o a o Q 0 o o 0 o ) An Encounter -with Pirates. From the New York Tribune, Jan. 2ith. On Saturday the North German bark Aponrade arrived here from "VVhampoa, China, after a voyage of 100 days, the crew tell a thrill ing tale of an encounter with pi rates in Canton River. In Decem ber, 1863, the Apenrado left Ham burgh for Singapore. Siam, Bang kok, Hong Kong, Formosapand Tam-Sui. When laden with 580 terns of tea she sailed for New York, on the lst of September last. On the 24th the vessel ar ,e rived -w ithin sight of Macao, and, " as there were head winds and calm alternating, anchor was dropped in the outer roads, oft' the latter port. The pilot was usciiargeu close to Patoi Island, and sail was subsequently made. At twilight t.h rivor a wanned with Chinese junks bound in from the sea. As this was no on frequent occurrence, the circumstance was not nouceu. Suddenly there was a dead calm, and the vessel commenced drifting ihn 1f shore. All sails Were set, but to no effect, and as the captain was about again to an chor, alarge junk ran across the Apenrade's stern. Suddenly she tacked and approached within two lengths of the-vessel, and bringing herbroadside to the Apenrado, she opened fire. Six guns poured m grape and canrustcr, which tore a-w-ay the bulwarks and boats5smash in" the uVper works and scattering I the splinters in every uuecuoiv Instantly the pirate laid along side of the bark, whose cre w were ready to receive the pirates, half a hun dred whom sprang from their concc'alment, and with revolvers in hand boarded the bark. Tlie Cap tain wasshot in the breast, but af- ter slightly recovering he was per suaded to ascend the mizen-top. Tlie crew being overpowered iled to the main and fore chains, where they were discovered and guarded by the pirates. ,A seaman was liiled. and the mate received a ter rible wound upon the top of his head! After making inquiries for monev and opium, the savages rushed into the cabin 'and stripped it of charts, quadrants, glasses, and $28. Then they broke open the cargo, and with wonderful coolness bean to pass half chests of tea into their junk. While this was going .on, they caused the anchor to be dropped, and about thirty fathoms of chain to be paid out. "When a-bout 100 half chests had ,been transferred to the junk a cry was raised that aeteamcr was in sight which was subsequently ascer tained to be a Canton river trader. The pirates then left, after stealing all the boats, and Capt.- Davidson nt once, feelimr. that time was alPi important, slipped cable and, as the wind fortunately began to fresh en made for Macao, 0where he ar rived that night. The vessel presented an awful sight. The lower part of the rig ging and sails wereut and riddled in a hundred places by he pirates' guns, so that they were useless. The decks were charred by beam ing stink pots. All the arms used by the pirates were of the most improved manufacture. & A'cFact for Fahmees. It may not be generally known that the seed of "the sunflower is the most infallible remedy yet discovered for the speedy cure of founder in horses. The directions, which we glean from a brief article upon the subject in the Essex lamury are: "Immediately on discovering that your horse is foundered, mix about a pint of the whole seed in his food, and it will perfect a cure. Sunflowers are easily grown along side of fences and in out-of-the-way places, where they take .up but lit tle room. The seed, when fed in small quantities to horses, is very healthy, giving to the hair a pecu liar gloss.O It, is diuretic in its ten dency. Fowls like it much, and thrive on it." Alexis St. Martin, whoscPside was shot awayli 1322, ii such a manner as to expose the action of the digestive organs to the Sur geon's eye instill alive and well, in Cavendish, Vermont. . Tlie celebrated Davenport broth ers are astonishing San Francisco with their supernatural perform ances. The farmers of the vicinity arc marrying the duml? women of the Jacksonville Asvlum, and they arc declared to be "dumb croodJ wives. 7 TO THE WORKING CLASS. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with con stant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50c. to per evening and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business business. Boys arid girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their ad dress, and test tne busines, we make this unparalleled offer: To such as are not well satisfied, we will scud 1 to pay T& the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valu able sample, whirh i-n ,.r,. work on. and a copy of The Ppl LiUra- tij i-ownaniou -one of the largest and best lamny newspapers irabUsbcd ail Kt fr by mail. 1? r 3 - o . " " ivcuuer, lt yOU want permanent r.umawpvoi'K, atfarcss E. C. ALLFXA- CO. a PIIECIXCT L.IXES. Be it remembered that at a regular term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas county, begun and held at the Court Houe in Oregon City on Monday, the 7th day of February, 1870. Present, lion. W. T. Matlock, Judge, John M. Drake and Wmf McCorvn, Commissioners, John Myers, Sheriff, nnd J. M. Frazer, Clerk. The following proceedings were hd on Wednesday, Feb. th, being 'be Cd day of the term, to wrt : . . In th maUer of the precincts cf this pimntv. it is ordered and adjudged that the Dreeincts shall be bounded and described as follows, to wit : OREGON CITY PRECINCT shall be bounded follows, to wit : Corc taencing at ths Willamette riyer between Oregon City and Caneniah, at the intersec tion of the north liae of the McXinlar dona tion claim and Willamette rirer, in T 2 S 11 2 E, thence due eat to the section line be tween sections 31 and 32 in said Township, and range thence south on section line to Township line between T 1 S R 2 E and T 3 S R 2 E ; thence in a sontn westerly aireJiiu-i to Township line between T 3 S R 2 E and T 3 S R 1 E, where the southerly line cf S. H. White's bind claim intersects said Township line, thense south to where the Section line between Sections 13 and 19 in T 3 S 11 2 E intersects the Township line between T 3 S R 2 E and T3SR1E; thence due east on the Section line until said Section line inter sects Township line between T 3 S R 2 E and T 3 S R 3 E ; thence norta on Township line between said last two named Townships to the Clackamas river; thence down the Clackamas river following its meandering to where section line between sections 16 and 21 T 2 S R 2 E crosses said river; thence west to corner of sections 15, 17, 20 and 21, in said Township, thence north to the north line of F. C. Cason's donation claim ; thence following said . C. Cason's northern line westerly until it intersects the claim line of James McNary's donation claim ; thence southwesterly to the corner of R.Jennings, J. McNary, F. C. Cason and P. M. Kinear- 1 som's claims; thence northwesterly following on tne claim line or saia t. Jennings to where it coi ners with the I. B.Rogers claim ; theme in a southwesterly direction to the Willamette river, following the claim line between .3;d Jennings and Rogers claims ; thence up said river to where the Township line between T 2 S R 2 E and T 2 S R 1 E crosses said river; thence across the Willam ette river ; thence west following the north line of 1). D. Tompkins land claim to where it intersects the section line between sec tion 23 and 24, T 2 S R 1 E ; thence south to the corner of sections 23, 2 t, 25 and '2 in said T 2 S R 1 E ; thence due west following section line to the Tualatin river ; thence down said Tualatin river following its mean derings to its mouth, where it empties into the Willamette river ; thence down said Wil lamette river following its meandering, to the place of beginning. CANEMAII PRECINCT. Shall be bounded as follows, to wit : Com mencing at a point on the Willamette river where the north line of McKinlav's donation claim intersects said river, in T 2 S 11 2 K ; thence due east to section line between sec tions 31 and 32 in s-aid Township ; thence south following section line between sections 31 and 32 to Township Hue between T 2 S It 2 E and T 3 S R 2 E ; thence southwestoilv bto where S. S. "White's southerly claim line intersects Township line between T 3 S R 2 E and T 3 S R 1 E ; thence south following said lowuship line to where T 3 S R 1 E, T 3 S R 2 E, T 4 S II 1 E and T 4 S li 2 E cor ners ; thence following the Township line be tween T 3 S R 1 E and T4S R 1 E due west to the Molalla river; thence following the meamlerings of said