The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, July 02, 1870, Image 1

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-!'-.--Aiuijijgj "w. -.ja. .jjnj 'a.t .ir-yjggmiiiL-Mi.':i.. .-.j.,,i gmiLLjJU
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VOL. 4.
i ii i i i ii ' n ii'dinm Will 'I'M 1 i'n ! jn " uri 1 1 ' n in i mr n hthi- n .,
o Ike W eekly Enterprise.
ran rut
Business r?1an, the Farmer
CJl- FVCA.'- Corner of Fiftu a.'id Main tiCt-?
Oregon City. Oregon.
GriiDS Copy one year, in advance, $3 00
'out adVertHewi-nt, meiidin? a!!
"xn" . V of 12 hue.-, 1 w.$ 2 50
lJC-i. , "uuhi insertion . . 1 to
i-or ei::n - r vcar
One C jlu-nu, .
iU!f " " "'
(,) iirter " '
jUaiae-ts Can!, I siare yea.
.$1.0 00
. 12
jf?' Rmitl mc- t be mcjt at Ti,,
e rixk o
Sa'jiSribfrtt, and at the ctpenxe of Agents.
ti" The Enterprise office is supplied with
hp.-itiful. unproved styles of type, and mod
ern MAC MIX 12 I'RKSSiCS. which will enable
the J'i opi -ictor t do .T-.-b lMnting i't all times
Q Neat, Quirk and Cheap !
tiiT Work solicited.
A'i lJaieiit 1r in-iet'um upon a Specie bn-is.
n usixxss a. i rd
Altof?icys aiiff Counsellors at Law,
q Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc
tors in A it mi rally
0lTiceOd 1 Fellows' Temple, corner of
l-' &ud Alder btieta, l'ortluud, Oregon.
Itesi Jeii'M', ('obajibia s:t
bet. 2 1 and 3d sts.
j. ii. iir.r.n,
ItesMenee corner of
Columbia and 7th strt.
Jas. K. Kelly and J. M. Heed, under the
firm name of
K1CLLY fc I:Ki:n,
Will practice law in the C ants of Orognn
Orlie on First .street, near Alder, over the
new IVst office room, Port. and. (4utf
JL j . .
Attorney and Counciir at'Law,
Oaicc Undr the United States District
Court U iom. Front street. 4'Otf
pAGE & TIIAYi:n,
OFFTTF In Cr e'.s lbii!dinr. corner of
Kiont and Stai k
treets, I'. rthin
CAiM.ES K ?ori:EANi,
Cr. rtlOS T a:iL IV A Si II?- G TUN ft".,
roiCi'LANf), OKEGOX.
I'ilihIU; 7 and S Carter's Pdoek,
FliyEician and urscsn,
J0!ltce on Main Stieet, opposite Mason
ic Had, Orego Cnv. ICtf
Physician and Suireon,
I3f" oruC. at his Dvuz Store, near Post
0!i e, Oregon City, Oregon. FJtl
I'ern t neatly L-tcate-t at Oregon City-, Oregon
ROOMS With Pr. S.iHarrans, on Main
snnfrEON". Portland, Orkg il.
OFFICE Odd Ft bows' Temple, corner
Fir -it and Vbier streets Reside te.-e. comer of
M tin and Seventh streets.
ALAi3SQ?J SfrliTH,
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Practices in Sta'.e and U. P. Ccr.rt?
Office Xo. IDS Front S-'-i. Portland, Oregon.
Opposite MeCorn.ick's l?oo Store.
"Barnum Saloon."
Choice Wines, Liquors & Cigars,
Main st., Oregon City.
ST" Call, and Robert Potter will show you
jfbrou.h the establishm.-nt.
Established sine ls49,at the old stand,
Vl tin St ret?., Oregon City, Orcjon.
An Assortment or w atches. Jew
elry, a-id S th Thomas' weight
Clocks, all of whi.'h are warranted
n be as represented.
Repairing: done on snort nouce,
uid thankful for past favors. .
(Liv3 and Let Live."
r t the ol 1 stuid of Wort man & F a Ids.
O.' oa Cit , OresjoE.
An Inlerfstlrg Leter
We take !l;c following extracts from a
San Francisco letter to Pomeroy's X. Y.
