0 (g 'I o o 0 0' o O Q O o O o 8 O o o o o O oo J. r l ,ir...f. - n,u,.,Tc.a,.a t n ft ,t..ni- -a (5) -j o CO Go O . O n - O I O o ' u ' o . . ; ' t" i .-, -l -a j V i i i i i : 1 f. o Academy of Music, New York. EEMAEKABLE IF TRUE. It is said that at the Exliition of Paintings at the " Academy of Design," in New. York there is a most singular coincidence of names of Artists and the subjects of their several works. A reporter of one of the Xew York Journals, furnishes for the press,1 the following list of paint ings and th Artists names which show a verjr striking resemblance, worthy of note. Subject. Artist. Evening Prayers O'Xeil Mountain Scenery. . Hills On n Lee Shore Briggs Gamecocks. Fowle Prairie on Fire. .Burns Cattle Piece . : Steers Interior of a Chapel Church Catching Salmon Fisher Power ofMusic Ayers Goina: to Church Parsons A Hisdi wind Bellows The First Theft Steele Group of Sioux Savage The little Beggars Poore Up Mont Blanc Ilyer On thccBeach Sands Flowers r$l . . Lilley ? Buffalo on the Plains Hunter Studv of Kocks Stone Flight of Ducks Drake Down in the Mine Cole In "the Woods Oakcs AsTempest Gale Study of a Horse Ryder Dogs Kerr The Haymakers ...... .Cutting At Euchre Bowers In the Jungle Lyons Storm in the Mountains Hale Golden Hair. . . . Barbour The 11 una way s Leggett Bombardment of Charleston Schell The Duel Shute The Empty Sleeves The Village Forge .... Study of Hares A Corn Field Lowland Scenery .Battle . Smith .Beard . . Cobb .Marsh The Wounded Stag Paine Rustic Bridal Knott A Rainy Day "Wetniorc Transfusion of Blood. s From the Philadelphia Ledger, o This operation, which consists in the actual transfer of the blood of one living body into the veins of another, has been recently perform ed in the Pennsylvania Hospital, under the following circumstances : A young man in the upper part of the city was wounded on the inner surface of the upper lip, by tripping' and falling on the fragments of a pitcher, which he had been carry ing in his hand. The wound con tinued to bleed for ten days, after which time the patient was sent to the surgical wards of the hospital, which were then under the charge of Dr. T. G. Morton. Several rem edies were then applied, and the arteries supplying the faco were tied, but without success in control ing the flow of blood. Recourse was next had to the cutting down to the common carotid or great ar tery of thoe neck, and applying a ligature, so as to obstruct entirely the course of the blood in it. This was done on the 18th of October, last. The oozing of blood still contin ued, but in lessened quantity. On the following day, or the 19th, the jatient was in such a state of ex treme exhaustion from the long con tinued hemorrhage, that his death Fecmed to be imminent, and as the last resource, Dr. Morton resolved to try the effect of-transfusion. We shall not pretend to des cribe the apparatus used on the oc casion, or the details of the opera tion. Let -it suffice for us to say, two medical students bared their arms, and gave the blood required for the occasion. Fiveeounces and a half of their blood were infused into the vein of each arm of the patient, the marked good effect of which was evinced in five 9ninutes by a. rallying of the pulse, and otherwise beginning reaction. No further discharge of blood from the original wound occurred, and in ten daysthe patient was able to walk about in the ward,Land rapidly re gained strength. Whatever may be2 the termina tion of this case, regarded as one of a wound with complicated symp toms, there can be no question of the entire success of the operation ot transfusion, ami ot its savin"-' life and restoring the patient, for a while, at least, to the exercise of his ordinary functions." Touching. Kctl Jacket, tlio no blest Inlian brave that ever "wield ed tomahawk in defense of a friend less and persecuted race, expired with these touching Avoids upon his lips : " irtncfyiicamjxaioostfc, 9r in ncba o waHa icalasam ores (batch ctcanator " There was notgu dry cyc in the wigwam. One editor said: Attention was first drawn to matrimony by the skillful manner in which a girl handled a broom," whereat a broth er editor says, the manner in which his wife handles a broom is not sp " attractive !" Cbimixal, Acts. conviets. The labor of The Boy to Succeed. From Hall's Journal of Health. O A few years ago, a large drug firm in this city advertised for a boy. Next day tltg) store was thronged with