0 0 O e & O O r TO O UJRJ o O o G OltEOOlV CITY, OKEGOIV, SATURDAY, MAY Tj 180. ISO. 2G WEEKLY " WTTTR P IR TIF The Weekly Enterprise. A DEMOCRATIC PAPER, FOR THE Business Man, the Farmer An l the FAMILY CIRCLE. prilLISIIED EVERY SATURDAY AT THE OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Main streets Oregon City, Oregon. TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION: Single Copy one year, in advance, 13 00 o TER MS of A D 'E R TISIN G : Transient advertisements, including all legal notices, 1 sq. otL'l lines, I w.$ 2 50 For each subsequentinsertioii.". 7. . 1 00 One Column, one year $120 00 Half " " 0 Q tarter " " . . -: 40 Lusiness Card, 1 square one year 12 &g Remittances to be made at the risk o Subscribers, and at the expense of Agents. BOOK AXI) JOB PRINTING. KB The Kriterprise office is supplied with beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod era MACHINE PRESSES, which will enable tite iropi ietor to do Job Piintiug at all times Neat, Quick and Cheap ! RV Work solicited. All Business traHswtvms upon a Specie basis. JOHN JIVE US, Financial Agent. BUSINESS CARDS. II. W K0SS' M- 1X Physician and Surgeon, J"T"Otfice on Maiu Street, opposite Mason ic 1111, Orecron Citv. 13 tf 'j , . JJ S A F F A R R AN S, Physician and Surgeon, 5?" Office at bis l)rii Store, near Post Office, Oregon City, Oregon. 13 tf J. WELCH, DExXTIST. o l'eni4.aiu',utly Located at Oregon City-, Oregon ROOMS VsWh. Dr. Safiarran, on Main st. TV T IT. W ATKINS, M. D., - SURGEON . Pokti..vnv, Ohkoi n. OFFICE 'Ai Front street Residence cor ner of Main and Seventh streets. O ALBERT H. KALLENBEEG, "C'EiemiMt; and Druggist, J'o. 73 FIRST STREET, Bet. Stark (tttd Washington , FOR TL . 1 ND, Oil EG 0 X. Physicians' Prescript ions Carefully prepared, at reduced Price-". A complete u-sortiuetit of Patent Medicines, Perfumer ies, Toilet Articles, Fancy Soaps, etc., on band and for sale at lowest prices. initf a. ii. b::i.l. E. A. PAUKKK. BELL &, PARKER. I 11 IT U I & T S , AND DEALERS IN Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Perit mer, Oilfi, Varnishes, And every article kept in a Drug Store. Main Street, Orecon City. V. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since lS4!,at the old stand, Muin Street, Oregon City, Oreaon. An Assortment of Watcher, Jew 4i'V, aad Scth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted , ,1 I. A rt L I'll rn-il.'fl lit O Henairinars done on short notice, i nd thankful for past favors. "Live and Let Live." 0 JTIELDS & STRICKLER, DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, &c, CILICE WINKS AP LIQUORS. t?'"At the old stand of Wortman & Fields Oregon I 'it , Oregon. ": : : 13tf "Barnum Saloon." JET & PLUMEY, DI PEN.-ERS OF Choice Wines, Liquors 6c Cigars, Main st ., Oregon City. T7 Call, and Robert Potter will show yn through the establishment. i;itt " Bamum Restaurant." T EOg DkLOUEY, Proprietor OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT. Main st.t Oregon City, JT" Knows bow toQervehis customers with Ovsters. Pigs' Feet, a good cupof CofP-e or a SQUARE MEAL. TStf TEV YORK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COJflP'NY WILLIAM E. HOWELL, (oPoregon City Manufacturing Company,) 15.0m LOCAL AGENT. 0 CLARK GREElIilASr, .t-yjev. City Drayman, OREGON CITY. . All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freiarhtof whatever des criptioa, to any part of the city, willbeexe cateJ promptly and with care. Reward of M ailing. BY WIIXIE E. PABOU. If patience brings upon itswin"-s The blessed balm of healing,0 And soothes the soul when o'er it roll The resiless waves t f led ng, Oh ! at this hour I need its power To check the fever spinning. With freshened force along its course My soul to passion winniug. ' If one could find contented mind All ready for the asking, ' If one could feel for wo or weal That faces need no masking. We'd not let slip between the Up The words the.re's no recalling, We'd oply ask consent to bask, Where peace Lj crer failing. If there's a shrine whore heart of mine Can find the needed treasure, , O m ly I win the blessing in It purest, amplest measure ; My wrest less thought by patience taught Shall then, its zeal abating. Lie on the breast of perfect rest. And win kkwaiAj ok waiting. Tlie G'ai' A'tttive Lund. Know ye the land where, tall and green. The ancient, forest oaks are seen ? Where the o4d Rhine waves scunding run Through vineyards gleaming in the sun? We know the lovely land full well ; 'Tis where the free-souled Germans dwell. Know ye the land where truth is told ; Where word of man is good as gold ? The honest land, where love and truth Hloom on in everlasting youth. We know that honest land full well ; Tis where the free-souled Germans dwell. Know ye the land where each vile song Is