The Weekly enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1868-1871, November 13, 1869, Image 2

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iEljc xitetKln Enterprise,
Oregon City, Oregon ,
D. SI. McKENNEY, EriTon.
John ISIyers, Financial, Agent.
Saturday : : November 13, 1869.
A Proclamation, of Tl nultsglving.
"Whereas, Ulyssej S. Grant, President
of the United States, has, by .Proclama
tion, set apart Thursday, the eighteenth
day of November, A. D. eighteen hund
red sixty-nine as a day of public thanks
giving and praise to Almighty God ;
Now, . therefore, I, George L. "Woods,
Governor of the State of Oregon, by this
my Proclamation, request all the people
of; the State to properly observe this
Vfc should all lift up our voices in
praise and thanksgivlrg unto His Holy
Name for the manifold blessings voueh
safed unto us as a people.
- We have been his favored children.
Liberty and peace, health and prosperity
havo been richly bestowed upon us. Let
our prayers, laden with love and grati
tude, rise like holy incense to the throne
-of the God of nations, and songs of
praise and thanksgiving be upon every
testimony whereof I hereunto set my
hand and have causid the Great Seal of
the State of Oregon to be affixed. - Done
at Salem, on this the third day of Novem-
ber, Anno Domini one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-nine.
r,. s. GEO. L. "WOODS.
I. TO Moores, Ass't Sec. of State.
Sometime last May a difficulty occurred
between some parties iu the eastern part
of this county, and iu this difficulty Frank
Vaughn shot and killed Alex. Larking.
Vnughn immediately came into this place
and surrendered himself into the bands of
the officers, stating that he had killed Lar
kins, and wished for a trial. He had a pre
liminary examination before Ja's A. Smith,
Justice of the Peace. This Justice Lelf
young Vaughn (or murder, and refused to
admit him to bail. Upon this refusal, his
counsel, Messrs. Stout and Iluelat, took
4 he case before Hon. W. W. Upton, and a
re-examination had, and upon such exam
ination Judge Upton admitted Vaughn to
bail in the sum of eight thousand dollars.
He gave the requircdCJbail and was set at
.5'iberty. At the last term of the Circuit
Court young Vaughn was indicted for
murder in the first degree. He appeared,
went to tiial, and was acquitted ; and be
cause ho was acquitted the Republican
papers are agonizing terribly, and indulg
ing in false statements and their usual low
abuse of Democrats. As an example
The Oregon Statesman, of last Sunday,
has an article on the Vaughn trial, head
ed : 4vl IT 'rong that cries to lleaven."
Then, after giving an incorrect statement
.of only a small portion of the evidence,
.indulges in the following false and inali
.cious assertions : q
'Of course the murderer was arrested
.and tried. A purse was raised, contribu
tions being made by citizens of all par
ties, to secure a vigorous prosecution.
Th trial commenced Monday, November
1st. The regular pannel was exhausted
and S persons secured.all Di mocrats. Thin
two deputy sheriffs were sent out with
furnished lists, and twenty men were sum
moned, only two of whom were Republi
cans, and those "-two were not allowed to
sit on the jury. The jury, as finally em
0 pannelled, were all Democrats ; and after
iiearing the testimony, they were able
to decide in an Injur that Vaughn was
"nut guilty'-' of even manslaughter. The
idea naturally prevails' at Oregon City
that life is not safe in Clackamas, provi
ded the killing is done in Democratic
ttyle. as U generally the case.''
V'e had not heard of money being con
iributed by citizens of all parties, or by
anybody, to secure a "vigorous prosecu
tion'' of the case, until we saw the state
ment in the Statesman, and since then, we
lnvtfiiiot been able to find one of the con
tributors. The statement that two deputies were
sent out with furnished lists to summons
iha twenty, additional jurors, is untrue.
There were no lists furnished the depu
ties, nor any instructions given them on
the- subject. The statement that a ieelinir
prevails that life is unsafe at Oregon City
is also a falsehood. And the insinuation
that the verdict of the jury was controll
ed by the politics of the defendant, in
stead of the law and the evidence, is ma
licious and false, and can emanate only
from persons so totally depraved that
they would willingly barter away honor,
t.-uth and, even life itself, for partizan suc
cess. Wc arc personally acquainted with
many ot the gentlemen who composed
the jury in this ease, and know them to
be conscientious, honest and honorable
rtien. As an evidence of this, and of the
confidence reposed in them by the prose
cution, we will mention a couple of inci
dents that occurred on the selection of the
Mr. Saajuel Taylor, the first juryman se
lected, ou his examination stated that he
had conscientious scruples against capi
tal punkhment ; yet he was taken by the
prosecution and sat on the case.
