o i I jclUcckln (Enterprise. . y tow v VXD COUNT V. The Uaiu-O-V') e were present last; TlitiW'l-y "hen Ibo first spike was driven j 1 ,ho main trunk of the Oregon Central I i" " . .i.... i. r,,T- T T. r li'roaa at i--' 1 u,tu,"u' H,:, one of the Trustees of the Road ; j d..,.iy tlu. construction of needed rail 'as the Enterprise was about ready to j lilKVS? a nutioa m muc( o to p"'"3 u!l('n WC reluni0(1 llomo' wo ! inn,!t 51oak at length of the proceedings j ,',,1 on that occaslm. Suffice it to say ;t j one full ol interest. Senator nni 'ni'l. Mitchell and Rev. Mr. Parrhdi 'l-li made remarks. We noticed among ...r. :.,-. ITnlladav I. II Moore H 's. Ladd, 15. Goldsmith, Gen. Crook. 1 v,d lion. David Logan. Salutes were tin tli 3 supervision of Capt. Mountain. I vJu!o the military band treated the audi- pnrt to some fine music, and the crowd fi-uuly dispersed, eachhighly pleased with the entire ceremonies. I ('ijina-John! Chinu-Johnl don't (ret 'em, let's pet 'em ; f'ap labor! cheap labor ! that's the I :uy to get 'em. I I am aware that a spirit of special an- f ji -it" towards Great Eiitain may be. im l I ii to the selection of some of the il c nations used in former articles. In f x j. it'iuembrance of the wrongs suffered ' i(V i iv ancestor. both remote and recent, U' is no room for feelings of gratula--tj towards tlie ruling class of people v on the Bfftish Islands. lint such f iH'.lcrations as these have not prompted ' , allusions to the English people or ? t' a government. Neither was that gov i , i pent chosifl) as one of the worst ; for, j? n ,'Bistanding its inward rottenness and I , ward ruin, it, taken all in all, one of" 1 tu best governments of Europe. A,nd ,i.ltg!i its tyranny is driving a people (the I t njof Erin) naturally tlie most patriotic , i'ie world, to voluntary exile, and fast I .(..jionidating one of the fairest portion-; (,t doit's earth, (the Emerald Isle) through jt oppressive exactions from a conquered cxaffiy in peace, and complete subjec tini). (a province in India) in two years' lime, starved to death absolutely (wo millions of human beings in a population ,,! As. millions, a certain class of its sub j,riSOtontest with us the distinction of Waring tlie palm for '-the best govern ment tlie worlt ever saw." They claim ihat its laws assure equal protection, and crili'ive punishment alike on rich .and poor, the high and the low ; and so they iln as spread upon their statute-books; I hut the hollowness of this high-sounding W will bo made apparent by only two p somite nuances taken lroiu the jecords Oil their courts of jusliee (so-called.) One g w - that of a fast voting man of the high !? i -.who while driving out with his span i! imcy trotters, ran over a poor woman (tit t 1 1 uvlcssiu'ss, or mere wantonness, por-s- In,!-, and thereby caused her death. The I 0 iicr was that of a poor woman of the j iiit!. who went into a church and h V'1 acted a pra3 cr-l.10.ik, and pawned it i f r money w'nh which she bought food foV 1 1 r -lai v'mg children. T.ie high offender ' tHJpcd with a light line and a few months if mere formal imprisonment at home 1 -1 punishment than would have been f 1 wide a poor man for causing the death t "f .1 worthless hound in the hunting pack f tf Mime niiiny-h.insiner siptire. 1 j 1 1 1 thet f. lnv olfender was transported to a penal ' 1 '"iiv fer a term of vears. A 1 The benefits and abuses arising from r-uti.