The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, May 07, 1870, Image 2

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Orsgon City, Oregon ,
I). M. McKENXEY, Enron.
-O 0 o
John Mykrs, Financial Agent.
& -ctv- v--f o-'--v -
May 7, 1870.
r-i Ojcr Congress,
For Governor,
IL. F. GROVER, of Marion.
q 3fcr Secretary of State,
- " S. F. CHAD'ICK, of Douglas.
To: State Treasurer,
L. FIESCHXER, of Multnomah.
For State Printer,
' T. PATTERSON", of Multnomah.
Prosecuting Attorney, 4th District,
II. E. BYBEE. of Multnomah.
District Nominations.
.r . ' First Judicial District.
Prosecuting Attorney II. K. Ilanna,
of Josef nine.
SecondFor Judge A. J. Thayer, of
Prosecuting Attorney C. Vf. Fitch, of
ane. 0
Third For Judge B. F. Bonham, of
(?) Jlanon. J
Prosecuting Attorney N. L. Butler,.of
Fifth For Judge L. L. McArthur, of j
Baker. j
Prosecuting Attorney V . 1. Lassweil.
For Prpre-cntalives,
Tor County JtJge,
For Site riff,
For County Chtk, J
For County Trcavrtr,
For County Comr. i,ionrrf,
For Assessor,
G For Coroner,
For School Superintendent,
For Surveyor,
Furnarsl March.
It will be remembered that the last
National Democratic Platform contained
one or two planks from the Democratic
platform of Oregon which had been laid
down just previously. And gentlemen
who have traveled in the Atlantic States
and conversed with Democrats of differ
ent States, have been astonished at the
encomiums which the Oregon Democracy
have received from the Democrats of all
sestionsf the Union. They assert that
the Democracy of this State have preserv
ed from polution more purely the tradi
tions ot the nartythan have those of any
other State? This is true. Living in the
free mountain air and breathing the un
contamina&d breezes of tho Pacific, we
think and speak as freemen on all ques
tions at issue. On the finance question
th Democracy of Oregon has planted
itself re it never can be moved and
where it isalestincd to win a crowning
victory. It has planted itself on National
equity, and where we venture to predict
tho next National Democratic Convention
will stand. Greedy scoundrels who wish
mh the neonle. for the bondholder of
double what lie can legally claim, will
warmly interpose their stupid plea of dis
honesty, for above and beyond the hoarse
croaking of thes ignoble rascals, will be
heard the grand cry of an oppressed and
over taxed nation in behalf of the enforce
ment of National equity.
.' G(5d is with us who will falter?
Justice, who withstand?
Onward then for hearth and altar,
Right and native land."
Iisrepkesentatioxs. There are cer
tain degrees of truth and honesty which
9re necessary for a paper to maintain to
entitled it to confidence in its statements.
The Oregonian does not appear to make
any pretensions in this way. at least, so
we should jndge from its continual mis-
Q representations and forgeries. Some time
since that paper copied, or pretended to.
some extracts from the Corvallis Union,
and charged the authorship on Mr. Slater.
When caught in its forgery, it asserts that
I)emocratsGstated that Mr. Slater was the
editor of the I'nion when it was suppress
ed. He told one falsehood to get out of
the first. The name of the editor of the
C'uouatthe time it was suppressed is at !
the head of that paper, and if the editor j
of'tbe Oaegonian had rot wished to com- !
mit a willful) forgery, he could have readi-!
y ascertained that Mr. Slater was not the j
author of the extracts nnbUshed. !
The Radical party has been noted for
the adroitness which it possesses in the
perversion of words used in ordinary con
versation. For instance, during the war,
the word "loyalty was made by them to
express adherence to the most unconstitu
tional dogmas and procedures. To be
loyal in the Radical acceptation of the
form, a man had to forswear fealty to the
great written law of the Constitution and
give his adhesion to the unwarranted us
urpations of the Executive as well as to
treasonable enactments of a Rump Con
gress. And now. on this finance question,
we find the same perversion of the word
honesty. According to the Radical
theory j a man to be honest must support
that party in its endeavor io rob the peo
ple through its high tariffs and excessive
taxation, in order to give the bondholder
double the amount he ever loaned the
Government. The Democratic party,
which proposes to pay the last farthing of
the honest indebtedness of the Govern
ment, but not one farthing more, is stig
matized by the Radicals as dishonest. An
"equitable adjustment," which, is but
synonymy of an " honest adjustment," is
termed by them robbery. Josh Billings,
the greatest of living American philoso
phers, has classed in one of his esi-ays,
honenty as one of the lost arts. So far as
the Radical party is concerned, this is lit
erally true. What they call honesty, is no
more tho genuine article than was their
much-vaunted "loyalty." They have
perverted the, meaning of these terms the
better to hide their own rascallity and
BougUt and Solsl.
