V ! p, i i i J if T 1 f 7 f cfjc Ulcclilij ; (Cntcvprisc. TOAVX AXD COUNTY. CITV SEMIXAIIY. Xbe fn'st tcrm of lbe scll0l Jear closed Friday thu 5th of Nov. The following eadi department. in 1 FKIMAKY DKPAKTMKXT. p,oa Bennett, Jas. Somers, Emma Fot r Emma Miller, Alex. Miller, Ilattie Miller. Lurton Miller, Lily Greonmtn, rxh'J Johnson, Clara Broughton, Ro?a n''tfn.l Bell, Maggie Bell, Clara Ai bright, Laura Bacon. Thos. Cnrley, Elmer Cbar Dora Francis, Judd Fish. Minnie I Good, Herndon rrazcr, Jobri Kelly. I PREPARATORY PEPAKTMKXT. I Girls Hattie McCarvcr, Maggio John- I i0n, Belle Miller, Martha Fish, Bertie Randall, Mav Bacon, llattic i.arocque, Jennie Wertbeimer, Queen Miller, Hoxanna Fish, Laura Bell, Eliza Eudy. jjoys Estcrvan Francis, Leander Mono !on. Sam'l Wertbeimer. Justin Chenoweth. I.enoaid Cbannan, Abel Eudy, "Willie Johnson, Alcyon Francis. Charles Smith. ACADEMIC DEPABTMEXT. Girls Viola Atbey. Ella Bacon, Kate Fwzer, Rachel Fish, Martha Garlet, Alice Ihinsaker, Sarah Johnson, Frances Miller, Kva Miller, Belle Potter, Louisa Bitter, Mary Singer, Gustina Selling, lone Shat tuck, Fannie Taylor. Alice Whitlow, An nie Wilson, Flora Williams. Iiny." Charles Barclay. James Barlow, JdieCaufield.Langd.on Caldwell. Irvin r li.l... rl. T.' ,.- Ar...,(.- Randall, Win. Toner, Arthur Cbannan, Fred- Greeinnan, Win. Wilson. CLASSICAL DEPABTMEXT. seniors Hattie. Barclay. Mollie Barlow, (,'ijaal) (2) Jennie Barlow, (3) Ka:ie Jlarelay, (1) Clara Caufield, (.") Emma l'ambran, (0) Vara Comstock, (7) Addie frawlonl, (8) Mollie Post. (!)) Mary Pol lock. (10) Kate Ilunsaker. (11) Letitia Walker. (15). (1) Vt'bitlocli. (2) Ed die Whitlock. juniors Dida- Shrader, Anna Good, Fannie Holds, Leonora Boss, Jane Bolds, Mary Broughton, Sarah Bolds, Nettie Post, Clara Potter, Emma Smith. Maggie Kelly. Harvey Cms'', Jas. Warren, George lUoughton, Fred. Charman. Certificates of Qualification were issued in the following branches : Beading and (inliography, Penmanship. History of the Failed States, Ancient History, Zoology, English Grammar. Anatomy, Physiology anil Hygiene. Botany, Natural Science, and Single Entry Book Keeping. Aggregate on Bolls of all J)ep't 211 " Average daily Attendance 200. S. D. POPE. Principal. A Good Time. Last Sunday we were I present at the marriage of Jas. B. Upton, E-'.. of Portland to Miss Amanda Shaw, of this county, and had a very pleasant time. Mr. Upton has secured to himself a must excellent wife, and she, a good hus liaml, and a life of happiness most assured ly awaits them. We were presented with a piece of the wedding cake to dream jT oitT. We laid it carefully under ,ur pil-. i t hw, hut all that we could see in our ' e5 dream was a bachelor in all his glory ol i single blessedness. We fear the dream f was prophetic Voi.vme Iv. This number is the .begin- p ft ninf? of volume four of the Uvtebpki.se. 3 t C Just before we took change of the paper I lb. Ireland, former proprietor had put the 1 b price of subscription down to two dollars. I ami we conc'uded to finish out the volume at the same rate. But we find that two , I u.illars per year is not enough to pay timie than tbe cost of publication ami hardly that. Therefore we are compelled ti return to the old price of three dollais P"r year, and will endeavor to give our subscribers the worth ol their money. to- I.03T. Some versos, by Miss Permelia A. Hayes, addressed to Miss Amanda hw on the occasion of her marriage, were handed us for publication, but they lave been mislaid. We regret tins very much, but hope to find them end publish I'lom hereafter. HoMicrnu. A telegram to the Commer from Umatilla, says that at Boise City aihe Gth inst., Theodore Burmester shot 'Tl killed K. B. Morford, of Umatilla. What the provocation was, if any, is not slated. Oueoon City Woole.v Mitxs. The Or f;nn