- 1 1,- -.M...1. ii"i.i.:i-rl!--"-e,' V o o o 0 o '6 0 o O O e o o o 0 f) 0 o 0 3 5l)c iOteklr) (Eiitcrpris. Oregon City, Oregon 0 D. M. McKENNEY, Eeitoh. o John Myers, Financial Agent. Saturday- Mai ch 5, 1870. Democratic State Convention. Ev virtue of the action of the Democratic State Convention, which was held at Portland on Thursday, March 10th, ISfiS, and of the Democratic State Central Committee, which wag held at the same place, on January 8th. 1S70, the Democratic State Convention will BE HELD AT ALBANY. On Wednesday " h 33I' At ten o'clock A. M. of said day, for the pur pose of nominating Goverxor, Member op C'OXGRESS, SECRETARY OF STATE, TREASURER, State Pkixter, J lice of Second District, JcrGE of Third Distiict, and JrnGE of Fifth District, te be supported at the next June election. By order of said Committee, repreenta tion to said Convention was based on the vote cat for Diocratic Congressman- at f ho last election, giving to each County oae DelcgateJor every seventy-five Democratic votes cast., and one Delegate for every frac tion of thirty eight and over, but allowing each County at least one Delegate therein : which rule of apportionment will give to the several Counties the following number of Delegates, tp-wit : Denton' 7 Baker 8 Clackamas 9. 8 Clatsop 1 Coos Curry Columbia Douglas Grant Jackson Josephine Lane" Linn .0 . : i o . o . 6 . 11 . 2 . 11 . 17 . 14 . 1G . 9 G .Marion Multnomah . . . Telk Tillamook. 1 Umatilla. Union 7 7 4 6 8 G "Washington . Vasco Yamhill . . . Total 15S rhe time for holding the County Conven tions to eleci-) Delegates to the Stat&J)emo cratic Convention, was left bj'the Committee to the several County Committees, whose duty it will be to provide therefor. The Committee would respectfully urge prompt action on the part of thif Democracy of the several counties. L. F. G ROVER, Chairman. V. Trevjtt. Secretary. O Democratic County Convention. rnrsuant to the call of the chairman, the Democratic Central Committee of amas county met at Oregon City, January 23, 1870, John Myers presiding. J. S. M. Van Cleve, a member of the Com mittee, having removed from the county, D. M. McKenne was appointed to fill the vacancy. A County Convention was called to meet Q AT OREGON CITY, OX WEDNESDAY, tiik ICtii day of march, 1870, at 11 o'clockA.for the purpose of elect ing eight Delegates to the Democratic State Convention, to be held at Albany on the 23d of March, 1870, and. for the transaction cf any other business that may properly some before said Convention. The Com mittee fixed the ratioof representation to said County Convention as follows : Each precinct to have 1 Delegate at large, and in addition thereto, tcrh ave 1 Delegate for n every 13 Democratic vote3 cast in the pre cinct for Congressman ia the election of 1SG8, and 1 Delegate for any fraction f such locvotes which shall exceed seven, and which ratio gives theQespoctive pre cincts the following number of delegates, tovit : Oregon City precinct .11 " . O . . 4 o v . 3 . 4 . 5 . 4 . 3 . 3 9 2 '. 2 jvmwauKie liock Creek Young's Spi'inwaler " . . , llarding's " Heaver Creek " . . . Upper Mollala . jiai Knain s Lower Mollala Union dMeasant Hill Tualatin Cane'mah Cascades tt (I Oswego . " 4 It is recommended that the primary meetings for the election of Delegates to the County Convention, be held in the re spective precincts on Tiaturdav. the r?th day of March. JOHN M YERS, Chairman. A Dipiirlniriit of Jnsdcr, A telegram of the 23th of February gays : Jencks, from the Committee on Re trenchment, reported a bill to .establish a department of Justice. Recommitted. A department of Ju?lie! Such a thing as Justice is so foreign to Republican policy, and so unknown ta Republican ofliccrs iu these latter days, that a law of this kind, if enforced, would completely demoralize and break up tho Republican party. This Mr. Jeneks must be cf the Horse Marines, and jesting when he pro poses the establishment of a department uf Justice under Radical rule. Poor Jeneks, this movement, will vuin hlai with his R vdical friend.