It is a, terrible state of public affairs
when men openly require written obliga-
j tions from aspirants'to office to the effect
that they will advance the Interests of this
or that individual ; but it is worse when
the public mind has become so corrupt
that the men can be found who will open
ly and shamelessly sell themselves i'cr a
nnminnlinn. Vet sneh nnrrhases and
, , t -, - T1 i i .
sales were completed m 1 ortland last
week between Ben. Ilolladay and the Re-
publican nominees. The railroad "rant
provides that the terminus shall be in the
j , rwnand. and in order to comnlv
with the requirements of the act. Mr. Ilol
laday conceived the brilliant idea that
tne countv must be consolidated with the
' city proper. Knowing that the Radicals
of Multnomah county were obliged to
comply with his demands, he positively
refused to furnish them any money to
carry the election if they nominated any
one who had not signed the agreement !o
support this proposition and also George
II. Williams for U. S. Senator. The agree
ment was presented for his signature to a
Front street merchant, who indignantly
spurned the proposition. There were
those found, however, who were ready to
sell themselves to Ben. Ilolladay and of
these the Radical ticket of Multnomah
county is composed. It now remains to
be seen "whether the free white voters of
that county will endorse the sale thus en
tered into by these parties. If they do,
they deserve no better name than slaves,
unworthy to bear the name of freemen.
. oo
Not our Fm:lt.
It is painfully amusing to witness the
protestation of offended honesty made by
the Radical scoundrels over the proposi
tion contained in the eighth resolution of
the Democratic platform. They profess
to see in this demand for equity a dishon
est purpose. Heaven bless their honest
hearts! Is equity dishonest? Will an
equitable adjustment of the bonded debt
abate one jot or tittle of its amount if it
be valid and not fraudulent? Nobody will
make such foolish assertion.':. Then why
this terrible outcry? Is it because they
are aware that the bonded debt would
lose some of its gigantic proportion if
equity was rneeted out between the bond
holder and the tax-payer? This must be
the case. But (his is not the fault of the
Democratic party. Why then should it
be blamed rather than the terms of a
fraudulent contract, which, if adhered to.
would wring from the people more than
double what equity and justice would de
mand? True as rre;ielxiug.
In ninety-nine cases out of one hundred
it will be found to hold true, that tho men
who blab the loudest about the dishonest
proposition in the eighth resolution of the
j Democratic platform, are men whose past
records for honesty and fair dealing will
not bear the; closest inspection. Take
them as you meet them and when they
iDveigh against that resolution and hold
up their hands in holy horror, just go
back over their record and you will not
fail once in a hundred times in finding out
that their rebuking a seeming dishonesty
is the selfsame old trick of Satan rebuk
ing sin.
Lank County Democratic Ticket. The
Democratic county convention, which met
in Eugene Citv last Saturday1", nominated
the following ticket: State Senator, A.
W. Patterson ; Representatives, John
Whileaker. G. B. Dorris and J. F. Amis :
Judge. J. M. Thompson ; Sheriff. I. N.
Poindexter; Clerk, J. I. Graves, Jr.;
Treasurer. II. Dent ; Assessor. W. Thomp
son : Superintendent, of Public School's.
T. G. Hendricks ; Conmissioners. Geo.
Riuehart. J. C. Royal: Surveyor, J. W.
Skaggs ; Coioner. Sam. MeCullum
'A Fnvn. The Oregonian says that the
bill published sometime since to enforce j
titteentn amonuuu-i... a. .. a,u. uej
-lst Nveok Pnb5Lshc1 onc takoa roni tI,at
paper, and ought to be authorative. It J
contains about all the objective features j
that the first one did. We can't sec where j
the fraud mrt ccines in. i
.i l r ji n- i
The people of Oregon can blame Joel j
Palmer, the Mongrel candidate for Gov
ernor, as much as anyone else for the pay
ment of their claims growing out of the
Indian war of IS33-jC. He was in full
aflilliation with Gen. Wool, who quoted
him repeatedly in his correspondence with
the Government in relation to the war
o-enerally and these claims particularly.
Wool, as is. welt known, took an early op
portunity to. place himself in antagonism
to our.' people, and was their inveterate
enemy, classing them as " murderers and
plunderers of the public treasury." be
cause of their energy in defending them
selves from the attacks of hostile Indians.
