0 o O G o 0 o 0 o o '3) o o O o 0 0 I fjjciljcckln ti5ntcvpvtec. TtnVX AXD COUXTY. Vkrxow Your literary ,nnsition is accepted Tij. ,vibcr was quite cold for three four d;iy, about the beginning of this u.k-alinosl cold enough to freeze ice 1 flev. W. II- Stoy, rector of Trinity Ciiurcli, Portland, will preach in St. Paul's Church to-morrow, both morning and evening. The Railroad Company have the pipes l.iid from .the city reservoir, to supply their .inks, which will be situated near the County, jail. --- yj The new, first class locomotives, Pokt I AM) and Okeoy for the Oregon Central , Kailroad, were visited by an Oregonian at Pi'9 Moines, Iowa, who felt so happy at ji-eing them en route that he has given us a description of them in advance of their arrival here. 15" Tlie increase in the valuation of proper ty in this county, is given for four years in the statistics of Oregon, which we publish txlay. In continuation of that, we have ascertained that the Valuation for the last two yerrs is quite as gratifying being, for $1.08:5,013 ; and for I8G!, $1,7IJ,22G. -- Ahkestkd. Upon a requisition from the I '.overuor of Washington Territory, Sheriff I Myers on last Thursday, arrested John Waddle, charged witn the murder ot Israel V'vdeen. The prisoner was turned over to .Mr. Miles, who brought the requisition. at one o'clock yesterday he leff with jjs jirisonerCor Washington Territory. 0. W. Chief Templar, C. Peals, Esq., or finized a Lodge of Good Templars in j'lt'aant Hill pneinct.on Wednesday eve last. NeUiher the number uniting in ji- organization, gor the names of the offi t'ei'i have been handed us. We understand III' V Alt IV - llUl-ll , UMljlis jiiuspccis Ul success are very tavorable. Si idkn' 1)kati. Reports have reached us of the death of Mr. N. llaun, former l'lvsident of the Wallamet Steamboat Company, lie died at Umpqua, aboSfj n weeks ago. & Mr. Painter, resiling on the Petet-feise place, at the mouth of the Tual-jjWii, was Imind dead in his bed on the Rjftrning of he 7th inst. Cause, heart ilisse9 Gkavks We are underT obligations to .Mi. L. J)ier ?or some fine graphs of the Catawba variety. They wtJsnti'own bv Jiis father, who has i extensive vinetosil, r :.. !... i .i 1 i . T in iifiuuii -juuuiv, utiu puis up ins grapes iii saehyi maimer that he has fresh grapes inm one vintage t anotltr, Mr. Diller also makes wine from his grapes that is of I a delicious flavor and very ready in quiek- o- . ToCoi:i:i:seo!7!;TS. We have received a communication from Forest CJrove, pur iuirtirg to ive a detailed statement of the I ti.'iirder of Jake iSniith. The communica- I lion is signed " A rcaderO-of the Extku- I !i;!sk," ffnt no oSier name accompanies if. I This prctents its publication. To insure I' publication of such communication it is I :i!xolntd' necessary for correspondeats I tu luniisl; us with their names. CinusrMAS. The Sabbath Schools of the varioHS Churches will observe Christ- O ft' mas Eve s follows : The Methodists and ihijdists suite- and lufveatree at the Court Jiuuse, fallowed by a supper. The Epis- I aipalians? have a l:ee at their "Church. Itie (.onregationalists also have a tree at tiieir Chnieh with singing and concert c.xcrcisesi hv the cr.nuren. J.ti3 scnoo; recently organized at Canemah falls into line are l? have a Christmas tree with the rest. We hope every one will be so highly , o . o o lavored a's to receive at least one present, enables them to .shap.; in. the rejoicings of the The sojiind of the locomotive whistle, and the rolling car wheels, now heard dai ly in this 'city, seems to have already ac celerated the step of our citizens, and we bear of persons who seldom eyer arose be fore day break who now sit at tlfeir morn ing meal by lamp light. A fewjbuslness men of Portland are also seeking locations 'in the health giving regians of Clackamas, for 'suburban residences, 20 minutes ride" from their monotonous confines within the pule of brick ami mortar tenements, th sight of shipping, and the backmaivs call; vhich are but a few of the results the railroad was expected to bring us, in its h'lig train of advantages. Track laying has passed the IS mile stake, and the woik goes well.along. o E31PTY PEWS CA strange subject, the reader w ill say. 