Judge Caufield, the second juryman ta
ken, and a well known Democrat, on his
lamination said he had formed and ex
pressed a decided opinion in regard to
the merits of the case having been pres
ent at the preliminary examination ; yet
he, too, was taken by the prosecution and
sat on the case. And further, when the
jury was formed the twelve men taken
the attorneys for the prosecution had not
exhausted their peremptory challenges by
two ; and now let honest men form prop
er conclusions in regard to the honesty of
this jury.
But the Slalcsvian is not alone in its un
principled attack upon the Sheriff of this
county, and upon the jury in the Vaughn
case. The Oregonian of Jast Saturday has
the following :
'Occasional'' writes from Oregon City :
'The jury in the Vaughn case were all
Democrats, and the twenty additional ju
rors ordered to be summoned, were all K.
K3., but two. Dully for a Democratic
Sheriff! Murder in this county is justifi
ed by all the K. Ks. and their officers.
They had a jubilee last night, after the
J?" And then in another article proceeds to
report what it claims as the evidence of
Henry Welch one of the witnesses for ihe
prosecution which it says contaim the
gist of the evidence for the prosecution.
We were not engaged in the trial of this
case, but, were present and heard the
main witnesses for the prosecution and
know that the reporter of the Oregonian
has omitted important portions of the tes
timony, has misstated other portions, and
given c-doiing to the balance. We have
Pheitber time, nor room to call attention to
all of the incorrect statements of testi
mony contained in the Oregonian article,
but will Call attention to one and0let that
suffice. In giving a report of the testi
mony of Henry Welch the Oregonian says
he swore as follows :
We had a warrant from Inman to arrest
Wm. Vaughn. Inman told me to go ; also
told John Jackson and Alex Larkin to go.
We were then in Max Ramsby's Lane.
We got on our horses and Harrisrn
Wright gave Alex Larkin a revolver. We
all then went down to "Win. Van glints
house. 1 told Alex he had better go back
as we were on the way. He went on
down. Wm. Vaughn and Dave Morris sat
on the porch by the door. As we went
to get oil' Win. Vaughn got up and went
into the house. We went into the hall.
lvmcaue Knocuea. inman said, i will go
back. He only said I will go back, lie
then went out of the door. Then I and
Kincade went to a window and looked
through saw Frank and Mrs. Vaughn
shedold Kincade to leave ; so did Frank.
Kincade said, we are not armed ; only
Alex Larkin is armed. Fiank asked is
Alex out. there. Then Frank Vaughn
opened the door and went out of the room.
I went into the hall and there met Frank.
Here witness explained the position of
parties by a diagi-am. He, Frank, went
out of the hall door. Don't know that he
saw Larkins. I did. I saw Alex on the
other side of the road, facincr me. lie
whirled when he saw rne and looked as
though he was fixing somethincr. He
turned and advanced toward Frank.
Frank said stop! Larkins hands were
down at first and down when he walked
toward Frank. He Frank told him to
stop, twice. Larkin said, I am in the
highway road' Frank told third time to
stop. Alex said, 4i I will show you," and
made a motion with his right hand ; then
Frank shot. Q
The testimony of Henry Welch in re
gard to the motion that Larkins made
with his right hand was a motion for his
pistol and a jerk as though he was at
tempting to draw it, but this important
part of the testimony the reporter of the
Oregonian maliciously and in utter disre
gard for the truth, omits. It was also in
evidence that Larkins was a dangerous
man and that a grudge existed between
him and Frank Vaughn. If a resolute and
dangerous man, and an enemy to a person,
attempts to draw a revolver on him, the
person so threatened is neithar legally nor
morally bound to wait until the pistol is
drawn at him before he can resort to
means of self defence. To require such
delay would be to deprive a person of the
powevand right of self defence.
But it is not right and justice that these
parties arc clamoring for it is for politi
ck effect. W. II. Vaughn, Frank:
Vaughn's father is a prominent Democrat
and the Republican politicians had hoped
to secure the conviction of Frank right or
wrong, but having faildd in this, they still
hope to obtain the political effect by mis
representation and false charges.
