OSes -.ti?vV 0 o o c o o o o o m o "Mayn't I be a Boy?" o " Mayn' I be a boy?" said our Mafy, The tears in her great eyes blue " I'm only a wee little lassie O There's nothing a woman can do. 'Tis so ; I heard cousin John say so ; He's home from a great college, too p He said so just now in the parlor : There's nothing a woman can do !"' "My wee little lassie ; my darling :' Said I. putting back her soft hair, "I want yoc, my dearlittle maiden, To smooth away all mother's care. ' Whcfls it,when papa come.-? home weary That runs for his slippers and gown ! & What eyes does he watch for at morning, Looking out from their lashes of brown? " Is there nothing thai you can do;darling? Whit was it thapa said last night ? ' My own little sunbeam is coming ; I know, for the room is so bright V " And there is the secret; my Mary Perhaps you will learn iOome day, The hand that is xciRing and loving, Will do the most work on the way ; " And the "ork that is sweetest and dearest,--The work that so many ne'er do, Q The great work of making folks happy, Can be done by a lassie like you !' STATISTICS OF OREGON. BY A. J. DUFUR. - O Q NO. 9. rsios COUXTY Union coynty is bounded north ly the Valla Yalla valley in AVashington Territory, on the4Gth parallel of north latitude east , by Snake river, which separates it from Idaho Territory ; south, by Baker county ; and "west, by the lilue mountains and Umatilla county and contains within its limits a large tract of agricultural and grazing land, known as the Grand lionde Valley. This valley com prises' the most important agri cultural portion of the county, the following description of which is taken from a prize essay written by "YV. Lair Hill, Esq., for the Oregon State Agricultural Society: " The Grand Rondo, lying a few leagues north of the Powder river valley, is a bcautifuircular valley, some twenty or thirty miles in di ameter, watered by a stream bear ing the same name. Suninded by high hills or spurs of the Blue mountain sats amphitheatrical form relieving its smooth, grassy surface, intersected by a bold stream, fringed on either side by small trees, renders it sufficiently charm ing, to say nothing of the fertility of its soil, which is unsurpassed." This county is being fast settled up, but still has large tracts of government land unoccupied, and veVJ, adapted to grazing and agri cultural purposes. The AVallowe valley, on a small tributary of the Grand Rondo river,is not surpassed for beauty or fertility, and for im portance is inferior to the Grand Konde vnljcy only in its size. The northern portion ot the 1 owder river valley is within the limits of this county, and has already been described. The Grand Hondo val ley is surrounded by high eleva tions or spurs of the Blue moun tains, alternating between aluxuri ant grow tip of bunch grass and forests of gigantic fir, larch and ' pine. The timber from the hills and mountains furnishes good op portunities for obtaining lumber of all kinds for fences and building purposes, while the extensive table and hill lands, covered with grass, furnishes pasturage inalmost inex haustible supplies. u The sou ot this valley if an al luvia, deposit of decomposed earth and vegetable mould, and contains less of silica, phosphate of limc,and magnesia, and more of alumina, ox ide of iron, and organic matter,than that of Powder river valley. This soil is very fcrtile,producing wheat, "barley, oats, and ail the other va rieties of small grain, in abundance, also the different kinds of fruit,and vegetables, of the most luxuriant Sjrowth. It is stated, by good, re liable farmers residing in this coun ty, that from forty to sixty bushtfs of wheat per acre, with an'ordinary system of cultivation, is no uncom mon yield. Oats and barley do correspondingly well, yielding from fifty t one hundred bushels of the finest grain to the acre. The -water in this county iCfcx cellent, and in abundance" for all kinds of milling, mechanical, and domestic purposes being supplied from the ioot-hills and mountains by springs and small brooks, while 5the Grand Rondo river and its tributaries, m tneir various mean derings and cascades, furnish mill sites and stock water in abundance the entire length of the county. There is also a number ot not or warm springs in the central portion of this valley, supposed to be vahv able for their medicinal qualities, but the water has never received a scientific