. '4 o. 0 o o o o o 4 If jrlje tUrckln (Enterprise. (5-OAVX AXD tOUXTY. cciioor. Examination-. We learn that all the closes at the Oregon City Seminary s-etl a very creditable examination at .l , -in; exercises, me examination The ft as conducted by Mr. S. D. Tope. Princi pal of the school. Dr. Ilarclay, and N. W. Itand.iH. The singing by the scholars fras led Jay Iiev. John V. Selhvood. On Tue-day evening the scholars and friends thet at the Congregational Church for the purpose of receiving the diplomas and nortificatcs. Addresses were made by f J. W. Sell wood and E. Gerry. The nines of the graduates are. Mioses Ilattie md Katie IJarclay, Jennie and Mollie barlow, Emma Miller and Kate llunsaker. ..Iter the graduating class hail received their diplomas, ihey presented Mr. Tope, ibryiigh M-si Katie IJarclay, who made a wrf appropriate presentation address, tvitb a beautifully bound gilt bible, which vas repohlled to by the recipient. tiiE Foi nni at Okego.n City. The Com mittee of Airan-jement-i for the celebration cf the National Birthday of our country U-. c saeceedQl in procuring the necessary fn.ls and making the arrangements for a I - glorious observance ui iue ua;. I i T'iTe will be a frfoef ssinn, esco I (ire 'on City Bia-s Rand ; sing otious observance oi me ua;. in mis city. escorted by the ir 1 1 1 r hv the Club ; reading of the Declaration of tioi . a leien ilence, bvJ. A. hmitii, hsq. and a J : .. . , .. Mp rtr.n A I V i r o , . T .-.,. 1 ... 1 ot the day. VV e hope that our citizens will participate in the celebration of the day, and make the occasion a grand success, one that w II n tiect credit on our city and her patri otic citizens. That EnSixk. That ever-observable object on Main street, the engine, still re mains in its place. LastJ-aturday evening a small boy while playing on it fell from J lie top to the sidewalk, injuring himself '"severely. If our city parents don't take cire of tljat nuisance, together with the Mwulk, th;i city may be called upon some day to pay a small bill of damages. The brakes of the engine are frequently put clown so as to project over the side walk, and ijjierson coining against them at night can very handily be injured. ; Cii wenok. In another column will be I found challenge to ihc Webfoot Club, of 1 .Jyifayette, from the Eck fords, of this city, i "Ve regret that the apparent pood feeling between the two clubs at their first meeting i (should t'Tininate this way, hut. the insiuua- tions contained in the last Issue ot the Blade ? that (Hir bovs were willing to let the trame flul with the second, thus stand one and one, Wits unjust. Our hoys were ready to play at any tune, while it was the Webfcet that failed to "come to time." ,; Amisinu. A man with aa ox team passed ! through town, and he Offered a fellow $-J.5(1 H i ride one of his oxen, which was accepted, I but the fellow h id hardly mounted him when ;!( f ii'id h'niself lodged on t';o ground. It w.i fin for the hoys Ktandng uri und. We ,(' 't know whether the te!!mv wao was :"fu r the S50 enjoyed it or n t. Ivsane. Henry Neaves was a i rested last Monday and taken before the County Judge. m ho adjudged him insane. He was takeo to t.'.e syium. There was considerable trouble to secure luin. as he had.a gun and k .ife with him, and bad threH'tued those who ar li'Me.l him. He has been a terror to the litf'tib irhood fur some time. & le ' " m. D.vViMso.v. A new advertisement of tins rial ejdate dealer and collector, at. J'o;t lan I, will be found in our c-1 .m is t -day. )!r. Davidson, bv a strict ate:itiou to busi- l'l-ss, punctuality and industry, has estab lished a line tois'i ii-.v-j. tinil ita tnmr iW-it jiTsons entnutiug bu-incoS to hi:u will t;uJ l im prompt and faithful. It. Metzgeu. The readers are referred to fie advertisement of this gentleman. It will lyeen thatjiB is prepared to furnish curled Imp. of Oregon manidactui ,-) at low rates, iind that he buys m ines a'id tiils of l,,,r.. 55J tails of cows. Patronize home iudusirv. ' C'HEnnii.s. Mr. W. X. li. Holmes, of this roiinty, left at our olficj a limb T cherries 'Ut IS inches in leiurth which contained "iaige cWries ; n part of the limb eight I loihrs, conta'mcn ot this number IS 5. There ere-a number iilreadv picked off when we f'veived it, und the entire l.mb must have ad originally at least L'.'iO ehenies on it. that's what we call tome cherries. Phrsonal. We had the pleasure of calls J'iring the past week from Eugene Semple, i'lQ.. of Portland. W T W-hv Jle.UiiinvilIe lion 1 I.' J-.sn of and W. Wadluads. K so .. o Salem. J'iRK. An Indiaiwiamed Munrfy, one ot te"'cTlest inloihi t nf .