V o o o o 0 o o o (9 oo X o o o o o o o o 0 o o o O O o O O o o o o o o o O" o o o o O O o o o o O o o o Ml o i "i ufljclUcckln ntcvpri0c: TOWN AXD COr XT Y. Rev. Dr. Chandlers-ill preach this eve ning at 7 o'clock, at the Baptist Church. ...... Hon. Joseph S. Smith will please accept our thanks for public documents-received. The Salem2y2Ves6Mvill appear about ihe middle of next week. Success attecd it. - Union services will be hehLat the Con gregational Church, to-morrow evening. Sermon V" men. T The" new Odd Fellows' Hall building in this city, Las been treated to a coat of paint, which will materially aid in the preservation of its walls. . " -. . - Passenger couches have passed over the Una of the Oregon Central Railroad, on several occasions - this week. The turn table, at Parrolt's creek is finished, and the locomotive. James B. Stephens was turned about iu precisely sixty seconds, on Wednesday. '. We desire to call the attention of such of Cur readers as may be in need of pumps to the advertisement of Mr. C. II. Myer3, ia another column. The stock on hand is qnal to'any demand that is likely to arise for those articles in this State and we hope to hear that the enterprise of Mr. Myers, in this respect and all others, is Abundantly rewarded, by numerous cash ( sales. week that tliy import direct from New York many staple articles which they oiFer low to the trade. Good, practical farm ers, who can realize that the most bounti ful soil must Sometimes wear out, will be gratified to learn from this advertisement that Messrs. McCiaken, Merrill & Co. Lave also applied themselves to tin? importation of land plaster. Let tins fact be remem bered. . -tr -C v. ; The officers elected by Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. O. O. P., for tliiPensuing tcna, are as follow: F. O. McCown. N. G. E. 15. Fellows. V. (r.. J. M. Frazcr. Secretary. D. C. Ireland., i . S i Thomas Charnian. Treasurer. q- Trustees A. J. Epperson, Tbos. Char 'pn. and X. W. Randall. ! . t - On Thursday the work of putting in a side track and switches, at the Oregon Central Railroad station, in this city, was commenced. The station is at present lo cated midway between Sixth and Seventh streets. The side track will cover the dis tance of about six blocks--perhaps 1200 feet. . The stations) cau now be best ap proached by the alley through the jail block, but should that site be permanent- !y fixed lor the depot, then Sixth and Sev enth streets, (east of Main street,) and that portion of Bluff street lying;betwcen tbe two, must necessarily be considerably improved. O The Portland Eceninj Commercial, of the 28th, pays the Oregon City Water Works and fire department the following tribute. From the elevated nature of the ground 1 . i ig immediately to the back of Oregon City? and the admirable facilities for se curing a good h :ad of water, bv means of icservoirs, the people of thai" place are ffol 'compelled to procure, at a considera ble outlay, fire engines, for their mutual protection against lire. All that the pres ent i-'iie Department of Oregon City con fists of. is two hose companies, and one hook and ladder company ; mains connec ting with the reservoirs placed upon the blulf. several hundred feet above, and loading to numerous hydrants, situated iu various portions of the town, serving every purpose of engines. It is said that n stream of water can be thrown over the loftiest buildings." On last Saturday evening, and on Sun day morning, there were fire alarms in the city the first one at the residence ot J. l Moore, Esq., and thesccond at St. Paul's (Episcopal) Church. And but for the as sistance of the Water Company and Fire Department, property to the value of more than th(f works and apparatus cost, per haps, might have been destroyed. Every town should provide against conflagration ere thev experience the necessity for