-?. B. Frank AVhittemore. . This individual is a member of Congress from the First Congressional Distiict of South Carolina, and has become somewhat notorious lately, for the reason that he has been a little too grasping and bold in do ing whai, olher loyal members do in a more quiet way, and for this, he Las got himself into trouble. His official acts which manifested too much Republican ism, and caused him the trouble, were the sa'es of cadetships. Other memberrs ot Congress have been engaged in the same business, but it seems that this Whittemore was a more successful salesman than his compeers, and made more out of his trans actions than they did out of theirs. This excited their oenvions cupidity, and by means of the family bickerings which fol lowed, these transactions became public, and were injuring the Republican party, and must be counteracted by the appear ance of an invesligation and trial. Hence, charges were made against him ; and the matter went before the military committee for examination. This committee took the testimony, and reported to Congress that Whittemore had been guilty of selling cadetships, and recommended .his expul sion. The evidence taken was then read, proving that he had received between $800 and $1,000 fora military. and $1,500 for a naval cadetship. He admitted that he had received 5500 in each ,case. but stated that in one instance it was accepted for distribution to the poorhouse in Ins district ; in the other it was used for po litical purposes, and asked time to make his defence, which was granted. On the 22d of February the case came up lor unai action. i. telegram oi tne 23d gives the result as follows : "Whittemore. in a firm voice, commenced to read his defense, but he was interrupt ed by the Speaker, who announced the re ceipt of a communication from the gentle man, and conceived it to be his duty to lay it beff re the House. "Whittemore de sired to recall it until he had finished his remarks, but the Speaker declined to al low it. and the paper was read. It was a note, dated yesterday, addressed to the Speaker, covering copies of telegrams from Whittemore to the Governor of South Carolina, tendering his resignation, and the telegraphic acceptance by the Gov ernor. with a request to lay the communi cation before the House and inform them that he was no longer a member. Whitte mcre rose, when the Speaker stated that it was not the province of the Speaker to recognize any other than members of the House. It was for the House, not the Speaker, to determine whether the gentle man should 'have unanimous consent to proceed. Finally, at the suggestion of the Speaker, an appeal was made pro forma for the decision, and immediatelj 'tabled. Dawes said it seamed to him so danger ous a precedent to be established that a member could escape the merited punishment which the Constitution clothed the House with power to inflict, by resign ing, regardless of the will of the House, it was proven that the control of the House was at an end. A motion was made to table the resolution of expulsion, and agreed to without division. Logan then offered a resolution that "Whittemore. the late member, did make appointments for the military and naval academy, in violation of the laws, and was influenced by pecuniary considerations, and that his conduct had been such as to show him unworthy of a seat, in the House of Representatives, and therefore the House condemned his conduct as un worthy a representative of the people. Thus a prominent Republican member of Congress, who, prompted by mercenary motives, had openly violated the law, was permitted to resign and escape punish ment even after the testimony had been taken. Such things are very bitter pills for an honest and a free people to swal low, but then he was loyal and must needs be dealt with gently. Had he been a Democrat, ho could have got out of Con gress, in such a case, only by expulsion, and the Radical press would have been terribly horrified at Democratic rascality. But he is a Republican, and is permitted to escape without further exposure, for we have no doubt that, like "Welles' re port, the testimony against "Whittemore will be suppressed in the published report. But, inasmuch as this man "Whittemore is a fair type of the majority of the loyal Congressmen from the Southern States, we propose giving a short biographical sketch of him. The sketch is taken from the Congressional Directory of the third session of the Fortieth Congress, and is as follows : B. Fran "Whittemore, of Darlington, was born at Maiden, Massachusetts. May 18, 1824 : received an academic educa tion, and engaged in mercantile pursuits until 1830, w hen he entered upon the min istry in the Methodist Episcopal church entered the army during the rebellion as chaplain of the 53d Massachusetts volun teers ; served with this regiment its entire term, and then was commissioned as chap lain ftf the 30th Massachusetts veteran volunteers, with which regiment he re mained till they were "mustered out,,7' serving in the army four years ; edited the first journal in South Carolina, after the surrender, devoted to the reconstruction, restoration, and union of the States, called the New Era ; was one of the pioneers of the Republican party and chairman of the Republican Executive State Central Committee until the State of South Caro lina was fully restored to the Union and her civil government