o 3 O O o o o 0 o o o O n O O 17) o o 0 O if -r t f," o Things Wise and Otherwise. o v ice is the whetstone which sharpens Time's scythe To a generous spirit it is as hard to beg as it is harsh to be denied. A man of business must put up with many affronts if he loves his own quiet. Innocence consists in doing no harm, and occasioning no trouble to society. Misery lovs company so does a marriageable young lady. Why is a beautiful and fascina 0tin girl like a butcher? Because she is a "killing creature, o '? A Yankee editor advises his read ers, if they wish to get teeth in serted to go and steal fruit where oa watchdog is on guard. Why would the sea make a bet ter house-keeper than the earth? Because the earth is exceedingly dirty,, and the sea is very tidy. " We're in a pickle now," said a man in a crowd. " A regular jam," said another. "Heaven pre serve us?" mourned an old lady. Actual life makes so much noise about us that we fancy there has never been the like. Life's smallest miseries are, per haps, its worst; great sufferings have great strength to bear them. We forgive the man who bores ns, much more easily than the man who lets us see that we are boring him. The happiness of life, like the light of day, consists not in one brilliant flash, but in a series of mild, serene rays. A young man stepped into a book-shop and said he wanted "a voting man's companion. " Well, sir," said the book seller, "here is no onlv daughter." The Boston Post says: "Sehenck likes the income tax law but it is as OillUS to the people as an ammal . whose- name Sehenck." conies vcrv near A Mr. Pikkleton was recently O married at the "Walnut-street Church, in Philadelphia, to a Miss JuliaSardine. A Connecticut man who has (Worn a hat for forty years says it has been in fashion seven times. A man in Wisconsin wanted a divorce within twelve hours after beinjjf married because his wife t mired out a boy. 'Most anybody Q WOuld. O Greely talks of running for Gov ernor of New Yo-k on the t remit h of what he km-ws about farming. A malicious cotemporarv declares that he wants to run aSa "knov- Mr. Ivellog member of Congress from Connecticut, favors pretce- tion for corsets, in anticipation of a nomination at the hands 01 the Sixteenth Amendment. When a Boston policeman noes to arrest a drunken man, and the man threatens to punch the policeman, the policeman goes right away and lets the man alone. Que police man says he as saved himself over forty whippings in that way. 1 GAn unpleasant person says.it is a o great convenience to have women for postmistresses. They can not only inform an applicant if there O is a letter for him without looking, o but can also tell what's in it. A Spuing Circuit.-Jumping through the hoops held for the rid ers round a circus. o A western paper says of an eve ning dress: "It bursts open at the top and loams over." The chaplain of the .Iowa State Prison was asked by a friend, how his parishioners were. "All under conviction," was the reply. A colored lady in Virginia pat ted her bubby on the head with, a flat iron, as he lay peacefully sleep ing, lie kv pt on sleeping, and was planted the next day under the shade of a gigantic oak They talk of hanging the widow, poor soul. Mr. Greeley says that the solution of the question whether woman is ojial to man depends upon who ; j,e fi'oman is and who the man is. jlV Mississippi negro, who tried to outwalk a locomotive left a vwtfeaud ix children in straitened icir-ewmstances, "hile the locomo tive left.n grease-spot. iHmber of the Wyoming 'Legi.latire, seeking to sustain a 1 point ot .order, jerked his coat off, .with: l3Ir. Speaker, if some reli .able map-will hold these duds, Fll -,teach him that he is out of order." The point was sustained. 0 We agvee with the Hon. Charles A. EUlridge, of Wisconsin, that ithewvord "loyal" is a word to be Ae,Sised and "hated. In a recent tic-bate in Congress he declared that it always reminded hiniof the definition of it by army con tractor during the war, when asked to explain what lie meant by say ing that he felt loyal.' "I meant" said the contractor, "that I felt like teajing something." Mr. Kldridgo coming ed, that for himself, he was patriotic, not loyal. The word did riot belonnr to this country; it only belonged to Massachusetts. Cour- A man at Marysville, Tenn.,! named Joe Burkhard, allowed a widow lady, who had just drawn a pension to sleep with his wife, and in the