o o i o o o For the Enterprise. SOUVENIESr" la my drawer I have a casket, Filled with jevel3 rich and rare, Treasures that to mc'afe pR'ciou--! sNofte can equal, none compare." They are neither gold or silver ; t Xt Neither gems, or pTecfoU3 stone ; Butarekept.as fond mementoes, r Of the loved ones who have flown. ; t3Tirst of all among these treasures ' if 13 a lock of dark-brown hair, -That reminds me of a mother, "! Who was gentlt kind and fair. Those whose mother has departed, Only those, can tmly weep For the dear one who has left them, V: And in, the " Silent City " sleeps. Another, is a golden ringlet, That awakens memories sad, c Of a darling little sister , Who was ever blilmd and glad. She, the fairest of our circle, Like the flowerets in tbe glade Thoseur fond hearts prize most highly, Those, the loveliest, soonest fade. -Then another, 'tis a Bible By a generous teacher given, With its holy truths and sayings, . Teaching me the way to Heaven. He like fahny, many others, On the field of battle fell, Fighting for our glorious banner, And the traitors to repel. But I hope to meet these dear ones, n a far off better land, There to join the angel chorus , GtuPunbroken, happy band. Eunice Fond. The Bravery of Women. CHRISTIANA DAVIS. The Gentleman'' s Magazine for August, 1739, records the death of one Christiana Davis, on the 7th of July, of that year, who served with great valor in the Inniskilling Dragoons, etc. To this extraordi nary woman we would call atten tion. ; She did not seiwe in the Inniskijings,- but in the Second Dragoons, now the Scots Grays, and. herohistory is indeed a won-J tier. She was born in Dublin, in 1G07, the year after the first fire in Lon don. When her father, who was a malstcr and brewer, was in arms 0 for 'Vyilliam III., the papists block ed up the' church door of Leslip, while herOmother was at Church, with blocks and other lumber. "Fearing, .my mother would re ceive sorhehurt," she adds, in her own account of it, " I seizea spit, and sallied forth to force my way ; but being resisted by a sergeant, I ran my spit through the calf of his leg,' and rcmovctfcthc things which blocked up the door, and called to my mother, :i bidding her come awav, for the dinner was read v !" This was a goodj) beginning or a brave life. Xot long afterward he aunt died, leaving her a tavern, to which she removed marrying one Richard Welsh, who proved a tender husband to her. ,. It would seem that the first overtures were made through a female friend. One daw Welsh was persuaded to take farewell of a schoolfellow, and,- having been induced to share a bowl of punch on board a vessel laden with re cruits, was made intoxicated and irried over to Holland a very usual trick in those days. Here he va made to enlist in Lord Orrey's regiment of foot, now the Fifth Royals. . . '. ,"- .. . Then began the wife's trials and her heroism ; and truly her life orms a very wonderful story. De JCSrmhtcd to find her husband she left one child with her mother, and one, born after her husband's de parture, wit n her, nurse. She cutoff her hair, dressed herself m her hus band's clothes, iind, finding Ensign l,:iwrence beating up tor recruits it the " Golden Last," she enlisted under the nams of. Christopher Welsh. She Avas soon after at the battle f Landeuvhere she was wound il above the ankle, and " heard the rann'ori llay, and the small-shot rattle about me" she wrote, "which jutiicin a sort of panic." Her wound laid her up for two mouths, and, after that, she was taken prisoner, and much urged to (.'.list '.in .the French army, in which, at that time many Irish were serving. She was shortly ex changed, and sent back to duty, C3i! id in one of the towns occupied ly our troops, won the love of a burgher's lair, daughter which, 'y-the-way, was not wonderful, as ' 'hristiana made a very pretty soldier, o. : o 0 She had.n accordance with the mistaken ideas of honor then prev alent, to fight a duel with a rival, a sergeant u.i the same regiment, and so wounded him that, his vounds being thought mortal, she was imprisoned .Even there she was troubled by the sweetheart whom she had won ; but her wit was equal to the occasion. With many tears, she parted Horn her love, telling her she sac rificed her