The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, January 29, 1870, Image 1

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NO. 1C
'" 1 1 1 IIJ " " "" 1 '"Jl 1 . i--".-""' l"L'-...-'.J.:l..L-Jl '1... 111 1 ' "J.Jl. 1 a . n , N MP
rHE "WeekIjY "Enterprise
The Weekly Eoterprise.
Business Man, the Farmer
OFFICE Coiner of Fifth and Main streets
(Jreg'jn City, Oregon.
&h o o
Single Copy one year, in acjjajgp,. .
Transient advertisements, including all
leal notices, 'x s. of 12 linen, 1 w.$
2 50
1 00
For each su't.-equent insertion.
line vjumiimj jiui.,
$120 00
n ,ir "y ...u ... oo
charter " " 40
liusiness Card, 1 square one year 12
- Hftnitt :inr to he at the risk of
Subscribers, and at the e.rptnxe of Agents.
?,ir Tlie Enterprise office is supplied with
beautiful, approved styles of type, and mod
ern MACHINE THESES, which will enable
the Proprietor to do Job lVmting at all times
Neat, Quick and Cheap !
elf Work solicited. ,
All JJuiimsx tru.'it.irt'ions unnn a Speck fiax't..
JOHN MYERS, Financial A&nt.
n usjxess cSiiu s.
Permanently Located at Oregon City, Owgort
R POMS With Tr. Saffarrnns, on Main st.
yI. W ATKINS, M. ft,
SURG HON. Iutl.xi,
()FFICE'J. Eront street Ikoiduiice cor
ner of Main and Seventh streets.
1m22iIs and i)ru
Eft. Slusk and J Fa. -hi union.
Physicians' Prescriptions C';U'efidv
pre pared, at reduced Prices. A complete
a-sorttucnt of Patent Medicines, Pertunier
ics, Toilet Articles Fancy Saps, etc., on
hand and for sale atlowest prices. tH'.tf
Chemicals. Patent Medicines, Paints
1'crj timer fa VU$, urn i sues,
And every article 'kept-rn a Drug Store. Main
Ftrect, Oieg'VACity. Q
Established since lS-iDot the old stand,
Main Street, Oregon) City, Oregon.
An Assortment of Watches, Jew-
?vJil cu'-v aHd s,th . Ihornas' weignt
Clocks, all ol which are warrameu
to lie as represented.
Uepairinjrs done on short notice,
nd thankful for iast favors.
City na,I,an
eii on EG OX CITY.
ifd All orders for the delivery of merchan
dise or packages and freight of whatever des
cription, to any part of the city, willbeexe
cttted promptly and with care.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
etc., etc.,
() M i in Sf;tt. Oregon (Htv.
lT5Wislies to represent that he is now as
well prepared to furnisn any article in Ins line
as the largest establishment in the State, lie
particularly requests that an examination ot
his stock be made before bytying elsewhere.
Surctxtor to JVF. MILLER&- Co.,
At the. Oregon City Boot mid Shoe
blare, Main $trc!Q
Of Ladies', Gents", l)ys', and Children's
JJoots and hoes, on hand or made to order.
n3Z" uIk. "E135 331 J3EC2
e o
utlv added
ITavinr recently added tothel.iverv Stock
new (. amages, buggies and Horses, re now
prepaie;u all times to let the same, at reas
onable rates. (7)Horses bought and sold, or
kept by the daVJor week.
Savier, LaEoque & Co.,
ttKcep constantly on hand foi sale, flour
Midlines, l'ran and Chicken Peed, Parties
iirclii:!r feed must lurni?h the sacks.
lAlili A;3lOKfUSS,
1L lClltix5v T7I
Will deliver to their(patrons all the
be't qualities of Stall Fed leef, also Mutton,
Pork, Poultry et, as usual twice a week, ou
Tuesdays and Saturdays
Thankful for past favors of the public would
CespeeU'uily asks a continuance of the same.
Thty Say.
They say Ah! well, suppose they do :
But can they prove the story true?
Foul slanders oft arise from iu tight
But malice, envy, want of thought.
Why count yourself among the " they"
Who whisper what the dare not say ?
They say but why the tale rehearse,
And help to make the matter worse ?
No good can possibly accrue
From telling what may be untrue ;
And is it not a nobler plan
To speak of all the best you can ?
Uicy-say Y ell. even if it should be so.
Whyneed you tell the tale of f.oe?