Wool was probably influenced more by
Palmer than any other person in his
wanton and outrageous assault upon the
character of our people. Here is a speci
men of Palmer's style of correspondence
with Wool, beinar an extract of a letter
from him to Wool, dated at Columbia
Barracks (Fort Vancouver) W. T., Nov.
1st. 1855 :
Tae future will prove that this war has
been forced upon the Indians against their
will, and that too. by a set of reddens
vagabonds, for pecuuiary and political ob
jects, and sanctioned by a numerous popu
lation who regard the treasury of the Lnueu
States a legitimate sv.ljed of plunder.
In the same tone he wrote to the Com
missioner of Indian Affairs' at Washing
ton. It is true that Palmer was turned
out of office that of Superintendent of
Indian Afiairs and that Wool was -'shelved
" at Troy, N. Y., but that was small re
dress for the prejudice they had created
against, the interests and character of the
citizens of Oregon. And now this same
man Palmer is presented to the voters of
this State to receive their support for the
highest oflice in their gift. There is a good
deal of ice in this.- Indeed, it is the cool
est thing ever done by any party, not to
give it any other signification. We think
it rather too soon for Palmer to be en
dorsed ; he must wait a while and find a
few more passes through the .mountains
to profitable gold diggings and lucrative
traffic with the Indians and miners, in
which way he indicates that he has been
of service in the past. Perhaps so, and
certain iy more to be commended than
his official service. We apprehend that
the people will allow him to continue the
performance of the duties of private life.
Pkokahly Ri Moit Only. We have very
little faith in the statement that an oppo
sition is to be started against the North
Pacific Transportation Company, on the
routes from San Francisco north. In the
first place, there is no demand for any
more or better accomodations than we find
in the Ilolladay line at present ; secondly,
there is neither freight nor business for
the steamers and coasters now employed ;
and lastly, as Mr. I loll a day's inteeests
have become so much identified with the
development of our State during the pat
two years, the public here would very
probably stand by his interests if there
were forty in opposition to him. Oregon
ian. When a paper becomes corrupt enough
to sell itself, there is no limit for its efforts
to serve its master. The Oregonian hav
ing sold out to Ilolladay 's interests for his
influence to carry the State election, is
not satisfied with its services in behalf of
his railroad interests, but now goes for
sustaining him in one of the gr-atest out
rages and swindles ever perpetrated on
the people of Oregon. The above extract
is fab e in loto, ami is only published for
the benefit of the impostor and to the
detriment of the people of Oregon. In
answer to the first proposition contained
in. the above extract, we say that there is
a demand for better facilities for franspor-
tation ; it is the higjr rates of freight that
this monopoly charges that keeps our
farmers from realizing a reasonable re
muneration for his products:
is well known that the old tubs now run
ning between San Francisco and Portland,
pay for themselves in two or three trips
and they com.' up loaded with freight and
passengers, and always return with a full
freight end passenger list, which would be
doubled if the prices were not so exor
bitant ; thirdly, the only interest he has
m anifested to develop our State has been
for his own pecuniary benefit. To him
and his associates we owe the loss of a
targe share of (ravel to and from Idaho,
because they could travel other routes so
much cheaper, and Portland has lost more
in this way than he has expended on the
railroad. lie is constructing a railroad
through this valley, for which the people
of Oregon contributed both land and
money, and in which they expected to
retain an interest, but he has ' frozen "
them all out and now ., controls the entire
thing himself, and .should he complete the
road, it will only aid him to complely
place the people of Oregon at his mercy.
by connecting the interests of the railroad
with the steamers, thus precluding the
possibility of a successful competition.
The people of Oregon are nurshing a
serpant that will m due time fclmg them
with its poisonous pangs.
Great Enehgy: From the Radical pa
pers that belong to Geo. II. Williams, we
are led to the belief that this individual
is very industrious at present. He has
been in the Senate nearly six years, and
never has done anything 'worth mention
ing. But now he is very busy in sending
telegrams and letters, stating what is go
ing to hi done. We may expect his en
ergy to continue until after the election,
when it will subside again into making
Radical speeches. This dodge will not
win. He is too well known.
In TiouLK.--The editor of the Oregonian
appears to be wandering at the cause of
the citv election going Republican here
l:Kt A!-,nl-i Tn rcHi.f him from h
' '.,,.. , . . . i !
quandary, we will inform him that it was t
done by those who had learned not to re-'
rrr.i ,:, o-.i i. :
contributed largely to this class of educa
tion. - Satisfied ? v
The City Kli-ctiun.
