's 1' o o , r DEFECTIVE o o G L ORDG1NAL i gijf tikeMu Enterprise, TOWS XSti COUXTYi j "jrR C.tv. There appears to be a total ' wint improvement of our town on the I jt cf the City Council. We have not S ji,ncd that that body has done anything 1'i'in the last tin ee months. The sidewalks I nianv jjjaccs are iria dangerous condition, ij -hou d be repaired, and many otiiei thir2s might be done by the city fathers feich would be of benefit. We would sug r. that tl-e old en; ne on Main street has I Ln standing theie about long enough, and l Ja tb credit of the town either let it be I loosed in some place or thrown in the river. lV engine has seen its bc-t days, and do.'e service, and for the uood she has done jes better treatment kU n 10 oe s-ianu- jjif m trie sireei vxniiui ing s aeu u infertilities- Some of our streets ought to be turned and obstructions removed. There Jplentvof work for the Council if they w ill Ijfc (or it. Business, gentlemen. 4 bkxerxt.ox of the Yorxo. We are I fagnnt'd that, a by of about 15 or 10 years t has been aboutour streets for the past fwek in an intoxicated condition. This i'tainzs another matter to our mind, which I ik. Jntended to mention at the time, but I R'Ii our memory. The night the I'ixley tJttca performed h--re, we notic d a hoy, we (ibofctajirige about 12 year oi age. iiglit and ,Bke a cigar in the hall. It is the very eiice of impudence f-r a man ,p indulge liajBitli thing in a hall filled with ladies, i-ju4.it is a dUr.i:e f r a boy of t i.it ajf to I isMW in this v ce at aay time or a iy place ilone in the presence of lalie. We Tj j V advise parents to keep a watch or. 'f4hou boys, and see where they are at jjkt, and what they are doing. The mini- . . . . .1 ffctfi'f bail bo's i this town is very large in prn'irtiim to the inhabitants, aud we would jjie.t j see an improvement. 1 7) Qcsk East. Capt. Geo. Pease left on the rt-.tflier last Saturday oi a visit to !he States. IhtL McGill takf-CJiis place on tbe Alert un til Ws return. We wish George a pleasant trip' t'aiit. Cochrane. wliO has been running oalj'1 upper W.Wamelte for many vears. nU'jivi-nt hist, taking with him his wife. Weiion't desire t include these two gee tie tnttfaii) rig t le number T fiend's men we Ispokc ot last week. Tuey are above t-uch Emjilk'M. . . . Pjcxic TI.e .piciife or the Clackamas, airei by -ur bcrnuui citizens last Sunday, W4 well attended. A number of people wtrt "P from .1 ortlan J, an 1 a very pleasant Bi;nas had. i.ood music, dancinr, smd LtfteT amneiiierneu.s were iT'tten n; fr tlu- pi'ttjsion. We learn that all wli attended KnJ ed the Twelves very much. Q 1Ui.l Match. liie second ame of jbMbii'.l between the Ec'kf.rds, of this c tv, hastjWebfeet, of Lafayette, came off at flu tter id.ice last Mondav. Tiie trjnu- -a. hrwi.y the X ebf.-et by 19 run-. Tba third Lad Mai game is to be pLiyed about the 1st i Jo'v. It is not vet decided where it is to Isepl iv'rd. Our hoys nmt h i ve been icar d fo ta away fi tiu home, or their o.'po'nent Vuid nut have been iible to beat them so jbatllj. We wiili ihem feetter htck m tbe de fcidio,; ga lie I flv.K Wouks. We have received a circu !r fi n S . J . McConnick, of Portland, c m tBBga list (prices of fire works. 11c. i.--ly- on hand with things nee 'ed t prop -rly trl. brate our National A nniversary, md Jrii-iii need of anything in tl.at line wilP doweii ti give hi in a ca!L r ' . r- - Tbk Vim. hi n. While many of our sister Umax are makini; arranemt nts trt atinrn- iriHyc!el,raie the coming Fourth, would nut be well f our citi.:is to make amove Mvea celebration in this date? Will mnne take hoblc-l this matter and s,e beUiL-r we Can't have a celebration h. ..