o o o o 0 o o 0 o o 0 X 0- itljc lUcckln Enterprise. f : " ' - TOWX AND COUXTY. Tbe public party to be given on the evening of Valentine's day, in this city, by Messrs. Wm. Barlow & Co.. of the Cliff House, will take place at the Court room, instead of at the Odd Fellow's Hall, as previously announced. j Dissolution. We call particularatten tion to the notice of dissolution of copart nership between J. L. Barlow and James Fuller, found i J to-days paper, and can-! tion parties interested to pay particular attention to the request therein contained. for it certainly means business. . Ma urn r 1. Clerks of school districts should keep in mi )d that their repoits should be handed in to e county school superintendent before the first Monday of M.ireh, otherwise they will forfeit their distributive share of the school (fyY New Fkatcke. The WVhmtfle Far mer has added to its many other excellent qualities thai of illustrating its pages. This is not only a very desirable and cotlfc mendable improvement, but it is also an evident indication of success and pros f perity. O Tax:-: CATiroLtSKNTixEL. We have re ceived the first number of this excellent JJ ? journal, published at Portland. Oregon, ' and are much pleased with it. It not only manifests much ability, but that ability is , displayed with a great deal of artistic skill in the manner in which the paper is made up, and we confidently believe thaPthe paper will be instrumental in thewide dissemination of sound moral principles. 3 Success to it. IIerxt.u of Hkai.th. We acknowledge the receipt othe January number of this excellent magazine, published by Wood Jc Holbrook, New York, at $2 per annum. Among the many interesting articles found in this number, we mention the following, as entitled to particular attention, viz : the Dangers of Blistering, by Dr. Davergue ; Treatment of Children, etc.. by Mrs. II. C. Iliril-fiftlflrowth and Development, by I Archibald McLaren ; and the Gospel of the Gallows. Thk Bkxcu and Il.vR.-Weliave received No. 1, of Vo'. 1 of this valuable Law M; ga.inej) published quarterly by Calla ghan t Cockcroft, Chicago Illinois. It is valuable to the legal profession, and should be in the Library of every lawyer. The leading articles of this number are : Does the Law deal Unfairly with Questions of Insanity? of the Bights 9f Arrest in actions Qx-confracln ; Supreme Court of the United States, digest of recent decis- lt,t,s- n . 'Oru Yoi ; Folks"' for February has been laidnpon our table. Through some fault in the mails we failed to receive the January number, and hence lost the be ginning oP.Mr.s. Whitney's story for girls. But this story is not the only excellent feature of the magazine. The full page illustrations are very attractive. Many of the articles are valuable sources of infor mation upon the subjects of which they treat, for adults as woij as children. It is not possible for us to conceive how the magazine could be the subscription made much better for pricQ S2.00. Fields Osgood it Co.. publishers, Boston, Mass. i Tiik Nation. We have seen several numbers of this excellent paperpublished at New York City, at five dollars per year, legal tender. It is a Republican journal, anwe would like to have it read by every Kepndican in the country. The leading characteristics of the Nation are honesty of purpose, and ability. Put not witlntanding this, it has undertaken a job which we fear it can never accomplish; it has undertaken the Herculean task of .. W . . puriiying the Republican party, by ex posing the rascality of its officers and lead ing members. This is certrtTrily commend able, but then, it is next to impossible. V.u'An,E Discovery. Yesterday Dr Rosses ho wed us a specimen of what hej pronounces to be a very pjire article of native plumbago, or black lead. So far aswe are capabje of judging, without ap O rb'lnS tests, iresemfoles thc)articles in every particular. It is found where the railroad