City Woolen Mills, in the award of 1'remiums at the late Industrial Fair at ym Francisco, obtained the silver medal r the best samples of Cassimers. Good- KEEr You: Paper. We would suggest our subscribers the propriety of filing No's of the Eaterfirise which contains ''e County Court proceedings, as there r"o many items in such proceedings that WU he the subject of comment hereafter. Xkw Offices. By reference to tbe bounty Court Proceedings in to-day's pa-r-r. It will be seen that the County Court tas created two new offices that of Coro rt's Clerk and Clerk of Road Viewers : f ,f the Court has allowed James A. Smith $1 for making out report for Road Yiew ers? and $2 50 for acting as Coroner's t lork in the inquest htdd on the body of Th :irrr ' j ' The Co roner and the Road Yiewers ret a'l the law allows : and we would respect fully suggest that, if such officers desire f'Prks. thev iav them out of their own t j - . rockets, and not out of the County funds .o- 'e-U' York, No'v. 10. The failure of bite, Heath & Co., woolen dealers, is bounced. A large firm is also reported 8 suspended, and there are rumors of a ttiUible in a large banking house. We understand that at the closing ext r cises the Rev'ds Messrs. Sell wood and Gerry, addressed the pupils in r. few very appropriate remarks, and hope that the scholars of our city school will duly weigh the thoughts presented and maxims en forced by the Iteverened Gentlemen. We had intended to publish, this week, tbe proceedings of the Circuit Court, but they are unavoidably crowded out. MARRIED. a u,c iwmrace or Hit? IjvhIj s parents, in Clackamas county. Nov. 7. by Bev. E Gekut, Mr. JAMES B. UPTON," of Bui t lanrl. and Miss AMANDA SHAW. At the residence of the bride's father near Oregon City, on the seventh of Nov. lSoj) by Key. C. W. Tom). Mr. GEO. W. PL LLLN to Miss JANE BINEABSON. A t il. : i .. . A VOICE l-'RO.U THE MIXES. The miners of California are a straight forward and outspoken-class. What they think, they say, and what they say in al ways to the point. If there is anything they particularly detest, it is humbug. When, therefore, they endorse, in tie most enthusiastic language, the merits of IIOSTETTEirS STOMACH BITTERS as a preventive of tbe intermittent and re mittent fevers prevalent in the gold re gions in the Spring and Fall, and as a means of strengthening, cheering, and sus taining them at all seaso ns in the, prose cution of their arduous labors, it may be taken fur grauted that they speak from experience, and that their testimony is prompted by a grateful remembrance o! the benefit they have derived from the preparation. During the past year, up wards of one tiiocsan.-) letters have been received from gold-diggers, employees in quartz crushing mills, tc, &c, dated from every portion of the Pacific gold region, aud they all tell the same simple story of sickness averted or cured by this potent prosectivc and restorative. From dis tricts where fie water and air arc inimi cal to health and life, come the most cheer ing accounts of the improved physical condition of the inhabitants, consequent upon the general use of the famous vege table tonic and alterative. Epidemic diarrlucaand dysentery, bilious and f-as- trie fevers, fever and ague, and scorbutic d'seasc-s, are state d to be literally diaap peari'ig in thy localities where it has b; come a staple. Malaria appears to have no effect upon systems tone 1. regulated and reinforced by IIOsTKTTEIfS BIT TERS. In all the cities and towns of Cal ifornia they are rapidly displacing the adulterated stimulants heretofore used r.s medicines, and now, like an echo of the praise accorded tc the article in the densely populated localities of tl e Stale, comes back this empbati3 and enthusias tic voice of approval from every segment of the golden circle of the Pacific Terri tories. BTlVkJll-JH'J."i'JM,WWJ-'LJ!liJJJ.. I"! 