o 0 o o o o o o o o nmrn o o o... TO I. OREGON CJlTST, IRElwOJT, SATURDAY, FSBEWAKY 23, The flmi r&TYOTciin WJ1.11.IHUUWW (9 The Weekly Enterprise. A DEMOCRATIC PAPER, a FOR THE BUSinCSS man, tne r armsroipins anu cuams, ana lancy ring? ? .-We FAMIIAT CIRCLE. Not any such like trumper$ things; EJ'EU SATURDAY rUELISIIED AT THE OFFICII Corner of Fifth and Main streets , Oregon City, Oregon. o - TFR MS of SUBSCRIPTIOX: &;n; C?y one year, in advance,. $3 00 O 2 50 l m TEH MS of A If I E R TISIX G Transient advertisements, including all . l.al notii-es, p stj. of 12 line.-!, U.$ For en eh suWequent insertion 'One Column, one year $120 00 iuir " " Quarter " " 40 Uminens Card. 1 square one year 12 iy. -ja RemiUun to he mode at the risk o Jftabxc libers, and at the expense of Agents. ROOK A XI) J OR PRIXTIXG. US' The Enterprise office is supplied with beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod ern M ACHI N K PIMCA-iKS. which will enable the t'l oprii-tor tu do Job 1'iinting at all times Xrat, Quick and Cheap ! Ch Work Kidieited. Q AH Runitexs trum tet'toni vpon a Specie ba.Hf. JU1 IX MYERS, Financial Agent. r us ixj-jss ca Ri) s. What Makes a Man ? Not numerous years, hot ?enthenel life, Not pretty children and a wife, 11 w. uoss. -0 M. IX, Fhysician and Surgeon, ""Office on Jiin Sticet, opposite Mason ic"lla:i, Orepou Citv. 13tf !AP FAR BANS, Fhysician and Surgeon, :?7 Office at his Ihuz .Store, near rost Or.'LMin City, t)i-. g"ii. l.sn Not. pipe, cigar, nor bottled wine, No'Cliberty with kings to dine Not eoa, nor boots, nor yet a hat ; A dandy vest, or trim cravat 5 Nor houses, land, nor golden ore', Nor all the world's realth laid in store ; Not Mister, liev'rend. Sir, nor "Squire, With titles that the memory tire ; Nor ancestry? traced back to Will, Who went from Normandy to kill ; Not Latin, Greek, or Hebrew lore 5 Nor thousand volumes rambled o'er ; Nor a Judge's robe, nor Mayor's mace. Nor crowns that deck the royal race ; These, all united, never can Avail to make a single man. A truthful soul, a loving mind, Full ot affection for its kind, A bA-livr of the human race, A soul of beauty and of grace! A spirit firm, erect and free. That never basely bends the knee ; That, will not bear a feather's weight Of slavery's chain, for small or great ; That truly speaks of God within, And never makes a league with sin ; That snaps the fetters despots make ; And loves the truth for truth sown sake ; That worships God. and Him alone, And bows nowhere, but at His throne ; That trembles not at tyrant's rod A soul that fe-ars no on but God ; And thus can smile at curse and ban That is the soul that makes a man. Olli J. WSLCII, O DE3T.IST. o I'eriwineittly Loe-i'ed at Orr-jon Cily, Oregon POOMSVJi PrSafTarrnns, on Main st. ryji. W ATKINS, M. D., SUiiG CON. Poim.Axn, OnF.n( n. OFFICE Front sn-( t Itesidvnce cor ner uf Main und Seventh streets. STATISTICS OF OREGON. BY A. J. DUTCH. NO. 15. LI.S COUXTI This couKtv, situated on the cast bank of -tlie Willamette rirer,- in the heart oi the irfeat u lllamette Valley, when compared with other localities of the sanie extent of ter ritory, is not surpassed for fertility of soil, and capacity of Agricultural and manufacturing resources, by any other county in the State of Oregon , or even on the Pacific the Santianv is better divided rith for moraJ?, reCsement, tn-1 intel timber and water to the amount of lectunl worth. f prairie lana, tnan any uiucr jpor-1 . usoanon,- on ilg soiuu fea-KtiftiEi uuiueu in one ci tne best coast. Her immense shipments of tion of OresfOTV a:;v Scio, the commercial totrn of Lie cultural districts, has a fine acad- Forks, is an incorporated city find cmy, costing $5,000 ; one church, a lively business place, but labors three dry goods stores, blacksmith, under the disadvantage of want of harness, cabinet and w.tgon shop; river transportation. The citizens, one steam sat7 mill. A company however, are canvassing the pro- is organized to bring "vrater from priety of building a branch, road the river, by tlitch, fo this place from the proposed Oregon Centrftl which will furnish the town with Railroad, at Jefferson, to connect one of the best