1: . o o O G o o G O G o o G O O G o 0 O o o G o o o o o o o O o 5 G o G o o o o O o o o (a) o o o o 0 O o 1 SI 0 4 c Zljc lUcekli (Enterprise. L-r TOWS ASD COpTTY. a There will be an address to the Teachers in the Sabbath School, at the Congrega Ijonal Church on Sunday morning. The cold snap of the pa?t two weeks, lias at length succeeded in " manufactur ing" ice on the ponds in this vicinity, suf ficiently strong on Thursday to admit of t-katinpr by the juvenile, and youth of our city. The weather is moderating. - . Some littie Miss of Oregon City who is mourning the loss of Ler fur cape, which was accidentally- left upon t'Si street one evening last week will perhaps be re jo$?ed to learn that she may find the same upon application at this ofiice. Mr. John W. Lewis met with an accident on New Year day, which rendered the in coming of 1870 rather unhappy to him. While walking about Lis premises, he re ceived a fall through an uncovered place, injuring him severely. He is now able to be about town, however. The store of Thomas Charman, hjlhis place, is generally u scene of activity. Ad ditional seasonable goods are rocei ved y t'vrry steamer, and theQproprietor se-crnj determined to keep his shelves replete with the best assortment, if possible. Call and inspect Lis stock. - m I, "Moke Light.'" Last week Messrs. C W.Tope A Corrected a lamp at their cor ner. 'Lis impressed the City Council favorably and they have orderePlhe put ting up ofs-even more lamps at the cross ings on Main street. This is a move in the right direction, and will be duly appre ciated by our citizens and business men whose occupations require them to be out aftci dark. ! . TitVNKS We are under ni;iny obliga t ions to two of our friends. ' Pj:oki;xii;s," ami "Sigma," who have favored the Ev ti:i3t.isk. with excelltt articles this week. Next week ' Tho Twin Sisters ; a lieiniiii.s ccirc, by Lena.'' will appear. It would luxe appeared this week, but it is a lie:ivt!iy article and was crowded out by news matter. Such favors are always ac ceptable and will l)e duly appreciated. A X::w E.vrEnriusK. Mr. Win. Singer is 1 usilr engaged in filling up Lis shop and machinery for the manufacture of doors, saslij blinds, and ( doing turning and moulding work. His machinery ;s in fine trilir and will be propelled by water power. This enterprise will supply a de mand long needed in this community. Heretofore we have had to sen(T)to Portland)!-such articles, and itt-ur 'the cost of transportation in addition to the cost of the articles themselves. Now we can have doors, sash and blinds manufactured at home as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere, and thereby avoid the extra cost of transportation. TV." PKJt am'k. From a communication received from C. Peal, Esq., (J. W. C. T. of Oregip. we learn that on the 28th of De cember he organized n. Ilge of Good Templars in Dayton, lamhill Couy, knoiyn as Dayton Lodge No. 108. The Lodge had II Charter members, and the following officers Qere elected : JohnJarey. . .V. r. Jfj-bn 1 toward Edward, Leslie. . . Mrs. P.;eter . . . W. C. T. . . W. Y. T. W. S. . . W. A. S. . .W. F. S. W. T. W.M. ...W.D.M. . . ..W.C. P. W.C.T. L. D. li. K. Swick .Miss ('a rev. .0. John .Moore Mi Watson Pev. John Howard, (j'eiiei'ul Palmer . . . C. II. Walker - A M.o!'KL P.viu.ou Mah.yzixk For beau ty of typography, artistic engravings, andJpbravelv nirmoQt' everv obstacle and high-toned literary articles, together with u large and beautiful display of the fash ions. DemOresl's Monthly Miyazine is cer tain!?5 unsui passed. The January num ber?jnst received, in addition to unusual hold y atti a ition?, has a fine steel por trait of both Mr. and .Mine. Demorest. Tl e ricf) display of novelties offered in Demo res!'