Democrat, dated San Francisco, and sisn
ed "Woi kin-ma:)." It will be found to con
tain much tnnh. and plainly shows the
downward tendency of this coast. The
wriier says :
Everything for (he last two or three
monUis is tending to drive the laboring
men front these shore;?. There are one
thousand idle men in the street"; ef San
yraneisco to-day, tosay nothing ol Woinei.
ana h. rumoied that certain ladies' shoe
(i, 'Hi ufa "'''!'' i'l linrf oily, who eitiploy
nnm.. ro" voung women, with sewing
machine.'. t -'' ,!u huing and stitching of
. ., , 1 t l , .!.. i -i :
Iuie Uppers. ut- . ikjuuj. uiua-
men to do this work. If this should turn
j out to be true it u',Li i'ore to our
j alreadv ninnerous ia ponnlation. It is
also reported that six Chile '-se innters.
capable of reading English manuscript,
and who have been working ml -English
papers in China, arrived here b 'he last
steamer : they are engaged to woi'k' on a
religious pUpvr i?i this city, and il the vC-
is Mii-aMiii, uie couniiy win hi a,
gj,,,, time be flooded w'iih them. Thus
lljis A?k','c horde is making inroads day
i, j., nn kinds of businesrj. and il it
.,r k 'opj'ed
there is no ic!
what the result w
-ill I
o nave now a
Democratic 1 agis!a,'ir sitting at Sacra
mento, but taken alt. 'her it is very
weak-kneed, and enti. e..v vfllX- of
back bone. Several anti-cco. liave
betn introduced, but at the i'as.' niomenf
the boasted courage of the me:uJ' rs ot
both houses oozed out at thiei lingei' Oi. 's
We hope that our citizens will have Ho
cause lor a similar complaint. En.
The "China trad"r-' is talked of here as
a big thing, when it is plainly apparent to
everyone that the Chinamen individually
take four times the amount ot money out
of the Sttit-i per month than the boasted
Chinese trade brings in. I believe there
was a statement made here some months
ago. facts and figures shown, that within a
certain number of months I don't now
remember the number the Chinamen
leaving here lo return to their own coun
try took away sixteen million dollars,
while the amount realized from the China
trade within the same period amounted to
four million. And. again, the Pacific
Mail Company do not find the China trade
profitable enough to enable them to run
more than otie steamer per month, but
capitalists here are urging tie m to run
two steamers per mouth (the object being.
I suppose, to bring the coolies in faster),
and they have petitioned Coi gn r-s to
grant them a subsidy, to pay tl: expenses
of ninuing the extra steamers, if Con
gress grams the. prayer this country v.'i'd
be ruined beyond r demption. unless the
people get up another Vigilance Commit
tee and burn Chinatown and drive the
Asiatic horde into the bay. It would be
a very harsh measure, no doubt, but, why
snow any more m
diansV They are
to th
1 1
;:in to
uuiso than
Indian, tor
Eavard Tavlor.
'.ii- u l.a ' from netua
obseivation says: '-They are guilty of
crimes against nature, the nature of which
are so appalling as to make one's liesh
creep and the blood turn cold."' I am
nt sure this is the exact language, but
you will understand it. These crimes are
"cmtmitted in this city every day ,iye.
evety hour. The disease known as leprosy
h is also appeared among the Chinese pop
ulation lnuo. an 1 no d:ubt. in co ;rse of
time it will be among the white popula
tion. The city is also Hooded wi'h Chin
ese prostitutes, brought here every month
by the six Chinese companies, for specu
lation, and horrible as it may appear, their
dens are frequented by great numbers rd'
white boys 'ranging from ten to sixteen
years of age. as none sech are admitted
into the houses of ill-repute kept by white
women. White umn also frequent these
Chinese dens in great, numbers.
No Doenr ok it. The L'o ;iih papers
entertain the impression that the continued
clof g'ei; of the industrial progress of this
country bv Lijrh protective tariffs, re-
ilonnds more lo the commercial advantage j
of Iaiii'and than 'vouhl a resort to free
trade. There Can be no doubt about this
Ever since the adoption of the ruinous
policy of protection. American commerce
has boon declining rr.d that of England
has been in the ascendancy. There is not
a single American steamer plying between
England and the United States. The pas
senger business between the two countries
alone amounts to some twenty five millions
of dollars annually, none of v.hich the
Americans get. Two-thirds of all our
carrying trade is done in English vessels.
During the fiscal ending 18a!) the foreign
shipping bringing freights to and carrying
frei.hts .rom America amounted 10.813 -COW
tons, while the whole of the American
shipping only amounted to 5.787.-131 tons.