In the local column will bo found the
result of the city election, hold in this
city last Monday. The Radicals elected
their entire ticket. The whole number of
votes polled was 230, r. hich is 40 more
then were cast last year, and the Radical
candidate was elected last Monday by 27
majority, and one year ago by 2G.
showing that in proportion to the vote the
Democracy gained more than the Radi
cals since the last election. We had no
feeling in this matter, and would have
been satisfied if we could have acknowl
edged it an honorable defeat. But such
is not the case. No honest man can feel
otherwise but ashamed and humiliated at
the manner this result was obtained,
be he Democrat or Republican. Men
who had not resided in the city t n days,
and others who are known not to belong
within he city, and even some who had
not residal in the county for years, came
up to the polls and before high heaven
t ok the oath that they were citizens of
this city perjured themselves in order to
carry the election. These are sad facts,
known to the Radical as well as Demo
crats. .Some, who have claims to respec
tability, attempted ' to get others to take
the oath, but, be it said to their credit,
they had not yet descended so low in the
sca!e of human depravity as to wilfully
swear a falsehood. Over thirty illegal
votes were polled by the Radicals, most
of which were sworn in. The railroad
hands, who have n t now nor ever did
have a residence in the city, were furnish
ed tickets by their masters and ordered to
vote. By this means the Radicals carried
the election, and it is more to their shame
than credit. Honest people are disgusted
at these outrages and will no longer act
with a party so criminally guilty before
God and man.
There is a lesson to be learned in this,
which should prove of value on the first
Monday in June. It is shown by their
action that perjury will not prevent them
from voting. Let every poll in the coun
ty be guarded well on the day of election
and see that none but legal voters vote.
i The Democracy iciZbave a fair expression
of the legal voters at all hazard, let come
what may, and those who shall attempt to
defeat that expression, had better be care
ful how they make attempt with a
people who know their rights, and know
ing them, dare to maintain. We are
willing (o abide the deeisioj of the legal
voters, whether it be for or against us, but
never to one that is made by perjured
interlopers, who are hired to defeat the
wili of the legitimate citizens. Let hon
est Republicans consider to what degree
of infamay their leaders have come and
forsake them as they would a convicted
felon. Freemen of Clackamas county,
will you endorse this infamy at the elec
tion on the CUiof June? Wilt you de
clare to the world that you are in favor ol
a party w hich carries elections by Mich
means? If not, east your votes against
it and consign the perpetrators of such
outrages to the pit of everlasting damna
tion int.) which they have placed them
selves by their false oaths.
Scoundrel ism lrosrrcsslii'r.
As was predicted in this paper some
time ago, that. IJolladsy and Williams
would discharge all Democrats wo: king
on the road or remove them into other
counties just prior to the election. Last
Monday a large number of hands were
discharged from work on the road in Mult
nomah county, and on the following day
an advertisement appeared for one hun
dred men to work on the road in this
county. A person with any sense what
ever can see what the results of this move
would be. These men, thrown out of em
ployment in Multnomah county, would,
as Ilolladay expects, avail themselves of
the opportunity thus readily presented,
and by this means they would be removed
from where their votes would cotint on
any county ticket. Could men be guilty
of a more high-handed outrage than is at
tempted in this move against the people
of Oregon? They are doing this to defeat
the legitimate voters of Oregon, for their
own aggrandizement. Will honest m?n
support a party so venal and corrupt as
tins led and controlled by Williams and
Holladay? Will they record their votes
as slaves to these scoundrels who are do
ing all in their power to defeat the legal
voters of this State? If you are not
slaves to these men. place your votes
against these attempted outrages and
show them that the people of Oregon ure
yet freemen. They are aiming to enslave
you and your posterity, and if you further
trust them you deserve no better fate.
Who is this Ben. Ilolladay that seeks to
thus control you and your interests ? An
intinerant money shark, who lias robbed
you through one of the greatest monopo
lies on tho Pacific coast, by high freights
and passage, and now he attempts to con-
trol your political interests as he has your
commercial. If you will countenance
such open and barefaced rascality, you do
not deserve the name of freemen. " Look
well and calmly on these matters before
you cast your votes on the first Monday of
next June.
Sheriff Myers' Ilcport.
The following report was made to the
County Court this week by Sheriff Myers.
We shall have occasion to speak of this
report in our next issue. Mr. M. desires
us to request those who are under the head
of delinquent to call and pay up. The
following is the report :
Total amount of assessment re
timed by Assessor 27,039 61
Special assessment by Sheriff. 1,'guO ;"2
?2?,543 13
Amount dcluct'd by Cnnri,
anl double asesment.$ 1, -"57 23
UvPnouent b'st 1,24 SG
Amount paid Treasurer. 2G,0U 32
Amum. i 111 nanus oi me
G'jO f'7
" 2,o-i1 13
A Traitor in the Field.