aplicants, among them a queer looking little fellow, accompanied by a woman who proved to be his aunt, in lieu ol faithless parents, by whom he had been abandoned. Looking at this little waif, the merchant mrthe store promptly said : " Can't take him; places all full; besides he is too smalL ' 1 know he is small, said the woman, "but he is will ing and faithful." There ws & twinkle in the boys eyes that made the merchant think again. A part ner in the firm volunteered the re mark that he " did not sec what they wanted of such a boy he wasn't bigger than a pint of cider." But after consultation the boy was set to work. A few days later a call was made on the boys in the store for some one to stay all niht The prompt response of the little fello,w contrasted well with the re luctancc of-thers. In the middle of the night the merchant looked in to see if all was riht in the store, and presently discovered the youthful protege busy scissoring labels. "What are you doing7 said he. "I did not tell you to work nitrhts." I knov you did not tell me so, but I thought 1 might as xvjcAI be doing something, In the morning the cashier gotTor ders to " double the boy's wages, for he i willing." Only a few weeks elapsed before a show of wild beasts passed through the streets, azd, very naturally, all hands in the store rushed to wit ness the spectacle. A thief saw his opportunity, aYid entered at the rear door to seize something, bujt in a twinkling found himself firm ly clutched by the diminutive clerk aforesaid, and, after a struggle was captured. Xot only was a rob bery preventcd,but)valuable aitice taken from other stores were recov cred. Y hen asked by the mer chant why he staid behind to watch when others quit their work, the reply was, "You told me never to leave the store when others were absent, and I thought I' stay." Orders were immediately given once more boy's, waes; he "Doublethat is willing am faithful." To-day that boy is get ting a salary of 2,500, and next .January wnl become a member o the firm. Young men imitatcchis example. j,f The Secret of Longevity. A Curious Fli ysiologieal Theory. A paper was recently read before the British Ethnological Associa tion, by Sir Duncan Gibbs, entitled " An Obstacle to. European Lon gevity Beyond Seventy." o The writer had, previously called the attention of the Associatioiito the fact that he had devoted much attention to the position of the leaf-shaped cartilage at the back of the tongue, known as the epiglottis, and that in 11 per ct. of the 5,000 people, of all ages, whom he had examined, ne nau iouna tnc posi tion of this cartilage to be dropped or pendent, instead of vertical. A further prosecution of his inquiries had led to the discovery of the im portant fact, that in persons over seventy, without exception, its po sition was vertical. oThis circum stance he regarded of" the highest moment, bearing, as he believed it did, upon the attainment of old acre. Numerous examples were cited in proof of his statement, among which were rhany well known statesmen who attained to over-70 years of age Lords Palmerston, Brougham, Campbell and Lynd-hurst-beinjx amonr the number. lie claimed that the facts presented clearly demonstrate that longevity beyfnid seventy could not be at tained with a pendent epiglottis. His conclusions may be summed up nearly as follows : As a rule persons with a pendent epiglottis will not live beyond seventy, life verging to a close at or before that period. On the other hand, with a vertical epiglottis, life may be prolonged beyond seventy to the extreme limit of old age. These statements will furnish a new subject for discussion among the medical avants of thisrcoui theory broached bv Sir Dimcnn Gibbs, Americans wish to know it, and knowi&g it, will not rest con tent until they have ascertained the relativecposition of the (all-imnor- tanLeartilage upon which depends the length of th Oil" - stay on earth. An English coror.er's jury lately returned a verdict of "Death froni latty generation of the heart, ac celerated by the deceased havino strangled herself." That would naturally aggravate such a disease. T"-.! T ' J'nman who was drinkino" the Jieaitn oi a DisHop, gave this toast: ' May your riverence live to cat the ould hen that crows over youi grave. Little girls LelievfiA in the man j in the moon big girls believe in j the man in the honey-moon. O Two Wicked Old Sinners. Vanderbllt and Horace Greeley. "RapidanA the New York