o o o o o o Oo The Foxes and the Bear. From the Richmond Enquirer. An influential Southern paper tells the following cleverGfillcgoric jil story ns illustrative of its view of the "late unpleasantness." Once upon a time some foxes and g hear went into partnership, and occup'd the same cave. They liv ed together peacefully for many years, the foxc3 finding the bear of great advantage to them, for lie contributed more than the foxes did to the common support, and he did most of the fighting in a great bat tle they once had with a lion. Rut at last "there arose a family quarrel, and it came about in this way: "When the winter came it was the habit cf the bear to stop work and spend the whole of the time in the cave sucking his paws, and in this way he enjoyed himself hugely. The foxes seeing how well the bean got on without work, and how well he enjoved himself, commenced Kuekino- their naws. but some way or other they found that they could not make a living in that way, .as the bear could, and that on the whole it didn't pen; so they had to go out in the cold and forage lor Victuals as usual. Then they began to envy the bear, because lie ap peared to enjoy himself and live so much easier than they did and took a violentohatred tolnm just be cause he sacked h:s paws, lhev passed a law $iat the sucking of paws should be forever abolished among foxes, and the v began to re monstrate with the bear upon the impropriety of his conduct and to petition him to give up his horrible practice. Iut the bear said he would do no such tiling; that it was agreed upon when they first went into partnership that he should be allowed to suck his paws in peace, that he had a constitu tion! right to do so; that it was necessary for his comfort and hap piness, and that paw suck he would do to the end of time, and the fox-1 es had0 no right to interfere with him. Then the foxes got up anti-paw-sucking societies, which de clared that paw-sucking was the sum of villlanics, and preached at the bear, petitioned him, and even went so far as to pull his paws out of his mouth, at which the bear got ino such a violent rage that he de clared that he would dissolve part nership with the foxes and leave the cave and go and set up business for himself. Rut the fox said he had no right to leave, and that he shouldn't leave. The bear said he would not ask them any odds ; that he could whip a thousand little fox es, and one morning he told the foxes good-bye, he proceeded to walk out of the cave and leave it forever. Rut he had hardly got out of the cave before ihc foxes set up a tremendous howl and fell upon Inm. and there was such a iiLrtit as was hardly ever seen before. The bear flung the foxes right and left, slapped them over, and crushed them, but tjjc more foxes he killed the more they seemed to increase in number, for the foxes finding that the bear was about to get off, fscnt out and hired some foreign foxes to help them, so that as soon as one set of foxes was killed other foxes were put in their places, and the bear had no rest. Rut he tood to bay and drove the foxes oft as soon as they came up. Finally, thPfoxes finding out that they could not whip him in a fair fight, determine?! to starve him out ; so they stirroundod him completely, so that he could tret nothing to eat or drink. The hear then becran to sulFer severely and to 2 row thin and weak and in his distress called nin the eagle and lion to come and help him, but thcy told him that he must dophis own fighting. At last the bear became so com pletely exhausted by hunger and "fatigue that he could hardly stand ' up, and the foxes thinking that they mighfPnow make a venture, collected together in great number .-,! t?A 1..,.. . 