because "she was only too sensible that her father would not bestow her hand oa a poor foot soldier." Proposing, there-, fore, to work her way upward by bravery to a commission, she cut herself free ot her too fond sweet heart. ' Her term being out as foot sol dier, she tried the cavalry, 1 served with honor in Lord John Hay's Dragoons, now the Scots Gravs, being present in 1G95 at the siege of Namur. After the peace of Ryswick, Christiana, not having found her husband, returned to Ireland, un known and unrecognized, so much -n she. bronzed and altered by exposure. She visited her children; but, being too poor to pay the ex- penses to pass unknown. . i 1 - i. she War again breaking om, joined her old regiment, was en gage d at Nimeguen, at the scige of Venloo, and at the second at tack at Schellenberg, where she received a ball in her hip, which was never extracted. Although taken to the hospital, her sex escaped detection. Convalescent, but still carrying the ball in her wound, she was, at the glorious battle of Blenheim, set to guard the prisoners, and there by chance, she met with her husband, who, having thought her long dead, was consoling himself with the attentions of a Dutch woman. At once Christiana's love for gave all. She made herself known to him, and, finding him to be in Lord Orkney's regiment, resolved to serve with him and pass as his brother. Then she left him giv ing him a piece of gold as a token ot her love. All through the great war, con ducted by the greatest captain of that age, or, perhaps, of any other, the Duke of Marlborough, this heroic woman fought. At Ka millics she went through the thick est of the battle unhurt ; but, un happily, when the fight was done, a piece of shell from a steeple, ex ploding, struck the back of her head and fractured her skull. She was trepanned, and sintered im mensely for two weeks; but this did not trouble her so much as the discovery of her sex. The news spread far and near, and Lord John Hay, her colonel, said she should want for nothing. Brigadier Preston made her a pres ent of a new silk dress. Her hus band was brought to her, and she was set free from the service with a handsome present. Aor was this all. J he chaplain of the regiment declared that t here should be a new wedding all the officers being invited to the cere mony and, with much fun and jollity, this took place. The bride's stocking was thrown according to old custom, and, on taking leave, all the officers, commencing witl the Uolonel, begged permission, with the solemn politeness ot the times, to kiss the bride. At a battle near Ath, she wound ed one soldier in the hand and killed another. At the same time a shot wounded her in the chin and knocked her down. Her lms linml rfin ti r?c.k lipr nil. tlmikinor her dead, but found, her only stunned. At Ghent, the Dutch woman, before spoken of, inveigled her hus band into a public-house, on which Christiana iought with her, and cut off her nose, with a caseknife, close to her face. At the seige of Ghent, she fol lowed her husband in the forlorn hope, and, eluding the vigilance of the Colonel, who would have stop ped her, found him and gave him "a bottle of brandy, which was a great comfort to him." He was killed at the hot battle of Malplaquet, and the fond wife came up just as his body was be ing stripped by a marauder, whom she beat off. Throwing her hus band's body across her mare she then acted as a sutler she took it to the rear, buried it, and would have thrown herself into the grave with it, had she not been prevent ed. This singular woman was mar ried twice afterward. She was presented with fifty pounds by tiueen Anne, and a shilling a day for life, which pension Lord Treas urer Oxford reduced to fivepence ; but Mr. Secretary Craggs, the friend of Pope, replaced it at its original sura. She marched, with other soldiers and with streaming eyes and a heavy heart at the funeral of the great Duke of Malborough, under whom she had fought so long and so well, and died loyally at last, full of the same courage and love she had ever shown. Her husband was taken ill, and though sinking herself under old age and wounds, she insisted on sitting up to nurse him, by which she caught a severe cold, and then fell into a fever, by