o G o - mm.ni a u i BJM 2TI)c iDttkln (uicr prist. Oragon City, Oregon , Mr. Giovtr vs. .JoKusoii ct. al. D. M. McKENNEY, Elitor. o John Myers, Financial Ac,t:nt. Saturday May 21, 1870. DE31GCRA1C STATE TICKET. o For Congress, I JAMES II. SLATER, of Union. For Governor, fL. F. GROVER, of Marion. . For Secretary of State, S. F. CIIADWICK, of Douglas. For State Treasurer, L. FLIESCHNER. of Multnomab. For State Printer, T. PATTERSON, of Multnomab. Prosecuting Attorney, 4th District, II. E. BYBEE. of Multnomah. I S3 District Nominations. First Judicial District Prosecuting Attorney II. K. Ilanna, of Josephine. Second For Judge A. J. Thayer, of Benton. o Prosecuting Attorney C. W. Fitch, of Lane. O Third For "Judge B. F. Eonbam, of Manon. Prosecuting Attorney 1'olk. FifthFor Judge L. LPMcArtbur, of Baker. Prosecuting Attorney W. B. Lasswell, DEMOCRATIC COUfiTY TICKET. -X. L. Butler, of In our last issue we published a com plete vindication of Hon. L. F. Grover, of the charge made by Jacob and Johnson, of this place, that Mr. Grover had been negotiating for the employment of China men in the Salem miils, by a letter from Mr. W. P. Doland. who positively denies that Mr. Grover had ever negotiated with him for such labor, and also that he had always understood Mr. G. to be opposed to their employment in the mills at Salem. New Mr. Johnson, in order to get himself out of a charge of wilfully falsifying, pro cures the affidavit of Mr. Jacob, who de clares in substance what be stated at the peaking, and which Mr. Johnson paid were facts Known 10 mm. wien .nr. Grover asked hira whether be stated that he (Grover) bad written a letter and was negotiating for Chinamen, be (Johnson) said that be did not understand that be had written a letter, but that Mr. G. had offered to employ them. The affidavit of :r. L. E. Pratt is of no force whatever as evidence against Mr. Grover. as all be re lates was long befcre Mr. Grover became the manager of the Company. Now it is not material to us whether Mr. Doland had informed Mr. Jacob as he represents or not, as we have the statement of Mr. Do land to the contrary, and also the proof of another gentleman who was present when this conversation should have oc curred, who states positively that lie bad every opportunity of bearing all that was said between the parties, and that the name of Mr., Grover was never mentioned State of Okegox. Count v ot .Marion. i I. Dan. II. Murphv, being duly sworn. state that I have been in the employ ot the Willamette Woolen Manufacturing Co., as book-keeper, ever since January. 180 1; that I have charge of all the official cor respondence oT said Company, and hat e been accustomed to write or copy the offi cial letters of said Company ; that some t'nift during the incumbency rf Mr. J. S. Smith, as Agent of said Company, I think in the year 1SGG. a letter was received bf him from a Mr. Doland. at Portland, pro posing to furnish Chinese operatives for the -alem Woolen Mills. This letter was never answered, to my knowledge. through said Woolen Company's office. Whether Mr. Smith answered it in person, I cannot say. This letter, however, was never re ferred to. or brought before the Company for its action, and no action was ever had by the Company on said subject, within mv knowledge. Since Mr. Grover has been agent of the Company, no corres pondence has ever been bad on this sub ject with any one. In answer to casual inquiry on the subject. I have heard Mr. Grover say that so long as lie remained a member of the Willamette Woolen Manu facturing Company, no Chinese operatives should ever be employed in its mills with bis concurrence. DAN. II. MURPHY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this KUh day of May, 1870. T" "' j" Setii R. Hammer. t Notarv Public. Tlie Debt Question. Our repudiating Radicals have much to say about the payment of the national debt. They asfert that it was the under standing that the bonds issued at any time would be paid in coin. The Democratic speakers have all taken the ground that about three hundred and fifty millions of the debt, according to its contract, is pay able in coin while the remainder is pay able in the currency of the United States. We here give the act of February 25, 1SG2, which reads as follows : 1 ait that interview. II. A. For Jirprestntatices, STRAIGHT. A. CARMICUAEL, C. F. BEAT E. or County Judge, ROBERT CAUFIELD. Fur Sheriff, tr.nv nvri'3 o 0 o For Count a Cleik, O T. J. McCARYER. it will be seen that For CouJtty Treasurer, DR. II. SAFFAEANS. q For County Commissioner?. II. N. WORSiTAM. JOHN MARTIN. For Assessor, S. P. G1LL1LAND. O O For Coroner, DR. II. W. BOSS. For School Superintendent, Joseph hedges. For Surveyor, ROBERT F. CAUFIELD. Cii'miiX .In l ies. The Illinois Constitutional Convention is debating whether to retain or discard the Grand Jury system in the State Judi ciary. The members, we observe, differ jrreatly in their estimates of the wisdom of this system. Its opponents stigmatize it as "the last remaining relic of the Star Chamber ;"" ' the villain's arsenal, through