The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, December 18, 1869, Image 2

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    Orsjon City, Oregon
D. M. McKENNEY, Elitoh. f
Joic$ Myers, Financial Agent.
Saturday : : December 18, 1869.
- - i -TzT7z-T!
Meeting of the Demoeiatlc State Cen
tral Committee.
The Democratic Central Committee of the
State of Oregon, is hereby requested to meet
at the City of Portland, in said State, on
SATURDAY, the Uh day of JANUARY,
next, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, for the
purpose of appointing the time and manner
of holding a Democratic State Convention,
preparatory to next June election, and to
transact such other business as may properly
come before said committee.
Said Committee is composed as follows :
Names. Counties
J. C. Hawtiiorxe Multnomah
A. F. IIedges Clackamas
W. S. Scoggix Washington
A - S. Newby g Yamhill
George R. Helm .Linn
Ji C. Avery Benton
L'exjauix IIayden- Polk
John WniTEAKF-K . Iane
Lafayette Lane Douglass
Tj. II. B. Shipley Jackson
Datid Randall Josephiuc
George Knox Columbia
Jonx Clatsop
Dr. Dayis i Tillamook
Samcel Jounsox.. Umatilla
James II. Snixx . Baker
Victor Tkevitt. Wasco
E. S.s,5IcCoitAs UiiioS
Isaac Hare Grant
D. J.xLowe t .. . .Q. .Coos
Joxes Curry
L. F. G rover Marion
A general attendance is urged upon the
members of. the Committee.
L. F. G ROVER, Chairman.
A "Further llciltiolioii or tlic National
However candid and honest the masSjOiH
lay members of the Republican party may
be, deception, fraud, and corruption is the
order ot the day with the leaders of that
party. As an evidence of this, we wish
to call attention to the following facts.
The money in the Treasury of the United
States has been counted again, deducted
from the national indebtedness.and a loyal
telegraph, and a Radical press, have an
nounced to the world that there has been
another and " a Jurther reduction of the
national debt." Th 13 is without any foun
dation in fact, and Is done for the purpose
f deceiving the people and keeping the
Republican party in power. For the pur
pose of ascertaining how this matter of the
reduction of the national debt isprog?ess
ing, let us compare notes. A telegram
which appeared in the Oregonian o the
4th of October, is as follows :
The public debt statement shows the
total debt, principal and interest to date,
including coupons due and not presented
f& payment, of $2,634,609,856 09. The
amount in the treasury is. coin, SIOS.IOS,
465 81 ; currency, $65.6S0,031 30. Total
amount of tho debt, less amount in the
Treasury, $2,46S,195,072 01. Th de
crease in the jvjst month was $7,467,442
39. Decrease since March 1st, $56,868,
187 90.
And that paper contained the following
editorial flourish of trumpets on the great
decrease of the national debt :
Last month took seven and a half mil
lions off of our national debt. Will the
soreheads wVo'have been predicting that
the debt never could be paid mark that?
Such unprincipled demagogues!) as Pen
dleton will, of course,' endeavor . to meet
. Buoh a stunning fact as this by flatly deny
ing it.
- ..... (Q)
On the 3d of tho present month we have
iho following telegraphic announcement
jot "ft further reduction of the national
Wasrixgton, Dec. 1. Th9 public debt
:statoment shows the debt to date, includ
ing coupons due and not presented, $2.-G-18,234.682
29 ; amount in the Treasury
in round numbers, coin, $106,000,000 ;
currency, $12,000,000 j total, including
siuking fund and coin, interest, and bonds
purchased, $194,674,947 563; debt less the
amount in the Treasury, $2,454,397,350
?3 ; decrease of debt for the month, over
$7,500,000 ; since March 1st, $73,000,000.
And then in an editorial on this subject,
tho Oregonian goes off in the following !
jubilant and happy strain :
A further reduction of tho debt is to be
noted. Seven and a half millions are the
figures for November. SevcntySthree mil
lion! are the figures for Gen. Grant's nine
mouths! This will do. The people are
mtjsffed. They like Gen. Grant as far as
they have got with him. and look for the
good work to go on through his whole
term. And then they will elect him for
This is about as rvear correct as the
Radical press and politicians ever get iu
their political dodgings. But unfortu
f.M'ly for them, these figures tell against
J'.icjiu and shew (ht the debt is increasing
instead of decreasing.
-The 'statement Pf last October shows
that the debt then was $2,631,60956 09,
o But then the Secretary of the Treasury
counts the mopoy in the Treasury and an
fiouces that it is $10S,10S,4G5 01, in coin,
together with the further sum of $65,630,-
o031 30 in currency, and then deducts the
amount of money in the Treasury from the
amount of the debt, and gravely informs
the public that the national debt has been
redncedTrom $2.63: 1.609,855 09, to $2,
468.495,072 01, a reduction of SiG6,lH.
