The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, June 25, 1870, Image 2

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IieUJcekln (Enterprise.
-. .$...- J;
Oregon City, Gregon
S Thirds v
The Issues-
The important issues which have boon
decided by the States m which have re
cently been elections held Connecticut.
New York and Oregon have a great and
important signification, which the Radi
cals cannot disguise. Tie issue in all
these State? was made on national ques
tions, and New York, in which the Radi
cal endorsed the administration of Grant
- as also in this State and Connecticut, the
great Km id re State, cast a majority against
the administration which we believe ba.'--never
been equaled, and thus stands
O pleifgVd against his policy by over 88.00!)
majority. In this State the administration
vn condemned by the Democracy, while
it was endorsed by the Radicals, ard with
a combination of money i:nd other influ
ences brought to bear, the party which
endorsed it was defeated bv over 400 ma
jority more than the President was two
years ago. The administration was fairly
- on trial in all these States, and the defeat
of the Radicals pledges them against the
infamous course of the party in power.
It cannot be said in our own State that.
C 1
local affairs had an v tines: to do with the
any tn leg to i
While there were many a;
points to aid .us in carrying the State
over the Radicals, the papers nor speak
ers hardly ever alluded to State matters.
while t'.ey made the issue directly against
the national administration. One thing in
this canvass was also observable, and that,
is. that the Democracy made their gains
among the farmers or producing classes
of the States tunned. In our State the
Radicals trained in all the towns, where
money could have an influence, while the
Democracy gained among the honest
farming population. In Multnomah county,
which is mainly Portland, gave them
- j
ohtained from the floating or purchasable
1 1 1 - "
tbO fanning precincts made all largo gains
on former elections, while the precincts
on the railroad gave them the county ;
and these men
were imported for this
e.pecuu puipoe. n e mae tnese state-
.. r . t . .. . .i
e state-
ments to show that the producers, labor
ers and mechanics are disgusted with the
Radical rule, and that it is perrnanent.and
will do to rely on in 1872. In New York
the gains were of tally great among the
firming population, and, to quote from the
.il 7-. " ..- 111 .
Cincinnati Enquirer, " What is the cause
of bus astonishing revolution, where, as ; solemnly resolved to resist the exercise of
in one rural district in Cayuga county, j th., tK.c;ivo franchise bv the black men of
only four farmers out of fifty-three voted j tl)at Slatt. ,,y orC(. j wat tlit-m to un
file Republican ticket? It is a general j ,,.,.i,;in(i 1, ,t thr, is .-. b,w in w, t..
dissatisfaction with the administration of
the Republican party. It is like an ad
verse vote in al'riiish House of Commons
Against a British Ministry a vo'e of a
want of confidence. It is produced bv
high and oppressive taxes by tyrannical
legislation. It is a vote against high tariffs
and income faxes against further pre
scriptive legislation toward the South
against the negro equality doctrines now
iu vogue aid practiced by the Govern
ment against its pusillanimous foreign
O policy against its protection to the bond
holder, national banker end Yankee man
ufacturer. For the same reasons that the
farmers in New York have changed, we
.believe they will change in all the States
which vote this fall."
The result of these election?, as we have
slid, is the verdict of the people. It
leaves the Democracy consolidated, in-vigorateiPa-jti
confident, and will inspire
them to like results throughout the land.
To the Radicals it bring chagrin at d a
future full of doubt and despair. They
are the signals of a revolution which will
q assuredly overwhelm them. Let the De
mocracy take courage, and be of good
cheer, for the prospects of an overwhelm
ing victory are before them.
Too Much Concerned.
A person reading the Radical papers of
ihis State and thuir allies of California,
would suppose that the late election was
n most magnificent Radical Victory. They
Lave been in power so long that they can
.tt6t realize their defeat, and are engaged
very busily iru rn aking a U. S. Senator to
succeed Geo. JTI, Williams. Now. jve would
most respectfully suggest to these Radical
meddlers, that on the Cth inst. there wa
aa election in Oregon, which resulted in
the election of a Democratic Legislature.
(16 majority on joint ballot), and that this
body will elect a Democrat, whether it '
will meet their approval or not. The
Radicals ha(t! had things their own way
for the past eight years in Oregon, but the
tables have changed and the Democracv
propose to have things their way for an
unlimited period, eo ihey need give tluni
fcelves no concern as to who the next U.
8. Senator will -be. The Democracy will
.attend to that matter. Your funeral look
place on Monday, the Cth .of June, and it
is not at all probable that the living Dejn-
ocracy are liKely to
censnlt the wishes
q xf the dead and buried corpse of Radi-
.cut!Mii iu 1 1 us or iso ouiei iiiauns vvmt.ii
the people have placed in their keeping,
The Ejection. The official returns of
all the counties have nat yet been receiv
ed. The result will be us indicated in our
last issue. We have carried Coos cotmtv.
which was expected !o go Radical. Th
- bTSwhat cfiUre tkket WiU
v"'""" papers
eU e,.3h!he 5'ir.VAof wheat in most
parts of that State will be from a low
rage down to a total failure
Glad Tidimis Abroad.