cuts through a portion of the bluff in the upper part of this city, and the eleposit where it crops out is about one foot in thickness The native carburet and two rods wide. of iron, commonly known under the name of black lead, or plumbago, contains 95 parts of carbon and 5 of iron. This substance is infusible t the highest heat of a furnace, andtyncc is employed in making crucibles and melt ing pots. It is also used in making black lead pencils. o - , , Religious Services. St ranis (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. John . Selhvoo4, rectur. Services on Sunday ot a.m. and 7r.M. Sunday School mm uiuie ei.iss ai 'Z p M. 1st Congregational ChurQi Seats Fref. Morning Services, lo,4. Sabbath School, 12 o'clock M. Evening Services, 7 o'clock. Rkv. E. Gk.kky, Acting Pastor I'KAYEli MKET1NWS. Sunday olenitis 5 o'clock Tuesday evening 7 o'clock. o M. E. Church Seats Free. Morning Services, lo.3', Evening Set vices, 7 o'clock. Social mketinos. Class Meeting following Morning Services. O Praver M retina: Tluirsd i v evenins; 7 o'clock. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. Rev. C. V. Tonn, Pastor. . o TMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co. OREGON CITY. "fc"5-.Keep constantly on hand bi sale, fimir Mid!ings, Dran and Chicken Feed, Parties larchins feed muat. furnish the sacks. o Oregon City Prices Current. , The following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar ticles are selling, in this market : -S ! WHEAT White, bushel, 70 ctg. OATS bushel. 37 cts. POTATOES f? bushel. 4050 cts. ONIONS V' bushel, $100(7',S1 50. FLOUIl-V bbl. S4 00$450. DEANS White, fl.. cts. DUI ED FRUIT Apples, ft).. 4f?,5c,j Peaches. lb.; lfic: l'lntns, 3 Ib 7 15 cts; Currants. lb.. 1020 eta. BUTTER --"fl t.. 30 cts. EGGS ip duzen. 2 25 cts. CHICK ENS p dozen, $3 ()04 00. SUGAR Crushed. r$ lb.. 20 cts.; Island $ ft).. 10 124 cts. ; N. O.. lb.. 15 cts. ; San Francisco refined, "-Mb . 1G cts. v TEA Younar llvson, lb., SI 50 ; Ja pan. 90c$i 25 ; Black, $ ft., 75c. l uo. COFFEE "p ft).. 2225 cts. SALT t? ft., 1':'. ct. SYRUP Heavy Golden, gall.. $1 ; Ex. Heavy Golden, gall., $1 00$1 10. BACON Hams, y ft.. 1H cts : Sides, 15 cts. p lb.; Shoulders, f2 cts. LAUD ft)., 12015 cts. OIL Devoe's Kerosene. gall.,S7c. $1 U0 ; Linseed oil, raw. 4, gall.. $i G5 : Linseed oil. boiled. gall., SI 70. e WOOL lb., 20 cts. BEEF On foot, C cts. ft lb. POKIC On foot. G cts. ft). SHEEP Per head. S2 0o$2 50. HIDES Green, ft lb., 5c. ; Dryftj., 10 cts. TURKEYS SI 50 each. GEESE SI 50 each. C-ET" If you wish the very host Cabinet Photographs, ou must call on BRADLEY & RULOFSON. 43y Montgomery street, San Francisco. ACROSTIC. s I ain Killer is worth "what it weighs, in gold, A 11 around the world are its praises told ; 1 vill Cholera cure scourge of southern dimes, N o victim dies, who takes it be times. K eep Pain Killer a true Liend by your side. I t will cure Cough or Cold, or Colic beside; L ook to apply it for Bruise or for Sprain, i) et it once Le tried " twill be t!J fi'jaln E very word I am telling you, Reader, is true, II eniember that Pain Killer is g fr you Every Mo.th. The Pain K'Uer is sold bv all Druggists and dealeis in Family Medicines. REDINGTOX A CO., and IIOSTETTER A SMITH, San Francisco, Cal., General Whole sale Accents. 13:1m IX THK iiAINV SKA.-O.V. When the earth is stiatua'ed with moisture, and the air is surcharged with unwholesome exhalations, the vital forces of the body are iss active than in clear weather, and the spirits correspondingly depres-ed. It is unaei such circumstances that the invigo rating, vivifying and cheering properties of IIOSTB TIER'S STOMACH BITTERS are made e-pecially manifest. Half a wine glassfull, taken three times a day, will so tone anA strengthen ihc digestive organs and the nervous system, that neither the miasma arising from the wet sod, nor the gloom of a s inless sky, will produce the usual effect upon the health and