. Monthly would seem to be enough to secure a cit dilation sufficient to satisfy its publishers, but in addition we see they p opose to give a very large and fine en graving to each subCpber, va'ued at $10. The engraving alone would make a ve$J) appropriate Holiday or Birthday gift ; but when added to the easily Picture the best Parlor Magazine is included, to be a monthly reminder of the friendly feeling of the giver, there is certainly t(o better way of investing $3. Address Demo rest's Monthly, 38 Proadwav, N. Y " A Blaze oi- Pkai ty."' The Tictorial Phrenological Journal for January, 1870, appears in bright array. A new form, new types, numerous rich illustrations, with sound and sensible reading matter renders this the b:st ev issued. It con tains Ilea. S. S. Fisher, of the U. S. Patent Ofiice; l)e Lesseps, of the Suez Canal; President Cespedes. of Cuba; George Pea-! body; Dr. Tisvhendorff, the eminent Bibli- cal Scholar; Portraits of the Kaffir, and j Austridian Paces; progress of Science j Steam. Electricity, Scientific Discovery. 1 .vn.iioiuy, i m.-ioiogy, .ueuiciue, i uienoi-j ogy ; Brain Waves How thought and sen- j tinient are transmitted; What can I q Pe.st?-The Faces We Meet-What they j . -i i,t :.. i r...i;: -1,1 t tell us ;An Afternoon at '-CS0;' The : OTTasn WaisfJ-Its physiology; Application i -lis culture; Our Agricultural Resources n.....T.t.-. ' " , ..ct fin. i W "-' " j jKn, - e- a- Natural History win a uorse hair be- ,s ..! ..') ti, ir..,i.,t,., ;n,,;. i t. o t. - - .u ,i ted; Tho;Spo ge Its Origin, crrowth and r uses; Joan of Arc. This favorite Journal - has now reached iQ 50th vol.. and appears I in a handsome magazine for. We think it will prove even more popWar than ever before. Terms only S3 a year, or 30 cents ! a number. Now is'the time to subscribe ! fnr WTo .wc t n- .n, on i i , Address S. li. Wells, 381) broad- way, New York. Tlie Olil Year and tlie Sew. For the Enterprise." Q QTime, with unwearie-ir-and noiseless foot steps, has(todden the round of anotQ-r cycle and spread the shroud, of another victim. To-night we weep over a new made grave thegrave ot the old dead, year. Ere longrasses will grow and flowers bloom over' the sileat spot where side by side with the year that is gone lie buried wvDm affections, sweet friendships. misplaced confidences, precious things of life and valued treasures of the heart; all guarded by the mysterious lock; of the past which no key but memory can nr fasten until time shall be merged in eter nity. Before we enter upon the unknown afi)l untried paths of the future, look with me in retrospect over the past. How many changes are stamped upon the crowded pages of our memory! How many bright visions and castles in atir)lie low in the dust of time! Hgjvv many cherished plans and noble resolutions un accompijslied and unkept! Thoughts of sadness pome over us unbidden as we look at ourselves, and see the deep inroads and furrows of care the retreating waves of time have left upon the shore of our lives. The broken circle around the hearthstone, thevacant chair, the cheery voice that fell I Hivuiucu, uii me u.u , now nusueu iorever, reminds us that the light,and melody, and beauty of many a Lome lies shrouded and hushed in the deep stillness of the grave. Reverses of fortune, disappointed hopes and frustrated schemes, have combined to placeHhe boundless ocean or mountains crowned with perpetual snow between us and thosti, we hold most dear on earth. Confidence misplaced and betrayed has broken link by liak from friendship's chain .and robbed many a life of happiness and' peace. Hearts ao tree from stain as the voiceless lips of a (w)iyside flower.' have withered in silent agony, through restless nights and anguished days, pierced by the poignant darts of slander and calumny ; darts sharper than a sword's edge and pitiless as Lhe storm