-.f reykfeiiee destroyed by fire last Thurs- v-w. l ie los iviu 1,1, f o: . - -- ' " .j 1 b 11 mill tdhe hd. 3"et it was i I- 0. 0, 10 The following gentlemen were "Ctediliccrs t f Oregon City Lodge No. 3, ? f- 0. P., last Thursd.ivPevenir,r. V. n iMtuvs. N. t; evy. V. (Jr.; Win. H. :.ckeraiaii, Treasurer; '"shall, R. s.; S. A. 1 1 11 he I I miEa Ball. The Fire Department '' Kivc a rran.l hull f,- tun . r .1 . - o " ' 1 1 v. ucuviu jl tie I'i'tincnt. on lipvt M jP "w " uuu reuowa nail. r ' 5 , Wt Sit no, eon-. Mr. Barclay rv,.rM a fUrSeo this week w.-itrUin ol,T 1 -nd. Pretty big fish. J j fcoci.v W'E A sociablftlwas ln.l in flio tT end of town last Saturday evening at tLCreieVerVb0dy Ciii"?cd themselves ex- O s I HK.-Sbrlff Myers will sell to-day (Sat yj all the property on which the taxes 1 ell ?iU3 Uini.H i. Jeb a.i-3. The Oregon City Glee Club fce1ual1'si"S for thG Fourth. Good sing- I - uuu uu me occasion. 1 Dance.-a dance : is announced to come off . . . , next Monday evening. Court Ilous, Tl . l-.u'i n s .Moxtult. e have received number of this popular Magazine. . 1:5 filled with interesting matter. l-E&ts. Mr. 11. C. Myers, for some time jMeug.igp, in business in this city, leaves $ . l'V 'or eastern Oregon, where he will , e'ge ia stock raising Success to him. I Wfo u.i 1 uui 1 1 v nave 1 1 v 1 n 1. u 1 jLi ?Jll'v'. number of this interesting period i ier k 1S lieredit to the Pacific coast and 'uv su-)uiu rea(i it. U ot-XTr Cotrt. The County Conrt for 1(:kamas countPconvene next Tuesday. jEw Awxixg. Tbe Lincoln Bakprv . v , I'nnl rm n r . 1 . . . . . t. . " - vi w.Miuiuim i'.ii it li'w.v awning Does not every one see thai there is less probability that the Democrats will carry the next House than there was two years ago that they would carry the present one? Orejonian. Certainly there is. Eight years ago the Democracy had only one member hi both branches of the Legislature, elected by four majority : six years ago they had four members ; four years ago they lacked about five of a majority in both branches. and last year they had a majority in both of about one or two, and h!s lirrie tbey have a majority of seventeen. There is no reason, is there, of expecting to carry the next Legislature ? The past is no criterion to go by? There is no doubt of the success of the Democratic party two years hence by a larger majority than this State has ever belore given. Mark that prediction and console yourself. Rkceivkd. We welcome to our ex change lift the Red lHver Post, published at I ewisville. Ark., by Smith fcTownsend. Everybody knows Capt. V. V. Smith for merly of Linn county, and will be glad to hear that he is publishing one of the sound est Republican, journals in Arkansas. Ilerister. The V. V. Smith mentioned in the above is the eldest son of the late Delazon Smith, whose memory is dear to every Democrat in Oregon, and the son's recreancy from the path of his illustrious father, shows the degeneracy of the human family. The memory'of his great father should have prevented him for all time from associat ing himself with those who were his deadly enemies. Those who were present at the capture of the escaped convicts say that np such remark as that very suggestive one, at tributed to Hayden by the Statesman, was made by any of the prisoners. However, while on their way back to the penitenti ary, one of the prisoners expressed his regrets to a member of the capturing party because he did ruit have four hun dred dollars with which to get 'a pardon before the present State officials are ousted. -Democrat. Hkarth & Home for June 25th contains the first of a series of sketches entitled Jelhro Throop's Xljht Thoughts, by Jonv Tiioms, who i3 no other than Petroleum V. Xasbv. The great humorist will take an honest country boy to the city, conduct mm through, the usual experience, and restore him to his home a sadder and wiser boy. satisfied that the peaceful, honest, and temporate life of the farmer is the best