7S4 08. Now the etatsont for Novem
ber informs us that the national debt is
$2,618,231,682 29, being $13,621,826 20
pure than it was the month before. This
would about tally with the interest accru
ing on tho national indebtedness? But
the money in tho United States Treasury
is counted again, and we are informed
that there is in the Treasury, in coin,
$106,000,000, Wing $2,108,4(35 81 less
than it was the previous month ; and $12,
000.000 in currency, being $53,680,031 30
lessof currency in the Treasury than there
was the previous month ; and that the
money jri the Treasury, and the bonds
purchased since the previous report.
amount to the sum of $104,67-1,947 56?
and that this amount subtracted from0 the
national debt reduces it from $2,648,234,
682 2D to $2,454,397,350 23, making an
apparent decrease of $14,097,721 78.
The debt is Btated to be so much, and
then the amount of the coin and currency
is deducted from this deb;, and then the
statement is sent abroad that the national
debt has been reduced in amount corres
ponding with the amount of money re
ported to be in the Treasury.
We say now, as we have before said,
we cannot see how this money in the
Treasury is to be counted as an actual re
duction of the debt before it bad been
actually paid on such debt. Instead of
paying the national debt with it. it might
be expended
for other
purposes ; and if
so it certainly could not be properly ac
credited as so much paid on the debt. .
But again, if the money in the Treasury
could be counted as an actual reduction
of the national debt, how can greenbacks
be counted as so much money for that pur
pose ? The government cannot buy boifds
with the currency, for it is tho theory of
the party in power that these bonds, prin
cipal and interest, must be paid in - coin,
and that anything less than this is dis
graceful, damnable repudiation. And
then, these greenbacks are nothing else
than promissory notes of the Government,
and if paid out in satisfaction of any other
demand against the Government, it would
change the nature of the demand, but
wouiu not pay tiie debt, lliese green
backs are themselves demands against the
Government, which it must pay and re
deem or be guilty of repudiation. Yet
the Radicals report so much in coin and
so much in currency in the United States
Treasufy, and claJm that the coin and the
currency so reported is a reduction of the
nation algdebt to that amount. In this,
there is an evident intention to deceive
those who would not endorse such trick
cry. Again, we are told that the total;
amount in the Treasury, including sinking
fund, coin, interest, and bo&ls purchased,
is $194,674,947 56. Now, tJiow is it that
there is a fund in the Treasury kno .vn as
interest, when instead of receiving inter
est the Government is continually paying,
or becoming liable for interest, which ac
cumulates at the rate of $148106,704 35
-per year $12,340,475 33 per month?
Neither will monthly payments of seven
and a half, millions decrease the original
debt, but will leave it actually increased
each month to the amount of $4,840,475
33 for the unpaid interest of each month. regard to these purchased bonds.
git there have been any bonds paid by the
.Government, why not say p, and give the
amount of the debt thus cancelled ? But
if these bonds have been purchased on
speculation by Secretaryv.I'outwell, or
other Government oflicials, why are such
purchases counted as so much paid on the
national debt? Secretary Boutwell was
a prominent person in the late gold spec
ulations in New York City "and Grant's
relation thereto was not calculated to re
flect much credit on the President, and it
is not unlikely that in these operations
there were some Government bonds pur
chaseclby Government officials, but not
paid and cancelled. Our Radical officers
are quite sharp financiers in putting money
into their own pockets.
Resnuiptiouof Specie l'a mtnfs.
A few days ago tho telegraph announc
ed that Secretary Boutwell contemplated a
coup de main in the almost immediate re
sumption of specie papmenta. We regard
ed the matter as simply a feeler for his
forthcoming report, in which it is proba
ble he may ventilate some scheme for re
sumption. If Mr. Boutwell sought for a
genuine expression of the public press,
representing the weight of opinion of the
country, and wassincere in his proposition
tion, he has reason to be gratified with the
result of his experiment. A majority of
his own party papers condemned the
scheme with singular unanimity, and the
Democratic journals have not yet ceased
applauding. The speedy resumption of
specie payments is what the Democratic
heart longs for. How he proposes to go
about the direct resumption of specie pay
ments our Lord of the Exchequer has noi
yet divulged. We know that the treasury
vaults contained Sver one hundred mill
ions of gold at the lastreport, and the
Eastern bank statements disclosed a vast
accumulation of bullion in their coffers.
This is in itself a significant matter.