Will it the bitter wrong redress.
Or make one pang of sorrow less?
Will it an erring one restore,
Henceforth to ' go and sin more ?"
They say Oh ! pause and look within.
See how Hum heart inclines to sin ;
Wuieh, lest in darlr temptation's hour
Thou sink, perchance.beneath its power.
Pity the weak, weep should they fall,
I'Arul speak their good or not at all.
ko. n.
This coiuitv, lyincr iininetliatclv
cast of the Cascade mountains, its
entire northern boundary resting
on the great Columbia nver,st retch
ing south, parallel "with the Cas
cade range, nearly the entire width
of the fit ate, a distance of not less
less than two hundred miles, being
about one hundred miles in width
fronOeast to west, has an area al
most equal to that 01
Xew Hampshire, and
setts combined.
p With her climate dry and healthy,
her mountains ich m undeveloped
mineral wealth, her valleys of un-
pfurjiasseu loveliness and ieriinry,
timber that might vie witn ancient
Lebanon, with facilities for grazing
and pasture lands more than suili
cient to .supersede the necessity of
a Reparation between Lot and
Abraham of old, and prevent the
quarrel between their herdsmen,
with mountain scenery of surpass
ing grandeur, Wasco -may be con
sidered the gem of the mountains,
in nature's purity, still retaining
her primeval wealth.;
Compared with its extent ot ter
ritory, the settlements of asco
may be said to be confined almost
exclusively to the northern portion
of the county along the Columbia
river and theintermediate branches.
All the fertile valleys and excel
lent locations for stock-raising and
general farming purposes, are
known to exist along tne .ues
Chutes, the John DayX the Crook
ed river, and their tributaries, with
valleys of less size, but of no less
fertility, in the center, and the ex
tensive tracts near Klamath lake m
theouth, cfferCinducomcnts for
settlement far superior to those
held out to the early settlers of the
Atlantic. Still a large portion of
this county maybe set down as an
almost unbroken -wilderness of
mouutainsand valleys, hills and
plant's, with here and there a lak
and the tributary of a small river
A few new settlements have been
commenced in some of the valleys
in the southern part of the county,
also a settlement in the Ochoco
valley, the latter approached by
wagon road running east from
Linn county. The Oregon Cen
tral "Military lioad, running east
through Wasco, Grant, and JJakei
counties, from the head of the
Willamette valley, is intended to
connect this part of Oregon with
the Lrnion Pacific Pailroad, some
where in the Humboldt basin.
The following letter from Jj. L,
Rowland, an old and esteemed res
ident of Oregon, addressed to the
President of the State Agricultura
Society, will give further valuable
infV&natiCm relative to the natura
resources ot wrcgon, anil tne in
ducements it holds outQto immi
grants to mate it tneir luture
home :
Wasco Co., May 28,1808.
A.. J. Dufuk Eso. :
So' I am happy to embrace the
first opportunity of answering your
letter and circular, asking for facts
to throw before the people of the
Atlantic States, who contemplate
nuiKing uregon their future home
Oregon has been my home since
early boyhood. Her interests are
my interests. I. will, therefore,
cheerfully speak of the count v in
which I reside.
Wasco county, bounded on the
north its entire width by the "rent
Columbia river, with its numerous
and busy streams and extensive
fisheries, embraces large tracts of
unoccupied Government lands ot
good quality,which is well adapted
to the i traduction of vegetables.
Indian corn, wheat, oats, b
! oV
and all fruits of this latitude
These lands may be obtained, of
course, by pre-emption or home
stead laws. Other choice lands,
with titles and improvements, may
be bought at a fair price. Our
winters are cold, dry, and short,
springs early, warm, and long,
summers short and hot, but windv.
Autumn is long, cool, andhealthv.
The climate is said to be dry, yet
we usually have good rains through
the months of June and September.
Triigation was regarded for a time
as indisijensable to successful i arm
ing, .but this system is fast falling
into disuse. Good crops are now
produced on brush lands, where it
is wholly impracticable to bring
water. Even the tops, of high hills
are being cultivated, with a degree
of success.
Our county is . Well watered by
numerous clear, cold, rapid creeks,
and the greatest profusion of last
ing springsr affording comfort, con
venience, and health' to both man
.'nl 1 cist. An abundance of tim
ber of the best quality lor all ordi
nary purposes,- such as pine, fir,
cedar, taimirack, oak, etc., may be
obtained along the loot of the
mountains, convenient to the most
natural mill sites. The timber
through most, of our farming and
grazing districts, however, is con
fined almost exclusively to the
margin of our streams, and is quite
Our pasturage, wc feel bold to
assert, is unsurpassed by any other
in America.