and safest life that can be lived. This is a lesson greatly needed at this time, and Na.sby is the man to teach it. Cheerfulness is a great viriue. Hope and fortitude under adverse circumstances are greatly to be commended. Orejonian. We recommend that yon console your self with these glorious virtues, as they are all that is now left you. Your ' ad verse circumstances ' are greatly to be pitied. Eight years of power is hard to relinquish even in Oregon, but the people have given you your discharge for all time to come. The Supreni" Court of Oregon will be very respectable after all. SOdesman. We are glad that the Statesman has such a favorable opinion of Messrs. Prim. Thayer rind Mc.Vrthur. We hope to in clude Hon. 13. F. l onliam in the list ere long. CoMBrxATiox. The Padioal papeis have combined their forces and are now indus trious'' laboring to create the impression that they with Geo. II. Williams are the only parties who can build the railroad on the west side. It is a dodge to influ ence men to vote for Williams for U. S. Senator. It won't win. Ti i ave rt Pkohaw.y Elected. The re port, that Judg. Kelsiy is elected in the 2d Judicial District is probably proma t u re. Sfa'esm in. That is the fi;-t time we have heard a willful falsehood called by the modest name of-' preina'iuv." Tlu're is no neces sity of saying ' prcbably when you know that h is elec d by 7-1 majoiity. WILLIAM DAVIDSOIT, Oiu-e, ."o. Ol Front Stret-t, j PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. REAL ESTATE DEALER. Special Collector of Claims. A large amount of CITV and EAST POUT LAND Property for Sale. A!s-, IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable un eu tivatid LANDS, located in all parts ol the St.-.te Investments in REAL ESTATE aid other PROPERTY made foi correspondents. CLAIMS of all descriotions promptly col leted. HOUSES and STORES leased. All kinds of Financial and General Agt-ncy business transacted. Parties havfng FARM PROPERTY for sale will please turoi-h descriptions of the sam to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in each of the principal CITIES aud TOWNS of this STATE. Julv-J:tf Clialleug,. 10 the IVebfootClub. To the Web foot B. B. C. : Hearing of the late." boasts of vour club that you could beat the Eckfords easy." we propose the following: We (the E'ck tords, wid wager from one to five hundred collars that we can beat the Wcfot Club, to be decided by one Rlime . tl)(? to b jilayed according to the rules of 'Base BIl and to be played on neutral frpn,,n.i, -' I u,-so P;"lse toKPt following articles, vviz: 1 en new base ball shirt- s-ne.-V. ave new blsCJr, three base bi'ts- game. W e mean t.ulness ; the .ieoosi. is rtadv. ' Put up. or .shut up -' ill to be played w.th.n fifteen days; the UmPhe to be chosen from an uuinterested rinh JAS. A. WRIGHT, 1 reasurer E. B h r Oregon City, June So, is7o. " ' ? If you wish the very best Cab net Photographs, you mnst'caU on BRADLEY it KULOFSON, 43 y Montgomery .ti-uDt C n Pranrispo s Ort-gon IoI ge Xo. 3, I. O. or O. F". vi. Meets every Thursday even t ino at o'clock, ia Odd Fellow's "-S?? Hall. Main s eet. Members of the Order are iuvitcd to attend Py order, ' -V. G. A CARD. I hereby notify the public, that about three jeans ago, . C. Johnson, of Oresoa Citv, at the da.tlh of his father, employed me t -n:tv-e the corpse and my charge for the same wassiOnu; that said Johns..u is the execu tor of the estate ot his tin her ; that frequent 'y said Johnson told me that he would see the bill paid, but did not pavthe same until 1 gave the bill thim this week. Afier waiting three years tor my pay, said John sou complained that the bill was too rrueh, and that I would have to make an affidavit to the ace-nint, so that it would be according to law. He then wrote an affidavit for me to subscribe to and his partner administered the ith, for which said Johnson charged me $, one-half of my bill, and with a Miiiie, in formed me that I would get but $5 for it any way. The pubi c can tru-t such a mar if they s -e fit. THEODORE IU.MMLER. Oregon City, June So, IS70. It The Vitu.1 Statistics of Cullfornla. Show that periodical levers and acute and chrome disorders of the stomach arid bowels, are among the most prominent and fatal dis eases in this State. Disobedience to the