The decision of the Supreme Court as
to the legality of greenbacks is not far off.
and Mr. Boutwell may seek to glorify him
self by anticipating the action of that tri
bunal with whose decision ho i3 likely,
privately to be acquainted. Be that as it
may, public opinion is settling strongly in
favor of specie resumption. The people
do not and cannot comprehend the utility
of the Government hoarding its gold, let
ting it Itfej unproductive hi thg vaultiand
only using it for Wall street Speculations.
Indeed so pvofound is the Impression
amongst financiershat a bold step in t'u?
direction of the resutnnttan of epecie pay
ments is impending, that they are trim
ming for the crisis which sooner or later
must arrive; and preparing for a storm
which will shake every commercial Inter
est to the center. Such a convulsion must
inevitably come, and afterwards wo may
sail on prosperously a thing now impos
sible with the heavy nnva of debt and
paper ; r compelled to rrr, St.
- i
uadical justice.
On last Monday Mr. Scrapie, editor of
the Hera Id, and Mr. Scott, editor of the
Oregonian, had a little " onpleasantness,"
in which the fditor of the Herald used a
cane, and the editor of the Oregonian a
derringer. Mr. Sempie struck Mr. Scott
one blow with his stick, when the latter
drew his derringer and advised the former
not to do so again. At this juncture the
city marshal arrested, both parties for dis
orderly conduct. Upon being taken be
fore the Recorder, Mr. Sempie plead
guilty and was fined ten dollars and costs.
Mr. Scott plead not guilty, and was tried
and acquitted. To fine Democrats heavily
for light offenses, and fine Republicans
lightly for heavy offenses, or acquit them
altogether, is in keeping with the practice
of Radical courts, and such things are at
tracting considerable attention. In speak
ing of this affair the Evening Commercial
of last Wednesday says :
Equal and exact justice should be the
motto of all officers whether ministerial
or judicial. Asa result of the late edito
rial set-to, Mr. Seraph was mulcted in a
psnalty of ten dollars and costs, for disor
derly conduct in using boisterous language
etc. on the street. Now to make things
even, we suggest that our city Marshall
lodge a complaint against Mr. Scott, charg
ing him with carrying- concealed weap
ons. He has already admitted the same,
and would probably plead guilty so Mr.
officers proceed and make things even.
Mrs. Stovrc Her Unreasonable De
- maud. C
From the New York Times.
Mrs. Stowe's mind seems to be in a
singular state of confusion concerning her
position in relation to Lord Byron and
Mrs. Leigh. cThe rule of law which guides
the civilized world is that it rests upni the
accuser to prove the charge, not upon the
accused to disprove it Fi incuhit pro-
baiio qui dicit, non gui negateand there
tore it was Mrs. Stowe's7 duty to produce
her proofs in the first instance. She failed
to do that ; but notwithstanding this break
down of her case, evidenceDwhich to all
appearance is perfectly unanswerable,was
adduced in favor of the incriminated per
sons. . It is proved out of Lady Byron's
own letters that she had the greatest con
fidence in and affection for Mrs. Leigh at
the very time Mrs. Stowe alleges that she
had discovered the guilty connection. All
that Mrs. Stowe does now is to publish a
seriesof " cards" asking the public to
' suspend their judgment." She hus no
.right whatever toGuiakc this claim. Qn
the absence of proof the public must as
sume the innocence of the persons ac
cused. A sensation" book was not
needed from Mrs. Stowe. Her evidence,
if she has any, could have been given in a
short compass. Her own comments must worthless, for she is noti
even an unprejudiced witness from hear
say, and it is to be inferred from her first
statement that she has no documents in
her possession which corroborated even
the smallest details of her story. She can
only give us her inferences and deduc
tions, all drawn from an avowed animus
against Lord Byron. We are to set the
evidence in favor ofcMrs. Leigh and Lord
Byron aside until we have" heard Mrs.
Stowe's opinions upon the evidence. Is
that a reasonable demand for Mrs. Stowe
to make? ,
-2 .2 - O
The Mound Uullders in tire Rocky
From the Rocky Mountain fews.'
An account was recently given of the
opening of an ancient mound in southern
Utah, similar to those of the Mississippi
valley, in winch were relicsjof the unj
known builders indicating much artistic
skill. It was stated Jhat this was tbe first
evidence found of the existence of the
mound builders west of the Rocky Moun
tains. We arc now able to ennounce, for
the first time as we suppose, the discovery
of similar mounds, evidently built by the
samerace, high up on the Rocky Moun
tains. The discovery was made by Mr.