- ; IT4.m Isjcked. Fjvm the IhralJ of last .lav we learn that George Gjod, a h man w hose parent-; reside in this citv. iaienja-.'ed in A. G. Walliutr's estahli-l-. pent had thr. e of the fi Impartially amputated m a pi inting press IttTuesdaV. . XSyio. Doc. Bai low-cut u-- word from 'ortfaad, s..ying that Den. llolladav 'vcnt lack" on him. and muffo him inv cf r.. 1 T w t J "V - Me. We suppo ed he'd -go back" on i Who were seivinirhim unless th-v got biside track on him before the election. fought-to have been sharo cno.i'.li tn ft lis ticket before the ib ot June. V . Contest. It is the intention of all tbe femccratic candidates in this county to con- pi the election. This is as it should be. e$ pe that the members of the Lci-da- pnjHvill take the necessary stej s to contest pne-seats. It we are to be controlled bv poiterlopers brought here bv lien. Holla- f,Kt wish to k:iw it. t... r ''"k. u nas. hunmons, a voting man rc- Ni iiKCutting's precinct, was brought to pit ty last Saturday aud adjudged insane f ' County Judge. Mr. Mverst.ok him PKie asyhitn on Sun 'ay. M- . S. his the FPotatio f-bf having been verv industrious Nih iwcd no symptoms of insanity until pdaesday last, and became raving very Mairulr. Oiixn Lodok. The Grand Lod-e of F. ad A. M. of Ore iron meets at Asimiinut ar. The Portland papers say that rwj arrangement has been made to make m fisit of those aiteudinsr asrecable and Heajftint. . "" fk Collector. We see notices posted noir streets from W. Chapman. Assistant AvColIector, to the effect that he will W on the 20th and 51st. ins'., tn j-olI..r-i. due from persons in this county. .px Chops. We have had a verv re Wng'spring shower during the past week. plk3) will do COOd to the crotis. The ernre i8t county, and we learn, in the fnt - PH are splendid this season. Books. John Fleming, the "oldest itant" in this city, has just received a ffwjand fresh stock of boks and stutionerj KFft from the East, which he has opened Blrt if Inln I vr" sf irp 11 nder thf ( ''1111 rt I'-euved Charity. A festival was given 14 8' Court House lajt Thursday evening fwfte benefit of (3Js. Painter, a wid -w JX''J responded to by our citizen--. f tra or a Printer. Frank 11. Stuart, Pe!flnowu in tbis State, at different times Nec-ed with a paper at Jacksonville, Dal- hr'd l;matiHa detl San Erancisco last kf- r 'ank was his own wort eneiny.and F? generous and noble heart. Hashes. I'eace be Sftn l si' n . . r . t - - X i - ..vr. vuesis are ofgitiuirijz i r'rtte at tho v;tu: oj c. : t ; . f ?'.r- This is rtrrri.H n nnnnl thu finf! ki - - . . . . . . . - - . . . - of resort for invalids and pleasure 4 , ?f T Affss. A new awning has been fp in frnt of E. D. Kellv's store. We li""1? some improvements occa- G G ,X Ea-T. Hon. Li. F. Urovrr, Uuveinur fleet ! O cgon, left Salem last Wednesday niorni: g n trio to tbe East, overlaud. Imfro.iau. Mr. Thos. Charman is paint- iog h residence and fence. It would be well if some more of our citizens would fol low his example. RECOVErifcO. v tiu recovered so as to town. Ma has sufficiently be able to wall about Personal. Robt. J. Ladd, of Portland, called on us vestenhiv. Poor Williams, lue iwiuical papers of this State are iust now filled with mournful eulfgies on the defunct Senator of Oregon Geo. II. Williams and to take their words for it, a person would suppose t lat he embodied all that Was great, good patriotic and holy. It is of no avail. He is too well known in Oregon, and bis doom is sealed and delivered. Come home. Bro. Williams, to jour Radical lovers. The people of Oregon, whom you hire misrepresented at Washington, have no further use lor you there. Sam. Clarke, of the Statesman, who was never known to tell the truth, says that Polk was carried by fraud. The Oregon Republican, published in that county, cen sures the Republicans for its defeat, saying ihat many stayed away from the polls. Who know - be- of these two Radical or gans? Pol .' eo:) -i : is Democratic to the core -it is on' v by corruption and fraud that the Radicals ever gained the county. Er.KCTED. We regret to state that Judge LBoise is r elected in the 3d Judicial Dis- irict. lie appears to have a majority of 18 