city correspondent of the St. Louis Times, gives the ioiiowmg ius-. tratioiKof the total depravity ex hibited by Horace Greeley and Commodore Vaaaerbilt: One evening last summer two men went aboard a Hudson riv er boat, bound for Albany. The firgt was a tall Oman, with grey hair, but vigorous lor his age. The second wa3 nearly as tall, but stouter, and also grey, and bis peculiar, slouching walk, attract- ed a great ueai oicnotice. ine boat cast off, and proceeded up the river, while most of the paS- seneri; sat on the upper deck, en- joying the cool air ana admiring the beautiiul scenery along the Hudson. I'resentlv a loud voice, pour ing out a torrent ot expletives, was heard on, the deck below. One of the deck hands had let something heavy fall on the toes of the tall, thin man, and he op ened on that unfortunate menial He cursed him to Jericho, and Halifax, and Jerusalem, and also to a place a great deal warmer than either, and called him more names than lie could repeat m a week, and made the polysyllabic oaths fly about? so fast that the poor deck hand was completely demolished, and obliged to re treat in wild confusion from th scene. At the same moment, a man, who had been leaning over on ft" of the side-rail, beancto sweifr. It OK'aa the same m that had coneftn board just after the tall, thin, grey. one. He had taken ofY his hat, and was lean ing over the rail, in contemplaj tive attitude and mood, when an other person, a tobacco chewer, on the deck above him, droppec about a table-spoonful of-f obacco iilice on his head. Uiat starte him ! He shook his fists ! nllc stamned ! He uttered volley af ter volley of horrid,rousing oaths au.d started the wholqboat with his furv. O The passengers were ready to acknowledge his superiority to the other man, when the deck hand turned up again. Then the first " swearer resumed opera tions. He damned that deck hand all over this world, and the lower portion of the next, and he ' 1 . ..... -l 1 ' 1 T kept at it, until the aeciciiaiiure treated aain. and for a minute or two after. In the meantime, the man who had broken out about the tobac co spittle had subsided,and when quiet was rgstored another deck hand asked the mate who "them two fellers" were : " One is "Commodore Vander bilt' was the reply, " and the other is Horace Greeley." " Well ; I've bin ailongo this 'ere river more'n thirty year; an' 'ave known fellers that could do pretty tall swearm': but I'm d--d cf that skinny old, ehapliint head of any one I'veo seed yit r The baby-faced old feller "aint bad, on them high souiidin words,but it aint no use fur 'im to try when t'other one's around. Jimminy, ain't he a rouser, 'though ?" And the CommodoreQias been improving his opportunities ever since. n A California Chinaman made all bis arrangements tt sell Ids wife for debt,"wlien slietlefaulted by killing herself. . .. The Xew Orleans Picayune re marks a growing hostility among Xo country presses of Louisiana, to the introduction) of Chinese labor. - The report that Horace Gree ley had on a new suit ofrclothes on election day, is pronounced a canard O The Avork of building a bridge across the Straits of Dover, 18 miles, with only nine piers, is be iitg iow discussed amongst the leading architects of the day. A man in Boston makes a good living by manufacturing dolls' shoes. lie made 50.000 pairs last year. 0 ' - Onef ther gentle sex says that tlie heaven of the strong-minded woman is: "Where buttonsjgrow in their proper places, and where 1 il .1 men cease iioiii ooinennr, ami needles are at rest. O On onecpecasion, when JTheo dore Hook? was dining, a messen ger came to Jiim from the "Joftli Dull, which he editedt but for which he had written nothing for weeks, ad told him he must write something on the death of the King and Queen of the Sand wich Islands, whereupon he sent back c o "Waiter; two Sandwiches!" cried Death! And their "wild JIajesties resigned their bre-ith. o o o O o o o COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, TSew To-Day. O ACKERMAN HAS RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Boors i Windows ! WHICH" HE OFFERS AT fery LOW RATES! ggrLook at his Stock before purchasing lsewhere, - G o e cWASHING BIADE EASY, BYcUSING TUE. Antomatic Clothes Washer O aim xjuiici . rrwiv. r.v. v.ktvxv INVENTION OF THE X limes, as it does away vith rubbing and wear and tear on Clotnes. An oratuaiy washing can be done in from one to two honrs-SAVES TIME. LABOR