1 ..1 .mvi lun 111H.J11 tnu utj;ii iuni iti- loped him so that lie stopped fight ing and cried " Enough !" and said lie would go back to the cave again and carry on business as before. But the foxes told him to wait awhile, ho must have his abilities removed. So they tied him hand and foot with strong cords, and muzzled him, and placed a strong gu-SVd around and begun to parley with him and prosecute him. Thev told him before he could get back into the cave again he must take a soleSm oath of allegiance to the fox government. The bear took the prescribed oath, and said, "Xow let mcin. lut the toxes said not yct;You must take another oath (-that paw-sucking is unconstitution al and swear again never to suck your paws. The bear took that oath also , and even went so far as to declare that he believed paw sucking had been a disadvantage to him, and that he was glad that q had been forced to give up the abominable practice. After taking this oath and making this confes sion, he said, "Xow let mo in," But the foxes said, not yet, you must eat a little dirt first, At this the bear was indignant he declar ed that he had never eaten any dirt in his life, and it did not agree with him: bit the foxes said no matter, you must eat a little, just a little ; and the bear made a wrv fheo and took a mouthful and ate it, and said "Xow let me in." But the foxes said not yet ; you must eat more dirt; and the bear ate more dirt, and said, " Xow let me in." haven't eaten dirt enough. The bear then Jbegan to eat dirt ravenously until his abdomen swelled out like a Digger Indian's, and said, " Xow let me in." But the foxes said wait awhile longer, you must become forbear. The bear was now in a most miserable plite, he was nearly starved to death, and Mas -covered with wounds and sores from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, and thousands of hungry blue bellied flies taking advantage of his defenseless condition had set tle! noon him. and were feeding on his sores and fattening on his urnvirv: and every time the bear attempted to shake off these flics, the foxes said that he was still rebellious, and was trying to get away, and took occasion to tighten lis cords and persecute him. lhey told him that lie must not disturb the flies, but must love them and let them eat. And the bear let the flies alone and let them eat, and said, "now let me in." But the foxes said. " Wait a little longer, we are afraid if we let you in, you won't stay in, but will re bel again and leave us and get back to your old practice of paw-sucking; you must give us guarantees of your good behavior." And so the foxes kept putting off and tan talizing the poor bear, and he is left outside of the cave to this day, and if he complains the foxes make fun of him and call him Old Sour Head. Grades of Villiany. The man that would take a news paper for a length of time, and then send it back "refused" and unpaid for, would swallow a blind otr s dinner, and then stone the dor for beincr blind. Fir. lie would do more than that. lie would marrv a girl on trial, and send her back at the end of the hon eymoon, with the words "Don't suit'Y'halked on her back. Iron City. lie would do worse than that, lie would steal the chalk to write it with, and afterwards use it on his shirt to save the expence of washing, and then sue his Avife s father for a month's boarding. Standard. Worse yet, lie would chase a sick rat ten miles over a corduroy road, and institute ost mortem over him after lie has caught him, in order to recover a stolen grain of corn. Jforfan to ten Star. We endorse every word of the above. lie would steal the rotten acorns from a blind pig, and steal all the winter meat of an editor. So mersct Her oh I. lie would be as mean as the man who cursed his poor old blind mother for stopping in the door yard to beg her bread, and who gave his only child a penny for going to bed supperless, and then charged him a penny for his break fast. JCe ) i k i Tore Id ijh t. Stronger yet,. He would sponge a living from the hard earnings of his poor old father, until the old gentleman became unable to work, and afterward sell his remains to the medical students for anatomical purposes. Bh iff ton Banner. Give it to him. He would steal the coppers oft a dead nigger's eyes, then kick him because they were not half dollars Bates Bee ord. Keep the ball in motion, and show him no'mercy. lie is worse than the man who, after his sister was married, sued her and her hus band for their board. His sister for board before she was married, and her husband for board and lights while courting her. Oscela Herald. And