-li rule should be studied by us rath- iTih-.m those of anv oilier nation: be- O . ciiise we are generally more familiar ft ih their early history, their progress 1 1 present condition than that of any I "Lei people. Rocause we are mre near &, k allied to them bv the ties of kindred p Id I ;ujl social affinity. Recanse our I s:iei:) of general laws is derived from. k u fact being inainlva mere copy of theirs. I l '''y. because are rapidly drifting I ii;-' the same doit.iuation of a few cun- cold-blooded land-sharks the same I il'ji'ction and squ-illid poverty of the j nussts thi centralization of wealth and I ni'i'ui'Se power, that dooms a large pro I portion of the laboring classes to a life of I 'i-er misery an early death and burial 5 i'i a pnuper's grave. e 1 If RadicalisiO or Republicanism in its f resent phase, holds the sway in our na- tioa a few years longer, the mildest epi I t truly descriptive of our form of gov Y TTiK-at will bo that of an elective mon t ivliy, immediately under the control of a I fii'uldy aristocracy. I The "chevp-Johu'' Republican leaders. iu 'If-justilication, urge that cheap labor j ''"isjn-eahh and prosper ity ' to the na- n. There is a remarkable analogy in . A growth., life, and death of nations and I !;i!ividuals. Cheap labor does bring I ulth to a nation ; but it is of the same I 1 ud as the health which over-feeding on v "-inlands brings to a man, a lullncss 1 "til fattening of the body with a weak I I"- and wastmg of the limbs. All goes ttl for ;i time. A strong constitution lures for a Vjjief period the perversion ' tho natural powers : and with aid of ; '"'mulating draughts the full-feeder pro- j and Harness in the State, lie will have at nt to Fie common observer the appear- least :0 sets of all grades, from fine to com ,,,,,. , . ... . ct 1-1 ! mon, finished and ready for sale next mont h, anteofhigh health. But altera while j .md mnrQ xh.xn t!Klt number of Saddles. He ftiies the gout, or in rapid succession, ! is bonnd lo make a trade with any Rian who f the ilU .0 wbic., U. j " hTc. flesh is heir, nnlil tho orer-foodin- ': :-,nil wm-V l,ivir :i mfwt. pvi-i-l'ptit fpisntation Y'n lik tbe luxurious ovowcalthy nZ G. G J 1 I aoa. goes untimely down a loathsome masgor rottenness. They argue, too, that withoufofbe aid of "aP labor our country inmost remain ru- 'nously destilute of the facilitf?s for in- communication afforded" by railroads, Ti,;4 -k . , ,. , , ,, plea is belied by all past cxpeuence. i-ltuoughlio capitalist has continually listed that labor was over-p.d through- xq 0 'h our country and it cer'ainly has b-cu better paid than in any other nation O z-' 4"S o o MCB-JUJL'ia during the same period railroads have been built in the Atlantic and Mississippi States full faster than the needs of the population required ; and the same would ; be done in the Pacific States, though eve- ry pj,rt:li!0(i pagan that ever has or ovir wnisail fiom Asia toward our shore.-, did lnk Uiaway jrl tilo pacific ocean. Even .,. . . ... it me lacK oi cneaper labor should eauso more evil than such a temporary wj mjLy en(.liK Jn El1gfaP(1 (he , ffl ,ist permanent paupers rolls out its hidec more evil than such a temporary want i of Oils coil on an even pace with the aggregate extension of the railway lines. If our country must be cursed with a similar ac eompamment, it were better that not an other rnilo ev.-r be added to our railway system. JCSTIV ClIEXOWETU. - -o- 9 - CiTY SEMIXAKY. On Thursday next will be held the clos ing examinations of the pupils in all de partments. The closing exorcisi's will take place, on the formoon of Friday a.l are cordially invited to attend. .yTSTUlah bus a population of 80.000 ; Montana has C.",00 citizens. The reve nue returns show for the former a total of $Gi.2!)G 35, and the latter $7G,C9S 77. Montana, with her Sj.OOQ people, paid Liquor Dealers" License to the amount of SIG.SIS SG; while Utah with her 80,000, only paid for vending the same tax, the small sum of $1,785 -11. Montana's li cense on manufactories and productions was $8.2G7 24 ; while Utah paid over three times tliat amount $28,059 15. In the matter of incomes there is a differ ence of only $85 57, which is in favor of Utah, whose total income was $:30,:7-t G3. Montana's revenue from licenses and sour ces other than those enumerated above, a rnou il d to i-:J1.293 (il : while Utah from