'f 11, so it may be. Still, as wc (niter our various churches we see empty pews, and in many cases not a few. Th; interior of ur churches with a few persons scattered through them are like in appearance to unfruitful trees with but few blosgoms fining among the leaves ; not radiant with countless gems of pearly beauty as t'ioy were designed to be. And what is t'.ie reason of this 1 Why are the churches iu;t thonged banger multitudes? Tie answer is nlain ppw-mo-li r,m .t.,,.- ncss rather than light." The people do not fear Cod, and this is the great secret, hile all the elements in nature are pro claiming, " Man, fear God,'' yet he does lot heed he gives3 no response. The whirlwind rushing down upon the plain says -Fear God' The deep? toned thun der reverberating along the everlasting hills" says" Fear God." The stars that deck the blue firmament, looking down so sweetly in the (Slim, still night, whisper in voices of sweetest melody that should reach all hearts ft Fear God.'' Oh, that man could catch an impulse to seek a noble life from the liarmony of the ele ments all aroilnd him. Put as the people love darkness, so they must needs live on excitement and upon that which degrades, instcadof that which elevates. If there is to be an exhibition at a circus, see bow the people are hur rying to get beneath the canvass it would never do to be late, O no S Some frrecions remark of a half-witted clown might be lost to them. Ilowbmany thoie are, that the weather does not hinder, who have time and money to spendfor suchQhings, yet have not time to fill "empty pews"? or money to spend for good and noble pur- poses. If some half-educated spiritualist. with more brass than brains, is to lecture, the people must gather there. Thus they cherish a desire for the wrong, seeking to imbibe poison into their moral natures But that which is good few seek. Pleasure, wealth, honor, power, are sought aftet eagerly. The glittcri-ft"- baubles of earth with their deceits, their fading colors, the evil all covered up with false show, and glistening in borrowed lights, men rush after as if their lives depended upon the acquisition. But along the way that leads to man's highest attainments there are no hurrying crowds only a few eager (Teet making footprints in the sand. Onlp a few. When the silvery sounds of the Church bells are ringing their call to come into the courts of God's house, how few are seen bendin" their way thither. There is no eager seeking for the pearl of great price. Were it so our Churches would be filled with earnest men, women and children catch ing eagerly every word that Jails from the lipsbf Christ's messengers drinking in the blessed gospel of Christ. Then there would be no empty pews. Blessed are those who regularly attend Church. They are walking in theVight patand Sunday by Sunday are gathering sweet thoughts of God. O man, son of earth and heaven, created with an intelligent being, endowed "1 r I with reasoning faculties and destined fori an immortality gemg, why, Oh why art thou walking in clomrud darkness.when the su n light is all a ro'iufoicVou ? Why grovi'lhns: on the earth satisfu(Tiivith tho POJfT vanities of life when you 5krht breathe the inSuencc of a higher life? i Pnoi cxdus. PlIKMATUlIE LOSS OF THE IIaiII, Which is so common novadajf may be en tirely jrevented by the woT'nurnetfs Co-. coaine, It has been usedjhsthcusands of cas ses where the hairW'Cija out in hand fulls, and has never failed to arref its decaff, and to promok a healthy and vigorous growth. It is aKhe Fame twfi'e unrivalled as a dressing for thcliir!tsingle applica- jJays. ij. iiou win reuuer it so:t atid glossy