-VS.-6 " t. o o S i i ' I as 3 ii V- , - -J -. I .! s I ! t 1 I x. I I The Child and the Bear A Norwe gian Story. One beautiful summer morning in Norway, "when the bells of the distant church tower were ringing clearly through the air, when the Lira's were singing in the branches, the lanrbs skipping in the meadows, the butterflies Hitting over the flowers, and the busy bees gather ing the honey, a crowd of happy children were going merrily up a footpath ; they were all dressed in their best, and carried little baskets and pitchers on their arms. Fritz led the joyful procession ; Louisa and Thora followed him; next came George and Antony; and last of all came the gentle Sophie, leading little Alvilde. Alvilde was the queen of thg day She had seen but five sirmmers, and when she lightly ran over the green meadows in her white frock, she looked just like one of those little angels which peep out from among the clouds in Raphael's beautiful pictures. 0 "I too, will gather lots of wortlc berries, Sophie, and bunches of flowers, and I will make a great nanv wreaths one for yon, UK one for Fritz, and one for George, rind one for Thora, and oneofor Louisa, and none for Antony, for ho woidd sop tear it in two. Yes, one very,very small wreathAntony shall have." ut now, when thoy had come, into the wood, Fritz made a halt, and pointed to a large moss-covered stone. All sat down, and Sophie spread a white cloth over it, and brought out white bread and cakes. Fritz had some milk in a bottle, which hj3 poured out into a little tin caf?. The bottle was enclosed in basket-work and hung by a string round his neck. The careful O George said : " Let us Keep some to refresh ourselves, as the heat is Sure to be greater, by and by." q " JtiiY I eat now ?5' ask$l Anto ny impatiently ; and, when Fritz1 (Qioddcd assent, he patbis tin trum pet to his mouth arid began o blow so loudly, tht Sophie put her hands to her ears, and all the spar rows flew a way frightened from the bushes. "Here, here, look how blue it is here 1 No ; (here behind you, Fritz, I see oh ! so many wortleberries." " Iut here are strawberries," said Fritz, " which are much sweet er " No, only come this Avay !" "I shall" go with you," Fritz," said George. "And I shall stay with you, So phie'' said Alvilde, " but not all the Qime, remember; afterward I shall go to Louisa, and then to Thora!" " I'll gather flowcrsYor wreaths, said Louisa. "Put first let us put the hcavy pitchcr dcwn among the inc trees, and then we can comeaand empty our jugs into it." This tliey did ; and the busy little hands Averc not weary of gathering (jior the merry mouths of chatter ing The sun rose higher, the sliadoAvs grew shorter, but a fresh noontide breeze cooled their glow ing cheek. Then the little girls eat round in a circle, and made wreaths of the heather, the Avild roses, the fox-gloves, the forget-me-nes, and other gay Avild flow ers, aj;d each Avreatli was prettier than the one before it. But noAV Alvilde began to get tired, and laid herself lown among the berries and wreaths ; she shut her blue eyes, and Sophie sang cra dle songs toOher till she fell fast asleep. The other little girls had jumped up to follow the boys, Avho had gone to the top of the moun tain, and a they heard Antony's trumpet it was not difficult to And Qthem. Thcn Sophie went up too, nnd saw a pleasant, green spct, through the middle of which ran a clear brook, while round it grew thous and of the most beautiful flowers. Meanwhile, Alvilde awoke, and heard something groAvlingP She jumped up and cried for her sisters, but they Avcre so far away that thej' did not hear her. She became rather frightened then, but she did" not cry. ihey are sure to come, she thought, and she took her little basket in her hand to eat berries. some Then there was a rustling among the trees, and a big dark-broAvn bear came groAvling up to Alvilde. A 4- 4T..,-4- f .n ..-. ...... 4-.