o O Q o o 0 O 4 o 0 VOL. 4L. OREGON CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRII ' 9, 1S70. WO. 2D m W'ii.EKljY ENTERPRISE. o o 0 G 0 o o O The Weekly Enterprise. Democratic paper, FOR THE Business Man, the Farmer 01 nd the FAMILY CIRCLE. PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY AT THE OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Main streets Oregon City, Oregon. o TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION: Single Copy one year, in advance, $3 00 TERMS of ADVERTISING : Transient advertisements, including aJI legal notices, ) sq. of 12 lines, 1 w.$ 2 50 For each subsequent insertion 1 00 One Column, one year $120 00 Hair " 60 Quarter " " 40 Business Card, 1 square one year 12 S Remittances to be made at the risk o Subscribers, and at tlie expense of Agents. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. J63T The Enterprise office is supplied with beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod ern MACHINK I'HESsKS, which will enable the Proprietor to do Job Piinting at all times Neat, Quiejz and Cheap ! T Work solicited. All JJusine t run suctions upon a Specie basis. JOHN MYERS, Financial Agent. & - PUSIXKSS CARDS. 1L w ROSS, M. IX, Physician and Surgecn, (rj"0fTice on Main Street, oppos ie Hail, Oregon Citv. ite Mason- lstr JJ SAFFARRAXS, Physician and Surgeon, Office at his Drujr Store, near Tost Office, Orejron City, Orgn. 13tf J. WELCH!, DENTIST. Verinaivently Located at Orejon Cifijy Oregon O ROOMS- -With Dr. Saffarrans, on Main st. W II. W ATKINS, M. D. SURGEON, ronTi.xi, OnEc.( n. OFFICE d'i Front street Residence cor ner f Main and Seventh streets. ALBERT H. KALLENBERG, Oasssisi and Druggist, O No. 73 FIRST STREET, Betk Stark and IVaki njlon. I'O R TL A ND, ' OR EG ON. air Physicians.' Prescriptions Carefully prepared, at re luced Prices. A complete assortment of Patent Medicines, Perfumer ies, Toilet Articles, Fancy Saps, etc., on hand and for sale ;it lowest prices. ntitf A. n. BKI.L. E. A. PARKER. BELL &.cPAHKER. xxn dealers Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Perfumery, Oik, Varnishes, And every article kept in a Drug Store. Main Street. Oregon City. W. P. HIGHFIELD, Established since lS49,at the old stand, Main Street, Oregon. City, Orejon. O -An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, aud Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. Uepiiii ings done on short notice, und thankful for past favors. "Live and Let Live." JpiEIiDS A: ST1 1 1 CKLER, DEALERS IX PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Ac, $?TAt the oi l stand of Wortman & Yields Oregon Cit , Oregon. 13tf O "Barnum Saloon." JEXT & PLUMEY, DI FENSEUS OF Choice Wines, Liquors & Cigars, Main st., Oregon City. Tf Call, and Robert Potter will show you through the establishment. 13tt 11 Barnum Restaurant." T EON DeLOUEY, Proprietor QJf THIS ESTABLISHMENT, Main st., Oregon City, Knows how to serve his customers with Oytei s. Piiis' Feet, a good cup of CofT-e or a SQU A K i: 11 KA n. 1 0t t -TEVY" YORK MUTUAL 1IFE INSURANCE COMP'NY WILLIAM E. HOWELL, (Of Oregon City Manufacturing Company,) 15.3m 3 LOCAL AGENT. CLARK GE.EENMAH, City Drarraaih OREGON CITY. tS, All order3 for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des cription, to any part of the' city, itill be exe cuted promptly and with care, 3k Hk . t SCAXDAL. Ay, scoff at other?, call them silly fools, rile up their errors mark the trait-that rules ; Avoid their merits, seek alone to find Their faults and failings leave all else be hind. Of character, leave not a single trace. Heap on the scandal, bring them to dis grace, Show them no mercy, one will deem them just. If 'neath your heel you grind them to the dust. Strew rankling thorns along their futuie course. Blight all their prospects, never fear re morse, Yourself perfection, in your faultless mind. One spark of evil noue could hope to find Erect an alter, offer sacrifice, Tiie god of Evil, give him something nice; Still ply the lash, conserve the good and great, Denouce all virtues, nourish vice and hate. Thus through your life aim only to destroy The peace of others ; deem it sweet to joy To wreck their happiness, their life, their all. And fill their cup of misery with gall. And when death comes to claim you for his own. Review the crimes, the evil you have done. Throw off your armor sheath your reek ing sword And ot the devil claim your just reward. THE KSOT OP HUE A.D CRAY, Upon my bosom lies A knot of blue and gray ; You ask me why. Tears