V : A- J i V I ! if i H li ! if i! Au Astonished Court. A few days "ago, says the New Orleans Picayune, an old lady and a young one found themselves in court, charged with disturbing the " peace. The officer's statemeut was clearly given, and certainly dis closed an equal culpability in both. It was evident, however, that the Court inclined to a favorable judg- ! irient to the youngest,and the scales of Justice were rapidly tipping in her favor. "Whvdid you abuse this Youn lady?" the magistrate demanded of the old dame. " I had a right to," was the calm reply. - "What was she doinsr?" " Keeping company with a Tory improver character." " And what is that to you ?" " She 's my daughter." " Oh, indeed ; and you think the person was an improper character. lo you ?" "I do, sir." " Do you know who he was ?" " I don't know his name ; I've seen him frequently, prowling a- rounu alter niirht. And then, as if actuated by a sudden irnpul?e,the old lady adjust ed her spectacles, peered cautious ly at the court from under her great sun-bonnet, and then exclaimed : " Good lack ! good lack ! Why, you're the man !" "3fe! me! exclaimed the aston- ished Court. 3Ie! woman, did von sav me Again the spectacles were ad justed, and the curious ,gaze pro longed, while the old lady nodded her head at intervals. " Yes, yes, it's the same ugly face. I'm sure of it ; but I'll for give you this time; I'll forgive you." " And the old ladv hobbled away, leaving the Court gapping with astonishment, and unable to interpose an objection to her de parture. A Touching Stoiiy. The Hon. Alexander I T. Stephens, of Geor gia, in a recent address, at a meet ing at Alexandria, for the Orphan Asylum and Free School of that city, related the following inci dent: ': A poor little boy, on a cold itiiilit, with no home or roof to shelt er his head, no paternal guar dian or guide to protect or direct . him on his way, reached, at night fall, the home of a wealthy farmer, who took him in; and fed him, and tscnt him on his way with his bless ing. These kind attentions cheered his heart, and inspired him with fresh courage to battle with the obstacles of life. Years rolled round. Providence led him on, and he reached the legal profession. His host had died. The cormo : rants that prey on the substance of man had formed a conspiracy to get from the widow her estates She sent for the nearest counsel, to commit her cause to him, and that counsel proved to be the orphan boy long before welcomed and en tertained by her deceased hus Tand. The stimulus of a warm and tenacious gratitude was now added to the ordinary motives con nected with the profession. He undertook her cause with a will not to be resisted; he gained -it; the widow's estates were secured to her in perpetuity, and," Mr. Stevens added, with an emphasis f emotion that sent an electric thrill throughout the house, " that boy stands before you." lexas Advocate. WOXDK RFU L E XTR A OKI IX AU Y Cow? Mr. A. V. Whitting, the life insurance agent of this city, has a cow that gives three quarts of milk at a milking. Vy letting it stand one hour, one quart of it becomes cream, it is put into a pitcher and stirred rapidly eigh teen and one-half minutes, when the contents of the pitcher are one gill of buttermilk the remainder having become butter. St. Jo. Gazette. A fellow in Wisconsin who has been sitting on a jury in a hog case for two days, has become a women's right "man. He savs it wouldn't have been half as hard if be could have had a good-looking woman on each. side. On the occasion of an eclipse, a colored individual in Norfolk, Vir ginia, became greatly elated. " Kress de Lord," said he, "nig gers' time hab come at last, aiid now we swine to hab a black sun." What did the Israelites do af ter they crossed the lied Sea V" asked a supevinttndent of a Sunday-school. "They dried them selves! said a shrill-voiced little trirL A man in Hhode Island was sent to jail for 10 days for sleeping in church. Xothing was done to the clergyman. .Greeley swears h0 will never live there, "When does s member .of Cong ess ( isn nv inrct. j-ilj ctrnnn-t !i 5i "When he moves the House. What are the features ot the the cannon ? Cannon.