The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, January 29, 1870, Image 2

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WBBWjX'i1 .It-1 i
T Ll)c iUcdiln enterprise.
Oregon City, Orogon ,
D. M. McKENNEY, Enron.
John Myers, Financial Agent.
-t 1, 'KiiajM m g. h i ii -i.i r
Saturday : : January 29, 1870.
. Democratic State Convention.
o 7-rr
By virtue of the action of the Democratic
State Convention, which was held at Portland
on Thursday, March 10th, ISfiS, and of the
Democratic State Central Committee, which
was beld at the same place, on January 8th
lfcTOyhe Democratic State Convention will
, On YTelKesIy Marth 231, 1STO,
At ten o'clock A. II. of said day, for the pur
poaeof- nominating Goveknor, Member of
CoxGness, Secretary of State, Tkeasckec
hTATE Tbixtek, JcrcEi)of Second District
Judge of Third Distiict, and Jldge of Fifth
District, te be supported at the next Jute
By order of said Committee, reprerenta
tion to said Convention wa3 based cn the
vote cast for Democratic Congressman at
tho last election, giving to each Coty one
Delegate for every seventy-five Democratic
rotes cost, and one Delegate for ever- frac
tion of thirty eight and over, but allowing
each County at least one Dtlepate therein
which -rule of apportionment will rrirc to the
several Counties the following number of
Delegates, to-wit : O
Demon' rjv "
Baker.' .VL , 3
Clackamas .V. 8
Clatsop 1
Coos..."..... 3
Curry 1
Columbia 2
Dooglas .V?. 9
- C.rant 6
Jackson 11
Josephine 2
Lane 11
Linn 17
Marion . U
Multnomah .
Tilhimook . . ,
Yamhill. . . .
. 8
Total ..
TheSme for holding the County Conven
tions to elect Delegates to the State Demo
cratic Convention, was left by tho Committee
to the several County Committees, whose
duty it will be to provide therefor.
The Committee would respectfully urge
prompt action on the part of the Democracy
of the several countiesr
L. F. GTiOYER, Chairman.
V. Tkevitt, Secretary.
' ' Democratic County Convention.
Pursuant to. the call of the cba'rman,
- the Democratic Central Committee of
Clackamas county met at Oregon City,
. January 25, 1S70, John Myers presiding.
- J. S. M.-Van Cleve, a member of the Com-
mittee, Laving removed frm the county,
. D..M. Mclvenney was appointed to fill the
-vacancy. A County Convention was
f called to meet
tok ICtii day of march, 1870,
4 at 11 o'clock,A.M., for the purpose of elect
's ing eight Delegates to the Pcm&cratitate
ig Convention, to be held at Albany on (he
231 of March, 1870, and for the transaction
of any other business that may properly
come before faid Convention. The Com
mittee fixed the ratio of representation to
"(rBaid County Convention as follows : Each
precinct to have 1 Delegate at large, and
In addition thereto, to have 1 Delegate for
every 15 Democratic votes cast in the pre
cinct for Congressman in the election of
1SC8, and 1 Delegate for any fraction of
such 15 votes which shall exceed seven,
and which raffo gives the respective prc
elncts the following number of Delegates,
to wit :
Oregon City precinct. V.
A Franlc Admission.
It will bo remembered that a short time
since, E. R. Hoar, present Atiorncy Gen
eral of the United States, was appointed
an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
of the United States by President Grant,
and assigned to a Southern Circnitbut
the Seriate refused to confirm the appoint
ment ; and it is said that all the Senators
fromClhe Southern States opposed the ap
pointment on the grounds that it was a
man to a SouthernCircuit. This is de
cidedly rich, when we take into consider
ation the fact that all of the present Sena
tors from the Southern States are northern
men. interlopers, carpet-baggers, who have
not one sentiment, or one impulse in common
with the natives of the Southern States.
In speaking of the refusal of the Senate to
confirm the appointment of Attorney Gen
eral Hoar to a judgship, the Xation, pub
lished in New York City, and the most re
liable Republican paper published in the
United Stes, says :
The southern Senators, then, who op
posed the President's selection must bo
held either to have defiled the appoint
ment of an unfit man, or else they must
have had some further reason which they
did not choose to avow. The former al
ternative is of course the most probable.
The truth must be told, however, that,
beneficial as reconstruction has been in
other respects, the class of Southern poli
ticians whom it has brought to tho surface,
and into whose hands it has given the
reins of government, are as poor a race of
men as ever . manipulated caucuses or
called conventions.' They form, in fact,
one of the most gigantic rings'7 at pres
ent existent in the country, organized in
the most careful manner throughout the
South, solely for the purpose ot perpetu
ating their own rule." This ring it is which
in the main elects every Southern Senator,
and it is, of course, in the interest of the
uig that the Southern Senaiorsovote.