which he stains the character of American citizens ;'" as the " one dark spot upon our glorious judicial S3'stem ;"' while its sup porters consider it one of the safeguards of liberty.''' and everything else that, is de sirable. We incline to the opinion that the Convention will discard the system as expensive, superfluous, and as. in effect, trying a3mau twice for the same offense. Tlx. This question is one which should re ceive the attention of our next Legislature. By our-ptate Constitution Grand Juries may be abolished by an act of the Legis lature. Wlnle there may be some reasons advanced for this system of Star Cham ber"' trials, we believe the many against it arojiiCicieut to have it abolished. At least one-half of our Court expenses are directly chargeable to the Grand Jury rooms. Men who are evil disposed, may procure an indictment against a good citi zen without the slightest hope of a convic tion of an- crime, and thus force an inno cent par:y into Court. The defendant in the case, if heis able, must rmv his own expenses, while the prosecution is carried on at the expense of the county. It frequently disturbs whole neighbor hoods without doing any good. If a man commits an unlawful act, let him be brought before some justice, as is now done, and if bound over, let the comprint of Mich officer constitute the charge, and place him on trials and if an individual wishes to gratify his vengeance on his neighbor, let him go in open Court and make the complaint, and on that let the tvarrant be issued. We believe the peo ple are taxed enough without paying for tffts useless appendage to our judicial system. . . Chinese Meetixg. Gibbs said the other Ejght that he was invited to deliver a speech before a meeting held to consider the propriety of importing Chinese labor in the South, but he would not do so. Jo. Wilson stated that this meeting was com posed of Democrats, because he knew two Democratic names among those who par ticipated, and not one Radical. We were in doubt as to whether that meeting was composed of Democrats, but did not think ft worth disputing, but since Gibbs has said that he was invited to address the convention, it is beyond doubt that it was composed of Radicals, as no Democrat would everbavo invited Gibbs to address the people on any subject. That story of Gibbs' lets the cat out out of the bag or Jo. Wilson, and we hardly think he will mention the South Carolina Convention again. we have the testimony of two the one Mr. Jacob charges with felling him so. and another who was present at the time, and who denied in the presence of the Court House full of people that the name of Mr Grover was mentioned. We will be char itable towards Mr. Jacob, and simply say that be may have allowed his leelings against, Mr. Grover to get the better of his judgment, and also that he may be mis taken, while all the circumstances would justify a much stronger assertion. But it. the case of Mr. Johnson we have the pet tifogging politician thoroughly displayed. In the first place, he attempted to endorse the statement of Mr. Jacob ; when he comes to make the affidavit, he never men tions the name of Mr. Grover, but alleges that the Company were the parties who ! were desiring to introduce Chinese labor in the Salem Mills. As the Company is not a party to this complaint, we see no reason why it should be brought up for trial. The only person on whom these men desired to fasten the charge they bad made has been proved innocent, while they still stand condemned of falsehood 'Ji positive 'denial and the following affi davits, in addition to the above evidence : PoKTr..vxr, Ogn.. Mav IS, 1870. To the Elitor of the Ikrahl : .Dear Sir: Referring to the matter of charges brought against Mr. Grover. in relation to tue employment of Chinamen in the Salem Woolen Miils. I have, injus tice to the parties, to state (hat the corres pondence had in the maff?r was wi;h Mr. Smith, and not with Mr. Grover. and that the latter had nothing to do with the affair whatever. And furlber.I would state that from con versations subsequently had with both Mr. Smith and Mr. Grover. on the subject of employing Chinamen in the miils, 1 found both these gentlemen strenuously opposed t tie introduction of sucu labor in their establishment. W. P. DOLAND. The Eugene Journal is rampant over the complimentary notice we gave its proprie tor as to bis standing as a printer, and lets loose on us in a tirade of abuse which amounts to Radical logic. All we have to say is that while we were at Eugene we done more work in one day than the Republican candidate can do in three, at type setting, and as for us getting money from farmers and mechanics, we sim ply pronounce the statement falss. The statement that we ever refused to stand by a contract made by us is also false. As for us packing up and leaving while we had received advance subscriptions, we will simply state that our subscribers all got their papers for over two years after we left Eugene. But it matters to us very little what a Radical charges ; but one thing we never were guilty of, and the Radical candidate for StateTrinter can not say as much, that we ever got an in terest in a printing office and real estate by the fortune of a spiritual medium ad vising an old man to will us a certain in terest in a printing office, and also a deed to certain lands. If old man Shaw had not been influenced through this medium to bestow on him this property, we fear that his industry would have hardly been sufficient to give him more than an ordi nary living, at least until Williams look him up and got him appointed doorkeeper at Washington, or wafchman, or some other inferior position. There is one thing we w ill say for Harrison, however, that be is an out and out Radical, and a belier man than the author of the article we refer to. Li it enacted, fc. That the Secretary ot the Treasury is hereby authorized to issue, on the credit of the United States, one hundred and fifty millions of dollars of United States notes, not bearing interest, payable to bearer, at the treasury of the United States, and of such denominations as he may deem expedient, not less than five dollais each : J'rov'uled, hoicever. That fifty millions of said notes shall be in lien of the demand treasury notes authorized to be issued by the act of July seventeen, eighteen hundred and sixty-one ; which said demand notes shall be taken up as rapidly as practicable, and the notes here in provided for substituted for them : And prodded further, That the amount of the two kinds of notes together shall at no time exceed the the sum of one hundred and fifty millions of dollars, and such notes herein authorized shall be receivable in payment of all taxes, internal duties, ex cises, debts, and demands of every kind due to the United States, except duties on imports, and of all claims and demands i against the United States of every kind whatsoever, except for interest upon bonds and notes, which shall be paid in coin, and shall also be lawful money and a legal tender in payment of all debts public and private, within the United States, except duties on imports and inter est as aforesaid. And any holders of said United States notes depositing any sum not le?s than fifty dollars, or some multi ple of fifty dollars, with the Treasurer of the United States, or either of the assistant treasurers, shall receive in exchange therefor duplicate certificates of deposit, one of which may be transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall thereupon issue to the holder an equal amount of bonds of the United States, coupon or registered, as may by said holder be desired, bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, pay able semi-annually, and redeemable at the pleasure of the United States, alter five years, and payable twentv years from the date thereof. And such United Malts notes shall be. received the same as coin, at their par value, in payment for any loins thai may be iicreafltr sold or rtegntiated by the Secretary of the Treasury, and may be reissued from lime to time as the c.xi-jf)icies of the. public interests shall require. cerned. business men, bondholder and the I tax payers. We do not desire to see ruin brought on the business men of the conn try, but if the bondholder will insist that he must be paid dollar for dollar, give it to him, and let the country be flooded by a worthless rag currency, which would at least stop the enormous coin interest which the people are now paying. But if the bondholder will be just with the peo ple, let the matter be equitably adjusted. and if any must suffer by this sad condition of our national finances, the bondholder, who has already received more than he paid in the first place, let him be the party. . -t- - -e How Farmers itre Taxctl. In a recent speech. Congressman Mar shal, of Illinois, presented the tariff oppres sions to which farmers are subjected, in the following graphic style: 'A farmer starting to bis work ha? a shoe put on his horse with nails taxed 07 nor cent., driven bv a hammer taxed 54 Telegraphic Clippings. Wa iiixcTox.May 16. Bingham report ed from the Judiciary Committee a bill to enforce the rights of citizens of the Uniten States to vote in several States of the Union, who have hitherto been denied that right on account of race, or color, or previous condition of servitude, which under a suspension of the rules, passed 111 to 44 and the House adjourned. The Senate Pacific Railroad Committee has completed a bill for the construction of a railroad to the Pacific on the 23d paral lel. It grants the usual amount of land to about forty corporators in the Eastern and Southern Slates, and ignores Fremont's El Paso scheme. A petition from San Francisco mer chants and bankers, against Boutwell's plan for protection of the seal fisheries of Alasria. and recomending another plan. wes laid upon the desks of members of Congress to-day. Major General Hunt. First Cavaly. is ordered to the Command of the Division of the Pacific for assignment to a post. Brevet Major General Old has been as yearling", $150. These are drovers prices, with the wool off. Sonie wool, spring clip, good quality, has been en paged at 19 cts. Q lb., to be delivered in June, and the market is hopeful for the continuance of these prices at least. The stock in the Merchants and Farmers Navigation Company is all taken, and Captfllaun is daily expected to arrive from San Francisco with the material requisite for the building of the boat. The Pixley Sisters played two nights at Roseburg to full houses. The papers at that place speak very highly of their performances. O Public Speaking. Hon. Ti. F. GROVER and Gen. JOEL PALMER, opposing candidates for Gov ernor of Oregon, (Gov. Woods representing Gen. Palmer in debate,) will address their tellow citizens at the following tunes ana daces : Saturday, May 11 per cent ; cuts a stick with a Knue laxeu jsigneu to duty according to orevei raiiK. 50 per cent.; hitches his horses to a plow taxed 50 per cent., with chains taxed 50 per cnt. He returns to his home at night and lays bis wearied limbs on a sheet taxed 58 per cent., and covers himself with a blanket that has paid 250 per cent. He rises in the morning puts on bis hum ble flannel shirt taxed 80 per cent., his coat taxed 50 per cent,, shoes taxed 35 per cent., and hat taxed 70 per cent.: opens family worship by a chapter from his bible taxed 25 per cent., and kneels to his God on an humble carpet taxed lot) per cent. He sits down to his humble meal f'mm a nlate taxed 40 nor cent., with knife and fork 35 per cent., drinks bis cup of coffee taxed 47 per cent., or tea 78 per cent... with sugar 70 per cent.; seasons his food with salt taxed 100 per cent., pepper 2'J7 per cent , or spice 279 percent. He looks around upon his wife and children, al! taxed in the same way; takes a chew of tobacco taxed 100 pw' cent., or Tights The Committee on Ways ard Mean? has perfected, and the mr.jority will report to day, a bill reducing considerably the in ternal revenue taxes. The House Military Committee has agreed to report a bill foe the equalization ot bounties, giving eight and one-third dollars per month to each soldier, and de ducting bounties previously received. Chicago, May 1(1. The" United Stales Circuit Court rendered judgment for S350. 000 against Des Moines, Johnson, and sev eral other counties in Iowa, with the cjties of Bnrlincrton and Iowa City, for railroad bonds guaranteed by them, and in regard to which there has been an immense amount of litigation. Nashville. Mav 16. To day the Senate passed a bill to a first reading for the pro hibition of intermarriages between blacks and whites. Nkw York. May 16. Yoiing began early to day, and the indications are that a large a cigar taxed 120 per cent., and then vote will be polled, but a rain is commenc- Salern Dallas Albany Corvallis. . . . Eugene City. Iioeburg . . . Jacksonville. . rsTiiesdav. " i; .Thursday, ' 19 ..... - Friday, " t'O Monday, " 24 Thursday, " 2t Saturday " 23 thanks his stars that he lives in the freest and best Government under heaven. If on the Fourth of July he wants to have the Star spangled Banner on real bunting, he must pay the American Bunting Com pary of Massachusetts 100 per cent., for this"glorious privilege. No wonder, sir. that the Western farmer is strugl'mg with piovei ty. and conscious of a wiong some where, although he knows not whence the blow comes that is chaining him to a life of endless toil, and reducing his wife and children to beggary." This ought to be read by every farmer in the United States, and while readingi t be should remember that but a tithe of the taxation goes into the National Treas ury ; the remainder finds its way into the manufacturers' pockets. I -s- -t- y ing to fall and the crowds arcund the polls have diminished. Cme vr:o. May 17. James Jackson, col ored Republican, was elected Alderman at Cen ter v i lie. y est erday . The Government will intercede for the lives of the companions of Goicuria. It appears that the Secretary tried to save the latter through the Spanish Minister. Several Congressmen announce their in tention of appointing colored boys to West Point. Nkw York. May 14 It is now certain that Gen. O'Neill. President of the Feni ans, intends to co-operate with the Red River rebels. He leaves for the West to morrow to arrange details. LovisviLLi:. May 14. The death of Theo. Clav. son of Ilenrv Clay, who for nearly fifty vears has been a inmate of thelexing- fcipi aking at 1 o'clock, p. M. JXOTJGJG. The candidates of both political parties in Clackamas county, 'wit meet and address the citizens at the times ad places as ioi lows, to-wit : Oswego, Saturday, May 21. Milwaukee, Monday, May 23. Union School House, Jtock Creek precinct, Tuesday, May 24. Revenue's, Cascade precinct. Wednesday, May 25. Jo. Young's, Young's precinct. Thursday May 20. O Mattoon's Church, Springwatei precinct, Friday, May 27. q At or near Geo. Graham's, Beaver Creek precinct, Saturday, May yS. Stipns' school house." Uyper Molalla pre- o cinc t, Monday. May 30. James' school house, Marram's precinct, Tuesday, May 31 . At t'ie Camp Ground, L.ower Moiaua pre cinct, Wednerday. June 1. Mose