jJ" ifcfjSsftt- t . ) ihuiKJV- &?IPbK..r i $4WHSW 1 . ' 1 i -ataMtawaa!a rift O o 1 , f t- ; J o o o 0 0 o o o 0 III . I j j THE WILL FOR THE DEED. "I must not forget those stock ncrs nere is a basket full this week." Jennie's mother said this in a -wearied way. The little girl was playing in her room, and began to t hink about helning her. " Where are they ?" she asked. " In the sitting room," the moth- er answered, and thought no more about it. An hour later she went down stairs. There sat Jennie in the large arm chair by the open window, the bas ket on .the table before her, and her little fingers very busy. " Mother," said she, looking up with a bright smile, "you have twelve pairs of stockings and I've done half of them." Jennie had given up a whole hour's play to help and relieve her O mother; but she was a very little girl and she had made a mistake. tShe had sewed the holes over and over. And as she meant to do her best, the stitches were close and tight. Her mother knew that it would be at least an hour's work to rip them out, but she would not disappoint the loving heart by let ting her know she had not fully succeeded. She said only, " well, you're a dear, god little girl, and now you may run out and play." Awav went Jennie, very happy in the thought that she had helped and pleased her mother. And she had ; for the kindness and love she Pdd shown her were more precious to that mother's heart than gold, andlightened her care. Pleasant thoughts kept her company and made her needle moye faster. All of us little folks, and grown folks, are liable to make mistakes, even when we really try to do righto Iut the love of Christ is only shadowed forth feintly by that mother's love. He, too, takes the will for the deed ; whatever is done out of love as done to him, and sees that no true effort is lost, but makes it to do good some time, some way, whether we see it or not. Vermont Chronicle. o Men Who Win Women. Mature has so made the sexes that women, like children cling to the men ; lean upon them as though (they were superior in mind and l)ody. They make them the suns of systems, and their children re volve around them. Men are gods, if they but knew it, and women are burning incense at these shrines. Women, therefore, who have good minds and pure hearts, want men to lean upon. Think of their reverenciner a drunkard, a li- Mir a fool, a libertine ! If a man would have a woman to do him homage, die must be manly in every sense ; a true gentleman, not after the Chesterfield school, but polite, because his heart is full of kindness to all; one who treats her with re spect, even deference, because she is a woman; who never conde scends to say silly things to her; who brings her up to his level, if his mind is above hers; who is ever anxiofis to do right; who has no time to be frivolous with her. Al ways dignified in speech and act; who never spends to much upon her, never yields to temptation, even if she puts it in his way; am bitious to make his ruark in the world, whether she encourages him or not, who is never familiar with her to the extent of being an adopt ed brother or cousin, who is not over careful about dress, always pleasant and considerate, but al ways keeping his place of the man, the head, and never losing it. Such deportment, with noble principles goott mind, energy and industry, will win any woman in the world who is worth winning. On the complaint book of the St Louis city engineer there is the following epistolary curiosity: " Herr Inspector Sir : Ter ist cm tarn pad blase in der Seitvolk (sidewalk) in der Franklin Ebenu Streets vor mein Hans unt I van thim fix quick, at yonstrals mein vrow unt der Kinder she fall in d em, and now I gits tarn doctar "bill zo bay." There is a paper published in Aus tin, Texas, which is to printers a literary curiosity. It is printed with 120-line pica type, and is very casily read in the dark. They ' charge fifty cents an acre for ad vertising, but a man can't sav but a lew wows yi mat space, owing to the size ot the type. .s Claude R."s wife sat quietly in the twilight, a fellow stole be hind her and kissed her. "Is it Claude?" she asked hurriedly, JNo, dear madam." A moment after he was heard to exclaim, Oh, yes, I am clawed now, indeed am Ax Irishman attending a Quaker meeting, heard a young Friend make-the following announcement : " Brethren and sisters, I am goinix to marry a daughter of the Lord.'" 