The same spirit which prompted the
Radical leaders and press to demand the
conviction of Andrew Johnson, without
regard to law and the evidence that
caused them to bully, denounce, and de
mand the resignation of Republican Sena
tors who refused to perjure themselves by"
convicting the President of high crimes and
misdemeanors contrary to the law and the
evidence for the purpose of securing to
that party the political benefit of such a
conviction now prompts the Statesman
aud Oregonian to demand the conviction
of Frank Vaughn in the same way. His
conviction would have resulted in ruin to
his father, as well as himself, and hence
beneficial to the Republican party. Hence,
however, unjust and unlawful the convic-
uoa migui ue in me estimation ot our
Republican moralists the end justifies the
means, and they howl because their devil
ish desires were not satisfied.
If there is any wrong in this matter
which cries to Heaven, and cries loudly
too. it is the attempt to influence courts
and juries for partizen purposes, and in
directly, or indirectly charging perjury
upon juries who do not render verdicts for
the benefit of the Republican politicians
in accordance with such partizan de
mands. With such attempts to tamper with
courts, many Republican politicans are
certainly chargeable. It is wrong and
ought to be discontinued.
j? The cost of the Suez csuial and the
improvements caajaeeted wIUi it will be
abn $85,000)00. Tbe canal is ninety
miles long, three hundred and twenty
eight feet wide at the surface, seventy
four feet wide at the bottom, and twenty
six feet deep throughout.
Clackamas Jcstice. At the late term
of Court in Clackamas County, a poor de
vil who shot at a man with evil intent and
missed him. was found guilty- and sent to
the penitentiary for one year ; but young
Vaughn who deliberately murdered his
man m cold blood, shooting him down
and shooting after he was down, is pro
nounced innocent. We do not mean to
say that this is the average of justice in
Clackamas, for that would reflect heavily
upon the people ; but such is the result of
a Sheriff's solicitude to save his friends
from harm. The Democracy of the Sher
iff is sorelv put to the test, when he has to
send out his deputies with instructions to
pick a jury that could secure the desired
verdict. The people of Clackamas will
attend to it, however."
We find the above in the Oregon States
man of last Sunday, and it relates to the
conviction of J. LV Walsh. This is the
fourth shooting affair that Walsh has had in
this vicinity within the past two years ;
but heretofore always coming off with no
thing heavier than a fine, or imprisonment
in the county jail. But this time, be is
sent to the penitentiary for one year, and
at thi3 result the great moralist of the
Statesman is terribly shocked.
This shock is occasioned by the fact that
Walsh is a Republican. Had he been a
Democrat the great moralist would have
been still more terribly shocked because
he had not been sent for ten years, instead
of one. Nothing can occur now-a-days,
without the Radical press and leaders
seizing it and attempting to use it for the
benefit of their party. They even de
mand that Courts, and jurors perjure
themselves for the benefit of that corrupt
parly. But we are glad to know that
that demand is unheeded by some courts,
and jurors, at least.
Proceedings ot tlie County Court or
Clackamas County, at tlie No
vember Term, 1839.
Certain lots and blocks in Milwaukie
vacated on the application of J. H- isk.
The road between Canemah and Par
rott's bridge so changed that it passes
over the hill instead of along the River.
This change is made by reason of the O.
C. R. R. Co. appropriating the old road.
The county to pay tffe following bill of
costs ineuPred in making such changes, to
wit :
John Myers, for services, $8 20
W. W. Buck, viewer,
Joseph Parrott, "
Charles Walker, "
Ja's A. Smith, for making report ?
Henry Meldrum. chainman,
Noble Johnson, "
Wm. "31. Campbell, flagman,
George M. Capps. marker,
S. L. Campbell, Surveyor,
10 50
$50 30
It is understood that the Railroad Com
pany is to pay to the county this amount.
The O. C. R. R. Co. applied for an a
batement of taxes. The consideration of
the matter was postponed to the Decem
ber term of the Court.
Ordered that the County Clerk make a
deed to A. E. Wait for certain town lots
according to the l-cquirements of a bond
held by Mr. Wait.
II. L. Gribble. Asa Saunders and and
John Sawtelle were appointed viewers to
view and report upon the necessity and
practicability of establishing and opening
a road leading from Glad Tidings Post
Office to Wilhoit's Soda Springs.
In the matter of bonds held by the Ex
ecutors of the Estate of Daniel Harvey for
deeds to certain lots in Oregon City, it is
ordered that the consideration thereof be
continued to the next term of this Court.
In the matter of the Survey of the Coun
ty Addition to Oregon Ciiy, ordered at
the September term of this Court, S. L.