completely estab lished ; was a delegate in the State Consti tutional Convention and chairman of com mittee on till of rights ; wa3 chairman of the South Carolina delegation at the Na tional Republican convention at Chicago, which nominoted Grant and Colfax ; was elected State Senator in 1S68 ; resigned hu seat in the general assembly, bavin" been elected to the Fortieth Congress as a Republican, receiving 17,102 votes.against 6.31) i votes for Frierson, Democrat, Jle- President Grant sent info the Senate January 31, the nomination of Francis A. Walker, cf Massachusetts, as superintend ent of the next census. The President made an absurd blunder by this action.as. under the law. the appointment is vested in the Secretary of the Interior, and not in the Picsident, The Chinese Treaty. The Oregonian of the 26th of February, ia speaking of what it terms the official copy of the Chinese treaty, says : It will be remembered that the entire Democratic press of Oregon a few months an was in terrible distress about the ad ditional articles to-the Chinese treaty. All these journals held that the treaty con ferred citizenship on the Chinese in Amer ica and that in case the Fifteenth Amend ment was ratified, they would have the right of suffrage. Of course this was ab surd; but as nothing is too absurd for pa pers of that cless to assert, we took the trouble to show that the treaty contained a clause expressly declaring that nothing contained in it should be held to confer naturalization on Chinese in the United States. This was vehemently denied by the Democratic press, and when Senator Williams published a statement in which the same fact was set forth, he was called a -'"falsifier." ': On the 7th of August, 1868, the Ore ijonian published what purported to be the late treaty stipulations between the United States and China. That paper be ing a party organ for the party in power, we had reason to believe, and do yet be lieve, that it then published a true copy of the treaty. The treaty as then pub lished did not contain any " clause ex pressly declaring that nothing contained in it should be held' to confer naturaliza tion on Chinese in the United States." Hence, when Senator Williams published his letter on this subject for the purpose of showing that the treaty did contain such a clause, we denied it, and denied it, too, upon the authority of the Oreijoroan. The treaty, as first published, alarmed many honest Republicans who did not be litVJ in being reduced to a social and po litical equality with the Chinese, heuce, this clause appears in what now purports to be an official copy of the treaty. But, then, President Grant is such a great political wire puller, and works so zealously in State, county, and township elections for the advancement of his party, that we have no guaranty that the official ly published treaty is a true copy of the treaty concluded between the United States and China. But, if it is a true copy. and actually does contain the clause upon which the Oregonian appears to lay such stress, what of that? Citizenship is not conferred by treaties, but by the courts admiuisterifig the laws of the coun try ; neither has any Democratic paper claimed that tbi-s treaty conferred citizen ship upon the Chinese. But the Demo cratic papers did, and do yet claim what, every candid, sensible person knows, that this treaty was a bait to induce Chinese immigration to this country. This immi gration is to be followed by a change of the naturalization laws, which is now be ing made, and then the naturalization of Chinamen would follow as naturally as the enfranchisement of the negro followed the Civil Rights bill. The Republican press is continually laboring to convince the laboring men that the Democratic opposition to Chinese immigration is all wrong, and that Chinese immigration and cheap labor is the very thing for the advancement of the interests of the laboring man ; that, when the coun try is thoroughly supplied with Chinamen, the while laborers will be advanced to the easier and more lucrative positions of overseers, bosses. Sec. Is there any man fool enough to believe this? and is there any man such a blunded partisan bigot that he cannot see that the Chinese ques tion is a party question the Republican leaders being for, and the Democrats against Chinese immigration and cheap labor ? If there is, bis proper place is in the Republican party, where be can have an opportunity to work, associate, and vote with negroes. Indians- and Chinamen. For just assure as the loth amendment is adopted, the naturalization laws will be changed, and the Indians and Chinese will be enfranchised. Judge Hoar Again. The Xat Ion cf the 10th of February in speaking of the rejection of Hoar, says : Mr. Hoar has been finally rejected. Anybody who cherishes the belief that this action was taken from any very lofty motives would do well to look at the vote before putting the impression away as a settled thing. It is, we believe, certain, however, that Mr. Hoar will still remain in the Cabinet General Grant, at least, being confident of his worth to the coun try. We trust, too, he will sharpen his tongue sharp though it be already and furbish up all his honest prejudices, and give the politicians the benefit of what ever bitterness there may be in him every time they " wait upon him" with " views." The lash of such a man on their sorry hides is what they need of all things, and what the country loves to.see. We are informed that it was in contemplation to urge Mr. Durant. of New Orleans, for the judgeship which Mr. Hoar did not get. Mr. Durant is, and was before the war, a leading member of the Louisiana bar, was a staunch Union man during the war, and a man of the highest character, both pro fessional and personal. His appointment would supply what is greatly needed, a civilian on the Supreme bench. The want of any judge versed in Civil Law is often severely Xelt in appeals from Louisiana, Texas, and California. The President's nominees are Judge Willii m Strong, of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Joseph P. Bradley, of New Jerse-, and both are good. Mr. Sumner says, " because a man is white he is none the more a man." This Is truo, and 3Ir. S.'s existence illustrates the fact. President Grant, it Is said.has subscribed flvehundred dollars towards a weekly news paper, to be owned and conducted by the colored men of Washington. A. T. Stewart has the past season sold twenty $2,000 shawls, and one for $-3,000. COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, The Division ol Texas. A telegram of the , 25th of February says : Howard introduced a bill to divide the State of Texas and to establish the Terri tories of Jefferson and Mattagordo. ue- ferred. Howard explained the bill. Jie said a division was considered necessary, in view of the present exceedingly exten sive area of the State, andifs incongruous character of population. The assent ot Texas would be insisted upon to this ar rangement before its admission to repre sentation. Referred to Committee on Ter ritories. Section 3 of Article 4 of the Constitu tion of the United States provides, among other things, as follows : " No new State shall be formed or erected within the jur isdiction of any other State ; nor any State be formed by the junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the con sent of the Legislatures of the States con cerned, as well as of Congress." This is another unscrupulous partisan movement of the Radicals. They are los ing ground in all the States where they are not backed by the negro vote, and where the people are left to a compara tively free expression of opinion. By the division of Texas they will have six Sena tors from that unfortunate and down trodden State, instead of two. Under the Constitution of the United States, as above cited, before such division of the State can be made, the Legislature thereof must give its consent to the proposition, and such consent- is supposed to be the free and voluntary action of such Legislature. But what do the Radical Congressmen care for the Constitntion of the United States, or for law or conscience? they in tend to remain in pewer if they can do so by actions either lawful or unlawful, and Texas will be divided into three States. It is true Congress proposes to have the consent of her Legislature, but intends to force from it that consent by keeping the State out of the Union until it is given. Is not this tyranny ? Again, how can a State give her valid consent to a United States measure when she is no t a legal and recognized State in the Union ? The Ratification of the me nt. 15th Amcnd- A telegram of the 21st of September says : In the Senate. Williams introduced a joint resolution declaring the ratification of the fifteenth amendment by the requisite number of States. Referred to the Judi ciary Committee. What does this mean? If a sufficient number of States have legally ratified this abomination, why does not the Secretary of State certify to the fact, and the Presi dent make proclamation that the 13th amendment is a part of the Constitution of the United States, as was done upon the ratification of the 13th and 14th amend ments? The fact is, this Chinese Suffrage amend ment has not been legally ratified, and Congress is now satisfied that it will not be ; bnt (he Radicals must have it, right or wrong ; hence this resolution of S fceua- tor Williams of Oregon. Have the American people any