analysis, and its proper ties are yet unknown. The climato of this county is similar in many respects to other portions of eastern Oregon. Dry winters, short and cold ; long springs and falls, beautiful and mill,with frequent showers of rain. In tact, the bracin mountain air, tempering tlio rays of the summer's sun Irom a cloudless sky, give.s a healthful fnxury to the climate of this valley unsurpassed irDan) other portion of - the world. In winter, for two or three weeks, old memories are often awakened, and the monotony of life enlivened by ' mirth and laughter, mingled with the ring of skates, or the chime of merry sleigh-bell?. Snow seldom lavs on the ground more than two mi O m or three weeks during the winter in this valley,and the farmer gen erally commences plowing,sowing, and gardening the fore part of March. Stock of) all kinds is fre quently left to run at large the en tire winter, and does well without grain or hay. But the most profit able, as well as the most humane way of treating stock, in this, as well as all other portions of Ore gon, is to furnish a good supply of hay from the luxuriant growth of grass in the valleys, and provide sheds, to shelter them from the stormshat occur during the win ter in this, as well as in other parts of the world. Indian corn, tobacco, onions, tomatoes, and peaches, can be raised successfully in favorable lo cations in this valley, if properly cared for. Apples, pears, and plums are being cultivated, and flourish remarkably well The soil of this valley shows a peculiar adaptation to the growth of the different va- rieties of tame crrass. and especially to red top and timothy. But the luxuriant growth of the wild or na tive grasses in this valley, known as blue joint, fowl meadow, limber will, etc., supersede the necessity of cultivating other varieties for hay. The mineral resources of this county arc also important, and are surpassed onlyby the fertility of its soil. The Eagle creek gold mines show the auriferous charac ter of the mountains, gulches, and canons of this county, while the croppings of coal, iron, lead, and copper, met with in various locali ties are proof that its mineral wealth has scarcely commenced to bo developed. O The immigrant can obtain sup plies of all kinds in this valley,wjth which to begin life in a new coun try. A good wagon road from the Columbia river to the mining camps in eastern Oregon and Idaho passes through this valley; also, there is a daily line of stages, carrying the U. S. mail, from the Dalles to Salt Lake City. The society in this valley is not surpassed by any other locality as reccntlyjsettled as this, the inhabitants manifesting in a marked degree a spirit of honest industry, moral integrity, and rural economy ; and the stranger, travel ing in this vicinity, will find, after a rati gum g dft s journe', in this valley, a hearty welcome at the homo of the new settler, where, at thcclosej)of the da, entire happi ness seems to prevail, "and drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds." A good common school system has been established in this county, and the inluibitantshaveshown a commendable spirit in taking mea sures to secure their proportion ofj the general school iund ot the State, and by adding to it by private sub scription and general taxation,been able to furnish as good a system of common schools as is enjoyed in some of the older States. The va rious religious denomination arc well represented in this vicinity, religious services being held on the Sabbath in most of the towns and thickly settled neighborhoods, and the rites of barbarous ravages are fast giving way to the worship of the Most High God. La Grande, the county seat, is a flourishing town, situated about eighty-live-miles from navigation on the Columbia river, ana is on the stage road leading from the navigable waters of that river to tire extensive mining districts of eastern Oregon, Montana, Idaho, and to the Salt Lake valley. This town has eight stores, two hotels, three blacksmiths, one wagon shop, one flouring mill, two churches,one academy, and apost-ofhee. O LTnion, situated about fifteen miles southeast of La Grande, on the Opposite, side of the valley, is a town of considerable importance, has a post oflice,ilour'm2; milLhotebl public school, blacksmith shop, and four stores. Forest Cove is an other new town in this valley, with a flouring mill, public schoohblack- smith