fill my eyes, As low to you I say : I had two brothers once Warm-hearted, bold and gay ; They left my side one wore the blue, The other wore the gray. One rode with Stonewall and his men, And joined his fate to Lee ; The other followed Sherman's march Triumphant to the sea. Both fought for what they deemed the right. And died with sword in hand ; One sleeps amid Virginia's hills, And one in Georgia's sands. The same sun shines upon their graves, My love unchanged must stay ; And so upon my bosom lie3 The knot of blue and gray. STATISTICS OF OREGON. BY A. J. DUFUR. t Vf No. 21. ? COOS AX1) CUUltY COUNTIES. These counties, situated in the southwest part of the State, on the Pacific ocean, are so nearly alike in their soil, climate, ami gen eral resources that the Committee have thought best to give a gen eral description of both under the same head. The united area of these counties is 2,132,000 acres, their population about 1,300, and their united as sessed property valuation $3G4,083. The estimated amount of land un der cultivation is between five and six thousand acres. The following statement is made v Ex-Go v. A. C. Gibbs, who has traveled over the country, and is familiar with its character and rc- sources : Currv Countv is the south- western county in the State, and includes Cape 7 Blanco, the most western point of land in Oregon, at which point a light-house is to be erected during the present year. The Pacific ocean forms the western boundary of the county. This section is generally hilly and broken, and mostly coverd with timber, though there is a number of verv rich prairies and valleys. Some of the prairies extend for a number of miles up and down the cost, and are covered with a heavy growth of nutritious wild grass. There are other prairies futher back. The sou is rich, even to the tons of the hills. The timber is hr, spruce, alder, oak, solt maple, and white and red cedar. The white cedar is the best finishing lumber to be found on the cost, and while it has been a leading ar ticle of export for twelve years or more, still the supply is abundant, though lumbermen have to go furth er back to obtain it. It is common to find a cedar tree extending over a hundred feet without a knot or limb. It finds a ready market in California, the Sandwich Island, and even China. All kinds of n-rnin (excepting corn), as well as vege table?;, are adapted to this section. The moisture from the ocean ren ders this county, like all others west of the Coast Range of mountains, better adapted to grazing than the country in the interior of the State. There is also less rain in winter west of the Coast Rimge than there is oeiwcen me coast Kange and the Cascade mountains. The weather is also milder in winter, Large bands cf elk are frequent ly seen. During the early settle ment of the prariries along the coast, it was connnoE-tosee twenty crazing together. Deer arc still abundant. At the mouths of the Coquille and Rogue rivers are harbors that have been used by small vessels, to some extent. At Port Orford there is good anchorage, and a roadstead well protected, excepting from the southwest. This is the principal shipping port, and steam ers fiequently stop in on their way up an down the cost. Coal, copper, silver" and gold are found at differ ent places. Gold mining has been found remunerative in many places, principally however along the coast just oboVe the summer tide line, or where the sea has receded, in the sand. These mines are inex haustible, as the high tides and seas of winter bring a fresh supply of sand mixed with dust, for the coming summer's work. The cop per mines and quartz ledges will be worked to advantage at some future day. Recent developments of quartz ledges are said to be very flattering. Considerable capital is required to work such mines suc cessfully. Besides the rivers named, there are several smaller streams putting into the ocean, in all of which, in the spring and fall large quantities of the finest salmon may be easily caught. They are a staple article of export, and the business of ex porting them will largely increase as the art of preserving them fresh in cans is better understood. Cod and other fish are also caught with hook and line at Port Orford. There arc also banks near the mouth of Rogue river where cod fish may be caught. Much of the timber country is easily cleared du ring the long, dry summers, thus the best of farms arc made along the streams, even where there are no prairies. Pees have been impor ted, and do