now comes Hans with an advertisement, having had a hore stolen. Here it is, in his own lan guage u ' Von nite de oder tav, ven I vas pin avake iu mine shlecp, I heare somcdings vat I tinks nut yousht right in my parn ; and I yousht out shumps to ped and runs out mit de parn, unt ven I vas dere coom I sees dan my pig grayiron marre he vas peen tide loose unt run off mit de sthable ; unt ever vil him pack pring I yousht so much bay him as vat pin kushtomary." . A church in New York advertises for sale a pew which " commands a view of nearly the whole congregation. Aix tue Rage. A woman in high tem per. yy ILL AMETTE NURSERY. Season of 1SGO 70. G. W. WALLING .t Co. would call(gf the attention of the public to their laro-e--C and well assorted stock of tine fruit trees and shrubberr, consisting of choice varieties nf CUEKRIES. PLUMS, PEARS. 1 APRICOTS, PEACHES, NUTS RASPBERRIES. &e't &c Jf Tersons desirous of purchasing trees should call and examine our stock, which is the largest at d best in the State. Orders (with the cash) sent to the Nurserv Will Dl! jiiouijjcijt inuM auu mia liea. jes- Extra care taken in frisking Tvus. Arhlrpss all orders to G. W. WALLING & Co., totf Oswego, Clackamas County Oregon. JOHN MYERS. IL C- MYERS. J. KlYEKS & BRO., UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, OREGON CITY, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN DBY GOODS, HOOTS & SHOES, We also constantly keep on hand SALEM CASS IME RES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. IWe will also pay the highest price for Butter. EcCS. and all kind of crrirvrl nnnntrv produce. We will sell as low as any house : r ri l , . , . , iu viegon, lor lasn or us equivalent in good merchantable nrodur.e. " iiii' Give us a call and satisfy yourselves. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! GREAT REDUCTION! IX THE -PRICES OF Fine Watches ! Rich Jewelry ! ! And Silverware ! Ji. S T O'N 13 , Dealer in W atclies Jewelry ! 107 Front Street. Portland, Oregon. o Would invite the attention of his friends and the public to his L;irge and Choice as sortment of FINE WATCHES, from the most celebrated makers of E.' Howard A" Co. Boston ; Aptdson & Tracey, P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass.; Elgin Watches; Jacot's Self-winding Watches; English Watches and ithers. Also, a well selected stock of ladie Watches, of all description and styles. which he would be pleased to show to all who may favor him with a call. FINE JE J VEL RY a nd SOLI D STL VER WARE, FANCY ARTICLES, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS : Gold and Silrer Watches, of different ma kers. Diamond Pins, Ear-rings, and Finger rings. Gold Bracelets. Gold Chatehun Guards and Watch Chains. Gold Necklaces Armlets, Crosses and Lockets. Gold breast pins, Ear rings, and Finger-rings. Gold Charms and Keys. California Gold Ring and Bournes' Patent Buckcls. Moss Agate Setts. Rings end Cuff Buttons. Wedding rings made of pure gold, expressly 'or that purpose. Ooki and Silver Humbles Opera and Marine Glasses. Pebble iSpecta cles and Eye-glasses. Solid Silver Napkin Rings. Silver Jrruit and Butter Knives Solid Silver Table and Tea Spoons. Regula tors, Seth Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, Gut Galley Clocks, etc. . o T All the above articles sold Cheap for Lash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing and adjusting or Chronouieters,Duplex andAmer icau Watches. B. L. STONE. 3.tf . 107 Front street, Portland, Oregon piPERIAL MILLS. Savier, La&oque & Co., OREGON CITY. tJL-TCeep constantly on hand foj sale, flour Midlmgs, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties purchiug feed must furnish the sacks. JOHN II. SCIIRAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, IIAJ2JBSS, etc., etc., Main Street, Oregon (Xty, HfW Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the btate. lie particularly requests that an examination of Ins stock be made betore buying elsewhere. JOHN F. MILLER, Succtsor to J. F. MILLER Co., MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IX Hoots snad $2aoes ! At the. Oregon Cify Boot and Shoe Store, J fain street. THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies', Gents', Boys', and Children's Boots and bhoes, on hand or made to order. pEAM, WILLIS & Co., LIVERY. FEED AND SALE r:ZS "m. 