such tl unfs. Oregon Lity sunereu ner loss, in this respect, years ago, but now the busi ness portion of the place is comparatively safe. As that affair between two of the most law-abiding citizens of Clackamas county, Mr. Clark Greenman, our City drayman, and Josiah Howell, Esq., of Canemah, has become a topic of considerable comment, in private circles, we deem it our duty, as a journalist, to state the facts ia the case. A friend who witnessed the whole trans action, says that the following is a true account : " Mr. Greenman had arrived at the sta tion wilh a dray load of supplies for (he Clackamas mess house, among which was a quarter of beef, lie was growling"' goeRl naturedly about the wagon road, and spoke to Mr. Unwell, telling him that he. was to watch the beef, lroni the dogs about there. Howell replied, iu substance, that he was not paid to waleb beef. lie was employed iu the construction of a water-tank for the Railroad company, and at yiat time was upon the plat firm support ing the tank. Mr. Gwcnnian made some reply to Mr. Howell, neither of the gentle men appearing to be angry. Thus, '-one word brought on another,1' until Howell jumped down from the tank, picked up a piece ot plank, and wattced toward Green man, who. by this time, had descended from his dray, and taken a dray-stake iu his hands. Not another word was said ; for both were very busily employed ; and by the time Mr. Greenman had unloaded hi.- dray Mr. Howell was again upon the tank, fitting the aforesaid piece of plank . to a place which hSd been reserved for it. People can form their own conclusions not a blow was struck, except by Jo., who hit a nail several clips, iu fastening the plunk d'jwr..'- CIIltlSTJMAS EVBIXOHEGOX C1TYV For the Enterprise. o ; It was a stormy-night ;Che rain fell in torrents ; such a rain storm as often visif3 Oregon, and wouluadd gloom to the most joyful ogvasion. Learning that there was to be a Christma3 tree at St. Paul's Episco pal Church, we buttoned on our overcoat and started through tbe drivingstorm for the Cffitrch. Arriving there we-found the Church well filled with the children of the Sunday School their teachers, parents and friends. The Christmas tree, the great feature of tbe occasion, yra3 placed near the pulpit, and a more beautiful tree it has never been our pleasure to Witness. It was richly laden with a great Variety of presents, and was most tastefully deco rated and illuminated with wax tapers. The children occupied Ihe front pews of one side of the house with their teachers. ThooschoolgDu rubers some -sixty pupils. It was a pleasing sight "to 6ee so many children gathered together on this occa sion, and as we observed how orderly and quiet th'y were, we could not but believe that the Episcopal Sunday School was do ing a great work for the children, and doug it well. The Cbnrch was beauti fully decorated. Wreaths of ev.ergreen were hung graceful y'from the ceilingnd twined around the windows. Wreath's also adorned the sides of the building.and between the windows were placed appro priate mottoes, surrounded with boughs of cedar. On the wall behind the pulpit was placed the cross with the letters I. II. S., arid to the right the star, illustrative of the star that appeared to the wise men of the East. Across the end of the Church. arched above the cross, was the most arPj propriate sentence : " Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given."