The result of our late e lection has givvn
the Democracy of other States much cause
for rejoicing. It was not only a victory
for us in Oregon, but its influence will be
felt ltrongb:ti. the nation. It was a vic
tory on principles that cannot die and on
which the Oregon Democracy has taken
the lead. Here is what the Sonoma (Cab)
Democrat says of our triumph :
The campaign in Oiegon is over, and
again the Democracy have carried the
State, electing their whole ticket. In ad
dition, the Democracy have a good work;
ing majority in both branches of the Leg
istatuie. thus securing the election of a
sound Democrat to the United States Sen
ate. This is doubly gratifying from the
fact that it shelves Senator Williams, one
ot the most ribald and reckless tools of
radical cespoti-m in ll:at oouy. me iree
white men of Oregon will soon rid them
selves of this blatant fanatic, whose rabid
inou'hings have brought disgrace and
shame upon the Slate. Like Couness. he
will -ink into utter obscurity, only too
glad to claim the charity cf silence. The
Pacific coast is still cursed with the pesti
lential presence in the Senate of a Stew
art arul a Nye men who-e groveling
worship of the nejrro nod Chinaman, and
bitter hatred of the down-trodden South
nus made their very names abhorred by
the masses of those they pretend to repre
sent. Couness lias fallen ; Williams is
doomed ; Cole's days are numbered.
Stewart and Nye must soon conn under
the Democratic guMoiioe. The Congres
sional teas's. so far as they are concerned,
will sjori be over. The handwriting is on
the wall.
All honor to the gallant Democracy of
Oregon. They have won a glorious vic
tory. The battle was fought out in inJullv
on-both sides. The Democratic platlorm
was a bold and explicit declaration of the
true principles of ivo-' white government
one of the very best since tin war. In
vain the dry bi.nes of the rebellion weie
hurled Mgulnst it. in vain the ghosts of
Andersonviile were conjured up in vaiir
the cry of repudiation rent the air. The
people stood firm and unshaken. The
grand truths of Democracy, and li.e black
and bloody record of fanaticism, settled
the bmdne.-s for Radicalism. Truth and
error grappled, and the right- triumphed.
The result will carry joy and gladness to
States that are prostrate and bleeding in
the foils cf the Wa.dniijrton despots, ll
will give fresh hope, and strengthen the
hands of the feeble, 'and stimulate the I
strong and true to renewed exertions. J
Noble old Connecticut has spoken : the !
lanp:re Slate lias thundered back her glad
shout of Democratic triumph; and now
the gallant men of Oregon proclaim nguin
their abiding faith in the Democratic party
and ils well-tried principles.
A Deliberate Falsehood.
uri tne oi .way. wnen tne consMer-
ation of the bill to enforce the fifteenth
ar.iynumont was unuer consitUTuUon in
j the Sl.n;l0. Mr. Williams stated that the
,ooner it (the bill) passe s the better :or
! t!lt, people of Orecon. I will stte to the
j Senator that the colored people (there are
', ;,, i.,tl, ,.e a.,,,,,,,,
, lj!lt fL.w of !u,m) n tl,tf g,.lte r 0,
who will be benefit!' d by the pas:
ire of
this bill reside in cities and at points (o
I wl
! tele-rratdied in a day or two from the time
of i, r am rerv anvions to h-ive
I of its passage. I am very anxious to have
. it pas,e(i. because some of the Democ: atic
conventions in the
Stale of Oregon have
prevent that. That is all that is necessary
to secure the exercise of the franchise by
the black men of Oregon.-' The honora
ble (?) Senator here made a solemn de
claration, and that was a deliberate and
willful falsehood. He knew at the time
that he uttered it. that no 'convention
had solemnly resolved to resist the elec
tive franchise of the black men.'' We
believe that such a resolve should have
been made and sternly carried out and no
one allowed to vote but white men. The
Radicals have no power to force this in
famy down the throats of the people of
Oregon. If is a blessing to the people of
this State that the term of a Senator who
will deliberately tell a falsehood is soon
to be ended, and a man of integrity and
honor will fill his place.
Wiiat Should have Ken Demo.
The f'orowing extract from the Sonoma
Democrat, relative to the enforcement of
ihn so-called fifteenth amendment, meets
our hearty endorsement, and is just what
ought to have been done at our late elec
tion. We believe that none should have
been allowed to vote only those uahlK-d
under our State Iav. The atiiend.ii.'ut.
s -.'ailed, an act of revolution and us
urpation, and the State should not iu any
manner have given her as et to the trea
son of Congress. We hope that our sister
State will assert and maintain her rights
at all hazards. Revoiutmn on the pa t of
an infamous Congress, should he resisted
ny the Stales. That paper says ;
Wo do not believe in recognizing the
bogaiitj of the so-called fii'ttenth amend
ment, but deem it U tie tlie duly of our
State and county ofbVials to see to it thai
in no instance is our State Constitutition
violated by tin? receiving of any other
than trliHe votes. It is the sole right of a
State to resr.nlate the right of auffrag.. and
we believe in California asserting that
right uolc. If Congress wishes to interfere,
all riglft. The people will stand by the'
State Government if the officials will but 1
fie true to the people 3a the performance
of their duties.
No Moke Tfxeguams. As we predicted.
