O e o G o G O o o 0 o o o o 0 o WEEKLY 111 Jtii 6 The Weekly Enterprise. A DEMOCRATIC PAPER, O FOR THE 0 Businessman, the Farmer And the FAMILY CIRCLE. PLUiaSIIEO EVERY SATURDAY AT THE OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Main streets Oregon City, Oregon. TERMS! of SUBSCRIPTIOX: Single Co;y one year, in advance, $3 00 TERMS of ADVEKTISTXG Tran-ie it advertisements, ini-linling all lfyr I notices. f' m. it' 12 lutes, 1 w.$ 2 50 For e,iflfuliseqa.'iitiiistrtiou. . . 1 CO $1'20 00 60 40 12 One Column, one year Ililf " " Oi.irter " " Uu-ines- Card, 1 square one year tiTiT R'.m'tUinco to be made (it the risk o Subscribers, and at the expense of Agents. BOOK AXD JOB PRIX TIX G. The Kriterprise office is supplied with t.n. ,1 tif',,1 ani.Uiuuil ttvln4 f)f t Vlll . ltd IHOfl i n MACIUN'K i'RKSSilS. which will enable the lopnetor t.. dJ b Pontius at all limes Xrut, Quick and Cluap ! t,3 Work suhc'ted. All BmirttxH tr ins actions upon a Specie bam.. JOIIX MYERS, Financial Agent. o ! j - j - l1 '-'J' J"-'- n..ii-' iri m-'t ; usxh'ss c. mid s ' YOffi. 4L. Jl XV. ROSS, M. I)., Physic ian and Surgeon, TOifice on Mam Stieet, opposite Mason ic 1CU, Oreyo i Citv. lti II SAFFAK?iAXS Physician and Surgeon, 7T Office at his I)nir Store, near Tost ' (Mli.-e. OrciroiirjCity, Or.-ii'.'ii. I'm J. WSIiCII, DENTIST. 1'trminerttt.y Located at Oregon City, Oregon ROOMS Vx Dr. SatTarran. on Main .-t. w. II. W.VTKUNS. M. P., SURGEON. rotm.Axn. Orko n. OFFICE Kiont street Residence cor ner of M tin and Seventh streets. ALBEET H. K ALLEN BEE, G, Ciacawist ami Druggist, Xo. 75 Fimr STREET, Eet. khirl; and I Fit. lit nut on .. I'O ii TL - l XI. Oil EG ox. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully prepared, at re Inccd Price. A complete u-sort ineiit of Patent Medicines. Per;umer ies. Toiler Articles, F nicy S aps, etc., on band and for sale at lowest pr ces. ntjtf A. II. BKI.L. E. A. i'AUKEK. BELL & PARKER. S R U l S T 8 , AXD OR ALKRS IX Chemicals. Patent Medicines. Paints, Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes, Mfy-.i every artielf kept a Drug Store. Main Street. Oieiron Citv. W. F. HXG-HFIELD, Establi-hed since 1 849. at the old stand, Main St net, Oregon City, Oregon. An Aoriment ot w atclie-.. Jew elry, awd Sth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of win eh are warranted ro lie a- represented. iNiiairimr il.i-ip Jin short notice. aid thankful for past favors. "Livs and Let Live." I 7 1 ELDS & STBICKLKR, DEALERS IN PfiOVlSIQNS, GROCERIES, COL'Ji.TUY PRODUCE, Ac CHOICE WINKS AND LIQUOUS. J-" At the 1 1 .-tind of Woitnian & F elds Oregon Cit Or$c.n. 13tf "Bamu m Saloon." IKXT & PLOIEY, DI PEN'SERS OF Choice Wines, Elcuors & Cigars. M tia st.,Oteiio!i City. ".t-T" CalUsund Ro'-ert Potter will hnw vmi through the est lblishm nt. " Balrmiin Restaurant." put LEON l)ElA)l hi, ruopuiETOR . ....... ,r EOX DeLOUEV, PuopinETOR OF THIS ESfAULlSllMEXT. Main .-t., Oregon City, T" Knows how to serve his custom r with "(Iv te- s. Piirs' Feet, a good cup of Coff e or ; SQUARE MEAL. EXV YOKK 3IUTUAL LIFE IHSUBAXCE COMPW HOWELL, WIfcLTAM (Of Oregon City Mann'actunng Company,1 IS.Sm LOCAL AGr'XT. CLASK GREENMAN, City Drarmaii. OliEGOX CITY. TftL- AP orders for the delivery of nierchan-li-e r n.ickases and freight ot wh-itoror cnption.toany p irto'-the city, will be ese - ciUeJ promptly and with care. Out in the Cold. With hi iie-cold hands and stockingless feet. Wandering a child in the cheerless street; Children were many, who, boused and fed, Lovingly nestled, dreaming in bed Caroled their joy in a land of bliss, Without a thought or care of this ; They were warm in humanity's fold. JJut this little child was out in the cold Out in the cold. Bleak blew the wind in through the cheer less street. Dashing along the merciless sleet ; All furled and shawled, man, woman and child Hurried along, for th storm grew wild ; They could not bear the icicle's blast. Winter so rude on their pathway cast. Alas none pitied no one consoled The little wanderer out in the cold Out in the cold. She had no father, she had no mother, Sisters none, and never a brother ; They had passed on to the star-world above She remained here with nothing to love. Nothing to love " O ! men did not know What wealth of joy that child could bestow; bSo lhy went by and worshipped their gold. Leaving the Uttlti one out in the cold Out i.i the cold. Wandered she on till lite shades of night Veiled her shivering form from sight ; Then, wish cold hands over her breast. She prayed to her Father in Heaven for rest. When hours had fled, "neath the world's dark frown. Hungered and chilled she laid herself down ; Lay