C. A. Dean, of Denver, while at work on a
Government survey in the mountains, a
few weeks since. He found upon he ex
treme summit of the snowy range struc
tures of stone evidently oFancient origin,
and hitherto unknown or unnoticed. Op
posite to and alsonorth of the head of
South Boulder creek, and on the summit
of the range, Mr. Dean and his party ob
served large cumbers of the granite rocks,
many of them as large as two men could
lift, in a position that could not have been
tbe result W chance. They bad evidently
been placed upright in a line, conforming
to the general contour of the dividing
ridge, and frequently extending in an un
broken line for one or two hundred yards.
Many of the stones have fallen over or are
leaning, while others retain their upright
position. In two places connected with
this lino are mounds of stone, loosely laid
up, about two feet in height, and embrac
ing a circular area of about ten feet in
diameter. The stones were evidently col
lected on the spot, as the surface is cleared
for the space of several yards around the
structures. These lines and mounds of
stone bear antiquity, as the disintegrated
granite has accumulated to a considerable
depth at their base, and the rocks in the
mounds are moss grown. The feature
more particularly identifying these struc
tures with those of the mound builders
elsewhere, is that they present at intervals
projections pointing to the westward. We
are'ttfus particular in the description of
these Rocky Mountainmounds, which are
extraordinary in position if not in.charag;
ter, in the hope that antiquarians visiting
our Territory may be Induced to examine
them. It would not involve much labor
to open them, and possibly they cover
relics that may add something to our small
stock of knowledge of the ancient race
who constructed these and similar works
all over the continent. These walls and
mounds are situated 3.000 feet above the
timber line. It is, crefore, hardly snp
posable that they were built for altars of
sacrifice. They were not large enough
for shelter or defense. The more proba
ble supposition, is that, like the larger
mounu eist.i- ("ftj. ncujA jiuvrs ui
sepulture, and perhaps, also, at the same
i,rini m.mnri:,l noiniinrr with
moii rd elsewhere, (they 'wereplaces of
their gtone fingers in the direction of the
country from which the builders of their
ancestors migrated. The three mounds
may mark the rasting place of those who,
forborne distinction, were burjed as near
tQTieaveu as possibly. q
Republic" Dclit.
The present enormous load of debt the
people of America are groaning under is
now a national debt, and the faith of the
nation has never been pledged to its pay
ment. Therefore its repudiation by the people
will be no disgrace to the nation but an
overthrow of that carriage of bondf d aris
tocracy the working people of the United
States are striving their life out to drag. c
The debt secured by the United States
bonds is strictly a Republican debt.
It was made by the Republican party.
It was made to enrich Republican spec
ulators, their weak-kneed Democratic al
lies, and the Shylocks who lore a govern
ment only in proportion as they can bleed
It is a debt made by Republicans to
keep in office Republicans to fasten an
aristocracy on the people to T enslave
young labor to old wealth. w
It was made by Republicans under pre
tense of restoring the Union just as it was
before the war. Under no other pretense
could it have been forced upon the people
The ones who made the debt declared, af
ter the lives of thousands, and the for
tunes of millions had been lost, that the
Union was not restored.
It was made by the Republican party
that now legislates, not to benefit the coun
try, but to protect 4he bonds its pets and
backers hold. 0
It was made by the Republican party
that has broken eyery promise it ever
made to the people that oppresses the
South, and compels tho North to pay more
than its share.
It was made by the Republicans, who
throw the entire burden of the debt on
the ones who receive no benefit therefrom
by the Republican government, that is
not protecting the(people as it is '.he bond
holders,, and is in no way or honest man
ner a national debt.
The Government protects its bonds.
The Government does not protect the peoi
pie who protect it-
it onlv protects those
who, under cover of Republican lojalty,
rob every workingman of his profits to
eniichcthe bondholder, who is more iu
sympathy with his bonds than the people
who he is helping to rob.
National debts we would pay.
Republican debts we would repudiate.
The people, not their robbers, would
we protect. Pomeroy's Democrat
Since itdias become certain that the ne
groes in the South are voting with the De
mocracy there, there are symptoms in the
Radical party going tv show that it has
already began to repudiate them. For
instance, Mr. Greeley, who was nominated
for theoffice of Comptroller of the State"
of New York, has written a letter defining
his position on (the Negro Question, in
which he says :
" Has the Caucasian or White Race an
essential repugnance to vajsociating on
terms of equality and intimacy with the
Ethiopian or Black Race? Protracted
observation, and an earnest desire to
know the truth, has led us to the convic
tion that such repugnance does exist,
quite apart from, and independent ot, any
question of Slavery or Anti-slavery, Afri
can equality or inferiority (To Europeans
in Intellectual or moral elevation. There
are exceptions, but they only serve to
establish the general rule. We believe
that, if there never had been a slave in
America, this repugnance would neverthe
less have existed.