Senator Williams has not sent either a teb
egram or letter to the Radical paper
since the election, and we are completely
j lett ni
left ia the dark as to hat has become of
iue n.ui, v acts Wliltli won .1 ' mssin
j or two, for tbe bt..K,Gt of olir Stat
. a ay
J are not disappointed, however, as we be
lieved at the time that Williams had left
his "franking privilege" with the Radi
cal editors and they filled up the blanks
to meet the -emergency of (he moment.
Their industry, however, in masiufactur
I ing tbesa dispatches and letters did their
master no G'.her good but tt nrore him -. i
! . . : '. . .. . .
; most consuuiate uunaong. ivesuail in all
j probability no', hear from this illustrious
, aain bv teleeruh dm incr hi
j f ew remaining mouths ia tb S.nate. 1
Oregon versus California.
The California papers miss no oppor
tunity of discouraging immigration to
Oregon. We take the iollowing from the
Sacramento Record of a recent date 4
A few days ago the Union published
an article to the eiiect that a German col
onization society's agent had concluded
to purchase land in Oregon, rather than
here, because it was held too hiprh by
speculators in this State. Chas. S. Capp.
manager of the Imm;graion Union, writes
to the JhilMin. -in reference to this subject,
and shows that tne Union's statement is
as inaccuiate and worthless a.s usual.
.Mr. Capp gives the following useful infor
mation about the relative estimation in
which Oregon and California lands are
held :
There were several German editors from
the East in this city within the past few
rnontl.s. one or more of whom went to Or
egon and Washington Territory with Gov
ernor Salomon's parly. The telegrams
from Oregon lately stated that the agents
of a German colony had made a large
purchase of hind near Eugene City. D.
Klintworth. the a:ent of the vAllgemeine
Washington Territory and Oregon and
passed through this city a Tew days ago
on his return to Chicago. While here he
vi.-ited Napa. Anderson's Valley. Ilea'ds
burg. and the Russian River Vullej in
company with W. li. Martin, the Geneial
Agent of the California Immigrant Union,
lb then suited that he had not only made
no purchase of land in Oregon, but thai
he was prepared o report-that the induce
ments o tiered to emigrants by California
were vastly superior to those north of us.
and would recommend his countrymen
to come to California and settle in this
Sia'e. The expense, ol clearing off th"
timber trom many of the Oregon lards he
Considered so heavy as to cvei balance all
the advantage of their super hr cheapness,
and as most of the Oregon produce has to
come to California for a market, he beliov-
ed the lai.ds obtainable ii
Siate bet tor
for settlers such as would be likely to ae-
company him. than :ny he saw in his
I northern trip. One. German colony now
in Oregon at first, bought lands in Wash
inguui. wbit.'.i were heavily timbered, but.
di.-conrageil bv the expense of clearing
them, ananuonea mem
ami purchased
tueir present location be. ween Portland
and Salem We have every reason to
know, therefore, that Mr. Klintworth will
advise the settlement of his countrymen
in California somewhere north of Sin
Francisco, and expect his reiurn here,
with a portion of Ids friends, within the
next ('J days. Who the other German ed
itors represent, we are not advised."'
The assertion of the Sacramento Union
is true, as large tracts ot land have been
purchased in Lane county for a German
settlement, the statement to the contrary
by this Chas. S. Capp- notwithstanding,
and negotiations for oilier lands have been
made. We believe that any man who may
visit Oregon connot but be impressed
favorably wi,h the superior advantages
we possess over California. To the ob
jection t;Kat our produce has to go to Cali
fornia for a rii.ukst. we cam assure our
neighbor that that will not continue much
ne eiiorfs id
our p
j find a direct market independent of that
State. That California can offer superior
! "-n o Oregon, we deny in loto.
"r ,aU:U atv obtsU,IU,''e lit rva?ombW
figures, the title is perfect, and such a
thing as a failure in crops is never known
in Oregon, while the fanner in California
must calculate to have a short or entirely
worthless crop at least every three years.
The certainty of a good crop every year
in Oregon makes up for more than the dif
ference in exporting our produce to a
market and shoui 1 the past advantage
even be continued in favor of California,
it would sfill leave us on the advantageous
ground. Our farming lands are not
heavily timbered, as is asserted in the
above. On the contrary, no Stale in the
Union has a more equal distribution of
its agricultural and timbered lands, and a
farmer can Lave a desired proportion of
timber on his place, with plenty of water,
ami everfhything that may be needed.
That Oregon presents superior induce
ments to persons desiring to purchase
farms, cannot be questioned. Lands can
1 ue 11 a no:T1 l" J per acre, and
j no trouble as to title. The summers are
long, and such a thing as a failure in either
our lrnit or cereai crops is not known,
j The facilities' for market are good, and
schools, churches, and crood roads are
found in every part of this valley. The
valleys of Umpqaa and Rogue river are
equally as favorably adapted for agricul
ture, but at present their facilities for
market are not as good as the Willamette
valley. Time and population will, with
the railroad now in process of construc
tion, soon bring them in close proximity
lo a profitable market. There is yet good
Government land to be had in all these
valley, but. of.ccurse. the best lands are
taken up and owned bv the old settlers.