lor several -.j CiLyou wish tlie very best l.aO:net l'liotff2ia!)hs. vou must call on , 4.'J'J Moutgmeryji'mxl c-xamjiie, street, San Francisco' T8 t'l i f-r irk it a -- i c S3 ' ' - " ' ' - St. Pauls (Episcopal) Church, the Rev. Jn iSe.llwood, rector. Services on Sunday at ln a. m. and 7 p. m. and Bible class nt 2 p. m. Sunday School 1st Congregational Church Morning Services, Sabbath School, Evening Services . . Seats Free. 10.4-). .li o'clock M. . .r,v7 o'clock. Bkv. E. (IJiiiKv, Acting Pastor PRAYER JTKET1MJS. Sunday cening, & o'clock- Tuesday evening 7 o'clock. M. E. Church Seats Free. Morning Services, lO.IJo, Evening Soi vices, 7 o'clock. social mkktinos. Class Meeting followirig Moininii Services. PraverIecting Thursd -iy eveninsr 7 o'clock. Sabbath School at 2 o'clock P. M. - " Bkv. C. W. Toii, Pastor. Paix Kh.lkk, Ai'TEPi aThoho' n trial by intSimerable living witnesses, has proved itself he Medicine of tlie Age. It is an internal and an external remedv. Our positive proof of its efficacy is, that its sales have constantly increased, and wholly 'upon its own merits. The effect of the pain killer upon the patient when taken internally, in case of ColdjCough, Bowel Cornp!aints,Chol era, Dysentery, and other Directions of the system, lias been truly wonderful, and has won for it a name among medical prepara tions that can never be forgotten. Us suc cess in removing pain, as an external remedy in csjes of Burns, Bruis es, Sores, Sprains, Cuts7 Stings of Inserts, and other causes of suffering, has secured for it such a host of testimony, as an almost infallible remedy, that it will lie handed down to posterity as one of the greatest medical discoveries of the l'Jth century. dec!-:' The Gkeat Pictokial Axxuau Ilostetter's California Almanac for 18, for distribution, gratis, throughout Oregon, Cali fornia and other States and Territories of the Pacific slope will oe published about the first of January, and all who wish to under stand the true philosophy of health, Should read and ponder th valuable suggestions it contains. In addition to an admirable med ical treatise on the causes, prevention and cine of a great variety of diseases, it embra ces a large amount of information interest ing to the merchant, the mechanic, the min er, the farmer, the planter and the profession al man; aud the calculatiotis have been made for such meridians and latitudes as are most suitable for a correct and co liprehensive Calendar. The nature, uses, and5)xtracrdinary saui tary eil'ects of llottetter's Stomache Bitters- me biapie ionic aim alterative ot more than bait the Christian world, are folly set foita in its pages, which arc also interspersed with pictorial cillustratwns, valuable recipesTor the household audfi irm, humorous anecdotes and Gther instructive aud amusing reading matter, original and selected? Among the Annuals to appear with the opening of tho year, this will be one of the most useful, and may be had for the asking. Send for copies to the nearest dealer in HOSTETTEIt'S STOMACH UiTTEIiS. These BlTTEltS are sold in every city, town and village, and are extensively used throughout the entire civil ized weald, G c SPJEGTA L KO 7YCJJS. -MiiHiiomuli Iodgc No. 1, A fc und a A. M. Holds its regular couimuni 2 'Vr' cations on the First and Third Sat 'riirdavs vn each month, at o'clock, from the 'joth of September to the 20th of March, and Tr.Vclock from the 2th of March to the 20th or beptember. Brethren in good standing are invited to attend. By order of W. M. Oregon IjOiIge No. 3, I. 0)Of O. F. Mect3 every Wednesday even iggPJ ing at 7 o'clock, in Odd fellow's Hall, Main street. Members of the Order are invited to attend By order. t. Ilcljceca. Dgrte Iwlgt, No. 3, 1. O. O.F. Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY JEVEXIXGS," . of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. By order of - N. G. "Willamette Lodge So. 151. O. d, T Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. By order of W. C. T. Valuable Land for Sale Cheap We know of 483 acres of good lands for sale in this county, being the Innd claim of J. It. Stout, in what is known as theKingold bettlement. ltwill be sold in lots to suit purchasers, oiVivery fair terms. This land is only 12 miles from Oregon - City. For further information apply to X. W Randall, of thisucity, or of J. L. Stout, Unity, Baker's Bay, vW T., or of Andrew Stout, in the above mentioned settlement. 13:ly Saddlery. J. II. Schram, of this Cit', "i3 now manufacturing the best Saddlery and Harness in the State. He will have at least 50 sets of all grades, from fine to com mon, finished and ready for sale next mouthy and more than.that number of Saddles, lie inbound to make a trade with any man who wishes to buy of him. He useaGboth Oregon and California leather in liiestaUishment, and his wink bears a nmsf. excellent reputation abroad. We hope that c itizens of our own county will think of this, when they want any articles iivriiis line. IT.LTV?I IJAVJDSOX OOIc, ?."o. Gl JPvotii Street, full -,; , , o Telegraph Oilice, Poitlv-nd Oregon. SPECIAL COTiL ECTOR of CLAIMS, Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims of erery description, throughout Oregon and the Territories, VILTil5E MADE - A Si'EcfALTV, and promptly collected, as VfBis with a due regard to economy in all busrat matters entrusted' to his care and the proeed paid over punctually. 4utf REAL "' !2aR.VTE DKALfJ U. HATS! HATS! Si ATS! OF EVERY STYLE In Large Quanlitc&can le Pound J. C MEUESEQEFFEE & BEO.'S 8)W. corner jfjiJlforrison and Front streets, Jt'ortlaiYft, Oregon. o- Also CafVsj of every stvle, and Boars' and (Sil ls' Ilat.-jsTli large varieties. Give us a call Thomas Cliarniaii ! Successor to CI I A UMAX JJRO., HTMIE DEATH OF MY BROTHER IIAj "JL coinpeJTtd ine ajrain to change the name of the linn of CIIAItM.AX & Ullv). to that of THOMAS C II A KM A N having purchased of the estate all the interest held by my broth er in the stock of good- owned by Charman i Brother, taking effect January 3d, lSG'J. Will hi) Carried oia as Usual AND A FULL. STOCK Will be kept up by me, and will consist, in part, oLthc following branches of trade : J)ri Goods audClo thing, Jlats, Cd), Boots and Shoes, Fancy Notions, Perfumery And Patent Medicines. Paints, Oils, Colors, 0 Pyc Stuffs and Varnish, Quccnsicarc, Crockery & Lamps Sash, Doors, and Window Blinds, 0 llardicarc, Tools and Cutlery, Pope, an 2uils Of Every Description. ' I ash Especial Attention to my FINE, TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. GROCERIES OF EVERT I VARIETY. Farming Smplements OF ALL KINDS. () ff5 Attention will be paid to any business left with me on CommisMon. NoTtCE. yy Business with all who favor me with their patronage, will be done on a oor.n basis but Legal Tender will be re ceived at the market quotations. r Agent WELLS FA It GO & CO. IW I desire to say to all who farbr me with their patronage that I shall use my best ability to please them, and all orders shall meet with prompt attention. My facilities for doing business are a3 good as any house in Oregon, and I pledg myself to sell as Cheap a any House in good standing in thei State. I will not be undersold by finy one Please give me a call and examine for your selves. Thanking you for past favors", i remain, Respectfully yours, rs) lilUAlxltt.JUA14.1Ai.i 11. A. J. MONROE, Dealer in California, Vermont artl Ttnl'utn. JrnrhJpsGi)hpJisf:s Monuments. Jieaa and loot St on es. Sale m aO reoon. Mantles and Purniture Marble fuiuishd to order. 