" We believe-4he time will nevef come
3vhen blacks will be generally invited to
the balls, soirees ml entertainments of
their white neighbors of HkCfortune ami,
general culture; that the intermingling of
whites with blacks will always beo repul
sive to t'je feelings of a preponderatingly
white community ; that the associating of
blacks with whites on juries, in military or
fire companies, as judges on the bench or
counsel at the bar. though it may ir Some
cases be effected, will never become gen
eral or permanent, because it goes against
the grain.
It does not follow that it is best that
blacks and whites, Malays, and Choctaws,
Moors (and Chinese, should be mixed up in
the same community. We think it is not
best, but conducive to many moral and
social evils ; the majority of our people
still more decidedly think ko1.
The great mass of the free white peo
ple of this country) however they may
condemn and detest slavery, and though
they may ardently desire ttr see the Afri
can race enlightened, ennobled, and ele
vated, do not wish blacks for their neigh
bors and associates, but would have the
Caucasian and the African races separated
into distinct andj independent communi
ties, as God placed them asome period
anterior to the date of Profane History.
And if this be an instinct, as we. believe,
it were idle to hope that it can be perma
nently defeatedby any dexterous mance
rering or stern resolution of numerically
feeble minorities." Q
This, it seems tous, is the most shock
ing ingratitude to the " saviors of the
country' and should be enough to bring
the blush of shame to Radical cheeks.
What, repudiate those who fought so
hpobly ? Shame lJJeUville (Illinois) Dem
The Mare Island Ballot box Stuffek.
-QVe have ;already adverted to the infa
mous and atrocious conduct of the Mare
Island officials at the recent election.
Tissue tickets, o'l which the names could
easily be read from the ouiside, were pro
cured and the workmen were made to
vote them, under ireats of dismissal.
Now ballot box stuffing is a penitentiary
offence. Every ballot thus coerced into
the box was a case of stuffing, and
those who were guilty of it deserve em
ployment under Uncle linden, at the
wayside hotel, keptcby the public, be
tween here and Mate Island.
The Vallejo Advertiser thus alludes to
the conduct of the Radical 'Masters:''
"the Radical party at Vallejo circulated
its customary shin-plaster tickets on
Wednesday. One, would suppose that the
respect for the opinions of decent men
should have induced the party of mana
gers to dispense with that infamous con
trivance to rob men of their rights to
express their own opinions through the
v.llrt-bnx at the iudicial election. Two
- - -
I or more Q the Masters of the Navy lard
I kept strict atch over the voters all day
any party. The Radical party of Califor
nia is damned. We look to the Democrat
ic Legislature to declare the issueing of
shin-piaster and other colored tickets a
felony in law as it is iu facl. Exchange
Telegraphic Clippings.
Republican Cliinese "Treaty Ratified.
A Herald special from London says,
Burlingame has just received information
assuring him that the Chinese treaty lately
concluded between the Emperor and the
United Slates has been ratified by China.
C. Levy Brown, Secretary oi the Amer
ican Embassy, is on his way to Washing
ton, from Pekii via California, carrying
attested copies of the treaty and other
documents. z q
Radical Outrages in Alabama.
; Montgomery, Dec. 10.
The House voted Brown (Democrat)
out of his seat, and refused him the privi
lege of spreading his protest on the jour
nal. A motion to award his seat to his
contestant was voted down. McKinstry
(Republican) of Mobile, was voted-a seat
in place of Mr Gee, recently expelled on
the ground of ineligibility.
The Spanish Gunboats Released.
Nkw York, Dec. 10.
. Stoughton. counsel for Delamater. bav
in moved for the release of the Spanish
gunboat. District Attorney Pierrepont
made no opposition, saying he had re
ceived instructions from Washington to
proceed no further in the matter. It is
officially shown that war no longer existed
between Spam and Peru. Judge Blatch
ford to-day made an order granting the
motion ot Stoughton.
More Dead Heads Provided for.
CiircAG, Dec. 14.
A bill will bo reported in the House
providing for the creating oP a new de
partment, to be called the Department of
Home Affairs. It will have control of In
dians, freedmen. education, agriculture
aud the supervision of immigration.
Snt Lovcngood Dead.
ONasuvili.e. Dec. 13.
Governor W. Ilirris, known as Sut
Lovengood, a humorous writer, died near
Knoxville to-day.
The Texas election
Nkw Oitr.K.vxs. Dec. 13.
A Houston dispatch snys-that returns
from 45 counties show Hamilton's (Con
servative) majority to be S.'J70. DaviP
(Radical) majority in 42 others is 1.232.
Forty counties are yet to be heard from.