This disgraceful state of things is attribu
table to nothing but the blightning eflects
of protection.
-o o
The Oregon Il'pubocaa says ;
The apple crop in this neighborhooc,
will be l'ight this fall. Many farmers who
have had a large surplus heretofore assuvo
us that they will have barely fruit enough
for home consumption. This scarcity is
occasioned by heavy frosts that came in
May. and by the ravages of the cattapil
lars that destroyed the trees later.
On Wednesday last. Mr. John Medscr.r
drove a band of about 1.0U0 sheep through
town. He is on his way to Goosj Lake,
and will cross the Cascade Mountains by
the Oregon Central Military Wagon lio d.
Mr. John Fills, of this county, will, etart
on Monday in-xt with GO head of cattle
for the same destination. Several families
passed through oa Thursday, bound the
same way.
Some weeks since we mentioned a coal
hank discovered in the Coast Rane
jvionnrains uy .ur Liuameiu. ,ir. L. is
prospecting his discovery, and finds it. to
be more vaotable than at first supposed
The St. Louis Fanes thinks the passage
by Congress of the enforcement bill v:
a party triumph which will prove no less
deailv than il was easi.y won. it was un
tier the shadow of this bill that Xew York
was sweot bv a Deaiocraiic majority ot
ninetv thousand.
OREGON CITY, OHEtfSOiV, SATUBDAY, JUiLilT S, 1870. .ami ismrumLsivikLLL.: jl rsiLa
Vulgar Prrc:'c;-5,
Notwithstanding the adoption
and promulgation of the fifteenth
amendment, and the announcement
of the great event of the colored
ace by a special message to Con
gress, it is faintly whisjx'red that
Mrs. Grant objects to having
negroes at her drawing room re
ceptions. '"This is the most unkiud
est cut of all,'1 especially since it is
universally admitted that Wash
ington society lias, of late j-ears,
been very much mixed.
XTegroes black spirits and
white; red -spirits" have mingled
in the social gatlferfngs at Wash
ington ; have occupied private
boxes and the dress circle at the
theatres; were present at Col. For
ney's ball, and enjoyed the mazes
of the dance, the quadrilles and
polkas, with the utmost harmony
and eclat. It is unbecoming m
3i';-s. Grant to have such unbecom
ing and vulgar prejudice. St.
The positi on here assigned to Mrs,
Grant is the position really of
nine-tenths of tho wealthier liadi
eals, male and female. In their
elforts to promote the negro and
degrade, the whites, the radicals
have never for a moment intecdeu
;o make the negro the equal of j
tlie rich white man, or to force the
rich to recognise him as either
politk'al'v, socially, or otherwise
their asoc'te and equal. The
object at wiic1' the Radicals have
been aiming for the past ten years
vs to make the iu;':ro the equal,
and the rich negroes t.l,c superior,
of the poor whites. There h
nrobably not a white man
votes the Radical ticket, who ;vill
admit that the negro is the politi
cal or social equal of the rich while
man, and not a Radical who will
not toll you that the negro is, and
in .all respects should be, the equal
of the poor white man. In the
position that Mrs. Grant has taken,
she is sustained and endorsed by
her husband, the President, and.
all other rich Radicals. They feel
that the negroes are not fit to be
socially entertained by them, but
insist that poor white people have
no right to refuse to recognize the
negroes as their equals socially and
in "all respects, are I that the poor
whiles have no right to refu-e t
entertain negroes upon terms of
perfect epuahty at any and all their
social gatherings. Such is Radi
calism, and such have been the
purpose of the leaders of that
party for the past ten years.
TcolSiilsr "Wanted.
The Pittsburg Gazette gives an
account of waltzing match which
recently took place at a ball in
that city: After general dancing
until midnight, twelve couples
took the floor to contest; for a prize,
a gold ring, to be' given to the
"lady1 who should out-waltz ail
competitors. After four hours
steady dancing, only two couples
remained on the floor. The '- f
acount closes as follows:
After live hours and three
minutes had 'elapsed, one of the
ladies fainted, her partner quickly
followed her example, and, amid
cheers, the prize was awarded to
ibo r-rmnln 'thnt, kent the floor.
Then came a summing up of the
damages. The two contertnig
giils were nigher death than hie,
raid lmd to be conveyed to their
homes together with their part
ners, who were as badly used up
in carriages, and all have boon
in a precarious condition and under
medical treatment; The girls had
to have their shoes cut oil their
feet, and their limbs wore swollen
next day to an enormous size.