What they wanted at this tinro was. not a
wise judge, nor a learned judge, nor an
upright'jiidge, but a judge of their own
kind ;Qnd we have no hesitation in saying
that they would have cheerfully supported
-the nowiinatioti of a native of Alaska, if
they could have had assurances that ha
would have decided casesj-n the -i carpet
bag" interest. The "shriek of locality"7
coming from these men is indeed onu of
the most amusing (hat was ever shrieked
in the political world, because tln-y owe
Qheir own seats to a party which has at
tained power by disregarding every claim
of the sort.
And again, it turther says in the same
To sum up all these various objections
in one he was objected to as having a
judicial mind. This was hts fault ; he was 1
not a rabid partisan. If he had been, he
would have been confirmed.
That is so. Radicals do not want wise,
learned, or upright judges 5 but seek for
judges of their own kind judges who
will, in defiance of law, jns'icr, and their
official oaths, decide in favor of their party
friends, and against Democrats. We have
too many partisan judges in this country
for the good of the country.' and still the
leaders of the partvQn power are still fur
ther trying to obtain a more corrupt and
partisan judiciary in order that Radical
frauds, perpetrated for the purpose of se
curing the success of that party, may go
unpunished. This is a horrible slate of
affairs for freeZAmerica, but it is so, and
we fully agree with the Xaiion in itseas
sertion that the Senate would have, cheer
fully supported for this judgship a native
of Alaska, if they could have had assur
ances that he would decide cases in favor
of the carpet bag interest.
"Democratic Ciieclc.
We had prepared an article in answer
to the Qi'egonian on " Democratic Cheek."
but finding the following home thrust in
the ILrald of .last Tuesday, which has not
From Democratic News, Jan. 15.
One Willis Hays has been engaged for
some time past in slandering the charac-
been, and cannot be, answered by the 1 ter of a lady residing on oiaie tieeu..usc
Orcjonian, we have concluded to insert ! phine county. On Wednesday last,he had
the Herald article instead of our own. The the impudence to call on her, and received
llerakl says : a polite invitation to enter. He complied.
Some lawyer, in the absence cf the reg-; when the door was quickly closed and
nlar editor of the Oregonkin, is writing ' locked, a cowhide of formidable dinien-
for that paper. Qne would suppose from
the character of the article headed "Cor
ruption Fund Democratic Cheek," that
the writer was not among those familiar
with the manner the last election was car
ried in this city by his party, nor the
sdons produced, and the indignant fe male
" went for him," and administered a fear
ful castigation to the contemptible cur.
Our informant states that she gave him at
least thirty lashes, well laid on, by an arm
that is none of the smallest or weakest.
peculiar manner Grant county was carried j When she had flogged her victim until she
for Woods against Kelly. At the last city . Was tired and out of breath, she opened
election in this county ,a man charged with j the door and he departed, a very sore,
murder in the first degree was in prison, 1 and it is to be hoped, a much wiser and
I his bail fixed at SI. 209, and the republi- better man.
cans raised that sum of money to discharge j Between the 12th and 15th inst.. Senator
him, and allowed Ifim to escape a trial, on 1 Miller lost tkree children from scarlet
condition that Lis friends w ould vote for i fever.
pany, John F. Miller Vice President, R.C.
Kinney Secretary, W. S. Ladd Treasurer,
and L. F. Grover Agent.
W. F. Hill, of Coos County, stopped
here last night, having in his charge Chas.
Lamere, an insane person who is being
taken to the asylum at East Portland. II.
Bell, of Corvallis, is also taking J. I).
Rainier to the asylum from Benton county
Palmer was at one thrie treated for insani
ty here in Salem, by one of our physicians,
but his cure seemed not to have been permanent.
Goldsmith instead of Chapman. The re
sult was, that after the Grand Jury of the
county had indicted Bnchard for murder
in the first degree, he was permitted to
From Oregon Sentinel, Jan. 15.
A man by the name of Conrad Reitzel
left Hungry Creek, in Siskiyou count'.
Cal., on the 9th December-last, to go over
leave without atrial, and it is supposed the mountains to Elliott's Creek, taking
by some that Doctor Chapman-instead ofj an animal with hiin. to obtain provisions.
Mr. Goldsmith, would" now be Mayor, if
Bnchard had been tried on that indictment
We have pretty good evidence as to who
furnished the money and male the con
tract, which in due time we will use. We
hope no ofh'cial w'ul Teel any uneasiness,
however, on this account. This is the man
ner of using funds to which we object.