Cimpbell, County Surveyor, comes into
Court and files his report, which is accep
ted, und the following expenses therefor
ordered paid, to wit :
Henry Weldman, chainman,
Noble Johnson, "
Wm. Campbell, " g
Wm. Stone, flagman,
Joseph Bowman, "
$11 00
8 00
C 00
12 00
6 00
G 00
6 00
16 00
8 00
15 00
58 00
W. M. Campbell,
G. W. Capps.
John Carnahan, "
Joshua Bowman, for monuments,
S. L. Campbell, Surveyor,
$155 00
The following bills were audited and
ordered paid :
C. W. Pope, & Co., for stove-pipe for
Clerk'3 office, $2 00
M. M. Owen, for repair of Molalla
bridge, $32 00
Wm. M'Cown, repair do. do. 32 00
Wm. Bird, for board A. Lambert $13 00
and at his own request Mr. Bird is re
lieved from further charge of A. Lam
bert. James M Frazer for issuing subpoenas for
witnesses before the Grand Jury, $S 00
J. W Ryan, for services, 3 50
John Myers, per bill filed, 1G9 65
" " attendance in court, 10 00
T J M'Carver, deputy Sheriff, 6 00
John Myers, Sheriff, serving process
for Grand Jury, 45 00
do. do. serving W Mack, sup'vi'r 2 50
M Patterson making out military roll 6 25
J K Wait keeping Caroline Walker, 10 00
J Myers & Bro., as per bill, 7 00
Wm Broughton, platform for clerk's
J M Bacon, for stationery,
To Jfnltnomah County, for W W
Jlarper. insane,
M Patterson, feal. due for assessing,
Enterprise for publishing uotice.
J Myers for telegraphing,
Jacob Wortman. for attending a.t
Portland as a witness in ease of
State vs. Vaughn.
Barnum Restaurant for meals fur
nished a jury
3 00
3 38
10 00
17 00
30 00
1 25
6 50
Lewis i& Pollock for iron furnished for
Molla'.Ia bridge &T 96
J J Murphy, Sheriff of Marion Co.
for services in the case of State
vs. Burchard,
Ja's M Frazer for services as Coun
ty Clerk, and for making copies
of Assessment Roll for Sheriff
8 00
nnd Secretary of State
A C Gibbs, District Attorney,
440 80
155 00
3C 00
3G 00
32 00
44 00
S D Richardson, bailiff,
W S Mosr,
C W Noblett, "
T J M Carver, crier,
Stinson & M'Cowen, for defending
J E Walsh,
Wm M'Cowan, Co. Commissioner,
J M Drake, 11
M D Baldwin,
II E Hayes.
Robert Thompson,
Ii V Short,
A J Killin,
Walter Fish,
T F James,
15 00
9 20
10 10
10 20
11 20
14 20
12 40
13 20
10 20
14 00
D Albright.
Howard Ogle,
A B St urges,
E Wiltfong.
John Fleming.
George Graham,
M G Wills,
Mark Hatton,
Horace Baker,
II ii Hess.
H P Walker,
N S Patterson,
Joseph Barstow,
T W Foster,
A B 1 1 ol comb,
S B Franklin.
John Hamilton,
I) S-bastain,
C D Turner,
Jeff Shaw.
A Holcomb.
Warren Corby,
lames X Doland,
Mary Doland,
Waller S Moss,
John Sampson.
Chilian Morgan,
Hannah Morgan,
A P Smith.
Claude Souchn,
Charles Albright,
Joe, a kanaka,
Jim, a
Tom. Montgomery,
1G 00
15 20
15 ik)
16 0J
10 20
15 20
3 30
3 20
3 40
3 00
3 40
3 40
3 80
3 40
2 80
4 40
3 CO
4 40
3 (50
2 70
2 80
3 40
2 20
2 20
2 20
5 20
5 20
5 20
3 10
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
Clackamas County vs. L II White.
R C Geer. Clerk of Marion Co. 47 00
J J Murphy, Sheriff " " 5 70
State of Oregon vs. J E Walsh.
Can M'Gehan, witness, f
John O'Brien, " C
W S Moss, 2
D Shambbreaii. ' f
John Mvers, Sheriff, 2J
State of Oregon vs. John Doc a Chinaman.
James M Frazer, clerk, 4 40
State of Oregon vs. Rachel Kafka and
George Kline. Preliminary examination.