-mouth, cannon ize, and eannon-ccrs. GEOLOGY AT DISCOUNT The geologistj if he be fairly in earnest, is far too tired: after his day's work, to trouble himself about the aristocratic air of his quarters; anil, besides, generally manages to put his outer man into so unhealthy , a condition, that a grand hotel would have some scruples in taking him in. Profes sor Sedgwick, after a hard morn ing's work, betook himself to a village inn for a lunch of bread and cheese. When he asked what he had to pay, he was told " Four pence !" He could not avoid re marking on the smallness of the charge. "Ah, sir!" said the land lady' " I would ask cightpence of any one else; but I only ask four pence from you,- for I see you have seen better days." At another time, a lady stopped by the road side, where he was working, made some inquiries, ana gave mm a shilling, because, his answers were so intelligent for his station. He met the same lady at dinner, next day, to her great astonishment. A well-known geologist, long secreta ry to the Geological Society, was once taken up, while at his voca tion, and dragged to the Ibistol Asylum for an escaped lunatic. On another occasion, tired, and with his pockets full of the day's treasures, he mounted a stage coach, and fell fast asleep. Waking at his journey's end, he was horri fied to find his pockets as empty as when he set out. An old woman, who sat beside him, feeling the j pockets full of stones, took him for a madman, who had loaded ! himself, more effectually to secure! drowning; so she slily picked out the fossils, one by one, from the drowsy philosopher, and tossed them on the roadside. Musical World. One of the observers sent out to Kentucky to observe the late eclipse of the sun, requested an old negro living near his observatory to watch carefully his big Mock of hens, for at 4.45 they would go to roost. Af ter the eclipse was over he came, evidently much excited : " How was it V" said the doctor. " Beats de deuce !" said the ne gro. . " When de darkness cum eb ry chick'n run for de hole in de barn. I)c fust ones trot in, and de next ones run ober one anudder an' de las ones, dey jis squat squar down in de grass. How long you know dis ting was a coming I " Oh, I reckon we knew it about a year." ' " Beats de deuce ; here you way in Xew York knowd a year ago what my chick'ns was gwine to do dis bery afternoon, cot' you nebber see de cluck'' as of ore, nuddcr " . A little urchin seven or eight years old, in a school where a Miss Hlodgett was teaching, composed the following- and wrote it on his slate at prayer time, to the great amusement of the'bovs: mi ( "A little mouse ran up the stairs, To hear Miss Blodj;ett sty her prayers." The teacher discovered the rhyme, and called out the culprit. For a punishment she gave him his choice to make another rhyme in five min utes, cr be caned. So, after think ing and blinking, and scratching his head till his time was nearly out, and the teacher was lifting the cane in a threatening manner, at the last moment he exclaimed: " Here I stand, before Miss Blodgett, She's going to strike, and I'm going to dodge it." The little urchin saved-his whip ping. A correspondent who used to live close to the residence of the late Tom Moore, sends us the following anecdote: "Once driving home to Chippenham from Devizes, I gave an old lady a lift in the trap; and in conversation I asked her if she saw much of Tom Moore in her village, Avhen he was alive. "Tom Moore, sir? Tom Moore?" said she. "Oh, you mean Mr. Moore. Mrs. Moore was a very kind lady, but Mr. Moore, he used" to write all sort of varscs (verses) abouto the moon, and such like things ; he war no account !" A Singular Disease. A curi ous disease prevails on the west coast of Africa, especially on the Gaboon, which consists in an "Ir resistible inclination to sleep.. Xo pain seems to be experienced, but the patient stumbles readily, his step is tottering, a