We know that other operations equally
disreputable, are in contemplation, and it
is the belief of disinterested parties that
no laboring man can get employment on
(lie public bniidings here or at the Dalles,
but those who vote the Williams ticket.
It commenced storming the day he left.
Up to January 10th nothing had been
heard from him. and it is supposed that
he perished in the mountains.
The woolen factor-at Ashland resumed
work again on the 11th of January.
Ensign. Jan. 15th.
r rem a genliem
from ScoUburg,
an who has just returned
we learn that the new
Honest men in the Republican parfy.
look upon this picture dm)vn by the Xa
Hon, a Republican paper, and then con
sider well before yon cast ' another vote
for a parfy guilty of such frauds and
Rock Creek
. Young's
. Springwater
I JIarding'a Q
. i
Upper MollaTa
Lower Mollala
Pleasant Hill
It is recommended that the primary
meetings for the election of Delegates to
the County held in the re
spective precincts on fraturdSy, the 12th
day ofMarch. . JOIINQEYERS,
Tiiinn Year ok thl: Coxtekheap. The
Emancipation Paper ofihe IVest. Its mot
to is Emancipate the people from the
slavery of the bondholders. The Copper
head is a large eigbt-pagoPpaper, contain
ing news, current items, and everything
else which goes to make up a Democratic
paper. It is flow in its third year of pub
lication; and has a larger circulation than
any other paper in the Fourth Iowa Con
gressional District. Make. up clubs for it.
It costs only 62 a vear, SI for six months.
Address. McCully fc Evans, Ottum.wa,Iowa.
3 e-G"
Diseased Pork. The Orejonlm says
that a piece of pork has been sent to that
office from Yamhill county, which is filled
with small sacs, orcfollicles, inclosing ani
malcule, and which the party sending it
thinks may be dangerous to persons eat
ing it ; in fact, that it is the trichina. The
pork was placed in the hands of Dr. Wat
kins for analysis. Tho Doctor has made
the examination, and writes to that paper
that he has found no trichina in the pork,
but that tho animalcula; contained in the
little sacs are simply the germs cf the tape
worm. But this isliot very consoling, in-oj
asmuch as the tape worm is almost as surely
fatal as the trichina.
d) .
X correspondent of an Eastern paper
say's the Cincinnati women are handsone.
original, and lejis conventional than any
," women ho ever saw ; but they talk so fest
and. loud that nothing but a steam engine
or a Chicago woman bent on a divorce
could keep up with them.
. o- -. : O
Ixteixioext IiKiTBUCAX. A negro
named Jackson applied lor registration
in Texas, and brought ft certificate bear
ing the name of Sam Smith, explaining the
discrepancy thus : You see, massa Smith
he died and I married his widder and
come to all his 'state, a9d yon see dis here
'tificate wos among his property, and I fell
hare to it." "
"axy. Some three
monfhj sigjee the American Shoe Tip Com
pany of Boston, Qlassachusetts, sent us a
special advertisement, together with fifty
ceiits in postal currency, with a request to
return tho jucrify, if that amount woiftd
not pay for one insertion. According to
our rates the advertisement could not be
inserted for less than $2.50 in c6hi and
we returned the ' money." Since that
time we have received three letters from
this firm, requesting us to send them either
the paper containing their advertisement,
or return to them their money, each letter
containing a three cent postage stamp. As
before stated, we have returned thefty
cents, but if this enterprising company
will appoint an agent here, or in Portland,
who U authorized to receipt for the same,
we will pay the money again, and return
the nine cents postage stamps, in order to
be rid of tho bother. Gentlemen of the
"American Shoe Tin Company,7 pleare
attend to this matter at once, as we do not
with to be bored any more oa this subject.
So far as the charge of using money in
the last State election is concerned in thi.
e.onntv. we desire to refresh the recoiie
tion of our Republican friends. They all
must remember that one reason they gave
for their defeat was, that Stifzel, who had
their money to use, had thrown them off.
Put the Oregonian man says they propose
to raise money to 'circulate reading matter.'
This is all well enough, but what kind of
reading matter will it be ? We say. some
thing to deceive those whom they cannot
buy. Two years ago, they did the same
thing. Then they circulated " rcadlaq
matter'1 to make the people believe that
they were not in favor of negro suffrage,
or the principles embodied in the 15th
mendment. This was as reprehensible
as buying votes, but they dare not deny
that they did so. But it is " Democratic
Cheek" to mention these things. Yes, it
is " Democratic Cheek" for working men
to organize for their own protection. It
is " democratic cheek?' for any one to ask
an explanation with reference to the con
duct of the republican party. We trust
that there will be si. flici'uit "democratic.
check"' at the next election to satisfy the
radical leaders of this State, that they are
responsible to the people for their conduct.
rr o - .