'ES OREGON CITY, OREGON. ITavins: recent! v added to the Livery Stock new Carriages, Buggies and Horses, are now prepared at all times to let the same, at reas enable rates. Horses bought and sold, or kept by the day or week. OREGON CITY BREWERY! HEXRY.IlUnBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of EAGER BEER, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stab. Orders solicited and promptly filled. JOIIX 31. BACOX, 5 Importer and Dealer in I52S CH CO TSJK.. 9 STATIONERY, FERFUMERY, &c, &c, Oregon City, Oregon. At Ch(xrmrtn' Warner' 8 old Hand, lately oc- copied by S. Aekerman, Main street. 10 tf ACKERMAN HAS RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Doors Windows ! WUICII HE OFFERS AT Very LOW RATES ! gLoolt at his Stock before purchasing elsewhere, HLIFF HOUSE. MAIN St OREGON CITY. Wm. Barlow & Co., Proprietors. Having leased the above named celebrated Hotel, for the term of one year, we would say to the public, come on, we are ready for you, and will accommodate you to thd best of our ability. August 21.-tf. OTICE. The People's Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS: FOR PORTLAND : At 7&-A. M., every day, except Sunday. And 1 V. M.,-every day. For Salem, Albany and Corvallis : ON MONDAY, TUESDAY. THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, at 7 o'clock A. M., And for Baytcn : ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY, I each week. O A. A. McCULLY, President. Nov. 27th. ISOO. f-io.tf Harvest oi 1869 ! ! Selling off to Close Business OF- DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. .BOOTS AND SEOES, Mens' Ladies, Misses' and Childrens' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. lias got to le sold Regardless of Price I C5- To convince yourself with respect to una uiauer, can ai ine old corner. I. SELLING, South of Tope 4- Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon City, HOME MADE FU HM IT E! Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, WltJiUO.N CITY, HHAKES THIS METHOD OF INFORMING JL tne public that tie has now ou hand a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS. CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium furniture I Forming a complete and desirable assort inent, which merits the attention of buyers He MANUFACTURES FURNITURE Usinjr good materials, and employing th very best mechanics in the State, hence h( can warrant his goods to be as represented uuu is prepared to nil all orders with promptness. He would call the attention of the public 10 ins salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of Jtsiralle goods in the M. AVERTIIEIMER. iMain street, Oregon City L O G U S & EXCELSIOR MARKET !I Corner of Fourth and Main streets. OREGON CITY. tfS" Keen consfa.nt.lr nn han.1 o'l T.-Jna fresh and salt meats, such as UJUKfc1, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, CORNED BEEF, IT A MS, PICK E LED PORK. LARD. And evervthmsr else to he foand in their line of business. JUSTICES' BLANKS? of every descrip. tion. printed at the Enterprise ofHce. Ml ALBRIGHT, WHEN THE LOOK OUT FOR THE LOCOMOTIVE. tJiC7 t -tt: i-r.ma,- .... owes trie Time to Buy your Goods I While they are going Cheap ! At Cost ! Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacoh & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now better prepared than ever to attend to tiie wants of my customers, and having a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, I have decided to Sell off at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact I ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions: CLOAKS, smcli as Circulars and Sacks : KID CLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY; BROWN AM) BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths : BOOTS AM) SHOES : HATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING : FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; ' CASSIMERE SUITS; SUPER IOR BEAVER SUITS ; BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes find qualities A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most r Also a large stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, GKOLLKlLb A well selected JZ3- All kinds of Produce Bought.