laws of health, as regards diet ; the use ot perni cious stimulants ; and the wear and tear of business excitement, and of " fast litV gen erally, have moth to do with the prevalence of these maladies iu our cities ; while ia the interior, and especially iu the gcld-yielding districts, they are chiefly due to malaria, un wholesome water, and the exposure and pri vation incident to life in new settlements and milling (amps. Now, it is a fact that it is as possible to protect the human system against these maladies, as to guard life and property aaainst the incursions of assassins and thieves- Strengthen the vital organization with IIOSTETTER'.S STOMACH B ITT IS US, and it becomes as capable of resisting the active principle cf epidemic or endemic dis ease, as a tire-proof safe is of resisting the action of combustion. This is the experi ence of thousands who have remained un scathed by malarious disorders iu the sickli est seasons, while their neighbors, who neg lected to lone aud regulate i heir sy.-tems with this uneq. lulled medicinal stimulant, have fallen tiock and fast around them. Weak ness invites disease. Vigor repels it. Help nature to fight the good light with infection, whether it be iu the air, the water, or the soil, with this matchless preparation, a compound of the rarest vegetable extracts with the pure-t of all d.ffusive stimulants. Ilebecta. Degree Lodge So. 2, 1. O. O. V. Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY VXIXGS, ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. By order of N. G. Williiniotte Lodge Xo. 13 1. O. t T Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Mam and Fifth streets, t 7 1-2 o clock. lsiting members are invited to attend, liy ordr of W. C. T. Dr. J, H. HATCH, DENTIST. The patronage of those desiring last Class Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. B. Xitroitx Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Offick In Weigant's new building, west side ot First street between Alder and Mor rison streets, Portland, Oregon. Dl'TCiiEll'S I A C1IITXI ?. li PL V Iv I LLE 11 Is ahead of anything of the kind. Handy and cheap. Try it. Sold by Druggists, ju ie'2." : ir-ii Ti e s'andard remedy for ong!n,Infln- itzu, S re 'tit 1 oat, Whonpin Cough, Croup, I Aver C unptah t, Bronchitis, Jibed in g of tiie jAtngs, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs ind Chi st, including Consumption". Wis ar's I alsain does not dry up a C ugh. but loos-ns it, cleanses the lungs, and a. lays irritation, thus removing the cause of th'i complaint. None genuine unless signed I. Bi'tts. Prepared oy S,;tu W'.Fowi.e it Son, Boston. Sidd by Reoinotox, IIos gETi'ER & Co., San Franciico, and by dealers Tenerally. je IS: I y GREAT REDUCTION! IX THE -PRICES 0F- rine Watches ! Eicli Jewelry ! ! And Silvervare ! 13. li. STON13, Dealer in Watches Jewelry ! 107 Front Street. Portland, Oregon. o Would invite the attention of his friends and the public to his Lirge and Choice as sortment of FINE WATCHES, from the most celebrated makers of E. Howard & Co. Bo-ton ; Apel on & Tracev, P. S. Bart.ett, Waltham, Mass.; Elgin Watches; Jacot's Self-winding Watches; English Watcties and others. Also, a well selected stock of ladies Watches, of all description and styles. which he would be pleased to show to all who may favor him with a call. FIXE JEWELRY and SOLID SILT' El? IV A li E, F A X C Y A RTJCL ES, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PKESEXTS: Gold and Silver Watches, of different ma kers. Diamond Fins, Ear rings, and Finger rings. Gold Bracelets. Gold Chatelain Guard and Watch Chains. Gold Necklaces Armlets. Crosses and Lockets. Gold breast pins, Ear rings, and Finger-rings. Gold Charms and Keys. California Gold Rings and Bournes' Patent Buckels. Moss Agate Setts. Rings end Cuff Buttons. Wedding lings made of pure gohb e.tpres-ly tor that purpose. Gold aud Silver Thimbles. Opera and Marine Glasses, Pebble Specta cles and Eye-glasses. Solid Silver Napkin Ring. Silver Fruit and Butter Knives So.ul Silver Table and Tea Spoons. Regula tors , Seth Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, Gilt Galley Clocks, etc. clFW All the abTe articles sold Cheap for v-JNh, and warranted as represented. i adint; c uu lven lo repairing and Si ; wSLCLr0nome's.t"P5ex