that rocks the frail bark and consigns the brave sailor to ar So like autumn laying her golden sceptre in the icy hand of winter, we lttye silently and Siy seen the garnered treasures of our hearts one by one laid low kiQarly graves. Wrecks are strewn around us on every side. And ct our days have not been without sunshine and true gladness. Fair flovlJYS-Jlloom in sheltered corners of memory's Dowers, lragrant wi:h sweet ors wafted from the blessed homes of Charity and Love. Pearls of friendship still grace our cliaplet, shining like bril lianttars in cur earthly heaven. (Kature with her singing birds andOare flowers, sparkling fountains and murmuring streams, broad plains and shadowy jwpods, p ringing hills and snow covered moun tains, has furnished us with an ever deep ening spring of delight. And God the creator ot all. has stooped to comfort and to bless in the dark hours of sorrow and trial known to every hyai t and carefully guarded from every eye but His. And now with tears of mingled "gladness and sadness we say, Old Year farewell! and slowly "lake up the burden of life again," and go forward to meet the New Year. Cheerily he wreaths Irs fa-:e in smiles to meet nd. though cradled in the lap of win ter. Cheerily and hopefullyiot us follow him through the new and ihVrica piths of his realm. Wo know not what ftieeom itsgyear mw have reserved for us of joy orQiief S? know- not whether our hearts will be rung with anguish, or our eyes dimmed with bitter tears. Whatever may await, us let us oquipoourse ves for the i - Conflict and prepaiefora glorious victory. P 1 hough darkness close arou'id us, let, our course be ever onward toward the lfghr. We must not pause nor he:ita!e. As a tender flower in days of's'orm and gloom cannot enclose itself iu (he bad acain to escape tne driving lempest, so we mug) struggle through midnijjhlQlooni into the broad sunlight of noonday. (X"t ns aspire to higher aims and nobler ends than we have ever before desired.O Eadi (n ; hasa grand life worK to do and but a few short years in which to .ctjomplish it. Though we may not all ImV gleaners in,jhe(same; field, we maj'each improve our talents in the way that God points out. The pre cious seeds Of charity and love must be sown and watched with care, that no dis cordant weeds m ty check their growth. Time is rolling swiftly toward etornify?s bioa. ' tliore, and there in the shining sand will imprint a lecord of our individual lives. JThis should incite us ti renewed zeal and action. Remember thaf, lhe in fluence we exQ't, the deeds that we do.and the thoughts that we think, will go out into the world for weal or for 'the, upon hearts we know no, and perhaps may rever know. And whether that influence will be for gJapd or for evil let each one of us decide. toCihiy. Shall we walk in paths (h;ulowed by the sullen gloom of-caivand discontent.or shall we throw operHhe dark chambers of our hearts ami let in the bright sunshine and genial warmth of sweet content and happiness? Shall we yield ourselves to the petty demands and unsatisfactory routine of fashionable society." or shall we reach forth gratefully towards the freedom and blessedness af forded by an active and useful life. The one tends to dwarf d obliterate every pure imagination, exalted sense, and re fined taste ; the other leads us onward to gates of power, which touched Chy the spring of ae(fi)m, 11 v open to, reveal our invges cast in a finer mould-arid occupy- mg t.is portion.? oi trust and r.svfuliia.ss P1'1" VT' u l ,u "uuu incni lo occnp) Ibtfe ' i inn sniirt. t,- iui No so n t docs :.. - the bud lose itself in the blossom than its fair beauty is consumed by the cl.iilv vat of d'eatb. Then let the vear 1S70 itwn-cf T 1 " onThhtf?l .vs n seasons come and rn snnmr with its glad green fields and opening flowers