23t WASHING MADE EASY, BY USING THE Automatic Clothes Washer and Boiler ! HE GREATEST lNYL.VHOM ui nir. times, as it aoes away whu muumg ...in. i.i.: and wear and tear on Clothes. An ordinary wash in" can be done in from one to two hom-sS A YES TIME, LABOR ASP EX PENSE. Warranted to give entire satisfac, tion. For sale bv J (!. MATIPY". Manufacturer, 113 Front street, one door north of iltf Tavlor street, Portland 3 i NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y 1 7, ; OF THE TThited States otAmerica. Washington; d. c. Branch OlHec at Fhnadclphla, Where the business of the Company is transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. -3 o . DIRECTORS i Philadelphia, Clarence ILCb-rfk, Jay Cooke, F. Batchford Starr, J. Hinckley Cla'rk, Oco. F, Tyler, W. G. Moorhead. ( , ''Vashiiiton, Ilenrv D. Cooke, E. AjRollins Wm. E. Chandler, John 1). Defrees. New York, Edw.Dodge,' II. C. Falmcstock. ) OFFICERS CLAKENCE ll. CLARK, Preiue h i. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance And Executive Committee. HENRY D, COOKE, Vice P-esicfent. EM EPSON W.FEET, Secretary1 and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMITIl.M.D., Medical Director, J. EWJNG MEARS, M. D.Assistaiit. WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, D. C, und Geo. HARDING, Philadelphia, Attorneys. O " . The Most r Successful Life Insurance Company of Tlie World f Hating issued in the first TEN months of 0 its existence 3,395 Policies, - INSURING 1,142,800 Dollars ! -o- This Company i llbrds to its Policy Holders PERFECT SECURITY! By its Cash pid up Capital of One Million Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured, by its Low: Rates of Premium ! (?) LA 155 E DIVIDENDS) IX ADVANCE, OR, A REVERSIONARY DIVIDEND OF 100 PER CENT. BY ITS Return Premium Flan ! o- WeSSsj Fargo & Co. GEfliEHAL AGEXTS FOR-TIIE FACIFIC, COAST. W. IIAlS .MANAGER. AGEHT FOR OltJEGOX. OFFICE TJV CliEE'S, mjlP.DING, (Up stairs, bet. Front ind First ats.) ENTRANCE ON STARK STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. S. D, POPE, LOCAL AGENT, OREGON CITY. GENERAL AGENTS I JAY COOKE & CO. No. 2P5 Rfbadway, N.Y. General Agents for New York and North cm New Jersey. Ji U; Orris and D. O. Whitman, Managers. E W.CliARK & CO. Bankers, No. 3.5 South vrhird street, Philadelpa,-General Aggnta -for Pennsylvania agd Southern New Jer sey; C. S. Russell, Manager; (? : JAY COOKE & CO. Washington, General Southern Agents E. SiTurner Manager. j. A. ELLIS t CO. Chicago, General Agents for Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Slinn; JOHN W. ELLIS & CONo. 122 Walnut St., Cincinnati, General Agents for Ohio and Central aud Southern Indiana. S. A. KEAN & CO. Detroit, General Agents for Michigan and Northern Indiana. Vi W. Kean, Managerr j T. B. EDGARSt. Louis, General Agent fdf Missouri and Kansas! Ci Orvis, Manager. ROLLINS & CHANDLER, Boston, General Agents for New England and Eastern Provinces of Canada. J. P. Tucker Man ager. - (S; JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO. Baltimore, General Agents for Maryland, W. A. Wi song, Manager. WM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, -General G?ent for the Dominion ot Canada.') DIRECT IMPORTATION ! M'CORMICK'S MAMMOTH STOCK OF TOYS, FAXCY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, GIITS, PRESENTS, BOO Kg, Tor the Holidays of 1869 '70, has arrived. DIRECT F20M3KEW YORE, And is Now on Exhibition At SANTA GLAUS' HEADQUARTERS! 105 FROCSFT ST., PORTLAND", " ' o Where Every rurcha.1!??-! Will Find The Larsjrest Stock ! The Greatest Variety !f The Cheapest Prices!!!' jjrTt"ThXs immense Slock having been purchased f6r crtrroncy in New York, will be sold to dealers' and1 others in coin, at LESS PRICES THAN EVER BEFORE! 