banished Irom the jovial (hrong ? The sacred land, where, free from art, Religion sways the simple heart? We know that sacred land fill well ; 'Tis where the free-souled flerm-ms dwell. The Laboring Men of San Francisco Why are They Idle? . r From the S. F. Examiner "What moans the gathering of the laboring men in San Francisco, clamoring ibr work to save them selves from starvation? Whence comes thecrv of distress, and whv ? Arc we not the most prosperous portion of the Nation ? Then why, in the name of all that's rational, are we met with the spectacle in our public streets and front of our halls of justice, of fifteen hundred strong and willing men raising their voices and demanding that they be given work, whereby they may be enabled to ward oil demon hunger from their door? We put these questions to you, ye lazy philanthropists and fireside philosophers, who are untiringly concocting schemes of immigration and "putting up jobs1' to bring hither swarms 'of men to starve, in a country which you have made almost worthless to the white labor ing men by your encouragement and fostering cooleism. We put these questions to you, because we believe your protestations of friend ship for the white immigrant are insincere and hollow hearted, and have their foundation in the sel fiish instincts of your nature which prompt you to initiate Immigration of these poor people you may gain a few dollars, little reckoning what becomes of the moneyless immi grant after you have dumped him at his jumping olf place in Cali fornia. We want immigrants, indeed ! while we have nearly two thousand strong and healthy men parading our streets, anxious to procure work of any kind at almost any wages, with care and hunger depicted on their wan laces. It is a sight to move the heart of the coldest blooded mortal in the world, to see these poor people, have been reduced to a state of penury by the presence here of a hostile race, who have, by under bidding them, taken away the means of their subsistence to see them moving along peaceably, yet earnestly, and with keen anxiety, seeking a word of hope, of comfort, or of cheer. These workingmen of San Fran cisco have been basely slandered and charged with designs to injure the heathens who hare done their interests so great mischief, yet, by their actions during the past few days, they have given the lie to such assertions. Vmler circum stances of the strongest provoca tion, with the consciousness that their present deplorably destitute condition is due entirely to the competition of the Chinese with them, not one of them has done atight of harm to the Mongolian denizens of San Francisco. It is a fact easily susceptible of demon stration, that there would not be a single white loboring man necessa rily idle in the city'of San Fran cisco to-day where" not the coolies here to compete with them. Fig ures can prove this incontestably, and if any one chooses to deny our statement, we shall willingly de monstrate it. The Chinese are eat ing us out of house and home, they are undermining our prosperity, driving our workmen to despera tion and, as surely as they are heathen, they will prove the ruin of our country if steps are not taken by legislation to prevent such a calamity. Is it any wonder, under this condition of things, that mischievous thoughts sometimes enter the minds of our laboring men, who see before them so prop able a fate as the poor-house and the pauper's grave; far be it from us to encourage or counsel violence towards these poor devils of coolies but a hungry man listens to no logic that does not reach his stomach, and if something is not done, and done speedily, too, to relieve the necessities of our own race, and to diminish, in some legal manner, the incoming of the Asiat ics, then the liadicals will have themselves to blarnc for the short sighted folly, which led them to believe, or act as if they believed, that every man but a white man, was entitled to sympathy, encour agement andprotection, and that the white man must look out for himself as best he may. We depricatc violent measures for the relief of the wrongs of our race; we counsel patience and per sevcrence in peaceful agitation un till we shall have obtained the just measure of our rights; but we warn the liadicals, those who affect to believe that the Chinaman is the equal to every other foreigner, thattheir preaching and practices and thrir misguided legislation will insue to no good end; that they are preparing the way in the no"t distant future for a confict to which the " Great Rebellion" M as but a child's play ; and, having given our warning, we tell them that if blood shall be shed, it must be on their head, and nor on ours. The Democratic party have been and are now doing their utmost to guard against unwise legislation