Sliscegc-natioM. and its Constqacnccs.
Phelps N. Y.. (D;'c. 21) Correspondence of
Rochester Union.
GOur usually quiet little town was startled
on Sunday morning the 12th inst.. by the
arrival of a huge negress on the 10:10 ex
press, who claims that, she is the wife of a
young man (white) by the name of Phil
lip?)Gwbo resides here, and is quite re
spectably connected. As soon ft s her
presence in town became generally known,
a delegation of prominent Republicans
waited upon her for the purpose cf ascer
taining the facts in her case. She said
that she was married to Phillips at Lex
ington; Va.. her present home, some time
during the war. and that they lived to
gether about two years, when he express
ed a desire to go north and sec his friends;
that he left her and went north some
months ago, and that she was now in quest
of him. She produced a large bundle of
letters, which she said he had written her,
and in which he addresses Lor as his "dar
ling wife,' and closes with "your affec
tionate husband." Her Republican breth
ren who composed (he delegation told her
that she had better return home, as her
stay would disgrace Phillips' family. Her
reply was, " Am I not one of the family ?"
They felt the force of her reply, and their
hearts were immediately filled with love
as Phillips" undoubtedly had been for
their dark-skinned sister.
We understand they left her, promising
every assistance in their power. In slal
nfe the female " Fifteenth Amendment"
compares favorably with the Onondaga
humbnir. She dresses in the height of
fashion, and wears Phillips' picture on her
bosom. Phillips, although a white man,
is a radical negro of the Butler school.
His unfortunate family must feel deeply
the disgrace he has "wrought upon them.
II they sympathize with the political party
to which he belongs, we can only say :
"Open now thine eyes, and behold the
legitimate fruit of the Republican princi
ples you profess." We understand that
she has had several interviews with Phil
lips, but that .he is unable as yet to induce
him to return to her bed and board. We
are glad that the Republicans of Phelps
vindicated their doctrine in this instance.
and sincerely hope that if Thi'dips will
not return to the bosom of his3 "darling
wife," she will make a short visit to Indi
ana, return, and, with the help of Becchcr
& Co.. reward one of them, at least, for his
faithfulnees. " Let us have peace."
' -00 --
-We have received
steamer. Swan, was to make her first trip;
from Gardner to Scotts-burg on the 12th
instf.nt, at which time the beauty and chiv
alry of Smiths River, Gardner, Scottsburg
and the surrounding country, were to as-
1 semble at the latter named place and have
a social party in honor of the event. We
have no doubt that it ail came, off as plan
ned, and that they had a merry time.
Reports from Myrtle Creek state that
some of the claims in that district are pay
ing very good wages, while others upon
which a great deal of labor has been ex
pended, are yielding nothing but disap
pointment to the owners. Some of the
miners are leaving their claims, being
wholly discouraged, while others are mak
ing preparations for working their claims
more extensively.
Mr. E. G. Browning, owner of the nuarlz
lead lately discovered near the line of
Douglas and Jackson counties, called on
us on Thursday. We saw the returns of
an assay of some of (he quartz taken from
his claim, made by M. A.King, of Portland,
which report a yield of $'.' 01 silver,
and d87 81 gold, total yield per ten, 120 75.
The thickness of the lead is fi om eighteen
inches to two feet. Mr. Browning has
purchased a mill which will be put r.p on
the lead as soon as (he condition of roads
will admit of its being moved. Y'e wish
hiin the best success in the enterprise.
Facifio Blade, January 25th.
On la;t Friday night a band of Indians
obtained whisky from some one who had
not the fear cf the law before him. and got
on a general drunk. They went to the
house of "French John." irear the residence
of W. T. Newby, and made very hostile
demonstrations, frightening John and an
other Frenchman until they tied, and
scunht refuge at Mr. Newby 's. Two of
the Indians pursued, and it was with some
difficulty that they were restrained from
committing some act of violence. They
were armed with guns, and fired one shot
while in the Frenchman's house. Strict
inquiry is being made (o ascertain where
they obtained whisky, and if the gujlty
party is found, he will be dealt with sum
marily. Mr. Newby has written to agent
Lafoilett in regard to the matter.
From the Times, Jm. 22.