spirits. Persons who are peculiarly sensitive to ex ternal change, wiil find this agreeable tonic the best means of steeling the system against viciss tud -s of tempera tare, and all variations in the state of tl e atmosphere. Wluit the poet, Cowper, said of tea, applies w ith ten fold force to this inestimable ncr vine stomachic. It cheers, but not inehri- atcs. This, however, is onlv one of its merit-. It literally revolutionizes the con dition of the feeble, debilitated -and despond ing imparting hcatithful activity to the secretive organs, regulating the bowels, and giving a new and permanent impulse to the effete and torpid animal machinery. Thf mind, sympath'zing with the refreshed and invigorated body, recovers its elasticity, and life t.tkes a brighter a-pect under the enects of this harmless vegetable cxhilarant. Saddlery. J. H. Schrara, of this Cit, is now manufacturing the best Saddlery and Harness in the State. He will havs at least 50 sets of all grades, from fine to com mon, finished and ready tor nale next month, and more than that number of Saddles. He is bound to make a trade with any man who wishes to buy ot turn. He uses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, and his work bears a most excellent reputation abroad We hope that citizens ot our own county will think of this, when they want any articles in his line. SPECIAL XOTICES. IMiilftiomnli I.:kI IVo. 1, A. anil A. M.- Holds its regular eommuni r'cations on the Firvt and Third Sat ' urdaix in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 2oth of tSepit-mber to the 2Uh of March, and 7g o'clock from the 2thof March to the 2i.?h of September. Urethrenin good standing are invited to attend. ly order of W. M. Oregon Iole 3To. 3, I. O. of O. F. '2riv5- Mtets every Thursday even ti i"g at 7 o'clock, ia Odd Fellow' &'t Hall, jrafn s ect. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. BT. Ct. Ucliecen Degree Liotge JSn. '.i, I. O. O. V. Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY EVENINGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree ate invited to attend. Ry order of N. G. mamrtte r.o1ge o, 131. O. C. T neeis every aturdav eveninc, at the rooms S.h. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o clock. 'V tsiting members are invited to lttnnd 1.- . . 1 . r . VMLMAM DAVIDSOX, Oflice, o. 61 Front Street, Adjoining tlie Telegraph Office, Portland Orc-on. SPEglAL COLLECTOR of CLAIMS, Accounts, Notes, Bouds, Drafts, and Mwlr tde Claims of every desciiption, throughout Oregon and the Tei ritorios, WILL HE MADE A SPECIALTY, and promptly collected as well as with a due regard to economy in all business matters entrusted to lib care and the proceeds paid over punctually. isM REAL ESTATE DEAZ.ER. A UCTIONANDCOMMISSIOZ A. B. Micltsiilsoii, AUCTIONEER! Corner of Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday I A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron English Square and Octagon Cast steel J Horse shoes. Files. Rasps, saws: Screws, Fry -pans, sheet iron, R. G. Iron ; also: A large assortment -of Groceries and Liquors A. 13. Riciiahdson, Auctioneer LAD D & T I LTON, Established 1859. Deposits received and Accounts kept sub ject to Check or Dratt. INTEREST al'owel on TIME Deposits ot TRUST FUNDS, in sums of ONE DOLLAR and UPWAUDS, from Date of Deposit. Money Loaned on Approved Security. Bonds. Stocks and other valuables received on deposit for safe keeping. COLLECT ONS MADE, and PROCEEDS promptly remitted. Investments in real estate and other prop erty made for parties. Aarnta for the transaction of all kinds of FINANCIAL and TRUST BUSINESS. SIGHT AND TELEGRAPHIC EXCHANGE On San Francisco and the Atlantic States, FOR SALE. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT and sold. KVlf Savings! Savings! FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. Savings Department! This Bank has established, in connection with its general Ranking business, a savings department. -and will allow interest on coin deposits, made in accordance with the condi tions adopted by this Iku.k. In establishing a Savings Department, this Banking Associ 'tion has in view the benefit- to accrue to a class of persons having small suns to loan, by providing a safe place ot deposit, ample security, and lair rate of in terest, as w H as to aggiegate and bring into use idle capital, l or the safety ot deposits in tins Bank, are pledsred its entire capital and resources, and also the personal liability of its Directors and stockholders, as provid ed by Section 12 of the National Currency Act, approve I Jure J, 1G4, a greater secu rity than that" given bv ordinary Savings liunk-!. rnnteu copies ot tlie conditions up on which deposits are received, may be had upon application to the Board. HEN UY FA I LING President JAMES STEEL Cashier DIRECTORS: Hexht Failing. IIexey W. CORBETT, L. IJ. Walkfield, J aMes Steel, W. J . YanSciiuyver. nOtf Direct importation FROEl NEW YORK. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED ARE AGENTS far FUEE SUIT LIES OF McMlrray's OYSTERS Fresh and spiced ; " Fresh Peaches and Tomatoes ; Kemp, Dat & Co.'s CASE GOODS, of nil kinds ; Gnoss & Co.'s CHEMICAL OHyc Soap; " CANDLES, warranted sup-2 rior to any in rnai ket ; Winslow's, Makine Packing Co's and Saco GREEN CORN; Kixosford OSWEGO STARCH, of every variety; Wateubi-kv CLOCKS ; of every style ; CEMENT and PLASTER; Calcined and Land For sale LOW TO THE TRADE, by M'fiRAKEN. MERRILL & CO.. nS.2m -16 JNorth J? ront&lreet, I'oniana. ' .... j i 1 CLARKE, HENDERSON & COOK, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Slsiplc siBicl Fancy DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, etc., d'C.y tC'C. Cm'. First and Wash ington sts., 10 3m Port tend, Oregon. G OOD NEWS To the FARMERS, BUTCHERS and TANNERS. D. METZCER & Co. Portland, Oregon, corner Front and Salmon Streets, opposite the old Court House, are buying all the TAILS AND MANES OF HORSES, THE TAILS OF CO WS, AND ALL THE' HAIR OF HOGS, j And are paying a LIBERAL Pi ice. (lO.St COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, C- W. ROPE & CO., PEJiLEKS IX STOVES, TIN PLATE. SHEET IRON.BRA ZIESb' COPPER. LEAD PIPE. IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS, RUBBER HOSE, FORCE ANO LIFT . PUMPS. ZINC, COPPER, BRASS AND IRON WIRE. Also a general assort rent' of House Fur nishing Goods. r MANUFACTURERS OF Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware. ROOFING AND JOBBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE TO ORDER, AND AT LOW PRICES. o Also at POPE'S STOVE STORE you will find " HARDWARE AND BASKETS, WOODEN WARE AND TINWARE, LANTERNS, LAMPS AND OIL. LUCINE AND NIGHT LAMPS. ALSO PERAMBULATORS. All of tbe a'jove articles are for sale at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. C. XV. VOPtl & CO. ll:lyj Oregon Lit Oregon. WM. SINGER, J las Ebtjlilitheil A Factory FOR THE MANUFACTORY OF SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS, AND MOULDINGS OF ALL SIZES, as- He will also do TURNING, of every description to order, With Neatness and Dispatch! o ALL WORK WARRANTED. Shop on the River, back of Ackerman's jO.lyJ Store, Oregon City, Oregon. Over 20,000 Persons Testify to t!;e Wonderful cures ot Dr. J. W. MUKUAY'S Balsam for tho Liver and Blood. NATURE'S OWN REMEDY. vx One of the CeU7ntt'd I'ltyicutns of Portland, my he is cured oj the iung ana Iakci- com plaint, ami thut lie oiee lis life to Dr.Mnr- i au ' n Luna una lAvet ltuimtm. ltcaa wnui he satis: Portland, May 21, lftfil). I have tried Dr. J. V. Murray's Lun and Liver Rulsam. I used it in my lam 11 v with the best of success. I was sick for some months, ana usea every remeuy. . . . i . j called several physieians, butthev did me no rood. I exhausted every remedy known to the medical profession, and received no ben efit. This Lung and Liver Balsam cured me, and I do not hoitate to recommend it to the public and my triends, as a good and safe rem dy. Those who know me, an many uo in this Stat?, know that I would not recom mend them to use a thing that has no merit, because I am opposed to quack remedies. o y For sale at HELL fc PARKER'S, and at ail Drug Stores on the Pacific Coasit. 