like sources was :?1 1.127 85. -e S'Aq English paper sas that a few months ago the prophets of a new relig ion made their appearance in Russia, preaching self-destruction by fire as the only sure road to salvation ; and so rap idly was their dreadful doctrine received by the ignorant and superstitious peas antry, that in one large village -no less than seventeen hundred persons assem bled in some wooden houses, and having barricaded .the doors and windows, set the building on fire and perished in the .'lames. o The Deseret Xeics, of Sept. 30ih, pub lished in Salt Lake City says, the first snow of the season fell in that valley du ring the night, and next, day it was far too dreary, chilly and squally to be comfort able. It was a most disagreeable day. M ILL1AM liAVJIJSO.V, OiVnv, JVo. Gi. Kroiit Srrt, A ijoiniu tho Tv;ieifrur.li Otfioe, Portland Oregon. SPECIAL COLLECTOR of CLAIMS, Accounts, Notes, lionds. Drafts, and Merean til? Claims of every description, throughoiif Oregon and ihe Te; ritorics, WILL K MADE A SI'Jv.'IALT V, and promptly col'ectcd, as well as with a due regard to economy in all Uusiiie.-s matters entrusted to his care and the proceeds paid over punctually. iotf reaIj estate dealer. SPECIA L XO TICKS. HI till iimiKiU TvKlge 5o. 1, A. ait;l ia A. 51. Holds its regular communi V-T'c.-.tions on the Iu-H and Third Sat ,(-dts in each month, at 7 o'clock, from the ''th of September to the -jolh of March, and 7r, o'clock from the 2"(h of March to the Joh of September. IJn thren 1:1 good standing are invited to attend. Uy order of "VV. M. Oregon I.olge 5o. 3, I. O. of O. V. Meets every Wednesday even ing at 7 o'clock, in Masoutv Iiall, m&h'sr Mam street. Mem!cr of tlie Order are invited to attend l'.y order. K" llibrcea Degree Lotlgc A o. fj, I. O. O. 1. (2 Meet 0:1 the Second and Fourth TUESDAY JJVJJXIXGS, of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows' Hall. Members of the Degree ate invited to attend. By order of '. G. C'lacTsn.ma.s Division No. 3, S. of T. Holds its regular meetings on Friday even ing of each week, at Templar Hull, Oregon City. Members of the Order ate invited to attend. Uv order Willa luetic r.o1gc Xo. 151. O, G. T Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms S.E. corner of Mam and Fifth streets, nt 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are .invited to attend. Vy order of AY. C. T. " Tx Time of Peace Prepare for War." So get a bottle f Dr. Cooper's Magnetic Halm, an nnequaled preparat on fjr Dysentery, DiarrhVa and Cramp. The instantaneous relief of Darns, Bruises and Sprains. Not a Subject of Doubt. That Xcwell's Plumonary Syrup is the most ef fective and never failing remedy for a flec tions of the throat and lungs. Saddlery. J. II. Scliram, of this City, is new manufacturing the best Saddlery' broa'1- ."TC that citizens of our own count v wr!T think of this, when they want any articles iu his line. I . . - Y atx able Laxd for Sale Cheap AYc know of 430 actcs of goo lands for i sale in this county, being the land claim of i d. L. Stout, in what is known as thcRingold settlement. It wiil be sold in lots to suit j purchasers on vcry fair ter:ns Xhis land is only 12 miles from Oresron Citv. For I Jr.cr inforinion apply to N. W Kandall, j ot tin eitv, or of J. E. tstout, Lnitv, Baker s p. ay, W. T., or of Andrew Stout, in the above ' "Juoncd settlement. 13:iy SIMILIA SIMILIBas CIJEA1TTTJE. II01IEOvVATIIIC SPECIFICS HSP0:1 THESrOST AMPLE MlTE-fllclont an1 e"able. They ire the usi- t iom' ,take3 cannot W made in fff-r Snd m "ess as to be free from dan- 5 -hcySvuf i"lhnti.?3uto he ahvas reliable, all and "uliii , the hlnnest commendation from wi, ana w ill always render satisfaction. Nos. v. . V Clires 5LjeC5PgcstIon,InflammatIon8.25 rj ins:-Cohc or Teething of Infants-25 iarrlitca of Children Zr Adults 25 ?i"?"c,X Pinsr, Bilious Colic'.SM ;lioora-7iorbiiH, Vomiting sr, oii;li. Colds, Uronclutis.. 