy with their children, and probably chil dren's children, who went into the rebellion, render profitless to the country and unworthy of remem brance their heroic defense of the nation's honor before the present generation was born? Surely language cannot express the utter loathing a high minded, liberty-loving, magnanimous peo ple should feel for a Congress guil ty ol such base ingratitude and so prostituted by partisan hatred. Boone County Journal. They Vote. Prom the Clear Lake Courier J Hurrah ! The niggers vote ! Our Radical friends must feel good over the result of the late elections East. Oh, very no doubt! It. must be soothing to their spirits and quieting to their nervs to iind that the ebony objects of their devotion vote the Radical ticket, and yet in every instance there have been large Democratic gains or positive Democratic victories. But the niggers vote. So they do. What, an interesting occupation it must be for a full-feathered "rad" to cast a retrospective glance over the past few years, reviewing all the toils, tho trials, the struggles, the shiftings, the lies, the prejuries, bloodshed of his party, and then gnu up the grand total of results the niggers vote and Democracy gaining. Thirty years of talking, preaching, teaching, stealing, burn ing, killing, aud the niggers vote. A million of men brought to untimely and bloody graves ; three millions of willows and orphans made; three thousand millions of dollars expended and more des troyed ; the .advancement of the country set back for fifty years ; an aristocracy created an aristocracy of bonded, untaxed wealth which exists upon the sweat and tears and life blood of toiling, hopeless poverty aud for what? To place' Revels in the Senate and let niggers vote The black nigger Senator, Rev 4th, Is, le ivered a lecture on May in Boston. At its close the 1 white nigger, Wendell Phillips,! was called out. Amount other 1 remarks of a like character, speak ing of Revels, he said : "To-day I present you with a true embodi-'and 1 mentor Southern reconstruction, a ; veritable piece of the true cross of Amerca's future. I show you the Fifteenth Amendment in flesh and blood. In 1SG1 j both Houses of Congress, almost ! by a unanimous vote, pledged ' themselves that m this struggle of j blood against a rebellion in arms. the nation would never put its ' -. i i: x- '.. I hand over me uue oi oraietgiau u. x uu.eu.Mv leit u.av sovereignty and. assan xne system j -i l i . which was plotting against our , people. Gettysburg and Appomat-' . t "--1 OF BANCROFT LIBRAK1, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA, I tox: daslietl that convfoatft with death and agreement with hell to pieces, and here stands the result ! We repeat with something of n pride, the sublime pledge of our fathers that all men are created equal. We put the same great truth, with added guarantee and more explicit word ing itito the Constitution of the nation. With infinite toil at vast expense, with such a sacrifice of blood, sealing the charter with live nanurea thousand graves, v e have made it true of the ncgr- . With what toil, at what cost, with how much blood, with what self sacrifice and devotion you will make it true of the Indians and Chinese remains for the next twenty-nine years." There you have it. Thirty years of intrigue. four years of bloodshed, for Sena tor nigger Revels and the nigger vote. That being secured we turn our attention to the Indian and the Chinese. But how like Dead Sea apples is this splendid prize which theRadicalshavegrasped. By thou sands ami hundreds of thousands is the black standard being desert ed ; and as the niggers, the Indians, the Chinese, the baboons, the apes, monkeys and gorillas are sought in fellowship by such men Phillips and his class, the- white flock to the unspotted banner of democracy. v aik no c-amno, up Cufiee, Caesar and Dick ! II ere t he black ikopu m.w.t- T,...,.ia ,.!-.. t tv,,v on an i a i t , i v imi i deposit your ballot in the post- oiiieo. come aiong, iuig-.ong. long. Chung Lee, Si-Sing, and all yon moon-eyed denizens of the flowery kingdom. Come, leave your rats and enjoy the glorious privilege of the bal'lot. Come, uLo," you lazy cuss; come from your grasshopper soup and cricket chowder, acorn hash and other forest luxuries; leave the charms of the scalp dance and enjoy the charms of universal suffrage. And all ye islands of the sea send forth your ""dog-eating, missionary-roasting population. Let them swell the glad hosanna for Revels is Senator and the nig gers vote. The Negro on the Stump. Under this head the Elizabeth Dnilij Journal, publishes the follow ing speech, made hy an unedu cated negro, possessing a strong native intellect, as the most effect ive one delivered in Mississippi against the new State Constitution disfranchising twenty thousand white citizens, and was voted down by the colored vote. Boyd, the speaker, canvassed the State where the negro vote was in a great majority, with complete success. The following is the substance of the most interesting part of his speech. My colored friends, I appear here to-day in your interest alone The white man is able to take care oi himself; and as you can all see, I have not- one