J A Smith, J P fees,
John Myers, Sheriff,
C E Warren, Prosecuting att'y.
State of Oregon vs. J E Walsh,
litninary examination.
Ja's A. Smith. J P.. fees,
J W Ryi n Constable,
J Spenial. w itness.
State of Oregon v.. W II Vauh
liminary examination.
7 75
42 50
10 00
5 SO
7 ll
1 70
Maxwell Ramsby, J P., fees,
James Morris, witness,
Charles Stearns, "
Robertson Ramsby, witness,
J Kincaid, "
G W Fish.
State of Oregon vs. Frank
John Myers, Sheriff,
James M Frazer; clerk,
Chilian Morgan, witness,
J Kincaid, '
James Morris, "
M Jackson, "
Charles Stewart, "
Robertson Ramsbv.
5 35
2 10
1 80
1 8.)
2 30
1 80
10 (15
17 45
4 20
4 40
4 40
(5 SO
5 00
4 00
5 00
1. Reed.
9 20
15 00
5 20
5 20
5 20
20 00
24 00
2 20
3 10
2 20
2 20
4 40
4 40
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
John Slipp,
G W Fish,
James M Frazer, clerk,
John Myers, Sheriff".
Chilian Morgan, witness,
Hannah Morgan, '
John Sampson, "
State of Oregon vs. Jai
James M Frazer, clerk,
John Myers, Sheriff,
L D Cross, witness,
P D Morris,
II Leonard. "
Peter Wilson, "
Ja's X Doland, "
Mary Doland,
James Chase, "
Ja's Kennedy "
Patrick Feeeey "
Marg.Feeney, "
S W Moss,
J M Moore,
State of Oregon vs. J C Trulinger. Ap
peal to the Supreme Court by the District
Attorney, and judgment of Court bjlow
affirmed, with the following costs :
D M M'Kenney, 12 00
J II Mitchell. 29 25
James M Frazer, clerk. 4 40
State of Oregon vs. Dan'l Burns. Ap
pealed to the Supreme Court by the Dis
trict Attorney, and judgment of Court
below affirmed, with the following costs :
D M M'Kenney, 15 00
Clerk of Supreme Court, 15 25
James M Frazer, 4 40
In the matter of inquest on the remains
of Thomas M Barry. F. Barclay, coro
ner, was allowed additional fees of $2 25,
and J A Smith, coroner's clerk, $2 50.
In a recent case in the United
States District Court of Baltimore,
whiehhas been appealed to the Su
preme Court, it was shown that the
three leading national banks of
Baltimore have been lending as
high as eighty per cent, of their
capital lor speculative purposes.
pS" The foolishness of the African City
Council of Washington will leave that
city without theaters. They are attempt
ing to compel managers to admit tbe
odorous individuals to the parquette and
circles ; but there are portions of the
house assigned for thepi. and unless they
occupy these without f.iirther.disturbanae, ;
.every fsaflager fci Washington mil eiose'
his Uieatr. We admire their pluck. It
is bad enough to have Grant and the
Congo Congressmen mixing in with de
cent people, without submitting to further
outrage. Ponjeroy"s Democrat. i
Telegraphic Clippings.
Children Burned to Deatli.
Boston. Nov. 4.
The dwelling of Nathan Downy, at
Harewich. Mass., was burned last evening.
His only children, two little girls of six
and four years perished." The parents
were visiting at a neihbors.
Albany, Nov. 4.
The House of As?embly stands 71 Dem
ocrats and 5G Republicans.
Kollcrs Xvillcil.
St. Loris, Nov. 4.
On Tuesday last a wood-yard keeper,
half-way between Cairo and Memphis,
while returning in a boat from supplying
a steamer with wood, was boarded by two
men in a skiff, and robbed of the pro
ceeds of his wood. As they were leaving
him he shot and killed one and fatally
wounded tiie other. The latter confessed
that he was a member of a gang of pirates
and thieves, who have robbed and mur
dered on land and water.
Jewisli lieform Convention
New Yokk, Nov. 5th.
The convention of Jewish Rabbis at
Philadelphia, yesterday, adopted resolu
tions a change in the marital
laws, acknowledging woman as the equal
of man; providing for an exchange of
rings as part of the ceremony; also, abol
ishing divorces by the Chnrcti. and leav
ing tho power ot granting divoiois entire
ly to the judieia.-y of tho State.
Dentil ly Hydrophobia.
Cincinnati, Fov. 5.