self-respect left, or will they abjectly bow the knee in submission to any tyrannical meas ure a corrupt, debased and besotted Con gress may require? If this 15th amend ment is to become a part of the constitu tion of the United States by a joint resolution of Congres, why was it submit ted to the States at all? It is high time that the white citizens of the United States look after their liberties, if they do not want a mongrel monarchy of the most damning nature. The, 13th Amendment Exemplified. We learn that in the city of Portland there is a saloon called the 15th Amend ment, and it is well named. At this saloon the negroes, Chinese and the lower class of while men, such as always seek com panionship with the low, the vulgar and the vicious, meet on a common level and smoke, drink and gamble, to the full sat isfaction of the devil himself. And why not? If this Government is determined to degrade, by a tyrannical force, unscru puously applied, the white men and wo men to the common social and political level with negroes;, Indians and Chinamen, we do not see why this equality should not commence in a low, depraved den, called, by courtesy, a saloon. If any person has any desire to be hor rified by a picture of the lutnre of this sinking country, they can have it by visit ing this place. This 15th Amendment saloon is next door to Death's Corner, a saloon kept by negroes, and where two Homicides have occurred within the past year. F rom these indications we are tear ful that Portland is becoming hopelessly Republican. More Itetreuchmi-ut Humbn; The loyal telegraph informs us that Patterson, from the Committee on Re trenchment, reported a bill to abolish the Freedmen's Bureau and provide for a bureau of - education. This is another proof that the entire stock in trade of Re publican politicians is deception. This abolishment of the Freedman's Bureau and creating a bureau of education is sim ply continuing the old thing under a new name. But if these Republican politi cians nan induce the people to believe that Congress is actually retrenching when it is not, and thereby retain the confidence of the people, Congress will have accomplished all that it expected to accomplish by this -'retrenchment move ment. Conguesstoxal Proceedixo.s. Wc in vite particular attention to the telegraphic reports in to-day's paper, of Congressional proceedings. Tbey will show how Rad ical Congressmen are striving for degra dation to an equality with the inferior races. Organize. The Republicans are secretly bnt well organized. The Grand Army ot the kc- pnblic has superseded the Union League. and is the means by w hich the Republic ans work in the dark for the success of their party. The Democracy do not re quire, nor want any dark lantern opera tions, yet it is highly important that they organize and work earnestly and boldly for the true principles of liberty. Unless colonization is resorted to, this county is good for a Democratic majority ef at least fifty. Bear this in mind, and if possible, increase the majority. Let Democratic clubs be formed in every precinct in the connty, discuss openly and in a manly manner matters of political and public "in terest, such as the bond and Chinese ques tions, and honest men in the Republican party will investigate and act according to their convictions. Then organize, and let us have the results of your meetings for publication. -a A Case Worth Repeating. Some time in December, 18G7, a loco motive boiler exploded in one of the de pots of the Illinois Central Railway, se verely injuring a bystander named Phillips. The wounded man brought an action in damages, and the jury awarded him $7. 000. The Illinois Central, being a rich and overbearing company, resisted the verdict, and appealed to the Supreme Court for a new trial. The new trial was accorded them by the higher Court, and now conies the verdict of the second jury for $20,000 damages, which the corpora tion will be obliged 'to pay. Their de fense was that the best proved boilers will sometimes explode, but the jurors did not believe it, and very properly thought individual rights more worthy of protec tion than corporate privileges. This is the true view of the matter, and wherever, by the neglect of a corporation, the per sons or properly of individuals suffer damage, the rule should be rigidly en forced. It is the only means left the peo ple for protection against the arrogance and brutality of these monster railway companies. A few similar verdicts in this State are needed to bring about the radical improvement needed in railway management. A Col NTUYMAN AND THE ''FORTY TlIIEVKS.'' Last night a countryman visited the Al hanibra Theater, and pulling out his calf skin pocket book, tendered the