- WEE. SINGER, J la 8 Established FOR TIIE JN UFA C TOR Y OF SASH, BLINDS AND DGOF.S, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. j8f5T lie will also do TURNING, of every description to order, With. Neatness and Dispatch ! o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, hack of Ackerman's lO.lyJ Store, Oregon City, Oregon. CU AS. HODGE . .CUAS. E. CALEF. . GEO. W. SXELL HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, IARMS7IES, PR USEES, PAINTERS Materials, ana uru 'j'jists' Sun-dries. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. 35. 112 FRONT STREET, 131 FIRST STREET Near Morrison Street. Near Yamhill. KAST & CAHALIN. New Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the Citii ! Comprising all the leading and best hrand? known, such as JJenkert's, Tirrell's, Fogg's noughton & Loolulge s. Reed's, Godfrev and numerous others, of cents' and bovs wear. Also Mile's. Sieberlich's. Hurt's. San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children 3 wear. Our customers and the public in general aie uimeu 10 can ana examine our stock i'"cu iu uuu ayu examin which we will sell cheaper than 1. S. Roots made to order, ar ever. and an assort ment of our make constantly on baud. A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OltEGOiVIAN llUIlDIING, Ko. 5 "Wstsliiiigton Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety o style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. S. D. SMITH. Geo. B. COOK The OCCIDENTAL, FQRMF.KLT ZESTERX HOTEL. Cor. First and Morri-on Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. fS" Messrs. Smith A- Cook have tiken thi we'l known House, refitted an 1 refurnisheh it throughout, built a large addition, makiny thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged tlie dining and sitting room-1, making it by far the best Hotel in Portland. A eall from the traveling pub'ic will satisfy them that the above statement! are trn. SMITH A C )OK, Proprietors. N. B. Hot and cold laths attached, io.tf Henclee's Photograph Gallery. rir THE ONLY PLACE INPORTLixn where you are sure of irHting No. 1 Pictures at all times is at Uende?'s Gallery, corner of Fir-t and Morrison streets. nlior k ; well prepared to do al! kinrts nf , 1 , , ,,- "'Jift iia any Gallery m Oregon, anrl will ,rn,t - eood satisfaction for all his wn.t v lad in tlio State. J u tures of every kind enn he hnH Q notice Old Pictures can be copied, enlarged and retouched in Irdia Ink, or Oil Colors AT LOWER PIllf'F.S! Tit A V .wvnVron' 1 ,ni BELL RINGS For if ays OwIyS reasonable terms. assortment. O-RAGS WANTED. WALL A 31 E T !H0N W0Fi!S COMPANY ! frost Fowiidcrs, STEAil EM 51 And Boiler Builders ! Poiiland, Oregon. npiIKSE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the JL bank ot t!ie river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and hare facilities for turn ing out machinery prompt! v and ethcientlr. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coat for fifteen rears gir.-s him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. "We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! &c, Arc, &c.. Manufacture and. Rrroir Mad inert of all linds. IRON SHUTTER WORK at San Francisco coxtand, freight. Wheeler d' Ran dall's Patent Grinder and Amalgamator. Dunbar's and Steven s Self Adjusting Patent Piston Part ing, either applied to old or in w steam cylinders. Quartz Stampers, Shoes and dies, if the best hard iron- S:l c. 11. Miri!:Msf PLDIMXG, OAS & STEA31 Fitting Establishment, Vo. 110 First Sdctt Portland JUST REC EIVEP, per Schooner ADELINE EIAVOOD. From the celebrated Factory of 1 Messrs. Ruiney A Co., SoLenectcdy, V- " A T 1. 