summer wrai ripening fruits and fresh '"T" y. 1aIltumn with ?old .n ph ?ndV'u 11 treasures, and w.nter with j,jiu,iiv netvs ,uiu irozen oreaih. mav each one leave a happy record upon memory's lt,af- oa-v ,lle cl)im,ls of hlessed charity. noury iocks and irozen breath, mav each uo .v t'ole, constr.nt faith, arnl love fri- , .i,,..,. ,i ; 1 ' 1,,, ; , .1 I . ""din- o h ach g"C- when Ad, one of t T M.Alu The woi a,Zinld to ? TrT I !PVP f A,X? an1 4?01 sha,11 H ? ' l..fi?I,H' .m:y.the . - Mc uaSrani witQ memories of a well spent life, long after our bodies tiave mouldered into dust. Sigma. XT Saddlerv.J. H.cSchram, of this City , i3 now manufacturing the best Saddlery and Harness in the State. He will have ai east 50 sets of all grades) fronAne to com mon, finished and ready for sale next month, and more than that number of Saddles. oHe is bound to make a trade with any manjrho wishes to buy of him. He uses both Oregon and Cahtornia leather in his establishment, and his work beara most excellent reputation abroad. We hope that citizens of our own county will think of this-wheu they wfht any articles in his line. Asthma. Jonas MrhitcomVs Bt7ieI. Prepared from a German recipe obtained by the late Jonas Whltcomb, in Europe. It alleviated this disorder in bis case, when all other appliances of medical skill had been abandoned by him in despair. InQo caseCbf a purely asthmatic character, has it failed toQive immediate relief, and it has effected many permanent cures, t con tains no poisonous or injurious properties whatever ; an infant may take it with perfect safetv. ZThe above named preparation- is manu factured solely by the Pnpi liters. The name and title thereof is adopted as a Trade Mark, to secure) the public and Proprhtors against iwpoi-itiovQby the introduction of spurious a r-HclesQAl-l unauthorized use of this Trade M(Qk itr'ul be promptly prosecuted. JoSErn Ucexett & CoIagufacturers and Proprietors, No. 27 Central street, Boston. For Sale by Jiruggitts everywhere. A Household Elixir Adapted to all CLi.'tfAts.-J.t would tie a happy thing for the world if all the excitants at --.resent usejji in the practice of medicine, could be swept cutref existence, and HOSTETTEli'S STOM ACH BITTERS substituted in their place. In California, seems possible that this de sirable substitution may one d.i- lie accom plished. Certain it is, that the great vege jtablk toxic is gradually displacing them, and that the confidence of the people in its sanitary and saving properties, increases with every passing year. " Figures that cannot lie," show this to be the fact. No medicinal preparation enjoys the like popu larity among; all classes aud conditions, in every scctiVii ot the State. (As an appetizer, a general invigorant, a remedy for indiges tion, a cure for intermittent and remittent fevers, a ntle cathartic, a specific for flatu lency at.d sour stomach, a gentle diuretic, a iicrvine. a blood-epurnt, a specific for sick Le:i3acne, a mild anodyne, and, above all, as a rnoTECTiox against epidemics, it is un questionably the STANDARD MEDICINE f the whole Pacific territory, the towns and cities it is literally a household staple. Mothers believe in it. They find it a "pre sent help iu time--of trouble,'' a sjfe and pleasant remedy for the various auments to which their sex is exclusively subject. Men believe in it, because it refieslies and invig orates the body and the miud, and tones both without exciting either. O o llcligious Services. St. Pauls (EpiscopaKChurch, the Rev. John W. tSelhvood, rector. Services on Sunday at lo a.m. and 7 P. m.q Sunday School 1st Congregational CiiSrch.. . . . .Scats Free. 10.45. . .12 o'clock AI. 7 o'clock. Acting Pastor h Morning Services, r-annatli School, Evening Services, Hf.v. E. (Jkkkv, (J 1KAYEKSIKET1N(;S, Sunday evening, Tuesday