The registered white vcte is lG.1.54,Qnd
the registered colored vote is "J, 233. Davis
leads tire registered colored vote by one
sixth. The Legislature as it now stands
is Senate, Conservative. 13 ; House. Con
servative. 41 ; Senate, Radical. 12 ; House,
Radical, ,31. The vote f'tv Governor is
still doubtful, but with this exception the
entire Radical State ticket isP elected.
Hamilton's Trietids clai his election for
Governor by 20.000 majority. Armstrong
and . Conness. Conservative, are believed
to be elected to Congress.
y Washington. Dec. 8.
The Postmaster General sent to the
House ot Representative. the estimate for
his department for next fiscal oar.
S2;7300,000 will be required. cof which
$13,507,000 are for the transportation of
niaijs inland, and $-1,800,000 for foreign
transportation ; also the fallowing sums in
addition for steamers between San Fran
cisco, Japan and China, $500.000 ; be
tween the United Stales an4 Brazil, S150.
000 ; between San Francisco and Sandwich
Islands, $75,000.
Tlic latla Amtiniinciil :mtl Natnrali
zulion, O
Washington, Dec. 10.
A jejnt resolution providing that all po
litico) disabilities shall cerise upon the
final ratification of the Fifteenth Amend
ment by three-fourths of the JStates. was
taken up. Stewart spoke at length in ad
vocacyoof the resolution. O
Among the bills introduced were the
following: To dispense with spies and in
formers in the internal revenue service ;
amendatory o&hG naturalization lawsby
Schofield, for the transfer of tile Philadel
phia navy yard to League Island ; by
Rodgers. to remove political disabilities
from the people of States lately in rebel
lion : by J encks, to establish a uniform
rule-wf naturalization-; by Coburn,to pro
vide for the sale of coin in the Treasury,
except what is required for the payment
of interest on the bonds.
Smith ffi Tennessee, asked leave to offer
a rosolutTbn to annulQthe late Tennessee
election. Wood objected.
Georgia to !jc Admitted.
"Washington. Dec. 12.
O Mr. Carpenter, from the committee on
the Judiciary, reported Morton's bill to
perfect the reconstruction of Georgia,with
amendnienlspproviding for the convening
of the old Legislature on the dapnamed
by the Governor, and excluding those in
elligible under the Fourteenth Amend
ment ; that no person shall IreGrefused on
account of color ; the President to be au
thorized to employ, on application, the
military and naval forces toQmforce the
provisions of this act ; the Legislature to
be only provisional until further actiou by
Virginia to be Admitted.
Butler, chairman cf the Reconstruction
Committee, presented a bill admitting
Virginia to representation in Congress,
declaring that she has complied wilh the)
requirements of the act of Congress.
A Xew Move. O
Wasiitngton, Dec. 14.
In the House, resolutions were intro--duced
bythe Ways and Means Committee
to inquireZinto the expediency of abolish
ing the offices of Collectors and Assessors
and other agents of the Internal Revenue
Department, and apportioning the amount
of tax required to be raised from domestic
sources among the several States in pro
portion to their population? Also one de
claring that the American people learn
with horror andQndignation of the treaty
ment of American citizenschcld as political
prisoners under the English Government,
and that no language is adequate to con
demn such treatment, and urging the Na
tional Executive, as a duty, to interfere in
their behalf.
Whites Compelled to Associate with
0 W asminkton, Dec. 8.
Sumner offereu a resolution Qlireetjng
the Committee on the District of Columbia
to consider te expediency oj repealing
the charter ofthe Medical Society of the
District, and taking such other legislation
as maybe necessary to secure for medical
practitioners of the District equal rights
without distinction of color.
Morton objected to the consideration of
the resolution.
Sumner explained that the society ex
cluded negroes, and that members were
forbiddeir to hold medical consultation
with physicians not members.
After some discussion Morton withdrew
the objection and the resolution passed.
Congress after President Grant and
Secretary lioutwell on the N. V.
Gold Speculations.
Fox asked permission to introduce a
resolution for the creation of. a special
committee of five members, to investigate
the causes of the unusual and extraordi
nary fluctuations in the New Y'ork gold
market in September last, and especfally
to inquire if IheH'resident, Secretary of
the Treasury, or any Government officer
was in any manner interested in causing
such fluctuations.
No Examination ole Had In licgaid
to tlie President.
- Washington, Dec. 12.
The resolution directing tbeSCommittee
on Banking to inquire into the cause of
the unusual and extraordinary fluctua
tions of gold iu New ioik in ceptemner
last. wasVuodified, leaving out the offen
sive allusion to the President, and referred
to the Committee on Banking.