down to rest, while the wealthy rolled In carriages past her. out in the cold Oat in the cold. Out. in the cold !o ! an angel form Drought her white robes that were rich and warm ; Out in Ihe cold, on the sleeping child. The sainted face of a mother smiled ; A sister pressed on Iter brow a ki-s Led her mid scenes of heavenly bliss ; And angels gathered into their fold That night the little one out in the cold Out in the cold. Unblushing attempt at .Bribery Tlie Story of Six (' ixens of Polls m Iui would i Jt Expoit STATEMENT OF II. SIMPSON' On the 25th l.ay of April last, at .tlie meeting of the Circuit Court, in Dallas, one J. O. Shelton, win works in the hotel at that place, took me out and very privately informed me that he was author ized to employ fifteen men to work in a stone quarry opposite Astoria, in WashiuLTton Territory, and that the understanding was that he was to hire Democrats only. Mr. Shelton rsive me to under stand distinctly that his object was to jet Democrats out of Oretron and keep them out until after the election. He said that he was authorized to pay 82 50 in gold coin for work per day of eight hours, or 12-i-forten hours work x?r day, and pay the expenses, oi myself' and the other boys who wanted to go, and also jay us watres for our time from Salem to the quarry, in Vrashiugton Terri tory.' Mr. Shelton told me that he would vouch for the boys getting work on the above terms until after the election, and a free ticket home; and also said that since he had come to Salem "these fellows here tell me that they think you can get about Si 00 apiece in VVashington Territorv for voting for Garfielde." Shelton also told me that if I could get from four to six more boys to go with me he would pay me 820 for my services, 15 ot which he paid and promised to pay me the other 8-3 on my return. Upon receiving the above prop ositions, I saw and counseled with attorneys, at Dallas, and other persons" in whom I had confidence, as to the best plan for working up a case that would result in exposing the rascality of certain agents for the disbursement of sums, which I had for some time been satisfied were being used for the purpose o5 trying to corrupt voters m 1 ok count v. We accordingly rode to Salem on last Tuesday, where our friend Shelton promised to meet us, he j having gone over on tlie stage the ! 1 ' V 1 krt'l11T Oil arriving at Salem we found our friend Shelton, and also made the acquaintance of a rather trood looking but dark complexioned gentleman (so-called) by tlie name of Jasper X. Matheny" who was very kind to us, and who wrote a letter of recommendation to St. John, in Portland, the original of which I have in my possesion. Mr. Matheny also ivory kindly furnished myself and friends with free tickets on the P. T. Company's boats to i ortlatul, and, tor a com parative stranger, scorned to take a trreat interest in our trotting a good job of work and at good wages. Matheny, also, to give us confi dence, I suppose, told us that he 1 uaa UIUt ' "v,u'1 m K,m 1 men to St. John, and that he had OREGON CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 180. heard from them and they were all right. The boys referred to and myself, on our arrival at Salem, had a pri vate interview in the Odd Follows Library, where we met Mr. Mathe ny, Mr. Shelton, and a tall dark complexioned gentleman whom they called Phillips. Mr. Shelton kept us waiting from about two o'clock in the after noon (Tuesday) until after night before he got things arranged for our departure. lie accused Phil lips of being dilatory in " coming around and fixing up business," and said he gave him a cursing for being so negligent ; but he assured us that he would see Kirch and got the matter fixed. Mr. Shelton finally said he had not money enough to pay us the $10 apiece which he promised ns in advance, but he said ho would go down to Mr. Hirsch's store, in the building below, and get it. I waited at the door until Mr. Shel ton came out, when he told me that he got the monev. He went with us and paid me 855 on the boat. While at Salem on last Tuesday, I saw and talked with a number of my Democratic friends in Salem, and explained to them the object of our excursion to Portland. We returned from Portland yes terday having had a very pleasant trip. In conclusion, I wish to say to my Republican friends in Salem that I think they had bettor try their hand at exporting Chinamen before they spend all their mon,jy in Polk county. M And, to quote from my friend Matheny, I would say that so far as I know " the above named jen tolmen arc allhonist strate forward citizens of Polk county ;1' but, no preventing Providence, most of them will be very apt to vote the straight Domocratie ticket over in Polk. State of Onroow Count v of Marion. ss T. II, Simpson, being duly sworn, say that the foregoing statement, by me signed, is a fair and correct account of the conversations and transactions therein related. IT. Simpsox. 