-. T i ii , f .1- i her littTc heart beat with tcrroiymd she could onH utter a sound. "You Avoift do me any harm, bear," she said at last boldly, " for I am a very good child. I know you already, from your picture in my book. Here, bear, arc some wortleberries for you !" at the same time she offered him her little bas ket. The bear looked at Iter, gave a Ioav groAvl,tapped the basket Avith his paAV so that all the berries roll ed out upon the ground. He ate them all up, and then began to smell Alvilde's clothes. " Dear, good bear, you must not do me any harm, for I try to be a very good frightened. child. aid Alvilde There is fi Imskef ful 1 ' "vi of wortleberries- fornvou !" TIjc bear looLr.n l,,. i ... o .1 basket, and Wgrni to eat - - -v.. ,tv, miew over me Mvilde o Avas then no longer frightened, but she hastened to "give the bear as many woitlchcrrics as. she could. The bear" grunted quite good-tem-pcredly, and laid one of his fat paws lightly on Alvilde's shoulder. Iut now lie saw the great pewter pitcher, which stood there quite full of wortleberries and strawber ries and bears like strawberies better than anything else so he AA-ent up to the pitcher and quickly began to cat. "Xo, no, bear, you must not have all the berries! They are not all my berries either, so that I cannot give them to you ; and be sides you will have a stomach-ache if you cat many, you old bear!" rAt the same time, she Avent up to the bear and put her little hands on his rough, furry neck, to try and push him back. The bear Avas not offended, but she saw that all her efforts to hinder him Avere of no avail. " Vf el!,only wait till Fritz comes won't he be angry, and drive you away Avith his stick !" The great beast looked good-humored ly at the little girl, and stroked her again Avith his paw. "Xoa' I will make you look so pretty, bear, if you Avill' only let niA' brothers and sisters' berries alone !" She took up one of the wreaths and fastened it round the bears neck, and then put a little Avreath on the top of his head. High on the top of the moun tain Antony's trumhet sounded, and all the boys and girJs came singing down the path. Then Lruin looked round, put his paw once more softly on Al A'llde's shoulder, and Avent slowly away into the dark Avood. Vrhen thev had all come doAvn, Alvilde sadly pointed to the emp ' pitcher, excusing herself as Avell as she could, and told them all about the bear. They turned pale Avith fright, and huiried off Avith her so quickly, that they left flow-cr-Avreaths, pitchers, baskets, and berries all behind them. When they came home to their father and mother, and told them Avliat had happened, their mother embraced Alvilde, trembling, and all, great -and small, crowded round her, Aveeping Avith joy. And the father spread his arms over the little group. Then he Avent silently up to his chamber, and thanked God Avho had preser- veu tus near little girl so Avonder fullv. In the autumn, a great, dark -brown bear Avas shot, and round his neck the string of Alvilde's Avreath was found. The L d Professions We find the folloAving in theCali fornia Medical Gazette for January: Xott:. The folloAving note illus trates the literary acquirements of many of our M. D.'s In the pres ent instance Ave are unable to say Avhether the 31. 1). Avas sent to or der, or Avh ether it Ava; obtained from a highly respectable institu tion, the result of careful examina tion by grave and learned seniors of our profession. Dec the 2d, 18G9. Gentlemen t Will oblig Br if they "Will inform him of the Prise of lieaehes Amarican Practise if you have it in Store or Can Git it in the City it Corns ine3 Volums. Published by Scribner. Pleas send Catalog allso tfc oblig yours Dr. X. C. P. S. Som years ago you Sent me the 3 Volums to Diamond Springs & they hav lin Stold in My abcents out of My House at Siring Springs. A Tux an" Overture. A sharp tpngued Texan woman aggraA ated her lord toQ such a degree that he deserted his home in Houston, and fled to Galveston, where he Avrotc the following interesting letter: Galvestan, Jan. the 7th, 1870. Jy Lux ia Wyfe: I me comin ome next Avcek and hav forgiv you for jawinme. I'll com on the 7 o'clock tranc an shall stay omc hereafter, & tri to be a al tered man, I Avaut peas and so do yew, Avhy shoodn'& Ave luv each uther, as we used ter, Avhen avc first jined in the Avhollv bands of mad- lock, i e lined a temnerance sosie- i, out ei yeAV ever jaw me agin for cummin omc ill walkip vcav like Cty, fur avc mus haA' peese as grant scz. O 0 James P. Howell, the Senator from Iowa is a laAvyer and a ucavs paper man of large experience. For the past twenty years lie lias been engaged in journalism in Io Ava,and avus recently the editor