25 Si1"r;lffia' ''"o'hache, Faceache! lead a c- ! csSi ckllcadachc, Vert iro35 dyspepsia, PiHous Stomach.. 23 Suppressed, or Painful Periods... -25 iiites, too profuse Periods. 25 Salt iSIieiitn. Ervsi pelas. Eru Pt ions25 craning rfwV awctior 1, 17. x:crc Ague, Cinll Fever, Asti950 iii'.s, blind or bleeding 50 Optlialmj-, and sore or weak KyesMJ itarrls.acute or chroidcluiluenzaa) 4 itoopin:-Coi!:li.vioientcongiiriO Asllitna, oppressed Iireathing.... 50 far WiscliarKcw.impairedhearingSO Jcrolii!a. enlarged ?Iands,swellinf.s.-(j f.eiierHlDebihty,phys!calweakne!itiOO rsroi.y, and scanty Secretions. . 50 Sea-Siici ues.s,sickne9s from ridin 50 ISidnej-Wisease, Gravel 50 JVt'rvous Debility ciinai J,!!tisKions, iuvolantary Dis charges J Sore iTIoiitli, Canker.."! 50 I'rinary Weakness, wet tin? bedno I'amt ill Periods, with spasms.. 50 SsilJeriiiijs at change of life... 1 00 ISpilepsypasinSt.Vitus'D.Wel 00 iiiplielicria, ulcerated sore ttuoat.50 IS, 19, SO, 21, - -w, 2-5, 2t, 25, 20, 27, 2S. 20, SO, 81, 3, 84, FAMILY CRISES Of 35 to GO larg;e vials, morocco or rosewood case, containing speciJic tor every ordinary disease: : l:niiilv ic ...i.;.w. und. books ol" directions From iplO to $35 Smaller Family and Travcliii"- casei with 20 to as vials i7om $5 to $8 Epccjfies for all Srivafc SJiseases.both for 1'niiiis; and for Preventive treatment, in vials and pocket cases, $2to$5 rOXD'S I5XTK A f ;'8r-. Cures ISuriis, I5ruises, Laiiinfs Soreness, go re 1'Ji roat. Sprains rl'ootIt atlac, Ilaratlie, Neuralgia, ISiieunia lisin, LiimbiiKo, I'iies, Soiis, Stiii'-s Sore JCyes, ISUodisiir of tlse Rose, Womat Is, or ot Piles; Corns, di cers. Ofd Sores, Clnart";::5CtS-5 ts, $1 .00 ; rrS1'C,T,h0:a(; KcmcIies, except POXD'S EX, J KAt I , by the case or single box, are sent to any part of the country, by mail or express, free of charge, on receipt of the price. Address Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Company, Office and Depot, No. 5G2 Broadway, New York. Dr. IIcmphreys is consulted daily at his oflice personally or by letter, as above, for ail forms of disease. TOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ' THE Commercial Department OK THE 2orl!;uid AcndcESsy A nil Female Seminary. Under tlie Superintendence of T. II. Craw ford. A. JI., a fiords excellent facilities for tlie acquirement of a practical Btisire-s Education. Tuition In the Commercial Department, $12 per Qr. The Course in the Academic Department, Besides tl e usual English studies, embra ces the Natural Sciences, Mathcm it ics, sis far as Surveying, and sufficient Latin for pro'e-sional purposes. These Courses, sys tematic and complete within themselves, are especially recommended to those who cannot spend six 3-cars in College. Young Ladies a e under the immedi at'i care of tlie Preceptress, Miss Emi'y J. York. For new Catalogue, containing names of Graduates and full inform ition. Addles: T. M. CATCH, Principal, 42. J Portland, Oregon. pUAM, WILLIS & Co., Z2 JOiZ s OIIEGOX CITY, OllEGOX. Having recently nrhjle! to tlie Livcrj" St-ck new Carriages, Hoggies and Horses, 'tre now ju epai cd ai all times to let the same, at reas onable rates. Horses bought and sold, or kept b' the day or week. TTAKU & AlOIiiUSS, BUTCH EliS. FOU OREGON CITY AND Y1CINITY. "Will deliver to their patrons all the lu't "qualities of Stall Fed Beef, also Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a ivek, on Tuesdays and Saturdays ! Thankful lor past favors of the public would respectfully asks a continuance of the same. N. I. An abundant supolv of good poultry 011 hand. ISAAC FAKK, P. D. MOUUISS. WASHING MADE EASY, BY USING THE Automatic Clothes "Washer and Boiler ! rpriE GREATEST INVENTION OF TIIR 1 times,' as it does away with rubbing and wear and tear on Clothes. An ordinary washing can be done in from one to two hum s-SA VMS TIME, LABOR AND EX PENSE. Warranted to give entire satisfac, tion. For sale bv J.C. MARDY, Manufacturer, 14j Front street, one door north of 41 ff Tavlor sireet.'Portland. Q P. FKPvUY, 'BROKER. Portlaxp. Okkhox. Vor. front and Washington Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and Manhat tan Life Insurance Company. 