which she died, on the Vth of July, 1739. She was burried in the burial ground of Chelsea Hospital, a de tachment firing three volleys over her grave as for a brave comrade and fellow-soldier. A queer humorist w ho had a hard lime of it, says : " When a man begins to go dottn bill he fiada everything greased for tte occasion. sue nau Hicuiicu, u,oi".v THE OLDEST CITY. Damascus is the oldest city in the world. Tyre and Sidon have crumbled on the shore ; Baalbec is a ruin ; Palmyra is buried in a desert ; Xieveh and Babylon have disappeared from the Tigris and the Euphrates. Damascus re mains what it was before the days of Abraham a centre of trade and travel, an island of verdue in the desert, " presidential capital," with martial and sacred associations ex tending through thirty centuries. It was near Damascus that Saul of Tarus saw the light above the brightness of the sun ; the street which is called Strait, in which it was said he prayed, still runs through the city. The caravan comes and goes as it did a thou sand years ago. There is still the sheik, the ass, and the water wheel. The merchants of the Euphrates and the' Mediterranean still occupy these with the multitude of their wares. The city which Mahomet surveyed from a neighboring height, and was afraid to enter "because it was given toman to have but one paradise, and for his part he was resolved not to have it in this world," is to-day what Julian called the "eye of the East," as it was, in the time of Isaiah, " the head of Syria." ml From Damascus came the dam son, or blue plum, and the delicious apricot of Portugal, called dam- asco ; damask, our beautiful fabric of cotton and silk, with vines and flowers raised upon a smooth, bright ground; the damask rose, introduced into England in the time of Henry VIII ; the Damas cus blade, so famous the world over for its keen edge and wonder ful elasticity, the secret of whose manufacture was lost when Tamer lane carried the artist into Persia and that beautiful art of inlaying wood and steel with gold and silver, a kind of mosaic engraving and sculpture united, called damas keening, with which boxes, bu reaus, and swefrds were ornament ed. It is still a city of flowers and bright waters; the streams of Leb anon and the " silk and gold" still murmur and sparkle in the wilder ness ot the Syrian gardens. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! GREAT REDUCTION! IN TOE -PRICES OF- Fine Watches! Rich Jewelry ! ! And Silverware ! II. JL . ST ON 13, Dealer in W atches Jewelry ! 107 Front Street. Portland, Oregon. o Would invite the attention of his friends and the public to his Lnrjre and Choice as sortment of FINE WATCHES, from the most celebrated makers of E. Howard .V Co. lioston ; Apel on & Tracer, P. S. Dartiett, Waltham, Mass.; Elgin Watches; Jacot's Self-winding Watches; English Watches and others. Also, a well selected stock of ladies Watches, of all description and styles.which he would be pleased to show to all who ma' favor him with a call. FINK JEWELRY and SOLID SILVER WAiE, FANCY ARTICLES, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS : Gold and Silrtr Watches, of different ma kers. Diamond Pins, Ear rings, and Finger rings. Gold Iiracclets. Gold Chatelain Guard .4 and Watch Chains. Gold Necklaces Armlets, Crosses and Lockets. Gold bream pins, Ear rings, and Finger-rings. Gold Charms and Keys. California Gold Rings and Bohmes' Patent Ruckds. Moss Agate Setts. Kings end CmT Buttons. Wedding rings made of pure gold, expressly f or that purpose. Gold arid Silver Thimbles. Opera and Marine Glasses, Pebble Specta cles and Eye-glasses. Solid Silver Napkin Kings. Silver Fruit and Cutter Knives Solid Silver Table and Tea Spoons. Regula tors, Seth Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, Gilt Galley Clocks, etc. o tf All the above articles sold Cheap for Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing and adjusting of Chronometers,Duplex andAmer ican Watches. B. L. STONE. 