night he murdered the woman, by cutting her throat, for her money. The only mistake he made was that he killed his wife instead of the stranger, who escaped through the chimney and gave the alarm. The woman had become frightened in the night and changed places in bed with the man's wife, thus saving her life. Joseph is in jail and says he was insane at the time. p G. STEWART, No. 109 FROST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. go Watchmaker Ek And Jeweler. Ami UeaWin CLOCKS, WAiui , JEWELERS GOODS. Aent for llcox A, fiibbs' Letter "O" Sewing Machines, which are now being sold singly ai cosr, or wuu.e- sale less than cost. Otlier gooas at gieuwy (lO.tf reduced rates. ISAAC FARR. V. D. 51 ORRIS J F Will Ss MORKIbS, BUTCHERS, FOR OREGON CITY AND VICINITY. o Will deliver to their patrons all the het qualities of stall Fed Beef, also Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays ! Thankful 'or past favors of the public would respectful ly asks a continuance of the same AW PARTNERSHIP. JAS. K. KELLY, J. H. REED, Residence corner of Columbia and 7 th sts. Residence, Columbia st bet. 2d and 3d sts. Jas. K. Kelly and J. II. Reed, under the firm name ot KELLY fc REED, Will practice law in the Courts of Oregon' Office on First street, near Alder, over the new Post office room, Portland. (40tf L ANSING STOUT Attorney and Cotm-elor at Law, TIOPTI XT TA IP ? t fIiceUnder the United States District Court II 'urn. Front street. 40tf J AGE & THAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE In Cree's Builliug, corner of Front and Stark streets, Portland. S'2:tf J. F. C.vri.E?. J. C. MOKELAXD. CAPLES & MOREL AN I), AT Cor. FRONT and I VA SUING TON Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. C. GIBBS. C. W. PARRTSH, Notary Pufdie and Com. ofjjeeds. GTBBS & PARRISH, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Portland. Orfg'n. OFFICE-Oq Alder street, in Carter's brick .1 ,k. Lcgan, Shaituck &. Illllin, 10 NEYS AT LAW, .o. 100 Fiout Street, Up Stiiirs, PORTLAND, OREGON. JUGEXE A. CECNIN, A TTORNEY A T FA W, Rooms 7 and 8 Carter's Block, PORTLAND, OREGON. 40. D. M. McKEXXEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OREGON CITY. OREGON. , F. R IT-SELL, Real Estate Attorney. I Y. Fi TRY, JV' La, j 1 itijiic Russell & Ferry, REAL ESTATE BHOREUS AND COLLECTING AGENTS, Northwest corner of First and Washington Streets, TORTLAND, OREGON. O FECIAL TTFNTION GIVEN TO THE il Sale of Real Estate. Collections made in Oregon and Washington Territory. A arge anrnunt of desirable Citj Prop erty. Town Lots. Improved tarms. btock Ranches, Tirab. r Land, ic. situated in the lest i) -rtjons of (ireiron aifd vashinton Territ rv, fn sle ti re isot , be terms. rp ci..l attention is called to a large amount Desirable Property in Clackam County. FULL ABSTRACTS OF TITLE AT THE BRANCH OFFICE, ON MA1X STKEET, "ItEGOX CITY, At the office of JOHNSON & McCOWN. Real Estate Brokers. N" Expense incurred unless a sale is made, lay '21:tf QOSMOPOLITAX HOTEL. FORMERLY ARRIGONI'S, FRONT St., PORTLAND. J. B. SPRENGER, Proprietor. The Proprietors of this well known House havincr superior accommodations, guarantee entire satisfaction to all iruests. 3L The H- tel Coach will be in attendance to convey passengers and baggage to and trom the Hotel, fiec of charge. (iOtt Office Oregon and California Stage Co. Jacob Stitzel. Ja-f'- n. STITZEL & UPTON. ox- Real Estate Broltrs and General Agent. Corner of Front and Washington streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. Will attend to the sao an A nnrphci of Real E-tafe in all parts of the City and Mate. Sp-cial attention given to the sale of hast Portland property. Address P. O. Box 42. Portland. Oregon. STITZEL UPTON, .tfj UtaiEstate Brokers. LADD & TJLTON, BANKEES, Established 1859. Denosits received and Accou it 1 il -ject t'u Check or Draft. TVTEREST allowed on TIME Deposits ol TRUST FUNDS, in sums of ONE DOLLAR and UPWARDS, from Date of Deposit. Money Loaned on Approved Security. Bonds Stocks and other valuables received on deposit for safe keeping. OLLECT NS MADE, an P CED i promptlj remitted. Investments in real estate and other prop erty made for parties. Agents for the transaction of all kinds of FINANCIAL and TRUST BUSINESS. SIGHT AND TELEGRAPHIC EXCHANGE On San Francisco and the Atlantic States, FOR SALE. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT and sold. lO.tf JNiSURANCE. THE MANHATTAN LIFE, AXD North Eritish and Mercantile Fire Insura Companies, E. D. WHITLOW, 16.tf OREGON CITY AGENT. Over 20,000 Persons Testify to the Wonderful cures ot Dr. J. W. MUU KAY'S Balsam for the er arAd BIcod. NATURE'S OWN REMEDY. vx One of the CeUhraU-d Physicians of Portland, says he is cured oj ths iung ana ixver cem phiint, and that he owes his life to Dr.JSIur ray's Lung and Liver Balsam. Read vhal lie says : Portland, Mav 21. 1S09. I have tried Dr. J. W. Murray's Lung and Liver Balsam. I use 1 it in my fam ily with the best of success. I was sick for some months, and used every remedy. I called several physicians, but thev did me no good. I exhausted every remedy known to the medical profession, and received no ben efit. This Lung and 1 iver Balsam cured me, arid I do not he.-itate to recommend it to the public and my friends, as a good and safe rem dy. Th"se who know me, as man- do in this Stat3, know that I would not vecm mend them to use a thing that I as no merit, because I am opposed to quack remedies. G. W. BROWN. M. D. For sale at BELL & PARKER S, and at a;l Drug Stores on the Pacific Co:.st. if tf T onus Charman ! Successor to CHAR 31 AX BRO., THE DEATH OF MY BROTHER HAS compel'.ed me aorain to clume the name of the firm of CHARMAN i BRO. to that of THO.M AS CII A R M A N h a v i n - m , ci, ase j ,f the estate all the interest held by my broth er in the stock of goodj owned by Charman & Brother, taking effect Jauuary 3d, ISG'J. T2zc I5isIb5css Will be Carried on as Usual AND A FULL STOCK Will be kept up by me, and will consist, in part, of the following brandies of trade : Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Notions, Perfumery And Patent Medicines. Paints, Oils, Colors, Dye Staff's and Varnish, Queensware, Crockery & Lamps Sash. Doors, and Window Blinds, Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, Hope, and Nails Of Every Descripti on. I ask Especial Atle?ition to my FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. GROCERIES OF EVER Y VARIETY. Farming Implemento OF ALL KINDS. ITB" Attention will be paid to any business left with me on Commission. Notice. My Business with all who favor me with their patronage, will be done on a oLn basis but Legal Tender will be re ceived at the market quotations. ZT" I desire to say to all who favor me with their patronage that I shall use my best ability to please them, and all orders shall meet with prompt attention. My facilities for doing business are as good as'any house in Oregon, and I pledge myself to sell as Cheap as any House in good standing in the. State. I will not be undersold by any one Please give me a call and examine for your selves. Thanking you for past favors, I remain, Respectfully voura, THOMAS CHARM AX. S. D. SMITH. Geo. B. COOK. The OCCIDENTAL, FOKMERLT yyESTERX HOTEL. Cor. First and Morrison Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. 3-Messrs. Smith & Cook have taken this well known House, refitted and refurnisheh it throughout, built a large addition, makins thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the dining and sittinsr rooms, making it by far the best Hotel in Portland. A call from the traveling pub'ic will satisfy them that the above statements are true. SMITH ,v COOK, Proprietors. N. B. Hot and cold baths attached. 40 tf gLIAPES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. AT4L.Y STREET, Oregon City. O Best BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in- -. .1 1 : .x .1 , c - - Vitus uie uiieiuiou 01 uie lovers 01 laid popular amusement to them. T A' R 4 Tt IS: A. 7" IF" 7) With all the choicest qualities of Liquors anJ Cigars. Scotch. Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE " OX DRAUGHT. 3r Families supplied. JOHN MYERS. H. C. MYERS. J.MYERS & BRO., UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, OREUON CITY, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ROOTS & SHOES, II1RDWARE, We also constantly keep on hand SALEM CASS I MERES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. 5?We will also pay the highest price for ' 'c uuu ail niuua ui gyjvjiA cuuuvi(f produce. Ve will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash o its equivalent in good merchantable produce. &3 Give us a call and satisfy yourselves. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! GREAT REDUCTION! IX THE -PRICES 0F- Watches ! Rich Jewelry ! ! And Silverware ! Pine 15. IL . STONE, Dealer in Watches Jewelry ! 