Mr. L. II. Ways, of Eola, has gold out
his pottery at that plage to a practical pot
ter, who will continue the business at the
same place. .This is becoming a very im-
por'ant branch of manufacture in Oregon
and bids fair to be a source of wealth to
Polk county particularly.
. From "the Daily Herald.
We noticed some places of business shut
up. on the day of the funeral of Captain
Couch, that do not close on recognized
holidays. Such a mark of respect is
worthy of emulation.
Telegraphic Clippings.
Help for tliosc rviio do not need it.
o ' ,
"New ). okk, Jan. !.
The Stanton fund amounts to $100,000,
and promises to be much larger.
Keeclicr Declines.
- New Yokk. Jan. lfi.
The Rev. II. W. Beechvr this morning
announced to his congregation that he de
clined to receive the offer made him re
cently to increase his salary. He said the
first information he had received that such
an advance had been resolved upon was
from a newspaper.
Tlie Storm i Tennessee.
MEMrins, Jan. 13.
The storm yesterday destroyed the Paint
Rock1 Bridge', near lhintsville ; also, some
freight cars standing on the track were
lifted and carried oOO yards away.
Interesting Bill itx tlie Alabama Leg
islature. 0
Montgomery, Jan. IS.
In the House to day, a bill was intrcV
dueed to relieve all persons married dur
ing the war, from the obligations created.
This is done in consequence of a recent
decision3 of the Supreme Court, declaring
that all of the acts of the Legislatures,
Judges and Justices, during the war, vere
itiioilc Islaiul Ratifies the Fifteenth
Pr.oviDEXCE. Jan. 18.
The House has passed a resolution to
ratify the 15th Amendment 5!) to 0. The
Senate passed the resolution last June.
Senator Uleet from Maine. O
New Yokk. Jan. IS.
An Augusta special of to-day states that
L. M. Morrill was re-elected United States
Cuban Kcivs.
The Cuban Junta last night received in
formation confirming the report that the.
Spanish General, Baez, was defeated near
Guayamnro. about the 1st inst.. He was
forced to return to Puerto Principe after
losing 1.200 men, but they will await fur
ther advices before laying claim to as
great a victory as the signs indicates
Tlie X. . Tiiliunc on tlie Virginia
Q Question.
Tye T ibunc, this morning, comments
severely on the action of the Senate, yes
terd.iy, in adopting an amendment which
will send the bill for the restoration ot
Yiiginia back to the House and give But
ler a chance to kill it there. It savs this
is aiHudication of defiance of the clearly
liumoreil AVillirtra wal of tlie Pacific
JMail Steamers.
New York. Jan. 22.
A report is current that all the steamers
of the Pacific Mail Company will be with
drawn, except thosa on the China line.
Tife effect. has been a decline of Pacific
Mail stock to 391, and an advance of IV
cific Railroad bonds to S3, with bids for
Union Pkeifie to
How Virginia leeeivctl tle IVcws of
lii-r A(!i)Uj.ioii.
RiciiMoxn. San. 25.
News of the final, passage of the bill ad
mitting this State, was received after dark.
There appeared to be a general feeling of
relief, but no demonstration of joy liku
that which followed Bingham's uncondi
tional bill in the House. The City Coun
cil passed a resolution Lailing with delight
Virginia's return to the Union, and re
questing Gen. Canhy to fire 100 guns to
morrow, in honor of the event.
Proiosctl Disposition of the cChince
Iiulciuiiity Fund.
Chicago. Jan. 25.
A Washington special says the Uou-e
Committee on Foreign Affairs have agreed
upon a plan for the distribution of the
Chinese indemnity fund. They propose
to take the S4.00U.000 now on hand, after
all claims by Amer'can shipowners agai i.;t
China for losses from pirates have been
paid, to establish an international college
ia some Chinese port, where Americans
mry learn the language, laws and customs
of China, and the Chinese may reie'.ve an
American education.
Tm: Overland ontiily. TlitPFebru
ary number of this interesting magazine
(lias been received, n e do not agree with
the political sentiments whiQi sometimes
crop out in this monthly. but we must ad
mit that the majority of the articl(g;it con
tains arewritten by master pens and com
mand respect. The contents of the present
number are as follows: Otirdshrnaelites,
Sea Elephant Hnnting.Auslralia, Meridian,
Mr. Burleigh's Way, A visit to Melrose. A
Flock of Wool, Western Agricultural I111-
provements. An Officer's Wife in New
Mexico. The Years. Mackerel Catching,
The Story of an OniithologisfjConcernmg 1
Popular Assassinations, Tlje Chapel of
St. Ferdinand, " Jitu" The Rationale of
Slang, etc.. Current Literature. It is puh
Lshed by A. Roman & Co.. Sin Francisco,
at $1.00 per year, in advance, and is well
worth that amount."