'The devil," said Pat; fAith and be jabbers, aod it will bo a loner tune before you'll see yer father-in law !" O X - A young gentleman, whose bos om was beiiig rent with the pangs of jealousy, addressed a billet to the lady, enclosing her notes to him, and requesting that she would reciprocate the courtesy. In her reply she thanked him for his con sideration, and would "return his letters as soon as a young gentle man, to whom they were loaned, had given them a satisfactory pe rusal." Good thoughts are companions ; often our best. iUH All 1 CI I1M71UCI1IS C- W. POPE & CO-, DEALEKS IX ST0VE3, TIN PLATE, SHEET IHON.BRA Z1E S' COPPER, LEAD PIPE. IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS, RUBBER HOSE. FOliCE AND LIFT PUMPS, ZIXC, C M'PFR, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general assort ent of House Fur n biting Good. MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING ANTD JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o O Also at POPE SSIOVE STORE you will find HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AM) OIL, LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. o All of the above articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE IMES. C. W. POPE & CO. 11:1 jj Oregon Cit Oregon. WI. SINGER, Has Established A Factory FOR THE MAN U FACTORY OF SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES. tfW lie will also do TURNING, of every description to order, With Neatness and Dispatch ! o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, back of Aekei man's lO.lyJ Store, Oregon City, Oregon. Over 20,000 Persons Testify to the Wondeiful cures ot Dr. J. Y. MURRAY'S Balsam for tho Liver and Blood. NATURE'S OWN REMEDY. y. One of the Celebrated Physicians of Portland, says he is cured of the Lung and Liver cim plaint, and thai lie owes his life to Dr. Mar. ray's Lung and Liver Balsam. Head what lie' says: Portland. May 21, lSfil). I have tried Dr. J. W. Murray's Lung and Liver Balsam. I used it in my fam ily w ith the best of success. I was sick for some months, and used every remedy. I called several physicians, but they did me no pood. I exhausted ever' remedy known to the medical profession, and received no ben efit. This Lung and Liver Balaam cured me,' and I do not hesitate to recommend it to the public and my friends, as a good and safe rem dy. Those who know me, as many do in this" Stat j, know that I would not recom mend them to use a thing that has no merit, because I am opposed to quack remedies. G. W. BROWN. M. D. o 3u For sale at BELL & PARKER S, and at ah Drug Stores on the Pacific Coast. Otf w ILLAMETTE NURSERY. Season or 1SGO 70. G. W. WALLING & Co. would call the attention of the public to their large and well assorted stock of fine fruit trees and shrubherv, consisting of choice varieties of CUEBRIFS, PLUMS, PEARS. APRICOTS, PEACHES, NUTS, RASPBERRIES, &c, fcc. tW Persons desirous of purchasing trees should call and examine our stock, which is the largest ar d best in the State. Orders (with the cash) sent to the Nursery will be prompely filled aod forwarded. tB Lxtmeare taken in parking Irees.' Address all orders to G. W. WALLING & Co., 4otf Oswego, Clackamas County Oregon JOHN 31. BACON, Importer and Dealer in STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, &c, &c, Oregon Cily, Oregon. At Char-man Warner's old stand, lately oc cupied by S. Ackermnn, Main street. 10 tf JIG. SNEATII, WHOLESALE GROCER, 32 Front Street, Portland. GOODS BY THE PACKAGE, FOR CASH. AT SAN FRA.NCISCO PRTCES, anf Freight. rf Orders Pjomptly tilled in San Francis co, if desired. C40.tf s RAPES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAW STREET, Oregon City. 0 Bet BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE B A M 1 $ S UPPLIEIJ With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Dourbou already famous Whiskies and runch. AUo STAFFORDSHIRE STONE -AJLiE! OV DRAUGHT, XTW Families supplied. JOHN MYERS. H. C. MYERS. J. MYERS & BUO., UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, OREGON CITY, OREG N . RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ROOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, "We also constant! y keop on hand SALE1I CASS IME RES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we will sell at the Factory Prices, aud will take wool in exchange. lf"We will also pay the lushest price for Cutter, Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. Jj (jive us a call ana satL-fy yourselves. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! GREAT REDUCTION! IX THB -PRICES 0F- Wat dies ! Rich Jewelry ! ! And Silverware ! Fine 15. JL.. STOIVH, Dealer in Watches Jewelry ! 