1 A I L, L.I A ?l DAY! DjsO.Y, Office, So. CI. Fro at Street, Adjoining- the Telegraph Office, Portland Oregon. SPECIAL COLLECTOR op CLATMS, Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims of every description, throughout Oregon and the Tenitories, WILL HE MADE A SPECIALTY, and promptly, col'ected, as well as with a due regard to economy in all busine.-.s matters entrusted to !;i care and the proceeds paid over punctually. ioti llEAh ESTATE DEALER. SPJ-JOTAL XO TIC EX. iiluhiiomaU Ijodsce Xo. 1, A. I', stitr pk A. 31.- Holds its regular coimnuni j Vp.itinn nn Hip Tlrxt in, 7'.i'i-. S'tit iinhnx in each month, nt, 7 o'clock. from the 2oth of September, to the -20th of Mai'cIi, and 7 k o'clock from the iiotli of March to theiJOth of September. Rrethreuiu good standing: are invited to attend. By order of W. M. Oregon Lodge Xo. 3, I. O. of O. F.-- s.S!i's? Meets every Wednesday even sj ing at 7 o'clock, in Masonic Hall. " W5? J , i i ) -s t r e e t . Member.-, of the Order are invited to attend By order. ti- Kclicccsi ncgi et' Lodge 'o. a, I. O. O. E. (O rv Meet on the Second and F-urth TUESDAY EVEXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows' Hall. Members of the Degree are invited to attend. By order of N". C. "Willamette Lodge A'o. 15 I. O. C-. T Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooES S.E. corner'of Main and Filth streets, r.t 7 1-2 o'clock. Yisiting members are invited to attend. By order of "NV. C. T. " Tnt Tims of Peace Prepare for War." So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper's Magnetic Biilm, an uncqualed preparation for Dvsenterv. Diarrhoea and Cramp. The ;tQMt;uieoiis relief of Burns, Bruises and Sprains. Not a Subject of Doubt. That Newell's Plumonarv Syrup is the most ef fective and never failing remedy for aflec tions of the throat and lungs. Saddlery. J. II. Schram, of this City, is now manufacturing the best Saddlery and Harness in the State. He will havs at least ftO sets of all grades, from fine to com mon, finished and ready for sale next montii. and moie than that number of Sadules. lie is bound to make a trade with any man who wishes to buy of him. He uses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, and his work bears a most excellent reputation abroad. We hope that citizens of our own county will think of this, when they want any articles in his line. Valuable Land for Sale Cheaf- Wc know of 4SD actes of good lands for sale in this county, being the land claim of J. L. Stout, in what is known as IheRingold settlement. It will be sold In lots to suit purchasers, on very fair terms. This land is only 12 rrilcs from Oregon City. For further information apply to X'. W Randall, of this city, or of J. L. Stout, Unity, Baker's Bay, W. T., or of Audrew Stout, in the above mentioned settlement, 13:ly SIMILIA SnviXLLBCTS OTJEAITTTJE. IIIMPIIUFAS' JMUiHftiVATlSIC SPECIFICS HAVE rROVKD, FROM THE MOST AMPLE experience, an entire success: Simple 1 rompt Ellicicnt aud Reliable. They arc the 'J -aicuie-iuea penecuy adapted to popular ne. so simple that mistakes cannot be made in nsmg tliem ; so harmless as to be free from dan ger, and bo efficient si to be always reliable. They have raised the highest commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. Ncb. -. Cent3. 