andAmer- B.L.STONE. Front street, Portland, Oregon- tf I I iic test t lie Jln iU of stll Tilings. FOR THIRTY YEARS! -5:3 Perry Davis' Pain Killer, Has been tested in every variety of tli mate, and by almost every uatioi, known to Americans. It is the almost constant com panion and inestimable friend of the mission ary and the traveler, on ea and land, and no one should travel on our Lakes ok Rivehs without IT. It is a speedy and safe remedv for burns, scalds, cuts, Cruises, wounds and various oher injuries, as well as for dysentery, diar rhoea, and bowel complaints generally, and is admirably suited for every race of men on the face of the globe. Be sure you call for and get the genuine Pain Killer, as many worthless nostrums are attempted to be sold on the great reputation ol this valuable medicine. Jf Directions accompany each bottle. Pi ii-c Si5 cts., 50 eta., and $1.0ti per Buttle. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Saddlery. J H. Schram, of this City, is now manufacturing the best Saddlery and Harness in the State. lie will have at least 50 sets of all grades, from fine to com mon, finished and ready for .sale next month, and more than that number of Saddles. He is bound to make a trade with any man who wishes to buy of him. He uses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, and his work bears a most excellent reputation abroad. We hope that citizens of our own county will think of this, when they want any articles in his line. Multnomali Lodge Xo. 1. A. t'. unit A. M. Holds its regular eommuhi Cf cations on the First and T lard Sat 1 urday in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 20th of September to the -20th of March, and 7 A o'clock from the 2oth of March to the 20th of September. Brethren lu good standing are invited to attend. By order of W. M. Agents ! Read This ! "TTTE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY VV of S30 icr week and expenses, or allow a commission, to sell our new aud wonderful inventions. Address M. WAGNER & CO., Marshall. Micdi. May 28in2 BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT PLACED in my bands for the purpose of collect ing delinquent taxes, due to Clackamas county, and to me directed, I will, on the second day of July, A. I)., 1870, expose for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, lor U. S. gold coin iu band paid, the follow ing tracts or parcels of land, or so much thereof as is sufficient to pay the taxes due thereon for the year lStiD, together with costs Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day and continue from day to day until sold. Sale to take place in front of the Court House door, in 0egou City, Clackamas county, Oregon : 3 7-. - - I NAMES. - . t Adams, Riley, 7 3 s hv 'to r:o crc 10 Altree, E S 2s 3e 27a ;75 Be.irdsley. Ann, 23 5s lw loo 40u 10 S3 4J 73 S8 8'.' 2W 4: 5H 20 Bavin, Lour, improvements on nuldic land. 100 I7r, 3 1 4 1 C 2 3 o 1 8 o 4 1; 1 o 8 0 0 10 o O 14 o 6 Bo-ton. J W. 17 3s lw Bidvell(heirs oQ :5s 3e Bonton V W, 2s 3e Burbank, .1 T, Clagart, ('has, Is 4e Coffee, Andervin, s Se Cu Inert son, Andrew, Is 4e Conoell, J O, ;J2 2s le i.:lark, U . 07 o, 6 200 4"o 117 ieo 30 15 75 4 11O 150 200 2oo 14o loO OOO 4oo S00 4u0 100 2oa 1S5 133 1 G loo ltd lr.o 92 75 s S3 320 50 60 00 4 -0 4o 00 t"j 12 52 40 40 40 20 4o 20 40 40 Delates Jackson, 2 Duaton, T J 2s Epperson, John, 3s Ftndlay, Dav-d,3'j 3s le 2e le !e r run, Jas.iu Garrett, T W 2G os lw Glover, E, imp. on pub hums Gardner, George, sec 11, 2 ?, 26 2s 3e l'Jij 470 Glanr.in,T. 1 s le 320 400 timber, John, IS 2s 2e 4 400 Greesse, Gotheb 03 4 1-3 mi'.l 1,150 Gist. JasII, 'j 2,7 2ut) lIughes,Rachael.20 3s lw ISO tjijO Ilarnrave, S A, 20 5s le PiO 200 Hari-ol!, it Mrs, 4 2s le lf.o 400 400 Howe, James, 11 2s 2e loo 150 150 2 Hamilton, Wm, 2s le 329 1,000 Henry, R W (Oswego) 13 50 Ilalpine, James, (Oswego) 1 8 400 Jackson, Francis (estate of) 16,00 SO 0 40 3(i 5s 2e 32) 500 77S 12 50 40 00 Oil 80 60 20 Job, Samuel 5s Jones, Luciuda, 4s le : le 322 4oi) Kio 250 Jackson, W E, 6 5s Kellogg, ML Mrs,3G Is 2e 200 350 le 3 1-2 400 425 Knotter, Wm, sec 32, 20 3s 2e 320 000 Lafer, A, 1 5s lw 100 l'JJ Lavery, Wm (Oswego) B 5 sec 17 and 20 2s le 330 229 Larery, J K, 20 2s le 70 140 Larkins, James, imp public lands Lewis, W II, 22 2s le 180 2fi0 Moshburger.Chas 4 5s le 80 250 3 2 2 4 162 2 10 Go 40 20 80 40 20 2o 05 00 20 00 80 20 25 2i5 80 00 80 95 D5 Morgan, Mary, 3" 4s lw 80 4u0 Markham, Mrs, 20, 21, 23, 20 2s 3e 150 200 McCraken. John, 3s 3e 160 300 Moff.itt, .l is, 27,23 2s 2e 4(50 1000 Moore, Henry. 