drop of white blood in my veins. Laughter. I am a regular old-fasld ned, plain, coin-field nigger, and havff not the capacity to instruct white people as to their duties, even if I had the will. I was a slave from my birth. I always endeavored to serve my master faithfully, accord ing to that letter in the Bible which reads: "Servants, be obedi ent unto your masters for this is right." And I can lay my hand upon my heart to-day ami say, before God, that I entertain no ill will toward any white man on earth, and least of ill toward my old master and his sons, whom I t loved as my own brothers, aud i with whom I plaved in ,nv j bov-hood. In all our neighbor-1 hood romps and frolics and fi-ghts, ! (Tnr hm-s will flo-'it i thev stood at ' my nacK, as l did at ttieirs, wnen- ever it came to the pinch (laugh- ter); aud, thank God, I will do" so vet. I will stand by them so long ! as they stand by me, whether the j oppression comes from the Yankees, or from wherever else it mav. Whenever it comes to my making choice between white men, I shall v,y baci, as 1 did at theirs, when- urefer those of my own section to .".11 the carpet-baggers in the worh 1. j ILaughter and applause 1 There i isn t very much liffei ence between j white men and Yankees laughter, when you find it all, you'll find it in the w bite man's favoi White folks tire all cut pretty much out of the same cloth, ami both sections have made their love for the niggers to subserve their own interests, as ail men are rel fish by nature and can't help it, and I can't blame them. When the war broke out. Ism free to acknowledge, I was might v i-i ..e t ... i . i ,i. , e rt ..- . mv ireeuom was going to come out - . - ot it some way or ot iier, and as 1 am perhaps as selfish as a white -kJ . V XV.. R .,, man, I tell you I didn't cry much at the prospect. Well, when the ;irst company left my country fo "Old Yirginiiy," to fight tin Yankees, I enlisted with the ba' mce of them, and went along as first cook and head waiter for one of my young masters. I had a prettv good time, too, for wliil the white folks were out fighting and marching, and suiieiing, and dying, I was lying back with the I iiK-at and bread wagons, Laugl ter.J 1 leit, for once m my life, it was a pretty good thing to be a nigger after all lor ,h White men would not let me fight along side of them, and after I heard the first shell go off, God knows I wasn't very anxious to do it either. Renewed laughter. I knew if I iiad been along on the Yankee side I wouldn't have had such an easy time, for as selfish as the Yankee is he never objected to getting some body to do his fighting for him ,-henever he could. Not lie. Loud laughter. Some folks say he was willing enough to let the South do it all during the Mexican war. I used to lie right smartly amus ed hearing the white folks talk. Aly young master came in one iiight alter a battle, and says he, ''Henry, we've just had a big, six nours, fight. We whipped the 1 d Yankees like smoke, and drove 'em thirty-six miles." Thinks i to myse'f, Humph! pretty good driving all in six hours, too!" But a heap of people think the nigger is a fool. Well, I sorter thought, maybe the Yankees were really lightingto free the niggers But they didn't keep the wool over my eyes long. I watched 'em mighty close. One day the news came into camp that 3Ir. Lincoln had issued his procla mation, saving that if 3Ir. Davis i i ami come woni iv lonvn ins amis back into the Union, and go to paying tariff again, the Southern people might have their niggers! Thinks I, humph ! Mighty poor chance to get any freedom from you, Mr. Lincoln. Laughter. I tell you what. I felt, mighty bad for a long time. I had the blues so bad I was almost black. I think in two weeks I must have fell off twenty pounds, I was so Traid Mr. Davis was going to do it 1 couldn't sleep. But by and by the good word came that ?dr. Davis said that he'.k'be d -d if he'd do any such a thing. I an't fighting for the niggers. Let the niggers go. I'm after mj own freedom first, before anything else in the. world." I tell you my heart jumped light up into my mouth. Thinks I, bully for Jeff. Davis! He's my man! Ah, my friends, if the Yankees had been in Mr. Davis' place you'd a been in the cotton p'ltch to-day, with the whip after you, instead of sit ting up here m this court-honse ; hearing me speak. Laughter, j But don't you see the difference between the Southern man and the Northern man? The Northern man never missed the chance of f -r -i "I taking care of the dimes. And now the carpel -naggers com'e here aud tell us they are our friends, and the Southern peo ple our enemies. They tell us they set us free. Oh, yes, they've done it all, no doubt. They si t us free about like they set the mules free; about like Ben. Butler set the spoons free. Immense laughter and applause. They did it to help the Yankee, and to injure the iouinern man. l ue can i iooi ingger. I know who brought the Jogger to this country, m the ljl" place; the Northern man Brought us here, aud when they ncgan to lose money on the nigger tlin nitre"-!!