The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, February 05, 1870, Image 1

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Clocks 0rcgon.
YOL. 1
he Weekly Enterprise.
Business Man, the Farmer
OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Main streets
Oregon City, Oregon.
Single Copy one year, in advance, $3 00
Transient advertisements, including all
legal notice, q- of 12 lines, 1 v.$ 2 50
For each subsequent insertion 1 i0
One Column, one year.. $1-0 0U
Half " " 00
Oiarier " " - 40
Business Card, 1 square one year 12
If 3" Remittance to be made at the rink of
Subscribers, and at the expense of Agents.
4 - The Enterprise office i supplied with
lieautiful. approved stvlt'rt of type, arid mod
ern MA.CIIINK PHKS.iKS. which will enable
tlie Proprietor to do Jb lMnting at all times
Xtat, Quick and Cheap !
0- WorR solicited.
All Business transaction upon a Specie basis.
7Y.V fVi:ilS. Financial Ascent.
" ' Q
I'erina neatly Located- at Oregon City, Oregon
ROOMS Wth Dr. SafUrrans. , on Main st.
SUROEOX. Poktlani), OkegQ.
OFFICE 9." Front street rllesidence cor
ner of Main and Seventh streets.
Cfacmist and Druggist,
Fit. Stark and H'u:-hington .
ran 2 x . 1 yn. on eg ox
r,'2 rhystcians
all reduced Trices
ii-sortnient of Patent
Medicines, Perf'umer
Fancv Saps, etc., oiif
ies, Toilet Articles,
hand and fur sale at lowot prtves.
E. A. 1'AKKEK.
Chemicals, 1'alctU Medicines, Paints,
Perfumery, Oils, Varnishes,
And every article kept in a Drug Store. Main
Street, Oregon Cstv.
Established siuce 1849, at the old stand,
Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon.
An Assortment of Watches. Jew
elry, and Seth Thomas' weight
Clocks, all of which are warranted
to b-as represented.
Wepairinirs done on short notice,
tnd thankful lor past favors.
City Drayman,
All orders fofjthe delivery of merchan
' di-e or packages and freight of whatever des-
eriptiun, to any part of the city, will be exe
' ruled promptly and farUli care.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
etc., etc.,
M'ain Street, Oregon City,
ffF" Wishes to represent that he is now as
-well prepared to furnish ady article in his line
as the largest establishment in the State. lie
1'iirticularly requests tliat an examination of
us stock be made before buying elsewhere.
Successor to J. F. MILLER 8,- Co.,
i Roots jiiad Shoes !
At the Oregon Ci'y Boot and Shoe
St ore, (SV in s free t.
Of Ladies', Gents', Hoys', and Children's
B'KUs and Shoes, on hand or made to order.
!r TV . r.
..A VHt AM WTTTK .f.r.,
nj.i . ji. Tf .jimA. i v.; i..
rJ3i7 Jl. 'BS ;Hr
Having recently aoded to the Livery Stock
liw Carriages, Buggies and Horses, nre now
prepared ai all times to let the same, at reas
onable rates. Horses bought aud sold or
kept by the day or week. '
LaRoqne & Co.,
! u OR eg ox CITY.
tl.Kcep constantly on hand fu sale, flour
Midlines. Bran and Chicken Feed. Pai-tips
MVNV-:tf Jorehing feed must furnish the sack.
fAKU C J1U1J11J,
r-t" v" Oliver to their patrons all the1
ihi qua .u ies oi stall 1-Vd Beef, also Mutton,
Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on
Tuesdays and Saturdays
Thankful tor past favors of the public would
rcspect.ully asks a coutiauaacc of the same.
In answer to the question " Do you ever
think of me V1 By W. Mungea.
When daylight breaks over the craggy ctut
mountain w
And noiselessly lights tip the silvery foun
tain ;
When crystal gems sparkle on meadow
and moon ; q
When sweet feathered songsters their morn
ing songs waken ;
Vh;n li e lark for her -wings shakes the
bright pearly dew;
When the laborer his early and humble
meal s taking ; q
When morning first blushes I then think
of yon.
When the day-god has risen
the heaven : 4
When nature in splendor shines brightly
and gay ;
When the rays of the snn to all
r c.
have given
The brilliance of noon-lide, the diamond's
bright ray ;
When the noise of the harvester's sickle is
ringing ;
When thelear-sounding horn calls him
homeward in glee ;
When the bright summer sun makes the
'"wild birds cease singing ;
When the kine sek the shade I then
think of thee.
