1.'t.-W--WtWW.UMBB ''Art-emus" among the Spirits. The cumpany-then drew round the tabic, and the Sirclc ko mm dic ed to go it. They axed me if tharc ! was annybeddy in the spirrit land which I would to convarse with I sed, if Bill Thomkins, who was onst my partner in the show bizi ness, was sober, I'd like to cony arse Avith him a few periods. " Is the Sperct of William Tomp kins present ?" sed one of the long hared chains, and there was three knox on the table. Sez I, " William, how goze it, old Sweetness ?" "Pretty ruff, old boss "replied Dill. That was a pleasant way we had of addressing -each other when he was in the flesh. " Air y ou in the show biziness, William' sed I. lie sed he wus lie Bed he & J. Banyan wus travelin' with side show, m connection with fehaks pere, Johnson & Co.'s Circus. lie sed old Bun. (meanin Mr. Bunyan uv coorse,) stirred up the animals and ground the organ, while he (Bill,) tended the door. Occash unally Mr. Bunyan sang a serio comic song. The Circus was doin' middlm well. Bill Shakspere had made a grate hit with old Bob Kid ley, and Ben Johnson was delitin the people with his trooly grate ax of hossmanship without saddul or bridal. They was rehersin Dixey's Land, and expected it would knox 1.10 jc)lc ' Sed I, " William, my luvelyold chum, kin you pay me that 13 dol lars you owe me V" lie sed "No!" with one of the most tremenjis knox I ever experiensed. The Sircle sed he lied gone. " Air you gone, William?" sed T. "Knytheri" lie rcplide, and so 1 knowd it was uv no use to pursoo the subieck furdcr. I then called fur my farther. He cum. Sed I, "How's things, daddy?'' " Middlm' my son, middlm," sed he. c Sed I, " Ain't you proud of your of urn boy ?" " Scarcely," sed he. Sed I, " Why not, my parient ?" " I3ecawz!" he ray t her indignant ly rcplide, "You've gone to writin for the noospapers, my sou. Bime by you'll lose all your character for trooth and varrasity; when I helpt you into the show biziness I told you to dignerfy that there profesli un. Lettcratoor is low." He also stated that he was doin middlm well in the peanut biziness, and liked it putty well,thongh the climate was ray t her warm.- -ArU Dius 'Ward, His Book. s 0 C- - Tin: Tomi; of Adae. The tomb of Adam! How Couching it was, here in a land of strangers, far away from home, and friends, and all who cared for me, thus to dis cover the grave of blood relation. True, a distant one, but still a re lation. The uneering instinct of nature thrilled its recognition. The fountain of my filial affection was stirred to its profoundest depths, and I gave way to tumult uous emotion I leaned upon a pillar and burst into tears. I deem it no shame to have wept over the grave of my poor dead relative. Let him who would sneer at, my emotion close this volume here for lie will find little to his taste in my journeyings through the Holy Land. Noble old man he did not live to see me he did not live to see his child. And I I alas, I did not live to see him. Weigh ed down by sorrow and disappoint ment, he died before I was born six thousand brief summers before I was born. But let us bear it with fortitude. Let us trust that he is better off, where he is. Let us take comfort in the thought that his loss is our certain gain. 3Iark Twain. A Loxg Peater. Deacon Barnesj of Ohio, a very pious man, was noted for his long prayer!?, es pecially in his family. One morn ing the deacon and Ids wife were alone, and as was his custom after breakfast, a prayer was offered. There being an Unusual amount of work that day the deacon's prayer was short. lie seized his hat and milk-pail, and started for the barn. His wife being very deaf, did not notice his absence, but supposed him to be still engaged in prayer. On his return from milking, he was surprised to find her still kneel ing, lie stepped, up to her and bhouted "Amen," when she imme diately arose and went about her work as it nothing had happen ed i. Occasionally, when the train arrives at Middletown, Conn., a nieo young man jumps ' of and kisses the best looking r"ul at th depot, supposing it to beThis sUter! lie apologizes so nicely that the girls are getting so they look for him regular, borne big brotl iier will iam Ins nose yet. "My son," said an anxious fath er, "why do you use that nasty to bacco?" The hoy, declining to consider the question in the spirit in which it was asked, replied; "To t Ih c j nice. 5J A STRATJGE STORY.. Resurrection of the rcailllfe Res tored a, Decapitated Criminal. A Florence newspaper. IJ Italic extracts , from the " Annals de la Medicine et de la Chirurgie Etran gerie" the following extraordinary history. The Italian paper, for reasons easily to be gathered, does not give implicit credence to this i. i L "1 . . 