'Subscribed and sworn to before me this Gth day of May, 1870. E. C:i a'nstox, Justice of the Peace. 1 3 1'ATK of OnF.oox. ) county oi Marion. ) AVe, i. Simpson and II. Wood, being duly sworn, say that we were present most of the time at the conversations refered to in the above, statement of II. Simpson, which occurred at Salem on last Tuesday, and the same is substanti ally true as far as we heard. II. Simpsox, II. Wood. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Gth day of May, 1S70. E. Ckanstox, Justice of the Peace. State of Okeuox County of Marion. I, D. S. Pnssell, being duly -worn, say that I am a resident of Oallas in "Polk county. That on the 3d day of this month I was present at a part of the conversa tions referred to in the affidavit of U. Simpson, which occurred at tlie Odd Fellows Library in Salem, with J. X. Matheny and J. O. Shelton, and I further say that the statement or said Simpson is sub stantially correct as far as I heard the same. D. S. Kusselu Subscribed and sworn to before me this Gth day of May, 1870. E. CliANSTON, Justice of the Peace. The following is the letter of J X. .Matheny to E St. John alluded to in the foregoing statement oi II. Simpson. It is a true copy, verbatim ct literatim: Salem, May 4th, 1870. FitiEND St. .Toiix Deaii Sip. the barrers of this note will apply to you to got worke they will stick to you as long as von wont them. They understand' the ternies that you imploy your hands on and are will ing to" except a situation from you at-our fhniers. Six in all. Xames as follows. Messrs P. Simpson II. Simpson,, Wm. Woods XV m Shell on and D. S. Pupel. The above named Jentelmcn are all honsit. S1 rate forward citizens of Pelk count v. i Yours Trul v J. X. Matiiexy State of Orkoox. ) Count v of Marion. ( ss" I,H. Simpson, being duly sworn, say that I am a resident of Polk county, and that the forgoing is tlie original letter which was hand ed to me by J. O. Shelton at Salem, on the 3d in st., as the letter of J. N. Matheny. And I father say that said Matheny told me in the a ternoen of said day that he would write us a letter of recom mendation to a man in Portland by the name of St. John. IL Simpson. Subscribed ar:d sworn to before me this Gth day of May, 1870. E. CliANSTON. Justice of the Peace. Salem, Oregon, May 4th, 1870. Fiuend Hiogs, The boys left here this morning for Portland. They send their horses by Mr. Xu comb. I want you to see that they get home, and oblige yours truly, J. O. Siieltox. . The above is a copy of a letter written by the exporter J. O. Shel ton, in which he speaks of the boys (referring to II. Simpson and others) and their horses which they sent back to Polk count'. This man Piggs is also engaged in the exporting business. Xo doubt, he crossed the six Polk county boys and their horses on his ferry at Buena Vista, and declined taking toll for the same. We find on the margin of this letter the initials " U. S. S.," and have been guessing at its meaning. Wonder if it isn't "Old Flax brake's" password, by which he keeps it before his devoted follow ers that he furnishes the money to buy ii) the next Icgislacare to go for him for the United States Sen ate. An Inroortant Letter. Sax Francisco, April 27, 1870. Dp.. A. M. Lokyea, Vice-Provident of the Oregon Immigration, Board of Statistics and Labor Ex change. Dear Sip.: Referring to our conversation on the subject of the inducements offered by the State of Oregon to immigrants, would say: I am desirous to bring the sub stance of what has been said into definite shape, so as to enable me to form an intelligent judgement as to whether the best jiiterests of those I represent would be served by my deciding to locate them on lands in your State. They are English, Irish, .Scotch and German and for the most part are agricult urists; some are herdsmen, and a few are mechanics. There will not be less than five hundred families. They intend to form settlements of their own according to their sever al nationalities, and want lands adapted to their pursuits. Their means are limited, and on this ac count the inducements you hold out would have mach force in gov erning my decision. It is the wish of the people to employ their cash in providing shelter for their wives ind little ones, and in bringing their lands under cultivation. Whilst they are poor in ready mon ey, they