32 2s le 02 200 Munsey. J'W, 3s 2e 160 200 I'edige, J 11, 21, 2S 2s 3e 200 400 4 IS Pollock, S L 3 7, 8 500 Reynolds, N II. 23 3s le 100 200 Bobins n.RG Mrs 20 2s 1 w 2S0 500 Russell, W, imp public land Wiley, Joseph 3s le 19 50 200 Riggs. F M, 2 4s le 80 300 Spicer, Altred M 22 5s le 160 Sjdcer, Nancv A 22 5s le 100 Shepperd, J B, 3-3osle 80 Somners. Geo, 23 4s le 120 250 329 250 305 50 300 Smith,.! W.imp on public land 200 371 Sanders. W II " 371 Snutlius, B F, one mill 12 3s 3e 100 1000 G1S 10 30 Sommers, C. A, sees 21, 22. 27, 23 2s 3e 120 1.0 110 1 76 Silver.C S.secs 12,13 3s 3e 320 500 Settlcmire. Geo, 8) 19 8 50 0 Tinslev, W T 11.12 5s le 160 100 Taylor, G W, 25 Iw 140 30 4s le 169 553 92 14 80 00 03 Tucker, J P,imp on pub lands 134 Tarrant, S, 50 Yinson, J, S, 32 4s le 220 500 8 12 Weddle. Eliiah. 2fisle 160 550 6S9 Wilson, Roberti one mill 17 2s 5e 160 500 1450 24 20 Wayman F, homestead, sec 43 t2s " sees 33,34 33 le 129 100 135 2 14 1 3 3 5 3 Q 15 40 00 0 20 GO 20 40 Weeks.W W 13, 19 3s lw 37 ) 90 Westfall, C A, 3 3s lw 80 1(0 Williams, Samuel, Is 4e 160 200 Williams. S L Is 4e 160 2i'0 160 350 170 200 100 150 Williams. Simon, Is 4e Wilson, E A, 9 2s le Williamson, J 1,2 2s le White & Rhoades 29 7 Wills. Jonathan, 14 7, S 3000 2700 43 20 150 o 40 JOHN MYERS, Sheriff Clackamas county, Oregon City, Jure ?, I $70. KilNGTOX HUSTETTER & CO. Stop that Coiighin r T Some of yoa can't, and we pily yon. You have tried every remedy but tl e ONE destined, by its'inti in.-ic merit, to supersede all similar preparations. It is not surprising you should be reluc taut to try something else after the many experiments yon have made of trashy compounds foisted on the public as a certain cure ; but Newell's Pulmonary Syrup is renlly the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Coughs, Cold., Sore Throats, AsUima, ll'hoopiiig Coughs, Bronchitis and Consumption. Thousands of people in California and Oregon have been already benefited by the surprising curative powers of PJeweH's Pulmonary Syrup and with one accord give it their un qualified approbation. We now address ourselves to all who are unacquainted with this, the greatest panacea ot the age. for the healing of all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, assuring you that Mewell's Pulmonary Syrup litis cured thousands, ano it will cure YOU, if yon try it. This invaluable medicine is pleasant to the taste ; sooth ing, healing and strengthening in its effects; entirely free from all poisonous or deleterious drugs,and perfectly barm less uuder all circumstances. For Sale Xiy all Druggists REDINGTON, IIOSTETIER & CO., 410 and 413 Froht street, San Francisco. Redingtoii's Essence Jamaica Ginger, Iflu'ch is confidently recommended as the best prepartion now before the public. This valuable preparation, containing in a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger.has become one of the most popular dome.-tic reme dies for all diseases of the stomach aud digestive organs. As a tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; for while it imparts to the system all the uh.w and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is entirely free from the reactionary erlects that follow the use of spirits of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for females who suffer from diflicutt men struation, giving almost immediate re lief to the spasms that so frequently ac company that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, caused by riding in a railroad car, or by sea sickness, or other causes. It is also valuable as an external ap plicaton for Gout, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, etc. KEDIXGTOX, IIOSTETTER S; CO., 41 G aud -118 Front street, San Francisco. Rcdiiigton's Flavoring Extracts ABE THE PERFECTLY PtJRE AND highly concentrated Extracts from Fresh Fruits, prepared with great care. They ure put up in superior stylo, and in a bottle holding TWICE AS'MUCH as the ordinary brands of Extracts. Comparing quality aud contents, none other are nearly so cheap. W henever tested on their MEitiTS,they have been ad pted in preference to all otheis, and are now the STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS ol the Pacific Coast. MAi;iC THE ADVAXTAGES By purchasing Rcdingtun's Concen trated Flavoring Extract-, you obt.