William Ashley, aged22 years, died of
hydropohobia on Wednesday. He was
biiten last Christmas evening and the first
indication of hydrophobia was on Tues
day. Reduction of Foreign Postage.
From late intelligence through Thorn
ton, British Minister, it appears that this
Government is prepared to reduce the
rate of postage on the pre-paid letters be
tween the United States and the United
Kingdom. There is little doubt, there
tore, of the early adoption of this measure
of postal reform.
Baiiimoue, 5.
Thos. M. Birney, a well known lawyer
of this city, was found dead in his room
yesterday with a discharged pistol iu his
From Washington City 9
Washinfton, Nov. C.
A general order has been issued from
headquarters of the army prohibiting any
squatter or citizen liom residing upon
luilitary reservations, unless he be in the
employ of tlu; Government, or permitted
by the department commander, in which
case his presence thereon must cease on
his being discharged or the permission
withdrawn. Department commanders are
directed to use force when necessary to
remove squatters and trespassers. Where
those in possession have valuable im
piCViments, department commanders will
investigate each case separately tor deci
sion by ihe United States.
Hxprcsa Robbers Arrested.
A i. han y. Fov. 7.
Detectives on Saturday night arrested
in this city the parties from Troy, implica
ted in the 1 te extensive Fxpress robbery
on the Central Railroad, between Albany
and Fonda. The prisoners are all rail
road men, and have boon taken to Fonda
for trial. One of them, Conklin. a I a r-g-igeman,
was once before arretted bu
discharged upon a writ issued by Jule
Thutcrly. A portion of the mono stolen
has been recovered, and there is a pros
pect of getting the balance. The actual
loss has been greatly over-estimated.
rjou.wcll Denies tixc Proposed. Loan,
Secretary Boutweil authorizes the Sun
to say la has not Jent any agent to Europe
about a loan, nor authorized any one to
act for him. He has always been in fa
vor of funding the debt at a low rate o!'
interest, and jopes some time to get down
to lout and a half per cent.
iiot by Itlistnkc.
Saratoga, Nov. 8.
Superintendent Brown, of the Palmer
Falls Woolen Mills, at Corinth, was shot
dead last night by a watchman who mis
took him for a burglar.
Heavy Storm in Yucatan.
MicniMA. Yucatan, Oct. 2G.
A disastrous inundation happened in
this vhinity, causing heavy loss ot prop
erty and a number of lives. The town of
Multunipuc was completely destroyed.
The cemetery was washed away, and
many corpses and skeletons were found
floating in the water. The roads of the
country are impassable, on account pf
heavy rocks lodging in the highway by
the current of the llood. At last accounts
it was decreasing.
Smallpox Among tlie Indians.
Four Benton. M. T. Nov. 6.
A special messenger to General Sully.
Indian Superintendent, reports deaths
among the Grosventre Indians by Mnall
poc to the number of five hundred, or
halfthe entire tribe. They are commit
ting" suicide by blowing their brains out
with revolvers. The whites have taken
the disease in the form of light varioloid,
but there are no fatal caes. The dead
Indians strew the road from the Forks io
Mill River. They demand that the Indian
Agents act as mediators with the Great
Spirit and stop the disease.
Tnc Canvass in Mississippi.
Jackson, Nov. 8.
The canvass between Judge Dent and
Gfn. Alcorn has closed temporarily bv
mutual consent. Dent goes to Washing,
ton on professional business, and Alcorn
goes home to attend to private affairs.
Gen. Ames to-day assigned forty-five
officers of tin? army to duty as Inspectors
of Registration in various counties in
Earthquake at Manilla.
A private cable dispatch sas that on
October 27th, a severe earthquake hap
pened at Manilla. All the houses were
shaken and some of the city walls fell.
Many accidents occurred, but no Euro
peans are reported killed.
"Wife Murder.
riTTsncKG. Nov. 8.
Mrs. Campbell, residing on Fi fih Avenue,
was brutally murdered by her husband
some time last nig 'it. The murderer sur
rendered himself to the Mayor this morn
ing, and stated that she died from falling
down stairs. The body of tbe woman was
found covered with wounds, and it was
evident she had been beaten to death with
a poker.
The Marysville Appeal says that
great activity prevails in that quarter
among the employees on the Oregon rail
road. Large and numerous gangs of men
are employed, and under tho superior
management of J. II Strowbi idg, the work
is being rapidly pushed forward.