1 1 sLuiemenc, nor lend it me etmonai sanction : On the 18th of April, 1868, in the prison of Villarica, province of Minas-Geraes, in Brazil, two men, nam el Aveiro and Carines were ex ecuted at the same time. In Bra zil executions take place with clos ed doors, in the interior of the prison. Dr. Lorenzo y Carmo, of Bio Janeiro,well known by savants for his remarkable works on elec tricity, applied to physiology, his surgical skill, and his success in au toplastic operations, obtained per mission to profit by this event in order to experiment on the power of electricity, and to illustrate its analogy with some of the phenom ena of life. The numerous experi ments hitherto attempted, have been made on the head and trunk separately. Dr. Lorenzo y Carmo's design was, if possible, to unite the head to the neck, after decapitation. The heads of the two criminals fell within a few minutes of each other into the basket ; first, that of Can nes, then that of Aveiro. Immedi ately after this second execution a compression was effected by a pu pil of Dr. Lorenzo on the carotid arteries of one of the heads, so as to stop the hemorrhage. The body was then placed on a bed already prepared, and Dr. Lorenzo stuck the head as exactly as possible on the section, and kept it in that po sition. The cells of a powerful ek'! trio piie were applied to the bape of the neck and on the breast. Under this influence, as in former experiments, the respiratory move ments were at once perceptible. As the blood, which penetrated in abundance through the surface of the scar, threatened to stop the passage of air, Dr. Lorenzo had re course to tracheotomy. liespiration then ensued regularly. The head was fastened to the body by stitch escand by a special apparatus. The physiologist wished to find out f0r how long a time the ap pearance of life could thus be arti ficially maintained. His astonish ment was grc.at, when he saw that at the end of two hours; not only did respiration still continue under the iniluencc of the electric current but that circulation had even re sumed a certain regularity. The pulse beat feeblr, but sensibly. The experiment was continued without intermission. At the end of sixtv-two hours it was evident, i to the astonishment of everyone that a process of cicatrization had commenced on the lips of the sec tion. A little later, signs of life manifested themselves spontane ously in the head and linifo, untill then deprived of motion. At this moment the director of the prison, arriving for the first time in the ex periment room, observed that by a singular mistake. 'due to the haste of the operation, the head of Can nes had been taken for that of Aveiro, and had been applied to the body of the latter. The experi ment "was continued, notwithstand ing. Three days later the respira tory movements reproduced them selves, and electricity was suppress ed. I)r. Lorenzo y Carmo, and his assistants, were stupefied, and frightened, at a result so unexpect ed, and at the power of an agent, which, in their hands, had restored life to a body whose right to exist, the law had forfeited. The learned surgeon who had only had in view a simple physio logical' exjieriment, employe! all his skill to continue this work which science, aided against all expecta tion by nature, had so singularly commenced. He assisted the pro gress of cicatrization, which pro gressed under the most favorable conditions. By means of an resopha giar. probe, liquid nourishment was introduced into the stomach. At the end of about three or