Our mountains are filled with valuable
coal and iron beds. Gold abounds in
large quantities in a great portion of our
State. Water power for mannfao' uring
purposes is abundant, and everything ":!
der the sun is here to give a mar, wiiii a
small capital a cim'orUil)!e and remuner
ative home. When be buys a place in
our State he owns it. and is not subject, to I
the trials of Ids title that are incident in !
California The weather is cooler in the t
summer man ciiiuui nm. oe ei is.iiie aii
vers warm days, ana file ingots hi e al
ways ed. Taxes are low. Cue State com
paratively out ot debt, and no possibility
1 of a large State debt being contracted, as
our Constitution prohibits the Suite from
contracting a debt- of over $50.0!);), That
Oregon is the garden spot on the face of
the earth, there can be no question. Her
scenery attd her hills and valleys aie not
surpassed ; the health of her people is
good, not subject in ?ny extent to the dis
eases to which California is. The whirrs
are open, and farmers have scarcely ever
to feed their stock more than a monfii dur
ing the year, whle the last two years the
stock kept in goid order all winter with
out being fed. No drouths and plenty of
.good water. Plenty of limber and prairie
land, and a liberal Sta'e Government.
California may be jealous of our State,
but time will place us out of her reach,
and her sharks will ere long not be able
to deter emigrants from seeking their
i v.,,n,i ,. c-.'.. . . ..
ul'N,e ' ." ' . .e at u-e ex-
pense of tjaiitornia. n hat benefits her
benefits Oregon to sone extent, but that
btate na une hi i in its power to l
and keep back its younger sister Oregon. 1
Tiu: United States Skxa'kj. The terms
of twenty United States Senators, says the
Sacramento Union, expire on the 4th of
March next, as fellows : Morrill of Maine.
Cragin of New Hampshire, Wilson oi
Massachusetts, Anthony of Rhode Island,
Cattell of New Jersey. Willey of West
Virginia, Johnson of Virginia. Abbott of
North Carolina. Robertson of South Caro
lina, Fowler of Tennessee, Howell of
Iowa, (now filling a vacancy created by
the resignation of Grimes). Howard of
Michigan. Ross of Kansas.Yatos of Illinois.
McDonald of Arkansas, Revels of MUsis-
sippi. Williams of Oregon. Harris of Lou- 1
isiana. Warner of Alabama. Saulsbury of
Delaware. McCreery of Kentucky, and
Norton of Minnesota. These are all Re
publicans but three. Norton. Saulsbury
and McCreery. In Oregon a Democrat
will succeed Williams ; in New Jersey an
other will succeed Cattell ; Fowler's place
is already seemed by a Democrat; Yates.
Ross. Revels. Abbott and McDonald are
all in danger : and the Democracy are
likely to add at least ten this year to their
force in thu Senate.
Too Dad. The Radical papers of Ore
gon, since the election, seem to be in great
agony as to the sluins of the State on re
pudiation One day they are positive
that the State is pledged to the doctrine
of repudiation, next day they don't think
so. and would loath to make such an
acknowledgement. "Equitable adjust
ment"' is the term used on which the State
was carried for the Democracy. It seems
to trouble these over conscientious Radi
cal editors very sorely, as though they
were the guardians of the nation's honor.
The Radical party for the last ten years
has brought nolhirg but reproach on the
nation, f nd while it wa3 once great and
independent, it has come down to a free
government by name only.
Oct Ao.vix. Senator Williams' friends
in Oregon seem to be doomed to disap
pointment. Imme.iiately after their de
feat in this State, the consolation came
from Washington flat Williams was to go
into the Cabinet, in the place of Attorney
General Hoar. Scarcely had the ink be
came dry which jointed this announce
ment. before another" dispatch comes an
nouncing that the President had appoint
ed a carpet bagger from Georgia, named
Amos Ai-kerman. iVe hope that his Rad
ical friends at Washington will find some
place for him.
Si:rvko them Right. We are informed
that the Radicals had determined to vote
feme of the Indians at Sheridan from the
Yamhill reservation. There were eighteen
of them brought up for this purpose. Af
ter the first one had handed in his ballot,
the white men standing by. determined to
prolect their rights, knocked the re
maining Indians down, which ended that
class of voting at that precinct. It is a
matter of regret that the Indians should
have received the punishment winch
ought to have been inflietrd on the Radi
cals that attempted to vote them.
Okkgon Dkmocuatu'. The latest news
from Oregon is gratifying. The noble
Democracy of that Statr have swept, every
thing before them from Congressman
down. 1'en. Holladay and his quarter
million of dollars have gone where the
woodbine Iwineth. Geo. H. Williams
(old hatchet-face) is doomed to practice
in a Justice's Court, for the remainder of
his natural life, while some honest Demo
crat will occupy his seat in the United
States Senate, and thus reflect honor on
the State of Oregon, after a six years' dis
grace. Glorious Oregon, yon have done
well ; you are now free from the rotten
Radical rule. Good bye. Radicalism in
Oregon, flood bye. Williams and clique. Chronicle.
L.vxn Office Crn.cri.An. Jos. S. Wilson.