Wasco, the name of oui count y,
is an Indian word, signifying grass,
and this is par e.eel!ence,t he grass
county of the nation. - From these
;-rass grown hills our beef and
mutton markets are supplied, in
ic mam, throughout the year.
Encared for and unfed during or-
mary winters, teams and
trams are recruited for the
season s work, univ during deep
snows, whicii occur
very early do
stock require any feed, however in
clement the "weather may be. In
deed, Victoria beef contractors
iow, I am credibly informed, are
mying cattle in the Willamette
vallev, shipping them here via the
Columbia river steamers, and leav
ing them- upon our matchless
Wasco hills to fatten. They pro
pose, after .1 time, to re-ship by the
same boats, to connect with the
ocean steamers, and thence to Vic
toria, their final destination. In
consequence of these superior graz
ing advantages, our people are en
gaging extensively m raising all
kinds of stock, of which they have
some of the finest the country af
fords. Horse raising is a jtromi
nent and lucrative business. Thev
may be raised so cheaply as to war
rant the expense of driving them
to any part of the United States.
Dt experience can adequately ap
preciate all the facilities enjoyed
by the - asco stock raisers. The
water advantages for all kinds of
milling, mechanical ami manufac
turing purposes, it is claimed by
competent judges, are not equaled
on the coast. Rock bound streams
with large cupplies of water pro
jected over numerous precipices of
every desirable height are inter
sperscd over the broad surface of
the entire country, while m the im
mediate vicinity of Dalles City
may be obtained and rendered
available for every conceivable
want, with a very light expense.
Improvements in the county are
not such as would -meet a reason
able expectation. Much of the
fencing is frail and temperary,con
sisting of posts and sawed lumber,
but ditching is daily growing more
popular, and will soon take the
place of the rickety boarding.
Stone fencing, too, is becoming
quite common, and will after a
while, in my opinion, supplant all
other kinds in many localities.
Pains, stables, etc., are criminally
scarce and temporary, but this neg
lected branch of rural economy is
now receiving more attention.
Dwellings are for the most part
comfortable, convenient and neat.
The buildings in Dalles City are
more substantial and costly, con
sisting of many excellent struc
tures of brick and stone. Here
buildings of the best quality are
now being erected.
Dalles City, our county scat and
only town, is located about one
hundred miles cast of Portland, on
the Columbia river, where it leaves
the great basin of farming and
grazing country known as Middle
Oregon, and enters the Cascade
mountains, -which separates the
eastern jiart of Oregon and Wash
ington Territory from the Wil
lamette, Umpqua and Puget Sound
Ciitriets. Barlow's road, the most
practicable and popular route over
the Cascade range, enters the
mountains forty miles southwest of
this, and contributes largely to the
prosperity of the county and its
Put during much of the year the
best of these roads arc, and of ne
cessity must always be, wholly im
passable, in consequence of the
deep snows which fall during the
winter season. The pass through
these mountains, formed by the
Columbia river, is the only one
which will admit of the construc
tion of a thoroughfare that may be
available through the whole year.
When, too, a railroad shall connect
these two great sections of country,
it must pass through this Columbia
Gap, all the Utopian dreams to the
contrary notwithstanding. Hence
it may be seen that Dalles City is
and must ever remain the com
mercial radiating point whence
the counties on our east and south,
together with much of Idaho and
Washington Territories must re
ceive their imports and return their
exports, lo her they must ever
pay tribute, as well as grow with
her growth, and prosper with her
prosperity. Thus located and sur
rounded, she bids ere long to be
and remain one of the most import
ant cities of the State.
We have at present some good
mills, factories, shops, etc., but
there is a heavy and growing de
mand for more. In this respect,
our county is in its infancy, and
while it is immensely rich m latent
resources, it wants labor and capi
tal to bring them into requisition
and render them available. With
these we should soon grow pros
perous, rich and happy. Our law
yers, most ot whom are men of
ability, are more than able to meet
the wants of the county. We are
quite well supplied with school
teachers, who are amply adequate
to their task. Members of nearly
all religious denominations maybe
found here; but as usual m "new
countries, the numberof ministers
is limited. For such thisis a noble
field for the accomplishment of
good, and all such will meet with
a hearty welcome from our, people.