of a daily paper at Keokuk, Iowa. 3 , Just Ltkk Tiikm. Tlie radical members of Congress from Tennes see want that body to set aside the election in that State as illegal In their opinion it is unconstitutional for radicals to be beaten for office, O c-0 A keen observer has discovered that ieecher caught the hay fever by taking his text from Timothy. The Great Navy Yard Frauds. From the Chicago Times. The public are rather curious to know Avby the naval authori ties, to-Avit : Yice-Admiral Por ter and his trusty henchman G. M. Robeson ; are so apathetic in the matter of bringing the delin quent officials to account. Xo less than nine paymasters are knoAvn at the Xavy Department to be short in large amounts, as follows-: Names. Wm. G. MarceA' Amount. $140,000 IL J. Caboouc 20.000 40000 30,000 40,000 25,000 3,000 Forbes Parker. A. J. Clark F. Mallach Richard Washington .... C. II. LockAVOod Two others whose names, are as yet withheld from the public, in about 20, 000 dollars each 40,000 Total $348,000 Many of them are knoAvn to lead rather last lives. One gain ed quite a notoriety on thePacilic coast, some months since, by his lavish expenditures in gambling houses, saloons, etc. Another a year ago, in Xcav York, drove a live thousand dollar trotting team and Avas known to have a private bank account of 30,000 dollars, accumulated in an incredible short space of time. Still anoth er Avas knoAvn to haA-e lost a large sum in Wall street, without feel ing at all disconcerted in regard to'it. Of course it is not knoAvn that the money so squandered belonged to the government ; but people cannot understand Avhv officers capable of making such outlays from a private purse should be content to remain in the service, and sutler all the an noyances and vexations of rank, etc., for the paltry sum ot 2,500 dollars a year. D exom i national O x en. 1 fun ny Stroke at all lieliylous J-uiitlis. A i-entlcinan traA-elin in Texas, met 011 tiie road a Avagon draAvn by four oxen, driyen ly a conn tryinan, avIio, in addition to the skillful flourish and crack of his Avhip Ayas A ery A'ociferonsly en couraging his horned horses af ter this fashion: "J law, Pres byterian P " Gee, Paptist !" " Whoah, Episcopalian!" "Got, np, Methodist!" The traveler stopcd the driver, remarking to him that ho had strange names for his oxen, and that he Avonld like to knoAV Avhy he thus called them ? The driver replied : "I call this ox Presbyterian, because he is true bine and never fails, pnlls through diflicnlties,and holds out to the end ; besides, he knoAvs more than the rest. I call this Paptist, because he is always af ter Avater, and seems as though heM never drink enough ; then again he AA-oift eat Avith the oth ers. I call this ox Episcopalian, because he has a mijjditv Ava' of holding his head up, rind if the yoke gets a little too tight, he tries to kick and draAV clear out of the traces. I call this other ox Methodist, because he putfs, and bloAvs, and belloAvs, as he goes along, and you'd think he Avas pulling all creation, but he don't pull a pound, unless you continually stir him up." Uoston Investigator. Prof. Loomis, of IsTcav Haven, is of opinion that the earth is a very unsafe place to stay on any longer, from the fact that the late volcanic manifestations have been so general in their charac ter that there is no longer any doubt about the theory that all A'olcanoes have not a local but a general and common origin, in the central and liquid part of our globe where the most intense heat prevails. A XeAV York bachelor saAv a nice youn2: woman helping; a blind man across the street, and forth Avith Avas introduced,Avooed, and married the girl. She told her lady friends all about it, and the consequence is that a iicav so ciety has been started, called the " Young Ladies' Humanitarian Association," for helping blind men across the street. All old lady, aa'Iio jiretends to cknoAV all about it," says the only Avay to preA'Ciit steamboat exlo sions is to make the engineers ki bile their Avater on shore." In her opinion, " all the bustin' is done by cookin' the steam on board the boat. The hox mav not be thorouh- I ly posted iu arithmetic, but when I you come to a ''square root" lie is there. i ACKERMAN HAS REGEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Boors I Windows ! WHICH HE OFFERS AT Very LOW RATES ! JjTLook at his Stock before purchasing elsewhere, QLIFF HOUSE. MAIN St., OREGON CITY Wm. Barlow U Co., Proprietors. Ilavins leased the above named celebrated Hotel, for the terra of one year, we would say to the public, come on, we are ready for you, anr! will accommodate you to the best ot our ability. August 21. -tf. jTOTICE. The People's Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS: FOR lOTLAKD : At 74 A. M., every da', except Sunday. And 1 P. M., every d.iy. For Salem, Albany and Corvallis : ON MONDAY. TUESDAY. THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, at 7 o'clock A. M., And for Dayton : ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY, f each week. 0 A. A. McCULLY, President. Nov. 27th. lSH-.i. 140-tf Harvest of 1869 ! ! Selling off to Close JJusinesx, Am1 no MMBUCf ! OF DHY GOODS, HEADY-MADE CL0THIKG. LC0TS AND SHOES, ilen' Ladies, Misses' and Childrens' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Eurners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to be sold Regardless of Price! 3 To convince j-onrseif with re?pect to this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLIXO, SouiJt of Tope Co.'' Tin Store, Oregon City. HOME MADE FURNITURE! Pil. WERTHEIRflER, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, OHEGOS CITY, TAKKS Tins METHOD OF INFORMING the public that be has uow on hand a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium Furniture ! Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which merits the attention of buyers. He MANUFACTURES FUIINIT TJRE Using good materials, and employing th very best mechanics in the State, hence lu can warrant his goods to be as represented and he is prepared to fill all orders with promptness. lie would call the attention of the public to his salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of dvtiruble jood fu the State. 31. AVEUTHEDIEK. Main street, Oregon Citr. li O G LT S & ALBI1IGHT, EXCELSIOR MARKET !S Corner of Fourth and Main strcc's. OREGON CITY. H5T Keep constantly on hand all finds of fresh and salt meats, such as BEEF, POnK. MUTTON, TEAL, CORNED BEEF, IT A MS, I'JCKELED PORK, LARD, And everything else to be found in their line of business. WHEN TH E LOOK OUT FOR THE LOCOMOTIVE. Tovv is the TEme to AVhile they are -o- Atot For Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacoh & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now Letter prepared than ever to attend to the wants of my customers, and having a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, I h.ive decided to vSell oil' at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact 1 ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES DUESS GOODS. BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and t.'it- f mri,v i.(Jf .,i...i;tT Jill 1J1 UV Oli , HOSIERY ; BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths: BOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAl'o ; CLOTHING; 0 FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASS 1 MERE SUITS: SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS : BOYS' AND YOUTHS" CLOTHING, all size? and qnalMe. pS- A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most reasonable terms. Also a larpv stock of Gents' Unrnishins; Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. JE3 All kinds of Produce Bought.-?:; t?"RA(S WANTED. CI1AS. HODGE. .CUAS. E. CALKF. .CEO. W. SXELL. HODGE, CALEF t Co., DEALERS IX DETJGS and MEDICINES, TAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW CLASS, VAI2XISTIES, T HUSHES, PAXTEj Jfateriat-e, ana jrvj-jlsW Sundries. :s 07 Front Street, Purtland, Oregon. 112 FRONT STREET, Near Morrison Street. 131 FIRST STREET, Near Yamhill. KAST & G A HAL 117. Few Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEI YF.I) ! Best Selection in the Citn ! Comprising nil the leading and best brands known, such as Benkert's Tirrell's, Firir's, Houghton fc Coolidge's, R'eod's, (Jodfrey's and numerous others, of cents' and bovs' wear. Also Mile's, Sieberli -h's, Run's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to c;dl and examine our stock, which vvc will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Boots made to order, and an assort ment of our make cotistantlv on hand. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES OF Bed-Room TJITES. Just received and placed in the warerooms, HURGREN & SKfh'DLER ! 1GO, 1G8, iro, 173 First street, corner of Salmon, POKTLAXD, OREGOX". PARLOR SETS IX TERRY. - IX PLUS II, AND IX 1 1 AIR-CLOTH. Hev Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment sf HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ! Lounges and Spring beds. The trade snpjdicd with goods in original "packages, on reasonable terms. HURGREX i SHINDLER. A. G. nVALLTXG'S Psorseer Boo Bindery. OIIEG ox 1 a j 1 j u 1 1. e is o , PCo. 5 "Wjiiliiiigtoii Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MLS1C BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound 111 every variety of stvle known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. A. J. MONROE, Dealer in California, Vermont and Italian Marbles, Obelisks Monuments, Jlcaa and loot - Stones, Salem Oregon. Mantles and Furniture Marble fuiuished : to order. . ' J BELL KINGS Byy your Geo going Cheap ! 0 F3 G Sacks ; Q TV A LL A MET IRON W0M3 COMPANY I And Eoiler Builders ! rrr--N ortli Front and E ts- PorOaiul, Oregon. T M1ESE WORKS ARE LOCATED OX the Couch s hart, and have (acuities for turn ing out machinery promptly and ellicientlv. 'e have secured the services of .Mr. John Nation, as Director of the V04ks, hosefx erienee on this cout for fifteen years gives him a tliorouiih knoM ledge of the various kinds of machinery required for mining and milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of" machinery and boiler woiks, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOriUNG .MILLS I t SAW .MILLS o QIAK7Z MILLS I I MINING I fann.i'"re- and ,', rtir MtJit'nf? of nil JltOX SHUTTER WOEK at San Urniicio co.it and frfirjit. Wl,,h i(- Ra ti dal C Patent (ri tndcr ait I. Amalairmat": I an liar's and Sttri "''fitf AdjimUma Patent I't'.-f".1) Parkuxj, i itliYr aijdl-d tuohl or tuv steam cyl'uahrs. (Juartz Stampers, Shoes and da s, if the last hard Iran, 3: u C. 12. MVfiiKS, PLUMBIC, GAS & STEiOJ Fitting EstablisLtment, ?."o. HO h'it st SJieet. . .Portland JUST RECEIVED, per Schooner ADELINE ELWOOD, From the celebrated Faettirv of Messrs. Rum-ey v Co., ScTenectedy, SES PUMVS OF ENTIRELY NEW PAT-r ru)ri)ini; to' 1 v ..i'i IN THIS MARKET, Comprising: CISTERN PUMPS, r ) All sizes for lead or iron pipe : PITCHER LUMPS ) All sizes " " I!ASE AND SIDE FORCE PUMP-, ; All siz-s for had or iron pipe; JEXGINE WELL PUMPS, ) For deep wells : )YARI) WELL PUMPS. AMALGAM BELLS, for Ste.imboafs? Factories. Churches etc. POINTS, for Drive wells; Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wauts of this market. C. II. MYERS. 110 Front street, Poitiand, Oregon o r. 1: G O X 0 BAKEK Y ! F. OPITZ, PROPRIETOR, FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, j Let. Washington and Stark sts. MANCFACTfltES OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF CEACKEES!! BREAD, CAKES AXu PASTRY QR ACKERS Will always be fold below San Franciscf prices. Ail oiders promptlv after , led toj ORi-GO.N T!K FRY, First ft., P,jtli?i t, Vrt'Pja. jh inly! HOLIDAY PRESENTS! GREAT REDUCTION IX THE Fine Watches! Eich Jewelry jj And Siljerware ! oB. Zi. S T O W 13, Dealer in W atcies Jewe!ry J 107 Front Street. Portland, Oiegon. o Wonld invite tlir attention of lis frif.r. (Jjjind the public to Ins Large nd C hotce S? soitn;ent of vATeilLS, from n,e most celebrated makers of E. Hard it (' lioston ; Apt 1. on & Tracej, P. S Cait.ett Wall ha if) .Mass.; E Self-winding Watches; English Waches ar,j nthers. A! a well selected stock of hulie Watches, ot all description and styes .wine" he would be pleased to show to all tvLo m.-.r favor him with a call. -PRICES 0F- O Half FINE JEWELRY and SOLID MFA'FB Qurer !!' (' F A X 11 V Airvfrt Business SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY J'YFSEXTS: Gold and Sibvr Watches, of different ma- Lkcrs. Diamond Pins, Ear linas, and Finger (iuatds nnd Watch Chains. Gold Necklaces Armlets, Crosses and Lockets. Gold breast-pin-. Ear-rings, anD Finger-rings. Cham? and Kevs. t'aliioruia tiold liiv. 