We probably should apologize to our
readers for devoting any more space to
the subject of this article, but as the Radi
cals appear to give him a prominence, we
feel justified in giving our readers what
we have learned about Jasper W. John
son. This individual was a delegate in
the last Democratic contention, by some
unfortunate mistake of the Democracy of
Curry county. He now claims that the
platform teaches repudiation, which he
knows, provided he knows anything, is
false. If he had been honest in this be
lief, and an honorable man, he would not
have participated in the proceedings of
that convention after the platform was
adopted, which was done the day before
the nominations were made, and he re
mained in the convention. This excuse of
his regarding repudiation is false, as his
subsequent actions show most conclusive
ly. He obtained a letter from a gentle
man at Salem recommending: bun to per
sons in Portland as a good canvasser, but
he found that better talent than his
could be obtained even on tho reserva
tions, and that Democrats had no use for
bim or his kind. He soon found willing
purchasers, however, among thoie who
formerly owned him, with this under
standing : He was to canvass the State
professing to be a Democrat, but opposed
to the platform and keep as many Demo
crats as possible from voting the ticket at
the present election, and to wages a war
within its rariKs after the election in behalf
of a third party for the Salmon P. Chase
movement for the next Presidency. For
this service to the Radicals he asked $1,
000. and which we snj pose he received.
He has a perfect right to sell himself
whenever he can find a purchaser, but
he has no right to expect or receive the
courtesy due a gentleman when he takes
upon himself to play the part of a traitor.
This he is attempting to do. and in his bill
of sale te included some gentlemen who
he said would act with him in his treach
ery. It will not be well lor this traitor
when these gentlemen learn that he has
used their names in connection with a
scheme to betray the Democracy.
State Printer.
The Radicals have attempted to make
party capital for their nominee for the of
fice of State Printer, on the ground that
he is a practical printer. If he were a
practical workmen, we see no reason why
he shcnld receive the votes or support of
the craft " over Mr. Patterson. The lat
ter is engaged in publishing a paper that
gives employment to eight practical print
ers, while the former never has given em
ployment to but one, and that has only
been since he has resided in Washington
City. As the Mongrels appear to be ig
norant of the history of their candidate
for this office, we will enlighten them
on the subject : He does not know
the first principles of the trade, and could
not hold a situation as compositor in a
well regulated weekly newspaper office ;
he has not been in the State but about
three months for the past three years and
more; he has been door-keeper and under
clerk at Washington City during that time :
he has a person employed in that city who
writes letters for him, which are published
in the Journal under the head of " editor
ial correspondence;" we are informed that
since he has resided at Washington he has
exercised the right to vote in that District
and has thereby forfeited his citizenship
in this State. It is understood that he is
not qualified to hold the position and was
only nominated to fill up a vacancy on
the ticket. The apparent sympathy of the
Radicals towards the crr.ft are as hypo
critical as most of their professions when
they desire votes. If their hypocracy
neeeds any evidence, we refer them to 1 lit
nomination and election of Gordon and
McPherson, neither of whom were print
ers, it is only an etiort to make votes.
-e -
.7 a s . II. SI;; I or.
e take the following sketch of this
gentleman from the Salem Press, of the 4th
And in the year 1870. the Democratic
State Convention, at albany, nominated
Mr. Slater by acclamation for the oflice ol
Representative in Congress for the State
of Oregon, and by the grace of God will
proceed to. and will elect him to fill that
high position by an overwhelming majori
From the foregoing sketch of Mr.
Slater's career, it will be seen that he has
been almos'. continuously for a long series
of yeais in the faithful service of the Ore
gon Democracy, and has been upon the
stump since I860 battling for the canse.
perhaps more than any other man in the
State. The overwhelming majority uni
formly cast for the Democracy in Union
county, where Mr. Slater has resided for a
number of years, bears evidence of his
energy and influence in the party. James
H. S'a'er in his private character stands
as high above suspicion as any man living.
As a debator upon the stump, he has but
few equals on this coast. He is now, in
company with Jo. Wilson his competitor,
in the midst of the canvass, and will soon
visit this city, when our people will have
an opportunity of judging of the qualifi
cations of the two candidates, as well as
the respective platforms upon which they
stand. Upon the stump Mr. Slater in style
he is chaste, logical and strong. No fool
ish or sickly subterfuge are n s orted to by
him or witty anecdotes indulge in to cap
tivate or hoo 'w'.nk the people, but with an
earnest zeal, moves stiaigiit forward -as a
s'r nig min in the discussion of the card
inal issue of the day. There is not a man
upon the whole ticket more worthy of the
full support, of the Democracy than Mr.