When even-tide cometh, and day has less
lightness ;
When the storm-king is riding supreme on
O the blast ;
When the lightning is flashing in coldness
and brightness ;
When labrr is o'er and day closes at last
When the husbandman :s weary from toil
ing since morningj
When the shadows grow long on the flow
ery lea
When the lustre of evening the landscape
"s adorning ;
When stars begin twinkling I then think
of thee.
When the pure vault of heaven
gems of great bealy
The moon for their queen, and space for
their home
reflect the bright si:n. each thus doing
In nature 7s great system, in ether's blue
When night basjthus settled in silence and
n mountain and valley, on land and on
sea ;
When the whole astral system 's repeating
its stoi;y;
Of God's great creation I'm thinking of
thee. v O
NO. 12.
This county, situated on the west
bank of the Willamette river, op
posite Clarion county, ami bounded
on the north by Yamhill, south by
Denton and west by Tillamook
counties, has a population of about
5,000 inhabitants, and contains as
line grain, grass and grazing lands,
as are to be found in the State.
Lying immediately east of the
Coast ,Jiange, aud in the heart of
the Y illamette alley, her fertile
soil and beautiful rolling prairies,
her numerous valleys surrounded
by hills covered by a luxuriant and
nutritious growth of bunch grass
and wild clover, known only to
particular localities in Oregon and
California, with various kinds of
useful timber more than sufficient
to supply the demand for all agri
cultural, mechanical and manufac
turing purposes, with a genial cli
mate, pure water and productive
soil, Polk county holds out induce
ments to industry and enterprise
which tend to make a community
prosperous, wealthy, and perma
nently blessed. The face of the
country in this county is diversified
and hilly, iiHerspersed with numer
ous small prairies, or what might
be more properly called valleys of
an alluvial deposit and unusual
Although there is not that vast
extent of broad prairie in this
county that gives so striking a fea
ture to many of the great grain
growing districts of the west, still
the fanner from Indiana, Illinois,
Iowa and Wisconsin would look
with astonishment and delight at
the0beautiful fieklaPof wheat,yield
nig from twenty to forty, and in
many instances as high as sixty
bushels to the acre, free from all
those imperfections and dir-eases
that, for the past few years, have
proved so injurious to that depart
ment of industry in the older
States, and furnishing an article of
Hour which can be produced ouly
from the wheat of Oregon.
The industrious, thrifty husband
man, from the frost y climate, bleak
hills aud sterile soil of happy New
England, although at first almost
shuddering with horror at the sup
posed improvidence of the farmers
of Oregon, in allowing finer heads
of grain than ever before greeted
the New Englander's view, to be
harvested by the hogs, would rub
his hands with delight at the
thought of th immense fortune
that could be realized from the
WCol, beef, pork, butter and cheese,
at so many cents and a-sixteenth
per pound, that could be so easily
produced from those green hills
and fertile valleys of Oregon, capa
ble of cultivation for many a month,
while his own native land is covered
with frost and snow.
The immigrant from the sunny
South, although not at first partic
ularly struck with the fertility of
the soil, as . he beholds the luxuri
ant fields of grain, grass, fruit and
vegetables, blending so manifestly
the productiveness of the South
with the healthy, invigorating cli
mate of the North, would, in our
own fertile valleys, smiling in al
most perpetual green beneath the
shadow of mountains covered with
snow, find adand Avhere the North
ern lily blooms in its purity in the
generous shadow of the Southern
Polk county, with an area of
800,000 acres," has about 95,000 un
der cultivation, and an assessable
property of $1,234,529, being an
increase of $201,350 within the last
two years. Although this county
has numerous good warehouses and
landings for river steamers along
the Willamette river the entire
length of its casterf? boundary,still
Polk is decidedly agricultural, and
may beset down as one of the sub
stantial farming counties of the
While this county has not one
eighth of its area under cultivation,
it is computed that nine-tenths arc
susceptible of settlement, and at
least four-fifths might be made to
produce wheat.
oats, and
t h e d itferen t va ri et i es of" sm all gra i n ,
and is also adapted to the growth
of the different kinds of vegetables,
also apples, pears, plums, cherries,
quinces, grapes, and small fruits ;
while the pcaqb, and Indian corn,
can be cultivated successfully in
many localities, with proper care.