AND EX PENSE. Warranted to give entire eatisfac, tion. 1 or sale by J.C. MARDY, Manufacturer, 145 Front street, one door north of 41 tf Taylor street. Portland, jOTICE. o o The People's Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH THEIR STEAMERS F B 0 1 ORE Q ON GST Y AS FOLLOWS: o E0R FOKTLAKDr At 7s A. JL, every day, except Sunday. And 1 P. M., every day. O O For Salem, Albany and Corvallis : OX MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, at 7 o clock A. M., And for Dayton : ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY, f each week. O O President, 40-tf o A. A. Nov. 27th. 1S09. McCULLY, o arvest ot 1889 i ? C o Setting off to Close Jiusincss, o OF- DRY GOODS, EEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Q o C0TS AND SE0ES, Jlens' Ladies, blisses' and Childreus' o HATS ANB CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware? Cutlery, etc., etc. o O Has got to 2e sold ResrardiessSof Price I 2- To convince yonrself with respect to this matter, call at the old corner.O I. HELLLVft, SovtJi of Tope 4' Co.'s Tin, Store, Or&on. City s 1 ' HOUSE, AND Steamboat Painting Graining, Gilding, O China Ghsaing-lmilotions O Of all kinds Wood sssik"! Msb51I ! Executed as well alexin be done on the Pad fie Coast. Examine our icork and Judge for youmtlvss. CD 3-Evcry order attended to with rare and expedition, C. K. MURE A Y, West Door Kalston's UricW. Main St., Oiepon Cit- Co G U S & A L. UJ AiHT, XCELSI9R MARKET i Corner of Folirih and Main streets. OltEGOX CITY. ITS' Kecp.ijonstantly on hand all kinds of fresh and salt meats, such as BEEF, PQKK, MUTTON, TEAL, Q COTfNKD T1F.F.F TT A MS O - - ' " 1 m. t , ill PICK E LED PORK. LARD. And everything else to be found in their line of business. 0 TyII. UTTER & CO., o rT7rOTT A " T t TT nno - AND GENTS" FURNISHING GOODS. O o C4 FRONT STREET, UNDER COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, Portland, Oregon. O O 23g3SS WlTRlVT TTTI?. LOOK OUT EOS THE LOCOMOTIVE. -S-f"' .V'",--,!l O IS i ime to B While they are AtC Havin purchased the entire G 0 o of Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now cbetter prepared than ever to nttpni? fn the wants of mv customers, and havinir a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, I hnvT decided to Sell off at Costor the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. Ill order that all may rest assured of this fact)I ask you to call and satisfy yourself. .My stock consists, in part I I inn rt rr nTtiIAQ W O LADIES DUESS GOODS. RAOIORALS, HATS of various aescripli6Bs: CLOAKSPuch as Circulars and KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY : ' O IiliOWN AND BLEACHED III U)OTS AND SHOES ; HATS AND GAPS ; CLOTHING FINE RLAC-rC DRESS SUITS ; O CARSIMEUE SUITS; SUPERIOR REAVER SUITS : HOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTfllKO, all sizes and qualities. JED" A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT AN Also a larpce stock of Gents' liit nisln'iicr; Goods. O GROCERIES A well selected assortment, " ;pty All kinds of Produce Ronjlit."f? Sj HOME FUHiiTylE Gam &U LB 5 B ttlJ luia fa J Dealer in FUyuiture, Manufacturer of and OREGO.Y CITY, HAKES THIS MKTllOD OF INFORMING the public that) tie has now on hand a larire invoice of O S QUARK AND EXTENSION TABLES, j BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS, o STANDS. CHAIRS. Q And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium Furniture ! q o Forming a comjdete and desirable assort ment, whicbnie: its the attention ofbuvers. o 73 He 15 AITUFACTTJE.ES FTTRIIIXUKE Usiiic pood material?, 3nOrnployinQj th very best incehanics in the State, hc-nee Ik can w arrant Ins goods to beffs represented, and he is prepared to lillQdl !piders with promptness. He would call(tbe attention of3he public to his salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of desirable (juods in the State. JUWERTI IK..IJIE U. O Main street, Oregon City. OREGON CITY ERE W E II Y ! ' .... - UiiA ML o Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the pub!i- that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of LAXIER -BEER, As good as can be obtained anywhere hi the Stale. Orders solieiicd and promptly tilled. J. EIcHenrv. O O OiCiTCONT STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. as on band, and is constant ly rc:eiv,ing direct from the East,alar2;e and carefully selected stock of Crockery, Glass Ware, Tlated Ware, Lamps, etc., all of which