four months the ccatrization was com plete, and motion, though still diffi cult, became more and more ex tended. At last, at the end of seven months and a half, Aveiro-Carines was able to rise' and walk, feeling only a slight stiffness in the neck, and a feebleness in the limbs. So ends this remarkable story. Who can tell the results of scien tific investigation carried so -far? In families natural defects may be be remedied by readjusting heads and bodies not originally propor tioned for each other, and human beings dissatisfied with their sex, may, under the benevolent system of I)r. Lorenzo y Carmo, repair the error of their origin. It will be a Question lor lawyers to determine t o what nationality theo future be ings arc to belong, if head and body have previously owed a sep arate allegiance. But if the sys tem holds good in violent deaths, surely it may ho applied to deaths ensuing, as the coroners' juries have it, from natural causes. In th;s ease wc might preserve our states men and celebrities forever. Op ponents of the system would bo iound, howeverPin heirs-apparent A yankee girl' broke an on?.noc merit to marry because her intend ed husband had a habit of sneezing in his sleep. "Most ladies never find such things out until too late, but yankee girls are curious and experimental and generalHr "know it all." , Single Blessedness. '- Let no repugnance to a single stato Lead to a union with a" worthless mate ; Although ?ti3 true you'll find full many a fool Would make old rcaids the butt of ridicule, A single lady, though advanced in life. Is much more happy than an ill-inatchcd wife. , , Of Constancy. " Do you," said Fanny t'other day, " In earnest lov me, as yon say ? Of late those tender words applied m Alike to fifty girls beside." " Dear cruel girl !" cried I, " forbear, -For byt those eyes, those lips, I swear " . She stopped me, as the oath I took, And cried, You've sworn, now kiss the book ?" . A correspondent in Florida, evi dently affected by surrounding cir cumstances, sends the following: How doth the little crocodile Improve his shining tail, And pour the waters of the Nile On every golden scale. How cheerfully he seems to grin Ilow neatly spreads his claws. And welcomes little fishes in With gently smiling jaws. CUAS. IIOOGE. .CUAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W. SXELL. HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IN DBTJGS and MEDICINES, TAINTS, OILS, Al&D WINDOW GLASS, s FA HXIS TIES, BRUSHES, r A INTERS Material, ana urv.o'jUts' Sundries. ' S7 Front Sirtct, S"). Portland, Oregon. DIEEOT IMPORTATIONS 1 1 ELEGANT STYLES -OF- led1 Just received and placed in tlie warcroonis, EiURGREN & SKiNBLER ! ICG, 1GS, 150, 172 First street, corner of Salmon, PORTLAND, OREGON. PARLOR SETS IN TERRY. IN PLUSH, AND IN IIAIR-CLOTII. Hew Ornamental Pieces, For ilie Parlor, Groat Assortment f HOUSEHOLD FUR1IITUEE ! Lounges and Spring beds. The trade supplied loith goods in original packages, on reasonable terms. 11URGREN & SI1INDLER. Harvest of 1869 ! ! Selling off to Close Business, Aaad 110 HUMBUG ! The Efittirc Stocli ! or DRY GOODS, EEADY-MADE CLOTHING. .BCOTS AND SHOES, ilens' Ladies, Miescs and Childrena . HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Vicks, Chimneys and Burners! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to be sold Regardless of Price! ftB- To convince jTonrse!f withrespect to tliia matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, South of lope Co.'s Tin Store, Oregon City. JPstintiiig, JPsiisatliag Mm. HOUSE, 9 AND :3 aarjJ.'