Slater, and no man can listen to him in
public or private discussion upon political
qnestions. without feeling impressed with
the earnestness of his manner and his
laudible energy in the advocacy of his
political views.
The Radicals are now very busily en
gaged to get Democrats r ut of Polk and
Yamhill counties. Sam. Clarke went down I
to Portland with some, who had been em- j
ployed in order to get them out of Polk I
county, to work on the Custom House in
that city. There is nothing left undone
by Williams' fools to secure his re-election
and all with the peoples' money.
Telegraphic Clippings.
New York. 27. The Assistant Treasurer
thus far-paid six millions coin interest.
LoLisviiXK. Ky.. April 28 On Tues
day last, at Glasglow Junction, while the
Shei iff and posse were attempting to arrest
two desperadoes named fehives, one ol
them fired, mortally wounding two of the
most estimable citizens of the county, and
then e-caped. The citizens turned out,
hunted them down with dogs, andcaptnred
both, who were placed in the Glasgow jail.
A strong guard are mounted to prevent
lynching. The excitment is intense and
there is t. probability that the prisoners
will be taken from the officers and hanged.
Richmond. April 2S. An accident at
the Court room ot the Court of Appeals,
esterday, resulted in the killing of Gfty
three persons, including many prominent
citizens. Among them, in addition to
those s nt to da v. are Dr J. B. Blood.
editor of the Enquirer; Chas. J. Guermaa,
of Washington ; Col. P. Wolfolk. and L.
II. Foley, Sargeant. and nine privates on
police duty in the building. One hundred
and twenty were wounded. Among them.
Ex Gov. Wells, who had three ribs broken
and was otherwise internally injured.
Hon. Thos. S. Uncock, ex Speaker ftof the
U. S. House of Representatives, lias had a
leg amputated. Jr.dge Merecith n 1 1 o b
Mayors Cahoon and Ellison are slighlty
injured. Directly after the disaster, a
hook and ladder company came to the
rescue, and ladders were thrown up to the
windows. For three lionr.t the stairway
and park were fulled wrh weeping woman
and anxious men. At two o'clock the last
victim was drawn from the buildingJ
After this the police closed the park and
refused admittance to anv one. All the
city stores were closed in consequence of
the disaster and no more business was
done during the day. To-night a meeting
will be held by the members of the press
association, late military association, and
citizens irenerallv. To-morrow will be
observed as a day of general mourning
The appalling calamity is much greater
than vet reprrted. The number of killed
will reach over sixtv. and that of the
wounded is known to be over two hundred
The scene of dispair and anguish in the
vicinity is heart-rending beyond descrip
tion. Dark mourning covers the whole
Rochester, April 28 The New York
Democratic State Convention nominated
San ford E. Church for Chief Justice of" the
Court of Appeals ; Chas. Rapple, of New
Yoi k, H. L. Peckman, of Albany. Martin
Grover, of Allegheny. Associate Justices.
Bo-ton. A pri 30. The loss by lire yes
terday on Travers, French and Canal
streets is estimated at Sit):) 000.
Washington-. May 1 Chief Jutice
Chase on Saturday delivered a long opin
ion in the case ot John Edgar Thompson
v--. the Union Pacific Railroad. Eastern
Division, and others. His opinion declares
that the Court is unable to find in the
Constitution any warrant for exemption
from State taxation, as claimed in behalf
of the corporation.
A Times New York sr ecial says : It is
known here from authorative sources that
Secretary Fisii will withdraw from the
Cabinet the moment that the San Domingo
treaty is ratified by the Senate, it being a
scheme to which he will never give his
consent. District Attorney Pierpout will
be his successor.
I 1 he 1 trues u ashing on special savs oi-
ficial information shows there is little or
no prospect of trouble with the British
authorities over the Winepeg expedition.
The latter have not asked permission to
pass up Sault St. Maria can&l, atid thej? do
not intend to. Iliey will go up to the ca
rial an the Canada side, unload and go
round it on British soil, and there le em
bark for Lake Superior. It is intended to
pass she empty boats through the canal,
and the question before the Cabinet now
is w hether we shall allow this to be done,
when the ojbect is known to be war.
New- York, May 1. Collector Bailey's
defalcation is officially found to be SL'50,
000 as shown by examination of his ac
counts. His securities have been notified
to make good the amount. It is believed
they will respond without waiting for a
suit, to be brought.