9tf w ILLAMETTE NURSERY. . Season or 1SGO 70. G. W. WALLING & Co. would call tbe attention of the public to their lartre and well assorted stock ot tine Iruit trees ana shrnbberv, consisting of choice varieties of CHERRIES, PLUMS, PEARS. APRICOTS, PEACHES, NUTS, RASPHERHIES, &c., c. Persons desirous of purchasing trees should call and examine our stock, which is the largest aid best in the State. Orders (with the cash) sent to the Nursery will be prompely filled and forwarded. SfS Extra care taken in packing I rets. tt. Address all orders to G. W. WALLING & Co., 45tf Oswego, Clackamas County Oregon- JOHN BACOX, Importer and Dealer in STATIONERY, PERFUMERY, &c, &C, Orpgon Cify, Oregon. At Charman JVarner's old utand, lately oc cupied by S. Ackennan, Maui, street. lo tf G. SKEATII, WHOLESALE GROCER, 32 Front Street, Portland. GOODS BY THE PACKAGE, FOR CASH, ' AT SAN FRANCISCO PRTCK8. and Freight, irrp-Orders PromDtlv filled in San Francis co. it desired. co.ti .7. ... j.i . g HADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MAIN STREET, Oregon City. next BILLIARD TABLES in OKKUUJi Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers ot uns nonular amusement o them. T K Jl A 11 1 S S UP P DIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Uouruon aircaaj famons WhisKies and ruuen. aiso STAFFORDSHIRE rJ?OiNJLi: ALE! O DRAUGHT. tTf Families supplied. OREGON CITY BEEWEEY ! HENRY II UMBEL, Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of As coot? as can - be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Order.- solicited ami promptly tilled. JEVY COL U 31131 A JN 11UTL.L, Cor. FRONT and muuklua ms., PORTLAND, OREGON. 2T The most Comfortable Hotel in the Cit v. Board and Lodging, from one to two dollars per day, according to rooms occupied. Free Coach to and from the house. iOtO EDWARD CARNEY, Proprietor. 9 JOHN MYERS. H. C. MYERS. J. MYERS & BRO., UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, OREGON CITY. OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, We also constantly keep on hand SALEM CASSI MERES, FLANNELS. TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we will sell at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. K?7"We will also pay the hishest price for Butter. Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. 3T Give us a call ana satisfy yourselrcs. Thomas Charman ! Successor to CltAliMAN 4' 13RO. THE DEATH OF MY BROTHER HAS compelled me again to change the name of the firm of CHARMAN & RRO. to that of THOMAS CHARMAN having purchased of the estate all the interest held by my broth er in the stock of goodj owned by Charman k Brother, taking efl'ect January 3d, 185'J. Tlie ISusiiicss Will be Carried on as Usual AND A FULL STOCK Will be kept up by me, and will consist, in part, of the follow ing branches of trade ; Dry Goods and Clothing, Hals, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Notions, Perfumery And Patent Medicine3 Paints. Otis. Colors. Due Stuffs and Varnish, Queensicare, Crockery t- Lamps Sash, Doors, and Window Blinds, Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, Hope, and J ails O f Every Description. JT ash Expccial Attention to my FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. -o- GROCER IE S OF EVER Y VARIETY. Farming Implements OF ALL KINDS. jTsrAttention will be paid to any business left with me on Commission. Vmire Mv Knsiness with all who favor me with their patronage,' will be done on a gold basis but L,egai lenaer win De re ceived at the market quotations SJ I desire to say to all who favor me with their patronage that I shall use my best ability