shop, post oflice, and store. bummerville has a post oflice, store, hotel, flouring Qnill and public school. Orodell has a post oflice, store, flouring mill, and public school. There is also a hotel, with bathing and summer house, at the Vann Springs, on the stage road from La Grande to Union. o This county has a population of nearly 3,000, with an assessable property of 400,000, and about 9,000 acres of land under improvc- u.tu,,nm covers an area ot about --bso,ooo acres of land. There is also a number of good saw mills situated at convenient points in this county, and the new settler can obtain all kinU of lumbcivfor build mg purposes, at reasonable rates. 'T came near selling mpboot? the other day," said Tom Scuttle to his friend "llow SO?' "Wnll Tl-,,1 them half-soled' o G Shepherd Dogs. e Correspondence of American Stock Journal. About one year ago! purchas ed a remarkably fine shepherd dog of your firm. Tanking it would be of some benefit to your readers to be made acquainted with the peculiar traits of these remarkable dogs, I send you a few short notes, on the perform ances of mine. He will bring the cows, oxen, or horses, from the most distant fields, by simply telling him what you want. Soon after we got him we sent him to watch the sheep that were in a field, one-half of which was in oats. We visited him several times during the day, and found the faithful dog, who was walk ing with sentinel like punctuali ty, up and down the boundary line of the two crops, close to which some few of his trust were browsing. Upon the slightest attempt of any sheep to infringe1 on the oats,he immediately drove them back ; but the extent of his beat being very long, he was oft en sorely put to it, and had to hurry backwards and forwards in rather a laughable manner. Collecting his energies he finish ed by driving the whole nock to the extremity of the pasture. Then, satisfied with the altered position of affairs, he returned to the boundary line, and lay down with the assurance that theyniust now feed up to him. Is ot long since he accompanied a friend to Chicago, where he purchased a lot of sheep,upwards of 250. At night, on.bringhrg them home, they were turned in to a field. The fences not being very good, they broke in with several other droves, and conse quently soon all became mixed together. The next morning. without making a single mistake the dog picked out the whole of his master's sheep from amongst the others, almost unaided, and although he had been so short a time acquainted with them, after which he drove them to their des tination single-handed. I was greatiy gratified at such an admirable display of canine sagacity. It has seldom, or ever been equalled, never surpassed, for brilliant intelligence and ca nine observation. My wife says he is of incalcu lable value in caring for the youngest children when they are running about the farm, as she always considers them sate under the care of Jack. He will carry luncheons to the men in the most distant part of the farm, and not offer to touch a mouthful. There are certain peculiarities of character belonging to the shepherd dog well worthy of note He is a remarkably small eater, and is the least greedy of the tu tire race; in fact, it is quite as tonishing how many hours licwill remain true to his post without iiululcrimr ins appetite; he appa rently suffers but little from hun ger or thirst. He is of a pensive melancholy disposition, ftnd rare ly condescends to join a romp,or enjoy the playful dalliance which belongs to other animals. At the same time, his affections are true and unalterable to his master and his faithfulness, under the most trying circumstances, is staunch even to death; and if we should seek in the canine family for talents and qualities especial ly human, our convictions un hesitatingly point toward the Shepherd I)og. The young man who had been traveling about latch', jumping on the tram to kiss his sisteiynul then apologising when he found his mistake, "has come to grief," and will reform his practices, lie tried the thing on, at New Haven the other day, when the damsel raised her veil and said: '"Gollv, massali ; what dat you 'bout dar 2" A q nam t writer says: "i nave seen women so delicate that they were afraid to ride for fear of the horse running away; afraid to walk for fear the dew might fall; afraid to sail for fear the boat mbdft: unset: but I never saw