Ben. Holladay, contractor, building the ' expressed popular will
ljisi omo v;iego;i emriu i;mio;iu. leii,
Sai Francisco for New York, on the Pacif
ic Railroad, on the PJlh inst.
The body of the late Hiram Smith, who
died in San Francisco lately, arrived on
the steamer yesteiday.
The material for the printing of the
Citholic Sentinel, shortly to be published
in this city, arrived on the steamer yester
day. Our Astoria correspondent says that
quite a severe gale of wind has prevailed
there during the prist few days.
Catholic Pater. We have received the
prospectus of the Catholic Sentinel, to be
published in Portland. Oregon, by .Messrs.
Herman & Atkfnson, at $4 00 per yeai.
The first number is to bj issued about the
first of February, 1870. Judging of the
forthcoming paper from the character of
the gentlemen who are fo conduct ij. we
think it will be a good journal, and be
speak for it a favorable reception.
Da::a;rcs for XAtcl.
Mercury, Jan. 10.
Enough has come t our knowledge
within the past -few days to enable us to
state definitely that the Republican party
leaders in Benton county have gone into
the importing business for the purpose of
overcoming the Democratic majority here.
And as that majority is now larger than
at ary previous election, the importation
business is gone- into earlier than usual.
and is being practiced more openly and
impudently than heretofore.
Gazette, January 22.
The total eclipse of the moon was wit
nessed by a large number of our citizens
on last Monday morning, between 5 and
Gi a. M. It wii.3 a grand .sight.
California Medical Gazette. We have
received 4he January number of this valu
able journal. Among other matter, it
contains the following very interesting ar
ticles : Plants growing in the vicinity of
San Francisco, by H. N. Bolander, late
State Botanist ; Coroner's cases, reported
by Dr. Bent ley, Academy of Sciences re
port. The (razrtte is published by Messrs.
A. Roman & Co., ban 1 raneisco, at
per year.
r5 00
State Rights Democrat, Jan. 21st. -
We learn from Deputy Sheriff John
Claypool, who has just returned from Scio.
that (he'&'o Xcics will issue some time
next week.
One day last week Mr. John Miller,
living in Benton county, five or six miles
from this city-, caught in a trap a monster
wolf, which stood three feet high and
measured six feet from the tip of its ikso
to the end of its tail. It is estimated that
this beast has killed over two hundred
dollsrs worth of stock in that neighbor
hood within the past few weeks.
Several of our phys'cians are complain
ing of the "distressingly healthful'' state
of the people of this vicinage at the pres
ent time. Our apothecaries don't sell a
box of pills or an emetic once a week. and
some of-our most eminent and skillful dis
ciples of Esculapeus hav'nt been called
from their warm couches for the nasi.
Register, January 22d.
On Saturday last the Albany Canal and
Manufacturing Company filed articles oT
incorporation. The stock cf the Company
is to be $30,000, in shares of $50. The
object is to bring water, by means ot a
navigable canal, from the South Saatiam
to this oil v.
For DisTurncTiox
quite a number of Herald extras, contain
ing the speech of Mr. Mungen, of Ohio, on
repudiation. They are for gratuitous dis
tribution. Any person desiring a copy
can have one by calling at this office.
Favor. A.A.McCully, Esq., will accept
our thanks for iavors received.
From the Daily Statesman.
We saw, on Saturday evening at Jarvi.s'
chair factory, a block of wood, freshly
cut from the tree, through which, and im
bedded" firmly inlo its growth, was a lare
buck-horn. ' c
From the Daily Press.
Mr. Daniel Delany's daughter, aged
about six years, was badly sea!dedon
Tuesday last. It is feared that she will
not recover from her injuries.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Willamette Woolen Manufacturing
Company held yesterday, Messrs. L. F.
Grover, Daniel Waldo, and John F.Miller
were re elected as Directors. Daniel Wal
do was elected as Presideut of tho Com-
?Ivrc JIoi;gr-Iism.
Washington. Jan. 21.
The chair reminded Mr. Sumner that
he used improper language to another
Senator, but Mr. Sumner disclaimed im
proper intentions.' On the conclusion of
his remarks, the Chair stated the question
to bti upon Drake's amendment, to adnrt
Virginia upon ihe fundamental condition
prohibiting any change in Hie Stale Con
stitution to deprive citizens of the right (o
Mr. Schurz moved lo amend by placing:
in the amendment the wonts or hold
onice to prevent exclusion from office
hrreafler by change in State Constilution
of any person how allowed to hold otliee."