3.tf 107 Front street. Portland. Oregon. JgUMMOXS : In the Circuit Court of th State of Ore gon, for the County ot Clackamas Suit fur dissolution of marriage contract. Henrietta M. Kelly," plaintiff, vs. Edlon B. Kelly, defendant. To EDLON 13. KELLY, Defendant: In the name of 'he State of Oregon, yon are hereby reqimed to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled s-uit, within ten daj-s from the date of the service of this Summons upon you, if served in this said County, or if served in any other County of this State, then within twenty days from the date of tbe service ot this summons upon you ; or, if served by publication, by the first day of the next term of said Court which shall be held a'ter six weeks from the first publication of this Summons ; aid first publication being February 5th, 1870. And if yon fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in sa d Complaint which is, that the bonds of matrimony,existingbetween plaintiff and defendant herein, be dissolved, and that plaintiff have the custody of the children of sa d marriage. S. I1UKLAT. Attorney for plaintiff. Ry order of lion. V. W. Upton, Judge, of said Court. 13:7t JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoqne & Co., OREGON CITY. tS3.Keep constantly on hand foi sale, flour Midlings, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties purching feed must furnish the sacks. New To-Day. ACKERMAN HAS RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Doors 1 Windows ! WHICH HE OFFERS AT Very LOW RATES ! Look at his Stock before purchasing elsewhere, Goods Warranted t c LIFF HOUSE. MAIN St., OREGON CITY. Wm. Barlow & Co., Proprietors. Ilavins leased the above named celebrated Hotel, for tbe term of one year, we would say to the public, come on, we are ready for you, and will accommodate you to the best of our ability. August 21. tf. JOTICE. The People's Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS: FOB. PORTLAND : At 7 A. M., every day, except Sunday. And 1 P. M., every day. For Salem, Albany and Corvallis : ON" MONDAY, TUESDAY. THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, at 7 o clock A. M., And for Dayton: ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY? f each week. . o A. A. Nov. 27th, 1.8t?y. McCULLY President. 40.tf Harvest ot 1869 ! ! C 11' JX' x JV7 7 And no HUMBUG ! TIic Entire Stock! OF- DRY GOODS. READY-MADE CLOTHING. ROOTS AND SHOES, liens' Ladies, Hisses' and Childrens' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to he sold Regardless of Price! 3 To convince yourself with respect to mis maner, can at tue old corner. I. SELLING, South of Tope Go's Tin Store, Oregon City. HOME MADE FURNITURE! M. WERTHE1MER, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, j.n;juj CITY, rpAKES TIILS METHOD OF INFORMING JL tiio public that be has now on hand a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS, BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS. CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium p ur nil are ! Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, wnieu. merits tue attention of buyers. He MANTTFACTURE5 FURNITURE Using good materials, and employing th very best mechanics in the State. hSnc In can warrant his goods to be as represented and he is prepared to fill all orders with promptness. He would call the attention of the public i.u ins t.u,esroom, as containing the most complete assortment of ' deairublt noods in the 31. AVERTIIEIMER. Main street, Oregon City. LOGUS & A LB RIGHT, EXCELSIOR MARKET ! Corner of Fourth and Main streets. OREGON CITY. &S Keep constantly on hand all kinds of fresh and salt meats, such as BEEF, FORK, MUTTON, TEAL, CORNED BEEF, HAMS, PICKELED PORK, LARD, And everything else to be found in their line of business. WHEN THE BELL RINGS LOOK OUT FOR THE LOCOMOTIVE. Wow is the Time to Buy your Goods! While they are going Cheap ! - o At Cost! For '60 .Ways toly! Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now better prepared than ever to attend to the wants of my customers, and having a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, I hrive decided to Sell olF at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock, 'fctw' order that all may rest assured of this fact I ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES DIIESS GOODS. BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY; BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths : BOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAPS : CLOTHING: FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; 0 CASSIMERE SUITS; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS ; BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most rea&onable terms. Also a larpre stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. fc. ACKERMAN, All kinds of Produce Bought.