one afraid to be married, whicl is more riskful than all the ofh ers put together." On the 17th of last month, two hundred and fifty immigrants from Austria arrived in Ivich mond, Ara., to settle on land pur chased for them in Henrico conn tv. Thcv all nave something to begin with. GThe X ashville negresses have formed a co-operative society to do family sewing. They do the work and meet once a "week to divide the proceeds pro rata. A "Western town is without a newspaper, because " the ladies'1 sewing society answers just as W' ell." COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TrTT17'T?T?Q TTV DTP PAT TDllTA ft ew To-Da.y. ACKERMAN HAS RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Boors Windows WHICH HE OFFERS AT ery RATE! gLook at his Stock before purchasing elsewhere, Cwooils "Warranted. I HOME EE-A D E FURiiTUI o 4 WERTHEIMER, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, OllKOOX CITY, rpAKES THIS METHOD OF INFORMING I the public that lie has now ou hand a large invoice ot SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium Furniture ! Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which merits the attention ol buyers. He MANUFACTURES FURNITURE Usins good materials, and employing th very best mechanics in the State, hence h can warrant his goods to be as represented and he is prepared to till all orders with promptness. He would call the attention of the public to his salesroom, as (Containing the most complete assortment of desirable tjovds iu the blate. M. V."ERTHF,I3IEK. Maiu street, Oregon City. JfOTICE. . o- The People's Transportation Company WILL DISrATCJl THEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON CITY AS FOLLOWS. G FOIL PORTLAND : At 7i A. M., every day, except Sunday. And 1 P. M., every d.ty. For Salem, Albany and Corvallis : ON MONDAY, TUESDAY. THURSDAY. AND FRIDAY, at 7 o clock A. M., And for Dayton : ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY, f each week. 0 A. A. McCULLY, President, Nov. 2th, ISo'J. Ho.tf Harvest oi 1869 ! ! Selling off to Close lousiness, Antl mo HUMBUG I OF- DEY GO0BS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, SCOTS AND SHOES o Mens Ladies, Misses and Cbildrens' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wiciis, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to he sold Regardless of Frlcol ft- To convince yourself with reypect to this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, South of Tope Co.s Tin Store, Oregon City. LOGUS & ALBIIIG1IT, EXCELSIOR MARKET ! Corner of Fourth and Main streets. OREGON CITY. JO" Keep constantly on hand all kinds of fresh and salt meats, such sis BEEF, POUK, MUTTON, TEAL, CORNED BEEF, IT A MS, PICKETED PORK, LARD, And everything else to be found in their line of business. G WHEN THE BELL RINGS LOOK OUT FOB THE LOCOMOTIVE. mm iew is the Time to o While they are Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now better prepared than ever to attend to the wants of rny customers, and having a double amount of very desfrajjle goods on hand, I have decidedto Sell off at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in orderQto reduce tiie stock. In order that alk may rest assured of this fact I ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES 1)11 ESS GOODS. BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, pnch as Circulars and Sacks ; 0 KID (J LOVES, beat quality ; HOSIERY; D DROWN AND BLEACHED MCSLTX. all wi.ULs: LOOTS AND SHOES FINE I! LACK DUES.- HATS SUITS OASSIM ERE SUITS ; SUPERIOR LEAVER SUITS : BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all pSzc? and qualities. JCS- A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most reasonable terms. Also a lanre stock orients' Furnishing Goods. O GROCERIES A well selected assortment O ACKlCRMAN, ffr?V All kinds of Bj-odnco Bought.-?; ;Ef7RAGS WANTED. CUAS. 1IODCE. .CHAS. E. CALEF. . GEO. W. SXELL. ROUGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IN DRUGS and MEDICINES, o TAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, VA RXISHES, JJ RUSHES, P. 1 AY TEES JduUnais, ana, jjrwjijbilJ Sundries. 97 Front Ktrc t, Portland, Oregon. oll2 131 FRONT STREET, FIRST STREET, Near Morrison Street. Xear Yamhill. EAST a CAHALOT. Hew Stock of Boots an 3 Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the City ! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as llonktrtt's, Tirrell's, Fojrji's, Houghton fc Colid:je's, Reed's, Godfrey's and uumerons others, of cents' and bovs.' wear. .Also Mile's, Siebeili jh's. Hint's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies aud children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock. which we will sell cheaper than vcr. 1 . . boots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantly ca luiud. DIRECT NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES OF UITES. o Just received and placed in the warercoms, ok KURGREN SHINOLER ! 1GG, 170, 173 First street, corner of Salnon, 1' (JUTLAND, OREGON. PATlLOrt PETS IN TERRY. IN PLU.S1I, AND IN II AIH-CLOTII. Hew Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment ef HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ! Lounges and Fpring beds. J5? The trade svjydicd with goods in original packages, on reasonable terms. I1TJEGREN SIlTNDLEU. WASHING- MADE EASY, 15Y USING THE Automatic Clothes "Washer rpnE GREATEST INVENTION OF TIIE j limes, as it does away with rubbing and wear and tear oif Clothes. An ordinary washing can be done in from one 1o two hours-SAYES TIM E, LAIiOU AND EX PENSE. Warranted to give entire satisfuc, tiou. For sale br J.C..MARDY, jranufactnrer, l-i.j Front street, one door north of i f Taylor street, Portland. Eendee's Photcgrapxc Gallery. clr THE ONLY PjLACE IN PORTLAND ,v1icri vou are sure oTrcUinr No. 1 Pictures at all times is at llencet s tjaiiery, corner ot First and Morrison streets, where he is as well prepared to do all kinds of work as any Gallery in Oregon, and will puarantee a"s good satisfaction for all his woik as can be had in the State. Pictures of every kind enn be had at short notice. Old Pictures can be copied, enlarged and retouched in I.-dia Tnlc, or Oil Color AT LOWER PRICES THAN ANY OTHER PLACE. ,jIU !3 - -a '' s -.- "m ii ii hi -Bgrnr"",''M'g',l"i",a Buy your Goods going Ch o AND CAl'i : CLOTHING O WALLAMET IRON WORKS COMPANY ! STEASl And Eoiler Builders ! rrwpXorth Front andE sts., pjjiBfil Portland, Oregon. riHESE YrORKS ARE LOCATED OX the ! bank of the liver, one block rth cf Couch's W harf, and hare facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and efliciently. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the YVorks, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen yea-s gives him a thoroujilsT) knowled tre of tine various kinds of machinery requited for mining and miliingQ urposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler woxks, such as U MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACIIIXURY ! FLOUIUNG JIII.I.S ! Qaw MILLS ! QUAI1TZ MILLS ! ! MINING I'UMPS I ! &c, -fcc., &c. Jf'-'n1' fttci '.in'e ami i''fiir M'trJnntrv of all 1:i,,.i. " JROX SHUTTER WORK'ui San Ermci'-ft coot and t'-hjht. M'ihIci- tfr Ran dall's Pat. -at Grinder an I AfVil'jamator. !iiiH)iir $ and Steven's Self Adjusting J'afent Fist, i n Ficling, either apjdiei' tejohl or new xirant cylinders. (Jnartz Stampers, Sipes and ii'-x.it the best hard ',ron. r 3:1.? it1 n ' iv EL 4 PLU31BISC, OAS & mEUl rilling Estaulislimeiit, Xo. 1IO Firt Sli t c t ItrtluiiJ e ' JUST RECEIVED, per Hvhooner s ADELINE ELWOOD, ) From the celebrated Factory of )Messis. Uuni-ey A Co., .ScHenectedy O jNcw York, q tSSTr. ) PUMPS OF ENTIRELY NEW PAT TEIINS, in Iei-in Stvle, Finish, and fcoiiomv, SUPEKIOR TO ANY offered IN THIS MARKET, Comprising: h tce J CISTERN PUMTS, - All sizes lor lead or iron pipe ; Vtf? PITCHER PUMPS All sizes BASE AND SIDE FOJU'E PUMPS, Cr? N A'.l for UA or iron pipe; For deep wells ; ViTMl IVt'I T. TITI I'S AMALGAM HELLS, for Steamboats, Factories. Churches, etc. POINTS, fur Drive wells ; o Hotels, public buildings, andprivafe resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. (J I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention giveu to the wauts of this market. G. IlOlYEUS. 