Commissioner of the Land Office, under
date of April 21. 1870. has issued the fol
lowing circular :
In order to secure uniformity in the ad
ministration of the Home.stead Law. you
are hereby directed, in regard to "the
Homestead affidavit, that when it is made
before the Clerk of the County Court., the
rule laid down in section three of the
Amendatory Homestead Act of March
21st. lfcUM, must be strictly observed, in
w hich rule it is stipulated the parties shall
satisfactorily show in the testimony that
their family or some member thereof is re
siding on the land they desire to enter.
tha a bona fide settlement and improve
ment have been made, and show ing fur
her the cause of their inability personally
to attend at the district land' office. The
affidavit must be before the Clerk of the
Court for tbe county in which the land is
Tirrixo to go hack"' ox it. The Ore
gon Republican goes after the Orrgonian
on its universal suffrage pos'tion. and
claims that that paper does not represent
mote than one-fourth of the Republican
party of Oregon. It says :
Judge IJoie is our neighbor, and from
what w e know of his course on the subject
of negro or universal suffrage, we consider
it far inort consistent than tb.t t of the
Ongoriian for the last four years ; and fur
ther, we believe that Judge Boise, and not
the Oregnu'mn. refects the sentiments of
three-font ihs of the L'nion Republican
party in Oregon on that subject.
T, t.-, r-, .
I oitTLAND hbKCTio.N.-.oe extent of
fraud by the Radicals in Multnomah
count? i f.-icilc m be seen bv thp result
of the elec iion last Monday. The D
ruoerary carry two
watu in l Dal City
uliich gave the Radieala inimt'i'; majori
ties on the Cth. A sharp trick wa at
tempted by the Radical judges of election.
About the time for closing the poll, eix
Democrat-' were standing in fho line to
vote, and Mr. Norris. the Democratic can
didate, was two votes ahead, when the
judges declared the polls closed, but voted
themselves after closing them. Of course
tbej had no more right to vot after the
polU were closed than any other person,
and Mr. Norris ii elected.
Ei.kcte!. F. G. Lockbart, Democrat, Is
elected to the Legislature as Joint Repre
sentative from Coos and Curry counties.
Coos county gave a Democratic majority
this election for the first time in fen years.
In 1SG2 the Democracy polled eight votes
in the county. Will some of our Kiviieal
n,tl,omft!ieinS tell us how much their !
gala is there
.... The Herald says.
Sheriff Zieber offers $300 reward for the
arrest and delivery of the prisoners who
made their escape from the county jail
Monday morning. The sum of S100 will
be paid for the arrest of any one of the
fugitives. Below will be found a descrip
tion of the parlies :
Thomas Trainor ; Irish, age 28. hight 5
feet 6 inches, dark hair, small eyes, pock
marked, had small growth black beard
Charles Engall ; German, age 20. hightli
5 feet 9 inches, slim built, light Lair and
gray eye
Abraham Falk : Swede, age 28. bight 5
feet G inches, rathci heavy set, light sandy
From a gentleman who reached the city
yesierd-.y. we gather the following partic
ulars of the total destruction by tire, a
tew .lavs since, of the residence of Mr.
Stump. "near Columbia Slough. The build
ing, including furniture, milk h use and
several bee hives, were totally destroyed.
The loss will be fully $2,000. there being
no insurance on any part of the property.
The fire originated from the pipe of a
stove in the kitchen, which in some way.
had decome detached.
C. II. Woodward. Esq.. formely Super
intendent for Wells. Fargo & Co., through
out Oregon. Washington and Idaho, is now
the proprietor of the saloon and billiard
room attached to the Lick House, San
R. R. Thompson. Esq., and family, who
have been traveling in Europe for some
time past, arjived home last evening.
We understand that irice the election
the force of workmen employed on the
mint at Dalles City has been materially
From a gentleman who arrived in the
ci'y last evening liom Astoria we are
informed that the revenue cutter Lincoln
was at that place. It is surmised that she
will start for sea in a day or two in search
of the Ibitch ship Win. Taylor, who left
San Francisco while under seizure for
evasion of the revenue laws. At the
time she left she carried away the Deputy
United States Marshal for California, who
was in charge ot her.
The O. S. N. Co. are getting the steamer
Ne, Perce Chief at Celilo in readiness to
bring over the falls at the Dalles We
understand it is the intention of the com
pany to bring the steamer Oneonta now
on the rout between the Cascades and the
Dalles to this city, to take the place of the
' Cascade" on the Columbia river rout.
On Sunday morning, news reached the
city that a man named Joseph Welker had
died suddenly while travelling on the
road which leads from Springvillo across
the mountains.
The Orcgonian says :
A dispatch from Marysville. (Cal.) June
loth, says: Ten or twelve emigrant
families went up on the California and
Oregon Railroad to day, on rout to Jack
sonville, as an advance party of a colony
of 2HJ families from Main..
Messrs. Siitzel & Upton, Rral Estate
Rrokers. iu this city, have made a number
of important sales of real estate within
the past ten (lays. Among others, a tract
ot land opposite Portland, on the east
bank of the Willamette river, containing
j about 2o0 acres, formerly owned by .Jacob
Wheeler, was sold by them to W. L. Hal
sey. of New York City, for the sum of
SUIj.OOO. Immigrants are coming by every
steamer in search of farming lauds. The
huge majority of them, after traveling
over the State, express themselves as
being well pleased with the country.