The young men will hardlv recover,
and the musicians suffered tern mo,
ind will never again play at a
te r psicl 1 o rea n eon t est .
, -w
Three brothers, bearing a remark
able resemblance to each other,
recently went into the same bar
ber's shop on the same day, to get
shaved tone going in the morning.
the other at noon, and the third at
night. When the last one appeared,
I lie barber, who was a German,
dropped Ins razor m astonishment,
and exclaimed, "Veil, dat man has
do fastest beard I never saw; I
shaves him dis morning, shaves
htm at dinner time, and he comes
back now mit his beard as long as
it never vash."'
Referriug to the Fenian invasion the
T.nndnn 77ro?s thinks Grant "is actings
with loyalty and honor. i a .i y um -;
bis has succeeded m p. - j
' than be has!
r . d...,!nn.
1 " Ij "1 1 ill i. ' OU UV
the United States.
A large force of men are no
on the railroad beyond Aurora.
w at work:
will run directly through that place.
Th3 Saialts cf Oregon.
At the late session of the Acade
my of Sciencce at Washington the
most interesting feature of the last
day's proceeding was a graphic
lecture on the Basalts of Oregon
Wastington and Idaho, "by K.V.
Kavmond. After speaking of the
Dailes themselves, he said that on
the road from the Dailes to Canvon
City, along the San lee river, was a
tremendous thickness of basaltic
overthrows two thousand feet,
high': The river has taken its way
through the chasm of the original
upheaval and worn it deeper. lie
explored the singular phenomena
of the caves north of the Dalles.
There was no ice in Portland last
summer when he visited the place,
but a few miles further it was
abundant, and, on inquiry, he U ant
ed that it was mined from the ice
caves forty miles up the Salmon
river, near the foot of Mt. Adams.
An expedition set out for the caves.
They with not large, but beautiful
.and filled with the purest ice in
mid summer. Here was a possible
hint of the lost rivers which
puzzle the discoverer. This was a
volcano country, and the centers
of lines of eruptions could be trac
ed by the terraces. The ground im-
der the horses feet sounded hollow
1,'om the falling in of the roofs of
old caverns frorti one to four miles
in length, which were old ducts of
the lava. He had st'ii the same
thing on Vesuvius in the eruption
of ISoO-'CO, which was not from
the crater, but at the sides as from
a bleeding wound. 1 he stream of
lava cools at the sides and top,
protecting the hot stream beneatlf.
Finally the orifice becomes choked
with stones and cooling lava at the
eruptive point, and the lava Hows
away, leaving the duct empty, end
ing at some elevation of the surface
which tore up the duct. In the
ice caves, the roof hrM fallen at the
corners, but on the sides and floors
the smears of lava could be soon
in fibrous masses, spirting on the
roof-like door. In these caves the
wafer trickles from thawing snow,
in winter freezing as it falls, form
ing bergs of tons of ice reaching
nearly to the top of the cave. This
is much colder than common ice,
and lasts all summer. Just below
the lower line of Mt. Adams was
to be found a mhilature paradise,
s hore all the flora of the Pacific
Coast grew luxuriantly, attended
by myriads of humming birds
which disappear for other regions
t lie
ic great Sno-
shone Fall
second ontv to .Niag
ara, carver! their way through ba
saltic rooks, remarkably distinct
in their hexagonal and columnar
form. Geological surveyors here
can make no mistake in reading
the text, lie stood at out time
over a cleft ten inches wide and
five hundred feet deep. The river
had eaten out below the basalt,
which by gravity and clearagehad
settled into a broken line, di lie rent
columns separated by tufa settling
sometimes without breaking. Four
hundred feet .the river has cut
through the basalt, and there are
two hundred feet of porphyry be
low the basalt; The Lost River is
found on entering the canyon of the
Snake River, whore, from a per
pendicular face of porphyry mid
way of the clid a cascade jssues
from the rock in a furious large
stream. Xo water is to be found
on the surface, but the settlers pro
tend to identify it with a river ore'ixl mitos: in 1 he Vort In This
was probably a volcanic drift from
which the tufa had been wrought
out of the way, and formed a chan
nel underground for the water.
The speaker wishes to see this in
teresting region thoroughly sur
veyed by the Government.