-t 5? Bteamooat Tainting Graining,- Gilding, China, Glossing, Imitations Of all hinds Wood zisss! M:5L3I1U) 2 Executed as iccE as can be doiui on the Pacific Coast. Examine our icork and Judge fur yourselves. JTTCvery order jiftemled with cars and expedition, ' C E. MURRAY, West Door Kalstoii's Drick, . Main st., O rewa Cit y I A J COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY Dl? P.T.Tt?noMTA WHEN THE LOOK OUT FOR THE LOCOMOTIVE. Mow is the Tinrie to While they are At .Cost I. ..For, Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now better prepared than ever to attend to the wants, of my customers, and having a double amount of verydesirable goods on hand, I have decided to Sell off at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact I ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part ofthc following articles : LADIES DItESS GOODS. BALMORALS, IIATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks : KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY" ; I BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths : BOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAPS ; CLOTHING: FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS : CASSIM ERE SUITS ; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS ; BOYS' AND YOUTHS; CLOTHING, all sizes anl on A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on tho Also a larjxc stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment 7Z?? All kinds of Produce MA S E UR Ri" W4 WERTHEIRSER. Manufacturer of and Dealer in Purniture, OKEUOV CITY. rpAKBS TIBS METHOD OF INFORMING JL the public that he has now on Land a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities of Ilich and Medium Furniture ....... Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which, merits the attention of buyers. ile MAKTJTACTURES FURNITURE m Using good materials, and employing th very best mechanics in the State, !unce he can warrant his goods to be as lepresented. and he is prepared to lill all orders with promptness. lie would call the attention of the public to his salesroom, tis containing the most complete assortment of desirable jood& in the State. M. WEKTHEIMER. Alain street, Oregon City. OREGON CITY BREWERY! Havinor nurchased the r.bovp Hmworv wish es to inform the public that he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of 1A GER BE Ell, As good as can be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. J. McHenry, 94 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. Has on hand, and is constant ly receiving direct from the East.alarno and carefully selected stock of Crockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware, Lamps, etc., all of which he otters r.t prices to suit the tin.es, at Wholesale and Retail, I57J 'Dealers will do well to call and exam ine his stock, and learn his prices, before purchasing elsewhere. 112 131-" FRONT STREET, FIRST STREET, Near Morrison Street. Near Yamhill. KAST & CAHALIN. Hew Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the: City ! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as Renkert's, Tirrell's, Fogg's, Houghton & Coolidece's, Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of gents' and boys' wear. Also Mile's, Sieberlich's, Burt's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. 1. S. Roots made to order, and an assort menUof ourmake constant lv on hand. JTEW WAGON AN'D Carriage Manufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of his premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City. Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as may ;lLe pleased to cal!, that he is cow prepared, with ample room, good "materials, and the xuvy best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out idl complete any sort of a vehicle from a com mon cart to a concord coach. Try me. lilaekstnithi-'ng, Horse or Ox-shoeing, and reneral jobbing neatly, quickly and cheap ly done. DAVID SMITH. Opposite Excelsior Market Q JMPEPvIAL MILLS. Savier, LaUcque & Co., OREGON CITY. r?-Eeep constantly on hand for sale, tlonr MidliujM, Bran and Chicken Feed, Parties purchinjr feed must luraicli the sacks. Ifllf BELL KINGS Buy your going Cheap ! HUTS ill ties. most reasonable terms. i. is ' i V J. j tv. i .A. 9 yTir-RAGS WANTED. 9 Successor tv JU11N FLEMING,' At Cliarmanfy Warner' old tand, laMy oc cupied by S. Ackemutn, Main street, Oregon Ci'.y, Oregon. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CIS SLI2 9 J Y i i-U U 'U J IZ1 - .r 1 3 Txiig-9 etc, VS'TILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox II AND V a large and well selected stock of Hooks Stationery, and Drugs, comprising in part Standard and JBscellaneoits Books, Medical, Mining, and Scientific Boobs, Theological and Bc'ig ions' Books. Juvenile and Toy Books, Sabbat, and Bay School Books, III GREAT VARIETY. Blank Books in Erery Style, Pass Books, Memorandum Books, and Time Books, Braioing, Trac ivg and Tissue Paper t -Portfolios, and PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds', Maynard cf Koyes,1 and David's Inks, Mucilage', Sheet Music, Music Pcqter, and irote Books. AU cf Which ho will Cell at the Lowest Prices. A General Variety of Drugs and Patent Medicines, Constantly on hand, for sale. &Z School Teachers, and parents of Schol ars will find it to their advantage to inspect my stoek and prices, before purchasing else where. Hooks Imported to Order. Orders res peetl'ully solicited ami promptly hiiod. Agent for the San Francisco Times, and Eastern periodicals, and pancrs. JO H NM . BACON". W. F. HIGKFIELD, Established since ISi'J.nt the old stand, Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, aad Stth Thomas' weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be as represented. Itenairines done on short notico. -2and thankful for past favors. CLARK GREENEAK-, City Drayman, t. 0EEG0XV1TY. ttS, All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, will be exe cuted promptly and with care. WALLAMET iRON WORKS COMPANY ! Iron JFotaiIers, "if! And Eoiler Builders! 'North Front and E sts. THESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and liaro fsiKlioc fw ing out machinery promotlv and eflicientiv" I i . . f .i 1 .. . .' v i; uae se.cureu xne services ot Air. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience oa this coast for fifteen years gives hi in a thorough knowledge of the rarious kinds oi" machinery required to: mining and milling purposes. Vve ai-e prepared t7 exe cute orders for nil ehisjes of machinery and boiler works, si:eh as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY ! FLOUEING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING TUMPS ! ! &c, &:c., 6cc, ManvfiMture and Rer.air Mae-hlntm of nil kinds. IRON SHUTTER WORK at SaA J rancLseo cost and freoj.'tt. H heeler ib Ran detlCs Patent Grinder erp l. AmnLamntot Dnnhar'n and. Steven's Sef AdJ until; Patent Futon Packinn. either antJ.u-J. .;hf ,-.. steam cylinder. Qnartz Stamper, Shoe end ,.' 4 ft I 7 .... f ' . - Only.! W i t: row -m irx i,? j-nJ i. ATOTICE. JJ . Is hereby given tnai i wi i oc at . mo Sheriff's oflice in Oregon City, Oregon lrom , n.i. f a ii 18G'J, to the 1st day ot January, 1870, and V-Af"-,e.r", " . y. r't r;."";,- ALL FERSOXS ARE REQUESTED TO PAY THEIR TAXES! On or before the 1st day of January. As costs mav be added after that dale. " JOHN .MYERS, Sheriff and Collector of Clackamas County. Nov. 27th, 1800. I3.3t "1X7 ILL AM ETTE FALLS YV CANAL AND LOCK COMPANY. The regular Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of thtt above named Company, for the election of directors, will le held atllic otiice of the undersigned, in Oregon Ci3 on Mondaj', December (ith, I8Gi, at 10 o'clock A.M. S.UUELAT, Secretary, Nov. 2oh, lftC'J. (3.") WJF.CJcL.Co. JOTICE. : "" . I will visit the several Precincts at the following times nnd places for '.he purpose of "receiving State and County Taxes, for the year 18C9, in person or by Deputy, from 10 o'clock A. M. until 2 o' clock P. M. of each day : Monday, Nov. 8, Rock Creek Precinct. J eusday, v, Cascade Wed'sday " 10, Young's Thursday ' 11. Springwater, Friday, . " 12, Harding's Monday, " 15, Upper Mollala Tuesday, " 1G. Marquain's Wed'sday. iJ 17. Lower Mollala Thursday, " 18. Union Friday. " 10, Pleasant Hill Saturday, " 20, Tualatin Monday, 22. Milwaukee, Tve.day " 23, Oswego Wed'sday " 24. Beaver Creek u ( it it tt it ti ti It Thursday 25, Canemah fj..On Friday and Satimlay.Nov. 2Cth and 27 th, at Oregon City Precinct. JOHN .MYE'JS, n."il-lf Sheriff Clackamas Onndu. Oregon S 1IKKIFFS SAtE. Notice is hereby given th.it, by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, and tCrmc directed, bearing date Oeloh er ttli, A. D. lSr.:, and in f.ivor cf F. Wi!de and sgainst tJeorge Abcrnathy and othevs. Trusties ol the Methodist Episcopal "hi-.rcb, for tiio sum of One 1 iuiui rod : i:d Forty and '.i-VllM'lh Dollars damages, inter cut and costs, and for the iurlher rum of Dollars co.