The following information was
furnished the Committee through
the columns of the Polk County
Sirital, by J. II. LTpton, Esq., edi
tor of that paper, and a gentleman
well posted in the. resources of the
county for which he speaks. 8
The public buildings of the county
consist of a new court house and
jail, which, with the outbuildings,
cost about $13,250.
The average ppicc of improved
farming land is about ten dollars
per acre ; unimproved, three. The
base of the soil is clay, with a mix
ture of sand, oxide of iron, lime,
and other valuable ingredients, in
varying quantities, and rendering
the greater portion well adapted to
agricultuial and horticultural pur
poses. The greatest part of the
land in this county that is not well
located for agriculture, is as good
as can be found for raising horses,
hogs, sheep and cattle. Upon the
mountains, and along the streams,
there it plenty of fir, oak, maple,
ash and alder, and other valuable
timber well adapted to farming,
building, and general lumbering
purposes. On the low hills is much
valuable oak timber ; and far up in
the mountains there is fine cedar,
yew, and hemlock. There are not
many lumbering mills and work
shops for converting this timber
into lumber and machinery, but
there are many excellent and valu
able sites for erecting mills and
machine shops not yet improved,
and some entirely unclaimed. The
water is pure, and nearly every
where abundant. Some farmers
have to water stock from wells, but
most of them have springs or
For milling and mechanical pur
poses, the water privileges of this
county arc valuable and extensive.
There" is but little liability to dam
age from overflow. A few farms
along the Willamette river are
liable to inundation, and there is
but a small portion of the land in
this county that is inundated every
year. Freshets never occur in the
spring or summer in this county.
The Willamette river flows along
the entire eastern border of the
county, from south to north. The
Yamhill, the Kickreal, and Luckia
mute flow through the county from
west to east. These streams, with
their numerous tributaries, of fresh
water from the Coast Range moun
tains, on the west, supply every
part of the county with good water
and plenty of it ; and where it is
not on top of the ground, it may
be got but a few feet below the
The temperature of this county
is mild. Farenheit's thermometer,
we believe, never falls below zero,
nor rises more than ninety degrees
in the inhabited parts of the coun
ty, and it is very rare that either
of these extremes are reached.
The general health of the county
is good. There is some little bil
liousefever and ague at times along
the Willamette river. .
As to professional men, we have
too many of them now. To trades
men,mcchanis and men of all kinds
'of industrial pursuits, we say, come
ajul see, there re good openings
for all. The facilities for new set
tlers and immigrants to obtain
grain and seeds of all kinds, farm
ing implements, mechanics' tools,
provisions, clothing and groceries,
are as good as in most of the old
States. -Merchants and traders, at
convenient points all over the State,
keep all these articles for sale, at
reasonable prices. The principal
market for the produce of this
county is Portland.
We transport by the Willamette
river and by wagons, a distance of
from fifty to eighty miles. V e
have four good flouring mills and
nine-saw mills in this county, M'ith
a woolen factory at Ellendale.
The mineral resources of this
county are still undeveloped. - Gold,
silver, copper, iron, and lead have
been discovered in small quantities
in this county, but nothing of the
kind that would pay. We have
some fine saline springs which
would be very valuable if properly,
improved and managed, but as yet
nothing of consequence has been
done in the manufacture of salt.
There is some vacant Govern
ment land in this county, but very
little of value for agricultural pur
poses. Some of it is valuable for
stock raising, but the most of it is
covered with heavy timber, and
only fit for lumbering ; generally
handy to good water privileges for
power purposes.
The advantages for schooling
and meetings of religious worship
in this county are good. Districts
for common schools are organized
in every neighborhood in the coun
ty, with a college at Monmouth,
another at IJethel, and a flourish
ing academy at Dallas. . There are
good opportunities for religious
worship in almost eVery neighbor
hood nearly every denomination
of Christians as found in the Union,
being represented in the county.
Dallas, the county seat, is situ
ated on the La Creole (Kickreal)
river, and is a flourishing little in
land town, noted for its enterprise
and commercial prosperity. There
arc other thriving little towns with
post-offices aud stores, among
which we may mention Ibiena
Vista, where large quantities of
earthenware are manufactured.
There are also Grand Ponde,Lawn
Arbor, Luckiamute, Salt Creek,
Bridgeport, Bethel, Lincoln, Etna,
Monmouth, Independence and Eola.
Some of these towns have good
warehouses, and are convenient
shipping points along the Wil
lamette river.
Tiik New Postage Stamps.