to please them, and all orders shall meet "with prompt attention. My facilities for doing business are as good as any house in Oregon, and I pledge mvself to sell as Cheap as any House in good standing iu the State. I will not be undersold by any one Please give me a call and examine tor jottr selves. Thanking you for past favors,. I .remain, Respectfully vours, THOMAS CHARMAN. J. R. El ALSTON, TS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN am SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON, WHERE nE WOULD INVITE HIS friends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of Clotliiii Hoots :a Sliocfs, llsils sincl Ciips, Hardware. Jlaring fforts many years' experience learned that THE SFCRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMAU PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SECII INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Silence the Cry of Portland Pi ices! Oregon City, August 2Sth, lSG'J. EW WAGON Carriage Manufactory ! Th nnrsitfn, basins- increased the di Hension3 of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City . Oregon. Takes this method to inform his ofd pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to ell, that he is now prepared1, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. Blacksmiihing, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbing ueatlv. qnicklv and cheap ly done. DAVID SMITH, Opposite Excelsior Market NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y 1 V f OF THE United States of America. 1VASH1XGTOX, D. C. Branch Office at PHiladclphta, Where the business of the Company is transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be addiessed. o DIRECTORS : Philadelphia, Clarence H.Clark, Jay Cooke, F. Ratchford Starr, J. Hinckley Clark, Geo. V. Tyler, W. G. Moorhead. ashmgton. Henry D. Cooke, E. A.Rollins Wm. E. Chandler, John D. Defi ees. o New York, Edw.Dodg, II. C. Falmestock. O o- OFFICERS : CLARENCE II. CLARK, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance And Executive Committee. nENRY D. COOKE, Vice P-esidcnt. EMERSON W.PEET, Secretary and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Assistant Secretary. 0 FRANCIS G. SMITH.M.D., Medical Director. J. EWING MEARS, M. D., Assistant. WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, D. C, and Geo. HARDING, Philadelphia, Attorneys. q o Tile Most Successful Life Insurance Companjp of The World ! Haying issued in the first TEN months of its existence, 3,395 Policies, - INSURING 15,142,800 Dollars ! This Company tffords to its Policy Holders PERFECT SECURITY! Rr its Cash paid up Capital of One Million Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured, by its Low Rates of Premium ! LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, OR, A REVERSIONARY DIVIDEND OF 100 PER CENT. BY ITS Return Premium Flan ! Wells, Fargo & Co. iESEiUL Agents FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. O W, E4 HALE. . , MANAGER. A. l- m. i., AGEKT FOR OltEGO.Vi OFFICE IN CREE'S BUIEDING, (Up stairs, bet. Front and FirsUts.) ENTRANCE ON STARK STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. S. D. popelgcal AGENT, OREGON CITY, GENERAL ACtESTS f JAY COOKE & CO. No, 216 Broadway, N.T. General Agents for New York and North ern New Jersey. U. Orris and D. G Whitman, Managers. E. W.CLARK ct CO. Banters, No. 35 South Third streetj PbiladelphiaGeneral Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer sey. C. S. Russell, Manager. JAY COOKE & CO. Washington, General Southern Agent. E. S. Turner, Manager. J. A. ELLIS & CO. Chicago, General Agents for lilinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minn. j JOHN W. ELLIS & CO. No, 122 Walnut St., Cincinnati, General Agents for Ohio and! Central and Southern Indiana. - 1 S. A. KEAN & CO. Detroit,- General Agents for Michigan ami iortbrn lnoiana. D W. Kean, Manager, T. B, EDGAR, St. Locus, General Agent for Missouri and Kansas. C Orvis, Manager. - ROLLINS & CHANDLER, Bosfon, Cfencral Agents for New En Provinces of Canada, ager. ;land and Eastern J. P. Tucker Man- JOnNSTON BROTHERS & CO General Agents for. Maryland, Baltimore, W. A. Wi- song, Manager. WM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, -General Ggent for the Doisiuion ot Casada. jj g AW PARTNERSHIP. .1(8 IT -K-P-T-TV I J.