in the interest of these coolies; we have taken the ground that j these people are a curse to our land ; we have urged soberly, dispassion ately, disinterestedly in behalf of " i our common race, and we shall not; beheld responsible in history by coming ages, in the future gather-i ing of half-starved, idle laboring! men in the streets of our great cities prove the precursor of a war of races on the American conti nent. Tho Prejudice of Caste." The Tribune, of Xcw York is in a peck of trouble on acount of cer tain pestilent Philadelphians who, not having the fear of the 15th amendment before their eyes, are actually impudent with their own property. The case stands thus : A number of Philadelphia negroes and a few mongrel whites of the same political kidney wanted to hear a lecture from Senator Revels. They applied to the directors of the Academy of music for the use of that building, and the directory declined to rent it for the purpose specified. What gives the matter an additional sting is the fact that these directors are Radicals and not Domocrats, with a "loyal" record, until now absolutely spot less. They approve the amend ment, and think the negro is a good thing, but " don't want any of him in theirs'." We are not surprised that the Tribune uncorks its bottle of righeous indignation and pours the contents thereof upon the directors in particular, and Philadelphia in general. If such a "distinction on account of race and previous condition of serv itude," had transpired in Richmond or Xew Orleans, Congress would have kicked Yirginia and Louisia na out of the Union the next day, and punished them with a fresh dose of military government. Why not discipline Pennsylvania for. this unmistal- able indication of "rebel" proclivities? In this enlightened and progres sive age, no man or s t of men must be allowed to turn a contempt uous nostril in the presence of our African brother with impunity, and we beg the Tribune to lash the recreant Quakers into a lively re pentance. St. Tonis Republican. Speaking of a recent gale in the vicinity of White pine, Xevada, one miner remarked: "Why, it's a reg'lar typhoid;" whereupon a comrade patronizingly remarked to the bystanders, " He's an ignorant cuss : he means tycoon !" An inebriated man was found clinging to a fence, looking help lessly at a neighboring row of shade-trees. " Halloa," said a friend that came up, " what's the matter Jake?" "Darn it," responded Jacob, "that procession' never go in' to git past." History Repeating itself. NO. 2. We call the attention of the peo ple of Oregon generally, but more particularly the laboring masses of the State, to the following able communication from the facile pen of E. Cranston, Esq., and recom mend a careful perusal of its con1 tents. The subject is of vital import to the workman, and it is the duty of every one who earns his " daily bread by daily toil" to vote down the party that would bring cheap Chinese labor into competition Trith the white laborers of America. Read and ponder : As it M as said in my former ar ticle that England was forced to bear all the blame for the importa tion of the negro race into America, so the present party in power are already trying to make the Bucha nan treaty the scapegoat for the continued importation 01 the Mon golian race, and there is not the Teast shadow of a doubt but that the leading Republicans are in favor of enslaving them. They arc, they say, opposed to making them American citizens; then it folloM'S as a matter of absolute cer tainty that they want them for slaves. The leaders of the War-Union-Republican party are de nouncing the old abolitionists in the severest terms, and yet they boast of being lovers of liberty; but by-the-by, they were formerly the very bitterest persecutors of anti-slavery men in all the land. The same persecutors of anti-slavery formerly are now seeking to lower the price of manual labor to a bare sustenance, and, when accomplish ed, I Mould respectfully ask. In what better condition is a laboring man than a slave? You permit rich capitalists to bring Chinamen here to compete with you in the same field of labor and by your side, and if you are not reduced to a more degraded state of slavery than can be found in the wide world outside of China. We all know that should they be brought here by the million, either as free men and voters or as serfs, to work by the side of whites, they will be a dangerous element in the body politic. It is not one-fourth the hazard and expense to bring Chinamen here as it M as Africans sixty years ago; yet had not the importation of Africans been made a felony, and there by stopped, but continu ed until now, just reflect what a state of things .would now exist. Is there any body so incredulous now as to believe that