Tenure of Office Law
The House Jiediciary Committee
agreed to report a bill for the repeal of
the" Tenure of Office Act. There is no
doubt of its passage in the Bouse.
Jlpictal Refokm. Official returns of
the 1-te election in New York eshow that
while the constitution as a whole has been
rejected, those sections which refer to a re
form of the judiciary have been adopted.
This proves that the people are becoming
wearied with judicial incompetency and
corruption. The bench of New York has
of late been a purely partisan organiza
tion. Men having neither learning nor
mind have been elected on party issues.
The constitutional amendment just adopted
looks toward.a restoration of judicial in
dependence and integrity. Such a reform
in Mi-sour i would not come amiss. Ht.
Louis Times.
BnmEitv, Too. t appears from the
chartres made against Barton, a Custom
House broker ot this city, that in addition
to the fraudulent returns, forgeries and
perjuries heretofore unearthed in the Cus
tom House, bribery has been actively em
ployed in corrupting our revenue officers
and in defrauding the Treasury. All these
disclosures, however, only prove thore
and more forcibly the urgent necessity of
a thorough scouring and wasliii g of the
Augean stables. It may be one of the
labors of Hercules, but it must be carried
through. There can be no payment of
the national debt, no return to specie pay
ments, while bands of robbers are engaged
in plundering the Treasury. N.lllerald.
Oregon City Prices Curreiit.
The following ae the prices paid for
produce, and the prices at which other ar
tie'es are selling, in this market :
Wdl FAT White, r(- bushel, 70 ct.s.
OATS t. bushel. 374 cts.
POTATOES1? bushel. :J710 cts.
ONIONS bushel. $1 00. -
FLOUlD-'fi 11I. $4 00 SI 50.
BRANS White, lb., ti cts.
DRIED FB FIT Apples. lb., 45c;
Peaches. $ ib.,10(ml2c: Plums. Jb., 7
15 cts.; Currants. lb.. 1020 cts.
BUTTER ---ft B- 30 cts.
EGGS T? dozen. 30 cts. !
CHICKENS t? dozen. $2 50-3 00.
SUGAR Crushed, 1 lb.
. 20 cts.; Island
J lb., 15 cts. ;
IX lb., 10 124 cts. ; N. ()..
ban f -rancisco reiined. H IT). 14 cts.
THA Young Hvson, lb., $1 50 ;
pan. i lb., y0c$l 25 ; Black. 1 lb.,'
$1 00.
COFFEE "pi lb.. 22 cts. a.
75c. SALT "ft lb., li3 cts.
b K l, r Heavy
Ex. Heavy Golden.
Golden, gall.. $1 ;
f gall., Si 00 $1 10.
"fi lb., 18 cts : Sides,
none in market ; Shoulders, none.
L ARD - tl $'-. 12 cts.
OIL Devoe's Kerosene, 'f? 80c.
$1 00; Lin ee l oil. r.iw 'gall.. SI G5 :
Lin-eed oil. boiled gall.f $1,70.
WOOL lb., 20 cts. 0 .
BEEF On foot, 6 cts. "ft Jb.
POKIv On foot. G cts. t lb.
SHEEP Per head. $2 00f?$2 50.
0 iiiui ureen, r io.. oc.
10 cts.
ft'KKEYS SI 50 each.
GEESE SI 50 each.
j i,
Xw Advertisements.
Oaemisi and Bris
( i- 4
Bit. Stark (fhd IVu hington-,
0r.Tr Thysicians' Prescriptions Carefully
prepared, at reduced Prices. A complete
assortment of Patent Medicines, Perfumer
ies, Toilet Articles, F;incy Snaps, etc., on
hand and for sale at lovrtst prices.' n3tf
Savings! Savings!
o .
Department !
This Bank has established, in connection
with its"genernj Banking business, a savings
department, and will allow interest on coin
deposits, made in accordance vvrth the condi
tions adopted by this Bank.
In establihnrg a Savings Department, tlvs
Banking Associ Uion has in view the benefit
to accrue to a class of persons having small
suns to loan, hy prov iding a safe place ot"
deposit, ample security-, and fair rate of in
terest, as well as'-to atrgiegate and bring into
use idle capital. For the safety of deposits
in this Bank, are pledged its entire capital
and resources, and also tbe personal liability
of its Directors and Stockholders, as provid
ed by Section 12 of the National Currency
Act, approved Jut e 3, 1804, a greater epcu
rity than that given by ordinary Savings
Banks. Printed copies of the conditions up
on vvdiich deposits are received, may be had
upon applictiotfto theBoard.
HENRY FAILING, r. President
JAMLS STlJfcli Cashier
Henry Failing IIexet W. Corbett,
L. 11. Walefikld, Jamks Steel,
W J. VaxSculyver. ntltf
C. It. MYlilKS,
Fitting Establishment,
Xo. HO Firet Street.