1, Cures Fevers, Congestion, InflammationB.So 2, " Worms, Worn Fever, Worm Colic.25 3, u 'ryiiiK-Colic or Teething of Infauts23 4, " KlarrJicca of Children or Adults. .23 5, JJ ysentcry, Griping, Uilious Colic.25 6, " t'liolera-HIorbus, Vomiting 23 7, " 'ou-iis, Col!, Bronchitis ...23 P, Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache.. 23 J, " IIeatlat'iiesSickIIeadaclie,Vertigo25 10, ' IJyspepsia. Bilions Stomach 23 11, " Suppressed, or Painful Periods.. .23 12, " tVlites, too profuse I'eriods 25 13, " Croup, Cough, Diflicnlt Breathing. .23 I t, Salt fitIeiim.Krvsipelas.En:pti6ns25 157, 'A ISIieuinali!ni, Rheumatic pains. .25 All the above are put up in VI ALSvith directions containing double quantities each, for 50 Tle following are also put vp in rials and are sent at the same piices given bdmo. 1, k Fever .V Ague, Chill Fever, AguesSO 17, " IMles, blind or bleeding 50 13, " OpUialmy, and sore or weak EyetsSO 19, " Catarrli, acute or chronic,Influeiiza50 20, " AVlioopiii;-Cou;Ii.violcntcougb5U 21, " A stlntia. oppressed lireathing 50 S2, " liar lisclai-"es,impairedhearing.r)0 2i, Stroi'ula. enlarged glaiids,8wcllins50 2, " General Debility,physucahveaknese50 2, KroDsr, and scantv Secretion m 2, " Sea-Jsiiekuess.sickuessfromridingno 2i, liiduey-Siisease, Gravel.. . 50 28, " Nervous Iebility Seminal ICiulssIoits, involuntary Dis charges J QQ 20, " Sore ITIoutl!, Canker.."."""." 50 S? !! JJriunrjr Weakness. wetting bed.T0 ? a.V'l,,,i --lol, with PPasms..50 So SllcrIiiR-s at change of life 100 o i''l,Hepy,Spasins,!st.Vitu8,I)anccl 00 6i, Xipltiiei iu, ulcerated sore throat.50 CAISICS Of 35 to GO lar;re vials, moroeeo or roiscuood case, ontai itiii" R speeilic lor every ordinary disease a family is subject to, and books of directions From $l6 to $35 Emaller Family and Traveling: cases, with 20 to 2S vials lrom $5 to $8 Epecitics for all lrivatc Diseases. both for Curing: and for Preventive treatment, in vials and pocket cascs,$2to$5 POND'S EXTIl.VCT, Cures ISurns. ISruises, Lameness Soreness,ore XIi roat. Sprains. Toot li aebe, Faraclie, Neuralgia, Ititeuma tism, Iainib;io, I'iies, Soils, Stints Sore lOyes, JEieedinji: of tJte Lun" Nose, Stomaeli, or of Piles; Corns, fl eer.;. Old Sores. QSS;?l!50dS'5 n"ts,$1.0O; t? These Itemedies, except POND'S EX TRACT, by the case or single box, are scut to any part ol the country, bv mail or express free of charge, on receipt of the price. ' Address Humphreys' Specific s.: Homeopathic Medicine Company, Office and Depot, No. 502 Bkoauway, New York. Dr. UrMPiiuEvs is consulted daily at his oflice personally or by lctier, as above, for all forms of aieease. FOR SALE EY ALL DRUGGISTS. THE Commercial Department OF THE ort!;sal Academy Aiatl Female Seminary. Under tlie Superintendence of T. II. Craw ford. A. M., affords excellent lac lities for the acquireinent of a practical Btisine-s Education. Tuition ! In the Commercial Department, $12 per Qr. The Course in the Academic Department, Besides tl e usual English studies, embra ces the Natural Sciences, Mat liem.it ics, its far as Surveying, and suflicicnt Latin for pro'e sional purposes. These Course, sys tematic and complete wi;h:n themselves, are especially recommended to those who cannot spend six years in College. iF- Young Ladies a e under the immecM at' care of the Preceptress, Miss Eini'y J. York. For new Catalogue, containing names of Graduates and fall inform. nion, Addles: T. M. CATCH, Principal, 42. Portland, Oregon. QHA3r, WILLIS & Co., LIVERY. FEED AND SALE kS r.n? yL C2S E3"i ZEtC o OREGON CITY, OBECON. o Having recently added to the Livery Stck new Carriages, Buggies and Horses, nre now prejared ai all times to let the same, at reas onable rates. Horses bought aud sold, or kept by the day or week. I lAIU & lOKKISS, BUTCHERS, FOR OREGON CITY AND VICINITY. lJ" Will deliver to their patrons a'l the beVqualities of .Stall Fed Beef, also Mutton, Boik, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on Tticadnyft and Saturdays ! Thankful lor pa-t favors of the public would respectfully asks a continuance of the same. X. B. An abundant supply of good poultry on baud. ISAAC FA Hit, P. D. MOBKISS. WASHING- BIAB2 EASY, BY USING THE Automatic Clothes Washer and Boiler! THE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE times, as it does away with rubbing and wear and tear on Clothes. An ordinary washing can be done in from one to two bours-SAYFS TIME, LABOR AND EX PENSE. Warranted to give entire satisfac, tion. For sale by J.C. MARDY, Manufacturer, 145 Front street, one door north of 41 tf Taylor street, Portland. Q P. FERRY, BROKER. Portland. Orf.gov. Cor. Front arid Washington St-t. Ajient North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and Mauhat tan Life lnsnmr.ee Company. fGovernment Securities, Stocks.Bonds and Real Estate bought and sold on Com mission. gIIERIFFS SALE. Notice is hereby given that, by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, and to me directed, bearing date Oct .b er I'th, A. I. lSf.!, and in favor cf V? Wilde an.l against George Abernathy and others. Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, for the sum of One Hundred and Fori v and !3-I00th Dollars damages, inter est and costs, and for the further mm 0f Dollars cost and accruing costs I have, this 18th day of October, JS'VJ, levied upon all the right, title and interest of the Methodist Episcopal Church in, and to Lot five (.") in block tiveuty -eight (2S) in the town of Oregon Citv, as irarked on the pkt i .... . i . . ' . . . f . - r - t i iio(Tnn lir on tile ...tie JA A -1 same to tlrecon, aim win .- - i,;.rhoif huif er. to sauiy s-oo- tion, at the Court House door in Oregon City on Saturday, Xovember 20c?, 18G9, at the bour of 12 o'clock, M., of ?aid day Dated at Orc-on Citv, October 19th. 169. JOIIX MYERS, Sheriff Clackamas Covnly. Tj T. J. McCaxverj Deputy. n50-5w NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y ! o o o -t- - i o XX VI OF THE United States ceAherica. WASIUXG TOX,D. C. K ranch Office at PWilatlcIpliiu, Where the business of the Company 13 transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be addicted. O DIIIKCTOUS : Philadelphia, Clarence H.Clark, Jay Cooke, F. Ratchford Stair, J. Hinckley Clark, Geo. ' Tyler, W. G. Moorhead. Washington, Henry D. Cookp, E. A.Rollin." Win. E. Chandler, John I). Defiees. Xew York, Ed w. Dodge, H. C. Fahncstock. OFFICERS t CLARENCE II. CLARK, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance And Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE, Yice P-esidcnt. EMEBSOX W.PEET, Secretary and Actuary L. S. TURNER, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMITII.M.D., Medical Director. J. FAYING MEARS, M. D., Assistant. WiL E. CHANDLER, Washington, D. C., aud Geo. HABDIXG, Philadelphia, Attorneys. 0 The Most Successful Life Insurance Company of The World ! Having issued in the first TEX months of its existence, 3,395 Policies, - INSURING 15,142,800 Dollars ! This Company rlfords to its Policy Holders PERFECT SECURITY! Br its Cash paid up Capital of One Million Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured, by its Low Rates of Premium ! LARGE DIVIDENDS IX ADVANCE, OR, A REVERSIONARY DIVIDEND OF 100 PER CENT. BY ITS Return Tremhsii) Plan ! -0- eISs? Fairgo &Go. CEE1UL AOEXTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. W. E.-HALE MANAGER. -0- A. I. ElLlilS, M. 3., AGEET FOU OKEGO.V. OFFICE IX CHEF'S JJUILDIXG, (Up stairs, bet. Front and First sts.) ENTRANCE ON STARK STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. S. B. POPE, LOCAL AGENT, OREGOX CITY. GEXEKAL AGEXTS: JAY COOKE k CO. No. 21G Broadway, X.Y. General Agents for Xew Y'ork and Xoith ern Xew Jersey. J. U. Orvis and D. C. Whitman, Managers. E. W.CLARK & CO. Bankers, Xo. 3" South Third street, PhiladelpniaGeneral Agents for Penn.M-I vania and Southern Xew Jer sey. C. S. Russell, Manager. JAY COOKE & CO. Washington, General Southern Agent. E. S. Turner, Manager. J. A. ELLTS & CO. Chicago, General Agents for Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minn. J011X W. ELLIS & CO. Xo. 122 Walnut St., Cincinnati, General Agents for Ohio and Central aud Southern Indiana. S. A. KEAX & CO. Detroit, General Agents for Michigan and Northern Indiana. D. W. Kean, Manager, T.B. EDGAR, St. Louis, General Agent for Missouri and Kansas. C. Orris, Manager. ROLLINS & CHANDLER, Boston, General Agents for X'ew England and Eastern Provinces of Canada. J. P. Tncker Man- mr JOHNSTON BROTHERS it CO. Baltimore, General Agents for Maryland, W. A. Wi song, Manager. WM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, General GTcnt for the Dominion ol Canada. ( -. YjdJJcm - Hendee's Photograph Gallery. rg- THE ONLY PLACE IX PORTLAND where yon are sure of getting No. 1 Pictures j 01 an umes is at u en dee s ualtery, corner, of Fir t and Morrison streets, where he is as well prepare 1 to do all kinds of work as anv Gallery in Oregon, and will guarantee as good satisfaction for all his woik as can be had in the State. Pictures of every kind can be h.-d at short notice. Ol 1 Pictures can be copied, enlarged and retouched in Ldia Ink, or Oil Colors, AT LOWER PRICES THAN ANY OTHER J'LACE. 4 Cm .yy'ILLAMETTE XUKSEKY. Season of 15G9 70. C. W. WALLING & Co. would eallpX? the attention of the public to their large ami well assorted stock of fine fruit trees and shrubbery, consisting of choica varieties of CHERRIES, PLUMS, PEARS, APRICOTS, PEACHES, NUTS, , RASPRERP.IES, &e., ic. Persons desirous of purchasing trees should call and examine our stock, which is the largest ard best in the State. Orders (with the ca-h)sent to tbe Nursery will be prompely filled and forwarded. 3 Extra cure taken in packing Trcts.& Addres nil orders to , G. W. WALLING k Co., lotf Oswego, Clackamas County Oregon. pAUL RICIITEK, DEALER IX AND Manu'actnrer of every variety of FURNITURE, REDDING, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, DAMASKS, MIRRORS,&c. JC3 All kinds of Upholstery Tiimm'ng con-tant!v on hand. Spring and Hair Mat t:asse of" Best Quality MADE TO ORDER. J?Southwest comer First and Taylor sts. Portland, Oregon. 45. 'J 111 OREGON IO JSZ "Y" I F. 0PITZ, PROPRIETOR, FIR S T S TREET P O II TL A XI), Bet. Washington and St ark sts. MAXlFACTlItEIt OP ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF CEACKEES ! BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY QRACKERS Will always be sold below San Franciscr prices. All oiders promptly attended to. O RFC ON BVKKRY, First at., 1'ortland, Ureqon. c ii. m v is is. PLUMIUXfl, OAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, Xo. HO Kirt Slictt Fortlund Gas Pixfures, Cooking 1 lan yes, Hot. Water Boilers, Marble Top Washsfaruls, Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Water Closets, JJath Tubs, lead Pipe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELBOW, HETUnX BENDL NIPPLES, P.USIIINGS, fv., for SUa)ji, Water and (Jas. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water Guages, Whistles lallon Pumps, Steam Guuges, Globe, Angle, and Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Air Ccks, and all kinds of Brass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, Ac. Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wauts of this market. C. II. MYERS. IS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CiTY, OREGON. TTIIERE II E WOULD INVITE HIS friends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ol a general assortment of Ilsats Csips, Groceries, Arc. 5T Having fronc many years' experience learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMALL PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Sdence the Cry of Portland Prices! Oregon City, August 2Sth, 1839. A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW Sunday School and Gift Books ! I7ROM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE . ty and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson st. between 2d and 3d, Portland, Oregon. G. H. ATKINSON, Secretary, MI and Treas. Oregon Tract Society. jJOTlCE. Change of Time ! o UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THK Pcojile's Transportation Cos STEAMER Alert or Sexator. 