5t7 G o v e r n n 1 e n t S e c u r i t i es , S t oc k s , B o n d s and Real Estate bought and sold on Com mission. ' TJSE PAIX KILLER FOR CHOLERA AND B0"YEL COMPLAINTS. For Boils, Cuts, Bruises, and Scalds. Old Sores, Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, Tooth ache, Fain in the Face, Neuralgia, and Rheu matism, Fronted Feet, Felons, SORE THROAT, SUDDEN COLDS, COCGHS, &c. FTse it for anv of these, and .von will never do without it." Its success as a valuable ! family medicine has induced others to 11m ! tate and counterfeit the Fain Killer, to some extent. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Jon PKIXTIX6 XEATLY EXEtTT edatthe ENTERPRISE OFFICE. JUSTICES' CLANKS, of every descrip tion, printed at the ExTEKriiiiE offige. 1, Cores 2, " 3, M 4, 5, " 6, " 7, 8, 9, " 10, 11, 13, 13, " 1-1, 15. " NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CCMP'Y ! ILI o t3- o O Of THE United States GF America. WASHINGTON, B.C. Ki-ajiclt Office at Pliiluclclphla, "Yhcre the business of the Company ts transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be addie.sed. r DIKECTORS t Philadelphia, Clarence H.Clark. Jay Cooke, F. liatehfotd Starr, J. HiucUev Clark, Geo. V. Tyler, W. G. M oorhead. "NYashioton, Henrv 1). Cooke, E. A.Pllins Win. E. Chandler, John D. Dcfiees. New York, Edw. Dodge, II. C. 1-ahncstock. OFFICERS t CLARENCE II. CLARK, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Fmaneo And Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice P-es:deut. EMERSON W.FEET, Secretary and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMITII.M.D., Medical Director. J. EWING MEARS, M. D., Assistant. WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, 1). C, and Geo. HAKDING, Philadelphia, Attorneys. O The Most Successful Life Insurance Company of The World ! Having issued in the first TEX months of its existence, 3,395 Policies, - INSURING .15,142,800 Dollars ! -0- Tliis Company rffords to its Policy Holdurs PERFECT SECURITY! Bj its Cash paid up Capital of One Million Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured, by its Low Rates of Premium ! LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, OR, A REVFRSIONARY DIVIDEND OF 100 PER CENT. BY ITS Return Prcmmiij Plan ! -o- feISs, Farsro & Co, CEXERAIi AGKXTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. W. E. HALE MANAGER. AGEKT FOR ORE COX. Off ICE IN CRESTS WILDING, (Up stairs, bet. Front and First sts.) ENTRANCE ON ST AUK STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. S. D. POPE, LOCAL AGENT, Oil EG OX CITY. CEXERAL AGEXTS: JAY COOKE & CO. No. 21G Broadwaj-, X.Y. General Agents for New York and Notth cm Xcw Jersey. J. U. Orvis and D. C. Whitman, Managers. E. W. CLARK & CO. Bankers, No. 3 "5 South Third street, Philadelphia, 'General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer sey. C. 5. Russell, Manager. JAY COOKE & CO. Washington, General Southern Agent--. E. S. Turner, Manager. J. A. ELLIS A- CO. Chicago, General Agents for Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minn. JOHN W. ELLIS fc CO. No. 122 Walnut St., Cincinnati, General Agents for Ohio and Central and Southern Indiana. S. A. KEAN & CO. Detroit, General Agents for Michigan and Northern Indiana. I). W. Kean, Manager, T. B. EDGAR, St. Louis, General Agent for Missouri and Kansas. C. Orris, Manager. ROLLINS & CHANDLER, Boston. General Agents for New England and Eastern Provinces of Canada. J. P. Tucker Man ager. JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO. Baltimore, General Agents for Maryland, W. A. Wi song, Manager. WM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, General Ggent for the DoEiiaion ol Canada. 