3 PUMPS OF ENTIRELY NEW PAT TERNS, in Desicn Style, Fjmsh, and economy, SUPERIOR TO ANY offered IN THIS MARKET, Comprising: b. CISTERN" PUMPS, 0 a. ) All sizes for lead or iron pipe ; W PITCHER PUMPS All sizes " " BASE AND SIDE FORCE FUMP-, 411 1 j " JS iENGINE WELL PUM 1'S, ' shbk ) For deep rc!ls ; es 5 YARD WELL TUMPS, 1 i!7rnj inr 1 tt f nr 1 rim 1 1 1 ij AMALGAM REELS, for Steamboats, Factories. Churches, etc. TOINTS, f;r Dure wells ; - Hotels, public buildings, and prirate resi dences heated with the latest improvements m steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, winch has been selected w ith great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. C. II. MYERS. 110 Front street, Poitlaud, Oregon OREGON BAKERY! F. 0PITZ, PPtOPEIETOR, FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, Bet. Washington and Stark sts. MAXCFACTURER OP ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF CEAOKEES! BREAD, CAKES AND TASTRY QRACKERS Will always be sold below San Francis prices. All orders promptly nttf-nded to. OREGON BAKERY, J'tret si., Poiiland. Oregon. LAW PARTNERSHIP. JAS. K. KELLY, O J. H. EEED, Residence M.m.r. . Residence, Columbia st bet. 2d and 3d sts. I Columbia and 7th u, J. II. Reed, under ti, Jas. K. Kelly and firna name of - u v KELLY & EEED, Will practice law in the Courts of 0rfnn r vinv. jh x not nirai viuerover th w Post office room, Portland. - new LANSING STOTjg ( Attorney and Counselor at Law POIITLAXD, OREG0X, Office Under the United States bisiri'.t uouri lvooii). xrouxsireei. oo pAGE & THAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE In Cree's Building-, corner o Front and Stark streets, Portland. 32U J. F. CAPLE?. J. C. MOKELAKD, CAPLES & M0RELAND, ATT0EKEY S AT IAW, Cor. FRONT and WASHINGTON St., PORTLAND, OREGON. - Logan, Shattuck &Killin, Al TOPNFAS AT LAW, O No. ICO KrontStreelTp Stairs, PORTLAND, OU EG ON. JUGENE A. CRONIN, A THOUXEY A T LA M Kooms 7 and 8 Carter's Block, 40. PORTLAND. OREGON. JM. McKEXXEY? ATTORNEY AT LAW, OREGON CITY. OREGON. J. H. MITCHELL. J. X. COI.PH. ,A- SMITH Mitchell, Doiph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty '. urnce cer ine 01a rost Oflice. Front street, Portland, Oregon. A. C. GIBBS. C. W. PARK1SH, Notary Pullie and Com. of PteJt. GIBBS & PAERISH, Attorneys and Counselors al Zcw, Portland, Oregon. OFFICE On Alder street, in Carters hrYk bhx-k. WALTER? EROS. Scat CAUPETINGS O VELVETS BFvUSSEXS, T"P'T?T,"PTTV O J- -A- Jul JU X JLU X , OIL- GL 0 T n s o o 00 WINDOW-SHADES, PA PEE. - HANGINGS o LACE - CUETAINS, &c, &c o We Would Call the attention of -pur-tics fitting up houses, or Icing in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is ONE OF TIIE COMPLETEST Oil Hie Pacific Coast! -o- Ou- Goods le'tng specially selected at th e Fa c tori a in En g lan d and th e Eastern Slates, we can sell A T THE L O WEST SsoaiFi'RiicIsco Prices, WALTER BROS., e No. SO Front street, between Alder !5.) and Washington, Portland Orvgaa s 0 QOSMOPQLITAX. HOTEL. FORMERLY ARRIGONI'S, FRONT St., PORTLAND. J. B. SPEENGEB, Proprietor. The Proprietors of this well known Honse having superior accommodations, guarantee entire satisfaction to all guests. The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to convey passengers swd baggage to and iiom the Hotel, free of charge. (40tf Office Oregon and California StagCCo. JACOR STiTzn.. James K. TTrmx ST IT ZE L &UPT0N, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Wash inglon streets. TORTLAND, o0REG0N. 'iH attend to the Pale and rnrrhafe ot Heal Estate in all parts of the i i'y aid Stnte. Spf cial attention given to the sale o! East Portland property. o Address P. O. Pox 4fi2. Portland. Oregon. STJTZEL A- UPTON, R5 tf ) Real Estate Brokers. pG. STEWART, o No. 103 FRONT STREET, 0 TORTLAND, OREGON. -O- Vatchmaker And Jeweler. A An. J Healer in CLOLKiS, H.iiliiJ-A aai' JEWELERS GOODS. Apent for WiIcoxA tJibbs' Letter ';" Sewing Machine, which are now being- sold singly at cost, or whole sale less than cost. OtLer goods at greatly reduced rates. (40.tf ISAAC FARR. P. D. MORRISi J7ARR & MOBRISS, BUTCHERS, FOR OREGON CITY AND VICINITY. o Will deliver to their natrons all th best qualities of StalPJtd Beef, also Mutton. Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on luesdays and Saturdays ! Thankful for past favors of the public would respectfully asks a continuance of the same. JOB PR1 TINCr NEATLY EXEtl T. ed at tke ENTERPRISE OFFICE. O i