The Onnmrrcial says : "We have author
ity to state that the corps of civil engin
eers employed tor the purpose have com
pleted the survey and the estimate for the
construction of the first twenty miles of
the Oregan Central Railroad from Port
land to McMintiville and Astoria."
- The' Bed Rock Democrat rays :
From the most authenticated sources,
we learn that the amount of moneys ship
ped below, thrcugh the public channels of
transportation, during t lie month ending
June lil'.h. aggregate. Soo.ooO Do. of which
$40 .273 53 was in gold dust. S12.4."i3 12
in bullion, $218 40 in coin, and $505 in
valuable packages. In addition to the
above, we have received information of a
coniderable aimum of goldust having
been can ied to Portland by private par
ties, but what the precise amount was, it
is impossible for us to conjecture.
The grasshopper have made their ap
pearance in Laker county in perfect,
swarms. Last summer they devastated
every farm in Burnt River valley, and the
farmers all lear they will do the crops in
this valley a great deal of damage this
season. Nothing will prevent this calami
ty unless it is a heavy fall of rain.
The Mountaineer says :
The drawing for the office of County
Treasurer came off at the Court House on
Saturday morning last between Mr. Rob
ert Gtant and Mi. George Ruch, and re
sulted in favor of the latter gentleman, he
having drawn the winning slip of paper.
We were shown yesterday afternoon by
Renj. Snipes forty three head of as fine
cattle as we recollect ever having seen in
one drove before. They were raised over
in Washington Territory. tnd were en
route for the Victoria market. Mr. Snipes
received $43 per head, delivered in this
Gold dust has commenced coming in
from the mines of Grant County.
The fruit trees in Elder Fisher's orchard
on Three Mile Creek, are loaded down
wiih fruit. The season so far gives prom-i.-e
tor an abundance of fruit of all kinds
and of a superior finality.
, , , ., , ., , , , f
W e understand that the last election for
county officers is jroii g tube conies ed be
fore Judge Whitten as soon he returns from
holding a special term of Court iu Union
From Mr. Philips, who lately made a
flying visit to Ochoco Valley, we learn
that etery thing in that locality is'prosper
ous and bears evidence of thrift and en
x..., o.itloru !r flnrkbicr in
j ,lU ;0 i.,i.;nir nn farms alonir
the road and in the numerous valleys be
tween here and Crooked River
New potatoes and green peas arc be
coming quite plenty in our market.
J he Albany Democrat states that on the
7th inst.. h li?le smi of Dr. Right, of Cor
vaiiis. while attempting to swim Mary's
River, near its mouth, was washed out in
to the Willamette by the velocity of the
current and drowned beicre succor could
arrive. At last advice tke body had not
vet been recovered, though every exertion
Lad been made to resurrect it from its
watery grave.
Tbe Albany Rtgh-ter says;
Three fellow bent on making a living
easy, advertised to exhibit a living talk
ing head, to the Fight-seers of Albany, on
Wednesday night last, at fifty cents per
capita, gome of the -boys." not bavin,,
probably, the had dollar required to "see"
the front door, took chances on the rear
I I Ulll nil vM lutn.. iuititin o
enieiance. rna were gratified to find they
co,l!(1 6e ttu v-without costin-
I them a ce.n.t. This "closed put?' tbe show,
the proprietors declaring that we were
blessed with a hard lot of boys in this
Mr. Chas. Russell lias been purchasing
horses in this county during the week,
quite a number having already been sent
below for inspection. They are for the
Calvalry arm of the U. S. service.
Report reached us on Thursday, that on
Wednesday Mr. Joseph Suttle, who lives
in Lebanon or vicinity, while riding a
wild horse, was thrown violently from the
animal's back, breaking his arm and
fracturing his skull by the fall. The-acci-dent
happened some three miles from
this city.
The Statesman says :
Early potatoes of Oregon growth are
begining to appear in market. For some
weeks past o..r only relief from the old
stock has been an occasional importation
from California. CLerries have become
abundant at twelve and a half cents a
A Convict escaped from the penetentia
ry last Friday, named Patrick Brown.
He is 34 years of age ; has black hair cut
short; small eyes; roundhead; heavy
chest ; star tatto'oed on left breast ; wears
No. 8 shoes; lias fdiakle marks on left leg,
and had on 13-pound shackle when he
escaped. He is polite in conversation,
and speaks with a heavy brogue. A
reward of $100 is offered for bis capture,
and stimulated by this, as well a3 a desire
to know that such a inau is not running at
large, there are several out on the hunt
for him now.
Telegraphic Clippings.
"Washixctox. June lib The President,
has sent the following nomination to the
Senate to-dav : Amos Ackerman. of
Georgia, to be Attorney General of the
United States, vice S. R. Hoar, resigned.
Ackerman is United States Attorney of
Georgia, a native of New Hampshire,
formerly an old line Whig, and an active
Republican since the formation of that
party. He is an able lawyer, and well
qualified for the position.