107 Front Street. Portland, Oregon. Would invite the attention of his friends and the public to his Large and Choice as sortment of FINE WATCHES, from the most celebrated makers of E. Howard & Co. Boston ; Apelion & Tracey, P. S. Bai t,ett, Waltham, Mass.; Elgin Watches; Jacot's Self-winding Watches; English Watches and others. Als, a well selected stock of ladies Watches, of all description and styles. which he would be pleased to show to ail who may favor him with a call. FINE JK I VEL RY and. SOLID SUA Eli WARE, FANCY ARTICLES, SEJTAB.E FOR HO ... DAY PRESENTS: Gold and Silver Watches, of different ma kers. Diamond Pins, Ear rings, and Finger rings. (i o 1 d Bracelets. Cold Chatelain GiMrd and Watch Chains. Oold Necklaces Armlets. Crosses and Lockets. (ioLd breastpin-. Ear rings, and Kingcr-rUig-. Gold Cha-nis and Keys. California Gold Ring.- an ! Bohmes' Pat -tit Hnckels. Moss Agate Setts Rings end Cuff Buttons. Weddi'ig lings made of pure gold, expressly Tor that purpose. Gold and Silver Thimbles. Opera and Marine Glasses, Pebble Specta cles and Eye-glasses. Solid Silver Nankin "Ring-:. Silver Fruit and Butter Knives Solid Silver Table and Tea Spoons. Regula tors, Seth Thomas Clocks, Marine Clock?, Gilt Galley Clocks, etc. All the above articles sold Cheap fot Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention iven to repairing and adjusting of Chronometers, Duplex andAmer icau Watches. B. L. STONE. 3.tf 107 Front street, Portland, Oregon. piPEIUAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoqne & Co., OREGON CITY. ttKeep constantly on hand foi sale, flour Midiings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties purching feed must furnish the sacks. JOHN II. SCIIRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in feUw SADDLES, HARNESS, V-" cc, etc., Main Street, Oregon (Hty, J8fSWishes to represent that, hp is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as me largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination ot uis siock oe made ueiore buying elsewhere. JOHN P. MILLER, Successor to J. F. MILLER Co., MA.VCFACTLRER OF AXD DEALER IX J he Oregon City Boot and Shoe Store, Main street. THE EEST SELECTION Of Ladies', Gents', Boys', and Children's Boots and Shoes, on hand or made to order. c RAM, WILLIS & Co., LIVERY. FEED AND SALE Tar Jfb. J33 HLj OREGON CITY, OREGON. Having recently added to the Livery Stock new Carriages, Buggies and Horses, are now prepared at all times to let the same, at reas onable rates. Horses bought and sold, or kept by the day or week. OREGON CITY BREWERY ! IIEXUY II UMBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish rs to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAGER BEER, As good as can be ohtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled- JOIIX M. BACOX, Importer and Dealer in STATIONERY, PERFUMERY. &c, Oregon C'ty, Oregon. At Charman Warners eld stand, lately oc cupied by S. Ac'urmin, 3IaUi street. V) tf MI3 9 WHEN THE LOOK OUT FOB, THE LOCOMOTIVE. I r7 t, -3; Nov is the Time to While they are At Cost! Fo r i Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now better prepared than ev er to attend to the wants of my customers, and having a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, I have decided to Sell off at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact I ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID CLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY ; BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths : BOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING ; FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSIMERE SUITS ; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS ; BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most reasonable terms. Also a lare stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. DOORS AND WINDOWS. S. ACKERMAN, Jf All kinds of Produce Bought .-r jr-?RAGS WANTED. 112 FRONT STREET, 131 FIRST STREET, Near Morrison Street. " Near Yamhill. KAST & CAHALIN. New Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the City ! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as BenkertN, Tirrell's. Fojrg's, Houghton & Coolidsre's. Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of cents' and bovs' wear. jMso Mile's, Sieberlich's, Hurt's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to Ciill and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Boots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantly on baud. JOTICE. o The Peop .e's Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS. FOR PORTLAND : At 7 A. M., every day, except Sunday. And 1 P. M., every day. For Salem, Albany and Corvallis : ON MONDAY. TUESDAY. THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, at 7 o'clock A. M., And for Dayton : ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRTDAY, i each week. A. A. McCULLY, President, Nor. 27th. 1SG0. 40.tf Harvest of 1889 ! ! Selling off to Close Jlmincss, A.m1 no IIUMI5UQ ! Tlae Enlifc Stoclt! OF DRY GOODS. READY-HADE CLOTHING. C0TS AND SHOES, Mens' Ladies, Jfisses' and Chilurens' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils. .Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. II as got to be sold Regardless of Price! To convince vuirsetf with renprt in this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING. South of I ope Co.'s Tin, Store, Oregon City. I. H. MITCHEI.1;. J. N. DOLPff. A. SMITH Mitchell. Bolpk & Smith. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law solicitors tn Lhaneery, and Proc tors in Admiralty. IW Office o-er the old PostOlEce. Front street, Portland, Oregon, BELL RINGS Buy your Goods ! going Cheap ! ays milf WALL A3! ET IRON WORKS COMPANY! Iron FoiiiHlcf9 1 A Wm F-F8 EL And Boiler Builders ! rrPr'S orth Front and E sts., h ;; i ("p.i""1" Porllaiul, Oregon. THESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and hare facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and efficiently, i We have secured the services of Mr. John 1 Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex , perience on this coast for fifteen years fivf-s him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOUKING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING I'UMTS ! ! &(., Arc, &e . Manvactvre and Rerair Mart nery of all HnJs.m IRON SHUTTER WORK at San Francisco cost and. freight. WheeUr f- Ran dall's Patent Grinder an J Amalgamator. Ihnoar's and Steven's Self Adjusting Patent Piston- Parking, either applied to (hl or new stf-am cylinders. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and disss, if the best hard iron,- o:1y C. II. MYERS, PLOSMXG, OAS & STEA31 Fitting Establishment, A'o. 110 First Slixet Portland JUST RECEIVED, per St hooner ADELINE ELWOOD. isMkhg, From the celebrated Factorv of Messrs. Rumey A Co., Schcnectedy, jew 1 oik , PUMPS OF ENTIRELY NEW PAT. )TEHNS, iii Design Stvle, Finish, and ) economy, SUPERIOR TO ANY otleied IN THIS MARKET, Comprising: CISTERN PUMPS, All sizes for lead or iron pipe : PITCHER PUMPS All sizes " " BASE AND SIDE FORCE rUMP., All siyfs fur -In1 nrirnn r.ini ENGINE WELL PUMPS, ' 1 r For depn writs : YARD WELL PUMPS, AMALGAM REELS, for Steamboats, factories. Ijliiirehes. ete. POINTS, for Drive wells; Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. C. 11. MYERS. 110 Front street, Poilland, Oregon CHAS. HODGE. .CHA9. E. CALEF. . GEO. TV. SXELL. HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DEUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AXD WINDOW GLASS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PAINTERS ilateriats, ana vrvgguts' Sundries. 07 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. yiLLAMKTTE NURSERY. Season of 1SG9 70. C. W. WALLING A Co. would call the attention of the public to their lar"-e and wellhssorted stock of fine fruit trees and shrnor.erv, consisting of choice varieties of CilEhRTES, PLUMS. PEARS. APRICOTS, PEA Oil KB, NUTS, RASP 11 E R R I ES, Ac, Ac. Persons desirous ot purchasing trees should call and examine our stock, which is the largest ar d best in theSfate. Orders (with the ca-h)sent to the Nursery w ill be prompely filled ard forwa drd. STS Erttacare taken in packing Trees. 7 Address all orders to G. W. WALLING & Co., XZif Oswego, Clackamas County Oregon. FRENCH MEDICAL OFFICE? ; DR. JUL1EN PEERAULT ! Dr. of Mettieine of the Pacuhy : Paris, Graduate of the UniverJ Queen's Collt-fre, anl Pl J sic ism of ' St. John Bapti- tc Sot it y of San Fri cico. p Pr. Terrailt has the pleasure to iDfrr, patients and oth rs teetmg confidential ical advice that he can be consulted daiu his office, .Armory Hall JuJdins. x0 East coruer of Montgomery and Sacramtc' streets, San Francisco, Rooms N09 0, In, V--first floor, up strirs, entrance on eii. Slotitgomery 01 Sacramento s-trcets. Tin. Perkailt's studies have been aim; exclusively devoted to ihe cute of'( various foi ms of Nervous and Phjsica j bility. the result of injurious habits aci-t in yr-uth, which usual y terminate in A tence ana s-ieriuiy, anu permaneniiv tTlA 1 1 rnfl... V.