-t-i and accruing costs, I have, thin 18th day of October, 1S;'J. levied upon all the right, title and interest oi the Meth'idist Episcopal Church in, and to Lot five (5) in block twenty-eight (28) in the town. of Oregon City, as n arked on the pl.t on file in the Clerk's oi'iice, at Oregon City, Oregon, and will proceed to sell the same to the highest bidder, to satisfy said Execu tion, at the Couit House door in Oregon City on SaturiLn, Xovcmhcr 20th, -18G9, at tlie hour of 12 o'clock, 51., ol said d;ijr. Dated at Oregon Citv, October l!)th. 1SG9. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff Vloclxnnas (Jomiy V,y T. J. McCvver', Deputy. noO-fnv' SHERIFF'S SALE. Py virtue of an execution and order ol sale fssued mt of the Circuit .Court of the State of Oiegon for the County of Clacka mas, dated lith day of November, A. !.. ISC'.' and to me directed pursuant to a decree in liivor of S. S. MaiKliarn and against Henry Oliver and v.ivira Oliver bis wife for the sum of ;57!i 00 and inleiest and ct sts m IT ,1 1 1 A m. o. go;u com, a -.u a uecree i toreclosure of a mortgage on real eatsts 1 liavc this 17th day-of November, A. D. 1m;) levied on tke following 'fiesf nb. d land specified in said de- crece, sud -order d sale as folhws to-wit : Lot No live (-Y) in lUeck No forty six (4) in the Town of Orrg n City, Clackamas County, Oregon, with tie appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anv wise ai'pertaiiiiiiLras the property of the sa:d Henry Ohvcr and Jr. i vita Uhvcr b'.s v. iie. And on o JMondi-y the 20th dag of Bceanher l'-.; at the hour of VI o'clo kf. of said dav in front o! the Court House door in Oregon City m said ( cunty, I will sell the same to tlie higlie.-t satisfy said costs. bidi er for U. S. gold coin to execution co.-ts a,d JOHN MYKIIS, l.eiiit of Clackamas Countv. I;y T. J. McC wtVRn, Deputy. -0: Oregon C.ty, November 17th, 1SG0. - SHSEIEF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution and order of .-ale isi tied out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas dated lHh day of November A. I). 18G9 and to me directed pursuant to a decree, in favor of Deter Paqnctt and against Nelson Alison for the sum of :.) Go-lOO and interest and costs in U. S. Gold coin and a decree of foreclosure of a mortgage on real estate, I have this 17th, day of November A. D., 1SG9 levied on the following described parcel of land specified in said decree, and ei der of sale, as follows to-wit: The donation land claim of Nelson Alison the defendant herein, embracing the S K j of section IS and the N E of section 24 in T 2, S ii 1 E excepting one hundred acres of said claim so'd by defendant to James Ulan pied lyinaciii the "western side of said tract of" land, the p ut ordered sold by this decree being 220 acres on the easterly side of said cl-dm and the appurtenance thereunto be longing or in any wise appertaining as the property of the said Nelson Alison. And ou Monday the 20th day of December 18I at the hour of 12 o'clock M. of said dav in front of the Court House door in Oregon City in said county l will proceed to sell the same to the highest bidder for U. S. gold coin to satisfy said execution costs and ac cruing costs. JOHN MYEHS, SheriffClackamas County. By T. J. McCarver, Deputy. D20 Oregon City, November 17th 1SG9. ' REFEREES' SALE. Ii Circuit Court of tine State of Ore gon for the County of Cla.c3tii.inas. James 11. Fish and Clementine V.'Fixk, 7us wife, v. Jotteph KeUog-; adn Estdla Kel l"brS. hi wife, E. M. Bunrto and Rhoda Ann Burton, his wife. November idh, 1 8Gl. Decree of Court in partition and order of sale. This cause came on this day to be heard upon the complaint ot the plaintiffs, and it appearing that all the pariies hereto nave been duly served with the summons according to law, and said parties being in court, the plaintiffs by J. 11. Mitchell, their attorney, and the fendants by Wm. Strong, their at torney., the Court pro ceeded to hear said cause upon said com plaint and proofs