- We thanked God that so many were celebrating so glorious an event ; that all over the world wh?re the gospel of Christ vv1 preached there was joy, yeaOuelCjoy only as inspires hopes, hope and faith, a joy far exceeding all earthly joy drawing the thoughts away froiHyC-arth and chaining them around the throne of God. Sweet images of a pure child, proclaimed on Bethlehem's plain, heralded by angels, pobTted out by a star, sung of by ancient prophets, Tilted across our memory. His youth, how He was obedient to His par ents. His public ministry, the mighty mir acles lie wrought, the scorn and hatred of the Jews, His cruel betrayal and cruci fixion on the shameful tree, and His tri umphal ascension into Heaven from the( Mount(oof Olives, and a free salvation offered to a sinful world, were floating in rapid succession before the mind's eye, when "we were aroused by the sweet strains of music swelling forth in a joyous pa.an of praise. The children carolling a thrilling Ciristmas hymn. Mrs. Sellwood presided at the organ. The organ and the children seemed to be inspired by the oc casion, and as the carol was wafted out on the night wind we knew the angels were hovering near, their golden harps were swelling more gloriously around the great white throne, a song so rapturous that the plains of Bethlehem alone could hear buonce. After the children had sung several carols the rector, Rev. J. W. Sellwood, asked the children some questions pertain ing to the Christmas festival. The child ren then sang Kibbs' beautiful evening hymn Sun of my soul Thou Savior dear," xc. Mr. Sellwood, Esq then made a short address, in which he spoke of the reasons why we celebrate with joy the birth of Christ. The rector followed in a few r& marksto the children and parents, which were eloquently expressed and left a deep impression on all. ' Gather around the Christinas tree." was then sung with ninch spirit, after which the presents were dis tributed. Many a bright smile crept over the faces of the children as they received their gifts. We were sorry when the ex ercises were over and we had to breast the storm again ; and we thought that the storms on earth never cease, and that the work of rescuing the lost of working in the Sunday School must go on generation by generation, and day by day. The eve ning was spent, the chi'dren were joyful, and we went Lome tadream of roast tur key and plum pudding for the morrow and a merry Christmas for all. li. A. On Monday evening last, at about 7 o' clock, as the steamer Albahy was about two miles above Humphrey's rapid , four miles above Independence, the wrist pin fastening the connecting-rod to the cranlv of the wheel on the right side, came out. Being released from all restraint the steam forced hc piston through the cylinder, crushing out one head, and throwing heavy pieces of broken iron ptomiscuous Iy about, carrying away a portion of one of the stanchions. Fortunately no person was hurt. The boat ran down to this citv with one engine, and is being repaired, and will be out again in a few days. The P. T. Co., are entitled to much credit for the cneigy with which they repair damages, and accommodate the miblic. The Washington correspondent of the Eugene State Journal saya : Senators Williams and Corbett. and Representative Smith, of Oregon, are all here, and have taken np their winter quar ters. Mr. Thompson, of Oregon City, is in the city to attend to business connected with the General Land Office relating to surveying in Oregon last summer. A con tract was let by the Surveyor General to Mr. Thompson and others amounting to 5-0,000. to survey lands in Eastern Ore-r Son. The Commissioner here assumed to cancel the contract, but has finally agreed vii me ease oeing laid ueiore mm oy ir. T.. to allow $13,000. and will probably allow the whole amount. A Chinese thief was captured on the 29th and lodged in the jail of this county for our taxpayers to feed until the tfext term of court, O Oregon City Prices Current, . rTlie following are the prices paid for produce, and the prices at which other ar ticles are selling, in this market : - WHEAT White, ri bushel, 70 cS. OATS bushel. a7j cts. POTATOES t) bushel. Z7k(7?A0 cts. ONIONS bushel. $1 0!!(W ?1 50. FLOUR-i bbl. SI 00 $150. 