Mr. Schurz's amendment was rejected by
JIS to 31. Mr. Drake's amendment was
adopted by -12 to 28. Messrs. Cole. Cor
bott, Nye. Stewart and Williams voting in
the negative.
Mr. Drake proposed an amendment by
imposing as a further fundamental condi
tion that it should never be lawful for the
State to deprive any citizen of the United
States of the light to hold office on account
of color, race, or previous condition. It
was adopted, 30 to 20.
Mr. Wilson moved further, ns a funda
mental condition, ' that (he Constitution
should never be amended so as to deprive
any citizen of school privileges. Adopted,
ayes ,,J. ; nays 20.
Democratic Doctrine.
Mr. Brooks spoke in favor of. lopping
off the enormous and9 wasteful expendi
tures of the Government; the reduction of
taxat on on tlieagrieniiural and producing
interests; the reduction of the tariff and
the extinction of the nafion:i1- Li-ahir
San Domingo Treaty.
Chicago, Jan. 20.
The Tribune's Washington special thinks
a majority of the Senate Committee on
Foreign Relations are opposed to ratify
ing (he San Domingo treaty, as the general
question of territorial acquisition was dis
cussed in the Committee in a manner not
favorable to the treaty, and the details of
the document were inquired into with
some persistence.
Income tax to lie eonliiuictl.
Washington, Jan. IS.
In the House. Mr. Sehenck. from the
Committee on Ways and .Means, reported
o joint resolution for the continuance of the
income tax, which was passed
Washington, Jan. 24.
The Reconstruction Committee, this
morning, agreed to report the Virginia
bill as passed by the Senate, with recom
mendations that it be adopted by the
The House afterwards passed the Senate
Virginia bill, without amendment, by a
strict party vole. ' J
Sr. Lons. Jan. 22.
The jury in the libel suit of Eliza Bjick
ley vs. the St. Louis lli'pnb'icaii, for $25.
000. after being out since Thursday, re
turned a verdict giving the plaintiff $5, 00U
Indian DrpiTtJations.
Information has been received at Mill
tary Headquarters of Indian depredations
in the Indian Territory, sixty miles souili
of the Arkansas river, a few days ago.
There are some apprehensions that' there
will be trouble in ihe spring.
Death of fclcorijc D. Prentice.'Li.KjyTan. 22.
George D. Prentice died at lour o'clock
this morning, a gel ($ years.
The Uc;1 Itiver licpuMIc.
Chicago. Jan. 22.
The Xeic Xation.. the organ of the insur
gents, has commenced publieuuiin a. Fort
Garry. It says: We regard Ihe Hudson
Hay Company's government obsolete,
never to be resuscitated. The Dominion
government, by criminal blunders ad
gross injustice, has forever alienated this
peop'e.- We consideB it too distant to
intelligently administer our affairs." It
thinks "the United States Republic offers
that system of a government which would
open up rapidly this country of magnifi
cent resources. But in our present de
pendent condition we hold it our duty to
adi'oeateCtiidependeuce for the people of
Red River as a cure for all the present
ills, and annexation will follow in time.
' o
Cost of Collecting the SIcvunic.
Commissioner Delano's estimates i'or all
expenses dt tending collection of infernal
revenues, for the current year, amounts to
"Woman Saifirage. O
3 The Committees oh the District oiCCol
uinbia in joint session received the dele
gation from the Woman Suffrage Conven
tion, about 200 in number, nearly all la
dies. M'-s. Stanton, Miss Anthony, Mrs.
Hooker, and others addressed the Com
mittee. who listened attentively, but yve
no intinidtjon that they would granUthe
prayer for female suffrage in the District.
Sewing Machine Factory Iiunuil.
New York. Jan. 22.
Wheeler & Wilson's extensive sewing
machine factory at. Iiridgeport, Conu.. was
burned to-day. The loss is very hoavvP
ijiu riTsuitni siiiiuiion on Gfor"i? r'
- .
Washington. -Tan. 22.
Senators Thayer. Morion and Ben. But
ler, visited the Presideut, to-day to ascer
tain ins decision. The President litis ex
pressed Ihe opinion that Gen. Terry should
be allowed to manage reconstruct ion in
Georgia in whatever war his judgment
and discretion might suggest. IlVelievVs
Gen. Terry a sound lawyer, and belter
calculated to understand'the position of
affairs in Georgia and to knov0 what
course io pursue than anybody else. Un
les Gen. Terry should do something fla
grantly in violation of law. he ought not
to be interfered with. He w as invested
to n great extent with absolute power as
Military Governor, and havinspnsked for
instructions, he had directed Secretary
Belknap to telegraphy Gen. Terry that the
Administration woufd sustain him in the
views contained in his communicatiou.and
to go ahead.