-.in an article not only superior in richness and delic icj of flavor to ay o her of a simi lar nature, but far moie economical, be cause e; ch l ttle holds double the quantity contained in a bottle of any other flavoring extract sold. ItEOiXuTOX, HOSTE1TER CO., Agents for tae Pacific Coast. EVi. $c P. Would yon escape FEYER AND AGUE, and preserve health and vigor during the s ckly -eason, make occasional use of the following as A PREVENTIVE- If you are ATT CKED with Chills and Bilious Fever, or have been a victim to such disease, aud used other so-called remedies wi bout permanent relief, seek at once t'ae safest and suie.st CUBE, by using, according to directions MASON & POLLARD'S or, Fever and Ague Tills. Time has proved them thoroughly to be the safest and most reliable remedy known. They contain no mercury or other mineral or chemical. They are exclusively vege table. They stimulate the functions of t he liver. Conge.-tion is impossible where they are used. They do not. deter frOra oaily labor, liy a-sisting digestion they add flesh and mu-cleto the frame. They arc adapted to ail ages and both sexes, aLd as a FAMILY MEDICINE Will CURE in their inctpiency, three fourths t all diseases incidental to a malarious climate. For Dyspepsia, in small doses they have no equal. For sale bj al! Druggists. REDLVUTOK, IIOSTETTER & CO., SOLE AGENTS, The Sattie for Life Which is'centinually going on between health and disease, has never received from auv medicine such marked and un mistakable assi-tance. oil the side of health, as it has fiom NewolTs Pulmonary Syrup REDIXGTOr-f, IIOSTETTER & CO., 41 5 auJ 18- Front street, San Fratjcibco. ritoTZi man imos, NO. 121 FRONT STREET, Portland, Oregon. Anotlier Spring BOOTS & SHOES JUST OPENED OUT. THIS IS THE SECOND FULL A'D As sorted stock received this spring. We beg leave to assure our customers that we will keep our store ALWAYS FULL, And our Gcods shall be of FIHST QUALITY in the MARKET. Those who have not heretofore dealt with us, are respectfully invited to call and ex amine out goods. We challenge competition in prices, as sortment and quality. ' may28tf THE BEST KEW YORK SILK HATS!! AT SEVEN DOLLARS, A Large Assortment of COOL SUMMER HATS ! AVERE RECEIVED BY J. C. Mcussdorifcr & I5ro. C. W- POPE & CO., DEALKKS IN STOVES, TIX PLATE, SHEET IRON.BRA ZIE S? COPPER. LEAD PIPE. Jl!() PIPE AND FITTINGS, RUBUER DOSE. FORCE AND I 1FT PUMPS. ZINC, COPPFR, LRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general assoi t r cut' of House Fur nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Eron Ware. ROOFING AXD J ORBING OF EVERY DESCnD 'IT ON I ONE 'IO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES; o Also at POPES STOVE STCRE you will find HARDWARE AND HASLETS, WOODEN, WARE AND UN WARE. LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. A LbO PERAMBULATORS. o " All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO fcUIT THE TIMES. C. XV. POPE & COi Jl:lyJ Oregon City Oregon. Final Settlement. IN the mutter of the estate of James Mc Laughlin deceased. In the County Court ot" Clackamas county. State of Oregon. Notice is hereby given that Jas. M. Moore, the Administiutnr of the estate of James McLaughlin; deceased, ha rendered for settlement, and til. d in said Court, bis final account of bis Administration ol the estate of said deceased ; and that Tuesday, the Fifth iidh) nay of July, A: D. lStO, being a day ot a regular term of said Court, to-vit : "of the July term, A. D. lS7o. has been duly appo nteiJ by the said Court) for the hearing uf objections to such final account, and the settlement thereof. By order of said Court. Attest : J. M. FRAZER, County Clerk, May 7, lS70:5t Notice of Final Settlement. IN THE COUNTY CO CRT OF TIIE State of Oregon for the county of Clackamas : In the matter of the estate or James L. Luring, deceased; Whereas. W. V4 Chapman, Administrator of the said etate hasthis 7ih flay of June, 1870, filed his final account, asking final set ilement of the s-ame. Therefore any