lie oilers at ju ices to suiMhe tin e-, at Wholesale and Retail, Dealer will oo well to call and exam ine his stock, and learn purchasing elsewhere. his prices, before O i O 112 431 FRONT STREET, Near Morrison Street. nrrsT street, Near Yamhill. KAST & CAriALJJsr. Hew Stock of Boots and Slxoes JJ.JST REC'KlYLD! U Rest Selection in the Citj ! Comprising-all Iheleading and best brands known, such as Lenkert's, Tirrell's, Fogg's, Houghton & Coolidge's, Reed's, Godfrej-'s and numerous others, of cents' and boys' wear. Also Mile's, Sieberlioh's, JJurt's, San Francisco aud custom-made ladies and children's wear. Onr customers-and the public in general arc invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. 1. S. Roots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantly on hand. WAG OX O A XI) Carriage Manufkctcty I raw The undersQned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, "at the old stand Corner of I,iaiu andriChird stjeets, Oregon City." Oregon. Takes this method to intorrn rhA ii . .i 4 ?r,r,n-ri lii rib! nat- pleased to cal, that he is now prepared, w.th ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron ;d turn out all complete anv soil ol a vehieleQfrom a com moirtart to a concord ach. i iy me. Rlackmithir.sr, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbiugneally, quickly and cheap ly done. hMiril. Opposite LxceLior Maiket piPRlAL MILL. e Savier, LaEoone & Co., OREGON. CITY. ft3Keep constantly ooJiacd f; sale, Hour Midling", Dran and ChWl;en Feed. Parties nurchiuir feed rxiuit furnish the tacks. 1 O rnnc onrl;: niiinV ones as may ne O o o O o o o o KTTT I, i?TTsTGS 9 iuy your Goods,! going Cheap ! lays ni Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc Saaks : q o O J.TJXa. nil ivnlfl(3? Q YJiODY all on the most reasonable terra jD"RAtS W 'lNted. O Q iuccesor to JOJ1JV FLEMING, At Charma $ 1 firmer' old stand, lately oc cujh-d S. Ackerman, Main street, (Oregon gfifit Oregon. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GOD Z3 232i. S3 ff Mfff ti) m h :(T f 33i etc. o yyfUA KEEP CONSTANTLY ox HAND V V a huge and well selected .-tock oi Looks Stationery, and Drugs, comi rising in part Standard oral Miscellaneous Boohs, Medical, Mining, and Scientific Rooks, Tlicotjgical and Relig ious Roa&s, J penile and Joy Rooks, Sabbath and Roy School Rooks, O IN GUEAT VARIETY. Blank Rooks in Fiery Slide, Fass l&oks, Miviorandum Rooks, and Time Rooks, lira icing, Trac- ing and Tissue Taper, Fori folios, and P H 00 GRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds1, Maynard di iVovcs,' and David's Inks, Mucilage, Sheet Ml U SIC, i r Music Paper t and JVote Rooks. All f Which he "will Sell at the Lowest Prices. A General Vuiirtyof Drugs and Faicnt Medicines. Constantly on hand, for sat O trg- School Teach.ers, and parents of Schol ars will find it to their advantage t inspect my stock and prices, before purchasing else where. ' KTSr Rooks Imported to Or. Orders res pectin!'' solicited and prompsly tilled. 2P Agent fur the San Francisco Times, and Eastern periodicals, and papers. JO.u. N M.P.ACON. V. F. HIGKFIELD, Establislied since lS40,at the old stand, IMktn Strut, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment cf Watche, Jew elry, and Si tii Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. KPpainngs done on snort notice, and thankful for past favors. e CLAEK GSEEUMAH, o Citv Dravmnn. t&gsMtSzZS OREGON CITY. All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, Mill be exe cuted promptly audwilh care. WALLAMET RON WORKS COMPANY ! Enron IPon Eaglet's, EEUCfR!E4 And Boiler Builders ! Xorth Front and E sT. Portland, Oreffon. rpIll'E WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the l bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and hare facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and ei'Iicienth. We have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years gives him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds Of machinery required for mining and milling puqics. We arc prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MIXING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOCKING MUX! SA'.V MILLS QUARTZ MILLS ! I MIXING 1'CMrS ! ! Manvfxrlurf an I Repair MacVtn.fru of ail l-inds. JIiON$llFTEIl WORK at San Fnincixeo coot and frei'jht. Wheeler d Ilan daJCs Patent Grinder and Amalgamator. Ihinlar's and Steven' Self Aljnttinn paUnt PUUtn. Fackih'j, either applied to obi or new n'eain ciindir. (Jnartz stamper, Shoes and dks,if the, but t Aj-d iron- o o mm "fsx m r x CHAS. HODGE. . CUAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W. SHELL. HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IX DRUGS and MEDICINES, FAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, rAEXISIIES, EE US TIES, PAINTERS Materials, ana jsruyjists' Sundries. r Front Street, Portland, Oregon. bo. .DIRECT IMPORTATIONS, tt AND ELEGANT STYLES 0 -OF- Bed-Room SUITES. Ju&t received and placed in the wareroems, KURSEEH & SKiNDLER ! 