7 . 11 t-i Hendee's Photograph Gallery. 3 THE ONLY TLACE IN PORTLAND where you are sure of getting No. 1 Pictures at all times is at Mender's Gallery, corner of 1 1 r.-i and Morrison streets, where he is as well prepared to do all kinds of work as any Gallery in Oregon, and will guarantee as goo.i satisfaction lor all his woik as can.be had in the State. Pictures of every kind can be had at short notice. Old Pictures can be copied, enlarged and retouched in Edia Ink, or Oil Colors, AT LOWER PRICES THAN ANY OTHER PLACE. 45 Cm 7ILLAMETTE XUKSEUY. Season or 1SGO 70. G. W. W AT T.1XO X- On would ll 3Jt , - . -- . lrv' the attention of the rmbiic to their larire - and well assorted stock of tine fruit trees and shrubbery, cous:sting of choice varieties of CHERRIES, PLUMS, PEARS, APRICOTS, PEACHES, NUTS, RASPRERRIES, Ac, Ac. T-$T Persons desirous of purchasing trees should call and examine our stock, which is the largest ard best in the State. Orders (with the cash) sent to the Nursery will be prompely tilled and forwa:ded. JKtT Ext 1 a care taken in packing Trees. Address all order to G. W. WALLING & Co.. t.ltf Oswego. Clackamas County Oregon. f)AUL PJCIITER, DEALER IX AND Manufacturer of every variety of FURNITURE, REDDING, CARPETS? WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, DAMASKS, MIRR0RS,ic. gnr All kinds of Upholstery Tiimm'ng contantlv on. hand. Spring and Hair Mat 1 1 asses of" Best Quality MADE TO Oi.'DER. j-fSo!ithwest corner First and Tayl.u- sts. Portland, Oregon. "4.".Cm O II E G O X J3 -A. IS! US XS, Y ! ' 5i F. 0PITZ, PEOPPvIETOR, FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, Bet. Washington and Stark sis. MANTFACTCKEU OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF OEAOKEES! DREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY Q HACKERS Will always be sold below San Franeiscf prices. All oiders prompt! v attended to. OREGON BVKERY, Ilrxt t., I'urtlund. Oregon. C. Ii. MY1SRS, PLMBKG, GAS & STE.yi Fitting Establishment, Xo. llt Fii'vt a(r.-t Portland Gas Fixtures, Cool; hi j Ranges, Hot. Water Boilers, Murble Top Washslands, Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Lead Pipe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELBOWS, KETERX BESDL Airi'LEs, jirsnsas, ,tv., for Steam, Water and Uas. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water Guages, Whistles Tallon Pumps, Steam Guages, Globe, Angle, and Check Valves, Guage Cocks. Air Ccks, and all kinds ot Brass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, Ac. Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with tlie latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. " I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which lias been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. C. 11. MYERS. LST IS STILE AT HIS OLD STAND, COPvNER OF MAIN am SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITV, OREGON. "VXTIIERE HE WOULD INVITE HIS VV friends, and the juiblie in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of Miia Hoots raiasiSIaocs, If Us saiacl Caps, CJrocci'Ics, Seem ZW Having frorc many years' experience learned that " THE SECHET OF SUCCESS LIES I If SMALL PROFITS! JS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Silence the Cry of Portland Prices! Oregon City, August 2Sth, 1SG3. A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW Sunday School and Gift Books ! ITTvOM THE AMERICAN TRACT S0CIE lj and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson st. between 2d and Sd. Portland, Oregon. G. H. ATKINSON, Secretary. 