and- safest, of mill with this place. I his town has sites fur manntacturmg purposes. three or four dry goods stores,sal- Y aterioo eome seven mues die, tin,- wTago"n, paint, cooper, above Lebanon, &t tiie falls of the Hour and wheat are a sure proof of blacksmith, and boot and shoe bantiam, has a splendid water- shops ; one Hour mill, one ciiurcli, power, a saw ana iiouringmui,witii one laro-c school bouse, one tovrn stjiojs and mechanic shops halL and tTo Jiotel. lhe forks rof cattle, 8,000 horseSj 25,000 hogs, and over oOjCOO sheep, from whicn is snnulrlly exported a Ifsrgc r.mount of beef, bacon, lard, mut ton, and horses, for market. o (sALBEET H. KALLElBEHG, :''Eamist and Dnsigisi, Xo. 7:5 FIRST STREET, q Pet. Mark and. Jt'a:lii nrfntt . P OUTLAXD, U REG OX. O CiS Phvsiciatrs Prescriptions Careful!y) pi t pari'il . iit re.luct'd Trice. A complete ; u-.-orttnout of l'Hteta Medicines, i'ertumer Tiiet Articles, Fancy S aps, etc., on liuiiri and fi.r sale ;st llr(t pr.ecs. nf'.tf The Actress and the Sailor. ' When I was a poor girl," said the Duchess of St. Albans, " work ing very hard for my 80s a week, I went down to Liverpool during the. holidays,, where 1 was ahvays kindly received. 1 was to perform in a drama, and in mv character I represented a poor, friendless or phan girl, reduced to the most wretched poverty. A heartless tradesman persecutes the sad hero ine for a heavy debt, and insists upon putting her into prison. unless some one will go bail for her. The girl replies: ' Then have I no hope 1 have not a friend in the world !' What, will no one be bail for you, to save "Von from prison?1 asks the stern creditor. ' 1 have told you I a. ii. O BELL O O E. A. ?ATtltEU. P ARKER, o W An rEAt.ERS IX Chemicals, Patent Medicine, Paints, J'crrfjtmcrii Oi!, Variinhcs, ind every article kept in a Drug Store. Main h'reet, Oregon City. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since 1849at the old stand, Main Street, Ore go & City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watcher, Jew elrv. and Seth Thomas' weight. Clocks, all f which are warranted to he as represented. Pei'ainn'' done on f!jort notice, Mnd thatikfiil foffit faVrrs. t4Livo and Let Liy." I o 1 ELI )S STK I GKL Kll, DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, COUNTRY PRODUCE, ic, 1 57 At the old t-tand of Woitman & Fields 13tf h.ave not a friend on earth,' was my reply. But jnst as I was uttering these words, 1 saw a sailor in the upper gallery springing over the railing, letting himself from one tier to another until he bounded clear over the orchestra and foot lights, and placing himself beside me m a moment, resolutely said: ' Yes, you si vail have one friend r.t least, my poor young woman,' with the greatest expression in his hon est, sun-burnt countenance; 'I will o bail for ytm any moment. As for you,' turning to the actor, 'if you don't, bear a hand and shift your moorings, you lubber, it will be worse for you when I come athwart your bows.' Every crea ture in the house rose ; the uproar Qvas perfectly indescribable; and anlidt the universal dm stood the unconscious cause of it, sheltering 'the poor voting woman,' and brea thing defiance against my mimic persecutor: he was only persuaded to relinquish his care of me, by the manager's pretending to arrive to rescue me., with a profusion of bank notes." Oiegon Cit .Oregon. EL K "Barn n mSalo on." 0 o. EXT & PLU3IEY DI r&tEHS- OF Choice Wines, Liquors &'Cigars. Main St., Oregon City. Call, and llot-crt Potterwill show von through the establishment. l:;tt her capacity to produce that great staple ot Oregon s wealth and pride, while oats,barley,bcef,bacon, rool, butter j hen-se?,- nnd in fnct, almost all the agricultural produc tions of industry and wealth, give unmistakable evidence of the en ergy of her people and the fertility' of her soil. Bounded nortli by Marion count', east by the Cas cade mountains, south by Lane county, and west by the "Wil lamette river, this locality possesses advantages for exporting by water its vast agricultural productions equal to any of the interior coun ties of the htate. .hrom informa tion furnished by IIon.J.II.Dotithit, an old and