'i and Homes' Pat r,t Huck .Moss Agate Se:ts. Kiiigs end Cuff Hut tons, Weddi'.g lings made of pure gold. txpresiv for thr.t purpose. Gold and Silver Tliimllw. (Irera and Murine Glasses, Pebble Sprcta c!es and Eye-glasses. Solid Silver Nankin Kings. . Silver rruit and Butter Ktiivcs. noiiti Silver lauieano 1 ea spoons, a i f ru ia tors, Set!i Thomas Clocks, Marine Clucks, Ujlt Galley Clocks, etc. Z7" -$1 the above at tit les sold eap for Cash, atid warranted as represented. Particular attention iven to rQ)atring and ' (SB adjusting of Chronometers, Duplex aadAnurv, :c;m alcues. r. D. STOXE. H.tf (lp7 Front street Portland, Oregon. Q e's Photograph. Gallery. erg- THE ONLY PLACE IX PORTLAND where you are sure of get tins No. 1 Pictuies it nil tilt,fe i ;lt ! I ;-lil.-' C.iIIi.t.1- coi ner of w ir-t and Moriisdn streets, where he well prepared to do a!! kirn's of work as arv (Jalii'iy in Oregon, and will guarantee is irood satisfaction for all his wo;k as can k hiuHn the State. J'ietures ofevory kinl ran be hndt slinrfj r,f tic. Old et 1 1 res can I copied, enlarged nuf ret-OTMdied in L dia Ink, or Oil Colors. AT LOWER PRICES THAN ANY OTUKU PLACE. 4 (j tjin is us 0 D. SMITH? Ot:o. 0. COOK. The OCQIDEWTAL, FOISMKKI.Y AT7KSTEIJX IIOTKL. T T Cor. First and Morri-on Street's. O POLTLAM), ORFfJON. fes?rs. Smith .V. Cook have taken tliw we 1 known House, refitted and refurnishe'i it thionyrl out. bniit a large addition, niak n thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the inijui ft it till Hhe best Hotel in Portia traveling pub'ic will satisfy them that the above statements are true. SMITH & COOK, Proprietors. X. B. Hot and cold baths attached. i".tf JEW YOIJK HOTEL, (Deuth l.es GaftLaus, Xo. 17 F3nt Street, opposite the Miil steam ship landing, Portland, Oregon. II. R0TEF0S, J. J. WILKENS, O PROPRIETORS. O o- Board or Week with Lodging. . .V. no . 1 of) Day -- QOSrOPOLITAX JIOTEL. FO RM E R L Y A BRIG ON 1 'S, FRONT St., POliTLAND. J. B. SPRENGER, Proprietor. P R O P R fE TORS. Tlie Proprietors of this well known TTonse having superior accommodations, guarantee entire satisfaction to all truest sr The Hgel Coa-h will be 'in attendance to convey passengers and baggage to and from the Hotel, free of charge. (4otf Ollice Oregon and California Stao-e Co. D ISSOLUTIOX. The cr paptnership heretofore exislm? betwee 1 J. L. Barlow and James Fu'ler, un der the hi m name of Lai low t Ful er, was nutlualjv dissolved on the 1st day of Febru ary, IS70. All lersons knowing themselves indebted to said firm areQequested to come lorwaid and make immediate payment, or their accounts will pass into hands of a proper officer for collection"? Jas. Fuller will be fou d at the old st jud doing business. Please come forward, cenilemen, as anr business must be settled up. l'avments can be made U either part v. .1. L. B BLOW, J AS. FULLER. February 1S70. 13.3t gU3EMOXS: In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, lor the County ot Clackamas Suit for dissolution of marriage contract. s H. nrietti M. Kelly, plaintifl, vs. Edion B. Kt 11 v. defendant. TEDLON 11. KELLY, Deftntlattt lu the name of the State of Or. gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint hied against you in the above e!0uled suit, within ten days from the date of the service of this Summons upon you. if served in this said Countv, or if served in any other County of this State, then within, twenty days from the date .f the seiviee of this summons upon you; or, if s'-rved by Publication. bv the i first dav f f the ni-vt, i which shall beheld a'ter six weeks from the first publication of this Summons ; said first publication being Ftr rua.y ath, s7o. And if you fail o to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will aj ply to the Court for the re lief demanded in sad Complaint which is, that the bond of njatrimony,'xistingbt treen pn imiu ana oerendant herein, be dis-olved, and that nlaiktiff have tha custodv of the children of sa'd mania'ie. O S. HUl'.L.M'. Attorney for tdaintifl". By order of lion. W. Y. Upton, Judge, oi said Court. 13:7t TlTlCES' ELAXKS. of every desciip J tion. prinfed at the; E.vtkri i;r-K office. j I 5K iMtivnxe; xk.vtly kxkcit. i O t d at the ENTERPRISE OFFICE. TheI A &r" BUSI! A) PCBL3 OFFICi Oregoi . Th Single C Tl Transien legal r For eaet One Col DC 1 bea'-Uifu em M A 1 the Pro All But IE.1 ic Had Ollko, OF ner ! i5 1 prep a-.-u ies, ban1 a. n. Chi Ptr I P O Perm ROO. o o "5 -, - 0 o f C0URT3SY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, try? "nrinjc ttv m? pattymjwta o v.n