Chinese eor the
olth. TlQ Cincin
nati limes of Jan. ti. sas two hundred
and sixty Chinese laborers, thejirst Install
ment for the South, arrived at Omaha 1-et
Sunday (Vcning. and immediately ltfi for
St. Louis, where they take steamers for
New Orleans.
-c s
It Pavs Well. The Rev. James A
Garfield, a member of Congre from tie
Western Reserve, Ohio, was a poor man
in 1SG2. when elected. His (Salary bus
been five thousand dollars a year. Now
he is worth hundreds of thousands of dol
lars, and is the head of the Congressional
The greuj lakes oVAfrica. with (he !lc
flowing from them, it is announced,
are laid down rn old maps. A corres
pondent of the Jondon Telegraph writes
that he has seen in mie of the large halls
jj)f the Doge's palace at Venice, a manu
script terrestrial globe of about four feet
in diameter, and apparently ol great agr.
an which were distinctly shown the two
lakes in question, and the course of 4&e
Nile. -
Oregon City Prices Current.
The following are the polices paid for
produce, and the prices at which other ar-
tides are selling, in tins market
WlIEAT-WLite. "H bushel, 70 cts.
OATS TVbushel. 37 i Vis.
FLOUR "j-! bbl. $4 00$4 50.
BEANS White, Hvti cts.- "
POTATOES t bushel. 37,10 c
ONIONS "p bushelG?! Onf,,.l 50.
DIM ED FRUIT AppWs. H.. 405e.;
PeachesyCp lb., If.fc: Plums. lb., 70
15 cts.; Currants. lb.. 10(20 cts.
BUTTER "j- lb..' 30 cts.
EGGS "f dozen. 3033 cts.
CI HCK ENS dozen. $2 50,-3 00.
SUGAR Crushed. "P It,.. 20 cts.: Island
V- &; l(3'"-i ets. ; N. O.. c! lb.. 15 cts.;
San Francisco refined. fo. Hi cts.
TEA Young Hyson. "j-?vtl.. $1 50; Ja
pan. fo., 0000,$ 1 23 Black. V. H.., 75c.
$1 00. ' (J ,
COFFEE lb.. 22(.25 cts.
SALT "a lb.. li,3 cts.
SYRUP Heavy Golden, T) gall.. $1 ;
x. llenvyOolden. "f gall.. $1 0()f,7 M 10.
jjAl U-N Hams. Tj-i fo.. Hi cts; Sides,
15 ets. lb.: Shoulders, llh cts.
LARD p, ib.. 12015 cts."
OIL Devoe's Kerosene." :rall..S7ic (
$10 ): Linsd oil. raw. 'fO, gall.. $f;5 ;
Linseed oil. boiled. galL, $1 70.
WOOL r lb., 20 cts. :
BEEF On foot, G cts. "p lb.
l'OKK On ft. r cts. th.
. SUEKP Per head. 2 0O(2,$2 50.
HIDES Greenr fo.. 5c. ; Dry. fo.,
10 cts.
TURKEYS SI 50 each. pope a. co.,
O Mice U of the Atlanta..
News is received of the wreck and loss
of the Atlanta, recently sold to Salnave's
i tir Sal of George D. Prentice.
Lonsvii.i.E. Jun. 24.
Tho remains of George D. Prentice were
removed from the Masonic Temple to
Christ Church this morning, where a sol
emn, impressive burial service of the Epis
copalian Church was performed, after
which the remains Were buried in Cave
Hill Cemetery, with Masonic honors.
Tennessee Constitutional Convention.
In the Constitutional Convention the
franchise committee presented two re
ports. The majority report gives the right
of suffrage to every male citizen twenly
one years of age,.who has paid a poll-tax.
The minority report rejects colored suf
frage, and proposes that it. be submitted!
as an independent proposition to the peo
people. A long debate lollowed, but no
vote was taken.
Earnings of the U. P. It. U.
Boston. Jan. -25.
The earnings of the Union Pacific Rail
road for the six months ending December
, last, were $1,011,101.
Pit E AND FITTIXtiS, IUPi;:",ri
host:, force and i ift
Willi-:. (g.
Also a cencral assoi trxent of House Fur
nishing Goods.
manufacturers of
Tin, Copper, and Sheet
Eron Ware.
- f
will find
All of the above articles are for sale at
C. V. POPE & CO.
ILljJ OiegoaC.t O.egun.
of 1
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