- iti llu.ii -" . i' 4 pocket sold him down South; - 'ltd then, to keep the South m the Union to make her pay taxes, they tnrn around and K-t the nigger and mule mid the spoons Jive ; and thev wouldn't have sit anything re? (excepting the spoons) il they -dd l-ve Ut the Nduh back m- to the Union without it. They promise him the "forty! acres and too mme. t . i i I know five niggeis nun, MtuH'u pitimp to .!.,. 1 . 1 Ceath waiting for that mule and is a dun n u-e in some way and we that forty acres. Laughter. I'd j leave the solution of this conun like to know where the carpet-1 drum to those God and Morality G bagger got his forty acres? You all remember the Devil took the Lord up into a high mountain, and promised if he'd fall down and serve1 him, he'd give him the whole world, and the old scoundrel knew li .1 . i:i ,..,i .i I in) nt i . till lilt' nine ii. niu.i i i'ii" " land on the continent. I Great 1 laughter. rri !,. j'sks me to .me ca'pei-ti.. - , east mv Ulf i' i teen lik; um - -v folks down. -NOU ' , . . i tl ti e ' ed was to get on a level v. i i . all 1 ever want- j J-at.,J!V. ' i. j yn"" T " white man.. They say a nigger Is better than a white man in Cin umati. Well that may be the ruth in Cincinnati, but it ain't true lown here. It is my interest to stand by the Southern man, and it's my wirh, too. Whatever law s made to affect the white man's p'antation also affects my little cotton patch in the same wayP The three cent tax on cotton hurts me worse than it does the white man, lut ?t puts money in the Yankee's pocket. 0 They want to disfranch the white man, and make the nigger out them into office, that they may have taxes and things thr-ir own way. .They never would have passed a law allowing niggers to vote if they hadn't thought the niggers would vote the Republi can ticket. JXcver. xever. Who believes otherwise ger, certain. Not this nig- .fctmuiittb Women- "I think, if I marry," said Mr. Temple, glancing across at Flor ence, " I shall educate my future wife to suit my future- require ments. I like a feminine woman and in our day when thegentler o sex compete for honors at our uni versities, und what not, it is time for men who want wivesin theCJvhl sense of the word, to have a school of their own in which to educate litem. Only a tew days ago 1 read of single, married, and widow la dies having taken degrees. I grant that there are some men whoQnight like to marry a iemate aj. u., out I am not among the number, for I believe we have round corners which need planing md polishing; and I hold that a woman's tender ness and gt idleness is the greatest safety a man has. therefore I do not wish her to lose her identityQn gradgrind study. Let her be well , , , react ov all means, Put eschew competition with men. Only imag ine a husband and wife going uj, to the counting house bent on the same ousmess. e nave naroness enough to deal with daily. Why O should women be educated in the same rough school? Give o me rather a womanly wife, who woijld be one with me in all my pursuits ;0 Avho would sympathize with me in all my difficulties; who would cheer me with her honest advice: and who would beguile me from money making by her affection and not a manly woman, who would borcO me with argument, weary me with politics, or boast of her degree." Gold and Tind. " ? Chinese Slavery. o Massachusetts was willing to dis solve the Union to abolish 'Negro Slave.iy. The reason why Massa chusetts wanted Negro slavery abolished was, that Negro slavery was urofilable to tho South nnrl Massachusetts hated the Southern people. o Now comes in this item of news which demonstrates the kind of philanthropy 'which distinguish es Massachusetts politicians and Q Massachusetts capitalists: Seventy-five Chinese laborers O passed through the cityof Ottum wa one day last week onth B. fc M. 11. R. bound for Lynn Massa chusetts. These Chinese laborers were under a contract to work for jfive years making boots aud shoes at Lynn, on the following terms: The first year they are to receive nothing but their board, in consid eration that their employers jay their passage from San Francisco to Boston, which amounts to 01.25 for each person. For the remain ing four years they are to receive fifty cents a day, without board. They are not to receive the full amount of their wages until the completion of the term of service and a forfeiture of the contract on their part works a forfeit of all that may be due from the Massa chusetts Slave Driver. t v xnere are some pcrnaps who may be able to discover the phi lanthropy which animates a Massa i t - i . i - . chusetts 1 ankee to steal aegio from a Southerner and then urges 'him to make what is substantially p. slav dav ot t of a Chinaman. Theie feffows who have beeife talking so loudly about the Barbarism of Slavery. Coppfrhtad. Reduced Oxe Haef. For sev- eral tears Ben Iloihiday has boast-0 t'tl umi in wni.... i . . 1 !.. I i r i-1 1 1 n I t -- he owned two Lnited ot ates ocnai o. r a iMiinin,ui nan- . o "T.,.-. rT- sas, aim iiu.iui. vu-gon. jvi- ter the 4th of next March, I loll a- , c4int.vrifll rnnitnl will - ..... i - - ouceu , -, just one-half. W. IV, Statrtman . ..1,.!.... ft" .. . tT o 1 ! 3 1 V o o - 2 " z o o o o o O o o o o 0 o o fif o n 3 s -: i O G O ; A o o o o II 0 i : G O : 1 1 f J i t m i It i l! i4: W - o '9 is 9