are rich in those elements which your State requires, and when judiciously employed make a people prosperous and" great. They have splendid physical health, ripe expeiience in their various pursuits strong arms, willing hands and hearts overflowing with hope. 1 am prepared to decide and act as soon as negotiations have been concluded, and locations selected. It would be premature for me to attempt to make selection of suita ble locations until I know definite ly the price of the lands and the terms on which they can be had. Therefore, would ask that as early a reply as is convenient may be given me. very respectively, T. Egeutox IIogg. In reference in the matter con tained in the foregoing letter, Dr. Loryea invites propositions for the sale of fifty thousand acres of wild land situated somewhere in West ern Oregon. Thosa having lands to offer should give the precise lo cation, price, quahtv, terms ot pay rneut, adaptability to different pro ducts and any other particulars that would be ot interest. A Xovel Suit. A man named Kenneth MeCaskill, who was well known in Victoria for a number of years, sues the Pacific Mail Steam ship Company in San Francisco, for 810,000. "it appears that he was a passenger on the steamship Golden City when she went ashore; and became sick from the inclem ency of the weather. The Cleveland Herald thinks the marriage service should bo changed to read : Who dares 'take this woman? and the groom shall an swer, I dare. T. Patterson. From the Daily Press.) T. Patterson is a native of Arm strong county, Pennsylvania, and is a son of Hon. Findley Patterson, who for a series of years occupied various prominent positions in that State. Ilis ancestors settled in Western Pennsylvania at an early day. and at this time are represent ed in that section of country by numerous families of the same name, of wealth and influence. The political record of the family there, from the days of Jefferson to the present time is that of the most strict adherance and unswa voring fidelity to Democratic prin ciples. Shortly after the organization of! that Territory, 31 r. Patterson re moved from his native State to Kansas, and during Mr. Buchanan's administration he hold a 'position in the J. S. Land Office, for the Western District of Kansas. At the commencement of the war he was one of the proprietors of a Democratic paper published at Junction City, Kansas. In the year 18G2, this paper was distroyed tit the instigation of the Union League because of its fearless ad vocacy of Democratic principles, and its prosistent denunciation of the usurpations of that day. Sub sequently Mr. Patterson became a resident of Leavenworth City, and was connected with a banking establishment at that place until the spring of 18G4. During the dark stormy days of that locality Mr. Patterson, at the risk of lift and property steadfastly adhered to his political principles and fear lessly denounced tyranny and wrong which characterized the actions of the then rulers of the country. Mr. Patterson arrived in Oregon in October 18G4, and has since been a resident of the city of Port land, with the exception of a few months absence in the mines during 1805. In April 1SGG he came con nected with the Oregon Herald ii business manager, in which posi tion he eontinude until Xovember 1808. In July 18G9 he became one of the proprietors and publishers of that paper. Of Mr. Patterson course during his residence in Ore gon, the Democracy are advised by their own oe:'ation, and they know him to have been firm, con sistent and energetic party man, working always for the success of true principles over the demoral izing doctrines of Kadicalism. From our long ami extensive acquaintance with Mr. Patterson, we take groat pleasure in saying that he is an exemplary young gen tleman, trustworthy politically, and in all respects, and we cheer fully recommend him to the confi dence and support of the Oregon Democracy, who will, no doubt, feel it an enviable privilege, as well as a political duty, to cast the full party vote for him as for any other man on the State Ticket. liemember the Oregon Herat J. of which Mr. Patterson is one of tlie proprietors, is striking terrific cuts upon the common enemy in thi campaign we are not wanting in grateful appreciation. His reward will be a united support, ami an overwhelming success at our hands on election day. Last week, says a correspondent of the Statesman, as the iewer and surveyor appointed to locate a road from Bnttville to Waconda were at the house of one of tin pioneer settlers, holding a responsi ble office in this county, they re marked that they were afraid of not getting men enough to carry the chain next day. Two of his daughters, who were present, and who had paid considerable atten tion to mathematical and surveying studies, said they would help thorn. The viewers, however, looked at it as amere joke; but the next morn ing the three young ladies appeared at Buttev'le on horseback. One of them led tlie horses, and occas ionally read off the course on the compass, which she did with accu racy. The other two were sworn in and carried the chain correctly and efficiently for seve'n miles, on o lioil nfeimviirr the whole day. One of the young ladies is the same who, two or three years .