sense of feeling seems to be wanting, and objects used asf support are grasped very unsteadily. The consciousness does not seem, to be diminished, and the breathings and digestion are nor mal. When the patient is awaken ed he returns t again into a deep sleep in a very' short time. The disease does not yield to any rem edies, and generally ends in death. Its precise J character has not yet been ascertained with pertain t v. -'Can you tell jne how old the Aevii is? asked an irreverent fel- low of & dergymaij, "My friend , , ftt Keep f0m, record," was the reply. Motto for a rejected suitor He wooed and she wouldn't. IIC coo ed but she couldn't. A member of. Congress recently in debate shouted : "Amicus 1'lato, amicus Socrates, said major Veri tas." The reporter next morning made his speech read : " I may cuss Plato, I may cuss Socrates," said Major Veritas. , "Mike, can you account for the extraordinary curve in this mare's back ?" " Sure an' I can sir ; be fore the baste was your property, she was backed ag'in an Irish horse that bate her all hollow, and she niverghot sthraight any morel" . " The blessed man that preached for us last Sunday," said Mrs. Partington, " served the Lord for thirty years; first as a circus rider, then as a locust preacher, and last as an exhauster." A convent for the negro " Sisters of Providence" is being built in New Orleans, Shall we not soon have a convent for the Sisters of Providence of Chinese birth ? A Curious Sword. A sword made from apiece of meteoric iron, which fell near Santa Fe de Bogo ta, was once presented to Simon Bolivar. Ladies are said to be working their way into the watch business, because they produce handsomer faces and more delicate hands than men. A man in Miehican swapped his wife for a horse. The paper don't say what was the matter with the horse, that a man should fool it a way. "Xow sir," asked a police mag istrate of a vagrant Irishman, "what motive brought you to Lon don?" "The locomotive, sir." There has been sixteen cases of suicide in Lowell, Massachusetts, within eight months, mostly young srirls. Why should the sea make a bet ter house-keeper than the earth? Because the earth is exceedingly dirty, and the sea is very tidey. What inanimate objects show a dislike to solitude? Velocipedes; because they '11 never travel with out somebody. The following appears in a daily paper : Y anted, Gins for Cook ing. us ? Have we a cannibal among If brevit y is the soul of wit, whr.t a vast amount of fun there is in the tail of a fashionable coat !. A Michigan editor calls Chicago Brevet Hell. Tliere will be a muss when Old Nick hears of that. S HADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. MUX STREET, Oregon City. e n Best BILLIARD TALIPES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers ot this popular amusement to them. T 11 E B A 11 1 S S UP PLIED With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alreadj famous Whiskies ami Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE OiV DRAUGHT. R1S Families supplied. A. J. MONROE, Dealer in California, Vermont ana liauan Marine, uoemsKvxij Stones, IfJi Salem Oregon. fiSlSi?- Mantles and Furniture SlarWe furnished to order. J23t WASHING MADE EASY, BY USING THE Antomatic Clothes Washer and Boiler! rpHE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE I times, as it does away with rubbing and wear and tear on Clothes. An ordinary washing' can be done in from one to two hours-SAVES TIME, LAISOIt AND EX PENSE. Warranted to give entire satisfac, tion. or sale br J.C. MARDY, Manufacturer, 143 Front street, one door north of 41 tf Taylor street, Portland. A. G. CALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OREGON IAN BUIJLDIKG, No. 5 IVatliliigton Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED and BOUND to any desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of style known to tne trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. - . JEW COLUMBIAN HOTEL. Cor. FRONT and MORRISON Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. 3)- The most Comfortable Hotel in the Cit3 Board and Lodging, from one to two dolliirs per day, according to rooms occupied. Free Coach to and from the house. 40tf EDWARD CARNEY, Proprietor. piONEER HOTEL, IJo. 5 North Front Street, between A and R Streets, Portland Qregon. ATKICK MORBISSEY, proprietor o l-Th?s well known Hotel has been newly Furnished and Refitted, and oilers superior accoiamodatioas tp lha Traveling Public, and is .situated Rear the steamship landing. Board and Lodging per weeK. .... 00 -- day 1 00 x?s Ccacli to anJ from the Hotel, free of cLar-e. (io.tf COURTESY OF RAMtiRnFT T.TRRAPY. CHAS. tiODGE. .CilAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W. SXELL. HODGE, CALEF & Co., DEALERS IJf DRUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, FAliXISIIES, BRUSHES, PAINTERS Materials, ana jjrvnqists' Sundries. 97 Front Sr-ct, Portland, Oregon. uO. DIRECT IMPORTATIONS ! ! NEW ASD ELEGANT STYLES Bed-Room SUITES. Just receives! and placed in the wareroems, of o 160, 1GS, 170, 172 First street, corner of Salmon, - PORTLAND, OREGON. PARLOR SETS IX TERRY, IX PLUSH, AND IN IIAtR-CLOTII. Eew Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ! Lounges and Spring beds. EST The trade svjiplicd icith yoods in oriyintU packages, on reasonable lenns. ' - JIURCREX & SHIXDLER. MATS! HATS! HATS! OF EVER V STYLE In Large Quantities can le Found AT J. C MEUSSEORFFER & ERO.'S S. IV. corner of Morrison and Front streets, 1'ortland, Oregon. o . Also Cups of erery style, ami Roys' and S i l is Hats in large varieties. Give us a call and examine. W. A. ALUKICII. J. C. MKKK1LI.. JOHX II CI'AKEX M'CR'AKEN, MERRILL& CO, SHIPPING, COiIMIS.SI.OX AND Forwarding Merchants, AGENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oregon Packet Lines. Importers ot S;:n Quentin and Carmen Island Halt, Sandwich Island Sugars, Coll'ce, Rice, and Pulu. Agents for Provost's A Cos Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, Picklrs ami Vinegar. Dealers in Flour, ( rair , Uacon, Lard & Frnst, Lime, Cement and Plaster. Will attend to the Purchase, Stile or Ship ment of Mcrcliiindisf or Produce in New York, San Frauvisco.'IIonolulu, or Portland. ALDKICH, MKUUILL & CO., Kos 201-aud 20o California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKF.X, MFRRTLL & CO., 10 North FrontSlreet, Portland. J. F. JONES & Co., Corner of Main ami Second Sffeets, Portland, om-:coy. Steam Coffee and Spice Mills, The best. Chart res. Old Gommment Java Ground Cotl'ee, and all kinds of Spices, al ways on hand. Orders solicited and prompt ly 'filled. :i-2:tf Harvest of 188? ! ! Sclliny off to Close Jiushicss, Aial no HUMBUG ! OF DRY GOODS. READY-HADE CLOTHING, , SCOTS AND SHOES, Hons' Ladies, Misses' and Qhildrens' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to le sold Regardless of Price! CL. To convince yourself with respect to this matter, call at the old corner. s I. SELLING, SoutJt of I ope 5" Co.'s 2'ii Store, Oregon. City. mfM . . HOUSE, a .- v sr. j Steamboat Painting Graining, Gilding, China Glossing, Imitations Of all kinds Wood MsiiI1c ! Executed as iceU as can ba done on the Pacific Coast. Examine our work a nd Judge fur yourselves. JSEvcry order attended to with ears expedition. C. E. MURRA V, and West Door 1,'aUtou a unck, ' Main at.. Oregon City US'-SXKATH) WHOLESALE GROCER, 32 Front Street, Portland. G00D3 BY THE PACKAGE, F0U CASU AT SAN FRANCISCO RRICES, and Fiei-ht. Xa-Orders Fiomntly tillgd in San Francis co, if desired. (V).ll I1H AND 1 jnvut i jummm WHEN THE LOOK OUT FOR THE LOCOMOTIVE. is the Time "While they At -Cost! I1 m mw Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now better prepared than ever to attend to the wants of my customers, and having a double amount of very desirable goods on hand, I have decided to Sell off at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all may rest assured of this fact I ask you to call and satisfy-yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMORALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such a.s Circulars and" Sacks 5 o KID fi LOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY; DROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all width : o DOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CAPS : CLOTIIINfj : FINE ELACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSIMERE SUITS ; SUPERIOR REAVER SUITS : DOVS7 AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and rtrtaTitiw. A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all ou tho most reasonable terms. Also a larre stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. All linds of JVoducc Rough t.-'C'.-S: "RAGS WANTED. HO 7VT V 11 jL m ?.X ADS FURN i 7 1. i33w?aw,irj' 1 B VS. ite a a. a C B Sam H la C . a Manufacture? of and Dealer in Ffrniitui-, ()HJ".KO (1'1'V, rpAKES THIS MKTIIOI) OF INFOIIMIXO 1 tho nublic that ho lias now on hand t a laj ije inroice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. .BED Steads. LOi'Nfi ES. DESKS. STANDS. CHAIRS. And Various' other Qualifies of Rich and Medium FuriiiUtic ! Forjrmig a complete arul !cirab!o assort ment, which merits ilie attention of havers. Ho MANUFACTURES FuENITUHE Ufing good materials, nnd employing th very best mechanics in the State, hence ( can warrant his goods to be a represented and he is prepared to li 1 1 all orders with promptness. He would call the attention of the public to his salesroom, as containing the most complctc4i530i tmcnt of desirable juods in the State. .Main street, Oregon City. 0E-EG0II CITY BEE WEB Y ! IIEA'KY II U M B E I Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the public, that he is now piepar cd to manufacture a Xo. 1 quality of LAGER BEER As good as ca'n be obtained anywhere in the Stale. Orders solicited and promptly filled. J. McEonry, 04 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. Has on hand, and i constant ly receiving direct from the East,a lart;e and carefu'.ly selected stock of Crockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware, Lamps, etc., all of which he offers at price to 8it the tin e, at Wholesale and Retail, tT" Dealers will do well to call and exam ine his stock, and learn his prices, before purchasing elsewhere. Ti2 181 FRONT STREET, FIRST STREET, Near 31 orrison Street, Near Yamhill. KAST & CAHALIN. . Hew Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Rest Selection in the City ! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as Renkert'a, Tirrell's, Fogg's, Houghton fc Coolidge's, Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of cents' and boy.' wear. Also Mile's, Siebcrlk-h's, Hurt';, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. 1. S. Hoots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantly on hand. :w WAG ox AND Carriage E&anufactory ! The undersigned, having jnereased the di mensions of his premise., at the old stand i Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City- Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, and as many new ones as may be pleased to call, that he is now prepared, w.Ui ample room, cood materials, and the iej bej-t of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron .and turo out all complete any sort of a vehicle from a corn v. n.,rt ir. a roncord coach, n -- Hl.smithinn:. Horse or Oxshoen.jr and r" : 1 v ly done. !i AVID S.MI"I. Oppoite Esoslsior Market piPKIUAL MILLS. Savier, LaBoque & Co., out: G OX CITY. Keep constantly on hand for sale, flour Midiin"-', Unin and Chicken Feed. I'ailies purchiu- feed mut furjpb the tacks. If Z"'""""' 11 1 1 1 1 1 " H " i P W IF t Tl in . UllJ..IMJilJiilM.i..j ' ' ' BELL KINGS to Buy your Goods ! are going Cheap ! nays OIIT ill. KACOjV, Succeor la JOHN FLEMIXG, At Charmau & lyurnet'it old xtthd, lately ec cOpit'l by S. lckez-ijian, Main street, Oregon City, Oregon. I Ml 'OUT EH AND DEALER IN" CII lEZSv 9 TILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ox II AND a l.upe and -Fi il selected . k of 15-oks Stationery, and Drugs, comprising in part Standard and M'scellavrovs I)oo?;gt Medical, Mining, and Scientific JJooks, Theological and Relig ious Hooks, Juvenile and Toy Rooks, Sabbath and Day School Hooks, III GREAT VARIETY. Blank Rooks in Every Style, I'ass Rooks, Memorandum Rooks, and Time Rooks, Dm win a Trat ing and Tissue Paper, Portfolios, and THOTOGBAPIIIC ALBUMS, Arnctds May nurd JYoms,1 and David s inks, Mucilage, Sheet Music, Music Papier, and Note Rooks. All of Which he will Sell at the Lowest Prices'. A General Vaiirty of Drugs and Patent. Medicines, Constantly on hand, for sale.' 2T SeliI Teachers, and parents of SeJml nrs will find it to their advantage to inspect my stock and prices, before pnrchaini' else where." uT Books Imported to Order. Orders res pecti'uliy solicited and promptly filled T, 3'' Agent for the Sai Francisco Tim, and Eastern periodicalsaml papers. JOHN M.BACON. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Estiblished since 1849, at the old stand, Alain Street, Oregon City, Oreyon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, and Seth Thor?fasT weight Clocks, all of which are warranted to be a renrespntrrl. f Repairin.trs dene on short notice uid thankful for past fatcrs. CLARK GREEUMAK,, ri. . City drayman. 2L- All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, will be exe cuted promptly and with care. A L L IRON STEAM ENGINE And Boiler Builders ! frTTO2 North Front andE st U fi 1 I viol"") Fortlaud, Oregon. rpnlAE XS ORKS ARE LOCATED OX the X bank of the river, one block north of Couch hart, and hare facilities for turn nig out maenmery promptlv and e!l ciet v S e have secured the -"cient y. Nation, as T)irPf.t -. ul JU'- John c on this mas r" " "use ie orics whose ex- gives T" let in .... 1 . ' n l'Din milling r.urno' Viu"lu lu- mining and cufe orders or n U are PPd to e bo.lcr workCLfch fc63 f and FINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY rLOKIXO MILLS ! SAW MLLLS ! QUARTZ WILLS ! ! MIXING PUMPS ! ! uwr an.t Steve, SWf Aljti PatoU 1 extent. J-aetl-uta. either- an,.i;tl t s.l t . "V "'1'. V'?riz stampers, Shoes and t uics,tf the ocot hard ioi,- S:Jr ... ... . .ir -new Mm. WALL AMET WORKS COMPANY ! M.jariurf an-i Jleroir Mnclnnerv of nil IROX SHUTTER WoJlVaft f;?AClV fi freight. Wheeler Kan- 17 . - r , , . .. ' Thomas Charmaii 1 ?ttcctor 10 VJ I A UMAX J3IQ rpiIE DEATH OF MY T.ta,.. JL compelled me again to chin of the firm of CHAltMAN feehi2 THOMAS C1I AItMANLavinin t0,lC ...V, .cc .1 uuerest held hv t , r(1of cr in the slock of goodj owned L n br & Brother, taking effect January Sd jJi Will be Carried on as rsmi AND A FULL STOCK Will be kent nn hv mo o.i part, of the following branches of . JIafs, Cajys, JBoois a?id Shout Fancy Motions. PerfvrncL A. 1 71 . . . 3 Paints, Oils, Colors, o"int Dye Stuffs and Varnish, Quecnsware, Crockery jrfl Sash, Doors, and Window Blind Hardware, Tools and Culkrv ' Rope, and. Nails Of Every Descry , I ask Especial Attention to my FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR, G ROC FRIES 0FJEVrK VARIETY. 1 ? Farming Implement? OF ALL KLMJS 18 KLMJS. iT Attention will be paid to auv Wjntt, left with me 011 Commission. ' Notice -.My liudness with all wl,0 f me with their pvtromige, will be done 0. ?;olo basis but Legsd Tender will be V ceived at the market quotations. Agent WELLS FAKG0 & CO. lJ" I desire to say to all who favor!,,, with their patronage that I shall useinvb"! ability to please them, and all ,nlois,y' meet with prompt attention. JIv faciiitiJI for doin, business are as good as'anv mV;, in OrPicon, and I pledge jnvst If t(,"N.j7 Cheap as any House in good standing inth! State. I will not beundersohl by anyone I'leasc give me a call and cxaniinefor Tout! selves. Thanking rosji for jyst favors," I remain, Respectfully vours THOM AS CHARM AN. OTICE. I will visit tho several Precincts a the following times ;md places fur ,,,! pnrpo.-o of receiving Suite and Conn'? Taxes, for the year lSf.9, in person orl'v D'pnty. from 10 o'clock A. M. until 2 1 Clock 1 M. of ocach day Monday, Nov. 8. Dock Creek Precinct T.'-frMay, 9, Cascade Wed'sday " 10, Young's Thursday 1 1. Springwater, " Friday. 12, Harding's Monday, " 13, Upper Mollala " Tuesday, xl). Marf nam's "" Wed'sday. 17. Lower Mollala " Thursday, ii IS. LTuion Friday." " 1U. Pleasant Hill -Saturday. fi 20, Tualatin " MolwfrVy, 22. Milwaiikic, TvosdaV " 2'S OstfegVy " . "WVdVday ' 2L Heaver Creek Thursday ' 2o. Canemah ' 5i..On Friday and Saturday. Nov. 20!i nod 27tli, at Oivgon Cilv Precinct. .KiffX MVE'i'S. ii.il'-tf Sheriff' Clackamas County, Orejv, gHEKIFIS SALE. Nc-tice is bereSy gifen fh.it, by virtue aA exechfion issued out of the Circuit (oat of t lie State of Oregon, for the t'ountvtf Clackamas, and to me directed, hearing dstc October t'th, A. I). S;;, and in favor cfF. Wilde mid against Georre Ahernatliv iK others, trustees of the Methodist Kiiisfn;il Church, for the sum of One Hundred and Forty and y.viOOth Dollars damans, inter est and costs, and for the. further ira of Dollars co.-t-? and accniinj costs. I have, this 18th day of October, H'. levied upon all the right, title and in tens', of rhe .Methodist. Episcopal Chinch in, smi!' Lot five (5) in block f .venK-cipbt CJS) iiiiw town of Oregon CiA,tas n aiked on the fit on tile in the Clerk's 1 ffice; at Oregon Cn;. O.reqjou,' and will proceed to sell the same t fbe highest bidder, to satisfy 0sail Exmi tion, at the Court House door in Oregon (ty O'l Saturday, - November 20th, ISO'.', at the hour of 12 o'clock. M"., ot said dar. Dated at Oregon Citv, 'October. lUth. 1.. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff Clackamas Con) T.y T. J. McCarverj Deputy. noO-.' SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of an execution and order ? ale issued ut of the Circuit Court of tbe ttate of Oregon for the County of Clad mas, dated ifth day of Norcniber, A. !' IS0 and to me directed pursuant to a dcr ?n favor , of 8. S. Markham aad wraif Henry OHverand Elvira Oliver his wife fcf the sum of $:t7i; 00 and interest and cestsu U. S. gold coin, a-d a decree of fcreclert of a mortgage on real eatste I have tlii.s flay of November, A. D. 1609 levied on t following described land specified in said df crcee. and order of ale as follows to-it-Lot No fire (.V in block No fortv six (it) 10 Ihe Town of Oregon City, Clackamas C"nJ Oregon, with the appurtenances thereof ovtoiiymg or in any wise appertaining the property of the said Henry Oliver w Elvira Oliver his wife. And on Moiulau the 20th dau of Dccend'd 1SG0 at tho hour of 12 o'clock'.M. of said da.' in front ot the Court. II ('ity in said county, I will sell the same "c nsgne.-t butder for U. .S. gold coin- PrttiMy said txccution costs and aenms Costs- . JOHN MYEKS, T1 m Xl.ci ifl of Clackaiiias County. T. J. rcCA iive rt, Deputy. 4UD: Oregon C.tv, November 17th, lf- - "o , - SHERIFF'S SALE. , Dy virtue of an execution and order 1 sale issued out of thc'Circuit Court of h .State of Oregon for the Count v of ChickaniaJ dated nth day of November A. D. lSU'J to me directed pursuant to a decree, i" fTr of 1'eter Paquett and oagalnst Nelson cAhc for the sum of :,-) rt,)-loo and interest an costs in U. S. Cold can and a decree of foreclosure of a inorf gage on real estate, I have this 17th, day of" November A. P-r lSliy levied on the following desctibed parcel of land specified in said decree, and order of sale, as follows t i-wit : The donation land claim of Nelson Alison the defendant herein, embracing the b.4 of section 13 and the N E i of" section 24 m T 2, S 11 1 E excepting one hundred acres 01 said claim so'd by defendant to Jan es hhm picd lying in the western side of said trad of land, the part ordered so'd by this decree being 220 acres on the easterly side of said cUim and the appurtenance thereunto be longing in any wise appertaining a the property of the said Nelson Alison. And on Monde 1 y the 20th day nf Dccenu'cr 1SG! at the hour of 12 o'tlockM. of said da? in front of the Court JIousc door 'in Ore?''" wiiy in said comity 1 will proceed to seliuic same to the highest bidder for U. S. go!li coin to satisfy said execution co-t and ac cruing costs. .K1IIV MYEUS. VV t i t c Sher,fT' Clackamas Cjun-J-,,.'? T' j-IcCarver, Deputy. iu,j Orc3ou City, oyeLuhcr :7-h ISO