. .Portland
Ereirt tbe celebrated Factory of
XIessrsT' liunr-ev A, Co.. Scbeiiectedv .
JSew York.
,TEKNS in intern sUi-i.. v:,,,
... ' iiiiou, ilUU
W-conomy, SUPERIOR TO ANY olleied
IX THIS MARKET, Comprising:
S All sizes tor lead or iron'Tni-
All sizes " "
All sizes for lead or iron pine:
P I or deep wells ;
'AMALGAM BELLS, for Steamboats,
Factories. Churches, etc.
POINTS, for Drive wells ;
I invite citizens generally to call and ex
amine my stock, which has been selected
with great care, and especial attention given
to the wants of this: market.
(5. 11. MYERS,
llu Front street, Portland, Oregon.
A. H. Kiclmi-!son
Corner of Front and Oak streets, Vmh
Of Real Estate Groceries, General Men
dise and Horses lerch:n
Every Wednesday and Saturday t
' B Richardson, Auctioneer.
En? ,?h refined Rar and Bundle Iron
English Square and Octagon r-if. '
Horse shoes, Files, RaSpsfs" StCcl I
Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, R.'g Ir
. , also:
A large assortment of Groceries and I iA
D' RieiiARDsoy, Auctioneer
New To-Bay.
Doors Windows !
which he offers at
"Look nt his Stock before
purchasing elsewhere,
SoocIs Wsirraiitcd j
Pine "Watches! Rich Jewelry U
And Silveryare !
11. Ii. S T O IV 13,
Dealer in
W atclies Jewelry !
107 Front Street. Portland, Oregon.
Would invite the attention! his friend
and the public to his Large and Choree as
sortmenUof FINIi WATCI1KS, from the
most celebrated makers of K. Howard k Co.
Boston ; Apeboir & Tiacey, P. S. Bart'.ett,
Waltham, Alass.; Elgin Watches; Jaoot's
Self-wi idling Watches; English Watches and
others. AIs , a wdDsclectvd stock of ladies
Watches, of all description and styles.wiiidi
he would be pleased to show to all who may
favor him with a call.
Gold and Silver Watches, of different ma
kers. Diamond Pins, Ear r ings, and Finger
rings. Gold Bracelets. Gold Chatelain
Guards and WaCh Chains. Gold Necklace
Armlets. Crosses and Lockets. Gold breat-pin-s,
Ear rings, and Finger-rings. Gold
Charms and Keys. California Gold Risgn
and Bohmes Patent Bnckcls.
Mos Agate Setts, Rings end Cuff Buttons.
Wedding rings made of pure gold, express!
for that purpose. Gold and Silver Thimbles.
Opera and Marine, Glasses, Pebble Specta
cles and ivve-glasses.Q Solid Silver Napkin
Rings. Silver FruiP and Butter Knives.
Solid Silver Table and Tea Spoons. Regula
tors, Seth Thomas Clocks, 'Marine Clocks,
Gilt Galley Clocks, etc.
JT All the above articles sold Cheap for
Cash, and warranted as represented.
Particular attention given to repairing and
adjusting ot" Chronometers, Duplex andAnnr-
icau W&tehe
107 Front street. Portland, Orrgon.
From the pasture cf II. Straight, near
Oregon CityQone
has Saddle marks, sQid is about 14$ hands
high. When she left, had on smooth show.
I will liberally reward anv one wlia
will return her to me at Oregon City, Oregon
She formerly belonged to John Bell, of Salem.
Deo. 4th tf JOHN MYERS.
PaiiMilMs;, lsiintiii
' s
Steamboat Painting
Graining, Gilding,
China Glossing, lmilo.lion$
Of all Bids
Wood sunt Mui'blc'
Executed as well, as can. be done on the Pacine
Coast. Examine our tcork and Judge for
yourselves. &
Jtra-Evcrj- order attended to with care and
expedition, C. E. DlUL'HAl,
West Door Ralston's Ih'ick,
Main st., Oregon ( itf
Scasoii of 1SG9-70.
G. W. WALLING & Co. would call
t Tlf ft ft on ( ifn if the- niihiie to their large-1"
and well assorted stock of hue fruit trees ana
shrubbery, consisting of choree rarieties oi
lT Persons desirous of purchasing tret
should call and examine our stock, wnicn
the largest ard best in the State.
i..jrJ tha .ocJjN cont to the Norserj
lavrll be prompely filled and forwarded.
Address all orders to
G- Wr. WALLING .t Co.,
45tf Oowcgu, Clackamas County Oregon