evenlr.g; " o .5 o'clock .7 o'clock. M. E. Church,.. . . ..Seats tTi-ee. Morning Services, Evening Sei vices, lo.3o, 7 o'clock. SuCIAI. MKIT1N-3S. Class itfct tiui? followinfjr Aloinin.s Services. o Pravfer Meet ins; Tlnirsd.iy eveuinsr 7 o'clock, SabWh School at 2 o'clock P. M. Rev. C. W. Todd, 1'astor. SPECn i L NO TICES. Jiultiivtivali LioTgc Ko. 1, J, l' aixct Ti. A. SI. -Holds its rccrular eommuni 3Pv?' cations on the II rat and Third Sat f tirda m each month, at 7 o'clock, from tjie 2oih of September to the 20th of Mat ch, and 7 A o'clock from the 2oth of Alarch to the 20th of Septe.ntbej". lirethren m good standing are invited to attend. O By order of W. M. Ore: on I.ocie Xo. 3, I. O. or O. F. Meets every Wednesday even- 4jfe&M nS at 1 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's sjm Han, Main s ect. q pMernbers of the Order are invited to attend By order. O O. lit- Tecca. Degree Lotlge o. 3, 1. O. O. F". Meet on the Second and, Fourth TUESD.tY EVENINGS, of eaciir.onth, at 7 o'clock, in OJd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree ai e invited to attend. By order of N. G. o "VII.tmttcrJ.olse Ko. 131. O. G T Meots'every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to atlQid. - Uy ordr of W. C. TP WILLIAM DAyiDSO.V, QOffifc, 5o. Ot Front Street, A l ;.Jn;.-wr 41 TnlntrnT,1i Offico. "Port 1 j-ml flvp'T lTr-. -V.lJWiiiXl6 till- A. H.. SPECIAL COLLECTOR of CLAIMS, u Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims of every description, throughout Oregon and the Territories WILL BE MADE A St'ELJIALTY, arid promptly collected, as well ai with a due regard to economy in all business matters entrusted to his care and the proceeds paid over punctually. 40tf REAL ESTATE DEALER. O PAIN KILLER. No article ever attained to such unbounded popularity. r'iA'w Observer. q An arficlc Of great merit and virttfs. Clnn. Nonpareil. We cm bear testimony to the efficacy of the Fain Killer. We have seeu iu magic effects in soothing the severest pain, and know iD to be a good allele. Cincinnati iJispatch. A speedy cr.re for pain no' fami'y should be withcut it. Montreal Transcript. O Nothing 'has yet surpassed the PainT ller, which is the n ot valutble family medicine now iu ue. Tenn. Organ. It has real merit ; as a mpan of removing patn, no medicine has acquired a reputation Cpial to Pen y Davis' rain (Killer. Newport (A'y.) Daily News. It is really a valuable medicine it is used by many Physicians. Boston Traveler. O JOHN MYERS. Q. C. MYERS. JT MYERS & BROm UNDER THE COURT HOUSE, 'OB EG OX CITr, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IX o IltY OOI)S, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HiRDWARE, O We also constantly keep on hand SALEM CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, o TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, o O Which ws will sell at the Factory Prices, ana wm take wool in exenange. O o J5FWe will also pay the highest prtee for Butter. Eggs, and all kinds of good conutry produce. We will sell as low as any bouse in Oregon for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. gfS" Give us a ealL and satisfy vourselvcs. O Q 0 Thomas Charman ! O - O Successor to CHARMAN BRO., HpiIE DEATH OF MY BROTHER HAS JL compelled me again to change the name of the firm of CHARMAN & BRO. to that of THOMAS CHARMAN having purchased of the estate fill the interest held by my broth er in the stock of good. owned by Charman p & iSrother, taking effect January 3d, ISO'J. Will be Carried on as Usual .ANI,A FUEL STOCK q Will be kept uj?by me, and will consist, in part, of the following branches of trade : Dry Goods an) Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots n?ul Shoes, Notions. Perfttmeru . j j Paints, Oils, Colors, q Dye Stuffs and Varnish, Queensicare, Crockery & Lamps Sash, Poors, and Window Blinds, Ilardioart, Tools and Cullery, Hop?., and Nails Of Every Description. I ash- Especial Atlmltbn to my FINE TEAS,G COFFEE AND SUGAR. GROCERIES OF EVERY VARIETY. Farming implement o OF ALL KINDS. 