aud all persons interested iu said estate are hereby netitied to be and appear is the said Court on Tuesday, the 5th day of July; 1670 at 10 o'elock, A M., at the Court House, in said County, to make objections if any 1 here be to said final account and settlement. I3y order of W. T. MATLOCK, County Judae; W. W. Chapman, Administrator of the estate of .Tamfs L. Luring, deceased. June 7tb, tS7:5t Final Settlement. IN THE MATTER THE ESTATE OF Jehu Baker, deceased : In the Count3' Court of Clackamas coiHity, State of Oregon, Tlie administrator of s-aid Estate having filed his final account for settlement thereof, it was ordered by the Court that Tuesday; the 5 day of Ju'y, 1370, be set apart for bear ing Objections to said- final account and the settlement of the same with said adminis trator. Ry order Of said Court. J. M. FRAZER, . - County Clerk. June 11, lS70:Tw pIXAL SETTLEMENT, In the matter of the e-tate of Hezokiah Johnson, deceased. In tb County Court of Cta-kamas County. Stats of Oregon. W. C. Johnson, the executor of s-aid es tate, having ti ed bis accounts and vouchers for final settlement theieof, the County Court of said county has appoiuted the first dav of the July term. 170. of said Court, for the examination and adjus'ment of such ac- ( counts, and the nnal set lernni ... estate. W. C. JOD NSON, Jane 7, 1970. Execu.or. AUCTION AJVB CQMMISSIOHl A. IS. ISieliStt'dsoii, AUCTION EERf Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Herehan dise and Horses, O Every Wednesday and Saturday I A. B. Ricuaedsox, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE". English refined liar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel p Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fiy-paus, theet iron, li. G. Iron y also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquor A. B. IJiciiARDSON, Auctioneer ALSTON, IS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN SIXTH STREETS,. OREGON CITV, OREGON. "TT7T1EEE II E WOULD I.TTITE HIS V friends, and the public in geneial, to- nil snd examine bis stock, consisting ot a O ClolisiiSj '5 Ilstts Caps, If a ware. CrocItcry5 Gfrocci'icsj Arc. 3T Having fron: many years' experience learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS O LIESIN SMAIL PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Sib nee the CiyT of Portland Pjicesl Oregon City, August 2Sth, lfeiO. Harvest ot 1870 ! ! o Selling off" to Close JJushiessl And no HUMBUG I OF BRYlGOOBS, o o HEDY-IIADE CLOTHING, O C0TS AND SHOES, ilens' Ladies, Misses' and Chilarens HATS AND CAFS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plafed Ware, Paints, Oiis, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to he sold Ff&gardless of Price ! ttS To convince yourself with respect to tkis matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, South cf Tcpc Co.'s 2'in Store Oregon Cityl W3I. SINGER, M; WEIlTgElJlEfti SINGtR & WERTHE1MER, Have Established FOR THE MAX UFA C TOR Y OF1 SASHj BLINDS ANO LCCRS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. Tbey will also do TURNING, of every detciiptiun tojarderj With Neatness and Dispatch ! Q Furnitnre store at Werthtimei's fctancr! o ALL WORK W A li RANTED. . Shop on the River, back of Acke man 23.lv j Store, Oregon City, Oregon. ISAAC FALR. r. D. MORRIS t'. J7ARU & MORIUSS, BUTCHERS, EOll OREGON CITV AND VICINITY, ZdsT" Will deliver to :beir patrons all the? be.-t qualities of Stall Fed l3eef, also Mutton.. Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, oin Tuesdays and iSuivrdays! Thankful tor past favors of the public would'! O respectfully asks a continuance of the same; JEW COLUMBIAN HOTELS Cor. FRONT and 31 OR RISES' St.,. PORTLAND, OfcEGO- K" The most Comfortable Hotel in tha CitvT Hoard and l.odginpr, from one to o dollars perdav, according to rooms occupied.. BOOKSNDATIONERf. HAS JL'ST RE C E I V E D jrSfWi a fine stock of School f LrJJU x, . . i- uto'iniiprv and (Terv- ffJurTiS". thing usuaiiv Kepi i" u" store, direct fronit he East, which he offers for the public at reduced prices. Store nn.,ef the Court House Give me a call aBd e.v jmT.e my rootle and prices. Oregon City, Juc 1?, If 7C:tf I Cv 1 4 Q. 0 o o O G O o o ; i O f tf o o o O O li i if I! 8 O G 0 O I- o o 1 li Ob- BANCROFT 'xEbSuii . UNIVERSITY OF RAT.nrnPMTa