It is to be hoped that these will
stay " adopted" by the Post-office
Department long enough for peo
ple to learn their denomination at
a glance, at any rate. The fickle
ness of the department is a subject
for general merriment and ridicule.
The new stamps are to be the same
size of the old ones, and consist en
tirely of profile busts taken from
standard original marbles , execu
ted by artists of acknowledged rep
utation. They will comprise the
heads of the following distinguish
ed Atnericfins : One cent, Frank
lin, by Burton ; two cents, Jack
son, by- Powers ; three cents,
Washington, by Houdon ; six
cents, Lincoln, by Volk ; ten
cents, Jefferson, by Powers; twelve
cents, Clay, by Hart; fifteen cents,
Webster, by Clerenged ; twentj'
four cents, Scott, by Coffee; thirty
cents, Hamilton, family bust ; forty
cents, O. II. Perry, by Wolcutt.
A conductor on a Pennsyl
vania railroad, who, with a mod
erate salary, kept fast horses, lived
in a fine house, wore diamonds,
etc., was indicted by the company
some time since for robbery. There
upon he gave up $19,000 stolen
plunder and was discharged ; but
being hard up for funds, he now
sues the company for the return of
the money, alleging that it was
obtained from him by threats and
Many people drop a tear at dis
tress who would do better to drop
a sixpence.
FEBRUARY 5, 187.
Col. Crickley's Horse.
I have never been able to ascer
tain the origin of the quarrel be
tween the Crickleys and Drakes.
1 hey had lived within a mile of
each other for five years, and from
the first of their acquaintance
there h.-fd been between the two
families a mufuSl feeling of dislikev
Then some misunderstanding about
the boundary of their respective
farms revealed the latent flame,and
Col. Crickley having followed a fat
buck all one afternoon, and wound
ed him, came up to him and found
old Drake and his sons cutting him
up.- This incident added fuel to
the fire, and from that time there
was nothing the two families did
not do to annoy each other.
One evening Mr. Drake the elder
was returning home with " his
pocket full of rocks," from Chicago,
whither he had been to dispose of
a load ot grain. Sam Barstow was
with him on the wagon, and as
they approached the grove which
intervened between them and Mr.
Drake's house, he observed to his
companion :
"cWhat a beautiful mark Crick-
ley's old roan is over yonder !"
"Hang it!" muttered cDrake,
" so it is."
The horse was standing under
some trees about twelve rods from
the road.
Involuntarily Drake stopped his
team he glanced furtively around,
then with a queer smile the old
hunter took up his rifle from the
bottom of his wagon, and raising
it to his shoulder, drew a sight on
the Colonel's horse.
" Beautiful" he mutteredflower
ing his rifle wifh the air of a man
resisting a powerful temptation. "I
could drop old roanso easy!"
" Shoot," suggested Sam Bar-
stow, who loved fun in any shape.
"No, no, 't wouldn't do," said
the old hunter.
rrbi twiiifr
him again.
I won't tell," said Sam.
al, I won t shoot tins time
anyway, tell or no tell. The horse"
is too nigh. If lie was fifty rotls
off instead of twelve, so there'd be
a bare possibility of mistaking him
foa deer, I'd let fly. As it "is, I'd
give the Colonel five dollars for a
At that moment the Colonel
himself stepped from behind a big
oak, not half a dozen paces distant,
and before Drake.
" Well, why don't you shoot ?"
The old hunter stammered in
some confusion " That you, Col. ?
I I was tempted to, and as I said,
I'll give a V for one pull."
" Say an X and it's a bargain !"
Drake felt of his riflcPand looked
at old roan.
" How much is the boss worth?"
he muttered in Sam's ear. O
" About fifty."
"Gad, Colonel, I'll do it. Here's
your X."
The Colonel pocketed the money,
muttering " Hanged if I thought
you'd take me up !"
With high glee the old hunter
put a fresh cap on his rifle, and
stood up in the wagon, a close
sight on old roan. Sam Barstow
chuckled. The Colonel put his
hand before his face and chuckled
Crack, went the rifle. The hun
ter tore out a horrid oath, which I
will not repeat. Sam was aston
ished. The Colonel laughed. Old
roan never stirred.
Drake stared at
his9ifle with a
look black as Othello's. " What's
the matter with you, hey ? Fust
time you ever sarved me quite such
it 1111. iv, x n.u,
And Drake loaded the piece
with great wrath and indignation.
zj' People said you'd lost your
knack of shooting," observed the
Colonel in a cutting tone of satire.