5Attention will be paid to any business left with me on Commission. Noticb. My I.usiness with all who favor me with their patronage, will be done on a G01.0 kasis but Legal Tender will be re ceived at UiOnavket quotations. JjfF" I desire to say to alt who favor me with their patronage that I shall use my best ability to please them, nd all orders shall meet with prompt attention? My facilities for doing business are as good as any bouse in Oregon, and I pledge myself to sell as Cheap as any House in good standing in the State. I will not be undersold by any one Please give me)a call and examine for your selves. Thanking run for past favors, q I remain, (liespectfuViv vours, w THOMAS CHARMAN. O O o TO o ISSTILTAT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CiTYj OREGON. O WHERE HE WOULD INVITE HIS friends and the public ili general to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment o-Q Q o O o Clollaiis Hoots sintlSIiocs, o . . c II sits sin cl Csipsf Q ' O o arclwsi.i'CJ e o Jjr Hating frorc many j-ears1 experience learned thatQ THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SKAI-L PROFITS! 13 DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Sdence the Cry of Portland Prices ! Oregon City, August 23th, ISOS.q O . Q JPARR & MORPJSS, BUTCHERS. OFOR OREGON CITY AND VICINITY. Will deliver to their patrctis all the best qualities of Stall Fc5 Beef, ilso Mutton, Pork; Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, cn TuesdaysQtind Saturdays I Thankfal for past favors of the public tvou!d respectfully al-:s a continuance of the same. N. B. An ibuudautiUpply of good poultry on hand. ISAAC FAUR, P. D. MOliRISS.O J2- Sunday School and Gift Books ! ITROM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOClE ty and Various other Publishing louses ! For sale by the subscriber, onJeffersoa st. between 2d and 3d, Ponland, Oregon. O. 1L ATKINSON, Secretary. 52.1J and Ticas. Oregon tract Society. G a LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y! o 4JJ- of Tut: O United States ofAmerica, o IVASIIIXGTOX, D. C. Branch Office at Philadelphia, Where the business of the Company is transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. Qo O DIRECTORS J Philadelphia, CIar?nce Il.Clark, .Tay Cnokp, F. Ratchfoid Starr, Jc Hinckley Clark, Geo. P. Tyler, W. G. Moorhead. n "Washington, Henry I). Coot.e, E. A. Rollins Wm. E. Chandler, John D. Defrceg. New York, Edw. Dodge, II. C. Fahnestock. O O OKFICEIIS t o o CLAREXCE II. CLARK President JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance O And Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice P-esident. EMERSON W.PEET, Secretary and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMITII.M.D., Medical Director, D J. EWING MEARS. M. D.. Assistant. WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, I). C, audGKO. HARDING, Philadelphia, Attorneys. O Tlie Most Successful Life o Insurance Company of a The World I o o Having issued in ths ftrt TEN months of its existence, - O .3,395 Policies, o - INSURING 15,142,800 Dollars! -o- o o O This Company affords to its Policy Holders PERFECT SECURITY! u Br its Cash paid up Capital of One Million Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured, 'O by its 9 Low Rates of Premium !o o LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, OR A REVERSION Alt Y DIVIDEND OF O 100 TER CENT. BY ITS Return Premium Plan ! O O -o- O Wells, Fargo & Co. GENERAL (AGEXTsP FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. E. HALE MANAGER. O o A. I. EliMS, M.c3., AGEST FOR OREGON. OFFICE IJf CHEF'S BUILDING, (Up stairs, lict; Front and First sts.) ENTRANCE ON STARK STREE1 PORTLAND, Oregon. S. D. POPE, LOCAL AGENT, O OREGON CIT Yi O O o GENERAL AGENTS i 0 JAY COOKE fc CO. No. 216 Broadway, N.Y. General Agents for New York and North crn New Jersey; J. U; Orvis and D. C. AVbitman; Managers. E. W. CLARK it CO. Bankers, Xo. 33 South Third street, PhiladelpniaGeneral Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer- sey. C. S. Russell, Manager.