4 Will leave th? Companj-'s dock, Portland, Every morulng at 5 o'clock, Sundays ex cepted, Connecting at Oregon Citv tvith steamers for SALEJY1 AND DAYTOF3, OX MOXDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Of each week. Xr;f M als provided for passengers on board steamer ALERT, at Fifty centi. A. A. McCULLY, President. August 14, lSGd. t-iO.tf ) WALTER lew CARPETIjVGS VELVETS, BRUSSELS, THREE - PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER -HANGINGS, LACE-CURTAINS, &c, &c. We Would Call the attention of par -tics fitting up houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is ONE OF THE COM PL ETEST Oil flse Pacific Costs! ! Ow Goods being sjieeially selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern Stales, ice can sell AT THE LOWEST 8;anlTisisacIeo Prices. WALTER BROS., No. S9 Front street, bet ween Alder So.) and Washington, Portland Oregon Dr. J, H. HATCH, Late Mack Hatch, DENTIST. The patronage of those desiring tirst Class Operations, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. IJ. Nitrous O.cyje administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office Corner of Washington and Fron streets, Portland. Entrance 011 Washington street. J)EXTAL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN. During my 'our of two years in the Eastern States I have spared neither time nor money to make mvse'f ner- fectly familiar with and master of my iro- . mi ... .. icssion. niose oesinnsr the best work- that the nature of the case will admit. ..fn ,i me at my ollice, 107 Front street, two doors aoove . Oregon :V"' "i tu.c, ornauu, DR. J. G. GLENN. YyM- BUOUGIITOX. Contracor and Builder, Main st., OREGON CITY, flrs- Will attend to all work in his line, cou sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner wot framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptl attended t . Y.IL UTTEU & co- MERCHANT TAILORS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. O 04 FRONT STREET, UNDER COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, 40.3m) Portland, Oregon. pG. stp:wart, No. 109 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. 3? Watchmaker Mm And Jeweler. And Dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELERS GOODS. Agent for Wilcox & Gibbs' Letter "G' Sewing Machines, which are now being sold singly at cost, or whole sale less than cost. Other goods at greatly reduced rates. (40. tt A. G. CALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OUEGONIAN BUILDUSG, Ko. 5 AVasliiiiglon Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety oi stvle known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. ii2 mi FRONT STREET, FIRST STREET, Near Morrison Street, Near Yamhill. KAST & CAHALIN. New Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the City ! Comprising all tbe leading and best brands known, such as Benkert's, Tirrell's, Fogg's, Houghton & Coolidge's, Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous otners, 01 gents ana ooys wear. Also Mile's, Sieberljeh'a, Brts, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children s wear. Our customers and the public In ee&eral are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Boots made to order, and an assort ment ot our make cousUutly on band. STOPTHAICOBGHIHe OF YOU CAXT, ASD 1VE IITT j you. yn havo trt.-d ewry remedy but tha OXE I'Vmird, ly Us intrinsic merit, to supersede nil fin lar pmpnraUrtiis. II is not surprising you shoulJ b I'luctiuit to try something els nfior tha Hi.iii-y vritacuts you lmve made vf trashy comjiSHitU vi.