- nil uie uoMut'iiiiuiiii-a uiu tr. U Hp all the concomitants of old age. Vh.T. - 1 uess 01 a jtie nuu hmi ui uci 1 eason 1 ! morality dictate the necessity ds renm' for it is" a fact that premature aeclii,e 0f t-' vigor of manhood matrimonial unhajij,inf compulsory single life, etc., have tL' sources in causes, the get m of which i.j,. ed in early life, and the bitter fruits tu7v' long afterward; patients, laboring under tt complaint, will complain of one or nior'e the (following symptoms: Kociual i,ni sions, Pains in the Buck and Head, ncss of Memory and Sight. Discharge f the Urethra 011 going to stool ormfiintr, ter, Intellectual Facultie.- are Weak",. Loss ff Memory ens-ies, Ideas are cloudy and there is a disinclination to attend tob iness, or even to reading, writing ,r vy society of Iriends. etc. The patient h' probably complain of Dizziness, Vert gn, that Sight and Hear ng are weakened lt sleep disturbed by dicams ; niejacctn sighing, palpitation, iaintings, coulm s, slow fevers ; while some liave external r--matic pain, e.nd numbness of the bome d the common synip'oms a e pif. in the face, and acl ing in dii'eieiit .v' the b' dy. Patients suffering fiom th; ease, should applj' irnm-diately to ' KAii.T, e:thr iu person or by" letter will guarantee a cure 7 Setii-nai Em, an l Impotence in six or eijrht we9k. Patients suffering from venerial di cav rny stage, Uononhea, Gleet, ijrct ' Bubo, Ulc rs. Cutaneous Eruptions, ( will be Heated successfully. All S pis and ilercurial Taints entirely len.ovel the fystem. O O Dr. I'ei KAi lt's diplomas are fn his 0 where patients can see for themselves they are ni.dtr the care of a regular ed td practitioner. The best refeienccs g -if reqtiirt a. Patients s ufl' dng under chronic ckR can call and examii e for tliemselis, t invite investigation ; claim net r everything. norOto cure everybody, li do claim th:it in all cases tiikevi ulniert n:ent we fulfill our jnom ses. We pKftv ly request those v. ho have tr ed th s Yu doctor, and that aovertied physician w orn out aud d:scuraged, to call i pet how charges and quick ct;rcs. Ladies suB'eriug lror any complaint ; dents to their sex, can coi.sult the cV with the assuiance of relief. Female Monthly Tills O Dr. PKRRArLT is the only otreut in f fornia for Dit. Piott's Femsile .Monthly I Their !mnielle )-alc has established thnr' utation as a female 1 emery un;;jpr.ii-!.-and fir in advance of every other reu h sutpress oris atid irreguhirities. ai;d it obstt uctions in females. On the rem; five d liars, these Pills will be sei.t bx'v or ex ress to any part of the worhl, .( fr m curiosity or damage. Q 1 tr.soiis at a distance can be rvr.J home, by addressing a letter to Da p.Ai lt, on er of Sac ramQit o and M et v streets. Rooms 10 and 11, r B x ' P. O San Francisco, stating tr c" minuteh' as possible, g neral 1 abYts il i ing, occupation, ( tc, ere. All communications confidential. 1 vri WALTER ER' New CAKPILTI VELVETS, MUSSELS, THREE-PLY, c OIL - CLOTHS, o WINDOW -SHADES, PAPER -H A UsG I K GS G LACE - CURTAIIJS, &c, i We Would Call the attention of ties fitting vp houses, or leiva if. need of anything in our liu To our Stock, which is ONE OF THE COHPLJEl'Eb T On Hie lacilic0caM o Ow Goods leing specially scltcfo the Factories in England and ll$ Eastern States, we can siU . AT THE LOWEST S;i2iFrasicis:o Prut WALTER imtrs., No. 89 Front street, between Aider So.) and Washington, Portland A. G. WALLING S Pioneer Book Binder OR KG O A I A j UUILDLXi- Wo. 5 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and B0LM ' any desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, 'X PAPERS, Etc., bound in every varie' v style known to the trade. Orders from th coiuitry nromptlr . tended to. LOGUS & ALBRIGHT, EXCELSIOR MARKET 13 Q Corner of Fourth and Alain sfr" OREGON CITY. J8f3- Keep constantly on hand all kie-' fre-h and salt meats, such as f BEEF, POIIK, 'MUTTON, VEAL, . COKNED BEEF, nAMS, IMCKELED PORK, LAH; And everything else to be founds in their of business. JUSTICES' BLANKS, of every tiff1 ? tion. printed at the ExTEiii'Bist h t. I O Y 1 C R tK as Ft i F O J c il Kit . ; 4 c ."V-. 9 it G i J 1 "1 C0URT?SY OF-RANnROTTT T.TW4RY.