- JAY CU0RE k CO. Washington, General Southern -igeut-9 E. S. Tufneh Mafaager. O .0 . J. A. ELLIS A CO. Chicago, General Agents for Illinois Wisconsin, Iowa and Mhin: o JOHN W. ELLIS & t)0 No: 112 Walnut St Cincinnati, tifenefal Agents for Ohio and Central and Seuiherti Indiana. S; A. KEA iVjCO. Ceiroit, Generd Agents for Michigan and Northern-Indiana. D. W. Kean, Manager, . Q X. B. EDGAR, St. Louis, General Agent for Misf Ouritind Kansasr C. Orvis, Manager. ROLLINS & CHANDLER; Boston? General Agents for New England and Eastern Provinces of Canada J. PTnckcr Man ager. JOHNSTON BROTHERS &0. Baltimore, General Agents for Maryland, W. A.Wi- t . o WM. DOUGLAS, JR., bfittesl, -General Ggect for tlie Domiaion of-CaaaU. NATIONAL . a p DIRECT IMP(gATION! M'CORMICK'S n MAMMOTH STOCK O QF p . TOYS, FANCY GOODS, o YANKEE NOTIONS, GIFTS, PRESENTS. BOOKS, - For the Holidays of 1869 '70, ha arrived. DIRECT F20M SEW TOM, Ani3 Xow en Exhibition At SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS I o 105 FROST ST., PORTLAND, O o Where Every Purchaser Will Find The Largest Stock ! The Greatest Variety !! o o Tjie Cheapest Prices!!! ji?This immense Stock having been purchased for currency in NewYork. will be sold to dealers and others in coin, at O LESS PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE! o o Strangers and citizens will find SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS a most in teresting place to visit as the gorgeous array of new novelties, and the thousand comical toys therenxfgive-ihe store the ap pearance of ail Eastern Museum of n ftlOSl TIES PTSoie icTe:a may be arrived at as to the extent of Stock when it is known that of dolls alone there ara One Hundred and Fifty-five varieties 1 Making that Depart ment a perfectQ w BAZAAR OF BEAUTY": w O 33-Full Descriptive Catalogues qiow ready. fCall early to secure choicejjifts. Q rS, P. M'COItMICK, n52-Gr Agent for San fa Class. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! o. GREAT REDUCTION o IX TUB -PRICES OF- Fine Watches'. Rich Jewelry ! ! And Silverware ! Deateam Watches Jewelry ! lOT-Front Street. PprtlandfOregon. o . Would invite theatte'nticn of his friends and the public to bis Large and Choice as sortment of FINE WATCHES, from the most celebrated nakers of E. Howard & Co. Boston ; ApeLon & Tracey, P. S. Bartiett, Waltham, Mass.; Efgin Watches; Jacot's Self-wioding Watches English Watches and others. Also, a well selected stock of ladies Watches, of all description and styles, which he would be pleased to show to all who may favor him with a call. O 3 n O o FINE JEWELRY ana. SOLID blLVEE WARE, FALA'Cl" ARTICLES, SUITABLE FOR 1 IV LI DA Y O PRESENTS i Goid and Silver Watches, of different ma kefs. Diamond Pins, Ear rings, and Finger rings: Gold Bracelet.-'. Gold Chatelain Guards and Watch Chains. Gold Necklaces Armlets, Crosses and Lockets. Gold breast- Ein-i Earrings, and Finger-rings; Gold harms aud Keys. California Gold Rings and Bohms' Patent Bcckels. . Moss Agate Setts. Rings end Cuff Buttons": Wedding rings fflade of pure gbfd. expressly for that nurnose. Gold and Silver Thimbles. Opera and Marine Glasses, Pebble Specta cles and Eye-glasses: Solid Silver Napkin Rings. Silver Fruit findCButter Knives. Solid Silver Table and Tea Spoons. Regula tors; Scth Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, Gilt Galley Clocks, etc. C3? All the above articles gold Chean for t) Cash, and warranted as represented. Particular attention given to repairing and adjusting of Cfironometers;Duplex andAmer- ican v atcnes. . B. Tj. STONE. 3.tf 107 Froht street, Porllahd, Oregon. a. o . , 9-. . . A: G; WALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindefy OltEGONlAN BUIJbtHKG, M01 5 AV'asliifigton Street, O rORTLAND, OitEGON. G - BLAf?K BOokS RULED and BOUND to any desired pattern. . , MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound m every varietyoi 4ti.lo l-nntrn i 4lit ."-w-T i o v 7 n v .in. iiuul. .... Orders froni the country prbinhtiv S tended to. O A. j. MONROE; DeaUr(in California, Vermont and Italian Marble's, Obelisks Monuments Head and Foot Stones, Salem dkkGQN. Mntles and Fnrnitura Marble furuisbed o en to order. I -3t i WALTER BROS. CAltPETINGS VELVETS, o BEUSSELS, OIL - CLOTHS. WIND0WSHAES. PAMPER AN OIK S, lACE'CURTAIKS, &c.f We Would' Call the attention of'pCtf. lies fitting up houses, or leing t'rt need of anything in our line To (fir Stock, which is ONE QF Tit COMPUTES f On the PaciHc Const i Ou- Goods being specialty selected ai the Factories in England andttX Eastern States, we can seU AT THE LOWEST San Francisco PrfcCSv o 0 WALtER BtfOST.y Ho. 89 Front street, belweeti Alder 35.) and Washington, Porflrtfd Oregaii' OREGON F. 0PITZ,rPR0PRrgTW,' FIRST STREET, , P 0 RTDA O Be ti Washington? and StarJc sts. AIX. KINDS AXD QUALITIES W CEACKEES! BREAD, CAKES AND1 PASTRY QRACKERS Will al ways be sold below San Frartoteet ft'yttSf All oilers promptly attrncTed fo. OREGON BAKERY, Tirst st., Portland.- Ortqm. O ALBERT H. K ALLENBE R(5, CIi emist and Druggist, No. 73 FIRST STREET, " Bet. Stark and JVazhington. q PORTLAND, OREGON'. - AS" Physicians' Prescriptions CarefullT prepared, at reduced Prices. A complete assortment of Patent Medicines, Perfumer' ies, Toilet Articles, Fancy Soaps, etc., ow band and for sale at lowest prices. n6tf T3 Ha. J, H. HATCHT Late M tick 4- Hatch, DENTIST, The patronage of those desiring IttstAatt Vperatio-nx, is respectfully solicited-.- isatistaetton in all cases guaranteed. N. B. Nitrous Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Offick In Weigant's Dew btiildine. went side of First street between Alder and M-or-fison streets, Portland, Oregon. JENTAL NOTICE. HOME AOAiK. During my fotur of twoyeart in the Eastern States I haveC; spared neither time nor money fi hiakeitoyse'f er- fectJy familiar with and master of my pro- fession. Those desiring- the best work that the nature of the case will adhfit of can find me at my office, 107 Front street, two doors above McCormick'a Book Store, Portland Oregon. q DTt. J. G. GLENN; 5 "oi Jacob Stitzel. James B. Mrriht STITZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Brokers and Gene f at . Agents Corner of Fr&nl Wwl . . O ashtngtQn streets. PORTLAND, Wilhattend to the sale and purchase 6f Real Estate in all parts of Jbe City and State. , Special attention given to the sale of East Portland property: Address P. 0: Box 4f2, Portland. Orego. STITZEL & UPTON, 19'tf; lleaf Estate Broker$s , j;P. FERtlY, BROKER, roBTXJLxn. Orkgon. Cor. Fmmt and Washington Si. Agent Nortl British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and Manhat tan Life insurance Company. . $5Governirient Securities, Stocks.Bonds ahdReai Estate bought and sold on Com mission. p G. STEW AIM,. 0. 109 FRONT STREET", TORTLAND, OREGONV o Watchmaker . 9 And Jeweler. And Dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES. ANT. JEWELERS GOODS. Agent for Wilcox Gibbs' Letter "G" Sewing Machines, wbich are now being sold einely at cost, or whI- t-ale less thatf cost. Other goods at greatly reduced rates. B A K3EK Y! o o -I 0 i o O 7 O o o o 9 o o .0 - G- o O ' o