America would occupy her present proud position amongst the nations of the earth, or M ould be filled up M'ith a few effeminate white soft-gloved gentiy, with hordes of the most degraded motly race of mulattos, negroes and mongrels, and be the weakest and most miserably gov erned people on the earth ? ! It is imjiarative duty to meet the issue like men and defy all party lashes, and be proud in the right. He M ho truckles to the froM'ns and sneers of demagogues and fools who look m 'isc and know very lit tle, are only fit to be slaves and to be lashed around the world. They should never call themselves men. No, never! As I have once said that the Chinese can be obtained for less than one-fourth. of the hazard and expense than the Africans Merc, and the facilities are tenfold greater, together with the inducements to invest, it follows as an absolute certainly that in less than ten years from to-day there cannot be on the mi Pacific Slope any place where a M'hite man can earn a decent liv ing by honest labor for himself and family. Men with money (and the more they have the more they want) will never hire white men at living Avages if they can get Chinese labor cheaper, even if they have to import more. But I have written enough on this subject, and j'ou men who earn your daily bread by your daily toil, will you close your eyes and suffer your better judgment to be blinded by party prejudices and neglect your own interest ? If you will, be it so ; you ought to know these momentous questions staring you in the face. The Chinese can never compete with the Caucasian ; therefore, if you only M'ant to degrade them, bring them here, and not other wise. The Jews were, for very M'ise reasons, not prc-mitted to inter mix with the surrounding nations. This continent is the place, and the sons of Japhct or the Caucas ian race have planted the full stand ard of human liberty, regulated by laM', whose Heavenly Ensign shall shed her light, her liberty, her law of love, to all the fallen sens of Adam. E. Craxstox. Free South. Carolina Scenes in Her Legislature. A correspondent of the N. Y. II rorhJ writes the following in rela tion to matters in the South Caro lina Legislature: "The Legislature has adjourned, after spending months in M asting the treasury, ratifying many un wise and oppressive acts, and filling the pockets of the members at the expense of the unrepresented tax payers of the State. The scenes immediately preceding the ad journment were of the most dis graceful character. The House presented a picture of pandemoni um, closing up with a vote to the Speaker of a gift of 8500, in con sideration, doubtless, of the free liquors and cigars furnished by him to the members during the session. The scene in the Senate defies de scription. The negro members pronounced the carpet baggers, 'thieves,' 'escaped felons,' etc., with the most offensive prefixes, one of them charging Leslie (the Senator from Barnwell) with keep ing a house of ill-fame in New York city, and saying he had only escaped the penitentiary by coming South. Leslie retorted most savagely, telling one Senator that the coat he Mas then wearing had been stolen, and he (Leslie) could prove it. Pointing round to the Senators he declared that they were scoundrels who had sold their votes time and again, and been bribed and bought by the highest bidder. He then gave chapters from their past his tory, in which he presented the honorable Senators, flying from jus tice in other States and f etching up at last in Carolina. lie declared the Republican party a stench in the nostrils of decency, and as a Republican himself, he said he M as ashamed of it. As Iom- as tiny said he had been, he never thought he would reach the depths of an association with such rascals and thieves as made up this Legislature. The black Senators replied in the same strain, swore that the carpet bag reign M'as ended, and that the State belonged to the negroes, and they M ould rule it. In the middle of such a scene the notorious Joe CreM-s exposed a large pile of greenback?, on a table; Tim Hurley and two negro Senators whispered together with CreM S over this pile of money then Tim circulated among the members, whispering to each, and immediately the phosphate monop oly bill Mas taken up and passed. After such a scene the President of the Senate, in his closing re marks actually congratulated the body on the harmony which char acterized their deliberations, and their courtesy toward the Chair and towards each other. Many really important measures in which the white people of the State M ere interested, M ere for this reason alone, probably, laid over, and the mass of the legislation is of no benefit to the State, howev er important for part' ends, or the aggrandizement of particular Something