votes. It is a close shave for him, and we wish that ten out of the eighteen vT)tes were cast for Mr. Boubam. The nigger and Indian vo.c elects him. and if he has any sell-respe v he will not demand bis seat on such votes, against the expressed will of a majority of the white men of the District. Doi."r Mis.s Thkm. Tlu 0,'egonian threatens prosecution of the Wasco county election judges because they refused to receive fteenth amendment votes. Go ahead. Go ahead. Tw o loyal judges in this city refused fifteenth amendment vote, and we hope the U. S. Attorney will take iftls cas.1 in hand. WV think if he commences that game he still find a little woik in this county on that score, aid among Radicals. Radical. The Radicals have carried Washington Territory, and re-elected that silvery -toned orator' Garfieldc, Dele gate to Congress. T! at is atjORt the only Radical spot n the Pacific slope, and it is to be hoped that t!ie benighted Washing ton Ten itoryites may become sufficiently informed and turn from their evil ways. Favohs. We are under obligations to ii t Q c.;it, tnr. .l..o. ...... tc AVoiuan uiid tier Ae :. Subject by-the law of nature to many phys ical afflictions from whirh man is exempt, woman is peculiarly entitled t the best ef forts of medical science in her behalf. For a majority- of the ailment- to yv'jich licr sex is exJnsivilv liable, HOSTKTTFR'S STOM ACll 1H ITERS are, warmly re :ommenued on the authority of w.ves, mothers, and nurses, who have tested their genial t mic and regulating propreties, and know yv here of they speak ;" :ini also with the sanction of able phy.-icians, who have administered the preparation to their female patients, in ob-ittnate ca-es of functional derangement with the happiest results. Almost all fe male complaints cf a special character, are complicated with mental glo im and des pondency, and the gentle and lasting exhila iat ng effects of this wholesome medicated stimu'.ant ad ipts admirably for cases of this complex nature. As a remedy for the hys teria and mental hallucinations yvhich sometime- re ark both ths earlier and the latter crisis in tbe lite of woman, it has no equal in the repeitory of tke healing art, a:id as a means ot relei.-ing the nasse i and other un pleasant feel ngs yvhich precede maternity, it is equally efficacious. Nursing m-'thers also find it an admirable invigorant. It is highly satisfactory that a preparation which embra ces in its remedpvl rane s m.my of the complaints common to both stxes, should prove so eminently beneficial to the weaker one. Ti lols I In- Jtlt-i it of nil Tilings. FOR THIRTY YEARS! -Tra Perry Davis' Pain Killer, Has been tes'ed in every variety f cli mate, and by almost every natio-. known to Anieiicans. It i" the almost constant com panion and inestimable friend of the mission ary and the traveler, on ea arid land and no one slrmld travel on our Lakes or Rivehs without IT. It is a speedy and saft? remedv for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, wounds and Various o her injuries, as well as tor dysentery, diar rha?a, and bowel comp'aints generally, and is a.innrabsy suited tor every race of men on the face of the g obe. Be sure you call for and get t'te genuine Pain K Her. as many worthless nostrums are attempted to be sold oa the great reputaiion ot this variable medn-me. Directions accompany eac'i bottle. !Vlvc33 cts., 50 cts.. aiirt $1.00 per I?o1tle. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. W""U1J1 DAV1DSO.V, Office, ?lio. 64 K,.,n Street, Aajoinin- the Ttlegrapb OUiee, Portland Oregon. SPECIAL COLLECTOR, ok CLAIMS. Accounts, Notes, Bonds. Drafts, and Merear. tile Claims of every desci iption. thnniibout Oregon and the Territories, WILL ME MADE A Sl'Et'l ALT Y, and promptly col'ected, as ell as with a due regard to economy in all business -.natiers entrusted to his care and the proceeds paid over punctually. 4otf RE A Li ESTATE DF.ALER. Rebecca Degree Lodge Xo. 3,1.0. O. F". Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. Br order of N. . If you wish the very best Cabinet Photographs. I von most call o i BRADLEY & RULOFSO 439 Montgomery strcr.S;ui Francisco. Tsix Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT PLACED in my hands for the purpose of collect log delinquent taxes, due to Cla.-kama-county, and to me directed, 1 will, on tin second day of July, A. D., 1870, expose foi sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, lor U. S. gold coin in hand paid, the follow ing tracts or parcels of land, or so much thereof as is sntlicient to pay the taxes d;n thereon for the rear ISW, together witu cost Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. ni. n sain day and continue from day to day until sold. Sale to take place in front of the Cour; House door, in O.egon City, Clackamas county, Oregon : NAMES. i i- Jl cr K Adams, Riley, 7 3s lw 240 f"0 670 ?10 S:, Altree, K S, 23 3e 270 075 Beardsley, Ann, 23 s lw 100 400 Bavin,' Lotir, improvements on public land. 100 175 Boston, J W, 17 3s lw 200 4)0 117 B:dwell(heirs of) 3s 3e 1C0 SoO Bonton, V W, 2s 3e 15 75 Burbank, J T, 16) 4oO Clagart, Chas, Is 4e 100 150 Cotlee, Andervin, 2s 3e 101 200 CuhiertsorijAudreir.ls 4e 100 2oo . Connell, JO, 32 2s le 92 14o Olark, 11 , 07 5, 0 loo Delates, Jackson, 2s le 75 5oo Dun ton, T J 2s 2e 8 4oo Epperson, John, 3s le 93 S00 Findlav, David, 30 3s 2o 820 4U0 Fruit, Jas,19 12 100 Garrett, I V 20 5s lw 50 204 135 Glover, E, imp. on pub lands 133 Gardner, George, sec 11, 23, 2G 10 S: 0 40 73 se 80 20 4- oi 2d 5 2o 2 2: 1 Co 8 oo 0 4: 4 so 6 4 1 0 2 U 2 2s 3e lyO 470 8 52 Glannin,T, 1 5s le 320 400 0 4 (ruber, John. IS 2s 2e 4 400 6 4 Greesse, Gotheb 03 4 1 3 mi 1 1,150 19 4 Gist. JasII, 9 2,7 200. 3 2 IIughes,llachael.20 3s lw 180 900 14 4 Haigrave, S A, 20 5s le 100 200 3 2' Ilarroll, R Mrs, 4 2s le 100 400 400 0 4 ILnve, James, 112s 2e loo 150 150 2 4' Hamilton, Wm, 2s le 329 1,000 lG.oc Henry, R W (Oswego) 1 3 - 50 80 Halpine, James, (OsWego) 1 8 400 G 4o Jackson, Francis (estate of) GO 5s 2e 320 500 778 12 5i Job, Samuel 5s le 322 400 Jones, Luciuda, 4s le 100 250 Jackson, W E. 0 5s 2e 200 350 Kellogg, ML Mrs,30 Is le 3 1-2 400 425 K nutter, Wm. sec 32, 20 3s 2e 320 600 Lafer, A, 1 ."is lw luO 19 J La very, V'm (Oswego) B 5 sc-c 17 and 20 2s le 330 229 Larery, J K, 20 2s le 70 140 0 4i 4 (Hi 5 0' 0 Si 9 fit 3 2 47 Larkins, James, imp public iands 77 Lewis, W H. 22 2s le ISO 200 2." 1 0i 4' Moshburser.Chas 4 5s le SO 25o 102 2 Morgan. Mary, 30 4s lw So 400 Markham, Mrs, 20, 21, 28, 29 2s 3 e 150 200 McCraken. John, 3s 3e 10)300 M.dF.itt, Jas, 27,2S2s 2e 400 loot) Moore, Henry. 32 2s le 92 200 Munsev. J W ' 3s 2e 160 200 Pedige.J 11, 21,28 2s 3e 200 400 410 Pollock, S L 3 7, 8 500 Reynolds, X II. 23 3s le 160 200 Hobins n.Rtl Mrs 20 2s lw 230 500 Russell, W. imp public land 50 I'iii-v J w-nh 3s lc 19 2ot) Riggs, F M. 2 4 le So 30o 317 3 2' 4 3 6 4' 3 2o 3 2- 7 05 0 (u o. 2: ?r. 80 00 i0 I)."- Spicer, Altred XI 22 5s le 100 2-"o 329 ..icer, .Nancy a -s le 100 250 305 J Shepperd, J rf, 33 .Vs le SO 50 Som ers. (eo, 29 4s lc P20 300 Saiith.J W.irnp on public land 2oo 371 r-anaers.vv u 6i I o v. SuutSas, B F, one mill 12 Ss 3e inOO 648 1Q 3-: Sommers, C. A, sees 21, 22. 27, 23 2- 3e 120 1.0 110 1 Tfi Silver.C S seos 12,13 3s 3e 320 ru0 S 0t Settlemire. Geo, I'J s 50 8"' Tinslev, W T 11,12 os le 1G0 100 140 3 2 Taylor. G W, 25 lw 30 4s le 1RD 553 0 J- Tucker, J P,imp on pub land? 134 3 It Tarrant, S. ' " 50 S' Vinson, J. S. 32 4s le 220 500 8 in Weddle, Elijah. 