1 am as ever,
Vours very truly,
I j. J j. Rowland.
Wasco county lias a population
of between two and three thousand
inhabitants, with an assessable
property of nearly two million dol
lars. A good woolen mill is now
in active operation at the Dalles,
which adds materially to the in
crease of business in this already
enterprising city. The immigrant
can obtain supplies of all kinds at
this point, with which to commence
life in a new country.
One weekly paper is published at
Dalles City. There is also a tele
graph office and aline of telegraph
connecting this point with Port
land, and giving it direct commu
nication with all other parts of the
United States.
A United States Mint is located
at this point, and will probably be
built and in operation within the
present year.
W e love your upri
odit en cro-otto.
men. Jrull them this way and the
other, they only bend, but never
break. Trip them down, and in a
trice they arc on, their feet. Bury
them in the mud, and in an hour
they would be out and bright.
They are not ever yawning away
existance or -walking about the
world as if they had come into it
with only half "their soul yon can
not keep them down you cannot
destroy them. But for these the
world would quite soon degener
ate. I hey are the salt ot the
earth. Who but they start any
noble object. They build up cities
and rear our manufactories; they
whiten the ocean with their sails,
and blacken the heavens with the
smoke of their steam vessels and
furnace fires ; they draw forth treas
ures from the mine they plough
the earth. Blessing on them!
Look to them, young men, and
take courage; imitate their exam
ple, catch the spirit of their ener
gy without life, what arc you
good for? and what is your life
good for if it is passed idly away?
We should ever measure life by
1 i lb' s cm i 1 o v m e n t. 11 m n cr.
Blive says. it. isn't the benzine he
drinks that makes his nose so red.
He ate some green strawberries and
they ripened ou him.
The merry wives of Cairo, 111.,
have formed a ten o'clock league,
each member swearing to lock the
street door at that hour of the
From the New York Times.
The artist first sketches out his
ideas in pencil on ordinary draw
ing paper, and elaborates it until
the design is complete ; he then
prepares a large sheet of paste
board, on which lie draws the
human and other figures of the ex-1
act size they are to be in the com
pleted work ; the various colors
and their gradations are then de
cided on, and their exact arrange
ment determined, so that the de
signer can now tell exactly how
many pieces of glass he will re
quire of each color ami how many
of each of the various sizes and
shapes. This important prelimi
nary work being accomplished, the
brittle substonce itself now for the
first time is taken in hand.
The material used is for the most
part the common window glass of
American or New Jersey make,
which is purchased in large sheets
made especially for the purpose.
A very small proportion of glass
of the finer colors, the very best
rubies, blues, purples, and greens
are imported but by far the larger
portion are colored by the Ameri
can workman.
The clear uncolorcd glass is cut
with a common glazier's diamond,
although the multitude of pieces
reouired and their varid and fanci
ful shapes makes this a seemingly
interminable job. This may be
readily imagined when Ave state
that one single window of Trinity
Church, in Xew Haven, contains
more than ten thousand separate
pieces, every one ot which, was
cut and colored singly.
When the requisite number of
diamonds, circles, squares, octa
gons, crescents, and other shapes
arc cut, according to the number
called for by the full sized pattern,
they are next taken to the painting
room, where the color is laid on.
This part of the work is very sim
pie, merely consisting in covering,
with a common flat brush, one side
of each fragment of glass with a
thin, even coating of the proper
color. These paints are all min
eral, as they have to be exposed
to an intense heat for many hours,
in order that the coloring material
may sink into the surface of the
glass be, in fact, so fused with its
very substance that it becomes act
ually a part of the glass, and can
no more be separated from it than
can the mcdalion head from the
surface of a coin.
The glass staincr's reds and vel
lows are produced from pure sil
ver prepared with, antimony; the
blues are made from cobalt; an
other red conies from manganese ;
copperas; purple is
only yielded by pure gold itself.
These are all vydiat are known as
" enamels or surface colors, and
are not melted through the entire
substance of the material. These
various mineral substances arc re
duced to powder by grinding. A
"flux" is then prepared from a
mixture of red lead, flint glass, and
borax, which are melted together
in crucibles. To this " flux" the
desired color is then added, and
the mass is then reduced to a
paint, which is laid on with a brush,
as before described. While the
color is drying on the many-shaped
bits of crystal, we can take a look
at the " kiln," in which thev arc
soon to take a cooking, by the side
of which the strongest heat that
ever overroasted a turkey and
spoiled a Thanksgiving dinner
would be but as the cooling at
mosphere of the latest patent artic
This kiln is merely a brick oven,
about five feet by four in dimen
sions. In the inside of it is a series
of shelves made of iron plates half
an inch in thickness, and forty
eight inches long by thirty-six
inches broad.