'.'Who said so? It's a lie!"
thundered Drake, " I can shoot "
" A horse at ten rods ! ha! ha!"
Drake was livid.
" Look yere, Colonel, I can't
stand that," he began.
"Never mind, the horse can,"
sneered the Colonel. " I'll risk
Grinding his teeth Drake pro
duced another ten dollar bill.
" Here !"
" I'm
to have another shot, any
' Pro rr nirOT
pocketing the note.
Drake did crack away with
deadly aim, too, but the horse did
not mind the bullet in the least.
To the rage and unutterable as.
tonishment of the hunter, old roan
stared him in the face as if he
rather liked the fun.
" Drake," cried Sam, " you are
drunk ! a horse at a dozen rods
oh, my eyes !"
" Just shut your mouth, or I'll
shoot you !" thundered the excited
Dfake. " The bullets were hollowi)
1 11 swear. Hie man lies avuo s.tys
I can't shoot ! Last week I cut off
a goose's head at fifty rods, and
kin do it agin. By the Lord, Col.,
you laugh, but I'll bet now $30 that
I can bring old roan at one shot.
The wager was readily accepted.
inc stakes were placed in bam s
hands. Elated with the idea of
winning back his two tens and
making an X in the bargain,. Mr.
Drake carefully selected a perfect
.ball, and buckskin patch, and load
ed hisrifle.
A minute later DraltSwas driv
ing through the grove the most
enraged and the most desperate of
men. His rifle, innocent victim of
his ire, lay with broken stock on
the bottoigi of the wagon. Sam
Barstow was too scared to lauo-h.
Meanwhile the Colonel was rolling
convulsed fwnh mirth, and old roan
was standing undisturbed uuder
the tree. u
When Drake reached home his
two sons, discovering his ill humor
ancLtiie mutilated condition of his
rifle stock, hastened to srouse his
spirits with a pigce of news which
they were sure would make him
dance with joy.
Clear out !" growled the angry
old man
1 don t want to hear
a 113'' news
get away,
or I'll knock
one of you down !"
" But, father, it's such a trick."
" Blast your tricks !" Q
Played offjm the old Colonel."
"On the Colonel?" cried the
old man beginning to be interest
ed. "Gad, if you've played the
Colonel a trick let's hear it."
"Well, father, Jed and I this
afternoon went out forQleer "
" Hang the deer come to the
" Couldn't find Quiy deer, and
thought we must shoot? something;
so Jed banged away at the Colo
nel's old roan shot him dead."
" Shot old roan ?" thundered the
old man.
"By the Lord Harry, Jed, Olid
you shoot the Colonel's boss?"
"I didn't do anything else."
" The devil !" groaned the soId
" And then," pursued Jed, con
fident the joke part of the story
must please his father, " JhrPand
I propped the horse up and tied
his head back with a cord, and
left him standing under the trees
exactly as if he was alive. Ha !
ha ! fancy the (.Colonel going to
catch him ! ho ! wasn't it a joke?"
. t 1
Old Drake's head fell upon ,isimetics.
breast. He felt his empty pocket
book and looking at Lis rifle.
Then in a rueful tone he whisper
ed to his boys
"Yes, boys, it's a joke ! But5 if
you ever tell of it or if you do to
Sam J3arstow I'll skin vou aliveQ
By the Lord Harry, boys,
been shooting at that dead
half an hour at ten dollars a shot."
Peculiarities of Pexmaxsiiip.
The great actor, Macready, once
wrote a pass for a couple of friends
to visit the theatre with which he
wasOconnected ; and, for a joke,
the two took it to an apothecary,
and asked him to "put up that
prescription." The apothecary
took it, looked at it closely for
some time, and finally overhauled
half a dozen jars, put up the " per
scription," and handed it to the
jokers with the remark that it was
" a cough mixture, and a very
good one, gentlemen." A person
with a similar turn of rnindQgaj-s
that a Chinese prescription for
fever and ague is said to bear, a
wonderful resemblance to Generai
Spinner's autograph.
The following is the text of the
bill granting women the right to
vote, which has lately become a
law in Wyoming Territory ;
An act to giant to the women of
Wyoming Territory the right of
suffrage, and to hold office.
Ife it enacted, etc. Sec. 1. That
every woman of the age of twenty
one years, residing in this Terri
tory, may at every election to be
holden under the laws, thereof,
cast her vote. And her rights to
the elective franchise and to hold
office shall be the slime under the
election laws of the Territory as
those of electors.