Molulla river to its mouth at the Willamette liver ; thence down tire Willamette river, following the mean derings thereof, to the place of beginning. UNION TRECIXCT Shall be bounded as follows, to-wit : Be ginning at the mouth of Pudding and Mol alla rivers, where said stream empty into the Willamette river; thence following the meanderings of sanl Moialla river up to where tlie Townships line between T 3 S II 1 E, and T 4 SRI E, crosses said Molalhi river; thence east on said Townships linf to where T 3 S Rl E, T 4 S R 1 E, T 3 R 2 E, and T 4 S R 2 E, corner; thence south on Town-hips line to .Moialla river, to where the Townships line between T 4 S R 1 E, and T 4 S R 2 E, crosses said river ; thence across said river on said Townships line to corner of Sections 13 and 4, in T 4 S li 1 E. and Sections IS and H, in T 4 S R 2 E ; thence due west, following the Section line, to the corner gf sects. 10,17, 20 and 21; thence S to corner of Sections 20, 21, 28 and 20 , thence west on Section line to tho County line be tween Marion andClackamas counties ;tl:ence following said County line to where it inter sects the Wil'ametie river; thence following the meanderings of said stream to the month of the Moialla river, at the place of begin ning. LOWER MOLALLA PRECINCT Shall be bounded as follows, to-wit : Be ginning at the County line between Marion and Clackamas counties, on the section line between sections 24 and 25, in T 4 S R 1 W ; thence east on said sect ion line crossing Townships line between T 4 S.R 1 W and T 4 S R 1 E, and continuing east on section line in 1 4 S R 1 E, to corner of sections 20, 21, 23 an42'J ; thence north following section line to corner of section 10, 17, 20 and 21 ; thence east following scctian line to Town ships line between T 4 S li 1 E, and T 4 S R 2E; thence due south following Townships line to the corner of sections 12 and 13, in T 5 S III E, and sections 7 and 18 in T : S R 2 E, which corner is on Townships line be tween said last named Townships ; thence due west following section lines in T 58 it 1 E, and section lines in T 5 S R 1 W, to the cwunty line between Clackamas and Marion counties ; thence foTlowing the county line northerly to the place rf beginning, MAEQCAM PRECINCT Shall be bounded as follows, to-wit : Com mencing at the County line between Marion and Clackamas counties, where t! c section line between sections 11 and 14 in ToS KlW intersects said county line : thence est fol lowing section lines in To SRI Vr, and sec tion hues in To SRI E, until it intei sects the Township line, between T 5S R 1 E, and T 5 S R 2 E, continuing cast one mile in hist named Township, to the corner of sections , S, 17 and 18, in T 5 S R 2 E ; thence south one mile on section line to corner of sections 17,18, 19 and 20.; thence east one mile on section line to corner of sections 10, 17, 20 and 21; thence south on section line two mi If to corner sections 2S, 2!, 32 and 3'.; thence east one mile to corner of sections 27, 2S, 33 and 34 : thence south one mile to Townships line between T 5 S R 2 E, arid T t S R 2 E; thence east on said Town-hip line to intersection of section line between sec tions 2 and 3, in T6SR2E ; thence tonth oi;e mile on section line to corner of sec t ons 2 3, 10 and 11 ; thence cast one mile to cor ner of sections 1, 2, 11 and 12 ; thence south one mile to corner of seetions 11, 12, 13 and 11 ; thence cast one mile to Townships line ; thence following said Townships line south to County line ; thecce following theCountv hiietn a northwesterly direction to the place of beginning. UPPER MOLALLA PRECINCT i Shall be bounded as follows, to-wit Com mencing at the County line, where the town ships line runnings between TCSR2E and T CSR3E intersects said County liae; thence "V on said Townships Sine to the corner of sec tions 12 and 13, in T i5 11 2 E; thence wet one mile to corner cf sections H, jo. 13 and 14 , thence north r ne mile to corner of sec tions 1, 2, 11 and 11 ; thence west one mile to corner of sections 2, 3, lo and 11 ; thence north one mile to Townships Jine between T G S R 2 E, And T 5 S R 2 E ; thence west on said Townships Hue one mile to where sec tion line between sections 33 and 34 in T 5 S R 2 E intersects