-toa fru tiic public aa a certain varc ; but HEWSLL'S P s really tho VEP.Y BEPTmracfly ever eon4fxjKf or tho euro f t' Coughs, Colds, Horo lliroat, Asthv. A'hocpitiK Coiij.'h. Bronchi! is and Cunsumplion. TWt-n-nnds ol" people iu CaHlbrnia. and Orejfou. hav bra Jroady bcnelitted by lln surprising tufati (ivvrni NEWELL'S ; Pulmonary Syruj ind with one accord give It their tinirmRfief ipiw ation. AVo now address eursc-lves to all h ar icquainted with this, tho greatest Panacea rf thi or llio healing of all diseases f t'c Throat. uit4 Jungs, assuring you that NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup ias cured thousands and it will cure YOU if yo vrf. This invaluable mcdicino is pleasant to th lu( wothin?, healing and bta-ngtheniiig in its cflcct.'!; irely freo from all poisonous or deletcriotn droji, uid pcrfi'Ctly harmless under all circunvsUne. rertillcatts from many prominsat citizas f S. Traacirfto accompany every bottle cf NEWELL'S Pulmonary Synr KKDIVCTON CO. Asi-nta, San Fratci. AIAYA YS SAFE ! Always Effectual. Fever and Ague is Speedily arid ef fectually cured hy Dr.E.COOER'b Uuirer- cal Magnetic Halm "PRO BONO PUBLICO !" TRULY A VEGETABLE l'REPA RATION. None genuine without bignatui of W . II. Strong. PED1NOTON, TIOSTETTER & CO.. 4iG and 418 Fr nt s-t., San Franci?e-f Sole and exclusive Agentt EEDINGT0N, HOSTETTER &.G0.'S, ESSENCE OF Jamaica Gingen, This valuable preparation, containing. Int a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger, has become one of th most popular domestic remedies tor all diseas es of the stomach and digestive organs. As 1 tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced bj' fever or otheiwise: for while it imparts to ,lue J-btem an tue glow and vigor that can the reactionary cfiects that fallow the use of s jlit f k; i It is also an excellent remedy for femaTea. m who sutler from diflicnlt menstruation, civinar almost immediate relief to the spasms that so frequently accompany that period. Jt gives immediate relief to Aausea. caused by riding in a railroad car, or by sea sickness or other causes. It is also valuable as an external application. for Gout. Rheumatism. Neuralgia, etc. RED ING TON, IIOSTETTEJ Co., 4IG and 418 Front at, San Francisco. Uss Electro Silicon, Or Magic Brilliant. REDINGTOII HOSTETTER & Cos IPIoa'isla Water I Pot the Handkerchief. This article, possessipg the most delicate fragrance of Flowers, is unequalled as a p fume for the Handkerchief. FOR THE BA Til ! Used in bathing it imparts strength and en ergy to the system, and gives that softne and delicacy to the skin so much desired by all IT REMOVES S UNB URN, FRECKLES $ PIMPLES, Diluted with water it mafces an eletrant den tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to the teeth sweetness to tho breath, and renders tha gums hard and of a beautiful color. It should always he used after shavincr dilut ed with water, as it relieves all inflammation Iit;j)IXGTON, HOSTETTER fy Co. 41G and 418 Front st.. San Francisco. ELECTRO SILICON, -on - Direct from Nature's Labraiory. The Best article ever diiseovered for cleans ing and Polishing Gold. Silver and Plated ware, and all smooth Metalic Surfaces, of whatever cteserrption, including Kitchen utrn- sils of Tin Copper, Brass, Steel, etc. nr t T . 3 iir . . 1 . ao jcwciers anu 01 hers in Gold; and Sil ver Plate the Eleefero-Silicon i of ioe&Umable value ; the time saved, and tbe vexation pre vented ly its use, will forever endear ita name to all who have had evideceof its merits, JlJtSUJ, (J TON, JIGS TATTER 4- C. Sole Agents, San Francisco. JTQR FLAVORING, REDIXGTG-N, HOSTETTER Cc EXTRACTS Are the best. Redington, Hostetter & Co'g Florida Water ! USE NO OTHER. Unexcelled for Toilet Use and for the ZS ulmonary Syrup : ,) if f f 1 I 1; 1 t; :t -1 - i i . , V - X I