ticket seller a five-dollar gold piece, asking for one of the best seats in the house, and 'gol darn the expense." The polite treasurer returned to Country his change (four dol lars), which he counted over, and, with eyes stretched, yelled out : " Say. stranger, I want six more bits : I never pays more'n two bits to see a show S" The treasurer attempted to set Country right, and in the effort gave him a programme on which was given the price, the best seats; secured being rated at one dollar each. After spelling it over, his eye caught the an nouncement, "Forty Thieves," and with horror askd if that was the play. Yes" being given for an answer, Country made a dash for the sidewalk, running like a scared rabbit, and holding on tight to his calfskin, yelling out that " he didn't care to see the other thirty-nine the fust one was enough for him. S. F. Fcen'wa Iribune. Relation- ok Color to Temi'Ekatcre. vhen the ground is covered with snow, if pieces of woolen cloth or equal size and thickness, and differing only in color, are laid upon the surface of the snow, near to each other, it will be found that the rela tion of color to temperature will be as fol lows: In a few hours the black cloth will have dissolved so much of the snow be neath it as to sink deep below the surface; the blue will have proved nearly as warm as the black : the brown will have dis solved less of the snow ; the red less than the brown ; and' the white the least, or none at all. It will be uniformly found that the color of a body materially affects its powers of absorption and of radiation. Iklucalional Journal. A bright youth, who was guilty of some offence, was told by his father to go into the next room and prepare himself for a severe flogging. The parent, going int. the room to chastise - him. found that the youngster had an immense hump on his back. What on earth have you got on your back ?" asked the wondering sii.e. " The baby's blanket," replied John. " three double. You told me to prepare myself for a severe flogging, and I guess I've done the best I could." 3- A debating society at Lyons has been for some time engaged in a discussion of the question: "If you had to have a 'bile.' where we uld you have it?" and its members have finally decided, on anoth er fellow." Said an ambitious youth one day to a youna- lady ; Don't you think I'd better dye my moustache?" caressing the infant prodigy. " I think if you let it alone it'll die itself," said the lady. Mrs. Olivia Lynn, who is now residing in Fayette county. Pena., is one hundred and six years old. She has lived to see her children of the fifth generation, the whole number of Lynnets being now two hundred and fifty-nine. . . A London umbrella thief returned the purloined article with the followtng note: This umbraller 'aas prade hon my kon- sbens ever sin I stole him." "Why is a beautiful and fascinating girl like a butcher ? Because she is a " killing creature." You had better find out one of Your own faults than ten of your neighbor. Telegraphic Clippings. A Mail Kills his Krot Iter and commits Stieide Providexck1. Feb. 21. Wifligrri fiooih. while drunk, shot his brother dead at Fall River, bwt night, fai preventing biro from beating hi mother. He then drank a bottle of poisaO.l ing in about fcix hours after. Both have families. Indiana Divorce Vlil 9 Washington. Feb. 22. The Supreme Court of the United States to-day, iu a case involving the validity ot a divorce granted in Indiana, held that being valid by law in that State, under the Constitution of the United States il must be valid in every portion of the country. From TTfah. Chicaco. Feb. 22. A Tribune's New York despatch says that a letter from Salt Lake says Brigham Young has sent a parly to select a location in Arizona, to which Mormons who favor polygamy can retire, and that there is a probability that the' polygamy doctrine will be abandoned soon in Utah. Fight with Indians. Santa Fe. Feb. 23. The Post's La MisselS correspondent reports that Col. Barnard, with a detach ment of the 1st and 8th cavalry, had3 a series of running fights with the Indians in Dragoon Mountains, in Arizona. Janu ary 2Sth. Thirteen Indians were killed and two taken prisoners. The Indian camp and a large amount of material were destroyed. The bar of gold which Col. J. F. Stone had with him when he was killed and the mail robbed, was found in their possession. Women's K ullYa g-i n Itlinncsota. Chicago. Feb. 25. The Minnesota Senate yesterday, by a vote of 12 to D, passed the House bill to provide for ihe submission of an amend ment to the Constitution, allowing woman suffrage. The bill provides for taking in separate boxes the votes of women on the amendment. The Governor will probably sign the