Miller's, Union precinct, Thursday, June 2. The Fir Grove, near Leslies', in Pleasant Hill precinct, Fiida3', June 3. Oreiron City, Saturday, June 4. lime ol commencing at all the places, ex cept Oswego, will be 1 o'clock p. m., and at Oswego at o'clock a. m. Q IJysi-i);,ia. tit the Pacific States. State or OnF.c.ox, County of Marion. I, Daniel Waldo. President of the Wil lamette Woolen Manufacturing Company, being duly sworn, state that I have been a member, and for he most of the Line a Director, ot said Company ever since its organization in 1S56. That said Company have never employed a single Chinaman in their works. That said Company have never received or made nrooosiuons to employ Chinamen in said w orks, and have never acted upon said subject as a Com pany. That never, to my knowledge, have the members of said Company, or of the Board of Directors, had any consultation on said subject. We. as a Company, have never conferred on said subject, because all the members of said Company have been opposed, from the beginning, to the employment of Chinamen as operatives, except myself, and 1 h ivc not taken any action in the premises. I know that Mr. Grover nas always oeen opposed to thi class of labor in our mils, and has been the nun of oar Company who has been the most decided on this subject. DANIEL WALDO. Subscribed and sworn to before i ' me this Kith day of May. Is70 1 " ' ' I' Setu R. Hammer., v Notarv Public. r mauribd. Mr. Eugene Semple, editor ot the IkiUy Herald, was married to Miss Ad die Lownsdale on last Wednesday eve ning, in Portland- We congratulate" them bo h. and may their joys be many, and Borrow never enter iuto thwir familv'circle. State of Okegox, county ol .Multnomah. " I. Joseph Iloyt. being duly sworn, say. that I have been in the employment of the Willamette Woolen Manufacturing Com pany at Salem since 1S62. and have been the Superintendent in their mills since about That the said Company have never, during my term of service, em ployed Chinamen in their said mill-, and have never, to ray knowledge, proposed to do ;o I fur. her s y tint I knew that Mr. t ri over has always been opposed to using Chinese operatives i:i the miils. and that 1 have frequently heard him exprtss his opposition in strong teiuia when ones tioned upon the subject. J. HOVT. - Subscribed and sworn to before , ) me this lS;h dav of May. 1870. " )" "O. F. REEL. Notary Public for Oregon. Tiik Ekfixt.s ok his Connection". In Gibbs' speech last Friday evening, the principal objections o the Democratic party were the issues which he himself supported up to the time that he found the Radicals were about to come into power. His main hobby was the resolutions of "5)8-1)9. to which he had sworn allegiance up to 1SC2, and be also declared that the Democracy had made the first treaty with China, and therefore were responsible for them being here. The treaty which Presi dent Buchanan made, and also the one under President Polk, were simply trra'ies for commercial relations, and left a State free to make such unfriendly legislation as might have bad a tendency to keep them out of the country ; but the treaty made by the present administration pre vents a State from making any laws that would not apply to any of the most fa vored nations." We publish this treaty in full on our first page this week, and ask our readers to conider it well, and see who is in favor of bringing and retaining the Chinese amongst us. This treaty gives us no more rights and privileges than we had under the former stipulations, while it gives the Chinese all the rights of white foreigners. Formerly the States on the Pacific slope collected a special tax from the Chinamen, but this cannot, under the treaty, be longer continued.- It was the only way the State could get any rev enue from them. If there was any wrong in the treaties made by former administra tions, it is probably because Gibbs at that time was a firm advocate of Democracy. ai- -- z Yv'ei.l Said. A correspondent of the Oakland Transcript gives a very good definition of the Burlingame treity. He says it. places China upon a footing with the most favored nations, which of course is a good thing for John. But what do we get in retr.rn ? Practically, the right to tra,de in a few of their seaport towns, and nothing mr.ro. Nominally, to be sure, we may visit the interior, a right as valuable to us as John's right to visit the inferior of the Apache or Comanche territory. t State of Okkgox, County of Marion. I. R. C. Kitmey. being duly sworn, say. that since 1 have been a member of the Willamette Woolen Manufacturing Com pany, nearly two years, I have never heard anything on the Chinese question except opposition to the employment of Chinamen in the works of ti e Comp-mv in casual conversations on the subject, and I have never known any official action con cerning the same. The man who has expressed himself most positively on the subject, has been the present manager. Mr. Giuver. AbDut the time I bought in. I asked Mr. Grover if he intended to use Chinese help in the mill. He said no. and if at anv time the Company should overrule 1dm he should resign. R. U. KINNEY. Subscribed and sworn to before j mo this 16th day of Mav. 1870. "j l" S" ) Setu R. Hammer. r Notary Public. The Radicals of Oregon would have been bard up if they had not been fortu nate enough to find a plank in the Demo cratic plat form on which they could charge repudiation. Two year ago the Democratic platform endorsed the national indebtedness ; yet the Radicals then called them repudiationist.s. It was very little use to adopt any platform on this ques tion, as the Radicals were bound to make one for us The word repudiation has no terror to an over-taxed people. Head. We call the attention of our readers to an article on our first page, un der the head of Thaddeus Stevens" Opinion" When it is remembered that Mr. Stevens was the chairman of the com mittee which reported the bill, his opin ions should be regarded as of more weight than the Radical scoundrels who now seek to rob the people for the exclusive benefit of the bondholders. Read and then con sider if there is any honesry in paying the debt in coin. No matter what may have been the un derstanding of the bond speculators as to what kind of currency they were to be paid in, this act precludes any such inter pretation as for them to anticipate any thing but currency payment. The first act creating greenbacks is silent as o the loans being payable in currency, yet it speaks lrcquently ot tue interest to ue j paid in coin, while it never mentions the j principal. The natural inference, there- fore, is, that the principal must be payable in any currency of the United States, or why was it not expressed in the act that the principal should be paid in coin also? But whatever may have been the under standing i.rior to the passage of this act. all debts contracted afterwards were pay able in the notes of the United States, and the act ro expresses, in plain terms. No interpretation can be made that any debt contracted by the United States through a loan after the 25th of February, 18G2. is payable in coin, as this act expressly states that these " notes shall be received the same as coin, at their par value, in payment for any loans that may be hero alter sold or negotiated by the Secretary of the Treasury' This act has never been repealed, and is, therefore, in full force', and was during the time while the debt of the Failed Slates was being contracted. Our Radical vepudiators never interpreted the act lo mean anything else but payment in currency until a corrupt set of pur chased scoundrels, bought by the bond holders to rob the people, p'edged the nation by resolution at the last session ol Congress that the debt should be paid in coin. Iu the last canvass of this State the Radicals never claimed that the debt should be paid in any other way than ac cording to contract, and that is jr.st w hat the Democracy now and always have claimed, should be done. The Radicals now acknowledge that, the country is in a very distressing financial condition, and for this they are responsible to the people. They claim that the late decision of, 4hc Supreme Court prohibits the issuing of anv more greenbacks. Consequently there are only about $-100,000,000 to pay off the entire debt of the United States. Whether the decision is goad law or not. the debt should be paid with the identical money which was promised, and if there is a dif ference in the kind of currency this debt was to be paid in and coin, the people. the tax-payers, should have the benefit of the difference, and not the few money sharks who hold these bonds. But the most absurd position we have yet heard, is that taken by the able and highly tal ented Paunchous Pilot (Gibbs), at the suggestion of a Federal pap-sucker, who is very anxious to have greenbacks go out of circulation so that he may draw his pay in coin, very pertiuently asked the other night who is to redeem the greenbacks, which are only promises to pay ? Let I lie dvbt once be paid off" according to the terms, and the Government could redeem all the currency in a short, time with less money than it now takes to pay the inter est of the debt. If greenbacks were issued in sufficient amounts to pay the debt, the Government could buy them up the same as the money sharks, and go into the' mar ket with Us gold just as it now does in buying bonds and selling gold. But the issuing of a great amount of greenbacks would reult injuriously to commerce and trade, and would flood the country with a surplus and worthless currency. This the Democracy propose to avoid by offering the bondholder an equitable adjustment of his claims, and thus protect all con- speecu Is there a print"1 in Oregon that don't ton Lunatic Asylum, is announced. consider it an outrage on the craft to have Chicaco. May 14. The varioloid has a man crammed on them who is not a i broken out among the inmates of the practical printer 1Oreion Jlepublican. 1 State Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Jackson- Why did not your party have such high j regard for the " prints" when you elected Gordon and McPherson. neither of whom are printers? But it makes one laugh to hear a man boast about Kincaid being a printer. He would make a much better hand in a blacksmith shop. Our devil, who has been at the trade just two months, knows more about the business now than Kincaid will ever learn. He is better suited for the Capitol police, with two or three other niggers, which position he has held for the past three years. 111. Siorx City. May 14. A dispatch brings information of the killing of a settler's wife, and the capture of his daughter. 13 years old, by a band of Ogalla'ilas in Da kotah. The" settler escaped. There is great excitement in the locality. It is fear ed the country will be depopulated. STATE EEWS. -The Salem Press savs PORT I, AND. From the Daily Herald. Articles of incorporation have been filed in the Clerk's office by a company to be known as the Poitland Bridge Com panv. whose object is to const met a bridge Nowhere in the United States has dys pepsia heretofore been more general, or j marked with more distressing symptoms. than in ( ali.ornia. I.uxury, high living and d'siputiou in the cities; hardship, privation, irregular habits, and tbvtj effects of malaria in the mining regions, have combined to ren oer Chuonic I.vdigkstiox one of thQmot terrible scourges f the Pacitie States, it is a toiiice of satisfaction, therefoie, to be able to report the gradual and sttady decline of the diea.-'e and its distressing conenn'itants on tfis side of the Continent. As this happy ehinre beiran t be perceptible soon after HOSTKTTEK'S STOMACH BITTEbS had q attained the rank of a staxpard rkmepy in thi-regi n, and as it has become more and more apparent, m pioportjen to the increas ing sale s of the orkat veokta kle spec i fic, reason suggests that t he l?ane has been aaieiiorat d and checked by the operations of the oi:xial elixir advertised as ils anti pote. Unprejudiced physicians ;timit this tube the fact, and abandoning all the ordi nary stimulants, as weil as the astrii gent-, tinctures and mineral excitants of ihephar niacopcrij, are dow prescribing the B1T J ICRS as a cure for every form of indigestion. The preparation possesses three j;reat advan tagts over every other q called stomachic. It is not merely a toing,, but r ombinvOthe propert es of an anti bilious n ediciue, ft gen tle laxative, and a blood-deuui-eiit. with CoMK TO TlMK C-.O'i ll.it lis in (nrr-;- 1 'ie amount of the capital stocKot this in SOifthat Ij. F. Grover will be elected corporation shall he $200,000 in L Governor. I mi n,t q i.- n,i,,.;t--:,Hini.!.oi principal unices 01 ine mcorpoi .nion suaii .1 lr-n ... T - i 1 1 . . 1 1 IT sl-iii.r l.u i.U.r-ioit I itcross uiu umameiie rier ai- loiiuum. S. go id The amount of each sh ire i of such capital stock shall be $100. The be at the cities of Portland and Last, Port land. I he articles of incorporation are signed by Frank II. West. E. Josephi. Henry Failing. B. Goldsmith. Phil. Was serman. L. M. Starr, J. C. Hawthorne and A. M. Loryea. EUGENE CITY. From the State Journal. Jonathan Hubert, a boy about IS years old. fell from a tree a few days days ago, near Maxwell's ferry, and broke bis arm above the elbow. A meeting was held at the Court House on Monday night last, for the purpose ol takiiginio consideration the celebration of our national birthday. Rev. Johnston McCormac. who for many years has been a resident of thi- place.and pastor of St. Mary's Episcopal Church, left with bis family on last Wednesday for his new field of labor at Virginia City. Nevada. His many friends will regret his departure, but on his journey and in his new home their best wishes wilt abide with him and his, and perish not even with departing years. Secretary of State. $500 that L. Fleischner will be elected State Treasurer. $500 that T. Patterson will be elected State Printer. $500 that the whole Democratic ticket will be elected. S.'J.OOO deposited with Wells, Fargo v Co... in Salem. Here is a good opportunity for Ben. Ilollad ay's monied men to invest. Put up. or shut up."' . Sam. Bkowx. This individual is a can didate in Marion counfy. A correspond ent in Yamhill writes us fo know if this man Brown ever returned the two tois of middlings be took from the widow A.; also whether he ever paid for the pig he appropriated belonging to Mr. D. In Marion county this Sam. Brown is a Good Templar, very religious, and professes to be very moral. In Yamhill county his name is attached to a bond of a whisky dealer. Our correspondent promises lo furnish us feme more interesting items about this high-toned Christian hypocrite'. Gastox Satisfikd. J. Gasfon, noted for his pliable proclivities, and who has been one of the most strenuous opponents of Flaxbrake, has at last received his price. and in the hope of being able to aid his last purchaser, has written a three column letter to the Oregonian in the interest of Williams and the Radical party. Gaston is a very forgiving fellow, and no matter what insults a man or party may give him, whenever the price is paid he is ready to do the dirty work for them. He has sold himself so often that himself and advice have become worthless. 5 $2 Another Falsehood. The Oregoninn asserts upon information, that Mr. Grover left here in the middle of the night for Portland." This in'ormation was undoubt edly obtained from the same individual who followed Mr. Grover to Portland, and who left here about eight o'clock in the morning, and adds another lie to the num ber already fastened on this same high moral cuss." If the people throughout the State were aware bow this individual stands in regard to truth and veracity, in this community, it would be useless to deny anything he may say ; but some icight be deceived by not knowing him. Buying Votes. A fellow who has been in the employ and interest of Ilolladay and ii.iams m Kiis county, named Mann, i horse had passed through the Canyon. is up m Eastern Oregon trying to buy votes for the Radicals. Democrats, keen ihose of a wholesome stimulant. It neither depletes nor excite? ; but strengthens, f-outhes, purifies anPrestores. No medicine ever introriuci-d iuto the Pacific region has so entirely gained the confidence of every class of sociei v, or approached in the extent of its sales' HObTETTEIl'S STOMACH BITIEIS. "WltfL-IAM DAVIDSOX, CHce, IVo. Ci XVoiit Slre-ct, Adjoining tlie Telegraph OlSee, Portland Oregon. SPECIAL COLLECTOR of CLAIMS, Accounts, Notes. Bonds, Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims of every description, throughout Oregon and the Tei ritories, W ILL HE M ADR A SPECIALTY, and prompt!- collected, as well as with a due regard to economy in all business matters entrusted to his care and the proceeds paid over punctually .q 40tf REAL. ESTATE DEALER. Messrs. Cko. P. How ell & Co., Advertis ing Agents.'No. 4U Parle How. New York, are authorized to receive advertisenisnts for this paper at our lowest rates. K. F. I5l"SELL, Jleal Estate Attorney. C. P. FFRUT, JS'otary Public ROSEBURG. From the Plaindealer. Ixfokmatiox Waxtep. Of Levi Beckley. who was last heard from at Denver City, about six months ago, on his way to Ore gon. Any information of said person vould be gladly received by bis brother, Henry Beckley, of Eikton. Oregon. Hon. S. F. Chad wick made a very able speech at Oakland last Saturday to a large audience. Mr. W. B. Singleton has shown 113 a very ingenious invention for preventing the de struction of fruit trees by caterpillars. It consists of a band of tin. with a rim of some two inches in width, arranged so as to ela.p around tlie body of the tree. The tin being smooth they cannot stick to it. and thereby prevents them from ascend ing into the branches of the tree. Tbi will sa?e hundreds of fruit frees in this' valley, and is of invaluable service to every farmer in the county. We learn from Capt, Crouch that the Umpqua and Bohemia Road Co. have com menced clearing their road of obstructions preparatory to the spring travel. They expect to have the road in good order by the 8th of June. We also learn that some of the quartz or orators of White Pine have had their attention called to the Bohemia3 district, and intend to prospect it thor oughly the coming summer. 31 r. 1j. (jr. Simmons, a liverv stable keej er of Corvallis. hired out a horse to a gentleman to take a short ride, but the furse failing to come home in time, he telegraphed the fact to Sheriff Van Buren on last Sunday, who ascertained h;ft the jssei! & Ferry, REAL ESTATE BROKERS 0 AND COLLECTING AGENTS, Northwest corner of First and Washington Street-!, PORTLAND, OgEGON. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE Sale of Rent Estate. Collections made Urpirnn arm iia'iirwvtnii 'I'., ... : ...-.- A large amount of desirable City Prop erty, Town Lots, Improved Farms, Stock Ranehes, Timber Lands, Jtc. situated in the bet portions of Oregon and Washingto Tei ritory, for sale on reasonable terms. Special attention iscalleiPto a Iarg5 amount of Dasirable PrcP3rty in Clackamas County. FULL ABSTRACTS OF TITLE AT TI1E BRANCH OFFICE, ON MAIS STREET, OKEGOX CITT At the ofHce of JOIINrfOtf & McCOWN, Real Esite Dickers. No expense ii.currci unless a sale is made. My.ai:tf an eye o:i hit To Si'kak. We U-arn that ex-Senator Nemith will a" hi res s the Democracy of Portland next Tuesday. We hope he may favor fiie citizens of this place with a On Tuesday, Deputy Tlo. Kent brought the horse and rider to Roseburg. The Grand Jury being in session, he was in dicted, plead guilty, and will be sentenced to-day. Cattle have been in demand, and some sies effected. The prices are about as follows : For two year old steers, dry cows and heifers in calf, fcd ; cow $2 ; fcheep. two year old wcthei Third Street Store, s w ith calf, the I'Mtrt ma eis. SI lo 1 May 21:1m JOI!N9ILSON0 HAS REMOVED HIS BUSINESS TO TII1KO STKEET, betw.en Morri sou and Yamhill, on the second block north of the Methodist brick Church, where he offers for sale CLOTHING, DRY-GOODS-GROCERIES, and General Merchandise sS the lowest market price, lor CASII COURTESY CF BANCROFT LIBRARY, r -UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, j- - - V o