I hncn m o ! vno ovo r nnn fn o
over another, about an inch apart,
from the bottom of the kiln to jts
top. Thev are so arranged that the
fire can have free access to them all
on both top and bottom, and so
suffuse them and their contents all
in the same steady, fervent heat
On these shelves the painted glass
now dry is piled in layers twelve
or fifteen deep, until all the shelves
have received .their complement,
and the oven is lull. Ihe heavy
iron doors arc then closed, and the
baking begins. An intensely hot
fire is kindled in. the fire box, and
in a short time the iron plates and
all the many colored pieces of glass
are red hot. The temperature is
maintained for eight hours, at the
end of w hich time the fire is drawn,
and the glass is left to cool. The
cooling is very slow, requiring
forty-eight hours, in order that the
Mass, which, otherwise would be as
Glae SJainiag'.
brittle as ice of the same thickness
may be annealed or toughened.
When removed from the kiln it is
found that the " flux" (being itself
in a great measure composed of
glass), in which is incorporated the
color, has melted, aiTd the surface
of the previously clear glass plate
having also slightly meltedyo the
two have fused together, so that
there is now, in fact, a sheet of
plain glass, having on one surface
a thin "veneer," so to speak, of
another color, which is so firmly
adherent as to be absolutely insep
arable, save at the expense of frac
ture. The cooked and colored glasses
arc now removed to the room of
the workman whose business it is
to join them together in the proper
design. To do this he has a large
horizontal table, on which lie pro
ceeds to build vp (the proposed
window, working by the water
color or pencil pattern before him.
Beginning at what is to be the
bottom of the picture, he lays the
lower bordcii; of the design, fasten
ing the pieces together hy means
of flat leaden rods, made for the
purpose. These rods are a sort of
narrow strip of very soft lead, with
a deep grove along each of its sides.
Into this groove is placed the edge
of a piece of down so as to hold
the glasspin a secure grip. A
second slip of glass, of another
color, is then fastened into the op
posite.groove, and so the "binding
up" continues, the -workmen slow
ly adding piece after piece to his
mosaic pattern till the whole is
finished. Tlic leaden frame work,
or sash, is then most carefully cov
ered with a cementcof oil, putty,
and red lead, which renders it
weather tight, and proof against
both rain ana wind. 1 he window
having been then properly framed
by the carpenter, the work is done.
Glassstainers0use two sorts of
" ruby" and " blue" glass ; in one
sort, known as "Hashed" glass,
the color is blown or superimposed
on a plain surface, thus rmaking(a
sort of " veneer," as before describ
ed. I his peculiar arrangement
makes it possible to produce very
elegant and beautiful effects by
cutting down through the color
and exposing the transparent glass
beneath, precisely in the same
manner that cameos arc cut.
Some little idea of the cost can
be gained from the knowledge that
the glass work for the Colt Memoc
rial Church will cost $7,000 the
chancel window alone calling for
$2,000 the? great chancel window
of Trinity Chapel, corner Twenty
fifth street and Fifth avenue, Xew
ork, costing 85,000. O
A Canadian clergyman not long
since was called upon by an Irish
girl, who askeel howr much he
charged for marrying anybody.
He replied," A dollafud a half,"
and Biddy departed.
A lew evenings later, on being
summoned to the door, he was ac
costed by the same person, with
the remark that she had come to
be married.
" Very well," said 4he miuister;
but perceiving with astonishment
that she was alone, he continued,
" Where is the man ?"
" And don't you find the man
for a dollar and a half?" said the
maid. .
A Scotch preacher being sent to
officiate one Sabbath at a country
parish" was accommodated at night
in the manse in a very diminutive
closet, instead of the usual best
bedroom appropriated to strangers.
" Is this the bedroom ?" he said,
starting back in amazement.
" Deed, ay, sir, this is the prophet's
chamber." " It maun be for the
minor prophets, then," was the
A 1
L,ast jpru a young man was
tried in Ohio on the charge of hav
ing murdered his step-father, and
was found guilty. The Court
granted a new trial, because one
of the jury was not a house holder.