sudTowuships lino ; thence north one rai'e to corner of sections 1:7, 2s 33 and 34, in T 5 S R 2 E ; thence west one mile t co'T-er of s'-ctrrs '!. '2", "2 f - ifl 17 "a and 21" thence west one mile to 1G! '-,7 is 19 and 0: thence north one mile to corner rJ'$,l' and IS ; thence west one nnle to Townships line between T SSB 2 E, and T o S RU, thence north following Town-nips MolX rirer to where Townships line be end T4SR 2 L, croeses tween T 4 a Cj .,: 1 htp thence up tains or County line ; thence wes'erLy to thts place of beginning. BEAYEC CREEK! PRECINCT 5hiU be bounded as follows, to-wit : Com m"DC';n.'cn townsnips line between sections rs dl' in-T 3 S R 2 H; thence east on section line in T 3 S R 2 E, crossing Town bm line continuing ea&t on section lineto tolner of sections 1, 17, 20 and 21, in T3S R 3 E ; thence sonth on section lines m IoS R3E, crossing township line continuing on south on section line to corner of srtioa3 4, 5 3 and 9, in T 4S It 3E ; thence due west on section line in 3aidT4SR3E, to Township line; thence continuing west on section line to corner of sections 2, 3, 10 and 11, m T4SR2E; thecce south on section line to corner of sec tions 22,23,26 and 27 in said township; thence west to Moialla river, thence down said river to intersection of townships line between T 4 S R IE and ri4SR2E ; thence north on town ships line to the corner cf sections 13 and 24 inTSSRlE, and sections 18 and l'J in t 3 s r 2e at the place of beginning. HARDINCS' PRECINCT Shall be bounded as follows, to-wit : Com mencing at tne intersection ot tne lacica- mas river and townships line between t2sr2e and t 2 3 r 3i e ; thence up said Clackamas river, following Its ireanderings, to the cor ner of sections 17, 13, 19 and 2o, in t 3 sr4e ; thence due west to the corner of sections 13 and 24 in t 3 s r 2 e, and sections 18 and 19 t 3 s r 3 e; thence due north on townships line between t 3 s r 2 e, and t3 s r 3 e, and between t 2 s r 2 e, aud t 2 s r 3 e, to the place of beginning. SPRING WATER PRECINCT. Shall be bounded as follows, to wit : Com mencing in the mountains at tlie corner ot 4 S R 3 E, T 4 S R 4 E, T 5 S R 4 E, and T53R3E, thence following Township line noith 4 miles to coi ner of sections 12 and 13 in T4SR3E, and sections 7 & IS in T4SR4E; thence due west on section line to corner of section 0, 10, 15 and lf in T4SI13E ; thence north 1 mile on section line to corner of sec tions 3.4,!) and 10; thence west to corner of sections 4,5,8 and 9; thence north on section lines 111 t 4 s r 3 e to corner of sections 10, 17, 20 and 21, in t 3 s r 3 E ; thence due east on section line in t 3 s r3 e; ciossing town ship line, continuing east to corner of sec tions 17, 18, 19 and o, in t 3 s r 4 c, said corner being in the Clackamas liver; thence following the meanderings of said river uu to the County line, or mountains, thence fol lowing range of rrcuLtains, or County line, westerly to place of beginning. YOUNG'S FRECINCT Shall be bounded as follows, to wit : Com mencing at the mouth of Deep creek where it empties into the Clackamas liver, thence in an easterly direction, following the mean derings of Deep creek to the second main fork, in section 13, t 2 srS e; thence follow ing the right hand or southern prong of said stream to the County line, or mountain range; thence following the County line, or mountain range, southerly to the' Cl.icka mas liver; thence following the meander ings of said river northerly to the place of beginning. CASCADE PRECINCT. Shall be bounded as follows, to wit : Com I mencing on the Connly line between Mult nomah and Clackamas counties in the Cas cade mountains, thence westward following said County line to the township line be tween tlsr3e and tlsrde; thence south on said township line to where it intersects the south prong of Deep creek, bet ween t 2 s r 3 e ami t 2 s r 4 e; thence following said south prong of Deep creek up to the Cascade mountains, or County line, thence north ward to place of beginning. ROCK CREEK PRECINCT L'l 11 1. 1. 