0 BEANS W hite. H ftv ; efs DRIED FRUIT Apples, lb., 4P.5c; Peaches. c lb.,10 ie'c; Plums, B 7(X jlo cts.; uurrants. r rb.. 10()20 cts. BUTTER ib., 30 ctQ EGGS dozen. 30(.33 cts. O CHICKENS dozen. S'2 ZQfy-A 00. SUGAR Crushed, "S lb., 20 cis.Vlsland T t., 10I2J cts. ; N. O., lb., 15 cts.; San Franciscfirefined, fr . lih cts. TEA Young Hyson, f lb., $1 50 ; Ja pan, lb., 90eSl 25 ; Black. "A Ib.oe. SI oo. o COr FEE f If.., 2225 cts. SALTCT-p ibt lj3"cts. SYRUP Heavy G"olden. en?' 1.. SI ; Ex. Heavy Golden. t gall., SI 00($1 10. BACON Hams, lb.. 1G cts T Sides, 11 cts. ft).: Shoulders, 10 cts. VI7)UL T It)., 12 cts. OIL Devoe's Kerosene, "ft gall. $1 00 ; Linseed oil. raw. gall.. 80c. S 1 Go : linseed oil, boiled, gall., 1 ( 0. WOOL -Ti to., 20 fc. BEEF On foot, G its. ft). - POKK On foot. G cts. f ft. SHEEP Per head. $2 U0$2 50. HIDES-Gieen, jrV lb.. 5c. ; Drv, ft)., 10 cts. O TURKEYS SI 50 each. GEESE SI 50 each. 8PECIAT. NOTICES. d a A. 51. Hold's its regular communi cations on the llrstQnd TVwd Sat ' ttfJajs in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 2oth of September to the -2oth of March, and 7 i o'clock from the Yi'th of March to the 'JU'.h of September. Brethren in good standingare invited to attend. O By order of . T. M. Oregon. Loflgc Xo. 3, I. O. or O. F. Meets every Wednesday even JjF ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellow's Hall, Mam streets Member of the Order are invited to attend By order. It. CJ. Iteiecca Dcgixs f of jo. fi, I. Of O (J Meet on the Second and Fourth )XJ TUESDAY EVENINGS, of each month, at rT o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree aie invited to attend. By order of N. (J. "Willamette Linage 'o. 15 I. 0 Co Meets every Saturday evening at the rooms S.E. corner of Mam and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited tc attend. By order of W. C. T. A 1 L.L.1 .V5I DAvi DSOX, OiiUf, Ko. CI Fi-oul Stictt, Q Adjoining' the TelegraTih Office, Portland Oregon. SPECIAL, COLLECTOR of CLAIMS, Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims of every description, throughout Oregon andWlie Territories, WILL BE MADE A SPECIALTY", and promptly collected, as well as with a due regard to ecommiy in all business matters entrusted to Ids' care and t tie proceeds paid over punctually. ll'tf O UK AT, ESTATE DEALER. ' o : " " "- Valuable Land for Sale Cheap "We know of 4S(0 acres of good lands for sale in this county, being the land clfbn of J. Ij. Stouf, in what is known as tlie Knicrold Settlement. It will be sold ia lots to suit purchasers, on very fair terms. This land is only 12 miles from Oregon City. For further information apply to N. "W Randall, of this city, or of J. L. Stout, Unity, Baker's Bay, V. T., or of Andrew Stout, iu the above mentioaed settlement. 10:1 y SaDdleky. J. II. Schram, of tbJs City, is now manufacturing the best Saddlery and Harness in the State. He will have at least SO sets of all giQles, from fine to com mon, finished and ready for sale next month, and moie than that number of Saddles. He is bound loQjiake a trade with any man who wishes to buy of him. He uses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, and liis work bears a most excellent reputation abroad. We hope that citizens of our own county will think of this, when they waut any articles in liis line. ' HOLED AY PRESENTS! CGREAT R EJD U?C TION! JN THE PRICES OF- "Watches !o Eicli Jewelry ! ! And Silverware P II- JL. S T O WIS Dealer in W atclies Jewelry ! 