Private assurance of a Recast of the
whole Cabinet is freely given by the Presi-J
There are ominous hints of impeach
ment. Duller is emphatically execrated by the
The Committee on reconstruction at a
full meeting confirmed their previous ac
tion on the Georgia bill, which omits
reference to a new election of members
of the Legislature, but provides lor or-
; ganizatiou and equipment ot the militia.
Rostov, June In. A terrible accident
occurred on the Vermont & Massachusetts
Railroad, between Ro.alslone and Athol,
to-day. A train was thrown over a bridge.
Johnson, of Fitchburg, and two others,
were killed, and four persons seriously
injured, including mail agent aud firwinan.
and three s ightlv.
Judge Clifford, of the United States
Circuit Court, has decided that Congress
has no power to tax salaries of State
A Tribune dispatch contradicts the ru
mors that Secretary Fish is about to
resign, or that there is any disagreement
between Lini and the Piesitlent. There is
no reason for believing that Hoar's resig
nation indicates any change in the Cabi
net. The President's Cuban message was
under consideration in the Cabinet two
weeks before it was sent to Cangress.
The best information leads to the coftclu-
sion that it was wiitten by the Assistant
Secretary Fish aud Attorney General
Washington". June 17 The nomina
tions of Amos Ackerman was referred to
committee on Judiciary by the Senate
James B. McKean is confirmed Chief
Justice of Utah and C. C. Crow, Secretary
of Utah. Benj. F. Pierrote. of California
is nominated Consul at Bucharest.
Democratic Congressional caucus was
held last night to secure concerted action
on public measures. A paper is being pre
pared addressed to Southern friends rela
tive to the election of members from that
Ni:w York. June 17. The Democratic
convention renominated its last year's
Slate ticket.
Washington. June IS. Rogers Green
is nominated as Associate Justice of the
Supreme Court of Washington Territory.
Chicago. June 19. Washington specials
say there is considerable opposition
among the extremists to the nomination of
Ackerman. It seems that he served eigh
teen months during the rebellion on the
f-taff of Gen. Robert Toombs, and bad to
have his disabilities removed by Congress.
A Times' special says there it a well
settled bebef iu administration quarters
that there will be a partial reorganization
of the Cabinet before the end of this ses
sion of Congress. The Secretary of Inte
rior are named as members, whose resigna
tions are likely to be presented.
Chicago, June ID. Washing specials
say the working men are urging the
Senate to pass a bill to prohibit contracts
for servile labor.
The recent importation of Chinese shoe
makers into Massachusetts is stimulating
Sr. Boris. June IS. Gen. Canby arriv
ed here yesterday rn lout for Paeific to
take command ot the Department of Col
umbia vice Gen. Crook relieved.
Dispatches from Fort Hayes. Kansas,
and other points report Indians very
numerous between Camp Supply and
Bear Cwk. - A! 1 . on wa rpath. Several
Government and other trains and herds
have been attacked, but so far theludiaus
have been driven off.
Boston, June lib The House basrefus-
I fd bv fJO to 10 to receive the bill provid-
: : 1 , i i i . ,,
ing mat no coiui aci ior eooue laoor snail
b" m de extend. tig beyond a period of six
nmndis. The employment of Chinese in
shoemaking. at North Adams, was the
moving cause of the bill, and had created
a sensation throughout the State.
Chicago. June 1!). A numerously sign
ed call was issued to-day repudiating the
action of the Democratic County commit-i
tee in refusing to call a Judicial Conven
t on and calling the Convention on the
24 ih inst.
Nkw York, June 18. Yesterday was a
scorching day. Tbe tbemometer at 3 p.
m. was at 118 in the sun. Street cars
were almost stopped, owing to its effects
both upon men and horses. An alarming
number of sunstrokes have occurred.
A Washington special says news is re
ceived there of the death, at his home in
Alabama, of C. C. Crowe, whose appoint
ment as Secretary of Utah was confirmed
Washington-, June 20. -The Ilonse Ter
ritorial Committee to-day decided to re
port a bill for the admission of Xew Mexi
co as a State with the ti le of Lincoln.
A Territory is to be organized in the
Indian country, to be called Douglas.
lio.sroN. June 20. At Mvsiic Park, to
day. Goldsmith Maid beat "George Palmer
and American Girl, Palmer taking the
third heat time, 2:22, 2:20., 2:21 and
It is announced tint the Senate Judi
ciary Committee have agreed to report
in favor of Ackerman's confirmation.
There is a prospect of a warm debate0
over Whittemore'8 case, though many
members want to proceed at once to vote.
A limes specialays some of the chair
men of Committees express the opinion
that Ihis session of Congress will hare to
be extended beyond the 15tlQ)f July, jn
order to get through absolutely necessary
Gex. Laxf's Spkkch. The enthusiastic
Democrats of Roseburg. having determin
ed to have a love feast on last Saturday,
invited Gen. Jo. Lane to aiddrs them, to
which he consented.