Yesterday morning, about 7 o'clock,
Harry C. Coulson, one of the proprietors
of the Cosmopolitan Hotel, in this city,
started out with Charley Kuehn, inj a car
riage, for game on Giles' Lake, 2 miles
below town. They met iudifferenljsuccess
and concluded to come back. : After they
had driven along the road a short dis
tance, Coulson remarked that hetfeaw a
pheasant or grouse, and he would like to
stop and kill it. Kuehn stopped and
hitched his horse some distance below,
and went around on the creek andshot
some ducks. His dogs having gone home
he concluded to come in. While drivrog
along about where he left Coulson.', he
!...; iw. or.,1 er,,ire.,l
saiv il 111 iijc lu.m, twin iiMwuiiLu
. , . ... .. ,
belonged to a teamster. He drew up to
pick up the article, and heard a grqan.
Upon going to the roadside fence he dis
covered Coulson, in a dying condition.
He saw after speaking to him that he must
get assistance, and hurried off, and told
Mr. Sprenger, who immediately procured
Drs. 11. U. Wilson and J. A". Chapman,
surgeons, to proceed to the sufferer.
Upon their arrival they pronounced the
case fatal. He evidently was pulling the
weapon, a double-barreled shot-gun, to
wards him, in a hurry, whtn it was dis
charged, sending the whole charge through
his head. lie was put into a wagon and
brought towards the city, but before
reaching here he expired. His body was
taken to the house of J. M. Strowbridge,
his brother-in law, corner of Fourth aud
Harrison streets. An examination show
ed that the charge entered the skull just
below the left ear. coming out at- the
forehead. He belonged to the Fire De
partment, was many j-ars County Clerk,
and a member of Samaritan Lodge, No. 2.
I. O. O. F. Mr. Coupon was "a noble,
higlsni'nded and generous man. beloved
by all. and many tears for him will be
shed when this notice is read. His wife,
who is an invalid in New York City, und
soon to come here, will be overcome by
such dreadful news. The funeral will
take place to-morrow at 1 o'clock, i w.
Oregon Herald.
For the Holidays of 1800 '70, has arrived.
And is Now en Exhibition At SANTA
"Where Every TurcJiaser "Will Find
The Largest Stock ! 0
The Greatest Variety I!
The (Cheapest Prices!!!
t?This immense Slock having been
purchased for currency in New York? will
be sold to dealers and others in coin, at
Strangers and citizens will find SANTA
tetosting place to ; a. the gorgeous
array of new novelties, and the thousand
comical 'oys therein give the store the ap
pearance of an Eastern Museum of
SJ-Somo idea may be arrived at as to
the extent of Stock when it, is known that
of dolls alone there ar? One Hundred and
Fifty-five varieties! Making that Depart
ment a perfect
j-Foll Descriptive Catalogues now
iJES'Call early to secure choice gifts.
no2-Gw Agent for Santa Clans.
o. J"7 ! r "avinS deposed of all the old
fctock of Malt Liquors on hand when I
took charge of the above Krewery I now
take this means of notifying nif customers
and the public generally that in future I
shall make nothing bnt'the first quality of
ALL ! All of which I flatter myself we
Cifti do to perfection. I solicit the patron
age of the community, and hope at least
you will all give our celebrated brewaes
a trial.
An in conclusion I have to say, in duty
to ourselves, and to Irv to make a living
in the community, that on and after No
vember 1, 18fi9. our lirewages will be
llc 'lowing prices : Philadelphia
! Vortvr $l.- Per barrel or
b2-o0 for live gallons; Cream XX at
Sp12 per barrel or $2 for Five gallons.
51:tf C- C SMART.
No. 5 North Front Street, between A
and H Streets, Portland Oregon
-Thls well known Hotel has been newlr
Furnished and Refitted, and offers superior
accommodations to the Traveling Public
and is situated near the steamship landing '
ioard and Lodging per week S no
rWpCaCh t0and f'm foj"lote!f free of
g6' (40tf
, . r (Deatfchcs Gafthaus,)
2so. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam
ship landing, Portland, Oregon
Board per Week ?5 00
' " with ging.V.V. .G 00
Da3 1 00
A Family Afp.mnvi? rri. t .