-.go, climed Mount Hood, and we believe on the highest pinnacle. AVhcn we road the phrase "our country," we are instinctively for ced to' exclaim which country? the one made by Washington and his corn-patriots, or the one made by bumner, Len. Lutler, and the niggei The new name for weaning ba bies Bottle-imps. , ami A Trent sn Romance The State Gazette vouches for the following story: Some months since a man named Johnson, residing in a neighboring State, saw the picture of a Trenton damsel, Miss Jones, at .the house of a relative of tlie lady, and through it fell in love with the orig inal. Obtaining the address of his charmer, Johnson wrote her a let tor, which was answered by Miss Jones, a regular correspondence was the result. In due course of time Johnson asked the momentous question, was given a favorable answer, and shortly after sent Miss Jones a letter, in which he stated that he would be in Trenton in two days from date thereof when he should claim her as his wife. Punctually on the day appointed Johnson appeared, and introduced himself to Miss Jones, and the pair were mutually pleased with each other on this the occasion of their first mooting. The subject of their approaching marriage was dis cussed, and it was agreed that it should take place that very even ing. The couple repaired to the residence of the Rev. Xicodemus X'ockcloth, when the to-be bride groom took the minister aside and informed him that his name was not Johnson, but Green; that the lady knew him only as Johnson, and that he w ished to be married to her under that name. Tlie reason assignea for this course having been explained to the satisfaction of the clergy man, the ceremony was performed, the marriage U e paid, and the couple returned to the home of Mrs. John son where the course of true love did run smoothly for wo days, at the end. of which time Johnson " turned up missing." On the second day thereafter, while pondering on this sudden change in the situation, Mrs. J. is startled by a ring at the door bell of the. Jones mansion. An swering the summons in person, she is accosted by a gentleman, who asks if a lady by the name o Jones resides there. He is answer ed in the ofiirmative, invited into the parlor, gives Ins name as John-; n, and states that he has come on to claim Aliss. Jones as Ins bride. An explanation follows from which it. appears that Johnson, who is unable to write employed a friend named Green to carry on his correspondence, by which means he latter became in possession of the arrangements in the proposed marriage. Taken advantage of this fact, the perfidious Green states the time of Johnson's arrival in Trenton some days earlier than requested by his friend, comes on to this city himself, marries the girl, and at the end of two days deserts her, as above stated. Very wisely concluded tha' "what's done cannot be undone,1' and that the bogus Johnson has left never to return, the twain lopair to the office of Justice Black stone, where they are quickly made one flesh, and the pair have since lived together, seemingly as hap ply as i! no such man asGrter. had ever existed. A Goon Keconstpuctop. Vmong the ropresei t itive moi iow in Washington clamoring fi r t'le reconstruction of Georgia, is a nigger by the name of Asporia Brallev. He is a State Senator from that State, and a lawyer. Be cently application was made by Mr. Kiddle lor his admission to practice in the Supieme Court of the Uiiiled Stall's. We see it now announced that the aforesaid Kid lie appeared in Court a day or . wo afterwards and withdrew the . amo, apologizing to Jie Court foi aving offered it. It appeared, a.nong other tilings that Bradley had served a term in the luniten- iiary. In radicical ethics the of- v'ense consisted in being caught and not committing the act that sent him there. The Weyanwe (Wis.) Times tolls the following: "A vomi" oup'e in this place lately" com menced keeping house, and during the week the head of the family called on one of our merchants and laid iu the following stock of provisions: Five cents1 worth o soda, five cents1 worth of salt, two cents1 worth of pepper, one stick ot gum, one cent, one bar of soap twelve cents. The sum amounted to jiii-l twenty-five cents, which h paid in specie, and as he turned to leave the store, he remarked to the obliging clerk, that keeping house A'as cheaper than boarding." The platform of female voters of Mormonism ought to be Mor-men- lsm. NO. 27 .tim. . .