The second trial took place re
cently, and the young man was
3 " Sir," said an old Scotch woman
to her minister, l uinna ken a
part of your sermon, yesterday.'
" Indeed ; what Avas it ?" " You
said the Apostle used figure of
circwnlocutioji; and 1 dmna ken
what it means." " Is that all ? It's
xerf plain. The figure of circum
locution is merely a periphrastic
mode of diction." " Oh ! ah ! is
that all ?" said the good woman ;
what a puir fool I were not to
understand that
When you have got into an edi
tor's sanctum, walk Vight out again
it is good exercise.
Fundamental Element of Fanning?
l, All lands on which clover or
the grasses arc grown, must either,
havelimo in them naturally, or it
must be artificially supplied. " It
be supplied in the form of stone
lime, oyster-shell lime, or mark
2, All permanent improvement,
of lands mitst look to lime as its
3, Lands which have long been
in culture will be benefitted by ap
plications in the form of bone dust,
guano, native phosphate of lime,
composts of fish, ashes, or iii oy
ter shell lime or marl, if the land
heeds liming also. .
4, Xo lands can be preserved in
a high state of fej-tility unless 'cIck
ver and the grarses are cultivated
in the course of rotation. . 1
2, Mould is indispensable in ev
ery soil, and. a healthy supplycan
alone be preserved, through the
es, the turningQn of green crops,
or by the application of composts
rich in the elements of mouldy- -G,
All highly concentratedani
mal manucs are increased in value
and their benefit prolonged by the
admixture of plaster or pulverized
7, Deep plowing and subsoiling
greatly improve the productive m
powers of a variety of soil that is
not wet. O .
8, All wet land should be drain
cd 9, All grain crops should be har
vested several days before the
grain is thoroughly ripe. .
1 0, Clover, a well astther grass
intended for hay, should be mown
Avhen in bloom.
11, Sandy lands can be most ef
fectually improved by clay. If
such lands require liming, it is best
done by a compost of lime and
clay. Inoslacking lime, salt brine
is better than water.
12, TJhc chopping or grinding of
grain to be feel to stock, effects a
saving oi at least, 'zo per cent.
T3, The draining of wet lands
adds to their value bvmakiner tBem
ml J
produce more and better crops, by
producing thenr) earlier, ami by
improving the health of the neigh
borhood, o v i
14. To manure or lime wet lands
is to throw manure, lime and labor
o ' . - . -
away. '
J -1 rr ..11 t :
xo. ouauow piowiug operates iu
impoverish the soil, while decreas
ing production, o - ('
16. By stabling and shedding
stock during the winter, a saving -of
one-fourth of the food is elfected.
That is, one-fourth less food is re:
quired than if they were exposed
to the inclemency of the weather.
17. A bushel ol plaster per acre
sown broadcast over clover, will
add from fifty to one hundred per
cent, to its produce.
18 lhe periodical application of
ashes unleachcd tends to keep up
the integrity of the soils by supply-
ing most, ii not an.oi tne inorcranic
substances. - - -1 ,
19. Thorough preparation of land
is absolutely neeessary to the suc
cessful and luxuriant growth ,of
20. Abundant crops cannot. be
grown upon the same land in suc
cession, unless fertilizing matterjs
returned to it(Jn equivalent pro
portions to those taken away. r ,
What a Man Knows. -What
a man can write out clearly, cor
rectly, and briefly, without book,
or reference of aiW kind, that ho
undoubtedly knowrs, whatever else
he may be ignorant of. Kor
knowledge that falls short of that
knowledge that is vague, hazy,
lnaistinct, wLvertain nor one pro
fess no respect at all. And I be
lieve that there was nevera time
or country where the influence, of
careful training were in that '"in
spect more needed. Men live in
haste, write in haste Twas going
to say think m haste, only that
perhaps the word thinking is hard
ly applicable to that large number
who, for the most' part, purchase
their daily allowance of thought
ready made. Lord Stanley.
A young man, on being asked
by a judge whether he had a father
and mother, said he wasn't quite
certain whether he-had - or not ;
first, his father died, and then Jiis
mother married again; and then
his mother died, and his father
married again ; and now he didn't
exactly know whether they were
Eis father and mother or not. ;
. ' m '
An exchange paper says: "Truth
is in type, but it is crowded out by
more important matter." . : ;
" Be uiodcratc in all things," as
the boysaid to his schoolmaster,
when whippin