A special cable dispatch to the Herald
sa3's the conspiracy at Paris is more seri
ous than was at fire t supposed. A large
supply of bombs which had been provided
were seized by the police. The principal
ring leaders have not yet been discovered.
The anxiety of the Government and citi
zens is intense.
Washington. May 2. In the Senate, a
bill to make up the deficiency of the land
grant in aid of the construction of a rail
road and telegraph line from the Central
Pacific Railroad to Portland, Oregon, and
a bill granting lands and right of way to
the Missouri and Arkansas Railroad, were
Cauikins offered a resolution declaring
it to be the senitment of the American
people that immediate reprisal? be made
by the Government on England for the
destruction of our shipping by the Ala
bama and similar vessels, and requesting
the President to press tho Alabama claims
to an immediate settlement.
Sr. Eons. May 2. Col Paine and M.
Stapleton. two influential citizens of Monti-
celio, Kansas, a few-days ago quarreled
about trivial matter, and agreed to settle
the difficulty in a dark room. Paine had
a knife and Stanleton a revolver. The
c.itize is" hearing a pistol burst open the
door, and found Stapleton with his throat
cut and Paine shot through the lungs.
Neither had much hope of recovery.
Lori.sviu.E. .May 2. J. II. Morton, a
youth of PJ. son of Morton, the banker, of
this city, shot and killed Dan. Pawns, in a
gambling hell and house of ill-lame, to
At midnight last night four men took
John and Levi Shives out of Glasgow jail
and hung them.
MiI.TXOM.Mi Cocxty Dkmockatic Ticket
The Democracy of Multnomah couniy met
in convention last Wednesday and nomi
nated the following excelent ticket for
that county. The convention was harmo
nious throughout, and there can be no
doubt of the complete success of the tick
et: -
For S at? Senator, II. C. Leonard. For
Representatives, Nat. IL Lane. L. F. Scog
gins. A. E. Wait. Chas. Ilolman. For
Sheriff. It. J. Ladd. For Clerk, Pen L.
Xorden. For Judge. Jobn II. Smith. For
Tn aurer. Ed. Cahalin.. For Commission
ers. O Ilisley. A. Sunderland. For Asses
sor, E. Tl. Dufur. Superintendent of
Schools. P. Cornelius. Surveyor. V. W.
Chapman. Coronor, A. II. Kallcnburg
Mariox County Ticket. The Democra
cy of Marion county met in convention at
Salem last Saturday, and placed in nomi
nation the following ticket: State Sena
tors. John F. Miller and 15. F. Harding ;
Representatives. M. s. Egan. It. II Dear
born, J. 15. McClane. Tillman Ford and L.
Price ; County Clerk. Dan. II. Murnhv :
Sheriff. S. Durbin ; County Judge. J.'j.'
Shaw: Commissioners. J. J. Drown and
F. X. Matbieu : Tre usurer. W. E. Wilson ;
Assessor. J. II. Brewer; Surveyor. W.
Pugh; School Superintendent, B. F.
Brown : Coroner, J. J. Blackcrby.
We hare business wjjicb calls us to
Eistern Oregon, and which will detain n
in that region some three or four weeks
After this week and during that time, Mr'
A. Noltner will take charge of the Extei'
ruisE and make it a little warm for the
advocates of fraud and mongrelism
April 28. 1870.
Gov. Grover and Geo. L. Woods, ia
behalf of Joel. Palmer will speak in tM
city next Wednesday, the 11th inst.
FllPFiles OF THIS Papkh can hp f.innl
in Xtw York, at the office of Geo. P. Rmvn
Jc Co., Advertising Agents, No. 40 Park Row.
Hon. Jus. II. Slater, Democratic nomi
nee, and Jos. . 1 ilson, Republican uosn
nee. will address the people at the following
times and places:
S.dcm, May 7, in the evening.
Lafayette, M aj 0, at 1 p. m.
ISilverton, "
Jefferson, '
Lebanon, "
Corrall s, "
Monroe, "
F.ugcn, '
Koseburg, "
Canyi nville,
Ja ksonville.
11, "
12. o "
f (ft
lft, "
May 21, at 1 p. m.
jviruy vine.
24, in the evening.
Further announcements will be made.
The candidat3)f b th politiabparties ia
Clackamas county, wil meet and addir
the citizens al the times and places as fol
lows, to-wit
Oswego, Saturday, May 21.
Milwaukie, Monday. May 23.
Union School House, lluck Creek precinct,
Tuesday, May '24. Q
Revenue's, Cascade precinct. Wednesday.
May 2o.
Jo. i oung s, l oung s precinct. Thursday,
May 26.
