o o o l)cil)cckln Enterprise. TOWN AXD tOUVTV. Aged. The Clackamas county delega- tiun can claim the honor of having the two oldest members in the Convention. John Fleming, aged "." years and Ii. Cau- fiejd, aged tili. both hale and hearty, and who have grown old in the .service of the democratic party. - Gexekol-s. The I'. T. Company deserve, and receive the thanks of the Democratic State Convention for their liberality in reducing the fare of delegate.) and others who desired to attend to half price, and also for furnishing speedy and cotn fort able conveyances to and f rom the Convention. PKOSfcCTING AtTOI'XKY. II. E. Ibee, Eq., of Portland was unanimously chosen as the candidate for Prosecuting Attorney of this District. Mr. By bee is a young man of good ability, and is well qualifi ed for the position he has been selected to filL o : Ft'XEKAT.. The funeral of Miss Eliza bith F. Daly, took place yesterday lrom tit. Paul's Church. A large number of friends followed her remains to their final resting place, fievs. J. Ii. V. and John Sellwood, Sr., and Y II. Sioy. officiated. IIoxoiiED. Clackamas countv had the Jionor of having both the Chairman and Secretary of the lale Democratic Conven tion, the former Ex-Go v. Geo. L. Curry, and the latter, W. E. Howell, Eq., both of whom were a credit to the county. o- Is Tows. Hon. Jas. K. Kelly Las been in town dining the past week at tending Court. The old war-horse is well j pleased with the platform and ticket of the Democratic Convention. Alarm. A fire alarm was given last Monday evening, caused by the soot in the chimney of the brewery t iking live. The boys were all out, and no damage done. pbtnnKX Death. A man named James j ) Ryan died very suddenly in this city, by bursting a blood vessel, last Monday. Papers found on him show that he had friends living near Chicago. CnicttT Coi nr. The Circuit Court for Clackamas county .Judge Upton, presiding, C:ivened last . Monday. We shall publish the full proceedings next week. Baij.. A ball was shell last Wednes ,Q. day evening for the benefit of Hose Com pany No. 2, of th's city. A good attendance was present, and a fine time was had. vT Hki.k;iols Notice.-Rev. John Sell w ood will preach to-morrow at St. Paul's Church, at lOi o'clock, a. m. Mkktixo. A notice to the stockholders of the Or egon oolen Mills, appears jn today's paper. 0 1' or the Enterprise. PeiM02ial Effort. IJ.V t-'ie truthful, calm endeavor, Grin ;in,-r, cheei .inj, Jiko the sun, Eurtii bound hearts iheu sh:d't deliver, O, tor their suites, pivs, on ! Johns ox. Were this world not enshrouded in rror and superstition; were not man sin ful and hopelessly beating against the rocks and shoals of th-empest-tost sea of life; were there no dangers to be avoided aSd were it not necessary to lead in the bright path of light and life, which has its Miintnit within tfie heavenly gates men pight lay aside their armor, and like the noldier after the battle unloose the sword, and rest. But the work ot lifting uj the alien and Mistaining those who are mak ing efforts to walk in the paths of virtue, is a life long work. In this work there is no time to rest.. All around there are many walking in the ways of evil walk- j ing among the dark mountains of sin, wandering and lost lost to the sunlight of a pure and holy asmosphere. Should the drunkenness, profanity and Sabbath breaking, blight and mar this once fair anT)beautiful earth, created and arrayed in vernal beauty for the abode of man. by an Omnipotent hand. That all this wretchedness may be lessened, that its onward march may be retarded, deminds the aid of all. It call:, for your undivided help ; the undivided efforts of all that the world may again be brought back into the full blaze of Eden's birth-day. It does not do to be passive and indifferent The tides of wretchedness, sin and eiune are rollkg like the devp ocean surges along the shore. In their hollow echoes are heard the cries of those poor mariners who have wandered hopelessly without a guiding star. There are many earth-bound hearts'' to be raised into the light many sad and weary ones to be cheered, and very mahv whose feet are treading the slippery paths of intemperance to be brought balk into the goldeu sun light of temperance? And saddest of all, around thee are those who are wandering away from the broad xccan of Cod's love. Oh I how much is to be done to lift the world, out of all thii evil and make it a fit abode for the angels. Out from the stillness of nature there comes a voice to you. bidding you work forQhe good of mankind. It speaks to you, not to another. This personal la bor must not be shirked. There are too many shirkers in the world, too many who like to see a good work go on, but are never reaifj to put their own shoulders to the wheel. Bather than do any thing, they would let the worthy object fail. They are th? drones in the hive, the idle loiterers with scarcely life blood enough coursing through their veins to enable tbem to say amen, when the work is ac- complisbed. It doese not do to say you have no influence, for you know that it is not true. Your influence may be but lit tle, but that little will be felt. The smallest stone thron upon the water makes a ripple upon its surface. It is tie water whose continual dropping wears away the hardest stone. You have friends and associates around yon, who need your effor.s to keep them in virtueV ways. Array yourself on the side o; truth and justice and by your persona! efforts work for, the good of humanity. There is no more beautiful sights than that of young and joyous hearts entering nobly and fully into the work of benefit ing those around them by their personal efforts. My heart throbs with pleas re when I see the young, like new born stars of beauty, devoting themselves to advance the ca.usi of truth. There is too much n -ceiving and not enough giving in the wor.d. We' are too ready to receive the many benefits that are showered upon us, and not in a corresponding degree pre pared to give to others. We must do good, if we would expect to receive good. The world will give back into thy hands as thou laborest for those around thee. If on falter not in your efforts a crown awaits thee at .he last. Ther. iinoter o igh possitiveness in the world, too much pas iveness. too much shirking from duty. Men must be positive men. No man is a true man vho is not a positive man ; he has no. ariived at the full dignity of man hood. If you believe in Christianity, you should in ike that belief felt by your reg ular attendance at church and by doing all in your power to advance the cause. Whit avail would it be to that sweet friend, if you listened to words of match less eloquence upon the duty of visiting the sick and it did not lead you to the bedside of the suffering. Ah, we may ex press our sympathy for the suffering, the downcast and the poor; but of what avail if we do not administer comfort and assisstance. Of what advantage would it be for a man to proclaim against dn.nkeriness. when he indulges in a glass at weddings and on great occasions. Not ! at all. He could have no personal in-I fluence against the use of ardent spirits. Upon the question of drunkenness he would nut be a positive nun. For the sake of those who need a guiding and cheering hand see that yon are exerting a position influenced in tiie world for good. Pkoitxdus. . Fatal Accident. About 1 o'clock yes terday afternoon, man named Charles Jell, lately living in Clackamas county, two miles below Oregon City, stal led wi;h his wife, and sme household goods, for Col umbia Slough, wiih a double-horse team and wagon, where he intended to hereaf ter reside. Just, as he was about to drive on to the high bridge at East Portlan . near the brewery, an ox-team cane on at the other erd. Near the middle, and at about the highest hoint ef elevation, the teams met. The ox-team would nut, turn out nor stop, and were coming right at him, when his team commenced backing. Mr. Jell jumped out of his wagon, and caught his animals by their heads but was unable !o stop them, and the wagon con taining the old lad' was carried over fall ing a distance of between thirty and forty feet. Airs. J. was terribly injured, as may be supposed, many heavy articles falling up on her. and as soon as possible she was res cued and taken to the house of john Parker, near at hand, and everything nosib'e done for h but without, success. Mr. Je.l. Vi ho is nearly frantic at such a terrible ac cident, informs us that his wile was about o.") years of age. Two boys age 12 and 1.3 respectively, were at the old place, and have been sent for. No one serins to be directly to blame for this frightful affair, but it is one of those nnsU-rious visita tions of terror which no human foresight could prevent. Mr. Jell ha the sympathy of his relatives, neighbors, friends, and the fUiii limit v at large in his sad affliction. IlvraUl. M'trvh 22. SPECn I L XO TICES. 31 tilt uomali Iirxle No. 1. A, !'. jiikI ex A. M. Holds its regular eommuni ''Vr' cations on the First and Third Sal ' '? in each month, at. 7 o'clock, from the 2"lh of September to the 2i'th of M.-.rch, and 7 r, o'clock from the 2th of March to the -.ioth of September. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of W. M. Willamette Ijoctije o. I. O. C. T Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. A'isiting members are invited to attend. By ordr of W. C. T. ? ft -es as a : W Mi h! i'5 3 v4 i it 4 . I It 1 T TO THE WORKING CLASS. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with con stant employment at home, the whole of the time or tor the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either s'X easily earn from 5oc. to S per evening and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Thar all who see this notice may send their ail-dre-s. and test tiie busines, wo make this unparalleled offer: To such as are not well Ratified, we will send $1 to pa for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valu able simple, winch will do to commence work on. a d a copy of The PenpU's Litt.ru ; Companion one of tiie largest and best iam:,y newspapers published ail sent free " ma. i. iieacier.it you want re-marien', i '"""""1 " oi k, address . V. ALLEN V- CO. Augusta, Maine. 3.3m i lieli-ious Services. St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John 2 a. m . and and Bible class at i r. m. p. M. Sunday School 1st Congregational Church Seat- Free Morning Seiviees, l' f'' Evening rv, 7 o'i'. . L. i.eiiky. Acting Pastor rRAYER MEETINGS. Tuesday evening .5 o'clock .7 o'clock. M. E. Church, Mornuisr Services " Evening Set vires, . . ......... social mektinp.s Scats Free lo.so, . .7 o'clock. Cm Meeting following MoininT Service Prayer Meeting Thursday eveiiins 0?eii Sabkath School at 2 o'clock P 'Nf otk. Rev. C. W. Tor-o, Pastor. If vou u-is-h tlin vpn- hr,ct Cab net Photographs, vo i mnst'ca'l ci BBABLiSY & KULOFSO-V, 13 Mout mery street, San Francisco. J MIULUI OAVJtDSO.V, OCkK, iw. G4 Front Street, Adjoining the Telegraph Office, Portland Oregon. SPECIAL COLLECTOR of CLAIMS, Accounts, Note3, Bonds, Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims of every description, throughout Oregon and the Teiritories, WILL BE MADE A SPECIALTY, and promptly col ecte.l, as well as with a due regard to economy in all business matiers entrusted to his care and the proceeds paid ovtr punctually. 4utf REAL, ESTATE DEALER. What is a. Tonic S Bear thisin mind. that although a tonic Is, to a certain extent, a stimulant. a stimulant, unmodified by any medicinal -substance, is not a tonic, but a dtbilitaut. In IIOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS there is a stimulating element of the purest grade manufactured in this or any other country. Every fiery and corrosive oil or acid which contaminates the ordinary liquors of commerce, is expelled from the rte spirit which forms the alcoholic basis oi the BITTERS, by careful and repeated rectification. The juices of the valuable roots, barks and herbs, infused into this wholesome product of the finest grain, still further modify its nature ; s that it become?, in fact, a simple diffusive agent. minus all the heady and brain exciting properties which belong, more or less, to all liquors in a raw state. It is merely the safe and harmless vehicle which ren ders the medicinal virtues of the prepara tion effective. increasing their active power, and diffusing them ttirongh the system. Hence the pleasant and gentle! glow which is experienced after taking at dose of the BITTERS. Instead of cheat ing headache, as unmedicaled stimulants are apt to do, this salubrious tome is the best known remedy for that complaint. It calms and sooths cerebral excitement, strengthens the nerves, promotes the secre tion of the gastric juice, invigorates the bowels; determines the fluids to the sur face, improves the appetite, increases the animal vigor, regulates organic action, and. from its mild yet effective alterative qualities, is the very best preparation tin J can be administered to the weaker sex in the peculiar difficulties to which their or- ganization subjects them. 17.4t From the new Dominion." At this season, when coughs and colds are so prevalent, an effectual remedy, and one easily obtained, is Pern D tins' Veqttablt " Pain killer." It is no new nos trum vended by unknown agents, but has stood the test of over twenty years; and those who use the article, internally or ex leriKiuy. win connect wim u imuem. rec- ollections of its worthy inventor. Unas' Chronicle, C. W. Hits- Patx Kn.t.EK. The testimonials borne to the efficacy of this valu able medicine are sufficient to warrant its introduction in every house. Our own opinion is that no family should be without a bottle of it for a single hour. In flesh wounds, aches, pains, sores. &c, it is the mest effectual remedy we know of. A bottle will last for a very long time, and its low price places it within the reach of all. SlJohas Aetci". 5Ae are glad to learn that the Pain Kilier is having so large a sale in our city. We have every reason to believe it to be an almost never failing cure for pain, and a medicine that no lamily should be with out. Mnnire. at Post. 17. lt Xew Advertisements. Proposals for Transportation, H EAnQCAUTKus DerAfcTMEXT Columbia, ) Oki i(.K CuitF Qa. Al. March 15, K7i f TY AUTIb HUT Y Rt.CLIVEI) FROM JL3 Chief Quartermaster Military Uivi-ion (if ihe l'aeitie. Sealed Proposals will be re ceived at this office up to i.oon on Monday, the 2)th day ot April, lS7o f.r Transporting Military Stores and Supplies ovei the lollop ing nanu'd routes : From I'ailes Ci v, Oregon, to Camp Harney, Oregon, 3oo,uoo ,bs. more or less. " D.illes City, Oregon, to Camp Warner, Oieicon, 2,3,00 lbs., more or les. " Walinla, W. T., to Fort Boise, I. T., 2iiO,i)iio ibs., more or less. ' Wal'ula, W. T., to Coup Three Forks, Owvhee.I. T..:3oo.o()i lbs. more or less. " Wa'lhda, W. T. , to Fort Col.-ille, W. T., 200,000 His. more of less. " Wallula. W, T., to Fort Lapwai, I. T., 2-50,OOa li.s. more or less. " Portland, Oregoa, to Fort Klamath, Or-egon, 200,000 lb-, more or less. Bids will also be icceived for tr.oispoita tion of seventy -live tons, slop measurement, more or less, from San Francisco, Cal., to Astoria, Oregon ; a id of tairty tuns, more or less, fi om Sau Francisco to Port Towu send, W. T. The United States reserves the right to de liver the whole or an portion of the stores specific d aoove to the contractor, and also to reject any and all t.i ls. B-.ds must be in triplicate, and must state the price in coin, per pound, fir land trans portation, and per ton, ship measurement, f..r water transportation. The prn e must he expressed in writing as well as figures, and one copy of this advertisement must he at tached. The usual depoife of .3 per cent, on the amount of the lid is required as a guarantee that the ladder will enter into bonds if the contract is awarded hirn. Envelops containing bids must be endors ed "Sealed Proposals." and the name of the route plainly written across them. R. SANTO N. Bvt. Brig. Gen. and Qr. Mas. U S. A., Chief Qr. Mas. Dept. of the Columbia. March 19:0t OREGON CITY BREWER Y ! IIEARY II UMBEL., Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the pub!i that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAG Bit BEER, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited find promptly filled. JSf EW COLUMBIAN HOTEL. Cor. FRONT and MORRISON St., PORTLAND, OREGON. STB" The most Comfortable Hotel in the Cirv. Board and Lodging, frqm orie to two doll u s perdav, according to rooms occupied. Free Coach to ami from the hoase. fotn KIWAKP CARNKY. ProTietor. yy ILL AM ETTE NURSERY. Season of 70. G. VT. WALLING t Co. would call4 the attention of the pub ic to their hirge and well assorted stock of fi ae fru t trees and shnibV.erv, co:is:sting of choice varieties of CUEkRIES, PLUMS, PEARS. APRICOTS, PEACHES, NUTS, RASPliEffltlES, &c, Ac. tW Persons desirous of purchasing trees should call and examine our stock, which is the largest ard best in the State. Orders (with the cah) sent to the Nursery j will be prompely filled and fonva ded. : Hjft-lxttacure taken in parking Trees. Addres- all orders to I G. W. WALLING k Co-, 45tf Oswego, Clackamas County Oregon I jpgl Sew Advertisements. RUGS. W. WEATHERFORD & CO., DEALERS IN DRUGS, OILS, PAHTS.&C, I RESPECTFULLY INVITE THE ATTEN Y tion ot the trad? and con- amers to their Siwck of Goods, consi-ting of Pure Druas AND DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. An assorted stock of PAINTS AND PAINTERS MATERIALS. PATENT M E D 1 0 1 X KS, CIIEMIC A LS AND DYE STUFFS, INDOW GLASS, BRUSHES, &c., Ac, Ac. With a selected assoitment of Fancy Goods and Perfumery,. Con-tantly receiving FRESH SUPPLIES And offer goods in their line at GREATLY REDUCED RATES, WHOLESALE Oli RETAIL. W. WEATIIEUFOItD &( O., Druggists, 139 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. March 19, lS70:tf K. F. RU- SELL, Heat Instate Attorney, c. v. FKRltr, Altiry Pub.ic usseii Ferry, REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND COLLECTING AGENTS, Northwest corner of F'rst and Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. Q FECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN' TO THE O Sale of Real Estate. Collections made in Oregon and Washington Territory. A large anvuint of desirable City Prop erty, Town Lots, Improved Farms. Stock Ran -lies. Timb-r Land-, lc., situated in the best portion.-, of Oregon and Washington Territory, for sale on reasonable terms. March" 12:tf JOTICE. Is hereby given that mv wife, Elsey Ann Merritt. lias l?ft my bed and toud without any just cau-e or provocation. This, there fore, is to warn all persons not to trut her on my accuint, for I shall not, pay any debts contracted by her from and after this date. MATTHEW MEUKITT. March 12, lS7V2t ALAMSG SfViiTH, Attorney and Couns lor at Law, PHOCTOIt AXD SOLICITOU. AVOCAT. Practices in Sta'e and U. S. Ccurts. Office Xo. 108 Front Street. Portland, Oregon, Opposite McCorrniek's Book Store. STEERS & H3EMDE, Who!esa2o Dealers in FOREIGN AND D3MESTIC IVttus, JJraiuUcs, Vhis7cle$, Etc. No. i'1, Fkont Street, rouTLxn, Orkgox. Constantly on hand a genuine article of Cutter Whisky. JNSURANCE. TIIE MANHATTAN LIFE, axd JVortJi Jiritish and Jrereantile Eire Insurance Companies, E. D. WHITLOW, lG.tf OREGON CITY AGENT. To Siaippcrs of LIVE STOCK! EAST OF THE MOUNTAINS. Reduction of Rates BETWEEN Portland and Dalles, VIA THE Columbia River! THE OREGON STEAM NAV. CO. During the present year will q i n SHIP LIVE STOCK igfgg. (in lots) from PORTLAND to DALLES, (through in one d.13',) including railroad transp.ortation at the Cascades, at the follow ing reduced rates, viz: Yearlings 75 cts per head. Two years old, and cows,?2 00 Three years old & npw'ds 3 00 4 if Horses 3 00 " " J. C. AINSWOFvTH, President O. S. S. Co. Portland, Feb. 15, 1S70. lo.Ct Dr. J, H. HATCH, JmU Mack 4- Halcli DENTIST. The patronage of those desiring tirst Oats Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. B. Xitrovs Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office In Weigant's new bn tiding, west side of First street, t etween Alder and Alor risoa streets, Portland, Oregon. NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE GQMP'Y ! V to OF THE United States of America. WASHINGTON, D. C. Branch Office at Philadelphia, Whtre the business of the Company is transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be addiessed. O- DlKECTOJtS : Philadelphia, Clarence II. Clark, Jay Cooke, F. Ratchfoid St.irr, J. Hinckley Clark, Gto. v. Tyler, XV. G. Moorhead. Washiii-iton, Henrv D. Cooke, E. A.Rollin Win. E. Chandler, John D. DefVees. New York, Ed w. Dodge, II. C. Fahnestock. OFFICERS : CLARENCE II. CLARK, PresiJcnt. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance And Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice P-esident. EMERSON W.PEET, Secretary and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMITH.M.D., Medical Director. J. EWING MEARS, M. D., Assistant. WM. E. CHANDLER. Washington, D. C, aud Geo. I1AHDING, Philadelphia, Attorneys. 0 The Most Successful Life Insurance Company of The World ! Having issued in tho first TEN months ot its existence, 3,395 Policies, - INSURING 15,142,800 Dollars ! This Company effords to its Policy Holders PERFECT SECURITY! By its Cash paid up Capital of One Million Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured, by its Low Rates of Premium ! LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, OR, A REVERSIONARY DIVIDEND OF 100 PER CENT. BY, ITS Return Premium Plan ! -0- fs, Fargo & Co. GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. W. E. HALE MANAGER. A. I. EliliTS, M. !., AGEKT FOR OREGON. OFFICE IN C BEE'S BUILDING, (Up stairs, bet. Front and First sts.) ENTRANCE ON STARK STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. s. d. popeTlocal agent, OREGON CITY. . GENERAL AGENTS I JAY COOKE & CO. No. 216 Broadway, N.Y. General Agents for New York and North em New Jersey. J. U. Orvis and D. C. Whitman, Managers. E. W.CLARK & CO. Bankers, No. 3 South Third street, Philadelpnia, General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer sey. C. S. Russell, Manager. JAY COOKE & CO. Washington, General Southern Agent-. E. S. Turner, Manager. J. A. ELLIS & CO. Chicago, General Agents for Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Mian. JOHN W. ELLIS A CO. No. 122 Walnut St., Cincinnati, General Agents for Ohio and Central and Southern Indiana. S. A. KEAN k CO. Detroit, General Agents for Michigan and Northern Indiana. D. W. Kean, Manager, T. B. EDGAR, St. Louis, General Agent for Missouri and Kansas. C. Orvis, Manager. ROLLINS & CHANDLER, Boston, General Agents for New England and Eastern Provinces of Canada. J. P. Tucker ilan ager. JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO. Baltimore, General Agents for Maryland, W. A. Wi- song, Manager. WM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, -Geseral Over 20,000 Persons Testify to the Wondeiful cure3 of De. J. W. MURRAY'S Balsam for tho Liver ard Blood. NATURE'S OWN REMEDY. Oneofthi Celebrated Physicians of Portland, tav he is cured of the Lung and Liver com plaint, and that he oins his life to Dr. Mur ray Lung and Lirer Balsam. Read ichat lie say : Portland. May 21. 18f9. I have tried Dr. J. W. Murray's Lung and Liver Balsam. I used it in my fam ily with the best ef success. 1 was sick for some months, and used every remedy. I called several physicians, but thev did me no aood. I exhausted every remedy known to the medical profession, and received no ben efit. This Lung and Liver B tbam cured me, and I do not hesitate to recommend it to the public and my lriends, as a good and safe rem dy. Those who kn.v me. as many do in this Stat :, know that I would not recom mend them to use a thing that has 110 merit, because I am opposed to quack remedies. G. W. BROWN. M. D. tH. For sale at BICLL & PARKERS, and at a;l Drug Stores on the Pacific Cusf . i)tf Thomas Charman ! Successor to CHAPMAN 4- BRO- TIIE DEATH OF MY BROTHER HAS compelled me again to change the name of the firm of CIIAK.MAN & BRO. to that of THOMAS CHARMAN having purchased of the estate all the interest held by my broth er in the stock of goodj owned by Charman Si Brother, taking effect January 3d, 1SC9. Will be Carried on as Usual AND A FULL STOCK Will be kept up by me, and will consist, in part, of the following branches of trade : Dry (roorls and Clothing, Huts, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Notions. Perfumery And Patent Medicines. Paints, Oils, Colors, Dye Stuffs and Varnish, Queensware, Crockery & Lamps Sash. Doors, and Window Blinds, Jfardicare, Tools and Cutlery, Ilojic, and Nails Of Every Description. I ask Especial Attention to my e FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. o GROCERIES OF EVER Y VARIETY. Farming Implements OF ALL KINDS. e Attention will be paid to any business left with me on Commission. Notice. My Business with all who favor me with their patronage, will be done on a gold basis bnt Legal Tender will be re ceived at the market quotations. If I desire to say to all who favor me with their patronage that I shall use my best ability to please them, and all orders shall meet with prompt attention. My facilities for doing business are as good as any house in Oregon, and I plcdga myself to sell as Cheap as any House in good standing in the State. I will not be undersold by an3 one Please give me a call and examine for j-our-selves. Thanking you for past favors, I remain, Respectfully vours, THOMAS CHARMAN. J. R. RALSTON, TS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CiTY, OREGON. T7T1ERE HE W O U L D INVITE HIS V friends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of iry Goods, Ciotiaing', 0 Boots aiatlSIaocs, Ilstts :naI Caps, Hardware. Crockery, Groceries, A:c ZSr Having frorc many years expedience learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMAIL PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Silence the Cry of Portland Piicesl Oregon City, Augus2Sth, 1SG9. TEW WAGON AXD Carriage Manufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of ilain and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. G Takes this method to inform bis old pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and tura out all complete any sort ol a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksmithing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing neat ly, qnirkly and cheap ly done 3AVIDSMiriI. Opposite Excelsior Market TUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip J tionitedatthe Extebpbxse offic 37nrp-TI NEATLY EXGVCT. J d aVtb ENTERPRISE OFFICE. O A 3. Kiclaardson, AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland. cATJCTION SALES Of Real Estate. Groceries, General Merchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. Kncrlish refined Rar and Rurvdle Imn - English Square and Octagon Cast steJl ; - - - . 1 . - Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron; - also; .-. 0 o A large assortment of GroceriesTind Liquors J. U. lilCHAKDSON, AUCUOUetr o LAD D & Tl LTON, Established 1859. Deposits received and Accouu ta kersab- ject to Check or Draft. INTEREST allowed on TIME Deposit ol TRUST FUNDS, in sums of ONE DOLLAR and UPWARDS, from Date ol Deposit. Money Loaned on Approved SecHi ity. Bonds Stocks and other raluables received on deposit for safe keeping. COLLECTIONS MADE, an PROC ED3 promptly remitted. Investments in real estate and other prop erty made for parties. Agents for the transaction of all kinds of FINANCIAL and TRUST BUSINESS. SIGHT AND TELEGRAPHIC EXCHANGE On San Francisco and the Atlantic States, FOR SALE. ffOYERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT anoT s&ld. , JO.if O Savings! Savings I FIRST NATIONAL BAN OF PORTLAND o .. Savings Departrrcnt! This Bank has established, m connection with its general Banking business, a saTings department, and will allow interest on coin deposits, made in accordance with the condi tions adopted by this Bankv In establish'ng a Savings Department, th;a Banking Associ Uion has in tiw the benefit to accrue to a class of peisons having stub 1 1 sun is to loan, by proriding a sale place ef deposit, aitrple security, and fair rate of in terest, as wi ll as to aggregate and bring ird use idle capital. For the safety f deposits in this Bank, are pledged its entire capital and resources, and also the persenal liability 'f it Directors and Stockholders, a prorid ed by Section 12 of the Natioaal Currency Act, approved Jure 3. 1864, a greater secu rity ttian that given by ordinary Savinya Bank. Printed copies of the cenditions up on which deposits are received, may be bad upon appl cation to the Board. HENRY FAILING President JAMES STEEL Q Cashier - O DIP E C TORS: II emit Failing, Hexet W. Coubktt, L. HPWalefield, Jamks Steel, W.J. v AxSciicrTEE. n6tf XT 0 Direct Importation FROM NEW YORK. TIIE UNDE SIGNED ARE AGENT'9 for : t . . r FULL SUPPZ7ES. OF & McM (treat's OYSTERS Fresh and g-ieed ; G" Fresh Peaches and Tomatses; Kemp, Dat & Co.'s CASE GOODS, cf all kinds ; Gnoss & Co.'s CHEMICAL Olive Siap ; CANDLES, warranted st po- o rior to any in maiket; Wixslow's, Marine Packing Co's and Saco GREEN CORN; Kixgsford OSWEGO STARCH, of every variety ; Waterbcrt CLOgKS ; of every style ; CEMENT and PLASTER ; : 0 Cakined and Land ; For sa!e LO'TO THE TRADE, by M'CRAKEN, MERRILL k CO.. n?.2m 16 North Front Street. Portland. CLARKE, HENDERSON & COOK, IVJwlesale and I&xil Dealers in o Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, LADIES' 4'D GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, '?., C'c.y &c. Cor. First and Washington sts., 10.3m) Portlend, Oregon. .a. G OOD NEWS o ' To the FARMERS, BUTCHERS O o and TANNERS. D. METZCER & Co. A U OPTION' AND COMMISSION Portland, Oregon, corner Front and Salmon Streets, opposite the old Court House, are buying all the TAILS AND MANES OF jJORSE: THE TAILS OF CO WS AND ALL THE HAIR OF HOGS And aro paying a LIBERAL f lice. (Tftfit 0 o 9 I Gent for tiie Deimuioc oi Caaada. o o