110 Front street, Poitland, Oregon o ORE G O X 4t- --" Vi, A F. 0PITZ, PROPRIETOR, FIRST STREET, PORTBANB, (3 Bet. Washington and SlarJc sts. G MAXrFACTlKER OP ALT KINDS AND QUALITIES OF BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY QR ACKERS YYill always be ?old below SanrFranciscc ptices. All ciders promptly atten?d to. OREGON BMvERY, Eird it., Portland, Orcton.C' eap : -O M W mmyb 4 lily e JOHN M. BACOIC, o Successor to JOHJST FLEMING, At CharmanQ- JVarner's old stand, lately oc cup'ud by S. Ackerman, Main street, O Oregon Ciiy, Oregon. IMPORTER AND DEADER 1ST CL CTJ 9 Drug's, etc, WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY axIAXnr a large and well selected stock of" Ko.ok Stationery, and Drugs, comprising ia paif o Standard and Miscellaneous Bbh, Medical, Mining, and Scientific JJooks, Theological and lelig ioits Books, Juvenile and Toy Books, Sabbath and Bay School Books, ( I N GREAT VARIETY. Blank Books in Ecery Style, Pass Books, Memorandum Books, and Time Books, D rawing, Trac ing and Tis su Paper, Q Portfolios, and PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUJIS, Arnolds', Maynard cb JSToyes,'1 and Bo.vid's Inks, Mucilage, Sheet Music, Music Poper, and JVolc Books. All of Which he will Sell at thg Lowest Prices. A General Variety of Drugs and Patent Medicines, Constantly on hand, for sale. ff5r School Teachers, and parents of Schol ars wll find it to their advantage to inspect my stock and prices, before purchasing else where. O sr Books Imported to Order. Orders res pectfully solicited and promptly filled. KW Agent for the b'ai -Francisco Tinia, and Eastern periodicals, and pnpers. JOHN M.BACON. JAlfr.OW IX THE 110 TETB ashless Again. AYIXG TAKEN Glk). A. SHEPPARD as copartner in the business and leased the celebrated Cbl FFUJUUSE, ot Oie City, fSr the term of one 3-ear,we would say XtP the public, come on, we are ready for yon, an-i will accommodate you to the best of our ability. HARLOW & SHEPPARD. August 21. -tf. o . - JEW COLUjIUDVN hotel. Cfr. FRONT and MORRISON Sts., l'OUTLAND, OREGON. 6 O) . fHT The most (T)nmf triable Hotel in the City. Hoartf-and Lodiiin, from one to two dollars pcrthiy, accordini; to rooms occupied. Free Coach ii) and from thcrjiouse. i'AS EDYv A RD CA RNEY, Proprietor. JEW YOliK HOTEL, ( Dent fc lies Ca fthaus,) No. 17 Front Street, o; pos:te the Mail steam ship landini;, Portland, Oregon. II. R0THF0S, J. J. WHKENS, PROPRIETORS. Board per eek $." 00 " " " with Lodging 6 oo 44 Day. . . 0 1 00 O o c OSMOOL&AX HOTEL. FORMERLY ARRIG ON I 'S, FRONT Sr., PORTLAND. W.R.SE WALIT and J. B.Sf RENGER O PROPRIETORS. The Proprieiors of this well known House having superior accommodations, guarantee entire satisfaction to all guests. The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to convey passengers and baggage to and Irom the" Hotel, free of change. " (4otf Ollice Oregon and California Stage Co. 0 O- S. D. SMITH. The OGOt Geo. B. COOK, FOUMEHI.V 7ESTERX HOTEL. cor. K irsi anu .uornson streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. 3r Messrs. Smith A Cook have taken.tis weil known House, refitted and refurnistreh it throughout, built a large addition, making thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the dining and sitting room, making it by far the best Hotel in Portland. A rail from the traveling pub'ic will satisfy .them that the above statements are true. O SMITH A COOK, Proprietors. N. C. Hot and cold baths attached. 4(..tf O ' rriIE STOCKUO.LJQERS Of the O. F. II. Association, will meet ifhe'room under the Odd Fellow's Hall on THURSDAY, the HWk ist., to elect officers for the ensuing year, and to transact such other business as may come before the meeting. Oregon City, .Lin. 8th, 15V70. N. W. RANDALL, nO.td President O. F. H. Association. 4) O . . ; lISSOLTJTIOX. The Co-partnership heretofore existing between J. W. Lewis and S, L. Pollock, in Oregon City, Oregon, under the iirm naraeff LEWIS .t I'OLLOCK, was mutually dissolv ed .lanuary 1, 1S70. The undersigned will! collect all debts due the late firm and pay all indebtedness of the same. I will also con tinue the business of manufacturing agri cultural implements, etc., in Oregon Citv JOHN W. LEWIS'. Ja3uary G, 1S70. D9.3t JTIXAL SETTLEMENT. In the matter of the state of Frederick Charman deceased. In the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon. Notice is hereby given that Arthur War ner, the Administrator of the estate of Fred erick Charman, deceased, has rendered for Settlement, and filed in said Court, his final account of his-Adrninistia!ion of the undiTi- (pded estate of. said deceased; and that Mov.day, the Seventh (7ii) clay of Ftbrvanj, A. D. 170, being a day of a regular term of said Court, to-wit: of the February term, A. D. 1870, has een duly appointed by the syl Court, for the hearing of objections to such final account,and the settlement thereof. liy order of said Court. Attest : J. M. FRAZER, County Clerk, January 4th, 1870. n9.5t. ' E" 0 J I