reliable citizen of Linn county, we glean the following facts : The navigable waters of the Wil lamette form the river line of the western boundary of this county, a distance of about thirty-seven miles. The western portion is a level of gently undulating prairie, about forty-one miles from north to south, and an average breadth of fifteen miles from east to west. The prairie lands are frequently in tersected by small rivers and creeks of pure running water, with occasional belts of timber, and comprises the most thickly popu lated portion of the county. lhe face of the country then gradually rises into hills, as yon approach the eastern boundary, till you reach the summit of the Cascade moun tains, covered with dense forests of f i r, ced a r, and pin e. The h i 1 1 1 an d s are settled a distance of about ten miles eastward, and almost the en tire length of the county from north to south, giving an area to the set tied portion of this county of over six hundred thousand acres. This county has three natural divisions, the first of which is that portion lying between the North and South Snntiam rivers, and known as the "Forks of the San tiam." This portion of the county is again almost equally divided by the Thomas and Crabtree forks. The following information, fur- on st North Brownsville, situated contain about one-third of the en- the" north side of the Calancoic, tire population of the county, is the foot-hills, lifts r woolen factory"; mostly fenced and improved, with known as the Eagle Milb,. one good houses, barns and orchards, and is abundantly supplied with apples, pears, cherries, plums, and the diliereut varieties of small fruit Tho setters! seolccical ieafures ns county History of Artemus W Him self. I wf s born in the Str.to of llaind of parents; a infant I attracted a great dealQof attention; the iiaburs rouid sit over ray Cradle for hours, ay : 1 to tt might that Iitilo of tl TT:n, it .1 i up liii.uiCLie. vjuiev . give in-1 diea turns ci i sedimentary forma- like other portions and. chf i svrc'ic looksj How much it nose !' with but iittb of a "mincrS Th.e?yopng ladies would carry mo racter till Cascade far:: you approach th; m their arms,reayia l wuz f mt peculiar to the climate of this constf The second division of this coiifi- ty is embraced between the Santi- am river and Calanooia creek, a nouring mill, a tannery, two dry oods stores, a planing mill and machine shop, one wagon shop, a drug store, two blacksmiths, two saddle and harness shops, paint shop, town hall, and one large school house costing $3,500 In this division Ot Che county, there are (besides those already soil along the banks of the rivers is composed of sand, vegetable mat ter, and various decomposed earth, and may be considered strictly al luvial, being washed by the cur rent from above.- This soil is very fertile, and produces Csiobacco, and the various kinds ox roots and vegetables, of the most luxuriant growth.- The prairie lands, v.diich compose ft large portion cf this arc a dar! lUUUvl lit K AiCli. ikl LLNrt muster's dozzt Tlin mid scctr ' r r r T-r ' :tf Tn 1 ln'f ' J Iff- V o c tmg. nice, count, loam, and vegetable caicareons meld, of ex- strearii that ri-es in the Cascade mentioned) eleven saw millstone mountains and runs west and north- flouring mill, oho tanyard, and -. . . , . 1 . . 1 1 T. , west, and empties into the Y ii- scnooi nouses m every custner, as empties lamettc river at Albanv This di vision is, crh:i)S, one of the finest farming regions on the Pacific coast; is a rich, productive and al most level plain, from the river on the west to the hills on the east, an well as many churches, and the va rious meensmc shops needed in each location; The hill portion of this division is well ndanted to lumbering and manufacturing pur- poses, as well as dairying, stock- average distance of about fifteen raising, fruit-growing, A'C. Lithe miles; is almost entirely fenced and improved, and is held at from ten to thirty dollars per acre. A. iS. Arnold, of Albany, has furnished the Committee the following items loot-hills and higher mountains there is Considerable vacant land, valuable for fruit and stock-raising, and