3 1 r n . . . . . uu uuunui'u as 101 lows, to Wit: Com mencing at the intersection of thu County 1 . - 1 .1 , - . - 1 . , .. - linn nnu iow usii; nne ueiween t 1 s r ;s e and t 1 3 r 4 e, tiier ce following the town ship line south to the south prong of Deep creek, between t 2 s r 3 e and t 2 s r 4 e ; thence following down Deep creek to it-i mouth at the Clackamas river; thence fol lowing the meandering of Clackamas river down to where the section line between sec tions 14 nnd 15, t 2s r 2 e intersects aid crosses said river; thence due north on sec tion line to County line ; thence following the County line easterly to the place of be ginning. MILWAUKIE Shall be bounded as follows, to-wit : Com mencing at the Comity line between Multm - mah and Clackamas counties, where the sr c turn line oeiween sections ana "Ji UJ r 2 e intersect said County line; thence south fol lowing the section lines i:i t I s r 2 e, and section lines in t 2 s r 2 e, to the Clackamas river; thence down the Clackamas rivi r fol lowing the meanderings thereof, to where the section line between sections 1G and 21, t 2 s i' 2 e crosses said river ; thenct west to the corner of sec tions 17. 2o and 21, in said townships ; thence following the section line nortu to the north east corner of F. (jk Cason s donation claim; thence westward" on said claim line to the intersection of James McNary s clf.im line; thence south westei Iv along said Mc.Na' v s claim line to corner of . Jennings', P. M . Rinearson's F. C. Cason, ana Ja nes V.ciNiirvs; thenee north westerly along the claim line of B. Jenning's to wheie it cr rners with the B.B Rogers claim: thence south westerly along said claim line to the Willamette rrer ; Ihence down the Willam elte river, following its meanderings to the Multnomah andClackamas county line, below Milwankie; thence eastward, fallowing said County lineto the place of beginning. OSWEGO ?RECINCT Shall be bounded as follows, to-wit : Com mencing at the intersection of the County line ot Clackamas and Multnomah counties, and the "Willamette liver on the west bark of said river; thence west on said County line to corner of Claekama-, Multnomah arid Washington counties; thence south on coun ty line to Tualatin river: thence following the meanderings of said river down to where the section hue between sections 21 and 2-3 i t 2 s r 1 e crosses said Tualatin river ; thence cast on section 'iues to corner of sections 23, 21.25 and 20; thence north on sect on line between sections 23 and 21, to intersection of D. D. Tompkins north line of his dona tion cla:m ; thence ast on said donation clam line to the Willamette river; thence down the "Willamette river, following tlie meanderings thereof to the place of begin ning. TUALATIN PRECINCT, Shall be bounded a follows, to-wit : Com mencing 011 n-rtb s de of Willamette river, at the intersection of said rirer nnd the town ships line bttweu t 3 s r 1 w, and t 3 s r 1 e ; thence down said river, following its mean derings to the mouth of the Tualatin river; thence up said Tualatin river, followi-ig its meandering to the County line of Washing ton and Clackamas counties ; thence south following the county line to the southeast corner of said Washington county, and thence continuing south on townships 1 ine between t 3 s r 1 w and t 3 s r e. to theWil lanaeite river, at the place of beginning. PLEASANT II ILL PRECINCT Shall be bounded as follows, to-wit : Wash ington county on the north, Yamhill county on the west," Willamette river on the south, anp the townships line between t 3 s r 1 w, and t 3 s r 1 e, ou the east. IT APPEARING TO THE COURT that the convenience of a number of citizens m and about Cuttingsville, demarded that a new election precinct be established ; It is therefore ordered and adjudged th-t. COURTESY OF CUTTING PRECINCT And shall be bounded as follows, to-wit : Commencing at Wright's bridge, on the Mo ialla river; thence east on section line to corner ot sections 22, 23, 2G and 27 m t 4 s r 2e; thence north on section lines to corner of 2, 3, 10 and 11, in said township ; thence eust on section lineto townships line contin uing east on section line, to corner of sec tions 3, -4, 9 and 10 in t 4 s r 3e ; thence south on section iine one mile to corner of sections 9, 10, 15 and lfi; thence east to tewnships line between t 4 s r 3 e, and t 4 s r 4 e; thence south on townships line between t 4 s r 3 e, andt 4sr4e, to the mountains or county