A Despotism. A Radical con
temporary, speaking of England's
standing army, says; "With all
her boasted constitutional freedom
England is in some sort a military j
despotism, and her people are
ground to the dust with taxation
to support her army." We should
like to know wherein we have any
advantage of England in this re
spect? Have not the people of the
South been groaning beneath as
cruel a despotism as ever oppressed
mankind, and are not the people
robbed in the name of taxation
out of hundreds of millions year
for the benefit of a lew Eastern
capitalists V
The Radicals in Congress re
"oeted the proposition to send a
Kome, but send one to
1 . . '
Liberia, ami raised hissal'.ary from
3 '
four thousand dollars to seven
thousand five hundred dollars. In
" . , r.... ,1,,,
.i one mace unite men ue, ui
1 other Jplack.
- - ; i '
The "Bead Presidtnt.
The most disgraceful occurrence
which has ever taken place in the
life of any President, while in
othce, happened with Grant, Robe -
son. and a number others formino-
the 1 residential party on its way
to attend the funeral of Gi n
Thomas, at Tray. Grant has been
in the habit of receiving passes
t IK'
railroads on
traveled and while on
tiie way from Xew l ork to Trov
on the Hudson River Uailroad the 1 makes any such statement, he
conductor came around as usual j simply says that which is unquali
and politely asked Grant and his! fully false. Any one in Congres",
party for their tickets. Grant or out of it, who knows as well as
himself replied that they were on j he does of the monster petitions
government business and that they j which have come dir. ctly from the
should pay no fare. The conductor ; people to their rulers inWashing
tohl him that ins! ructions must be j ton, asking for a repeal of this
obeyed, that the fare must be paid j abominable tax, and who in the
or he would uncouple the car and j face of these appeals declares that
leave them behind. The illustrious
President replied, "If you will
insist on it, I tell you I am good :
ior xne amount. i lie company can
send in its bill." The conductor
replied that the company was not
in die habit of doing business in
that way, and that the fare must
be paid or the car would be lelt
behind. More parleying ensued
and at last a telegram was sent to
J. XT. Tousey, Snpertendent of the
Road, who directed the conductor
to 'Met Grant and his party pass,
ami he would collect the fare him
self.' This is the way the President
of the United States traveled from
Xew York to Troy, to attend the
funeral of General Thomas. These
facts are vouched for by gentlemen
of good authority and" if any lion
est R-obublican doubts this state
ment, let him address a note to
Mr. Tousey. Supreintondent ol
the Hudson River Railroad.
Grant has been guilty heretofore
of many acts but this is the vorl
of itli, He was convicted of ii''j
liy two
members of V
cabinet, but traveling
like a "bummer"' or a "dead beat"
on a Railroad, refusing to pay his j If then neither among the well to
fiire like a gentleman is e idenee j do who are comparatively few in
of his low depraved character, and j number, nor yet .among the labor
miserly instincts, classes, the farmers, artisans
Such a thin as Grant, for Pr: si-:
tiOilt, IS
ioweverv in keeping with
the tunes we live in. lie was
elected by a party resolved on
overthrowing all that was decent
in morals or good in government.
They have converte'd the once
honored Halls of Congress info
"negro quarters," made the
Treasury Department a National
house of ill frame, chosen niggers
to be their partners in crushing
white men and it is till that one
could expect when their dead-beat
President bullies the conductor of
a railroad, and refuses to pay Ins
faro like a gentleman. Copper
head. -O- -
Loxo Coi'KTsiiips. A corres
pondent says: if there is anyone
thing more disheartening to a
woman than a long courtship, I
have yet to discover it. From the
woman who marries for a home, to
the fair creature who marries for
love, there are thousands who are
kept in suspense for years not
knowing whether the man whom
they expect to marry is really go
ing to marry them or not. It is
very certain that long courtships
seldom result in matrimony. It
generally happens that the faults
of both parties .are made evident,
and the desire for separation i mu
tual. Rut no voting (or old) man
has any right to monopolize
the attentions of a lady for years
und then probably not marry her.
By doing so lie more than likely
prevents her from marrying some
one who would be glad to have
her, and acts a part which no
gentleman will. So, then, when
you have decided the lady is wor
thy of your choice (and don't be
too long about it), either marrry
her or give some one else a chance
The nigger Senator Revels has a I
sister in the Colored Home in New j
York city. She is very poor, but !
u1(n the C S Senator was in the!
citv to lecture to the Filth Avenue!
bon ton rads, he could only spare
her a few - shillings, his exposes
were so heavy he said, "lmck"
Pomeroy is rafsiuir a purse for the
poor wench, and intends setting
her up as a 'washwoman near the
Capitol, Washington. D. C.