107 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. o Would invite the attention of hisriend and tne the public to bis Lame and Choice as sent of FINL'WATLTIF.S, from the sortrr, most celebrated makers of L. Howard v Co. Boston ; Apebou & Tracev, P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass.; Elgin Watches; Jacobs Self-windins Watches; English Watches a'nd others. Also, a wll selected stock of ladies Watches, of all description and styles.w'nich he would be pleased to show to all who may favor him with a call. FLXfSfElVELRY and S0l.1l) IVAliE, FANCY ARTICLES, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY 0 EEESENTJ: Gold and Silver Watches, cf different ma kers. Diamond Pins, Ear-rings, rod Finger nns Gold Bracelets. Gold Chatelain Guards and Watch Chains. G$d Necklaces Vrmiets, Crosses and Lockets. Gold breast pins, Earrings, and Finger-rings, Gold Charms and Revs. California Guld Kings and Bohmes' Patent Backels. Moss Agate Setts, Rings end Cuff Buttons. Weddin"- rings made of pure gold, expressly for that purpose. Gold and Silver Thimoles. Onera and Marine Glasses, Pebble Specta cles and Eye-Masses. Solid Silver Napkin Rinc. Silver Fruit and Butter Knives Solid Silver Table and Tea Spoons. Regula tors, Seth Thomas Clocks, Marine Clocks, Gilt'lley Clocks, etc. 0 fT" All the above articles sold Cheap for CaVh, aud warranted as represented, "Particular attention triven to repairing and adjusting f Clirouometcrs,DuplexahdAiner ican Watches. " B. L. STONE. 3,tf 107 Front street, roruanu, ui"" A V CTION AND COMMISSION o O XT A. II. HielasaiMlsoiB, AUTIO jsPEER 1 CornerHof Front and Oak streets, Portland AUCTION SALES Of Real Estate, Groceries, General Merchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday A. J3. IIichardsox, Auctioneer. O AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Bar and Bundle Iron ; Knglish Square and Octagon Cast steel ; Horse shoes,fFiles, Rasps, saws Screws, Fry-pans, 4lieet iron, R. G- Iron ; also: . A large-assortmentof Groceries and Liquors A. B. Riciiabdson. Auctioneer New Illustrated Ork on California THE California0 Scrap Book ! A repository of useful information and select reading, comprisingQmoice selections of' Prose and Poetry, Tales, Incidents and Anecdotes, both Historical, Descriptive, Humorous and Sentimental. The compiler in arranging and combining material, has presented thcPwhole in an in terewtjng and attractive style. The brevity and vaiiely of topics render the work par ticularly entertaining. In this work will be Jkmnd facts Qid incidents on the Lives of the 4'ioneers, and ot the history of the State that make ics pages glow witithe fascina tions of a romance. A e confidently anticipate for tins bookj a larger sQe than anv work that has been circulated upon this Coast for many years. It is one large octavo volume of upwards of 700 pages, pring,d on elegant paper, handsome type, with numeroas spirited en gravings, illustrating Seenery,Charaetei-,&c. It-is sold only through canvassing agents, andVthose wishing territory to caiivass, should immediately apply. in person or by letter to the jmidcr.slgned. We have also just secured the General Agency fr the I'acTic Coat for the Cele brated Morse's Fountain Pens. Au excel lent article for agents. H. H. EANL'SQFT: & CO.? O Xuilis!nrs, O Cot' Montgomery St., jTrfit o San Francisco, Cat Thomas Gharman ! Successor to CH A JUST IN BRO.) Till? DEATH OF MY BROTHER HAS compelled me again to chaive the name of the firm of CIIARMAN, '& BROrto that of THOMAS CHARM AN Having purchased of the estate all the interest held by my broth er in the stockCfcf good owned by Charnian & Brother, taking effect January Sd, lSG'J. Will be Carried ess as Usual AND A FULL STOCK Will be kept up by me, and wiiLjeonsist, in part, of the following brauches"cf trade : Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats, Caps, Hoots atid Shoes, I ancy Notions. Perfumery A nd PutcZil Medicines. Paints, Oils, Colors, Dye Stuffs and Varnish, ry O Quecnsware, Crockery d- Lamps Sash, Dvors, and Window Blindst Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, Hope, and- Nails Of Every Description. Q I ask Especial Attention to my FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR, r. M rG RO CEItlEcS OF EVERY VARIETY. O Farming