moderate farming, as well as -ood lurnberin'T' facilities. The relative to this portion of Linn average price ot land m the hills A 1 i ii 1 1 . . r . . . t . . . i i. t uuu Milan ,iue,3 i uuottb inree " Barama Restaurant." JEON DeLOUKY, I'uoruiETOR OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT, 2Iain ft., Oregon City, "Knows how to serve his customers fith Ov-teis, rigs t eet, a good cup of Coffee r .t-SgCARIQlEAL. IStf or TIe original model of a tele graphic battery, filed by Professor Morse, when he got his patent, has b?en unearthed from a lot of rub bish in the cellar of the Patent Of fice, where it has been lying for years. The clumsiness ofthesig nal key, as compared with the one of the present day is ridiculous It is nearly two feet long, and has a large lump of lead at the end fur thest from the ham!, to throw the key up and break the circuit. -o "Grammar class stand and re cite, l homas, parse gjrlsv "Girls is a particular noun,oftne lovely gender, lively persons, and double numler, kissing mood, in the immediate tense, and in the ex- nished the Committee by J. C. Dickey, Esq., relative to the natu- al resources and industrial wealth of this portion of Linn county, may be considered as entirely correct, as coming from a gentleman well qualilied to give facts regarding that portion of country for which he speaks: county : The general nature of the soil is abktekloam with a clay subsoil, producing large crops of grain, such as wheat, oats, llax, etc.. and is well adapted to stock-raising, pro ducing both wild and tame grass in abundance. The water, for family use, is equal to that of any other portion oi t lie State, and the climate is mild, temperate and healthy. The immigrant can ob tain provisions, seeds, tools and snnnlies of all kinds, with which JL J. to commence ! as readily and as in almost btates. 1 he advantages lor com mon school education are not sur passed by any other location on A mi dollars per acre. 1 he third division is located be tween the Calapooia ami the south line of the- county. It has an aver age length of about twenty-five miles, with a breadth of about twelve miles of level land, with a valley extending up the Calapoom a distance of about fifteen miles. Settlements extend for several miles back into the hills, and some of the finest timber common to the Willamette valley is found in this .i i i btn htT i"!TfM I nn evi l I n ri ne. m tins locaucv, "-"-'"'v at as cheap a rate posue Aorui jrownsvi ue, is suu- any of the older ated m as good a district til farm ing land as is to be lound m the county has three dry goods stores, churches, one ceeding fine quality, and especially adapted to tho production of all kinds of cereals, although roots, vegetables, fruit, and the various tame grasses flourish correspond ingly well with grain. The soil h easily worked, very mellow, ar.d but little affected with drouth. The general character of the soil of the hill lands is a reddish clay loam, of good quality, producing vegetables, fruit and grain, when cultivated, but is better adapted to grazing and stock-raising than other farming purposes. Gold, silver and lead CAist in this county in the Cascade range, but its agricultural wealth practic ally exceeds the mineral resources of any locality, and the people have wisely turned their attention to the cultivation of the soil. The Oregon Central Railroad is being surveyed and located the en tire length of the county, and will doubtless be in successful operation within a couple of years. The enterprising farmers and mechanics have purchased and fit ted up fair gioUnds in the vicinity of Albany, where annual exhibi tions of industry, skill and agricul tural wealth lire made, that are not only an honor to the peojle of this county, but would do credit to any locality in the older States. This county holds cut flattering one grocery, three -i t his coast, good schools and s houses being established within two or three miles of each other throughout this portion of the county. Most of the different re ligious denominations are l sented here, and meetings lor re- ligious worship arc S chool hotel, a tin and blacksmith shop. JEW YOKE MUTUAL 6 LIFE INSURANCE GOMP'NY i pectation o WILLIAM E. HOWELL? (Of Oregon City Manufacturing Company,) case tOj matrimony, ac- - - ..... v i i i. ii O " Do try to talk a little common sen??." said aDyonng lady to- hr visitor. "Oh! b-u wouldn't that he taking an unfair ad vantage of von V' 0 AGENT. CLAEK GREENMAH, Cit- Drnrrjan. :-?u .. - - j ' Sii OE EG OX CITY. V'2?. AH orders for the deljverv of merchan dise or packages and freisrht nuwhatever des uiptioa. to any pm or tl-.e e;.K-, w iii he exn f r.ted promptly nM wtH .