Wisconsin ha
d a law pro
hibiting quacks from practicing in
the State. Its extension to other
States is a matter to be wished tor;
bv every on
mfn -Q-
W liat proot have we that there
1 . T . 1
was sew mg m i ne time oi mwa:
.1 . lm J
: TT . t ,-i
1 lie Wits neniueju
in on every side,
Thb . rem. Ta:
The income tax law is to he con
tinued in force. For it the eountry
is mainly indebted to the olforts of
! Mr. Schenck. lie savs the law is
- iomi ar with the neonle. Where
he finds a warrant for the assertion
we are at a loss to sa v. While we
don't pretend to know the senti
j ments of his immediate constituency
: when ho assumes to sieal
in this
of too-
! matter for the great mass
! outside of his own State, mid
it is po mlar, is an unmitigated ass.
sere is not a feature of the ab
ma ion that is popular or can I
rendered so. i he publication of
the names of income tax-pavers is
a nuisance which has lu come par
ticularly odious among the busi
ness classes, who have persist, ntly
objected to such an exposure of
their private affairs, and loudly
clamored for -a repeal of the law.
Has the ear of Mr. Schenck been
leaf to this? Or, disregarding
t he" 'sentiment ol' the business and
wealth of the country, does he
look to find the popularity which
he claims for the law among the
classes, those who have deprived
their wives and children of the
necessities of life in order to meet
the tax upon their income? Here
certainly he should find it if any
where, for out of the 27'2,8d:
individuals who pay the tax, 107,
000 pay let-s than 620. Those who
pay between $!0 and -i-50, number
70,000. And so the number
steadily increases the wealthier
c'assess. Those who are able to
pay between -$50 and -Si 00, foot it)
only 4 1.000, and those who pay
over '.'200 are less than 10,000.
a:;d clerks, whose incomes barelv
1 the exempt of -M.000, ihe
t -
uv is popular, we are curious
indeed to ascertain I lint class who
the gentleman from Ohio has
chosen to designate "the people,"
and among whom he asserts with
assurance that such popularity is
to be found. SprhaJuld Leader.
Tin: Srrr.KioR I Cage. Under
Radical teachings the negroes are
fast coming to regard themselves
as the "superior race." This feel
ing crops out in their devotions, as
witness the following which jut
now is a favorite hymn at the ne
gro camp-meelings in the Southern
States :
We's nearer to the Lord
Dan le white folks, and they know it.
See de glory gate unbarred
Walk in. darkeys, past de guard!
Hot a dollar he won't close It!
' Walk in. darkeys, froo de gate ;
Hark, de kullered angels boiler ;
(Jo 'way. white folks, yon's too lata!
We's de winuin' kuller : Wait !
Till de trumpet iounds to loiter!
llai'.elooj ,h tanks and praise!
Long eniiiT we s borne our crosses ;
Now- we's de sooperior race.
And v.-id Gorramigiity "s prace.
We's goin" lo hebbeti afore de bosses."
Something to Think of. Our
Radical rulers refuse to send a Min
ister to Rome, where thousands of
our fellow citizens are to be found,
attracted there either by religion
or curiosity. This is done On the
plea oi' economy ; but the very
ame Radicals send a free nigger to
epresent us at Libc-iia, at an
nnual outlay of o00. homes
ho home of white men, and t.tere
we are not represented ; Liberia is
the home of the nigger, and there
we are represented without regard,
to cost. IF IF. Statesman.
-t- -V
The Fenians must tiot curse
Grant too hard ior issuing lr.s
proclamation. He begins it, in a
way which ought to satisfy them,
by murdering the Queen's English. 1
; oicmuly to au mandumd the
; President de clares that with her
.Majesty the vjueon oi irent
j Britain ami Ireland the United
j States t3 at Peace I" Is they, really?
And Ohi the Alabama claims set -
tied? nd are the President
really about to set forth on a visit
- to Ids roval sister at Windsor
True love is eternal, infinite, ai
Uv5iv lUn horse t it is n
arwl i.nro u'ltlinit VUMOnT ,
....... - -
strations: it is
seen wit
in the
r. - ....
hairs and IS always
KO. 31.