Implements OFALL KINDS. jfr'rAttention will be paid to any business left, with me on Commission. O Not it.'E. My Jlusiness with all who favor me with their patronage, will be done on a gold basis hot LegaP Tender will be re ceived at the w kt quotations, n Agent WELLS FARGO & CO. 57" I-desire to say to ill who' favor me with their patronage thatQshall use my best ability to, please them, and all orders shall meet with prompt attention. My facilities for doing business ares good as any house in Oregnn, and I pledge myself to sell as Cheap as any House in ood standing in the State. 1 will not be undersold by any one Ple3e give me a call and examine foDyour selves. Thanking f on for past favors", q I remain Respectfully yours, O , , .- THOMAS CHARM AN, MERICAX EXCHANGE. , (late LINCOLN HOUSE,) o. 81 Fro jit sr;et, Poll la ml Oregon. L.-P. W. QU1MBY, Pnoi'iuETon, (Late vf WcnUi'ii Hotel.) ' This house is the most c'fimmodioTts irf the State, newly furnished, and it will be tlieen- uleavor of ttie proprietor to make bis guests Comfortable. Tbe Ragsage Wagon will al ways be fouml at the iandirrg orthc arrival of steamships and river boats, dairying bag gage to the house free of charge JEY COL15MBIAX HOTEL. Cor. FRONT and M0RRIS0NoSts., O PORTLAND, OREGON. JO" The most Comfortable llotelin the City. Board and Lodging, from one to two doJLirs perda3', according to rooms occupied. Free Coach to awl from the house. 40tf V EDWARD CARNEY, Proprietor. jTE W YORK HOTEL, (Deutfehes Ghjfthaus,) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland, Oregon. ii. KQTinrds, J. J. WHKENS, PROPRIETORS. 9o, 0 oard per Week ... " with Lodging. " Day $5 Qp . c m . 1 00 o o yiLLAMETTE XUKSEUY. Reason 180970. G. W. "WALLING & Co. would call? the attention of the public to their la r and well assorted stock of tine fruit trees and shrubbery, consisting of choice varieties of CHERRIES, PLUMS, PEARS, ArRlCOTS, PEACHES, NUTS, RASrREilRIES, &c, &c. Jf" Persons desirous of purchasing trees should call and examine onr stock, which is thpjargest ar d best in the State. Orders (with the cash) sent to the Nursery will be prompely filled aod forwarded. SP-Exit a care ta't in parking Tras.'JX Address all orders to G. W. WALLING & Co., 4Dtf Oswego, Clackamas County Oregon- O NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y ! VI o o o o o o o OF THE United States ofAmerica. o 1VASH1XGTQN, I). C. Branch Office at Philadelphia, Where the business of the Company is O transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. v o DIRECTOOS s Philadelphia, Clarence IlClark, Jay Cooke, F. Ratehfard Starr, J. Hinckley Clark, Geo. P. Tvler, W. G. Moorhead. Wm E cj;and',er John D. Defrees. New YorkEdw. Dodge, H. C. Fahnestock. OFFICERS t CLARENCE II. CLAftK, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance 0 O And Executive Committee. HENRY PCOOKE, Vice P-esidcnt. EMERSON W.PEET, Secretary and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. 8MITI1.M.D., Medical Director. J. EWING MEARS, M. D.Assistant. WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, 1. C, and Geo. HARDING, Philadelphia, " Attorneys, o CO O' The Most Successful Life Q Insurance Company of The Weald I. Having issued in the first TEX months of q its existence, 3,395 Policies, 0 - INSURING o 15,142,800' Dollars ! 0 This Company clFords to its Policy Holders SECURITY! Ry its Cash paid up Capital of One Million Dollars, andSguarantees to the Insured, by Low Rates of Premium ! LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, OR, A REVERSIONARY DIVIDEND OF O 100 PER CENT. BY ITS o o Return Premium Plan ! G -o- O Wells. Fargo&Co. 7 23 P CESKRAL AGEXTS 0 FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. E. HALE MAN AG ER. O . o A. I. ELLIS, M. !., AGEST FOR. OREGON. 