0 Strangers and citizens will find SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS a most in teresting place to visit ; as the gorgeous array of new novelties, and the thousand comical (.oysr herein, give the store the ap pearance ofttii Eastern Museum of j53ome idea may be arrived at as to the extent of Stock when it is known that of dolls alone there ara One Hundred and Fifty-live varieties! Making that Depart ment a perfect BAZAAR OF BEAUTY; xJFull Descriptive Catalogues now ready. i?"Calr early to secure choice gifts. S- Ji M'COIOIICK, H.'j-Gw c AfCnt for Santa Clans. LST 5 IS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON. o XTTHrcRE TIE W O U L D INVITE HIS V V friends, and the public in general, to calpand examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of fe - I If sals soaI C-n,p9 Crockery Groceries cVc. 0 - , W Having from many years' experience learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMALL PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Silrnce the Cry of Portland Prices l, Oregon City, August 29th, lSbvD. JPARR & MORRISS, BUTCHERS, FOR OREGON CITY AND VICINITY. Will deliver to their patrons all the best qualities of Stall Fed Beef, also Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays ! Thankful for past favors of the public would respectfully asks a continuance of the same. N. D. An abundant supply of good poultry bn hand. ISAAC FAUR, - S P. D. MOURISS; " Em J, H. HATCH, Eate Mack 4 Hatch, DENTISTj The patronage of those desiring Zirst Class Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. P. Nitron Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. OrFice-In Weigant's new building, west side of First street; between Alder and Mor rison streets. Portland; Oregon. Jacob Stjtzel. James B. Upton. STITZEL fit UPTON, Real Estate Brokers and General Agents, Comer of Front and Washington streets, PORTLAND; OREGON. 0 " ' O - . Will attend to the sale and purchase ofReal Estate in alPparts of the City and State. Special attention giveu to the sale of East Portland property. Address P. O. Box Portland. Oregon. STITZEL A UPTON,. 19.tf ) ' - dlCdi Extaic Brokers. n r. FEiuiY, PTTRTflSTTTPS J A A j Jt JL kAJ V7 - m BROKER, Portland. Oregon. Cor. Front aud Washington Sts. Agent North British aud Mercantile Insurance Company, and Manhat tan Life rnsnrar.ee Company. sr-Qovernment Securities, Stocks.Ponds and Real Estate bought and sold on Com- UllSSlOll. JOHN MYERS. H. C. MYERS. J. myIkT & BIO., . UNDER THE COURT HOUSE,. OREGON CITY, OREGON. RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY -OOIg9. (7) ) GROCERIES, HOOTS &; SHOES, MAMBWA1SE, We also constantly keep on hand SALEM C A S S I ll E R E S, FLANNELS, ?) TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, Which we will selL, at the Factory Prioei, aud will take wool in exchange. 3fWe will also pay the highest prlc for Putter. Eggs, and all kinds of good country produce. Ve will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. UGS" Give ua a calJ and satisfy yourselrci WALTER BROS. New CARPETINGS VELVETS, BEirSSELS, THEE E - PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER -H AN GINGS, LACE-CURTAINS, &c, &c. Wt Would Call the attention of par ties f iling up houses or being in need of anything in our line To our Slock, which is ONE OF THE C02IPLETFST Osi IliC IPracilac Coast ! Our Goods teing S2ecially selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern Stales, ice can sell AT THE LOWEST San Francisco Prices. WALTER BROS.i No. S9 Front street, between Alder So.) and Washington, Portland Oregon RENTAL NOTICE. 1 HOME AGAIN. During my 'our of two years i it the Eastern States I have spared neither time nor money to make myself per fects-familiar rrith anditnaster of my pro fession. Those desiring the bct work tbt the nature of the case will admit of can find me at my olliee, 107 Front street, two doors above McUoruiick's Book Store, Portland, Oregon. DR. J. G. GLENN. P0. STEWART No. 100 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. O Watchmaker Jiifj! And Jeweler- And Dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELERS GOODS. Agent for Wilcox & Gibbs' Letter "G" Sewing Machines, which are now being sold singly at cost, or whole sale less than cost. Otlief goods at greatly reduced rates. (40.tf A. G. AVALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery- OltEGOIVIAN I5UIJDiiG, IWo. 5 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. PLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv diSlred pattern. w MUSIC ROOKS, MAGAZINES NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. ( OHEUOiN 33 J. X?E JEL Y E. 0PITZ, PROPRIETOR FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, i i ... .... . Bet Washington and Stark sis, MANUFACTURER OF ':J ALL. KINDS AND QUALITIES Oj1 CEACKEES! DKEAD, CAKES ANn PASTRY QRACKERS Will always be sold below Sah Francisct prices. All orders promptly nttended to. OREGON RXKjERY, First it., Fortland," Oregon. gHADES SALOOX. G. A. HAAS, Xroi)rietor. MAIN STREET, Oregon City. O Best BILLIARD TABLES in, Oil EG ON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. THE BA 11 IS SUPPLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquor3 and Cigars.' Scotch, Irish and Bourbon already famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE OjN'E . ALE ! ON DRAUGHT. tfW Families snplred. Sunday School and Gift Books! IT-ROM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE - ty and Various other Publishing Houses For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson st. between 2d and Sd, Portland, Oregon. 0 G. II. ATKINSON, Secretary. I 52.1 J and 1 1 eas. Oregon- Tract cie(f JOTICK O- The People's - c Transportation Company WILL DISPATCH TIIEIR STEAMERS FROM OREGON 01 TV AS FOLLOWS: FOR PORTLAND : At 7 A. M., every day, except Sunday; And 1 P. M., every day. For Salem, Albany and Corvallis : ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, at 7 o clock A. M., And for Dayton: ON MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, & FRIDAY Of each week; ' 6 A . A. McC ULIiY, PresldenL . Nov. 27th, 1S6'.. 40.tf Harvest of 1869 ! I c Celling off id Close Business; Aitil no M17MI5IJG i TIae Entire StocK! . Of DRY GOODS. READY-MADE CLOTHING. LCOTS AND SHOES, 0 ... - ..." Mens' Ladies, Misses' and Childrens HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated- Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps", Wicks, Chimneys and- Burners $ 0 Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc lids got to le soid Regardless of Price t fcB To cOnvinc yourself with rft?pect ttt this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, South of tope 4 Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon CUjj Cfl-iS. IIODGE. .CflAS. E. CAiKF . . GEO. tV. SNEtW HODGE, CALEF & Co., ' DEALERS IN DETTGS and MEDICINES, o PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, varnishes, eeusiies, tainteiis Materials, Una jjrwjfjists' Sundries. 97 Frcnt Stf ccf j Portland, Oregon.- IMPORTATIONS ! ! NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES o '' -OF- Bed-Room SUITES', Jest received and placed in the wareroems o HURCREN & SHINDLER! 160 lGSi 170, 17 First street, corner of Salmon t PORTLAND, OREGON; 0 PARLOR SETS IN TERRY, IN PLUSH, AND IN IIAIR-CLOTI-f: o) New Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment f HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE! Lounges and Spring beds; The trade supplied with gopdi in original packages, bn reasonable terms, g- sj HURGREN & SHINDLER. JOHN F. MILLER, Successor to J. F. MILLER Co.; MANUFACTURER OF AXD rlEALER IX Soots and Shoes! At the Oregon City Boot and SfldS Store, Main strut. THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies'j Gents', Roys', and C)dldrenva Roots and Shoes, on hand or made to order. QR AM, WILLIS & Co. LIVERY. FEED, AND SALE fSl OREGON CITY; OREGON. naviD-? recently added to theLirery Stocfr new Carriages, Rup-gie3 and Horses, are now prepared at all times to let the same, at reas onable rates. Horse3 nought and sold, or kept by the day or week. IOGUS & ALBRIGHT, EXCELSiOR MARKET I Corner of Fourth and Main strcc's. OREGOS CITY. KW Keep constantir band all kinda of fresh and salt meats, stich as BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, COKNED BEEF, IIAAJSv , PICKELED PORK, LAttL, And everjthius eLse to be found in their line of busiuetio. ' G c o o O O 0 0 J