The old hero, after premising that be
had nearly filled the three score and ten
years allotted to man. that he was a can
didate for no office, andrjthat in all proba- "
bility this was the last time he would ever
address them, proceeded to congratulate
them on a victory obtained without mon
ey, on the Democratic doctrine pure and
simple. He then went on in a(9ddr(-$s
which brought tears to tbe eyes otQiis
hearers to instill inio their minds the id,,
that the safety and perpetuity of tbe Union
depended upon the preservation of tl.e
Government as originally constituted. ii
reviewed the history ofVjthe past from the
days of Jefferson, and showed the danger
to be apprehended from the new school of
constructionists. Vi'e wish every man in
Oregon could have heard tHfe words of
wisdom that fell from his lips, he w ould
have left if not a wiser man. more than
ever determined to stand by the tffie
Democratic creed. Plaindealer.
To CoNTE.-T. We learn that HonoB. F.
Ronbam will contest Judge Boise's rigdj:
to the Judgeship of the Second Judicial
District. It is claimed that enough illegal
votes were polled in Yamhill alone to
elect Mr. Bonham, besides what were car.
in other ccuntiea. We also hear it stated '
that Judge Boise has too mnc respect for
himself to accept the position to which be
has been elected by negro and Indian
votes, against the legally expressed will of '
the white voters of the District.
Chekking. Hon. J S. Smith, when h
received the telegram announcing tie re
sult of our late election, asked leave of
the ilonse to read it, wnicr. was granted.
On reading it. Tbe Democratic members
rose to their feet and sent a rousing cheer
through the halls.
Death of Chas. Dickens. Charles Did
ens, the great humorist and author i-
dead. The news was received by tele
graph on Thursday last across the oce:s :
The good that he hag accomplished fortU:
human family through the many books L;
written, is beyond computation.
Thayer's Majority. Judge Thayer ha? f
about 70 majority in the Second Judicial;
District for Judge. Tbe Radicals carrici
this? District two years ago for Kelsay br
about 30 majority. "Will the Oreg'mn :
tell ns what tfrnarkabie gains tbe nail-
cals have made in this District in the pas:
two yeurs 'I
Wild Cherry Balsai. The memory;
Dr. Wbtar is embalmed in the heart-; f
thousand? whom his Bukam cf Wild Cher,
has cured of coughs, colds, consumption,
soms other form ot pulmonar' disease.
Woman anil Iter ctds.
Sidject by the law of nature to many i liys
ical afflktions from which man is exempt,
woman is peculiarly entitled to the bi'st ef
forts of mediral science in her behalf, b:
a majority of the ailment- to which her so
is ex'clusiVily liable, HOSTKTTF.R'S Mu'!
ACll DlTTEUS areGn armly reeomnierw
on the authority of wives, nn. titers, i' O
nurses, who have tested their geninl tr;
and regulating propreties, and know wlier
of they speak and also wdth the sanctic
of able physicians, who have ndiiiinMe'
the preparation to their female patients. ;r
obstinate cases of functional derangcniei;
with the happiest results. Almost all ft
male complaints cf a special character,"
complicated with mental gloim and d
poiideticy, and the gentle and lasting exlu.
tatiug effects of this wholesome medicate,
stimulant adapts admirably for cases of th1
complex nature. An a remedy for the bv
teria nnd mental hallucinations which sonf
tiuics irark both the earlier and tbe lntf -'
crisis in the lite of weman, it has no equ:
in the repertory of the healing art, aid
means of releiiug the nassea andothf '
pleasant feelings whicfi precede maternity.;;-
is equally efficacious. Nursing mothers ai
find it an admirable invigorant. It is hi:l;
satisfactory that a preparation which enibrs .
ces in its remedial ranee so many nf t
complaints commMi to both sexes, sliou .,:
prove so eminently beueticial to the wcaU;.
Offiee, No. Oi Front Srct,
Adjoining the Telegraph Office, Tortland Ore-;:;:
Accounts, Notes, Bond, Drafts, and McW
tile Claims of every description, throuhf
Oregon and the Tei ritories, WILL I5EMAL'
A SPECIALTY, and promptly col!eclel. ?
well as with a tbje regard to economv in s
business '.natters entrusted to his care ai"
the proceeds paid over punctually. 4 .'
Kcbecea Degree Lodge Xo. 58, I.O. O.F
Meet on the Second tdourth
ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fe'lorr'
Hall. Members of the Degree are invited
attend. By order of N. (. '
If you wish the very 1(
Cab net Pbot -graphs, von mast call o'
HKADI.KY & IiULOFSO'N, 439 Moutgonie.'
street, San Francisco. ;
Willamette Lodge No. 13 'I. O.
Meets every Saturday evening, at the root
S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 If
o'clock. Visiting members are invited t
attend. By ordr of "W. C. T
Dr. J, H. HATCH,
Late Mack 4" Hatch,
The patronage of those desiring ItrH &
Oporation, is respectfully solici)dO
Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed.
N. U. Nilroua Oxyde administered fort!-'
Painless Extraction of Teeth.
Office In Weigant's new bnikfirrg, vrf:
side of First street, between AMer aud Jb;
rison streets, Portland, Oregc-a.
(Dentfches Gaftliaus,)
No. 17 Front Street, opposite tbe Mail stcac
ship landing, Portland. OregOD.
Board per Week $5 00
" " with Lodging 6 oo
' Day 1 CO