- H7R-BED, ltosiit(n(. 'iilun.tiirt.st. l lesidence corner of bet. 2d and 3d sta. f Columbia iliM 7th sts. Jas. K. Kelly and J. H. Reed, Bder ihe firtn name of KELLY & REED, V ill practi& law in the Coarts of Oteg0h. Oflice on First street, near Alder, over the new Post office rocm, P jrf.apd. (40tf LANSING STOUT. Attorney and Connielor atLaW, PORTLAND, OREGON. Office Under the United States District Court Room. Front street. 40tf DAGE & THAYER, t3 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE In OCree's Building, corner of FrontQirtd Stark streets, Portland. S2:t j. n. MiTcnEiri j. s. oLrn, A. SMITH? Mitchell, Dolph & Smith, w Attorneys aitk Counsellors at Late, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proc tors in Admiralty. JT" Office o-er the old Post'Ofifree, Front street'ortland, Oregon, J. F. CArLE?. . J. C. MORELAKD. CAPLES &CJI0REL AN D, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cor. FRONT and WASHINGTON Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. o Logan, Shattuck & KUlin, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Jio. IOO Front Street, Tip Stairs, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. C. GIBDS. c. w. PA-Ritisn, Kotary Public .d Com. of Deeds. GIBBS & FABHISH, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Portland, Ore(Sn. OFFICE On Alder street, in Carter' brick Hock. O JjMJGENE A. CIK&IN, A TTOBIXEY A T LA W, Rooms 7 and 8 Carter's Block, 4. O PORTLAND, OREGON. JJ M. McKENNEY, ATTORNEY AT-AWr, OREGON CITY, OREGON. O WALTER BROS. New CA1SFETI1VGS oo Velvets, SRUSSELS, TSE E - PLY, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER - B? A N6IK6S LACE - CURTAINS, &c, &C, We Would Call the attention of pare tics Jilting up houses, or teg in need ojbanyUiing in our line To our Stock, which is Q ONE OF TUEQCOMLETEST Oil ihe Pacific Coast i Our Goods tcing specially selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern States, we can sell AT TIE LOWEST O San Francisco Prices. ; ' No. 89 Front street, between Alder 85.) and Washington, Portland Oregoa O O " - Dr. J, H. HATCH, . Eate Mack 4" Hatch DEN T I ST, The patronage of those desiring iirst Class Vjiepntionftis respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N,R JS'itrous Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. pOffice In Weigant's ftew bfiitding, west side of First street, between Alder andfelor J rison streets Portland, Oregon. o TENTAL NOTICE. J O (5) HOME AGAIN. During my tour of two year in the Eastern States I-hare? spared neither time or money to make myself je- fectlv familiar with and master of my pro fession. Those desirinsr the best work that the nature of the case will adimt f can find me at my office, 17 Front street-, two door above McCormick's Book Store, Portland, uregon.ep o o o . G Jacob SnrzEL. $ ames UrTOS . STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and (Washington streets, PORTLAND, OBEG03T. O - JSgT" Will attend to the sate and purchase of Real Eritate in all prts of the City and State, Special attentioft-giren to the sale of East Portland property. Address P. O, Box 452, Portland. Oregon. STITZEL & UPTON, ID.tf ) q - Iieai Estate Brokers. P. G.STEWART, No. 109 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. O mm. a I- I owatcniiirtRci o And Jeweler. And TTeaW in CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELERS GOODS. Agent for Wilcox &p Gibbs' Letter 'G'' Sewing Machines, which are now being sold singly at cost, or whole tale less than cosk Other goods at greatly reduced rates. (-tO.tf O L