Mattoon's Church, Springwatei precinct
Friday, May 27.
At or near Geo. Graham's, Reaver Creek
precinct. Saturday, May 2S.
Stipfis' school liouse." Upper Molalla rre
cinct, Monday. M.iy 30.
James' school house, Marquam's precinct a
Tuesday, Mav 31.
At the Camp Ground, Lower Molaila pre
cinct, Wednesday, June 1.
Mose Miller's, Union precinct, ThuriSay,
June 2.
The Fir Grore, near Leslies', in Pleasant
Hill precinct, Fiiday, June 3.
Oregon City, Saturday, June 4.
Time of commencing at all the places, ex
cept Oswego, will be 1 o'clock p. in., and at
Oswego at '.) o'clock a. in.
General Ucbilif y is Xaturi's Appeal
forIIelp. O
Thousands of person?, without Cany9prci
fic ailmert, are the Tit-tin languor sind
and lassitude. The unthinking are apt to
c-nn'ouml this species of inertion, with lazi
ness ; whereas it u-ually arises Iron: a wait- Q
of organic energy, for which tho subject- of
it are no more responsible than the nertr
sighttd are for their defective visum. Such
persons, although they may be fite from
pain, are as truiy invalids, and as much i t
need of medical aid, as if thc,y were tot meri
ted with the pangs of acute tfisease. Tliey
require a toxic and alternative, that will
n.use and regulate their torpid organization.
In eases of this kind. JIOSTETTKU'S
STOMACH UIT1ERT produce an linm. diate
and most favorable effect. The dtbi itate.l
and despond ng valetudinarian, who feels ; s -
if he were but half alive; who shuns m
paiiynd has no relish either for busme
or pleasure, it metamoriJioyed. bu a brif
course vf thin most potent vegetable ini igi'i
ant into quite a different btiig. The change
effected by the BITTERS, iiPh's bod lv aiTd
mental condition, i-i n surprise to l.irVisilf
ana to Jus fVLends. He mopes no longer;
the active principle of life, which seemed to
have diedut of him,"is re-awakened, and he
feels like a new man Rememhoring thnt
debility is not only an afll.ction it-elf, but
an invitation to ditra?, no time should be
lost in recruiting the broken down system
with this choicest and most potent "of all
Ofllee, STo. G4, Front Street,
Adjoining the Telegraph Office, Portland Oregon.
Accounts, Notes, Ronds. Drafts, and Mercan
tile Claims of every desci intinn tlirnnl.nnt
Oregon andhe Tei ritoriesVILL BE MA BR
A SPECIALTY, and promptly collected, as
eu as Mini a due regard to economvVtti all
business mutters entrusted to . t ttr,. .!
the proceeds paid over punctually. n 4Ctf
Saddlery. J H. Schram, of this
City, is now manufacturing the best Saddlery
and Harness in the State, lie will have at
feast 50 sets of all ffraoVsrfrrm
nion, finished and ready for sle npvt mrmth
and more than that number of Saddles. He
is bound to make a Wade with any man who
wishes to buy of him. He uses l, n
and California leather in his establishment,
and his work bears a most excellent reputation
abroad. We hope that citizens nf nnr on
county will think of this, when they want any
articles in his line.
Oregon LxlSc IVo. 3, I. O. or O. Fs-
iWeets every Thursday even-
g ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's
Hall, .Main s eet.
Members of theilrder are invited to attend
By order. u s, G
Kelceea. Degree Lodge Ko. 3, I. O. O. F.
Meet on the Second and Fourth
ot each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows
Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to
attend. By order of G.
New To-Da
In the matter of the estate of James Mc
Laughhn, deceased. In the County Court of
Clackamas County , Stats of Oregon
Notice is hereby given that Jasl M. Moore,
the Adniimsttat r of the estate of James
McLaughlin, deceas?d,0 has rendered or
settlement, and filed in said Court, his final
account of his Administration ot the rt. t
of said deceased; and that
Jlo.'idai', tHe Fifih (oth day of June.
A. I). 1870, being a day of a regular term of
sud Court, to-wit: of the June term,
A. D.lS7o, has been duly appointed by the
said Court, for the hearing of objections to
such final aecount.and the settlement thereof.
By order of said Court. Attest :
J. M. FRAZER, County Clerk,
May 7. lS70:5t
Dissolution of Partnership.
J l the copartnership between Chas. Loin-
and Cha. Albrijd under the fiim of Login
& Albright, is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. All persons indebted to tha firm
are requested to settle tp immediately. Per
sons having claims against the firm will pre
sent them lor payment.
Saturday, April 30, 1"?70.