-niw..inini u m Ml l n I EtLind Time. The lately appointed carbet-bag Govenor of Idaho takes considera ble time in finding his way to Idaho. If all reports are true it is exceed ingly doubtful whether he finds his way here unless he gets express ed as freight. If he concludes to come in that way whatever com pany he puts himself in charge of, will be obliged to see that he reach es his destination. The bad .pre cedent of appointing men wholly unacquainted with western life and western people should have been avoided by General Grant had he considered the influence f tlie people of the Territories -worth possessing. As it is he takes the bit in his mouth, assumes the respon sibility, whatever it lie, of ignoring, in toto, the voice of the people, make1 s appointments without the recommend of a single resident of the Territory. His course rapidly driving from the Republican party in this Territory the lew remaining supporters of his party. On the first Monday of June he will learn that what we say is as true as Holy Writ although the Republicans have nominated a ticket in seferal of the counties they will have but a light support. Idaho will roll up a larger Democratic majority than she has ever before. We diily hear of men who have been recognized radical leaders deserting the party that is thus wantonly overriding public sentiment. Con necticut has givn is administra tion its first nbuke and other States are sure to follow. The Ter ritories will present an unbroken front in opposition to his Territo rial policy which is more ruinous than of any proceeding administra tion. Idaho Co'on icle. Kot Lo.rt, bt Savedo Slowly, sadly, and mournfully tolls the village bell. The first stroke tells us that the angol of death has coif?e amotjg us,While each successive one impresses our mind more and more with the les son of the solemn event. We pause a moment in $ur onward career and turn aside from the strange intoxications of business and pleasure to reflect upon those iMuiuous ot ood. w e realize that a future and unknown destiny is before ns; thoughts of eternity and a life beyond the grave causes feeling of solemnity to steal through our hearts. We are moved by divine sympathy for the be reaved to visit them, to speak ten derly of the one that is gone ami offer our consolations. Thev refuse to be comforted. Their afiliction is great ; the roots of deep-seated parental affection is torn fron their hearts ; wounds are bleeding and grief is unmeasured'in their cup of sorrow. The procession moves slowly ausj silently to tliej churchyard. Friends gather arountl the tomb. It is hard to commit the body of one so little and tender to a resting idace beneath the cold unsympathizing sod. Agonizing cries burst forth anew. Thev can not realize that the life which ani mated the i'orm of tre loved one now sleeping has flown to the far off spirit land and is havmv in it new abiding place. They forget that the body is dust returning to dust, that the life and the spirit hici w as so dear to them is not lost but saved, and will in the hereafter, bind them by close and stronger ties to tlie kingom0of our heavenly Father. Social Equality. The Santa Clara Arftts of April 9th says: The white and black Republi cans of San Jose have set the ex ample of social equality. The 'anghters of some of the leading -non of the part y attended the cob orod ball, on Thursday evening, and had a jolly good time with the colored beaux. JVbn ditputandnuh est de fficstibus. Certainly they had no right to do so, and we do not mention the fact in a' spirit of fault-finding. It is said that in waltzing the dusky exquisites gave the preference to the plain beauties while the plain gentlemen affected the colored darlings. The diversity of-taste prevented all squabbling about partners. All wont merry asa marriage bell And when mutie rose with it voluptuous swell .' U Soft-cyes lookod love to eyes which spake aam. A little boy couldn't remember the text exactly, but thought it was "something about a hawk be tween two pigeons." It was, " why halt ye between two opinions." A traveler writes home from Paris: "The word I have stood most in need of since my arrival hero is the french for damn." o o o o I': 0 o 3 t. i x -pi (a j