-! ?RAGS WANTED. CBAS. HODGE. .CHAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W. SXELL. HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IN DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, ASD WINDOW GLASS, rAHNISTIES, BR US TIES, PAINTERS Materials, ana xji-uggitts' Sundries. 97 Front Street, So. Portland, Oregon. 112 FRONT STREET, 131 FIRST STREET, Near Yamhill. Near Morrison Street. , KAST & CAHALIN. New Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Rest Selection in the City ! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as IJpnkert's, Tirndl's, Fosrc's, Houghton & Coolidge's," Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of gents' and bovs' wear. Also Mile's, Sieberlieh's, Burt's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Boots made to order, and an assort iwent of our make constantlv on hsnd. . A. G. WALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OREGOMAN JJUILDIIVG, K. 5 AVn.f.liiiig1on Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS l A I Kt, Jbtc, bound in everv varietv of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. Mai l)Ic Woi-k. A. J. MONROE, Dealer in California, Vermont and Italian Marbles, Obelisks? Monuments Head and Foot Stones. fiLifa Salem Oregon. gpgT Mantles and Furniture Marble fuiiiished to order. I23t S. D. SMITH. Geo. R. COOK. The OCCIDENTAL, FORMERLY 7ESTERN HOTEL. Cor. First and Morrison Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON". ffff-MePsrs. Smith t Cook have taken thi well known House, refitted and refurnisheli it throughout, built a large addition, making thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the dining and sittinir rooms, making it by far the best Hotel in Portland. A rail from the traveling pubiic will satisfy them that the above statements are true. SMITH & COOK, Proprietors. N. R. Hot and cold baths attached. 4.tt JEW YORK HOTEL, (Deutfches Gafthaus,) No 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland. Oregon. H R0THF0S, J. J. WILKENS, PROPRIETORS. Board per Week $3 00 " with Lodging 6 0u " " Day 1 oo Hendee's Photograph Gallery. esr THE ONLY PLACE IX PORTLAND where you are sure of getting No. 1 Pictures at all times is at Hendee's Gallery, corner of Fir.-t and Morrison streets, where he is as well prepared to do all kinds of work as any Gallery in Oregon, and will guarantee as good satisfaction for all his work a3 can be had in the State. Pictures of every kind can be had at short notice. Old Pictures can be copied, enlarged 1".? wdTlTIrdia Ink' or 0il Color8. v Jxi PKICES THAN ANY OTHER f'At L. 4; ,;m V A J j J J A K T IRON WORKS COMPANY ! Iron Founders, STEAM .EiMGIRlE And Boiler Builders! r-rjfc? pwNorth Front and E sts.. yiS Portland, Oregon. rpiIESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the JL 'bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and elliciently. w e have secured the services of Air. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years givt s him a thorough knowledge of Use various kinds of machinery required for mining aid milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and Doner worKs, sucn as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! I &c., &c, Sec. Manvfacturt and Re-pair Machinery of all k-tmt. lKOI SllUl TEIi WORK at San rntncixco crw ana, rrfiaht. H hHr P Ji'ai- daiiti Patent Grinds- an.1. Amalgamator. Danoar s and Steven Self Adjusting Pat-en Pinf.on. Packing, either applied to ihl fr vtr "team cylinders. Quartz Stampers, Shot am, Utc$,ij the best hard iron, 3:1 C. II. ill visits, PLUMBING, GAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, So. HO First Street. Portland JUST KEC EIVED, per Schooner A DELINK ELWOOD, From the celebrated Factory of i Messrs. Kuniey fc Co., ScLcnectedy, jew i oi k, PUMPS OF ENTIRELY NEW PAT- TERNS, in Design Stvle, Finish, and Jeconomv, SUPERIOR TO AN V ofleied IX THIS MARKET, Comprising: ) CISTERN PUMPS, A 11 sizes for lead or iron pipe ; PITCHER