107 Front Street. Portland. Oregon. o Wrul.l invite the attention of his friends and the public to his L;irre and Choice as sortment of FINE WATCHES, from the most celebrated makers of E. Howard & Co. Uoston ; Apehon fc Tracev, P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass.; Elgin Watches; Jacot's Self-winding Watches; English Watches and ot hers. Also, a well selected stock of ladies Watches, of all description and styles, which he would be pleased to show to all who may favor him with a call. FIXE JEWELRY and SOLID SILVER IV A HE, F A A" C Y ARTICLES, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY FRESEXTS: Gold and Silv;r Watches, of different ma kers. Diamond Pin, Ear rings, and Finger rings. Gold Bracelets. Gold Chatelain Guards and Watch Chains. Gold Necklaces Armlets, Crosses and Lockets. Gold breast pins, Ear rings, and Finger-rings. Gold Charms and Keys. California Gold Rings and liohmes' Patent Buckels. Moss Agate Setts. Rings end Cuff Buttons. Wedding rings made of pure gold, expressly for that purpose. Gold aud Silver Thimbles. Opera and Marine Glasses, Pebble Specta cles and Eye-glasses. Solid Silver Napkin Ring!. Silver Fruit and Butter Knives Solid Silver Table and Tea Spoons. Regula tors, Seth Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, Gilt Galley Clocks, etc. O All the above articles sold Cheap for Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention piven to repairing and adjusting of Chronometers, Duplex andAmtr ican Watches. B. L. STON'E. 3.tf 107 Front street, Portland. Oregon. s UMMOXS Tn the Circuit Court of tho State of Ore gon, for the County ot Clackamas Suit for dissolution of marriage contract. Henrietta M. Kelly, plaintiff, vs. Edlon B. Kellv, defendant. To EHLON B. KELLY, Defendant: In the name of the State of Ort gon, you are hereliy required to "appear and answer the complaint riled against you in the above entitled tuit, within ten days from the date of the service of this .Summons upon you, if served in this said County, or if served in any other County of this State, then within twenty days from the date of the service ol this summons upon you ; or, if served by publication, by the lirst day of the next term of said Court which shall beheld alter six weeks from the first publication of this Summons ; said first publication being February 5th, 1870. And if you fail "0 to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in sa'd Complaint which is, that the bends of matrimony ,existingbetween phiintifT and defendant herein, -be dissolved, and that plaintiff have the custody of the children of sa;d marriage. S. IIUKLAT, Attorney for plaintiff. By order of lion. W. W. Upton, Judprc, ol said Court. " 13:7t JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaKoque & Co., OREGON CITY. t"!L,Kcep constantly on hand foi sale, flour Midlings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties purching feed must furnish the sacks. JOIIX II. sen RAM. Manufacturer and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESS, tc tc j Main Street, Oregon City, Jfc3 Wishes to represent that he is now as well prepared to furnish any article in his line as the largest establishment in the State. He particularly requests that an examination of hi stock be made before buying elsewhere. JOHN F. IVIILLER, Successor to J. F. MILLER Co., MA.STFACTCBER Ok AND OEALKIE IX At. the Oregon Cily Boot and Shoe Store, Main street. THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies', Gents', Boys', and Children's Boots and Shoes, oa hand or made to order. QRAM, WILLIS & Co., LIVERY. FEED AND SALE "hs zet zeec: m OREGON CITY, 0REG0X. Having recently added to the Livery Stock new Carriages, Buggies and Horses, are now prepared at all times to let the same, at reas onable rates. Horses bought and sold, or kept by the day or week. COURTESY OF aCKERMAN HAS RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Doors Windows !l WHICH HE OFFERS AT V ery LOW RATES ! Look at his Stock before purchasing elsewhere, Goods War 2sif9 fed I QLIFF HOUSE. MAIN St., OREGON CITY. Wm, Barlow & Co., Proprietors. Having leased the above named celebrated Hotel, for the term of one year, we would say to the public, come on, we are ready for vou, and will accommodate you to the best of our ability. August 2 1 .-tf . NOT ICE. o- Tiie People's Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS i FOIL PORTLAND : At 1 A. M., every day, except Sunday. And 1 P. M., every day. For Salem, Albany and Corvallis : ON MONDAY, TUESDAY. THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, at 7 o'clock A. M., And for Dayton: ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY, t each week. o- A. A. McCULLY, President. Nov 27th. 18G'J. 40.tr Harvest oi 1869 ! ! Selling off to Close, Business, And no kllMISUCi I Tlie Entire StocSt! OF- DB.Y GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. BCOTS AND SHOES, Mens' Ladies, Misses' and Childrens' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to he sold Regardless of Price! ea To convince j-onrself with respect to this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, South, of Tope $- Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon City. HOME MADE FURNITURE! Rfi. WERTHEiaiER, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, OKEGOX CITY, TAKES THIS METHOD OF INFORMING the public that tie has now on hand a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium Furniture ! Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which merits the attention of buyers. He MANUFACTURES FURNITURE Using good materials, and employing th very best mechanics in the State, hence In can warrant his goods to be as represented and he is prepared to fill all orders with promptness. He would call the attention of the public to his salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of desirable goods in the State. M. "IVERTIIEIMER. Main street, Oregon City. lOGUS & ALBRIGHT, EXCELSIOR MARKET! Corner of Fourth and Main streets. OREGON CITY. Keen constantly on hand all kinds of fresh and salt meats, such as BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, COKNED BEEF, IT A MS, PICKELED PORK, LARD, And everything else to be found in their line of business. JOB PTIXK NEATLY EXEt'VT. ed at tbe ENTERPRISE OFFICE. -BANCROFT LIBRARY 853 WM WHEN THE LOOK OUT FOE THE LOCOMOTIVE. ow is the Time to While they are At Cost I B'x i mm am pi k ; or v u rm mx Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc.. of Messrs. Jacob 8c Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now better prepared than ever to attend to the wants of my customers, and having a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, I have decided to Sell off at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact I ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY; BROWN AND ELE ACHED MUSLINS, all widths : 1JOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAPS : CLOTHING : FINE BLACK I)R ESS SUITS ; CASSIMERE SUITS ; SUPERIOR HEAVER SUITS ; BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most rci A lso a large stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected tff AH kinds of Produce Bought. r.v CUAS. nOOGE. .CHAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W. SXELL. KODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VARXISIIES, J RUSHES, PAXTERS Materia, ana jjrvggists' Sundrits. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. jO. 112 131 FRONT STREET, FIRST STREET, Near Morrison Street. Near Yamhill. KAST & CAHALIN. New Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED ! Rest election in the City ! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such us Benkert's, Tirrell's. Fogg's, Houghton & Coolidsie's. Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of gents' and bo'vs' wear. Also Mile's, Sieberliih's, Hurt's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Roots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantlv on hrnd. A. G. WALLTXGVS Pioneer Book Bindery- OREGON JAN JJUIL.DING, Ko. 5 AVnshington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. A. J. MONROE, Dealer in California, Vermont and Italian Marbles, Obelisks Monuments. Head arid Fool f Stones, Salem Oregon. Mantles and Furniture Marble fuTuishcd to order. 1 23t S. D. SMITH. Geo. R. COOK. The OCCIDENTAL, FORMERLY ESTERX HOTEL. W Cor. First and Morrison Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. ITS" Messrs. Smith & Cook have tnken this well known House, refitted and refurnisheh it throughout, built a large addition, making thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the dining and sitting room, making it by far 'he best Hotel in Portland. A call from the traveling pub'ic will satisfy them that the above statements are true. SMITH & COOK, Proprietors. N. B. Hot and cold baths attached. 4.tf JS,TE W YORK HOTEL, (DcHtfches Gaftbans,) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship.landing, Portland. Oregon. H. KOTHTOS, J. J. WILKENS, PROPRIETORS. Board cr Week ? 00 " ' with Lodging G 0 " " Par 1 00 Hendee's Photograph Gallery. tfg- THE ONLY PLACE IN PORTLAND where you are sure of getting No. I Pictures at all times is at Hendet-'s Gallery, corner of Fir-t and Morrison streets, where he is as well prepared to do all kinds of work as anv Gallery in Oregon, and will guarantee as jrood satisfaction for all his woik as can be had in the State. Pictures of every kind can be had at short notice. Old Pictures can be copied, enlarged and retouched in I.-dia Ink, or Oil Color. T I'.DWER PRICES THAN ANV OTHER 1 1,ALL' i 6iu a BELL RINGS Buy your Goods! going Cheap O asonable terms. assortment. j-RAf;.S WANTED. WALL A3IET IRON WORKS COMPANY ! Irosi Founders, AndEoiler Builders! North Front ami E sts., Portland, Oregon. THESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and hare facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and efficiently. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whoe ex perience on this coat for fifteen years irivt s him a thorough knowledge of the variou? kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We a-e prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, iuch as MIXING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOCKING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! drc, Arc, Arc. Ma nvf tret ire and Rerair Maehir,fry r,f all kinds. ' IE OX SHUTTER WORK nt San Franciseo eo-iand freight. Whetler tf- Ran dalls Patriit (ri-intfer an I Ama'gamar. Dunbar and Steret't Self Adjnxf',h Patent I'iston Parting, either applied to hl or ntit steam cylinders. Quartz Stampers, .7v and dies, if the iit hard iron, S:lg C. If. PLOIBIXG, GAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, So. 110 Firtt Sirce. Portland JUST RECEIVED, per Schooner ADELINE ELWOOD, From the celebrated Factorv of Messrs. Itutney & C ., ScLenectedy, j ew i oi k, PUMPS OF ENTIRELY NEW PAT- TfpVSi in loi.rn SUi-Ia Finish and cconomv, SUPERIOR TO AN V ottered SlN THIS MARKET, Comprising: CISTERN PUMPS, S .All fur load or iron nine: PITCHER PUMPS All sizes BASE AND SIDE FORCE PUMPS, All sizes for h ad or iron pipe; ENGINE WELL PUMPS, For deep wells ; VAUn WFT.I, PUMPS. AMALGAM REELS, for Steamboats, Factories. Churches etc. TOINTS, for Drive wells ; Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. (J. II. MYERS. 110 Front street, Portland, Oregon OREGON F. OPITZ, PROPRIETOR, FIRST STREET, PORTLA ND, Re't. Washington and Stark sts. MASrFACTCRER OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF OEACKEES! BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY c HACKERS Will alwavs be sold below San Francis prices. All oiders promptly nttmoVd to. OREGON R K ERY, First si., Portland. Oicj'tn. 6 Only! 3 JAW PARTNERSHIP. JAS. K. KEL.L.Y, J. H. REED, It?sidence corner of Columbia and 7th st Residence, Columbia st bet. 2d and 3d sts. Jas. K. Kelly and J. II. Reed, under tht firm name of KELLY & REED, Will practice law in the Courts of Orgon Ollice on First streetnear Alder, oTer th new Post office room, Port.and. (40tf LANSING STOUT. Attorney and Counselor at La, PORTLAND, OREGOT Office Under the United States District Court Room. Front street. 4ytf pAGE & THAYER, ATTORNEYS AT JY. OFFICE In Cree's Building, corner of Front and Stark streets, Portland. S2.H 9 J. F. CAPLEP. J. C. M OR ELAND1. CAPLES A MORELAND, ATTORNEY SPAT LAW, Cor. FROXT and WASHINGTON' Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. o Logan, Shattuck & Killin, O ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 9io. lOO Front Street, I7p Stairs, PORTLAND, OREGON. JUGEXE A. CRONIN, A TTORNEY A T I. A IV, liooms 7 and 8 Carter's Blook, 0 4fi. PORTLAND. OREGON. n M. McKENNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OREGON CITY, OREGON. J. H. MITCHELL. J. N. DOLPH. A. SMITH Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty. 5T Office o-er the old Poet Office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. A. C. GIBUS. C. W. PARR1SII, Notary Public and Com. of Deeds. GIBBS & PARB3SH, Attorneys and Counselors at Zcic, Portland. Oregon! OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter" br k bh.ck. WALTER BROS. VELVETS, m 0 BRUSSELS, o THREE - LY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, o PAPER -HAN GOGS, LACE - CURTAIN S &c, &c. JVeVould Call the aitenjon of fur tics fitting up houses, or leing in need of anything in our line To our Stock, uhich is ONE OF THE COMPLETEST On the I'sKvilic Coast! -o- Ow Goods being specially selected at the Factor iet in Fngluvd a nit the Fuslern Stales, we can sell a AT THE LOWEST &stsilrit si cisco Prices. WALTER BROS., Cjfo. ?9 Front street, between Alder 3..) and ashmgton, Portlwid Or o QOS3IOPOLITAX HOTEL. FORMERLY ARRIGOXPS, FRONT St., PORTLAND. JB. SPRENGEK, Proprietor. . The Proprietors of this well known House having superior accommodations, guarantee entire satisfaction to all guests. 3L The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to convey passengers and baggage to 'ind trom the Hotel, frge of charge. (40tf Office Oregon and California Stage Co. - Jacob Stitzfx. James B. Uttox STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front - and ashing ton streets, TORTLAND, OREGON. O V ill attend to the sale and purchase of Real E-tate in all parts of the City and State. Special attention given to the sale of East Portland property. Address P. O. Rox 42, Portland. Oregon. STITZEL & UPTON, 1 9 t f ; Real Estate Brokers. G. STEWART, Q No. 109 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. Watchmaker -Fer . ' i irl - Ana jeweiur. And Dealorin CLOCKS. WATCHES. AND JEWELERS GOODS. Agent for Wilcox & Gibbs' Letter ('' Sewing Machines, which are now being sold singly a1? cost, or whole sale less than cost. Other goods at greatly reduced rates. q (40 tf ISAAC FARR. 0 P. D. MORRISS. -pAIIlf AMORPJSS, BUTCHERS, FOR OREGfik CITY AND VICINITY. XT deliver to their patrons all the het qualities of Stall Fed Beef, also Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc., as nsual twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays! Thankful tor past favors of the public would respectful'y asks a continuance of the. same. JUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip tion, printed the ExTERrnisE office o o f X TTT Ttrrmn -r- rwr