fastens . V i ' -s ,--l4f?(-t5Wi''rs-t i Sssu.Sk-a - - , " ":-Lls G o s t I i o o G ) 1 !l 1 e. 1 I: i t V- i I J S l o e 1 I. i r I An " v Report of Doctor Loryea- Eoetlaxd, May 2d, 1870. To the Trustees of the Board of Statistics, Immigration and la bor Exchange for Oregon. Gentlemen During my visit East for the past four months, I embraced every opportunity to dis seminate information concerning the advantages of Oregon as an agricultural and commercial State; called attention to our large area f land, ready with industrious la bor to yield productive returns; the pleasant climate; our readiness to welcome the emigrant from ev ery shore, and lend a helping hand to comfort and competence. I was gratified to discover that, as a result of thg labors of the Board of Statistics, Oregon is bet ter known abroad than formerly. I found our pamphlets in the hands of nersOns iu Omaha, Burlington, Chicago, Xew York, Philadelphia, and 1 may say in nearly every pla where I went. I met with a number of persons who have been co, .fs)) with your Secretary and who intend coming to Oregon in consequent e of the favorable re ... .i i. i.;. 2OItS reCCUCU Hum linn. I cannot permit this opportunity to pass without noticing the dibits of F. Stuart Esq., of Washington, I). C. who visited Oregon last sum mer in his official capacity, as Dep uty Grand Sire of the United States Gr-thd Lodge of Odd Fel- Clovs. He is now engaged in visit-in"- all the Odd Fellows Lodges east of the Rocky Mountains, and takes pains in lecturing on what he saw in Oregon, and being a gen tleman of quick perceptions ami mature knowledge, gives a truhtful and graphic account of our State, recommending all who are dissatis fied with their present homes to emigrate to Oregon. As a result, there are already" four parties, num bering some ftvo hundred souls, whwill start for Oregon this , month. He has generously con sented to act as agent for our soci ety, distribute rur pamphlets, etc. This will secure to Oregon a large immigration of a class belonging to that high and noble order which tlourishes so well in this State and whose members here will be glad to welcome their brethren from the East. Mr. J. M. Keeler formerly from this State, now oi Xew York City will also act as. oui agent, gratuit ously, lie contemplates, at an early day, to open a regular Ore gon House, where he will keep, and properly display, everything thai grows in Oregon, and where emi grants can go and see the truth of what has been written concerning the wonderful productions of our State. I made arrangements with prop er parties to act as agents for us in all the principal cities that I visited so as to enable us to disseminate knowledge concerning Oregon in a niore perfect manner than we have been able to do heretofore. (Mr. Win. II. Martin, of the Cal ifornia Immigrant Union, is assist ing our Board in every way in his power, when not in conilict with the objects of the society of which he is the efficient general agent, lie issued one-hundred tickets to immigrants who came up on the last trip of the Moses Taylor. I took pleasure in recognizing the good results achieved bv the ex-President of the State Agricul tural society, lion. A. J. Dufur, while iu the east. Wherever he went he aroused quite an enthusi asm in favor of Oregon. I found eop:cs of the Villom;tte Fanner in ma.'iy hands, which served to give n good deal ot information relative to our agricultural resourc ed ami pn peefs. Extracts from its coluums are to he met with m many of the Eastern journals, and dul credited to OUI" State- oreoox rncDUCTS- aiessrs. Wells, FaiV0 & Co-cx: pressed the box of pai.nPk'ts aml Oregon, products, prepare. 