line; thence westerly to the Moialla river; thence northwardly, 'following the meander ings of said rirer," down to place of begin ning, at Wright's bridge ; and that the place of yoting shall be at Cuttingsville, in said Precinct. It is ordered and adjudged that the places of voting in the several precincts shall be at the usual places of holding the polls in said precincts. State of Oregon, ) County of Clackamas. )" I, J.M. Frazer, County Clerk of Clacka mas county. State of Oregon, do hereby cer tify that the foregoing copy of pioccedings of the County Court'respecting the precinct boundaries have been by me compared with the oiiginal records of said Court, and that it is a correct copy of the whole of such pro ceedings relating to precincts. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and signature as such Clerk, this 14th day of February, A. D. 1870. Published by order of Court. . J. M. FRAZEK, J L.S. f Clerk Clackamas County ( ' 15.2t Oregon. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! GREAT REDUCTION! JjW- -5 IX THE -PRICES OF- Fine Watches ! Rich. Jewelry ! ! And Silverware ! 3L ST ON 13, Dealer in W at dies Jewelry ! 107 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. 0 Would invitp. the :ttfiition of his friends and the public to his L;irge and Choice as sortment of FINE WATCHES, from the most celebrated makers of M Howard & Co. Boston ; Apt lion & Tracey, P. S. Raitictt, Wnlttoim Msiss.r 'l-in Watches: Jacot's Pelf winding Watches; English Watches and others. Also, a wf II selected stock of ladie- Wsitchtw of nil ilpstrrln! ion :inrl strips w'nioli he would be pleased to show to all who 111 ay favor him with a call. FIXE JEWELRY and SOLID SILVER H'.IE, FANCY ARTICLES, SUITABLE FOIl HOLIDAY PRESENTS : Gold and Silver Watches, of different ma kers. Diamond Pins, Ear lings, and Finger rings. Cold Bracelet-'. (Jo'd Chateluin Guards nnd Watch Chains. Cold Necklace A rnilets, Crosses and Lockets. Gold breastpin-, Ear-rings, and l'ingi r-i ings. Gold Charms and Keys. California Gold Rings an 1 liohmes' Patent P.uckels. Moss Agate Setts, Rings end Cuff Ruttons. Weddii'g lings made of pure gold, expi esIy for thr.t purpose. Gold arid Silver Thimbles. Opera and Marine Classes, Pebble Specta cles and Eve-g!;sses. Solid Silver Napkin Rings. Silver Fruit, and Cutter Knives Solid Silver Table and Tea Spoons. Regula tors, Setii Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, Gilt Galley Clocks, etc. Zef All the above articles sold Cheap for Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing nnd adjusting of Chronometers,L)upiex andAmer icun Watches. P. L. STONE. 3.tf 107 Front street, Portland, Oregon. Hendee's Photograph Gallery. 3T THE ONLY PLACE IN PORTLAND where you are sure of getting No. 1 Pictures at all times is at llendee's Gallery, corner of Firt and Morrison streets, where he is as well prepared to do all kinds of work as any Gallery in Oregon, and will guarantee as trood satisfaction for all his woik as can be had in the State. Pictures of every kind can be had at short notice. Old Pictures can he copied, enlarged and retonched in Ldia Ink, or Oil Colors, AT LOWER PRICES THAN ANY OTHER PLACE. 40 (jm S. D. SMITH. Gko. R. COOK. The OCCIDENTAL, FORMERLY ESTERX HOTEL. Cor. First and Morrison StrrW POKTLAM), OR F(J ON. JKS" Messrs. Smith A Cook have taken this well known Hons?, refitted and sefurnisheh it throughout, built a large addition, making thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the tiiuing and sitting rooms, making ?t bv far the best Hotel in Portland. A call from the traveling pub'ic will satisfy them that the above statements are true. SMITH & COOK, Proprietors. N. R. Hot and cold baths attached. 40. tf jVTEW YOIiK HOTEL, (Deutrchcs Gaftlians,) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland, Oregon. H. KGTHF0S, J. J WILKENS, PROPRIETORS. o Board per Week ." 00 " " with Lodging V, 00 " Day l 00 glUDIOXS : In the Circuit Court of llu State of Ore gon, tor the County of Clackamas Suit for dissolution of marriage contract. Henriettu M. Kellv, plainliil, vs. Edlon B. Kelly, defendant. To EIUJJN B. KELLY, Dffendnnt: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit, within ten days frorn the date of the service of this Summons upon you, if served in this said County, or if served m any other County of this State, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon yoa : or, if served by publication, by the first day of the nest term of sai'd Court which shall beheld a:ter six weeks from the first publication of this Summons : said first j publication being Ftbruary oth, And 11 jou lau 0 to answer, lor want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in sa'u Complaint which is. j that the bonds of m3trimony, xisiingbetween j plaintiff and defendant herein, be oissolved, j and that pliUBtiff bnve the custody of th . children of sad marriage. AT. : BANCROFT LIBRARY, UL.UJMUL'-jn'J. New To-Bay. AOKERMAN HAS RECEDES A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Boors Windows ! WHICH HE OFFERS AT o 7 v cry fSmLook at his Stock before purchasing elsewhere, riLIFF HOUSE. MAIN St., OREGON CITY, mm Wm, Earlow & Co., Proprietors. Having leased the above named celebrated Hotel, for the term of one year, we would say to the public, come on, we are ready for you, and will accommodate you to the best of our ability. August 2 1 . tf. jTOTICE. The People's Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON GIT Y AS FOLLOWS: FOU FGFvTLAIfD : At 7k A. M., every dnv, except Sunday, And 1 P. iI.f every d.iy. For Salem, Albany and Corvallis : ON MONDAY, TUESDAY. THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, at 7 o'clock A. M., And for Dayton : ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY, f each week. o A. A. McCCLLY, President. Nov. 27th. 1 sen. U'l.tf Harvest of 1889 ! ! SdUiin off to Close Jhiishicss, ft - no HUMBUG ! OF- BUY GOODS, REDY-2ffADE CIOTHII'IG. EC0T3 AliB SHOES, ileo'i' Ladies, Misses' and Childress' HAT3 AUD CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated - Ware, Paints, Gils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got tode sold Regardless cf Price I tdL. To convince yourself with respect to this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, Soufi cf Tope 4" C'o.'s' 7 in Store, Oregon, City. H0EIS HADE FURNITURES Mm WERTHEIMER, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, OltECJO.N CITY, e TAKES TIILS METHOD OF INFORMING the public that lie has now on hand a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium Furniture Forming a compltfe and desirable assort ment, which merits the attention of buyers. He M AUTUTACTUEES FTJIlNITIJxlE Using good materials, and employing th very best mechanics in the State, hence hi can warrant his goods to be as represented and he is prepared to fill ail orders with promptness. He would call the attention of the public to lus salesroom, as containing the mo.-t complete assoitmcnt of dcsiruUe ijooJ in the State. HI. WEUTIiKirtlKIi. Main street, Oregon City. LOCiUS of AliBIlIGIIT, EXCELSKB MARKET !jE Corner of Fourth and Main strce's. OKEGO.V CITY. Keep constantly on hand all liinus of fresh and salt meats, such as BEEF, PORK. MUTTON, VEAL, COkXED BEEE. TT A MS, rinxEEEM i-oi:k. la no WIIW III II I II I I imMtJUUUlM WHEN THE BELL BJNGS LOOK OUT FOE THE LOCOMOTIVE. Howls the Time While they arc AtC rI9 o Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. t)f Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand lately( occupied by that firm, I am now better prepared than ever to attend to tlie wants of my customers, and having a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, I have decided to Sell off at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact I ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, iivparL of the following articles : LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks o KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY ; DROWN AND DLEACIIED MUSLIN'S, all widths: LOOTS AND SHOES : II ATS AND CAPS : CLOTHING ; FINE DLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASS I MERE SUITS ; SUPERIOR LEAVER SUITS ; BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizo? am! realities. n ST- A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most reasonable terme. Alfo a large stock of Gen's' Furnishing Goods. o GROCERIES A well selected assortment. 0 J!$S All kinds of Produce Bought." LVGS WANTED. CHAS. HODGE. .C1IAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. AV. SXELL. H0BGS, CALSF & Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, TAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, O VARXI STIES, EE USEES, rAIXVEES AfaCeriais, and urinjijlats' Sundries. Q 0 03. Front fir ct, Portland, Oregon. 112 . FRONT STREET, 131 FIRST STREET, Near Morrison Street, Near YamhH!. EAST & CAIIALirv. Kew Stock of Boots and Slice; JUST RECEIVED ! Best Selection in the Citu ! Cotnprisintr all the leading and hest brands known, such si en trrl .Tirr,.ll' l.r'a Houghton L Coolidire's, Reed's. Oodfrev' and numerous others, of genlj' andQjoVs' .wear: Also Mile's, Sieberlid.'s, Ihirt's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. 'Our customer? nnd the public in gcn-feral are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than eveiO P. S. Roots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantlv ca hand. DIRECT -1- SL JUL. o NEW AND ELEGAHT STYLES -CF- Becl-Room OfcSUITES. Just recch-ed and placed in the wareroems, of liliFiGGEN & SiMNOLER ! 1GG, igp, 170, 1:3 First street, corner of Salmon PORTLAND, OREGON. PARLOR SETS IN TERRY IN PLUSH, AND IN IIAIR-CLOTII. ITe77 Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment af HOUSEHOLD EUEinTUSE! Lounges and Spring bedi ESS" The trade supplied with goods in original packages, on reasonable terms. iurnr:i;rv cinvoTT-n b A. G. WALLIXG'S e Pioneer Book Bindery. OUEGOMAN IJUlLDIMi, Xo. 5 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED and ROUND to anv deired pattern. MUSIC ROOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS I A PLUS, Etc., bouiKl m cverv variety of style known to the trade. " Orders from the country nromptlv at tended to. J O . r i A. J. MONROE, Dealer in California, Vermont and Italian Marbles. Olclishs Monuments, Head and Foot -f Stones, 3 0 to Buy your Goods ! going Cheap ! llf If SITS WALL A3! ET RON WORKS COMPANY ! Eli'! lOEiSldeS'Sj E? ir O And Boiler Euilde: Xorth Front and sts. 'IMIESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the JL bank ojthe river, one block north of Couch's Wharfand hare facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly afil efficiently. We have secnreI the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years r"i-s ti n n Th',r, iinrh L n r i. i t.-l r.t II,.. -,v.t. kinds of machinery required for mining ami millinuc j'urpose We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery ami (t boili5 v.'urks, such as MINING A'D STEAMBOAT MACIIINEKY ! FLOrilINO MILLS ! PAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MIXINGUilPS ! ! U A-o A-n JT:nrf(f't !f-xntifnctn'c avl. Impair ITncJiintrM of n'il '. JliOX ST l UTTER WoliK at . , - -, . . Tim. " O 'JT" "-i "" rn-iaa. n U'Clvr ( H-u- i'ih.x Piit(:nt (hinder tint, Anm' na nint-n. I a ns-a r x 'i rut St?c'i-i Sflf Adjustlifl I'atnd 'iton Q'tirt.-itio, fiflQ iij-jilif foiJT or viv strain ryliwh.r. Quartz .tuniptrstho in.l ti,if the tn-s't hard iron, 3:l.y -o- PLUEBMG, OAS & STEAH Gt'ittins EEtablisliment, rco. no Fit s.'ini fioitiaa La i.ic i.ii iji ', per O Schooner ADELINE ELWOOD. ) I'roui the ceh bratcd Factory of 722 Messrs. Runiev A: C.. ScLenectedr. :a ) ( J CW 1 OI K, sd S PUMPS OF ENTIRELY NEW PAT- fr ;TKI;NS, in Deiir!i Stvle, Finish, an te-m cconom v, SUPERIOR TO AN V oflei e t IN THIS MARKET, Comprising: aa CISTERN' PUMPS, ; A il sizes for lead or ironpe; W PITCHER TUMI'S G Ail sizes ) AM sizs for lead or iron pipe; EaWA ENGINE WELL PUMPS, ejys ) For deep wells ; stbS'QYARD WET.L PUMPS, g AMALGAM HELLS, &r Steamboats, Factories. Churches, etc. rOINTS,Q-or(Diive wells; Q Ilctcls, piibliciuildings.Qud private resi dences heated with the latest impvements m steam or hot air apparatus. Q) I in viteciti?.ens generally to call and ex amine mjpstock, w hich has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. C. H. MYERS. O HO Front stpvet, Poitland, Oregon o OREGON G o BAKE K,Y ! o -V.'"ii Km VS. O 9 F. 0PITZ, PEC?FvIET0E, FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, B:t. IVashiv&on and Stark sis. Q MiX! FACTI.T.ES OF ALL SnDS AND QUALITIES OF CEACKEES! BI:EAD,QDAKE5 and pastry QR ACKERS G V.'i'J always V- ?nld bcloty San Frnucis Only ! o TTT XTrrr