- ' ' A little oirl wanted to sy that slip had a fan. hut had forgotten the nam?, so she described it as '-a thing to brush the warm off you with.'-' proved and unimproved, in this portion of Linn county, is $4.75 per acre; improved land, $10 per acre; unimproved, $3; unimproved pas ture lands, $1.25. The general na ture of the soil is rich and fruitful. Eor grain-growing, it is better adapted to the production of wheat and oats than any other kinds. As to stock-raising, Oregon cannot produce a better locality; while vegetables and iruit aroic vw res htrfe as yoi irant thou to, The different varieties of timber are fir, cedar, pine, oak, ash, maple and alder, conveniently located, well adapted to farming, lumbering and general building purposes. The quality of the water is good veky (ioon, perhaps not surpassed in tho world, and abundantly supplied by creeks from three to four miles apart only, with any amount of springs. We have but one flour ing mill in this locality, where there should be eight or ten. There are plenty of mill sites here unim proved. 'The general health of this part of the count- isgood,and favorable inducements are held out to teachers, farmers, and mechan ics to settle in this place. The mechanic shops, of immigrant can easily obtain seeds, o-raiiCfarming implements and gen eral supplies) f all kinds here, with good conveniences for schools and meetings far religious- worship. There are plenty of saw mills here, but other manufactories are scarce llarrisburg, in the southwest corner of the county, on the Wil lamettc river, is a considerable shinning point, with over one hun dred houses and four hundred in habitants an acadefnVi town hall, liehT on the fltr" 'T ff'wds stores, a drug store, it .. i ii ,i iii -i tvr Sfi nniK t il'pn 1 1 fie k'Sm 11 looain m an me iniCKiy seuieu - " , - - - portions of this locality. The M''l, taumei, j...u wupei, moans of transportation and mar- two boot and slioc shops, one Uv i -- - - , , , i' ketino- nm Prttinl to nnv Other hid StaDlO, OUC UOICI, 11,C Ware -n - - -j it :: i a f.t- -n .: fix tmrtinn n t in Stntf. n dn v nouses, ami a iiiu ci.v iiwuuiig line of steamers being almost con- min A- S.mitl1'. Ksr( ?f th VQi stantly employed between the city cstnnates thc price ot tanning land I nii tiMo ninon " iu the vicinity at from ten to fifteen VI J. .'i I. iini lino llV-. -mil jioany, tne commercial citv cir a ; t.:,. 1.:,. J'eoria. a tnrivmg ffl. Ill tl.iIWII-. 1111 llllt'llITIIlfllliV thriving little town about twelve miles north of liar Willamette, has conni v is sffnntnd t innnst. I m ii Ic r . i x i , , -i I i-'i cl hi rn nil 1 1 r nt t hi" l nniottfi n mnt. snvrmtv- '""'"ri) ........ .. -v , firomilw snnth nf l'nrtlnn.l tllTCC StOreS, witll blacksmith and is one of the most extensive 'ship- .thcr mQchamc, P,!P flicierttfor C(,ni, r-c l.tf,,,. tlie accommodation ot the sur- place. The town is particularly """g UJ' noted fin- its high-minded and pub- Boston Mills has lie spirited citizens, who have spared no pains to make it A place where moral, religious and educa tional advantages may be enjoyed, and its founders have now the sat isfaction of seeing it one of the several houses, a store, good water power, and a first class flouring milk In this di vision are two steam and three water saw-mills, one cat ding ma chine, several churches, and school houses in every district, that have cr thcLswr-rn't old enough to proper-1 ly appreciate it Ifm a healthy old darlin' now.- """"'-w 0 I jbave allaz susSeot a fjoodto moral character. I never & railroad conductor in nvyife. Altho In cnly life I dia hot In variably confine myself tcr truth in my small bills, I have been gradj ooally grow-in' rcspectabler and rej sf ectabler ev'ry year. I luv my children, and rver mistake anoth er man's wife for my own. I'm not s member of any meetin house, but firmly brleeve inmeetin houses, and shouldn't feel safo to take a do?. 3 cf laudnum and lay down in the street ofcjsv village that hadirt an-, with a thousand dol lars m my vest pockets. My temperament is btlions at tho' I don'fc owe a dollar in tho WOihL O I am (i early rizer; but my wifS is a Presbyterian. I miy add that I am also bald-headed. 1 keep two cows. I ilv m Paid ifls vile, Xndianyw My neit door nabur is old Steve DiilinsT I'll Gtell you a little stor about old Steve that will make you larf. lie jined the church last spring, and the minister said, "You must go home now, Urother Pillins and erect a family alter in youi own house." Whereupon the egre jis old ass went home? and buii a reg'lar pulpit in his settin' room. He had the jiners in his house over four days. I am 50 (56) years of age time", with its relentless sytliCj is ever busy. The old Sexton gathers them in he gathers them, in ! I keep a pig tlus year. I doivt tliink of any thing more, Mr. Ed:tur. Q If you should give my portrait in connection with my Bogfry- Q .-) 1 ' 1 ! 1 inducements to any class of immi- U'V aciue nigrum cu m a gl-ants wishing to locate on the f " . ' -" Pacific const, To the independent Plllar lcav1 m? ack h&ir a9 j. i. lit" i c r ji- o anhei' of the v estcrn, 3Iiddle, or o o cw England States, who has denty of means, and wishes to avoid the biting frosts and blind ing snows of winter, so prevalent it is now. Truly yours; ARTEMIS WARD. o Bun- .. -t 1.. t i liveliest and most prosperous little prev louy ineuuoneu ;,di fmvn. ;.. tho st-itn. X fine county Covers an area o Lriek court house, costing' 35.000: over 1,704,450 acres, and has prob- n nllerre ffivithio- OHO" 51 vrtlblio school house- eosth $4,500. and ? size, than any foinhl.-i r.f j Pnin in or! ;t ill o nvcr 1,1 tllC State. 1 -i . w '73 r. nAiinlotirtii rr ewtw ft flArt tivv intmiiv.il .-v.iiyi.u.1 j ,... - lit . 1 4." X acaoie oioocitv vinuaiit'ii i;i The Dutchman- and His there, this count, as well as the glak-pkap. Ihears much dings most of the lllamette V alley, of- about de purglars, alia vile; hears fers a mild and healthful climate, toy p rakes stores into em very pure water, the advantages of a much. ell, I dime I vixes era; navigable river, and a soil that for so de oderJdnne oey goomes to mr fertility and productiveness is not store, deV iio goom at all. Sol rivaled by the Connecticut, Jttid- puys a pig 'orsc-bistet, and. lartens son, Genesee, Mohawk, or Missis- it to de iloor, vrid der moozl sippi valleys; and while land in pointing to te toor; den I fastenQ tliese oldbtates command trom one a string mit cier arigger, ana runs to two hundred dollars, the land of it up mit der vail and down mit the lllamette, combining the lux tier floor, so ven Air. 1'nrglar opens liriant productiveness ofilie South himself mit der door, vy, if he plow with the health and vigor of the de grains out mit de bistel, I can't Xorth, may be readily obtained at help it, don't it? Veil, von day I from $1.25 to $30 per acre. The left te door pointing at der moozle fertility of tho soil, and the ready of to bistel, mit two pullets ino it, means to turn its productiveness anu goeh out to unniiK borne iager - into cash, together with the case mit der ioys. 1 sometimes ihnnlc with which land may now booob- too much lager. ell, i can t help tained, are a sure guarantee to the it, don't L? I bore mineseif into Vourtg farmer with small means more as twenty sixteen k lass lager, that, by a few years' pcr'sevcraTice and den 1 goes nornc; en 1 pats and industry, he may place him- mine store I dink I better ash look self m independent circumstances f in and see it nothing pee all right for life, m the quiet possession of a Uat is right, don't it? If it don't, happy home. To the mechanic, 1. can't help it.- i forgets all about tradesman, manufacturer, or capi- der pig 'orse-bistel, and ven I talist, this county seems to hold opens mineseif mit derj doof,-Ql out inducements for investments shoost gets von pullet through my that promise rich dividends and elbow, and von pullets to my hafe o more arable land, according other county This county has a and an churches, capable of scatin four to six hundred people each, are among the public buildings erected within the past few years at this place: while sntstantial brick blocks, numerous stores: of nvdrr- vnrint v nf mprrhrmrlisf' ov- V ' v ' . .... . ....... .-- . , - - tnntiro wftr"i'fmiw-'S fftnnd rips. ITlfl- I IOU1 Cars chine show, manufactories, and in its. Productions 17 ' almost every variety necessary for the prosperity of a country town; two steam saw mills, and two first class flouring mills, "capable of grinding from three to live thousand bushels of wheat every twenty-unir hours, each, add to the life and business !ThU portion of the county is also capacity of thisthrring little town. i -.. 1 , . i i " ,:ol i VA f Ii tlio f.ir-t lint r.iffhf c.-dirn-kl w invm t rt trt r Pi III 1)11 V til i' 'u' int. v.... ,v .-..-vi IV . - v . Only strong men should be rich. ' wealth. Government land is plenty laxes are too neav people to carry. for nr. in-i ! vot tlioro nv Tmft.lrp,! of acres i m tins Citv. and i better nd-mted to f-rmiio- purposes' eight sermons are teachers are constantly employed that from two to preached here speedy returns. through it Smelt caught at San Pedro, Los Angeles county," are full of worms than much of that now settled,and every Sabbath, we think we are for lumbering resources tlie worhL.pistihed m tne assertion that .l carmot leafclr. Tn conclusion, I banv, with its surrouTvling?, is no- nearly $3,000,000, with about 100, 000 acres of land under cultivation. As near ris can be ascertained, the amount of land brought under cul tivation in this locality has been more than doubled within the last Allowing the increase to have been equal to the amount of land brought under cultivation during the same length of time, we have, for the year 18GS, over 398,300 bushels of wheat, 590,790 bushels! of oats, 18,084 bushels of corn, 11, 150 bushels of barley, 19,1 OS lbs. of tobacco, 2G4,29G "lbs. of wool, 595,79f bushels of potatoes, 107, 922 bushels of apples, 523,260 lbs, of butter, 8,S52 lbs. of cheese, and 3,770 tens of hay. The grain crop of this county would probably go far above this estimate, while wool, apples, potatoes, A-c, might fall short. This county is also esti- A riew shell-fish, niore delicious than the oyster, has been discover cd by the French. It is smaller rfor de purglar.Qlon't I? T II II II T 1 f. I V T . ' T . . T, ,l II... Irtv I 1 . I form, and is christened the "pal- ourde. all. te tiles, Vost I scart? Veil, if I vas I can't help it, ain't it? I vas not scart, but I never any more sets a bistel-drap3 o William Tj:ll OuTr)0E. A strange story comes from Texas which ocliiTSPS the. famous per- Spriggins says he once prevent- formance accredited to Willarri cd a severe case of hydrophobia Tell, the Swiss patriot. We are" by simply getting on a high fence told that a few months sincc9ipar- and waiting there until the dog tv of Texans were practicing wit a left. 4 1 . l -f -f ji (imrrmnn w as awaueneoi py a . :.. "j!. . i . -,i . yi ag in me nigin wun me an nouncement that his best cow was choking. He forthwith lumped up to save the life of crumpie, when, lo!-he found a turnip stuck in tne mouth ol the pump. 1 ''' o$- The Air we Breath. Air con sists of four parts of nitrogen and one part of oxygen, mixed, wijh about one-tenth of one per cent, of carbonic acid. A "handy'' w?T of remembering this proportion is si.t-hooters at a target, v?hcn a wager was proposed that a piece of silver should be placed on a cork orfMhe head of one of the number, and the cork shot out, leaving the coin resting on the man's head. The wa-cr'was made, and at a distanced five paces 0thc parties were placed in position, tho target adjusted, and the feat performed without injury to the brave sup porter of the target. jdtt: A little girl sent out to hunt for eggs, came back tinsuc- fnl, complaining that lots of cessi hrr; .r-pp ctoifjipor r roll r r 0 o o 0 o o o o COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY. r e o 0 O O ( o 4