to think of Out of fourteen veterans of Cal laway county over seventy years of age, mentioned in the Fulton Telegraph five fought in the war of 1812; and nine are disfranchised citizens. The latter are John W. Galwith, eighty-seven years of age, who voted at every election up to 18G8, when rejected by Drake's in famy; Robert Hunter, seventy-five has not been alloM'ed a vote since 1860; Joseph Larch, seventy-one, another Drake victim ; Swan Fur guson seventy-five; George Her ring seventy-five ; John Crooks, seventy-one; Jesse Glover, eight'; Wm. Craighead, seventy-five all disfranchised in 1808. Last week we gave a list of one hundred and sixty-eight citizens of St. Louis county owning over thirty-millions of dollars, who Mere deprived of the elective franchise by order of the Radical party. Put this and that together, Radicals of the other States and then imagine, if you can, the damnable character of the tyranny under which we have been and are yet living. St Louis Times j It was said of a very handsome woman whore feet M ere immense : "She's very pretty, but she upsets completely the ordinary system of measurement by proving that two feet make a vard. Opposition to Chinese Immigration. Dispatches published in the Her ald yesterday furnished a particu lar and interesting account of the proceedings of an anti-Chinese im migration meeting .of the working men of San Francisco, held in that city April 28th. Among the speak-. ers M as Hon. rrank J lxlcy and A. M. Winn, the formc.i a Radical and the latter a Democrat. We pro pose to comment on the telepraphic synopsis of Pixley's remarks. That gentleman has the reputation of being one of the most eloquent and forcible public speakers on the Pa cific Coast, and lias heretofore al ways raised his voice and spent his money in the interest of the Re publican party. He must now, hoMcver, have deserted that or ganization, for his speech before the workingmen is full of "disloy al" utterances. We reprint the telegraphic dispatch as follows: Sax Francisco, April 20. The anti-Chinese eight-hour meeting at the pavillion last night Mas ad dressed by A. M. Winn, I. A. Roach, C. C, Terrill and Frank Pixley. The latter made the most violent anti-Chinese speech of the evening. He compared Chinese immigration and its probable re sults to the African slave trade, lie advised voters to send men to Congress who Mould oppose strik ing the word "white" from the Constitution, and labor for the passage of laws prohibiting Chinese immigration. lie said there M ere steamers subsidized by Government, and their OM ners, be sides bringing men every trip, land ed hundreds of prostitutes on our shores. Were there no other means of ridding the country of these, lie himself would take the torch in hand and burn them. This is according to the (SaWa version. The Alta says he said: The Gov ernment gives a subsidy of two and a half million dollars for a line of steamers to China, and every steamer brings from 100 to 400 prostitutes. He felt at times as though he could take with his right hand a torch and burn the vessels lving at the mail wharf. 'Twas idle to say there was no lav to prevent it. There was no condi tion of things the law could not correct, if the force of public opin ion was brought to bear on the law-making power. He next re ferred to the appropriation to the Southern Pacific Railroad, and urged his hearers to vote for it, if its managers promised to give em ployment to M'hite men, and if they M'ould not, to vote against it. Now mc do not concur in the use of violence, as Pixley seems to ad vise, except in the very last resort, when there is no hope for Liberty and justice except through the agency of the guillotine. That time has not near come, but on the contrary the people can, by their votes, remedy all ills that now af flict them. It is a noticeable fact however, that the party in poMOr, instead of proposing relief, is en gaged in further aggressions on the rights of M'hite men throughout the country. Legislation is controlled by capitalists for their om'ii ag grandizement, and the people are remorsely made to pay taxes at M ar rates in time of peace in order that a feM' men who are already rich may be made richer. Instead of listening to the complaints of the M orking people Radicals con stantly revile them for daring to say that the condition of affairs is not as it ought to be. The Oreyoniein, an independent (?) paper employed by the radical party as its organ, alludes to organized Morkiugmen in derision as "Knights of the horny hand," and covers them with reproaches for having formed a mutual protection society.. All things that happened under Radi cal auspices tend to render hope less the condition of the poor and to degrade the title of American citizen. The party in power has subsidized ocean steamship lines to bring heathen slaves from China to compete with honest M'hite la borers. Herald. "That's a good gun of 3-ours, stranger, but Uncle "Dave has one that beats it." " Ah ! how far will it kill a hawk with No. 0 shot?" "I don't use shot, or ball either," answered Uncle Dave for himself. "Then what do you use, Uncle Dave?" "I shoot .salt altogether. I kill my game so far off with my gun, that, without salt, the game M onld spile before I could git it." A young lady pupil in a "West ern female colege thus closes a let ter to a friend : " Hut I must stop here, for here comes a soph, who parts his hair in the middle What has Become of the Constitution? JThe Hon. John Quincyp Adams made a sj ejeh before the Constitu tional Club of Post on, on Washing ton's birthday, in whicliche review ed the political situation, and in which he stigmatized in severest terms the course of the admnisitra tion at Washington : " I mean to say," said Mr. Adams, "and I say it with a sence of respon sibility, that to-day there is noth ing of the old constitution of our fathers left to us except what was always understood and believed to be a mere incident of constitutional poM er, and that is this war poM er? The old constitutional edifice of the fathers M'as built of white marble cf the States, which they brought together voluntarily as a work of love, and piled up there one by one, each in pride and delight, bidding stone after stone to the beautiful and symetrical edi fice under which we all lived. Rut what is this thing which we now see in Washington? Is that built of these stones! Is that put to gether by any such bands as those which cemented the old capitol? Why, gentlemen, it is built of the volconic lava, but yet hot from the results of the outpouring of the mount, and it is claped together by green bands of black, rusty iron fetters. It's no such edifice at all ; and now we have in the presiden tial chair a man who, when ho sMears to protect and defend and preserve the constitution, seems to think that this is the constitution which he swcarsMto preserve.' The Difference. The radical party clamors a great deal about it'j? economy. As an instance of tins we may cite the case of Hon. Roger B. Taney versus Won. E. M. Stanton. Judge Taney was Chief Justice of the United States for 25 years, and died without leaving his family of daughters a penny. 01 mem are now cierKs, urns earning their livelihood. Mr Stan ton when he died, left a life- insur- nnpo iinl irT rf A'TK OHO l--ciiliie -b 8100,000 raised for him by subscrip tion. His wife and son were in good health as M'ell as circumstan ces, and entirely above and beyond the reach of want. Notwithstand ing this, they ttow propose to give Mrs. Stanton a pension of $G,000 per annum. It makes a difference where the radical party?, economy comes in. Judge Taney'sPdaught ers may starve, for all RSdical ism cares, regardless of the fact that their father was one of the purest and most eminent men this country ever produced; but Stan ton's M'ife and son must still suck public teat, though they be rolling in wealth. That's the difference. Tin: Revolution declares that TO courtesans were recently taken from New York to Washington, to influence legislation on the 1 acne railroad subsidy and that 825,000 M as sent to the keepers of infamous houses in Washington, who were to coerce, by threatened exposure, votes on the Indian appropriation bill t t T ft flit rts nd we have no doubt of fl ie literal truth of the statement made by the Revolution. uch corrup tion, such reeking rotteness as reigns at Washington, was neyr paralelled in the history of civiliz ed governments. The great major ity of the men who cry out in hor ror against the monstrous crimes of Mormon polygamy, and de nounce the system as nothing more or less than legalized lechery, have their concubines in every leading city in the Union which they are in the habit of visiting, and every observing man knoM sit. It is as true that this is so as that we now live. The truth, plainly told, about the lives of representative men at Washington would shock this couutry from center to circumfer ence. Omaha Herald. Woman's Progress. Woman is getting along bravely. In Utah and Wyomingshe has the ballot. In Pensvlvania she wears the breeches." In Britain she is mak-ino- a fomous fight for the tobacco-box. In New York she has he-.. club house. In Chicago she r oes for her adversary with a coje. Everywhere she is asser'jng heJ. power and making b-r preseel felt, while the lords of creation am taking back scat-. o If your sister fell into a well, why couldn't you rescue her? Re cause you can't be, a brother and, a-sist-her, too. Counter-irritants People who. examine the whole stock, and buy nothing. " ' . 5 O o o 0 o O 0