10G, 108, 170, 173 First street, corner of Salmon, PORTLAND, OREGON. rARLOR SETS IN TERRY, IN PLUSH, AND IN HAIR-CLOTTI. ew Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment f HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE! Lounges and Spring beds. The trade supplied with goods in original packages, on reasonable terms. J1URGREN k SHINDLER. JJAHLOW o ' IN THE HOTEL Business Again. II .AVISO TAKEN GFO. A. SIIEPPARD as copartner in the business and leased the celebrated CJ.1FF HOUSE, otOreion City, for the term of one j ear.we would sa; to the public, come on, we are ready for you, and will accommodate you to the best of ur ability. IJAULOVV & SIIEPPARD. August 21 .-tf. MERICAX EXCHANGE. (late LINCOLN JW USE,) No. SI Front street, Portland Orrgm. L. X W. QUIMBY, rnorRHSTon, (Late of If extern Hotel.) This house is the most" commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be thten- dearor or ttie proprietor to make his gu;sts comfortable. The Raggage Wagon jvrih al ways be found at the landing on the arrival of steamships and river boats, carrying lag gage to the house free of charge "XTEW COLUMBIAN HOTEL. L 0 o Cor. FRONT and MORRISON Sts PORTLAND, OREGON. The most Comfortable Hotel in the City. Hoard and Lodging, from one to two dollars per day, according to rooms Qccupied. Free Coach to and from the house. tf ED XV A RI) CARNEY- Proprietor. ISiE W YORK HOTEL. No CDoHtfches GafthiuisA 17 Front Street, oiiposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland, Oregon. IX. E0TKFCS, J. J. WILKEWS, PROPRIETORS. Poard jier Week $5 00 44 with Lodging 6 00 44 44 Day. lo QOS3IOPOL1TAX HOTEL. FORMERLY ARRIGONPS, FRONT St., PORTLAND. W.R.SEWALL and J.B.SPHENGEE P R O P R I E T O R S . The Proprietors of this well known IIon.e having superior accommodationsuarantee entire sfiisfictjn to nil guests. 1X3, The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to convey passengers and baggage to and Irom the Hotel, free of charge. (4etf Oliice Oregon and California Stage Co. S. I). SMITH. The OCCIOI Geo. B. COOK. imr al, FOKMEKLT YESTEIIX HOTEL. Cor. First and MorrisorTSfreefs. PORTLAND, OREGON. R7T Messrs. Smith & Cook have taken this we l known Hous, refitted and refurnished it througliout, built a large addition, making ihjrty- more jileasant rol-r.is, enlarged the dining and sitting room, making it br far the best Hotel in Portland. A. call froni the traveling pub'ie, will satisfy th.-m that the above fciatemenfs are true. SMITH t COOK. Pronrietors. N. B. Hot and cold baths attached. 4('.tf R. G. SXEATII. WHOLESALE GROCER, 32 Front Street, Portland. GOODS BY THE PACKAGE, FOR CASH, AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES, and Freight. O 3" Orders Promptly filled in San Francis- co, if desiitd. Hendee's Photograph Gallery. KS- THE ONLY PLACE IN PORTLAND where you arc sure of getting No. 1 Pictures at all times is at Hendee's Gallery, corner of Fir.-t and Morrison streets, where he is as well prepared to do all kinds of work as any Gallery in Oregon, and will guarantee as good satisfaction for all bis woik as caa be had in the State. Pictures of every kind can be had at short notice. Old Pictures can be copied, enlarged ar,H retouched in L dia Ink, or Oil Colors. AT LOWER PRICES THAN ANV OTHER I 'LACE. ; 4g Gm 0 ILL AAIETTE XUIiSERY. Season of liGO 70. G. W. WALLING & Co. would call f3 , the attention of the public to their large and wel! assorted stock of tine fruit tree3 and shrubbery, consisting of choice varieties of CHERRIES, PLUMS, PEARS, ArRlCOTS, PEACHES, NUTS, RASPBERRIES, Ac., Ac. XW Tersons desirous of purchasing trees should call and examine our stock, which is the largest ard best in the State. Orders (with the cash) sent to the Nursery will be prompely filled ard forwarded. KS" Exit a care taken in packing Trees. Address all orders to G. AV. WALLING & Co., 4Gtf Oiwcgo, Clackamas County Oregon-