remarkable well, and the honey is better than that gath ered on the large prairies in the interior. There is a road from Crescent City, California, up the coast to the mouth of Umpqua river; also from Port Orford back into the Umpqua valley. Another leads from tide water on the Coquille river to Rose burg. Coos County. All that has been said in relation to climate, soil, tim ber, and products of Curry county, applies equally well to Coos, which bounds it on the north. Coos Pay is the leading seaport in southern Oregon. Empire Citv, about four miles from its mouth, is the county seat. There is a num ber of steam saw mills on the bay, doing a large and thriving business S pruce and other timber has been found of a superior quality for shin-building. A number of vessels have been built at Simp son's mills, and it is believed there is no other place in the Uni ted States where- as good ves can be built for less money. There are extensive coal fields very near the bay, which have been succes fully worked for over ten years. The principal market tor coal is in San Francisco, where the Coos Bay coal is said to command better price than any other found on the Pacifice coast. These ex tensive coal beds add greatly to the commercial interest of the bay, and wealth of the county There are rich gold mines in the southern part of the county, and the indications of silver, copper, and iron arc seen. Congress made a grant of land for the construction of a wagon road fron tide-water on Coose river, to Roseburg, in Douglas county, and a joint-stock company has be gun the work. With this road completed, Coos Bay will command the trade of Umpqua and part of Rogue river valleys. A greater variety of fish is found in the bay than at any other place in the State. That fact, though not fully appreciated at present, adds greatly to the prospective wealth of the county. These two counties are distin guished for their living springs and streams of pure, cold water, and the general good health of the country. Those in search of cather, need look no further. . MAxms.-Thiuk before you speak; Lofnrn whom vou sneak ; what vou sneak. I late not each other fw.-nuo vou differ in opinion, rath er love each other; for it is im pos sible that in such a variety of sen timents. there should not be some fixed point on which all men ought to unite We should never blush at owning that we have been in fault, for it is equivalent to saying; "I am wiser to-day than I was yes tcrdav.'. The voice of God may be heard or thirty elk in a drove, in every judgemest of 1 Shine Your boots Sir IV From the Children's Hour.J The voice was childish and sweet-toned, but a little unsteady. The man glanced down from under the brim of an old lelt hat that had once been white and a pair of soft lare blue eyes looked up into his. "Shine your boots sir" The man shoook his head as he uttered a brief " o, and passed on. But the tender face and soft, asking eyes, haunted him. After walking on for hall a block, trying to forget the face and eyes of the boy, he stopped, turned . aroumi and went back, he hardly knew why. " Shine your boots, sir i" it was the same innocent voice but a little firmer in tone. He looked down at the bare feet and worn clothes, and a feeling of pity touched his heart. "Xot this morning, my lad," answered the man, " but here's the price of a shine ;" and he reached him ten cents. " Haven't come to that yet." And the lad drew himself up a lit tle proudly. " I'm not a beggar, but a boot-black. Just let me shine 'em sir. Won't keep you a minute." There was no resisting this ap peal. So the man placed his boot on the boy's foot rest, and, in a lit tle while, its surface was like pol ished ebony. " Thank you !" said the little fel low as, on finishing the second boot, received his fee. The man walked away, holding in his mind, very distinctly, an im age of the boy that did not fade. On the next morning, while on his way to business, he was greet ed by the same lad with "Shine your boots, sir?" And in a voice steadier than on the day before. The little boot black was gaining confidence in his nsw calling. The man stopped, placed his foot on the boot-rest, and the boy set his brushes to work in the liveliest way. " Where do you live, my little man ?" The boy brushed on, seeming not to have heard. s ne umsneu one boot, and was about commen cing the other, the man said, chang ingthe form of the question, "Where is your home?" "Haven't got any." As the boy made this answer, he looked up in to the man's