PUMPS All sizes BASE A X D SIDE FORCE PUMPS. All sizes fr lead or iron pipe; PYfiTVE VVP'I.I. PI'MPS. mho. For deep wells ; 3 SvArcn wf.i.i, pumps. ft 'AMALGAM BELLS, for Steamboats, Urn Factories. Churche?, etc. POINTS, for Drive wells ; Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine nir stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. MyERg 110 Front street, Poilland, Oregon OREGON BAKEH Y ! P. 0PITZ, PROPRIETOR, FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, Bet. Washington and Stark sts. MANCFACTritER OP ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF OEACKEES! BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY QR ACKERS Will always be sold below San Francis prices. All orders promptly- attended to. OREGON U KERY, Portland, Ort'pot. JAW PARTNERSHIP. J .A8' K- 7T , , ' , J- H. REED, Rewdenoe, Columbia st Residence cwnei ,t bet. 2d and 3d sts. Columbia and 7th ts ,, Jas. K Kellj and J. U. Reed, under the firm name of KELLY REED, Will practice law in the Courts of ($rVft. vmt. uii t noi oiirc, ucur iuerf over th new Post office room, Port.and. (4ntf J AN$IXG STOUT. Attorney and Counselor at law PORTLAND, 0REG(W Office Under the United States Iitrict Court Room. cFront street. 4'.tf L AGE &' THAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE In Cree'a Buildinp.orner Fi out and Stark streets, Portland. S'2:tl c J. F. CAPLE?. J. C. MOKELASD. -Q CAPLES & MORELAND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cvr. FRO XT and WASHING TON Sli.t PORTLAND, OREGON. ' Logan, Shattuck & Killin, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. lOO Front Street, Up Stair, PORTLAND, OREGON. JjJUGENE A. CRONIX, TTQllKEY A T I, A 7r, i Rooflis 7 and 8 Carter's Block, 46. PORTLAND. OREGON. )M. McKEXXEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OREGON CITY, OREGON. -0 A. 8MIT! G 3. H. MITCHELL J. N. DOLPH. Mitchell, DolplPk Smith, Attorneys and Counsellors ot Lav Solicitors in Chancery, and rroc- c tors in Admiralty- J Office oer the old Post Omcey.Frot treet,cj'ortlaiid, Oregon. C. GIBBS. C. W. PARR1SH, Notary Public and Coin, of Jjttdt GIBBS & PARKISH Attorneys and CoSnxors at Zcv, 1 OKTLAND, URFGN. OFFICE O n Alder street, in Carter bruWbl..k. w O ' ' WALTER BROS IVcw CAB PETIjVGS VELVETS, BRUSSELS, o o THREE-PLY, o IL - CLOTHS, WINDO-W-SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, LACE- CURTAINS, &c, & 0 o We Would Call the aitentitm of fw ties fitting up houses, or beivg in need of anything in. our line To our Stock, which ts O ONE OF THE COMPLETF.ST On tlie Psiciiic Coast Ow Goods being specially selected1. the Factor iet in fjjtglund and iht Fas tern States, we can sell AT THE LOWEST Sail Francisco Price Q O 1VALTER BROS., r No. 89 Ftont street, between0 Alder and Washington, Portland Urcg S3.) QOS3IOPOOTAX IIOTig FORMERLY ARRIGOXI'S? FRONT St., POKTLAP J. E. SPRENGER, Proprietor. The Proprietors of this well known Hon having superior accommodations, juaraiifc entire satisfaction to all guests. B. The Hotel Coach will be in attendar to convey passengers and baggage to from the" Hotel, free of charge. 0 Office Oregon and California Stage Co. J)ENTAL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN. During my our of twoye n the Eastern States I ;. jI spared neither time v V"J money to make myse'Ap ' :; fectly familiar with and master of my f fession. Those desiring Ihe best work ti the nature of the case will admit of canfr me at my office, 17 Front street, two dof above Mccormick's Book Store, Portias vregon. DR. J. G. GLEN" Jacob Stitzfx. James B. Unt STITZEL & UPTON, 3Real Estate Brokers and Genera, o Agents, Corner of Front and Washington streets. PORTLAND, OREGON, l o v, J? Will attend to the sale and purcfc-- r : of Real E.-tafe in all parts of the City v. . State. Special attention given to the sJ'X ? -East Portland property. Address P. O. Box 42, Portland. Ore STITZEL & UPTON, ID.tf ; Real Estate Broken- pG. STEWART, No. 109 FRONT STREET, TORTLAXD, OBEGO O Watchmaker JEll . And Jeweler And Dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES. A; JEWELERS GOODS. Agent for VTilcc Gibbs Letter G" Sewing Machines,, are now being sold singly at cost, or safe less than cost. Other goods at rr'' reduced rute.-. ' o (A