0 0 OFFICE INT CREE'S BUILDING, (Up stales, bet. Front and First sts.) ENTRANCE ON STARlf STREET, 3 PORTLAND, Oregon. S.D.POPEf LOCAL AGENT, OREGON CITYj 0 Q o CEXliUAt AGEXTS i J AY COOKE & CO. No. 21G Broadway, N.Y. General Agents for New York and North ern New Jersey. J. U. Orvis and D. C. Whitman, Managers. 0 E. W.CLARK & CO. Bankers,). 33 South Tliird street, PhiladelphiaGeneral Agents for-Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer sey. C. S. Russell, Mauagen JAY COOKE &0. Washington, General Southern Ageoti. E. S. Turner, Manager.- J. A. ELLIS A- CO. Chicago, General Agents for lllinoi?, Wisconsin, Iov. a and Minn. JOHN W. ELLIS & CO. Ko. 122 Walnut St., Q Cincinnati, Gercral Agents for Ohio and Central and Southern Indiana. . 0 S. A. KEAN & CO. Detroit, General Agents for Michigan and Northern Indiana. D. W. Kean, Manager n O ' 0 T. ft. EDGAR, St. Louis, General Agent for yltssouri and Kansas. C. Orvis, Manager. ROLLINS & CHANDLER, Boston, General Agents forNew England and Eastern Provinces of Canada. J. P. Tacker Matt- .crer. JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO. Baltimore, General1 gents for Maryland, W. A. Wi song, Manager. WM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, -General Geut for the DoBiinioa of Canada 0 3 "iatoto) G DIRECT niPORTATIOXl o M'CORMICK'S MAMMOTH STOCK OF TOYS, FAXCTk GOODS, IT- YANKEE NOTIONS GIFTS, Til ESEN TS, l O O K S , For the Holidays- of 1SG9-'T0, has arrived. DIRECT F?i0M SEWoTORfi, o . And is Now 'on Exliibition At SAXTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS! a n -o 105 FKONTCSX rORTLAXD, Yv'heve Every Purchaser Will Find The Largest Stock ! The Greatest Yariety !! The Cheapest Prices!!! SThis ( immense Stock having been purchased for currency in New York, will be sold to dealers and others ia coin, at LESS TRICES THAN EVER BEFORE! Strangers and citizens will find SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS a most in teresting place to visit ; as the gorgeous array of new novelties, and the thousand comical 'oys therein, give the store the ap pearance of au Eastern Museum of SjSome idea may be arrived at as to the extent of Stock when it is known that of dolls alone there are One Hundred and Fifty-five varieties ! Making that Depart ment a perfect 3 BAZAAR OF BEAUTY: JtFull Descriptive Catalogues now ready. JZLT-Call early to secure choice gifts. S. J. M'COiniICK, no2-Cw Ap;ent for Santa Claus. J. R. R ALSTON, IS STILL AT 1113 OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN ami SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON. WHERE II E WOULD INVITE 11TS friends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a 0 o Cloilaiusr, 15oois siiKlSlioes, If sits iiici Caps, 3 3 0 Groceries, o 0 ZW Having fron; many years' experience learned that . THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMALL PROFITS! IS DETERMiNfiD TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Silence the Cry of Portland Prices ! Oregon City, August 2Sth, 1SG9. 3 0 ' ' BUTCHERS, FOR OREGON CITY AND VICINITY. q -Will deliver to theii- patrons all the best qualities of Stall Fed Beef, also Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on Tuesdays and (Saturdays I . Thankful for past favor;?, of the public would respectfully asks a'cbniintiance of the same. N. B. An abundant supply of good poultry on hand. J.SAAU rAliK, 0 P: D. MOIUUSS. Dr. J, II. HATCH, iMte Mvtcit HalcJiy DENTIST. The patronage of those desiring lint Class Operation, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. K"- B- Nitrous Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Offick In Weigant's new building, west side of First street, between Alder aud Mor risou streets, Portland, Oregon. Jacob Stitzei.. James B. Urxox. ST IT ZEL & UPTON, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Washington streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. East Portland propertv. Address P. O. Box 402, Portland. Oreo-on: ST1TZKL & UPTON,- l9-tf ) Heal Estate BrokcH: Q'. PERRY, BROKER, Torttai. Onf.Co'N; .Cor. Front and Washington Sts. Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and Manhat tan Life Insurance Company. Government Securities, Stocks,Bonda and Real Estate bought and sold on Com micsion,' o ' - - PITRfOSTTTPS Will attend to the sale and purchase ofcReal Estate in nil parts of the City and u gneu io me sare oi JOHN MYERS. ILC.MM.IW, J. MYERS & BRO., t'NDER Til 15 COL lit HOUSE OREGON CITY, OREGON RETAIL DEALERS IN BUY GOOBS," GROCERIES .BOOTS & SHOES, IIAltlWAKE. - . - i- ' "We alsa constantly keep o band SALEM CASSIMERES, FLANNELS,. TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Whieb we will ssll at the Factory Prices', aDd" Will' take wool ia exehange. "e will also pay the highest price fa" Putter. Eggs, and- all kinds of good country a produce. We win sell as low as any house1 in Oregon, for Cash er its equivalent in good merchantable produce' jS Give us a call and satisfy yourselves, WALTER BROS. VELVETS, f BRUSSELS; THREE-PLY OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER - HANGINGS, LACE-CURTAINS, &c, &cv We Would Call the attention of pur' ties f iling ttp houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which i ONE OF THE COMPLETES T On the Pacilic Coast t Our Goods heing specially selected at the Factories in Englandand the Eastern States, we can sth "AT THE LOWEST SsiiiErziiicisco TriccS WALTER BROS., No. 89 Front street, between Alder 35.) and "Washington, Portland Oregdrt' RENTAL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN'. During my tour of two years1 in the Eastern States I have- snsrprl nfitlfr' timn "T W . I -.... M v AdxiJ money to make myse'f per-- fectly familiar with aud master of my pro--fession. Those desiring the best 'work that the nature of the case will admit of can find1! me at my oHice, 107 Front street, two doors' above McCormick's Book Store, Portland,. Oregon. DR. J. G. GLENN.., pG. STEWART, 0 io. 109 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGONT. e Watchmaker o skiiis And Jeweler.- And Dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES, ANI) JEWELERSGOODS, Agent for Wilcoxvt Gibbs' Letter "G' Sewing Machines, which are now being sold singly at cost, or whole sale less than cost; Other goods at greatly' reduced rates. ?j (40.1f- A. G. WALLING'S PioheeiBook Bindery-. OREGONIAN CUIJLD1NGV No. 5 IViifchirigton Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. O .". . " ' BLANK BOORS RULED and BOUNDS any desired pattern. JHUSIU 1JOOKS, MAGAZINES. NEWS PAPERS, Ete:, bodnd in every variety oP stvle known to the trade. Orders ffoili the country nromntlv" at- tended to. ORE GO N mi 3 s k: de ja. y t F. 0PITZ, PROPRIETOSi o PtRST STREET, PORTLAND. IStt. Washington and Stark sts. MAJTCPACtCREU OP AT.1. KINDS AtQUALITlES OT CEACKEHB! BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY QRACKERS Will alwajs be gold below Sari Francisc prices. All orders promptly attended to. V OREGON IMKERY, First St., Portland. Oregon, gHADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor, MAIN STREET, Oregon Cilf, 0 Jm Beet BILIAA RD TABLES i .OP EG0 N Have been introduced,, and the Pro'jrie(0r n. vites the attention of the lovs- tjjjs popular amasement to ',uOTn THE BAR IS S-appf'JED With all the Choicest quaJ;tiies of Llqaorg aD j Cigars; Scotch, Irish and uonrbon airead famousVhfskies an Pnnch AlsQ ' STAFFORDSHIRE . O.V DIIAUCHT, y Families supplied. ; - Sunday School and Gift Books ! I7R0M THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE-. iy and . . - - Various other Publishing Houses b For sale by the subscriber on JtfersoW st between 2d and8ct, Portland, Oreeon : . . i l1' ATKISON, SecreUr. v vp 9w 1 1 vae, uregoa Trict Society V zj - - t I i i I 0 O o o -P O o O O o O o O O 0 1$ ()' o o Q O O o o