face for an instant, and then let his eyes fall upon his work. " Xo home ?" "No, sir." "Where do you sleep?" "Most anywhere that I can creep in," replied the boy, as he brushed away with all his" might. Then, as he rose up, he said, with a busi ness air ".That's a good shine sir?" "First rate," answered the man whoso interest in the boy was in creasing. "Can't be beat. And now, whats the charge?" " Ten cents, sir." The ten cents were paid. " Sleep 'most anywhere you can creep m i said the man. " Y hat do you mean by that?" " Well, sir, it's so. Sometimes I get a bed in a cellar, ainl some times in a garret just as it hap- pens.' "Do you pay tor it r "Oh yes, indeed. They won't let you sleep for nothing. "How much do you pay for a bed ?" "Sixpense or a shilling, 'cording to where it is." "Why don't you stay in one place? asked the man. "Why do you or. from ce lar to garret, as " -y say. iust as it happens?" you "'Cause, sir, they get drunk, and swear and fight so 'most any where I et in, that I don't care to (r0 aain ; and so I keep moving round. Shine your boots, sir?" And, seeing a customer, off the boy ran, for he had his living to earn ami couldn't stop to talk when there was business to do. Tim man walked away more than ever interested in this brave little fellow, fighting, at so tender an age the battle of life. A few hours ltcr in the day it wi5 midsummer and the air hot and sultry as this man was pass ino- the corner of a street where an annle-woman had her stand, he witnessed a scene that we wiU ce- seyiue, The apple woman had fallen asleep, Two boys a newsboy and the little boot-black just men tioned were at the stand. The nowsbov. who was larger and stouter "than the boot-black, seeing a "ood chance to get apples witk- out paying for them, was just seiz ing two or three of the largest, when the little boot-black pushed bravely in, and the man heard him say : "That's stealing, and it can't be done !" The newsboy grew red with an ger as he turned fiercely upon the little fellow, raising his fist to strike him ; but his well-aimed blow did not reach the soft, yet bravely indignant face, for an arm stronger than his caught the de scending fist and held it for an in stant with a firm grip. In the next moment the scared newsboy had broken away, and was scam pering down the street as fast as his legs could carry him. 'That was well done my little fellow !" exclaimed the man, turn ing to the young boot-black. " And now," he added, " you must come to my store." "Where is it sir?" asked the boy. " Xot far away. Come," said the man, as he moved on ; and the boy followed him. They walked for a distance of two or three blocks and then entered a store, the man moving along through bales and boxes until he reached a counting- room, at the rear end. Laying off his hat, he took a chair, turning to the lad, who now stood before him with a curious, wondering face his foot-rest, containg brushes and blacking, slung across his shoul ders. "Take that thing off, and set it out in the store, or throw it into the street, I don't care which," said the man, pointing to the dirty box. The lad took it off, and set it outside of the office door, then came back and stood gazing at the man earnestly. " What is your name ?" " Jimmy Lyon, sir," answerd the boy. " Is your father living?" " Xo", sir." " your mother ?" " She's dead." " How long has she been dead?" "-Xot long, sir." "And there is no one to take care of you ?" "Xo, sir." " How old are vou ?" "Ten, last June, sir." The man thought of his own ittle boy at home, just ten last i June, and a shiver of pam crep through his heart. "What are you going to oo ?" "Take care "of myself,sir. I've got to do it now." And Jimmy drew himself up and put on a brave ook, which touched the man's leart. " Was it in the city your mother died ?" inquired the man. "Yes, sir." "How long ago ?" " It's only "three weeks, sir." The brave look went out of his eyes. " nere uui sue uie . "Down in Water street. We ived in a garret. She was, sick a good while, sir, and could' not work, rather died last winter. But ic didn't do any tiling for us." A shadow of pain was in the child s ace, and the man saw him shud der. Ah ! he understood too well the sad story that Title boy could tell the story of a drunken lather, and a sick, heart-broken mother, dying in want and neglect. " Your mother was good, and you loved her," said the man. Instantly the large, soft eyes gushed over with tears. "What did she tell 3-011 before she died ?" asked the man, speak r in a low voice. "She said," answerd the boy, sorrowfully, yet with something brave and manly in his voice " ' Never steal, never tell a lie, never swear, Jimmy, and God will l.n vnnr friend: aud I've never done any of 'em, sir, and never will." 