herein offered, and uwon said hearing and proofs, and with the con sent of the parties lierenn tlo lind as fol lows . That the plaintiffs, and Clementine V. risk and the defendants Joseph Kel logg and G. M. Um t;vi hold and are in possession of the following escribed real property, with th;; teneruonUs. privileges, and appurtenances thereunto bekmirisi" .3 teiumts in common, hi which pronerty each of the said defendants Josrtdi Kol- logg and G. ll. Eurto!) and the said plain tiff Clementine, V. Fisk has an estate of Inheritance to the extent of the undivided interests owned by each therein as is hereinafter specially set forth. . The whole of said real property in which said parties have an interest as tenants in common being described as follows : Situ ate in the town of Milwaukee, county of Clackamas, and State of Oregon, eom mepcing at a point - on the donation land claim of Lot Whitcomb. deceased, on the bank of the Willamette river at low water r - mark, where the boundary nf t,,". bv Josenh Koll ; Thence in an easterly direr tita,a rilW' l : -th , "r t u,rectioh 0n li ! innsaia land of Kellotrc , n nd V Meeting the west line of w-"a r.Q called, laid down on the plat of f;i ' Thence on and with said Svest lin "ki. street in a northerly direction to iKfs4i boundary of land owned by Meet i J0" Ttenee on said Ponth line of SU. . , Tk westerly to said Willamette riv,. water mark. Th one im i ivntor morlr Thnnn,. . 1 cording to the meanderings thereof watermark to the nlae. ,,r eof.a'k- up iering P'ace of i, Excepting the warehouse fonriel?cnninS pled by Doland, and the ground J covered by it and upon which it which neither of plaintiffs have anv ' k est or estate, and excepting ihe f0i ln;5 described piece or parcel of -aid ,'3 above described, to wit : Common the north-west corner of Lot Whit IR?at land claim, known as the Mil want! i lb on the bank of the Willametto '!.?!irar up said riyer following i,3 bank S? east hfty-four rods to a stakp tV 'T north 754. east thirty-tne (31) rod' nineteen links to a fir tree. Thenrl 25 east to an oak tree on the T the Whitcomb mill pond. Thence tm "f mill pond following its bank to tyLy between Luelling. aud Meek, and i Wbitcomb's. Thence west following T said line between Lnelling and Me..C 6 Whitcomb to the place of bennn C. H iainmir sir arrps in r. a. i - .... 1V6Sj ln said piece or parcel of six acres moi less neither of said plaintiffs hav . n which TllAl-., plaintiffs hav w tate or interest. ' That the land hereinabove decriKi excepting the U. o pieces or parce'snfa same herein above described as the Dohn'i warehouse and land upon which it shJ and the ' six acres more cr less " piece parcel, the interest aud estates ' of tu ? E. M. Burton are eacli the wners In fee of four undivided ninths of the fo!U..; described land, part and parcel 0f"tV lands hereinabove first described wiiht1"' tenements, privileges and hered'iianu.p-I thereunto belonging, to wit. : Common! at low water mark in the Willamette rm at the south-west corner of the oldc,: mill, thence running east parallel wrhi streets of ?dhvaukie to Front Kno' thence north parallel wish Front street''-! the mill pond; thence down the UiilVp.'i'i to the bank of the Willamette river a low water mark ; thence southerly Iln ji' Willamette river to the place of ning, containing four acres more or Q' That the Paid Clementine V. Fisk is tj i owner in fee of the two undivided nir.:: and the said Joseph Kellogg and the E. Jhirton are each the owners i:i fee i f three and one-half undivided ninths of t!;.' following described land, part and pare'.