2 (5s le 160 550 (ISO 12 03 Wilson, Hobert. one mill 17 2s 5e 1G0 500 1450 2 4 2 Wavman F, homestead, sec 43 t2s sees 33,34 3s le 12 loo 135 2 15 Weeks.W W " 13, 1 3s I w 371 900 14 4" Wes'fall, C A, os lw 80 100 1 G Williams, Samuel, Is 4e 100 200 3 2o Williams. SL Is 4e 100 200 3 20 Williams. Simon, Is 4e 160 350 5 Co Wilson. E A, 9 2s le 170 200 3 2. Williamson, J 1,2 2s le 100 150 2 40 White & Rho ides 29 7 3000 2700 43 20 Wills. Jonathan, 14 7, 8 1"1 2 40 JOHN MYERS, Sheriff Clackamas coui.ty. Oregon City, June 8, IH7 Final Settlement. F. the rn'itter of the estate of Jams Mc- Laughlin.dei eased. In the County Cour of tiackamas county. State of Oregon. Notice is hereby given that Jas. M. Moore, the Administrator of the estate of Jame McLaughlin, deceased, ha rendered for s' ttlement, and lilt-d in said Court, his fina account of his Administia;ion of tlie estate of said deceased ; and that Txfsd't'j, the Fifth (oih) day of Juhj, A. D. 1S70, being a dav of a regular term o said Court, to-wit: of the June term. A. D. 1S70, has been duly appointed by the said Court, for the hearing of objections to such final account. and the settlement thereof. By order of said Court. Attest: J. M. FRAZER, Coui,ty Clerk, May 7, lS70:5t THE BEST NEW YORK SILK HATS!! AT SEVEN DOLLARS, A Large Assortment of COOL HATS WERE RECEIVED BY J. C. Mcussclorffer & Bro. Agents ! Read This ! WE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY of 30 per week and expenses, or allow a commrss;on, to sell our new and wonderful inventions. Address 51. WAGNER & CO., Marshall, Mich. May SSrii? NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y ! o o o O o CS S3 a J3 v KSij-j era OF THE United States or America, J VA MUX G TOXt D. C. Branch Office at PIiIIikU lptiiu. Where the business of the Company is transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be adJiesed. O DlUECTOJlS i Philadelphia Clarence II. Clark, Jay Cooke, F. Ratctllord Starr, J. Hinckley Clark, Geo. Tvler, W. (J. Moorhead. Washington. HenrvD. Cookp, E. A. Rollins Win. E. Chandler, John I). DelYees. New York, Edw. Dodge, II. C. Fahncstoek. OFFICEUS I CLAREXCE II. CLAIifC. President, IAV COOKE, Chairman Finance And Executive Committee. riEXRY D. COOKE, Vice P-esident. MMERSOX W.PEET. Secretary and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS. . ..4MITI1.M.D., Medical Director. J. EWIXG MEARS, M. D., Assistant. VM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, D. C, aud Geo. IIACDIXG, rhiladclhi., Attorncj-s. O The Most Successful Life Insurance Company of i n World ! Having issued in the first TEX months ot Its existence, 5,395 Policies, - INSURING 15,142,800 Dollar:- ! -o- This Company LlTords to its Policy Holders PERFECT SECURITY! lit its Cash paid up Capital of One Million Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured, by i;s Low Rates of i emium ! LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, )R. A REVERSIONARY DIVIDEND OF 100 PER CENT. BY ITS Return Premium Plan ! -o- 5 tSliAEIt-.VIj -s FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. X. E. II ALE MANAGE R A. I. EldLlS, M. !., AGEKT FOR OKEGO.V. OFF.CE IX CREEPS BUILT) ' G, (Up stairs, bet. Front ai, d First sts.) :a tra.sl e x s i auk .s ' reet, PORTLAND, Oregc. s. d. popeTlogal ag.nt OREGON CITY, GEXERAI, AGEXTS: JAY COOKE t"t CO. No. 21 'J Broadway, N.Y General Agents for Nw York and North ern New Jersey. J. U. Orvis and D. C. Whitman, Managers. E. W. CLACK .V CO. Bankers, No. r" South Third street. Philadelpnia, General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern .New Jer sey. C. S. Rus.-ell, Manager. JAY COOKE & CO. Washington. General Southern Agent-. E. S. Turner, Manager. J. A. ELLIS & CO. Chicago, General Agents for lllino'S, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minn. JOHN W. ELLIS & CO. No. 122 Walnut St.. Cincinnati, Ger ral Agents for Ohio and Central aud Southern Indiana. S. A. KEAN k GO. Detroit, General Agents for Michigan and Northern Indiana. D. W. Kean. Mauager, T. B. EDGAR, St. Louis, General Agent for Missouri and Kansas. C. Orvis. Manager. ROLLINS & CHANDLER, Boston. General Agents for New England and Eastern Provinces of Canada. J. P. Tucker Man ager. JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO. Baltimore, General Agents for Maryland, W. A. i song. Manager. Y1. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, -General Arxr.t fyv.thc Dominion of Caaada. 0 3- vzzzsx OF BANCROFT LIBRARlT"- f l-a"B BAB Life insurance Co. MAI.VE, OUG.VMZED ,tS18. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Directors' otilce, Xo, 89, Court Stret, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. HENRY CROCKET President. DANIEL SHARP. . .Vice President. WHITING H. 110LLISTER Secretary. Tints is among oldest New Eng luiiil Conipniikgi Dividends Declared K T !B Contribution Plan, AKD APPLIED AFTEK THE SECOND PAYMENT. A Loan of dLO per cenb wlicii desire?. POLICIES ARE NOT TFORFEITED in the Unio:t Mutual Life Insurance Company by failure to pay the premium tvl en due. b it, are continued in for-e by the NON FORFEITURE LAW of the State of Mas-sachu.- etts. Exumplcs fcliovitig the Workings of tlie I-ittWi I LAN, OUDINARf t.lfEi Foil Example : A party insuring at the age o' thirty-five premium all cash. On Annual Premium will continue policy in lorce 2 years and ? days. Two Animal l'remiu us will coutinue policy in trce 4 years and I'J days. Three Ai.nual Premiums will continue polic- in force i years and 27 days. Four Annual Premium- w 11 t ontinue policy in force s year.- and 4; days. Five Annual Premiums will continue policy in force lu years and G days. OX WHICH 40 TERCKNT. NOTE HAS I1EEX GIVEN. Two Annual Premiums will continue policy in lorce '2 years any 21" days. Th? ee Annual Premiums will continue policy in fnrce 4 ycais and 2:5 days. Five Annual Premiums will continue policy in force 7 years.and 2oS days. Exami'LE : Premium aH Cash Plan -Ten Pavment Life. One Annual Premium w id i ontinue policy ia Joice, as a Term Policy, abiuit o years. I'xampi.k: Premium 4'i per cent. Note Plan, Ten Payments Life. One Annual Picminni wiil continue po"h-y in force! as a Term Policy, about 2 years and 100 days. Endowment Policy. ExAMrLte: Premiums all Cash Age. 35; Plan Ordirary Endowment, payable at the age of ;(). One Annual P emium will continue policy in force as a Term Policy nearly live years, or 4 years and y2." days. Examim.e: Premium all Cash Age 35; Ten Year Endowment, payable at the cge of 45. One Annnal Premium will continue policy in iorue as a Term Policy 7 ye.trsi Xofeson Endowment Policies ExAMrLE : Premium 4" per cent. Note Age, 35; Plan, Ordinary Endowment, paya bio ut the age -f 50. One Annual Pre iniiu.i will coinin.ie policy in force as a Term Pol cy about 3 years. Example : Preir.ium 40 per cent. Note Age, oo ; Plan, Ten Year Endowment, paya ble at the age of 45. One Annual Pre mium will continue poiico in force as a Menu Policv about 5 years. IlUte.-, Assets to Lunlilllt ica. ISfiG. 1S''7. 1S03. lSf.9. 1-1.97 121.01 131.57 127.00 INTEREST CECEIPTS for 1SG0.$ 40,670 14 LOSSES PAID IN 1S6 201,100 00 INTEREST RECEIYED IX EX CESS OF LOSSES PAID. . 30,430 14 ASSETS THIS DAY OVER... 5,000,000 00 LOSSES PAID TO DATE L'570,334 00 DIVIDENDS PAID IN CASH DATE..... ; 051.S13 55 INSURANCE ON 14,000 POLI CIES IN FORCE OYER 30,000,000 00 Tins Company is not restricted to invest, ing its funds in the New Iv gland States From the deport of the Auditing Committee we lind that $l.i;oo,(00 i now loaned upon . states in the City of Chicago and near there to, where rates of interest ar nearly oi quite equal to those of the Paciiic coast. There is nothing uesirauie in Life Insurance ichich cannot le secured hy a policy in ihe trXIOX MUTUAL LIFE IXSURAXCE CO MP AX Y. Pacific Branch Office, IV. Comer of California and Kearny St.. SAN FRANCISCO, CAE, H. H. JOHNSTON & CO., General Managers, Pacific Coast. Genera! Agent, OREGON & WASHINGTON TERRITORY, . upv 2uil POISTLAND i . 11 ' .'ammmm-- 1 r i 1 tth i rn i..ii.,ii njiiij r.ii . mi .1. ii-n i n ii rr " THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL MFE Insurance Company OF BOSTON. IXCORPORATED The Oldest Purely Mutual Life IiiEnrance Company in the United States. assets . ..... $9,000,000 rpiIE ONLY MASSACHUSETTS COM I pjnv, and the onlv Companv governed Mr the MASSACHUSETTS NON-FORFEITURE LAW on the Pacific Coast. Practical Examples of tlie Workings ot tills La i A. C. E Miller, of Portland, Oregon, in sured under Policy No. 13.04, for $5,O.0, died over six months alter the premium was dne and nnpaid. The $5,000 was promptly paid ihe widow, less the unpaid pi emium. J. W. Jones, of Colusa, California, msuted nnder Pwlicy No. 33.235, for Jlo.oo, died over four months after the premiuhi was due and unpaid. The J lO.foO was promptly paid the widow, less the unpaid piemium. J. B. Baldwin. -of Colusa. Cat., insured un der Policy No. ?S,2r. for 1,000. died over thiee months after ihe premium was due and unpaid. The $1,000 was promptly paid, less the uupaid premium. Is it hot an object for you to injure in a Company where your policy is protected by such a wise and equitable law? Tins Company is not restricted ta invest ing its funds in Massachusetts The funds are invested in the best securities, where the largest interest is obtainable. Thus it l as j been a'.le to return as dividends to the poli- i cy-holdei s in cash during the last four yea ti. '2.4G(j,luy. Dividends pa able annually ill casln EVEPcSOX & MIDDLEMISS, General Agents- PACIFIC RRANCI1 OFFICE Northwest corner Califo ni i and Sausome sts., oppo site Dank of California. STERLING M. HGLDREBGE, AGENT FOR OREGON AND WASHING TON TERRITORY. may2S:uil BROS. NO. 121 FRONT STREET, Portland, Oregon. Aiaotlaci' Sprin BOOTS & SHOES JUST OPENED OUT. rp IS IS THE SECOND FULL AND AS 1 sorted stock received this spring. We beg leave to assuie our customers tjiat we will keep our store ALWAYS FULL, An 1 our Gcods shall be of FIRST QUALITY in the MARKET. Those who have not heretofore dealt with us. are r spi--Uu!Iy invited to cail and ex amine ui gods. We challenge competition in nces as sortment and quality. may'iStf QOOD .NEWS To the FAR5. ERS, BUTCIIEr.S and TANNERS. D. rVIETZCER & Co. Portland, Oregon, corner Front and SalmoD Streets, opposite the old Court House, Hie buying all the TAILS ASD MAXES OF HORSES, TEE TAILS OF CO WS, AXD ALL TIIE HAIR OF HOGS, And nre paying LIBERAL Piice. (10-b WM. SIXGEIt, m. wrntriEiMER SINGER & WERTHEIMER, Have Established A Factory FOR THE MAX U FACTORY OF FURNITURE) SASH, BLINDS AND COGRS, AND M rLDINGS OF A T.I. S ZES STS- They wid also do TURNING, of every description to order, With Neatness aiid Dispatch! Fufnitnre Srtore at Wertheimer's stand. o all work Warranted. Shop on the River, back of Ackeimnn's 23. ly Store, Oregon City, Oregon. JyJ-EW YORK HOTEL, (Dentfches Gafthaus.) , No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship lauding, Portland. Oregon ; H. E0THF0S, J. J, WILKENS, PROPRIETORS. Board per Week . . . 95 00 .... 6 00 1 00 (4 Pey, Notice oi k'uid.1 otftt IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE State of urego.i for the c-mnty of, .ackamas : n the matter of the. estate of James I v Lorlng, deceased.- Whereas. W. W. Chapman, Ad'ir??nistrator of the said ettfte has this 7ih utty of June, 18.0, filed hrs final accoont. askfng' fih'al s-t tlement of th stvm... Therefore any and all 1-ersons intt re.tfd in said estate are h'orfrbv notified to be andl appear ii thv s?d Ccnirt on 1 nesday, the th dav .,f Atiy, 1970 at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Court House, fi. said county, to make objections if anir there be to said final account and settlement By order of W. T. M a r nrK County Judge. W. W. Chapman, Ad miiit rL..i ji i j estiite of James L. Loring, deceased. Jne 7th, 1870 :ot , 1 a - ' r Final Settlement I.' Ti r. , A t. . TIIE EST TE OF' " ' wd: In the County Court of Clackamas countv, State ot Oregon The adnlifiistratnr of sail Estate having filed his final account :or lement thereoV it was ordered by the Uuit that Tut-sday the 5 day of Ju y, 1370, bet-et apart