'Your mother taught you to pray, Jimmy ?" "Yes. sir: and I say my prayers every night, oomeuiu.es uau uup 1 . t 1 make fun ot me. but 1 aont mi no it. I iust think it's God I'am say- in"- em to.and tnen I leei an right, c. ' f , . 1 i 1 The man lelt a cnoKiug m nis throat, he was so moved by this, nnil would not trust himself to speak for some moments " God is our best friend, Jimmy," he .said, after a little while, "ane no one, trusts him in vain. He has taken care or you since your mother died, and, if you will be a gooel boy, will always take cae of yp;v. P yu know that it was God who -led 'me to tb,e- apple-woman's stnnel just in time to see your brave and honest act ?" The boy opened his large eyes wonderinglv. "We cannot see God, but God can see us; and, what is more, can look into our hearts, and knows all we think or feel," replied the man. " Oh yes, sir. My mother told me that. But I don't know how He led you." "He leads us by ways that we know not, my child. I think I can make you understand. God sees and knows eve-ything. He knew that you would see the wick ed boy try to steal apples and that you would do all you could do to stop him. Then he put it into my thought to go and see a man whose store I could not reach unless I went by the apple-stand, and this brought me to the spot the right moment. I call that God leading, Now do you understand ?" " Oh yes, sir. I see it just as clear as day," answered Jimmy, a new light breaking over his Jace. " And God, who loves you and wants you to be good ami happy, knew that if I saw how honest and brave you were, I would be your friend." " Oh, sir ! will you ?' cried out little Jimmy, trembling all over, while his fine face lighted up sud denly with hope and joy. " Yes, my poor boy,' answerd the man, whose heart was feeling very tender toward the child. " I will be your friend always, if mf ml ' vou will be honest, truthful and obedient.' "I'll try to be as good as I can, sir," sobbed Jimmy, losing all com mand of his feelings. Then the man went with him to a store where thay sold boys' cloth ing, and selected everything needed to wear. But before he let him dress up in his new garments he took him to a bath-house, that he might wash himself clean all over, and comb the tangles out of his curly hair. Xo one would have dreamed that the handsome, well-d reaped boy who a little while afterward, walk ed beside his new friend, holding lis hand so tightly, was the same whose A'oice, not an hour before. lad been heard crying in the street "Shine your boots, sir?" It was never heard there again. God had s:nt the brave child, who tried to be good, a friend in need; and he is now a happy boy, studying with ill Ins might, and no doubt lie will become a good and usetul man. A Kailroad Haunted by the Spirit of a victim. The Boston papers publish the bllowing as a strange but 'well au thenticated story : ' the engineer of the freight tram on the loston and .Lowell Railroad, which leaves Boston about 3 o'clock in themorning. lias on several occasions discover ed a red light swinging at a furious rate at the Woburn Station where the trains stop for water. The light would sometimes be in front and sometimes in the leSr of the train. When the engineer would stop his train anct send some one to learn why the signal to stop was made', the messenger would be greatly surprised to see the light vanish. . Investigation has proved that no person was there with a lantern, and the brakesman ami conductor concur also in hav ing beheld the phenomenon, which so far as known, is without visible cause. come laborers living on 1 " laborers living the line of the above station state ornings since they that a few were coming down the road in a hand car, when they sueldenly heard the approach of an engine - 1 - 1 - and tram, and knowing no train. was elue in the vicinity at that hour, they became greatly fright eneel, anel jumped out of the car, and threw it oft the track to await the train which they thought wras coming at a rapid pace upon them but which, it is needless to say, elid not come. lhe superstitious re gard the affair as a forewarning to some disaster,while the spiritualists have the ready theory that it is the spirit of a man who was killed there about two vears