bill. Xigro lii-pulillcan Convention. Louisville, Feb. 25. The State Colored Convention, at Frank fort, adopted resolutions endorsing ihe Administration ; denouncing the proscrip tion policy of the Democratic party : scorning all attempts to influen ;e the col ored vote ; regarding the ratification ot the 15th amendment as a simple act of justice to the colored race, and looking with distrust upon Chinese immigration. A State Central Committee was appointed. The Mulatto Senator Revels takes . his ; t. Mr. Revels was conducted lo the front of the President's desk by Mr. Wilson, and the oat!; administered, lie then took the seat assigned him on the Republican side, where numbers of the Senate and others te n d ered congralu 1 a t io us. Tennessee X'gislnt ure Nashville, Feb. 26. " The Legislature adopted a resolution to-day requiring the Governor to issue a proclamation directing the holding of an election under Ihe amended Constitution on the Kith of March Persons voting sxtj, said election are not required to have cer tificates ot registration. A bill passed the House to fund the bonded debt of the State. Fatal Shoot ins;. New Orleans, Feb. 26. The Picayune says that II. Lockett shot and mortally wounded Capt. Howe on the steamer Kale Kearney, at Alexandria, on Thursday last. Civil Government SnTiject ta Military little. RiaiMoxn. Feb. 26. The House passed the enabling bill legalizing ail military appointments to offices since the State was admired, and provides that their places shall be filled by appointments by the Governor, when approved by the Sen at'. The bill will lurni.-sh the State with new officers as fast as they can be appointed by the Governor. Tenilile Railroad Ateident. MKMrnis, Feb. 26. There was a fearful accident on the Mis sissippi Central Railroad, near Oxford, yesteiday evening. A train run through the trest le work, and smashed the baggage express and four passenger cars. At last accounts there were twelve dead bodies taken from the wreck. The Treasurer of the Company and Ipsson were both fatally injured. Full particulars have not been received. Suicide. Sax Francisco, Feb. 2S. C: A. Armstrong, a well-known brewer of this city, committed suicide by blowing a portion of his head off, to-day. He placed a shot gun under his chin, and by means of a wire discharged both barrels. Cause, pecuniary difficulties. Silver Mine- in ICentiieky. LocrsviLi.K. Feb. 28. A silver mine of unparalleled richness has been discovered in Grayson county. Kentucky. The ore found contains a larger per cent of silver than any hitherto discovered. The mines are almost inex haustible, and will be developed in the Spring. Another Clergyman in Trouble. Chicago. March 1. Rev. D. C. Wright, a Methodist clergy man of Quincv. Mich., has been tried and found guilty of repeated acts of adultery, and dismissed from the ministry. Public Debt Statement. The public debt statement shows a total debt of $2.(5l.668,7D. J3. The amount in Treasury, in coin. $102,400,739 9 ; cur rency, $10.280.285 60. Decrease of the debt for the month was $6 -18 1.81 1 75. Since March 1st. a year ago, the decrease was $S7.18:.782 81 ; bonds issued to the Pacific Railroad Co., interest pavable in lawful money, amount outstanding to $611,073 20 : interest accrued not yet paid. $637,541 20 ; interest paid bv the United States, $6,881,664 96 : interest te-. paid by transportation. $1,904,074 fil ; balance of interest paid by the United States, $5,887,590 35. Congressional. Chinese Sufirngp. Washing tox, Feb. 28. Sumner introduced a bill to enforce the amendments to the Constitution, declaring that the right of suffrage shall not be de nied on account of race, color, or previ ous condition of servitude. It provides a fine and imprisonment against persons hindering citizens from voting- or beimr registered. The U. S. District Courts are guyn exclusive jurisdiction of these cases. Tlie Mulatto Revel appointed on Commission. The Chairman announced the appoint mf?, of .r'vels upon the Commissioners of Education and Labor. Tlie way tlie lrjlU Amendment is to Oje rate Resolutions were adopted instructing the Judiciary Committee to inquire whether the Cherokees. or oiher tribes of Indians, are citizens of the United States under the Fifteenth Amendment, and whether a treaty can be made with them. - A High Way. The rnilkj way. A Qt'ACK Dtai. Koast dnckl is said to have been a side issne' The German papers mj emigration f tue uuueu ouues wm be larger this 1 J'ear than ever. A jealous husband in Memphis broke his wife's nose because he thought L beauty attracted tn,(tc-, attention. . A . . . ... . . negro in to itn, Hn. r.w. ha.' painted a picture of heaven. It ients an apple dumpling fenced in m, sausages. Q .o Samuel