'J or nu . ly the Secretary free of eh :lrc' to Xew York. 1 was soon made aware of the fact, in the exMltn t,on of these products, that if our m "r" chants would take the pain to sen 1 ourilour and A 1 wheat to Xew York, Philadelphia, Boston, etc., thejcould realize profits on their shipments. Men of wealth are very desirouS0of purchasing oi;r flour for their own use, recognizing its superiority, and would pay suffici ently high for it to secure a good margin for profit to the exporter, if placed in proper hands in the East. This would be the case with wheat especially. People would pay fan 0 cv ith e;"for It, to 1 e u c Her seed, iuii i& be cracked and consumed tor fod. Our salmon has already made its mark; that which arrived in good condition and was sold "by proper agents realized hand some profits. I.ATJG J5 IMilGSAT10". There is no doubt that the com ing season wilt witness a large im migration to our coast, and Oregon will obtain a greater share than formerly of that tide which is set ting in across the Sierras. The lands of California have fallen in to the bands of speculators, who jisk large prices, which will be the I iiv laijc no. -u v. iu ue xne jjjeans of diverting men of limited I j means to Oregon. Efforts are be ing made in California to prevent immigrants from coming here; our climate, resources and people are misrepresented; erroneous ideas are inculcated, for interested pur poses, against our State; it is made to appear that the immigrant is re ceived with but a cold welcome in this State. An absolute desideratum would be to have a competent agent in San Francisco, where immigrants could obtain reliable information con cerning Oregon, who being em ployed by this Board, would be true to us, and produce testimony and evidence to prove that Oregon is the real home of the emigranl, where honest industry and good character are the only passports to success. We have been, and are now, suffering from California's misrepresentations. It is time that the truth should be proclaimed and made Jcnoicn.. IMMUJ1IATIOX IX GEXEKAL Of the value of immigration there can be no doubt. In one year the emigration to the United States, from Berlin alone, brought with it over live hundred thousand dollars in personal property. This was but a small item, for in the last six years, nearly twenty-two million dollars have been brought, money and effects, to America by immigration. This, of course, does not include the value of the labor, the industry and personal exertions of individuals. Every honest and industrious immigrant adds so much in his own person to the pro ductiveness, the development and the resources of the country. Oregon, therefore, should extend a hearty welcome to the immi grants, and invite them to develop its large area of productive surplus lands, and advance its industrial pursuits. As has been forcibly and J truthfully said : " Immigration should be fostered and encouraged by all the influ ences we can exert, and bv all the means at our command. To the immigrant who settles in our midst with the honest intention of be coming good citizen, we must ex tend a cordial and hearty welcome regardless of what State or nation may happen to have been his birth place, lie must be made to feel at home, and the equal among his fel lows. There must be extended to him those social amenities of life which constitute its chief enjoy ment, such as his station entitles him to receive and enjoy, and thrown around him and his must be the protecting agis of the law, securing and guaranteeing him in his life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." If our citizens would only stop and think for a moment, I have no doubt they would appreciate the benefits to be derived from placing Oregon in its proper light abroad, and thus securing a large immigra tion to this State. The benefits arising from estab lishment of the Board of Statistics are being realized, and as your time and efforts are gratuitous, there can be no doubt that the pub lic, when informed that our treasu ry is empty, and that our last pub lications were obtained on credit will come to the assistance of the Board, and clueerfully furnish the means to carry on the work so well begun. Respectfully, your obd't serv't, (Signed) A. M. Loryea, Vice President. L inoci lit iv Plulfoi ia. ADOPTED AT ALBANY. MARCH 23. 1870. 1. That we are unalterably attached o the principles of our Republic us ex pountlc-cl by its founders, and the pan. mount object of their organization xliall 'vu'- he to uphold and maintain those principles iuvi !;tte. 2. That we hold those political parti sans, who. occupying positions of trus' claiming to be represeiuatives of the peo lie. have usurped the authority conhMeo o then, maliciously trampled under loo 'ir sacred bill of rights, m ide civil la subordinate to military rule, perverted th funetions of Government, and endeavor ed to concentrate its powers in t!r.- !).'iid of an oligarchy, wholly lii eg ti ded iln wiil and wishes of :heir constituents, and !iis;diouly endeavored to disparage, de base and stigmatize the once proud title ol American citizenship, as enemies to the best interests of this commonwealth. 3. That the so-called reconstruction ,t -asures attempted 'o be carried out b t;K. o resent party i;i power is a nefarious -ehe't'1'' revolutionary in design, treason able ir ' execution one which if acquiesced in as a rightful exercise of audiortty will establish :l most dangerous precedent ano imperii th safety and prosperity of oui form of gov nim nt. aad that the presen SetiutonTin t ,R Congress of the Unite ! States from ill. ' Stare in supporting tho;;t measures have misrepresented the wishe and on. raged tiu " sentiments of the peu p'e of Oregon. 4. That the syste 'natic efforts made by that party to extent 'o the African, the Indian, and the China n all the civil unit political rights and privileges enjoyed by the white race, evinces a design otj the part of its leaders to desti oy the high esti mate placed upon that inva 'uable heritage and render despotism less objectionable and more eay of accomplishment. 5. That the ratification ot tue recently proposed amendment to tin C of the United States, extending Constitution g the right of suffrage to the benighted negro and Indian, and which opens the door for its niovment to the heathenish Chinamen, is irrnnlar. arbitrary acd unlawful, and we mo-A earnestly potest against the passage j by the United States Congress of the pending aet designed to enforce this cb-1 noxious and illegal provision. That we urffe ana entreat a repeal of the recent treaty concluded between the United States and China which guarantees to the latter nation such extensive privi leges and immunities without correspond-in"- benefits to American citizers, and of fers to its hordes of semi barbarians such favorable inducements to swarm in upon us occupyinaour mineral and agricultural dis tricts. create competition with our labor ing masses, establishing unmoral pursuits, disgusting rites.ceremonies and practices in our'towns.discourages and repels the imrni 'Ttation of our own race, decrease the white population, retards thrift, impedes the advancement of education and enlighten mentj ibsirac's from our resources and send away our valuable mineral wealth, and de moralizes and apostatizes our community and we resolve that a party who will sus tain a policy so unwise, ruinous and ruth less as that which upholds such an infa mous bargain, is unworthy the support o! white men. 7. That in the management of municipal dTairs we urge a judicious application ot the principles of sound political economy : a laudible encouragement to agricultural, mineral, manufacturing and commercial interests : a just urd equitable protection in the labor and capitalist and the faithlu! exercise of a system of rigid retrenchment: hat the government should be admini--"cred for the people and not against them. n protecting their rights and interest and aot in fostering monopolies to prey upon hem and despoil them of their substance : shat a system of taxation which has for its l ect the rs'abl'snvnf of privileged 0 ;ders under the Government, either by jnetern g one cla?s o another or by im posing grievous bnithens upon the tax payers, while conferring favors, exemp tions and immunities upon the holders ol Government securites deserves no other lame than legalized public plunder. 8. That the continual payment of the semi-annual interest on the bonded debt of he United States without abatement, to gether with other enormous expenses lor which the people are taxed, make a bur- len too intolerable to be borne without in effort to find some speedy means of re lief; that the amount of the bonded debt was incream-d more than two-fold by the venal, illegal and imjustifible terms of its contraction, and there is neither jus tice or wisdom in the repeated payment d" the principal by the continued pay ment of the interest; that it is no part of rood policy or good government to em barrass the energies of labor and all bus iness enterprises by excessive and oppres sive taxation for the exclusive benefit of 1 combination of untaxed capital; that o relieve the country and to restore pros perity we favor an equitable adjustment of the bonded debt of the United States. 11. That the desire of the present Con gress, as manifested by the proceedings. a secure to the wealthy bondholders pay merit in coin on account of indebtedness it-owing out of loans to the United States, of Treasury note when worth less than one-half their coin value, after the hold rs thereof have received exorbitant, in erest thereon, and at the same time leav ing the pensions due unfortunate soldiers, heir wives, children or other kindred to be paid in a depreciated currency, exhib its a spirit of injustice unsurpassed in the listory of class legislation and fully de monstrates the existence of a design oti he part of the monyed aristocracy of the country to influence the establishment o! i policy favoring the aggrandizement of he rfch at the expense of the poor; a policy which has for its object the aggre gation of wealth, opulence and power on he one hand, and misery, poverty and slavery on I he other ; a policy fit ted only to a monarchical form of government. 10. That the Democracy of this State now. as heretofore, are strenuous ndvo cafes of a tariff fur purposes of revenue only; that the principle of protection for ihe sake of protection is at war with the diversified interests of the people of the States, and experience has shown its ten dency to aggrandize a class in tlie com inanity at the expense end to the injury ol lit; producing and laboring millions, tax ng their industry equally, in violation ol he authority of the Constitution, and o! he great principle. that should govern his people in their intercourse with thi 'anul v of nations. 11. That we favor the adoption of an nnendment to the Constitution of the L ni States, recinding the lilh and loll amendments. 12. mat we are in favor of a liberal lolicy leing pursued by the Legisiatur if this State, in the bestowal of the land grants to her for the purpose of public mprovements. l.i. lhat the Covernor and resigning nembers of the Legislature, in engaging n a conspiracy to overthrow the StaU government, collect large amounts of coin is revenue, to be drawn from the busines ind hard earnings of the people, to bt idle in the treasury, or to be the subject- t gambling speculations m warrants ond.-; and other securities, were guilty, of i high crime against the Government o )regon. rendering them unworthy Ihe re -poet and confidence of the people or o being further entrusted with the adminis ration of the government : and while w hus condemn the action of the Governot tnd resigning members, we unhesitating y approve and endorse the conduct of th democratic members in earnestly an.' faithfully striving to restore and maintaii iie organization oi tne legislature, ano uovide for the due administration of th I ws. jSTEW COLUMBIAN HOTEL. Cor. FRONT and MORRISOX Sts , I'OIULAND, OUEGOX. ftF" The most Comfortable llotfd in tin v'itv. J ard and Lodging, from one to ttvi loll irs per dav, according to rooms occupied 'ree Coach to and from the house, otf EDWARD CARNEY, Proprietor g II A D S A LOOX. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MA IX STREET, Oregon City. lict BILLIARD TA B L ES in. 012 EGO A Have been introduced, and the Proprietor it; v.tes the Httention of ihe lovers of this popular amusement to thorn. T II E B A U I s S VPPLIEI) Xith all the choicest qualities .if Liquors an.; Cigars. Scotch. Irish and Bourbon alread anions Whiskies atid Punch. Also 'i STAFFORDSHIRE TONE ALE! 3" Families supplied. D. SMITH. Geo. B. COOK. The OCCIDENTAL, FORMERLY 7ESTEUX HOTEL. Cor. First and Morrison Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. ISTF- Messrs. Smith A- Pnnt h-.i we I known House, refitted and rerurnisheh it throughout, bailt a large addition, making irony more pleasant rooms, enlarged the dining anil sitting rooms, making it by far ho best Hotel in Portland. A call from the traveling pub'ic will satisfy them that the above statement are true. SMITH & COOK, Proprietors. N B. Hot and cold bathi attach' ' COURTESY OF UNIVERSITT H. C. MYERS. UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, OREGON CITY, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, IBOOTg & SHOES, HARDWARE, We also constantly keep on hand SALEM CASS I MERES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. KTWe will also pay the highest price for Sutter, Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or ns equivalent in good merchantable produce. Give us a call and satisfy yourselves. HOLJDAY PRESENTS! GREAT REDUCTION! IX Til E -PRICES 0F- Fine Watches! Rich Jewelry ! ! And Silverware ! R. i. sto: E Dealer in Watches Jewelry ! 107 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. o Would invite the attention of his friends and the public tolas Large and Choice as sortment of FINE WATCHES, from the most celebrated makers of E. Howard &. Co. Ro-ton ; Apt lion V Traccv, P. S. llaitiett, XValtham, Mass.; Elgin Watches; Jacot's Self-winding Watches; English Watches and others. Also, a w 11 selected stock of ladies Watches, of all description and style. which he would he pleased to sho'.y to all who may favor him with a call. FIXE JEWELRY and SOLID SILVER WARE, FANCY ARTICLES, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS: Gold and Silrer Watches, of different ma kers. Diamond Pins, Ear rings, and Finger rings. G o 1 d Bracelets. GoM Chatelain Guards and Watch Chains. Gold Necklaces Armlets, Crosses and Lockets. Gold breast pins, Ear rings, and Finger-rings. Gold Charms and Keys. California Gold Riug and Rohmes' Patent Unckcls. Moss Agate Setts Rings end Cuff Buttons. Wedding rings made of pure gold, expressly or that purpose. Gold and Silver Thimbles. Opera and Marine Glasses, Pebble Specta cles and Eye-glasses. Solid Silver Napkin Rings. Silver Fruit and Butter Knives Solid Silver Table and Tea Spoons. Regula tors, Seth Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, Gilt Galley Clocks, etc. O 27 All the above articles sold Cheap for Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing and adjusting of Chronometers, Duplex audAtm r can Watches. F. L. STONE. 107 Front street, Portland, Oregon. piPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaEoque & Co., OREGON CITY. flTS,Keep constantly on hand foi sale, flour Midhngs, Bran aud Chicken Feed, Parties purcuing feed must furnish the sacks. JOIIX II. SCIIIIAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS. etc., etc., Main Street, Oregon City, irs-wishes to represent that he is now as veil prepared to furnish any article in his line is me largest establishment in the State. He aarticulariy requests that an examination of us stock be made before buying elsewhere. JOHN F. MILLER, Successor to J. F. MILLER Co., M.VXLFACTCREIt OF AND DKALEK IN Hoots staad SSaoes ! At the Orrrron City Boot and Shoe Store, Afoin .street. THE BEST SELECTION" Of LadfeV, Gents', Boys', ami Children's Boots and Shoes, on hand or made to order. 0 K AM, "WILLIS & Co., LIVERY. FEED AND SALE rZE3T 3l. EZI2 T31, IKS OREGON CITY, OREGON. Having recently added to the Liverv Stork- new Carriages, Buggies and Horses, are now orepared a; all times to let the same, at teas mahle rates. Horses bought and sold, or kept by the day or week. OREGON CITY BREWERY! HENRY IIUHBEL., Having purchased the above Brewery wish 's to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a .No. I quality ot EAGER BEER, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. JOIIX M. BACOX, Importer and Dealer in STATIONERY, PERFUMERY. &c, &c. Oregon City, Oregon. At CharmanQ- Warner' old stand, lately oc- jvrl O ,f rrnsi r 1 , f tj tsr ' -uwi, Si tf 10 tf -BANCROFT LIBRARY, j ' OF CALIFORNIA. JOHN MYERS. WHEN THE BELL RINGS LOOK OUT FOR THE LOCOMOTIVE. Eire? fcw is the Time to Buy your Goods ! "While they are going Cheap ! M Cost ! Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now better prepared than ever to attend to the wants of my customers, and having a double tmount of very desirable goods on hand, I have decided to Sell off at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact I ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : JmifS GX).0D?- BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions: CLOAk.s. such as Circulars and Sacks : KID GLOVES, best quality : HOSIERY; DROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all width BOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAPS : CLOTHING FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS : , CASSIM ERE SUITS; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS ; BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all size? and qualities A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all oa the most reasonable terms. Also a large stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods GROCERIES A well selected assortment. DOOPvS AND WINDOWS. . ACK.EH ygsg- All kinds of Produce Bonght.-fi PsMJAGS WANTED. 112 FRONT STREET, 131 FIRST STREET, Near Yamhill. Near Morrison Street, KAST & CAHALIN. New Stock cf Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the City! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as ISonkert'x, Tirrell's, Fotrg's, Houghton & Coolidge's. Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of gents' and bovs' wear. .Also Mile's, Sieberiidi's, Hurt's, San Francisco aud custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. '. S. Boots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantly on baud. SOTICE. -o- 1 HE I eOP e's Transport i ion Company -:' ' i"' WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS FOR PORTLAND : At 7 A. M , every day, except Sunday. And 1 P. M., every dy. For Salem, Albany and Corvallis : ON MONDAY, TUESDAY. THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, at 7 o clock A. M., And for Dayton : ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY, f each week. O A. A. ISfi'J. McCCLLY President. Nov. 27th arvest or 1889 ! ! Selling off to Close Business, OF DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. JSC0TS A3MD SHOES, liens' Ladies, Misses' and Childrens' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has ejol to he sold Regard! 303 of Price! 63, To convince yr.nrself with respect to this matter, call at the old corner. L SELLING South rLvpe Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon City. QLIFF HOUSE. . main st., ocegon city. 5 Wm. Barlow h Co., Proprietors. Tl.Li V ",,CaTd tl)e4lbve named celebrated Hotel, for he term of one year, we would saV to the nnbl.c, come on, we are ready for vou and will accommodate you to the best of our , ablllt-r" August 21.-tf. For Bays Only! SV 1j Tj A "M e t IRON WORKS COMPANY os Founders. AM ENGim. And Boiler Builders ! Xorth Front andE sts., Portland, Oregon nPIIKSE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the JL bank of the river, one block north of Conch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and elliciently. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years giv.-s him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We ae prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MIXING AND STEAMHOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! &c, 6zc, Jfxi nvfart ijrt and Repair Machinery of all kint. IRON SHUTTER WORK at Sa Francisco coat and freight. Wheeler d' Ran dalF Patent Grinder ani Amalgamator. Ihtnliar's and Steven' Self An jiitiij Patent Piston Packing, either applied to oM or neu ifeam cylinders. Quartz Stampers, Shoex and aies,ir ine vest hard iron, S:lj PLOIBIXG, GAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, Xo. 110 First Street .Portland JUST REG EIYED, per Schooner ADELINE ELWO0D, From the celebrated Factory of i Messes. Kum-ey A Co., Scljenectedy, New Yorlt, PUMPS OF ENTIRELY NEW PAT TERNS, in Design Style, Finish, and )( conornv, SUI'KKIOK TO AN Votleied IN THIS MARKET, Comprising : tm ) CISTERN PUMPS, S All sizes for lead or iron pipe; W PITCHER PUMPS All sizes " " BASE AND SIDE FORCE rUMPP, All sizes fr lead or iron pipe; ENGINE WELL PUMP'S, For deep w ells ; YARD WELL PUMPS, AMALGAM HELLS, for Steamboats, Factories. Churches, etc. TOINTS, for Drive wells ; Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. C. II. MYERS. 110 Front street, Poitland, Oregon CHA$. HODGE. . CHAS. E. CALEF. . CEO. V,'. SXELL. HOEGE, -CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DEUGS and MEDICINES, paints, oils, and window glass, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PAINTERS Materials, ana uruggitts' Sundries. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. yy ILL AMETTE NURSERY. Season of 18G9 70. C. V w at t tvn r oiii the attention of the public to their large and well assorted stock of fine fruit trees and shrnbherv, consisting of choice varieties of CHEltRIES, PLUMS, PEARS. APRICOTS, PE.XOHKS, UTS, RASPHEKHIES, Ac, &c. Persons desirf)us of purchasing trees should call and examine our stock, which is the largest ard lest in the State. Orders (with the cah)sent to the Nursery will be prompely filled and forwa ded. X3 J-'Xttacare 'aten rn wining a -. uu Addres all orders to G. W. WALLING & Co., 4-jtf Oswego, Ciaciikmas County Oregon. o JAS. K. KELLY, J. n. reed. KeKidence, Columbia st bet. 2d and 3d sts. Columbia and 7th QSr Jas. K Kelly and J. II. Reed, under the' 111 IN liUillC Ul KELLY & hEED, Will practice law in the Courts of Orsc Oftice on First street, near Alder overti new Post office room, Port.and. ' (4l' JyXSIXG STOUT.0 Attorney and Ccrnselor at law PORTLAND, OREG0X Office Under the United States DistriV Court Room. Front street. q 4Clf TAGE Sr. TTTAVTTT? JL ATTORNEYS AT LAW. O OFFICE In Crre's Building, corner oi Front and Stark streets, Portland. S2:tt J. F. CAFLE?. Q. C. MOEELAXL, caples & mohelSnd, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cor. FRONT and IVASIJIA G ION St:, PORTLAND, OREGON. Logan, Shattuck & Killin, OLNEYS AT LAW, Ko. 10O Front Street, Vt Stairs, POi i LAN D, OREGON. TUGENE A. CItONIX, - n ATTOllXET A 7rZA 7T; Rooms 7 and 8 Carter's Block, O 4fi. PORTI AND, OKEOOY D. Al. AlcKEXXEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OREGON CITY. OREGOX. J. H. MITCHELL. J. X. COLPH. A. JKITH Mitchell, Dclph h &ith, Attorneys and Counsellors at lav. Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Aiimirultv Office o-er the old PostOffice, F;cn; street, Portland, Oregon. Notary Put, lit and C n. fl.-ctu GIE3S & PARR SH, Attorneys and Counselors al Pokti.a.nd. Orfg'. Lair, OFFICE-bri'-w i 1 k -On Alder stieet, in Carter'. o w ta has M hm I VELVETSq BRUSSELS o THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, TTT T TJ Tl fl T?r C XT A T -n O o i J. i.1 JJ J VI " u ii U i I; Ci , P A PE R - II A IJ G TN G S , L ACE- CUR TA I US, &c, &c o TH? Wovld Call the attention of put ties fitting vp houses, or lfcti in need of anything iv our line To our Stock, which is ONE OF THE COJIPZRTJST On Hie PsicilSc Coast! - o Ou" Goods leing specially sehcted n the Factories in Euglu nil mid the Eastern States, ue can sill A T THE L 0 WEST siiiFi'ass cisco Trices, WALTER EROS., No. 89 Front 6.y.) and ashington. Portland Uri'wn QOS3IOPOLITAX HOTEL. FORMERLY AR RIG ONUS, FRONT St., PORTLAND. J.B.SPREWGER, Proprietor. The Pronrietors of thi w-n ir.. having superior accommodatinna entire satisfaction to all upt ' The Hotel Conch will h in oii.u,,. to convey i-assetiorers ai d ...r,rno r,.i from the Hotel, fioc ol champ r .l tt Office Oregon and California Stage Co. Jacob Stitzel. Javfs n r,., - w- oTITZEL h UPT0BL Real Extate Broker it 'ha and Gcri(rtd sjjiems. corner I , yi Washington streets. 0 PORTLAND, OREGON. Will attend to tKe snip nrt rnrrJirse Of 1'eal Etnie in sill hiic,fil. i St;,te. Special atttnti. n given to the f-Llc ol Last Portland property. Address P. O. I'.ox 4'12. Portland. Oregon. JST1TZEL &. ITWX, 1 9-tf j Real Estate Bi vltrs. O P G. STEWART. No. 109 FRONT STREET, rOHTLAND, OREGON. Watchmaker i - a a V And Dealer i n.(H'Jvs, WATCHES. AND JEWELERS GOODS. Apenf for Wilcx .V (Jibbs' Leftr "" Sewing JMaehii es, e are now l eing sold singly at cost, or wl.t.k sa'e less than cost. Other goodstit irn iitlv reduced rates. ( ISAAC FA T. R. p D. M0PR1SS J7ARR & 3IORRISS, BUTCHERS. FOR OREGON CITY AND VICINITY. o o Z? "VYill deliver to heir patron? all the het qualities of Stall Fed Beef, also Mi-ttoii. Pork, Poultiy etc., as usual twice a w ek, un Tuesdays and Sa vrdays ! Thankful for ftast favors of the public would respectfully asks a continuance of the san:e JOB Pit TING SEATLY EXKITT. ed at fie ENTERPRI8K OFFICE. ijaw partnership: CAKFETISS o o - o ,