Sec. 2. This act skill take effect
and be in force from and after its
passage. 4
A young lady who -was particu
larly useful in the dressing-room at
a recent ball in San Francisco, has
turned out to be a smooth-faced
youth of eighteen. The girls " in
terviewed" him after the discov
ery, and he now uses a hair rcstor
rative. 0
NO. 13
Tlie V alne of the 'Supreme Court."
From the Philadelphia Ao.
We dwelt, yesterday, . at some
length, upon the Radical efforts to
destroy the Supreme Court. Our
defense of it is disinterested. On
its Bench ucnv sit judges nearly all
appointed by-Lincoln and Grant.
We ascribe to the majority-of the
Court no" inclination to thwart the
wishes of the majority f the party
in Congress; and we may judge of
its designs when it fears'resistance
from the Court even "as it now is.
It is because the Radicals in Con
gress want" to overthrow entirely
the ' Constitution o the United,
States, and even great principles
of national liberty embodied in it,
that they feel a necessity to sweep
tbe Supreme Court out of their
way. This is a compliment to the
Court as it is now constituted. It
is its character of, judicial tribu
nal, Avhere great questions are sol
emnly argued in the public hear
ing, that makes it abhorrent to
the Radicals, even when stocked
with their partisans. An act of
Congress may be passed by the
help of "the previous question,'
so that only the mover shall have
an inkling of its purpose. Most
political acts have been rnshed
through Congress in this way. Mr.
Thaddcus Stevens (would say " I
put on its passage bill No. 15Q,"
entitle so and 'so, cgand " I call
the previous question." His party
cry Aye, in a chorus. " Mr.
Speaker," says a member, "I
Wjould like to be informed" "Si
lence," cries the Speaker, "the
previous, question is called." "Mr.
Speaker," says another, "I learn
that this bill takes away the right
of trial by jury and" " Silcncif
erics the Speaker, "no debate iin
orde; thosin favor of tliis bill
will rise and stand till they are
counted." This bill passes. But
when an aggrieved citizen claims
his constitutional right in a Court,,
he must at least be heard. There
is no "previous question" there.
The most profligate judge rcust
give some plausible relisonfdr de
njing or ignoring what lire Con
stitution of the United States and
all the great charters of liberty say
of trial by jury. A Radical "Coji-
grcss . would.
we believe. af)anV
llll 1 flinf .,rf-w nwl
make five, lor the . good of then
party. It is not so sure that a
1'adieal Court, after public argu
ment, would so decide, iiitheteejth
of common sense and all the arith-
1 sa n .
This is the virti vet re-
Anaininor in the Sum-erne Judicial
. x
Tribunal of the Union. It will be
in no hurry to thwart liadicalisni ;
it has shown small inclination to
do so; but there are limits to itig)
subserviency so at least the Had-
icals think, therefore t want to
destroy it, and we defend it. In
it and its inferior courts, the Con
stitution vests the "judiciafpowcr
of the United States." Neither
the President nor a vote of Con
gress can limit it. We call public
opinion to rally to the defense of
this greafdepartmcnt orthe Gov
ernment assailed by a co-ordiniite
b.-anch. An eminent Philadclphi
an, respected by all, and by the
Had icals treated as an oracle in
politics when he spoke fpr Execu
tive power, made ilide just re
marks, some
premc Court
years ago, on the Su-
"What, sir, is the Supreme
Court of the Un jtd States ? Jt is
the august representation of the
wisdom and justice and conscience
of this whole people, in the exposi
tion of their Constitution and laws.
I-) peaceful and venerable
arbitrator between the citizens in
all questions touching the extent
and swajepf constitutional power.
It is the great moral substitute for
force in controversies between the
people, the States and the Union.
It is that Department of the Ad
ministration whose calm voice dis-a
ienses the blessings of the Consti
tution, in the overthrow of all im
provident or unjust legislation
by a State, . directed against
the contracts, the currency, or the
intercourse of the people, alid in
the maintenance of the lawful au
thority and institutions of the
Union, against inroads, by color of
law, from all or any of the States,
or from Congress itself If the
voice of this tribunal, created by
the people, be not authoritative to
the people, what voice can be ?
None, my fellow-citizens, absolute
ly none, but that voice which
speaks through the trumpet of the
conqueror." Speech -by the Hon.
Horace lUnrty.
Men of the noblest disposition
think themselves happiest wh,en
others share their happiness.with