Alexander il. t
A correspondent of the P.ieli
niond Dispatch under date of May
16th, writes thus "concerning the
j ex-Y ice 1 resident cf the Confed-
I found Mr. Stephens looking
very pale and emaciated, reclining
in his invalid chair, and intently
discussing some law points in a
murder case with a legal friend.
Though extremely feeble, when
interested or excited lie would sit
up erect and, his remarkable eye
would sparkle with its old fire and
he would address hB; hcarer.-oin an
animated and always convincing
strain. It is his custom, when thV
weather is fine, toQsit in his easy
chair in his verandah, and as lie
converses wheels himself gentlyb
back and forth by a convenient
arrangement whicli- costs him Fart
little effort, and, as he saj'S, exer
cises and strengthens his arms and
chest. When the sun gets low he
calls for his crutches and hobbles
slowly over the lawn and througli
his well kept garden, in which ne
seems much interested. IfSving
but partial use of his legs, Mr.
Stephens walks with difficulty on
l is ericc'K s. lie sys his hip is dis
located, and thiirks he will nevei
be able to lay his crutches aside
Mr. S. has just put his finishing
touches to his second volume of
"The War between the States" and
some copies are now in the hands
of the agents. This work is an
invaluable addition to pjur literature,-
giving what has never yet
been attained an impartial history
of our late troftbles. The author
manifests great interest in the fate
of his work. lie told me0when
the fust volume appcard. closely
f lowed by a lengthy criticism in
Bledoes Review, he read the
whole fifty-one pages before he put
it down, which he did with a sence
of relief; "his hipohad weathered
that gale mid not a plank was
sprung, amine felt that she was
seaworthy." O
Put I may be tiring your readers
with this panegyric, as it might be
called, for I have also been pos
sessed with strong sentiment
of love, respect andhnost venera
tion, with which every Georgian
regards the givatand good mam u
Truly is he embalmed in i-he hearts
-f" 1 ! oiwl Lis rrorul will livo r
(in, .- . i i ,, ... ...
after him. Many now in statins
of alnuence and honor in church,
in State, and in the private walks
of life, look up to him as a father
and a bent factor, w ho found them
in poverty, gave them an incen
tive, encourage with kind and.
hopeful wore s, and then furnished
the means to enable them to rise
.and become useful, and,
in some
instances, eminent citizens.
Eavis' cat7
A correspondent in Mississippi
asks: o
"Is it true, as some of the
Northern papers continue to assert
that the negro Revels occupies Mr.
Davis' old seat in the Senate?"
Xo ; it is not true. There Avas an
effort made to secure it for him,
but failed. It was intended that
the history of the time should re
ford, "as the grandest provi
dence of the nineteenth century,"
that the humble negro Hiram Rev
els occupied in the United States
Seriate the seat in which once sat
the arch-traitor Jefferson Davis.
And in order to brinr it about
Sumner, Wilson, and half a dozen
other negro-worshipers approached
Senator Ross of Kansas, and said
to him, "Arise, exchange seats
with the man and broker, Revels,
that history may tell, to the per-
j ooul-islonof Southern chFv-
', lhaU despised n4ro occcu?
tjo thJ tl,utoio Jef
'1)av5s Mn 1Joss lookod from
p from
the sheet of paper upon which he
was writing. "So this," said,
lie, "is the seat in which Davis
used to sit ?' " Yes," replied Sufn
ner, 'it is. " And you and the ne
gro you've got here want me to
get out of it, and let the negro get
i-into it, do von; e i, -
swered Sumner. 0"Thcn," said
Ross, tak'ntr up Ins pui, "Pvc only
to say that I'll sic you and the r,ej
r,ro ;i d first." And thus it
- i w .
j cam0 to pass 11 a
i providence" fg whi
j ,n!JSO of history stoo
! ed to take place" L
pass tl at the "grand
vbicti the jiauicai
ood waiting, faiF
ouisvUle Cour
Sue Robinson, the actress, re-
fbr obtained a divorce irotn
Cha.I Gezler, in Virginia City.
That was but a left-handed
t i;
W 'V "J 7,
-v in r)n 1 ii liui in v en i v z iwn.
date tor ouice, tnai miring me war
' . es
his friend had received wounds
, r.rt7irrl-i tn "trill ""inv nrdinanr mn!f
. nrt,wh tntill inr ordinary mn !p.
vv j "j