T.--,, J 'ic t ain
Killer a pnre!y Vegetabl3 compound an,
while it ,s a n,ost efficient remedr for
it is a rerfeuly safe medicine, e,en
most unskillful hand,. For Summer c '
plaint, or any other form of b0Wrf H
in children or adults, it is . almost
cure and Las, without doubt, been more "
cessful in cut ing the various kinds of n!
than any other known - ' tho,cr
St: irnl Thr-- x -
F. 3 UI1- ln Jt,d,a
Oulna, where this dreadful Hi,
or le s prevalent, the Pain Killer
cred by the nati VPS na .-,.M-s
18 consii
We have Ion known the f
The Pain Killer, and Zt Uis
great success and satisfaction ia ourI"h
h.m,iics. It is the favorite medioin.0"
mi.!onanes in heathen J.,i.
';1 use 't more than nil ol.o r? tti
, ;,. .i . - '" for u
4a5e? 1 1!'t "bound in those warm " .,h
inou.Jbekvptm every house, in ' 'h''
suJ stacks of sicknessAt;
ff you wish the very best
,A ; . "oiesrrHpIia, "voa nmst call call 6(
439 Montgomery
street, San Francisco
Electro Silicon. -This curious and
valuable substance h confidently claimed t
be the bt article ever discovered f.p
cleaning andu polishing Geld, Silver anJ
Plated Ware, and all smooth metallic 8l)r.
w.-, oi wnatevcr description si...,:
i :.i .. . r "'uuinp
iwiLiit'ii ill f'nctia rt i ,
etc. O '
U1 cupper, hrneo .. .
Am 12. IticIai1soii
Corner of Front and Oak streets, P6rtln(J
Of Real Estate Groceries, General MercW
dise and Horses
Every Wednesday and Saturday t
A. B. Richardson, Auctioneer.
r r hAT- TE SALE.
Kng .sh refined Par and Bundle Iron
SquaTe and Octagon Cast stee'i
Horse .-shes, f lies, Rasps, saws '
Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, Ii.'o. Iran;
A largeasSortmentoAf'(Jfrc.eerieS and Liquors
A. B. Riciiardsox, Auctioneer
" v '
ilew Advertisements.
New To-Baiy.
Boors Windows !
iTLook at Ins Stock before
purchasing elsewhere,
47. 4t
Rooms 7 and 8 Carter's Block,
Jacob Stitzkl. ja&s P. Ui9ot.
Heal Estate Brokers and General
Agents, Corner of Front and
Wash uiqton streets.
lr Will attend to the sale and purchase
o t .hstate in a" parts of the City and
ttAtr" L sl(?cial attention given to the sale of
J-.ast Portland property.
Address P. O. Vox 4;-2. Portland. O recoil.
1 J" 1 r L'eal Estate Broken.
Come vounsr and enrni nl.t
Come where cheap pood are sold;
The jdaee we will mention .is easy to find,
4t s at A. Lew's o!d stand.
Ciszars and Tobacco to suit,
Ammunition and Powd. r to shoot.
Kitties and Dollies Candies and Nnt-, O
lo bring homo ami please the valine folks.
v-unee me o very best kinds,
Always remember, and bear in your minds
Goods of all kinds. too ftnnerons'to mention
On!yoto a tew we've called your attention.
I lease call and see for votir.-elres,
And you'll always find "our's well supplied
shelves. m LFVY
Oflires ot the Wes'ern Union Telegraph Co,
andVells, Fargo & Co.'s Express Co,
A pood Span of Mules with harness for
Sale cheap. For Particulars inquire at
the store of J. MYERS & P.RO. Oregon
City. Oregon.
October, 23rd 1 SGa. (tf.J
I will visit fhe several Precincts at
the following times nnd places for ;he
purpose of receiving State and County
Taxes, for tbe year 18C9, in person or by
Deputyofrorn 10 o'clock A. M. until 2 o'
clock P. M. of each day :
Monday, Nov. 8, Rock Creek Precinct.
Teusday, i4 9. Cascade "
Wed"sday0 " 18, Young's
Thursday 11. Springwater,
Friday, ' 12, Harding's
Monday, 15. Upper Mollala
, Tuesday, 1(1. Marquam's
Wed'sday. 17. Lower Mollala
Thursday, " 18. Union
Friday. " 19. Pleasant Hill
Saturday, " 20. Tualatin
Monday, 22, Milwaukie,
23. Oswego
Wed'sday " 21. Reaver Creek
Thursday ' 25. Canemah
SJ-On Friday and Saturday, Nov. 2G&
and 21 th, at Oregon Citv Precinct.
n51-tf Sltcriff Clackamas County, Oregon
ing cards neatly printed at this
"USTICES BLANKS, of every descrip
tion, printed at the ExiXRntiys office.
f. yY
-y- - . ,: