o ... "'ymi0!0i r I o o o o o o 0 t ' 4 ft TtVX AND COUNTY. - A Kad;cal the other a v was talking to a Democrat, and in the Jvration the former remarked that a nrnlmac or m-ger was as good as any i jHian' at which the latter gave h&i K. weight of his fist, which brought him jj ilHJ ground. The latter is an Irishman, J , ini't. offered was personal, and tai; there should be some regard tor out ,-t old men should Know weuer i.i.tu j7"'ivL-scb uucaed for insults to other J.fOp.e. e -j ,.-... J'Art:. We have received pev rJI iiuinberof a Heal Estate Gazette, i j.'ihi'.ed in Portland, by Messrs. Russell & h'lirj real estate dealers. It contains --:,i'ral information regarding Oregon. SpI is sent to people cut of this State tree !,', uharge. This Grm is very energetic and Jrt-;i.ib!e. and persons ia search of phonies w ''1 do well tiPgive them a call. Messrs. i Johnson & McCowa. arc their agents in tL.i place. ' Picnic. The German citizens of this i i :m I ,iriir ni'vt Snnd:iv YUCC 111 UCIH. " ..V- , ne 12, on the grounds just below tee v 1 1 .".caucus. ilacKs ana conveyances win running from town to the grounds for t tin. tin' act'iimuiMauon oi mose wnomayue- j,:ro to go. Good music will be m sutend 4 ance. and vvery arrangement necessary j, .r coiufui t has been made. A good time I w.il be had.. Everybody is invited to go. Cusk. -The furniture ad fixtures of I the Cliif House were s6dd by the Sheriff I It Thursday .and the house will be closed for the present. In about three weeks the j house will again opened, after being refitted and furnished, by our friend das. Partlow. of Porllaod. and the popular ! ftmlludy Mrs. XV. LPWhPe. We know that the Cliff House cannot fail to become popular under their management. o . . I Cizi s. Mr. S. D. Moore, Deputy U. S. j Marshal of Clackamas county, has co- 1 jilcled taking the -census of Oregon City. I He informs us that the population is a little over eleven hundred in the city. Thisis'iil compare favorably with most of J the towns in Oregon, and may bo put ; rtuvii as Use fourth town in population ia 1 ttie Stale, r o CnowiiEt). The larg warehouse of tic P T. Co. is filled up wjth freight, and it has become necussiry to store some of it on the lower wharf. Two boats still run between here and Portland, and yet they are not able to clear the invuen-e amount of freight Slway that conies down from ahove. J U.vi.b. The second game in the match between the Ecktords, of this city. and the Webfeet, of Lafayette, will be played at Lafayette next Monday. If our boys keep cool, and don't get frightened o far away from limine, they will make it warm lor the Webfeet. . To r.K Lenotuexki. The Fannie Pat ton is to he taken off the trade in a short time -and placed in the dry -dock and length eiiedrl'D feet, which will make her l& feet long. The Senator is also to be taken off the trade Qcl re.-n here and Portland, and thoroughly repaired. r.K C.viiKMi.. A person was handling a shot-gun the other day which wa-3 acci dentally discharged. As fortune would have it. no one. was hurt, yet a number of persons were standing around. Persons should be careful hov they handle tire arm.. Picnic, The children and parents of t. Paul's Episcopal Church hail a pleasant time last Saturday on thir picnic excur sion. They left here in the morning on the Senator, and went down to Milwaukee, aud returned in the evening. .Sltfkr. "ihe supper given by the young ladies of this place fijf the benefit of the Eckford Rase Rail Club, last Thnis- lay (Fjening, was well attended and a goad lime was had. Luur.KK Y.vkd. Messrs. Crepe & Pease Iiave established a lumber yard at East Portland, and manufacture and ship their Jumber .from this vlace. This is a new avenue of wealth for our citv. Fights. There were three fights during iha pQit week, one at Canemah on election lay, and the other in front of the Ciiif House Ust Wednesday. Rleody noses wa.--jhe res'ult of the various et gagemeuts. L.VTEovici.Ttii.s. Meussdorifer has just receivedo'he Pyramid Hat, the Soft Har vard, Pearl Chris, Felt Raud, Peabody, (Granite,) Roy's Sailor. Mixed Straw, and u'.hei varieties. Cl To Tax-Paykks. In our advertising columns will be found lhis week the Sheriff's advertisement of delinquent property. Persons interested should take notice. Called. Dr. Weathertord. of Portland, give us a call last Wednesday. We weie pleased to see the Doctor looking so well. Stfbo Flt. The new boat being con structed by the P. T. Co. has been named Shoo I !y. Thanks. The members of the Eckford Rase Rail Club desire us to ruUrn their thauks to the ladies of this city for favors. Sescmed UEit Place. The Day ton. after having been paiDtcd and repaired; has takerr tor trade. place aam ia the Yamhill New Saloon. A. Cros has opened a lager beer saloon in tho building formerly occupied by Chas. Freidrich. 9 Chkrpjes. Cheryios are ripe in this vi cinity. The crop this year is quite large. Repairing. -The Active has been placed ia the dry dock for repairs. The County Colkt. The County Court for Clackamas county has been in session during the week. We will pubiiih. the proceeding? nest week. It is Coming There is ranch speculation as to the p-obahle reasons for the present apathetic state of the public mind in relation to outrages and encroachments of the Radical faction ia Congress. People are astounded that the country receives, with apparent indifference, infractions of the Constitu tion and partisan usurpations,-which, ten years ago. would have roused a Stotm of popular fury. It is certainly dishearten ing to any man who has the love of his country at heart, to behold the over throw et Slate Governments, the tamper ing v.bh the Supreme Court, the oppres sion of intelligence and the enfranchise ment of ignorance, the bayonet interfer ence with elections, and the thousand and one villainies that mark tiie progress of the leaders of the dominant party toward despotism and sec masses of his fellow citizens march stolidiy to the polls every year and vote to keep Radicalism in oilice. A moment's though1", however, will satisfy the inquirer that this painful phenomenon is not so extraordinary after all. A great civil war is always followed by a season of mental inactiqn. and the leaders of the winning paiy, if they are designing men. take advantage of the public exhaustion to entrench ilienis.-lves in power. Rut the people invariably wake up in the end and hurl the aggre.s- sots tioni tnetr lotty sats. io quote but one familiar instance : After the terrible civil coiiilict in England was followed by the triumph aid restoration of the Stuart?, the English people submitted unmurmur irgl for twenty years to the profligacy and exactions of their new masters. Hut, as soon as they had recuperated their energies, they rose, in and almost bloodies revolution, drove the Stuarts from the throne. We have sign now that the American people are beginning to throw off their lethargy, and regard with more interest the machinations of the mountebank tricksters at Washington. The progress of the Democracy has been steadily, though quietly, on wai d fr the past year ; ami some day, not far dis tant. Congress or the Administration will commit some overt act that will start the revolution that seems inevitable. Ohio Crisis. XOTiCK. To all idiom it mau concern.. That, thu China ship. Herman Doctor, has arrived with seventeen (17) woman (fami lies), trom Wo Hong, Hongkong, to the order of Wa Kee it Co. There is due upon the fare and freight the sum of twenty-two 0!)) dollars gold coin, and that all Kii ties interested will come forward, who have ordered their families and pay all charges, or abide consequences. J. F. McCov. Their Ag'-nt and Attorney. The above appeared yesterday as nv. advertisement in the (Jrf'joRinii. The woman mentioned in it are prostitutes and slaves. They come with billsoi lading like freight, and wiilbeused by their mast r.-: f or ti e purpose for which all other Chitu s woman of thi city are used. The slave trade is revived in Oregon, and human beings are advertised lor sale, ia the public pilots. Radicals endorse' it, and the working men of Portland who voted for lloiladay's State and county tickets last Monday, endorsed it too. Those who took Ilolladay'jj money, will we opiue,fiud out in a verv short time that the insignifi cant su:u ihev received for botrav'.ng iey their party, their principles and their country will not carry them through the dark days of Chinese competition. (Jood citizens .should withhold sympathy from such men when their day ot trouble comes. Time will punish the perfidious cues and make Ihem sorry that they betrayed the truth for pay. Tiie Ii-t-.si-Ieiit's Ijjist Por;taiasi;r. The appoinlment by President Crant of illiicrate and w rtliiess negro as J'ost-masU-r near the Univer.-i'y of Virginia, is regarded as :u inexcusable insult to the facility an ii students of an edu cat to! ia i institution whose origin and anter ni-'iits ought to have ;ro.ected it from such a blow from such a hand- This university was planned and in augurated by Thomas Jetienson. atid to it he dedicated the closing years of tin al!n;'. tiious life. So proud was he of his woik. so sanguine of the happy results which would How from if, thai he requested th.'s iocription on his tombstone : "Thomas Jefferson, author of tbe- Declaration of Independence and founder of the Univer sity of Virginia,'' The ofiiee of rector was first held by Mr. Jefferson himself, and afterward by Janu'3 Madison and oti:er eminent Virginians: and ns a si a oi ie:.iu ug toe university lias, trotn is establishment in 1323. occupied the fore most place among the colleges of the South. In 1SG0 no less than C-o students were in attendance, and the library con sisse.f of :V.).0')j volumes : the whole "being uttder the control of an able crops ol professors. Since the war it has entered lrora;?os tho very at no distant day to rank with best of its class in the comttrv. The President of the United States cannot be ignorant of these facts, and in selecting a negro of the most, degraded type to be po-sfni ister. neither the black nor. the white peopb? o! Virginia will be benefited, but on the contrary the appoint ment intensify the antagonism between the races which already exists, and sow seeds of mutual " hatred sure to bring forth wretched fruit in coming years. Tiik Louisville Courier-Journal lias an excellent editorial on love matters, from which we take the following para graph : In legitimate love the young people had better be slow about making matrimonial contracts, and quick to ent ry them cut when made. Long engagements invite ! the interm ddlers time and absence, and are fruitful of mischance and heart burn ing. Our amiable little friend. Puss in-Ro.'d-s, has just rejected an excellent young man who wants to marry her six months hence. ' I have no objection to marrying l.itn next week." paid Puss iu Hoots. - but I should be dreadful sittnid to tie mvself to th e n n pert a in t !ea an;l vexations of half a vear." The girl tins good sonse as well as good wit under her bonnet: and she'll make ssir.;; fellow an excellent wi:e Oy and by. There, is no" i.iucn uar.ger ot her eloping with th hus- oanu oi one ot tier Inends. or ftirtin-r with other chaps" own. at all events. after she gets her Remkpy For. Lock-Jaw. A writer in tho Suerdifi-c Amcrivw savs: Ic-t any one who has an attack of luck-jaw take "a small quantity of gpi-its of turpentine', warm it and pour it into the wound no' matter what the wound is. or what is nature is and relief will follow in less than one minute. "Nothing cetter can be applied to a severe cut or bruise than cold turpentine : it will give relief almost instantly. Turpentine is also a sovereign remedy for croup. Saturate a piece of flannel with it. and place the flannel on the throat, and chest, and in very severe cases three, or five drops on a lump of sugar may be taken inwardly. Every family should have a bottle of turpentine on hand. I oi.it. ami-. A correspondent of an Oak. land (Cal.) paper writing from Salt Lake rekues a revolting form of poligamy as todovvs : '-I witnessed a sight this morn ing which I will describe, but the circum stance is probably not a fair one from whicn to draw general inference. An oid iarmer drove into the city with a l)ad of country produce for sale. With htm were two women, one on either side. One of these dames wis old and wrinkl ed. the other much younger, but decidedly the worse for wear this female had an infant in her arms. Upon the back seat, were two young women and a half grown boy. Doth the women carried babies. I. of course, supposed that this partv was com posed of mother, father and" children ; judge of my surprise when I learned that the old man was the hu-.band of all four women, and that the old woman was the mother of the young ones. Think of it ! One man married to a mother and three daughters! it was perfectly sickening. At first I could not believe 'that human nature could become so degraded : but upon further inquiry of a known Mormon. I learned that the facts were precisely as first stated to me. These proraiseious marriages are by no means uncommon, so I am told. These women ail looked evidently contented at first sight ; upon closer-view I thought 1 could detect a sort or sr-nse of .shame in every one of their faces. They seemed to be carrying a load of shame and degradation that was rapidly hurrying them to perdition. The Radicals don't appear to. under stand how it was that Union precinct brought in a majority for the Democracy, being the first time in ten years. They say that we captured railroad votes. Well, gentlemen, there were seven votes of this Kind cast, out of which you got four and the Democracy three. Besides, the Radicals got two or three illegal votes. , : Elkctco. Notwithstanding the -strong opposition made by the Radicals and some Democrats to Hon. Jas. D. Fay in Jackson county, he has been triumphantly elected over all his enemies. He will make a live member in the next State Senate, as his past record fully proves. When he was the only Democrat, in the lower House, lie was more than a match for the Radical crew that invested thai bod v. Tsb American- XEWsrwrEU Ditu.ctort, published by (J. P. i,.vidl Co., Advertis ing A gents. No. 40 Park Row, NewYnik. contains ;i fJI and complete statement of all facts uhont newspapers which an advertiser desires t: know. 'I be seJ.sci iptiou price is five dollars. Su'jcct by the law of nature to many phvs ical atllidions from which man is exemjit, woman is jicculiai iy cut tied t the best ef foits of medical science in her behalf. For a majoritv of the ailments to which her sex is exc! osi' v fly liable, HOST KTTKIl'S STO M AC II RllTEllS are warmly recomrueuoed : on the a'itliority of w.ves, rnotheis, an.l nurs: s, who have teste their gonial tunc and regulating nropretit s, and know where of they speak ;" and also with the sanction of able physicians, who have adu.ini&teicd the preparati-'U to their female patients, in obstinate ca ts of functional derangement with tii.; happiest results. Alrno-t all fe male complaints cf a special characti-r, are complicated wish meatal gl o mi and dos potidouey. and the gentle and lasting cxhila lat ng etiects of t'sis wlio'esoino medicated stimulant adapts admirably for cases of this complex nature. As a rem jdy fir the hys teria and mental hallucinations which some time iLiiik both th-i earlier arid the latter crisis in the lite of woman, it has no equal in the repeitory of the heaiing art, and as a means of relet .'ing the nassei and other.un pleasant feel ugs whieli preeeJe matern ity, it is equally .. llL'ucio :s. Nursing mothers also hud it an a-bnirahle invigornnt. It is hiithly satisfactory that a preparalion which embra ces i:i its reoiod.al ramie s ia my ot the complaints common to both stxes, shouhl jirove so eminently beneficial to the weaker cue. I'Hili nonirvU Ii-.i3:j;j Xo. 1, A, lim! pK. A. "'l. -Holds its regular communi --rr cations on the lurst and Third .Sal ' V'cJiit in e:ic!i month, at 7 o'clock, from tlie tioih of Sf pteniber to the 2oth of March, and I o'clock from th- cj of March to the 20?.h of September. Urethren in good standing are iuv Lied to attend. . Dy order of vr. m. Time tcsisthv .Merits oi" sSl Tilings. IW FOIl THIRTY YEARS! Ferry Davis' Pain Killer, Has been tested in every variety f i !i mate, and by almost every naio-. known to Americans. It i the almost, const. mt Com panion and inestimable friend of the mission aty and tlie traveler, on -ea and hind and no one should travel on our J. asks or Hivei.s W1TIIOCT l r. 1 1 is a speedy an. 1 safe rcmcdv for burns, scalds, cut, tiruises, wounds and various o h; r injuries, as well as for dysentery, diar rluaa, and bowel comnlaints generally, and is aitmirably suited for every race of men on the face of the ir-obe. Re sure you call for and sret the ge.vaine Pam K.Her, as many worthless nostrums are attemj-.ie.l to be sold on tbe great ieputa,ion of tins va u itile meiU'-me. Directions accoinpauy each bottle. Pii erJj cis., 5U els., ittitl !3l.UU per Col 41 p. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. WILLl.VJl UAVIDOX, Oflive, 01 'roiil Si---t, Adjoining the Telegrai-UOiiioe, I'ortland Oregon SPECIAL COLLECTOR ok CLAIMS, Accounts, Notes. Ronds, Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims of every desc; iptum, throughout Oregon and the Territories! WILL HE M ADE A SPECIALTY, and promptly collected, as well as with a due regard to economy in all H.i5tii matters entrusted to his care and ! the itroceeds paid over punctually. . -10 tf REAL. ESTATE DEALER. Agents ! Read This ! TTTE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY VV f.t".:tr ner wet-fa and expenses, or iss-'on. to sell oar new and v.- ond e r fi 1 inventions. Aditivs M. WAGNER A- CO., Marshall Mich. May 2S:n2 Ht-bt-cca Decree Lodge Xo. 3, 1. O. D. F Q (3 Meet or. tlie Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVEXIXGS, of each mouth, at t o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree ate invited to atteud. Dy order of N. G. If you Avisli the very lcs v-ao net t tiot'-raniis. voi must cad on LRAUI.LY &. RULOr SON. 43'JMoatsroraery t &o-eci,.oaa r rancisco.. NATIONAL LIFE IHSURANGE COMP'Y ! 9 o 5a- o xs rmw i is OF TIIE United States of America. TVASII1XGTOX, D. C. Brant-Si Oflite at FIiiIat!?liIiSa, "Where tiie business of the Company is transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be adJie-sed. o DIRECTORS : Philadelphia, Clarence Il.Clai k, Jn v Cooke, P. Itatchtoid Starr, J. Hinckley Clark, Ceo. fc Tvler, W. G. Moorhead. Washington. Henry D. Cooke, E.A.Rollins Win. E. Chandler, John D. DefVecs. Xew York, Edw. Dodge, II. C. Fuhnestock. OIIcICKUS : CLARENCE II. CLARK, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance And Executive Committee. HENRY P. COOKE, Vice P-csidcnt. EM ERSON W.PEKT, Secretary and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMITIRM.D., Medical Director. J. E WING MEARS, M. I)., Assistant. WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, D. C, and Geo. HARDING, Philadelphia, Attorneys. O The Most Successful Life Insurance Company of The World '! Having issncJ in the first TEN months ot its existence, 3,395 Policies, - INSUIHNG 10,142,800 Dollars ! This Company rflords to its Policy Holders PSHFECT SECTJXIXTY! Ry its Cash paid up Capital ot One Million Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured, by its Law Hates of Premium ! LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, OR. A REVF RSIONARV DIVIDEND OF 100 PER CENT. BY ITS Itciurn Premium Plan Wells, Fargo & Qo CE5EHAI. AGBXT FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. Y. E. HALE. MANAGE R AGEET FOU oi:egos. OFFICE IX CRFF'S RUII.DIXG, (Up stairs, bet. Front and Fu st sts.) EJSTRAXCF ON STARK S THEFT, P0ETLAND, Qregon. -o- S, D. POPE, LOCAL AQiNT. OREGON CITY, GEXEUAL AGEXTSJ JAY COOKE k CO. No. 2H5 F.roadway, N.Y" General Agents for New York au 1 North ern New Jersey. J. U. Orvis and D. C. v hitman, Managers. E. W. CLACK ec CO. Bankers, Xo. 3" South Third street, Philadelpnia, General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer sey. C. S. Kus.-ell, Manager. JAY COOKE !t CO. Washington, General E. S. Turner, Manager. Southern Agent-. J. A. ELLIS & CO. Chicago, General Agents for Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Mian. JOHN W. ELLIS & CO. No. 122 Walnut St., Cincinnati, General Agents for Ohio and Central and Southern Indiana. S. A. KEAN & CO. Detroit, General Agents for Michigan and Northern Indiana. D. W. Kean, Manager, T.B. EDGAR, St. Louis, General Agent for Missouri and Kansas. C. Orvis, Manager. ROLLINS & CHANDLER, Boston. Agents for New England and General Eastern Provinces of Canada, agcr. P. Tucker Man JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO. Baltimore, General Agents for Maryland, W. A. Wi song, Manager. VM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, -General Agent for the Dominion, of Caaada. X 1 UNION MUTUAL Life Insurance Co. HALVE. OUGAM2ED .ISIS. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Directors' oGIce, Xo, 20, Court Stret. ROSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. HENRY CROCKET President. DANIEL SHARP Vice President. WHITING IL HOLLISTER Secretary. Tills is among tlie oldest New Eng land Coin panics. Dividends Declared CX THE Contribution Plan, .VXD APPLIED AFTER THK .SIXOXD PAYMENT. ALcnu of '10 per cent. wlii-M. deslrctl. POLICIES ARE NOT FORFEITED in the Union Mutual Life Insurance Company by fhilnrc to pay the premium wlen due, hut are continued in force hv the NON FORFEITURE LAW of the State of Mas sachusetts. Examples sliotring (lie IVorUiags Hie Luv.. rLAS , or.riNAnv life. of For Example : A party insuring at the age of thirty-five premium all cash. One Annual Premium will continue policy in force '2 years and 3 days. Two Animal Premiums will continue policy in t.ncef years and 1'2 days. Three A nnual Premiums will continue policy in force (5 years and 27 days. Four Annual Premium- w.ll continue policy in torce X yearn and 4(5 days. Five Annual Premiums will continue policy in force 10 years and oG days. ON WHICH 4.0 PEP.CE-N'T. NOTE II AS BE EX GIVEX. Two Annual Premiums will continue policy in torce -2 years any 21odays. Tin ec Annual Premiums will continue police' in force t veais and 23 days. Five Annual p'remiums will continue policy iu l'oicu 7 years and 2oti days. Example: Premium all Cadi Plat. -Ten payment Life. One Annual Premium wid continue i-olicy i i Jo:ce, as a Term Policy, about 3 years. Example: Premium 4o per cent. iNote Plan, Ten Payments Lile. One Annual Premium will continue po'icy in force ns a Term Policy, about 2 years and 100 days. Endowment Ille;'. Example: Premiums all Cash Age, 35; Plan Ordinary Endowment, payable at the ae of 50. One Annual i'.emiuni will continue policy in force as a Term Policy nearly live years, or 4 years and V.l'i da vs. Example: Premium all Cash Age 3"i ; Ten Year Endowment, payable at the age of 45. One Annual Premium will continue policy in force as a Term Poller 7 years. Xctes on Endowment Policies. Example : Premium 40 per cent. Note Age, 35; Plan, Ordinary Endowment, paya Me at the age T 50. One Annual Pre mium will continue policy in force as a Term Policy about 3 years. Example : Preirium 4o per cent. Note Age, 35 ; Plan, Ten Year Endowment, paya ble at the aj;e of 45. One Annual Pre mium will continue poiico iu force as a Merrn Policy about 5 years. Hates, Assets to Liabilities. ISi'.G. isns. 121.57 ISM. l'Jl.li7 L21.01 121.57 l-2.00 INTEREST BECEIPTS for 1SG0.S 210,070 li LOSSES PAID IN 13(55 201,100 00 INTEREST RECEIVED IS EX CESS OF LOSSES PAID. . 39,4S0 14 ASSETS THIS DAY OVER. . . 5,000,OCO 00 LOSSES PAID TO DATE I,fl70,334 00 DIVIDENDS PAID IN CASH DATE 831,31s 55 INSURANCE ON 14,000 POLI CIES IX FORCE OVER 30,000,000 00 This Company is not restricted to invest. it-, its funds iii the New England States Frotn the iiepoit of the Auditing Committee we find that $1,000,000 is now loaned upon estates in the City of Chicago and near there to, where rates of interest are nearly oi quite equal to those of the Pacific coast. There is nothing desirable in Lye Insurance ichich cannot be secured hy a policy in ihe UX10X MUTUAL LIFE IXS URA XCE COUP A X Y. Pacirsc BrancSi Office, S. IP. Comer of California and Kearny Sts., SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. H- H- JOKKSTON & CO., General Managers, Pacific Coast. S. 33. MOESEv Genera! Agent, OREGOX & WASHINGTON TERRITORY, may 2ml FOflTIiAXD THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL MFE Insurance Company OF BOSTOIST. IXCOItPOUVTED .1S35. The Oldest Purely KEutual Life Insurance Company in tlie United States. ASSETS $9000y000 rpiIE ONLY MASSACHUSETTS COM X pinv, nd the onlv Company governed hv th MASSACHUSETTS NON-FORFEITURE LAW en the Pacific Coast. Prurtical Examples of tlie WoiUIstgs ot tills Law. A. C. E. Millar, of Portland, Oregon, in snred under Policy No. 13.054, for ?3,w0, died over s'x months alter tlie premium was due and unpaid. The S",0o0 was promptly paid ihe widow, less the unpaid piemium. J. W. Jones, of Colusa, California, tnsnied nnder Pwlicy No. 33.2:i,'ior -? 10, -CO, died over four months after the premium was due and unpaid. The 1 0.UoO was promptly Iaul the widow, les the unpaid premium. J. 15. J5aldwin. ot Colusa. Cal. . insured un der Policy No. :53,25t. for si, ouu. died over thiee months after the premium was due and unpaid. Tlie 1,000 was promptly paid, less the unpaid premium. Is it not an object for you to insure in a Company where your policy is protected by such a wise and equitable law? Tins Company is not restricted t invest ing its fnn.is in Massachusetts. Tlie funds are invested in the best securities, where the largest interest is obtainable. Thus it has been al:le to return as dividends to the poli cydioldeis in cash during the last four years, $2.4ijo,loy. Dividends payable annually in cash. EVEKSOX & MIDDLEMISS, General Agents. PACIFIC RRANCR OFFICE Northwest corner California and Sansotue sts , oppo site Rank of California. STERLING M. HOLDREDGE. AGENT FOR OREGON AND WASHING TON TERRITORY. may2S:ml Fit OTS MAN IBIIOS. NO. 121 FRONT STREET, Portland, Oregon. STOIC BOOTS & SHOES JUST OPENED OUT. THIS IS THE SECOND FULL AND As sorted stock received this sjiiinj.'. We besi leave to assure our customers that we will keep our store AIi WAITS PULL., And our Goods shall be of FIUST QUALITY in the KASKET. Those who have not heretofore dealt with us. are r spectlully invited to call and ex amine -ui roods. We challenge compctit.on in v rices, as sortment and quality. niay25tf GOOD NEWS To the FARMERS, rUTCIlEr.S and TAX X EES. D. TIETZGER Q. Co. Portland, Oregon, corner Front and Salmon Streets, opposite the old C uni t House, are buying all the TAILS AND VAXES OF HORSES, THE TAILS OF COWS, A XI) ALL THE II AIR OF 110 GS, And are paying a LIBERAL Piice. ' (10. wm. sixok::. M. WERTIIEIMER. SJHGER & EBtHE!MiBs Have Established FOR THE MAX U FACTORY OF FURNITURE, SASH, BLINDS ANQ C0CRS5 AND M 1ULDJXGS OF ALL SIZES. rjW They will also do TURNING, of every description to order, With Neatness and Dispatch! Furniture sdore at Weitheimer's stand. o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, back of Act m.ui's 23. ly Store, Oregon City, Oregon. JEW YORK HOTEL, (Dentfches Gafthaus.) Xo. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland, Oregon. II. E0THF03, J. J. VILHXNS, PROPRIETORS. $5 00 . 6 00 , . 1 00 Board per Week ... ' with Lodging. Day A UCTIOXAND COMMISSION A. IS. HIeIaja.sloia, 0 AUCT I O N EER! of Front and Oak streets, Portland. Corner AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, Cenoiai Merchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. 13. Kiciiakdson, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Rar snd Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes, Files, Rasps, saws; Screws, i ry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron i-. also : A large assortment of Groceries and Liquors- A. b. Kiciiakdsox, Auctioneer J. R. RALSTON, TS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND. CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CiTr, OREGON. "TT7TIERE II E WOULD INVITE HIS V V fiitnds. and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of 0 Closlaiiig'j o limits sisicl aps. Hardware. Crockcryj o Having fron: learned that many years' experience THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES I N SMALL PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SCCII INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Sdtnce the Cry of Portland Ihices! Oregon City, August 2Sth, 1S09. Dr. J, Eate Muck H. HATCH, Hutch, o DENTIST. The patronage of those desiring tirst Class Operation?, is respectfully solicited. ruttusfaction in alf cases guaranteed. X. 15, Xlirous O.rde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeiho Office fu Wei "ram's new bufldiritr. west side of First street, 1 etween Alder and Mor rison streets, Portland, Oregon. C. W. POPE & CO., o IEAL,Ei:3 STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEET IP.ON,P,RA- Z1E S (.OPPER, LEAD PIPE, IRON 1'Ii E AND FITTINGS, EUBBEJ4 HOSE. FORCE ANDqUFT' PUMPS. ZINC, COPPFR, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. A'so a general assoi trr.ent" of House Fur- uishiug Goods. MANUFACTURERS OF Tip., Copper, snd Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE T O ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. Also at POPE'S SIOVE will find STORE O you HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN, WARE AND 1 1N WARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL, LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS:. U All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. V. POPE & CO. lLlyJ Oregon City Oregon. Third Street Store, 0 JPofIIsiimI, Oregon. II AS REMOVED II IS BUSINESS TO THU51) ST HE EX, between Morri son and Yamhill, on the second block north, of the Methodist brick Church, where he offers for sale CLOTHING, DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, ana General Merchandise, at the lotcat market prices, lor CAME May 2Llm TEYV COLUMBIAN HOTEL. Cor. FROXT and MORRISON Sts., PORTLAXD, O LEG OX. O KIT The most Comfortable Hotel in the City. Board and Lodging, from one to two dollars per day, according to rooms occupied Free Coach to and from the honse. Otf EDWARD CARNEY. Proprietor. u STEERS & HIUDE, WhoiesaEo Dealers in F0KEIGIT AND DOMESTIC Wines, I) randies, Whiskies, JE(c. o No. 40, Fur xt Street, Portland, Orkgox. Constantlv on nana u gcuu. Cuttei ViTnsky. Saddlery-. J. H- JSthram, of this City, is now manufacturing the best Saddlery and Harness in tlie State. He will hare at lea f 50 et3 of all grades, from fine to com mon finished and ready for sale next month, and more than that number of Saddles. He is bound to make a trade with any man who wishes to buy of him. He nses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, and his wrk bears a most excellent reputatiott abroad. We hope that citizens of oar wa county will think of this, when they trat;;r articles ia his line, y o O' o O o o o o o o o o 4 O o o O O o o o o Q O o c o G O O j o f I O o CD i o r O O o r f o ( A GO O 1! V i s 'Mi 7 I 1 i- t i.r 1 -' -o . t "1 "I "r4 OF BANCROFT LIBRAR27!I DNXVERSITT OF CALIF0PJOA