since." A keen politician 111 the citv of Glasgow heard one day of the death of the party opponent, who, in a fit of mental aberration, hacl shot himself, "Ah !" said he, "ganc awa' that way by himself, has he ? I wish that he had ta'en twa-three davs shooting among his friends before he went ' ; - Emulation looks out of merits, that she- may exalt herself by a victory; enyy spies out blemishes, tliat she may lower by defeat. Feminine vuTgarity at Saratoga consists of appearing in less than four different costumes in a day. American Slang. HOW IT BOTIIERD AJT EJiGUSHMAX.' The utter ignorance of the Eng lish of the signification of Amer- can slang expressions often causes some curious scenes between them and the Yankee buyers in England, who seem to think that because their language generally is under stood, all their American idioms will be. An expert buyer, junior partner in one of our large Ameri can firms, at a recent vit to his correspdent in an English manu facturing city, was complimented by the senior partner of the house, who insisted on personally showLg goods to his American purchaser. "Their, sir," said Dawfas, throw ing out a roll of goods, "what do you think of that ?' 0 "0,that's played out," said the American. , "It's what ?" said Bull. "If splayed, I tell you,' said Ms costomer, again. "Played, ah ! realy we call it ph7, h'yar in England, but this isn t plad plad you know. "Xo,' said the Yankee, "I don't mean plad. I mean 'ter say it's gone up. " Oh, no!' said tlQ other " not at all . it has net gone up, quite the contrary. We have taken off from the price.' " Over the left ; it's threepence too high, now." ' o " Xo eloubt of it, but ourneigh bors you know on the left are not . manufacturers you know.' $, " Very likely ; but I dont care to be 'stuck' when I get home.' " Really. Most extraordinary. Is -it as elangerous in New York as the newspapers 9ay O "Yes, but I- don't want these goods. I've got somefalready that will knock the spots out of 'em. " But my dear sir, there's no spots on the goods, I assure yah. They are perfect.' " Well, well ; suppose we 'switch off on these goods and try some thing else .' " Certainly,' said the English man, who, tojthe infinite amuse ment of the American's friend, called a clerk with a wisp-broom, and directed him to "switch off' any dust lie could find, while lie proceedeeLto show something else. ' There? saietothe Englishman, triumphantly, spreaeling out anoth er fabric. " There's the handsom est piece of goods in England, 'arf a guinea a yard.' " I can't see it V Why, you are l9oking straight at it. However, suppose you try the light of this window. "Xo; I don't mean that, said the American, " I have't got the stamps for such goods. " Stamps ! no stamps required but a bill stamp, which we arc hap py to furnished. This misunderstanding might have continued fonge, had noj one of the younge members of the house, seeing his senior s perplexity, rescued the American and put him through after the manner of his countrymen. om.. a. Centralization of Power. From the PeoriiPNational Democrat. The committee of the House of Representatives of the district of Columbia has been instructed to report a bill to annul the charters of the cities of Washington and GeorgetownVithhe avowed pur pose of taking the government of the district from the peeple and placing indirectly in the hands of Congress Notwithstanding Con-. gress has so manipulated the disk tnct that negro officers are elected, anel the city governments are rery willing to do the will of Congress, yet that body seems to desire that a direct grasp shall be made upon the few liberties which that people enjoy. Congress is averse to a goverment in which the people have rule, and are gradually con centrating power into thjir own hands. o Congress, by depriving the cities in the district of their charters, dis franchises the people, and refuses to allow them any voice in the, government, there in the smau territory, Congress is as supreme as it dires to be all over the land. For about a century, the district, nominally under the control of Congress has elected officers of its', municipalities, and governed itselfl Xow it is proposed to take away the city charters, then Congress in ay. appoint its own creatures to office and be, in fact, supreme gov ernor of the district. It is a bitter -satire on republican institutions that such things can be in a country pretending to be politically free. A good way to find a woman out Call when she isn't at, home. O o O'