Hecht was found dead in l;, bed in New York, his cold hand clonchfy ' a Saturday's Tribune contaii jng an pssa, on political economy. It had killed A nigger wench bride, dressed in wli satin, is the latest fashionable folly in the Radical gyascuius Hue in Whingda. She was as lovely as a box of blue pi A Michigan paper wants to know, SYil the coming womm be a man?" Proba bly not5hnt she will be as near a man a$ she can without damage. A religious man of Boston, win las. been to Europe, and wants everybody to know it. continences lii- public praver ilnis: ' O Lord, thou knowest when! was in Europe," &c. Grant has invited a negro and his wen;: to be present at his slate dinner. If th nigger don't cbject, says the New Yori D nj Book, there is no reason w hy 0m. should. 0 A newr brand of Champagnehas b introduced. which, in honour of G.-nen Grant, is called the - President's Cat net." The champagne must be poor sti or else it has been misoamed. Cautious Joshua Cannock, of Ossip pee. N. IL. is, " according 'to the De formation," one hundred and six m old, and has just left off the use of lobacc ( because ' its effect sG are injurious, and tends to shorten life." - Saddl-ekv. J. J I. Schrara, of th'; City, is now manufacturing the Lest SaiMit-r-and Harness in the State. lie wi!l hav:a; least 50 sets of all grades, from tine to or nion, finished and ready tr sale n.t mitrh. and more than that number ef Saddles. Ht is bound to make a trade with any man wlh wishes to buy ot h'rn. He uses h'.tUJit-;: and California leather in his estaUiSTiim-;.: and lii work bears a most exi l ent repi.tti l abroad. e hope that citizens Cf) our (: county will think of this, when they want a::; articles in his line. O ; - o L?it?" It ' vou wish the vc-rv be-. Cabinet Photographs, ori must call . nit.!LE & KULOr SO.N, Ai'J Jloiitgi.nie; street. San Francisco.0 Oregon City Prices Current. The following are the prices paid fc produce, and the prices at which other ar ticles are selling, in this market : WHEAT White. c bushel, 70 cts. OATS fj, bushel. 37 i cts. POTATOES V bushel. 40.:,0 c's. OXIONS "p bushel. $1 ($ 1 FLOUU bbl.$4 00jg$4 50. DEANS White.' fhVtfcfs. DIM EI) ERUIT Apples. fo..4G il Apples. "f-J Peaches. V !-, Dijc: Plums, 15 cts ; Qiirrants. It... 10020 cts. DCTTEIt ft).. Ki cts. K(IGS "c? dozen. 1:20. CHICKENS -p dozen. $3 004 00. SUG AK Crushed. .. 20 cis.: Islur . lb.. 10,12 cts.: N. ).. 5h- 15 c! San Francisco refined. lt)Cll5 cts. TEA Young llvsoii, f? lb.. $1 50 ; J; pan. rl It.., 90c$i 2S ; DJack. 1? h., Ik COFFBE "f? ff.2?(& cts. SA LT-p lb.. 1 'cts. SYUUP Ileavv "Golden. gall.. $! Ex. Ileavv Golden. r. ga)l.,$l 0V(i $ 1 i).vtv;. J1,IIII, li.. in L'f ) 15 cts. 3 lb.: Shoulders, 12 cts. LARD lb.. 12(15 cts. OIL Devoe's Kerosene."- gall.. $1 00: Linseed oil. rawoRpal'-. 1 I ""W IT.. (-.1 1 f! r - S!i!.' $1 fcj Linseed oil. boiled. gall., $1 70. WOOL lb. 20 ct.O BEEF On foot, 7 0r,S c's. ft). POKK On foot. 6 cts. f ft,. SUEKP Per head. $2 0$2 50. Ill DE8 Green, -ft lb.. 5c. j Dry.fT 10 els. O XOTICg. To the Union Republic rotors of Clackamas County : I offer n-y-t as a Candidate for the office of SIIEKlFl subject to the decision of the Convention: do not want the office for the honor, but ft) the profits, to support my family. Hani: t een in poor health for more than a 3-earpa- and no hopes of getting well, or able v work but able to attend to the duties ef tf above oflicc. 1 therefore ask my friends t- give me their support. My political an. 1jLz mnral reco d i-; well known to those tli-.." knowme, having been in the county for ti last twenty years and urn known by mfSiv; U th oso who do not know me can find out who: am, by asking those that know me. Respectfully Yours, D. II. G OOP Oregon City, Feb. loth, 1870. 1-r-' SPECIAL NOTICES. flultnomali Lodge? No. 1, A. b an' A. "il. Holds its regular rommun & cations on the First and Third urd'JV m each month, at 7 o'clock from the 2o'th of September to the 2"th -March, and 7 o'clock from the 201 of Marc: to the 20th of September. Brethren in go standing are invited to atteud. By order of W. ! w Oregon Ixxlgc IVo. 3, I. O. of O. ' Meets every Thursday e' 3 ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow -)wH- Han, Main s eet. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. S G- Rebeeea Degree L.or1ge IVo. 2, I. O. Q- F' Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDA Y EVEXLXGS. of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow' Halt. Members of the Degree are invited ' attend. By order of '. O. Willamette Cotlge o. 131. O. G. 1 Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooff; S.E. corner of Mam and Fifth streets, at 7 o'clock. Visiting members are invited t-v attend. By ordr of W. V. L - o o ftt