-! of the land hereinabove first desirrilxVi' with the tenements, privileges and vrl 'tilameuts thereunto belonging, to wit Commencing at the south-west corner ",f the old grist mill aforesaid, and ninnm? thence easterly parallel with the streets (If Mihyaukie to Front street ; thence south erly parallel with Front street to the mill fond ; thence down on the north side of the mill pond to the Willamette river? thence down the river norihwarulv hy it meanderings to the place of begini!iii";it the south-west corner of the oLl grist tn'tii, containing 4 85-100 acres more or Ik-. That the said Clementine V. Fisk is owner in fee simple of one m-divM..! third, and the said Joseph Kellogg ntidiiic said K. 51. Burton are each the ownerji:, fee of one undivided third of all the re maining portion or residue of the Inml herein first above described, which Imsn t been hereinabove provided with all th privileges, tenements and lierediDcicBts thereunto belonging. The Court also finds that each of t!;? said several tracts, pieces and parcels nr.' so situated that partition cannot be niaih without great 'irejudice to the owmrs The Court also "finds that the said lv: II. Fisk has no interest in any of the yaM lands save and except as the' hushaniKf Clementine V. Fisk. That Esfeiht Kell. has no oilier interest save and except tlie wire of (he said Jos'eph Kellogg, and that Rhoda Ann Burton has no of her in terest tisercin save and except as the v.::"' of the said E. M. Burton. 0 This Court also finds that the plaiut& herein have a lien by virtue of thep! men t. described in the dotriplairt hwis for the sum of $3.412.!)fi. and interest fretsf October 9th, 18G9. and lor accruing cow until said judgment if satisfieil against the interest of the said Joseph Kellogg in Ik property aforesaid. - Whereupon by the consent of the par ties and upon the consideration by tbe Court, it is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed, first, that the parties herein un tenants in common in the several parts and parcels cf land above described an! that their rights and interests therein arc as above, found. It is further ordered that said premises in which said parties have an interest rs above, specified as ten-c ants in common be sold according to la in three several parcels, namely : the par cel in which Clementine V. Fi'sk hap i in terest in one parcel, that in which she la" 2-ytbs interest in one parcel, and that th has l-9th interest in another parcel, and that the money arising from said sale 1j paid hi to Court to abide the further order of this Court to be made at any jgenera! term or at any special term to be lioldea on the second Monday after such sale shall be made or sooner it the parties shall n agree. It is further ordered that' J. II- Stinson, Esq., be and he is hereby a;; pomte'd referee to carry this decree inw effect- It is further ordered that the cost? aud disbursements herein" be paid by the parties m proportion to their respective interests. (Signed) W. W. UPTON. JwJ'je. To all persons concerned Notice is hereby craven that in pnrsu nr.su irtue ance oi tne power vested in me by virtu of the foregoinjr decree. I will proceed to sell at public auction at the Court House door in Oregon Cily.in Clackamas county. State of Oregon, on Friday, the thirty-first (.Hst) day ot December. A. D. 1S, a eleven o'clock a. m. of said day, to tlie biirhest bidder. f.r down in lawful money of the United States, the whole of the real estate hereinbefore described, in which the parties aforesaid are tenants a common ; that is to say : ail such portions ' of the before described real estate, h1' gether with the Standard Mills thereon erected, and all the privileges and at.pnr tenances thereunto belonging, in avImO said Clementine V. Fisk has an. undivided one-ibird interest fo be sold togetlier and separately fror.-i the two other p:";5; i:l one of which said Clementine V. Fi?'i an undivided on-nhdh interest, ami in ti!t! other of which she has p. Uco-ninlhs inter est; each, iogelher with the privileges and appurlenanees belonging hereto to he sold separately in conformity' with te foregoing decree?. Such sale of each e said parcels to be of the entire interests ot all parties therein. The purchaser under such sale will take a good title in fee sim ple. Terms of sale : cash in hand on da? of sale, in lawful money of the Unite' J States. Sale to commence at eleven (H; o'clock a. m. of said dav. Oregon City, Nov. 21th. lSfiD. J. 11. STIXSO-V. 3:w5 H'feicc- spective parties-are as follows, to wit V The said Clementine V. Fisk is'.i ' owner in fee of the one undivided n;n J0 and the said Joseph Keller and n,,, ', f n wuc mm