for hear ing objections to said final account and the settlement of the same with said adniinis--trator. By order of said Corfrt. J. M. FRAZER, County Clerk June 11, 1870:4w 0 AL SETTLEMEX 1. In the matter of the estate of Hezekiah1 Johnson, deceased. In the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon. W. C. Johnsi-n, the executor of aid es tate, having ti ed his accounts and vouchers for final si ttlenu-nt thereof, the Countj' (,-ourt of said couniy has appointed the fiist day of the July term. 170, of said Court, for the" ex imination and adjus nient of si ch ac counts, and the final set lem nt of said estate. W.C.JOHNSON, June 7, 1870. 4t Executor. Strayed. F ROM TIIE SUBSCRIBER, ABOUT THE 1st of Mav last, one small ciavmare. l it er slim neck, work in liTi.es; also, one dark bay in. ire, known as th John Wilson mare, heavy hi.me.. Any information or thu return of the animales will be liberallv re warded. JOS. BAKER. Oregon City, June 10.l870:ev A HCTTOX AND COMMISSI 0 A II. RicSfiarlon9 AUCTIONEER I Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Satvrdcry f A. B, Richardson, Auctioneer,- AT PI! IV ATE SALE, English refined Bar and Bundle lion O English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pubs, sheet iron, R. G Iron ; ai.po : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors A. B. liiciiAKDSox, Auctioneer Dr. J, H. HATCH, 0 Late a, ,. d aleki DENTIST. The patronage of those desiring First Class Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. B. Xitirons O.ryde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Offick in Wt-igant's new b dditig, wi at side o: First street, 1 eiweeu Alder and Mor rison stieets, l'ortland, Oregon. C. W. PCPE & CO., DEALERS IX TCVES, TIN PLATE SIltE P IRON.r.RA : IE S OtTEB. I I Al I'll E I WO PILE AND FITTINGS, RL RBER HOS::. FOK E AN ; I FT - iUMP ZINC, COii'i'R. BRASS AND I.. ON WIRE. Also a general assoitment of House FuiV) nishing Goods. MANUFACTURERS OFb Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESC TION LONE TO ORl'ER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Alfto at tOPE S S ivVtl gTGRE you will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE D 1 INN All , 1.A NTfcLNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AND NIGHT LA MIS. AL0 I'ERAM BULaTORS. o Ail of the above articles are for sale atv PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C AV. FOPE & CO. ILlyJ Oregon City Oregon. TEW COLUMBIAN HOTEL. Cor. FRONT and MORRISON Sts.,' POU1 LAND, i.EGON. rs-The most Comfortable Hotel in thV Citv. Board and Lodcring, from one to two" dollars pr day, according to rooms ocedpied.- r ree uoacn to nnu trom the house. tjj El) W A It CARNEY. Pfoprtetor.- STEERS & HlNDEr Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Mines, JSran'dtcs; IVJiisJcies, EtCt No. 49, Front StUkeT roRtLAfp, OpscoH. Constantly on hand a genuine article of Cuttei Whisky. Saddlerv.J 11 Schrau), of this City, is now manufacturing the be.-t Saddlery and Harness in the State. He, trill have at least 50 sets of all grades, froifl fine to com mon, finished and ready for ale nt monjn, and more than that number of Saddles. He is bound to make a trade wnh Dym.n ho wisbes to buy of him. He nses both Oregon Ind Calif'-r w leather in his establishment, and his vorkVears a most excellent reputation ihrrid Wc h"pe fl.at citizens of our own will think of this, when they want any articles in his line.- MultnomaTt Irfxlge JVo. 1. A. mtt AA.. iUolds its regular rommirai cations on the First and Third at urday in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 20th of September to the 20th of March, and 74 o'clock from the2oth of March f o the 20th of September. . Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of IT. M. h f I I'J O C o o o G O o OO o 0 o O O 0 o o o o 0 O O O O O r I -n : A : O ar ! O o o o o G O o O 4 o 0 O o o o G o o o O o o o 1 i "f If o o o o If J1 o f- i : - r 0