52.1J and Treas. Oregon Tract Society. JOTICE. Change of Time! o , UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE People's Transportation Co.'s STEAMER Aleut on Senator Wilt leave the Company's dock, Portland, Every morning at 5 o'clock, Sundays ex cepted, Connecting at Oregon City with steamors for SALEM AND DAYTON, ON JIONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Of each week. 0 27 Mt als provided for passengers on board steamer ALERT, at Fifty cent. A. A. McCULLY, President. August 14, 1S0'.. (.40. tt"3 WALTER BRQ5. VELVETS, BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER -HANGINGS, LACE - CURTAINS, &c, &c. We Would Call the attention of par ti cs jilting up houses, or beiusL in need of anything in our line To our Stock which is ONE OF THE CO 21 PL ETES T On (he IPsieMic Costst ! 0u' Goods being specially selected at the Fac torie v in En g In nd an d th e Eastern Stales, we can sell AT THE LOWEST sin Fra iRcigco Prices. WALTER BBfcOS., No. 89 Front street, between Alder 35.) and Washington, Portland Oregou Dr. J, H. HATCH, Eate Mack & Hatch, - T, . . JJ Li JN 1 IS T. The patronage of those desiring lirst Cuts Operation, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. B. Nitrou Oxyde administered for the l'ainless Extraction ot leeth. Office Corner of Washington and Fron streets, Portland. Entrance uu Washington strett. J)EXTAL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN. During my 'our of two years n the Eastern States I have spared neither time nor monev to make mvse'f npr fectly familiar with and master of mv pro fession. Those desiring the best work tljat uie nature ot tne case win admit ot can lind me at my ollice, lo7 Front street, two doors above McCornnck s Book Store, Portland, Oregon. DR. J. G. GLENN. W fM. BllOUGIITOX. Contracor and Builder, Main st., OREGON CITY. PTS" Will attend to all work in his line, cor i-istiiig in part of Carpenter and Joiner wor framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptl attended tj. "y H. UTTER & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. C4 FRONT STREET, UNDER COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, 40.3 m) Portl&nd, Oregon. p G. STEWART, No. 100 FRONT STREET, TORTLAND, OREGON. Watchmaker And Jeweler. And Dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELERS GOODS. Agent for Wilcox & Gibbs' Letter "G" Sewing Machines, which are now being sold singly at cost, or whole sale less than cost. Other goods at greatly reduced rates. " (40.tf A. G. WALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OREGON IAN BUILDING, No. 5 AVasliIngton Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED and BOUND to any rie5ired pattern. MUSIC IJOOlvW, JlAUAil.NES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety of stvlc known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. 112 131 FRONT STREET, FIRST STREET, Near Morrison Street. Near Yamhill. KAST & CAEALIN. New Stock of Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the City ! Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as Benkert's, Tirrell's, Fogg's, Houghton h Coolidge's, Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of cents' and boys' wear. Also Mile's, Sieberlich's, Burt's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we will sell cheaper than ever. p. S. Boots made to order, and an assort ment of our make constantly on hand,. STOP THATG0U6HIN6 03fE OF YOU CA.V'T, An W13 PIT V j you. You liavot;i.(l evry remedy but the ONS k?innl, by its intrinsic morit, to supersede H i" I:ir prearatiwia. 1 is not surprising yow shout. t fca -(l!HU.nt to try KHiictuiUR clso artor the fciatyr v mriments you have mak! uf trashy cvMU(otntU yiatod U10 public as a ccrtava cur; but WEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup s rently tho YEHY r.TTT rciBvty ver cmpon''t or tlie euro f t Cotiplis, CoMs, 'oV Ttirit, Asilit-, A'hoopir. Cou;h.r.rui'hitisand ConsuiHjMkin. suitl.mif le in (.iliibruia and ircgou have ;1 ready bvuvtittcd by llio surpruiuj curative puwf Ti Pulmonary S3rrup tnd 1th one neconT p!vo ft then wwpiaHflod vn atiti. We now a 1 dress eurselves to all who stro u tcqtiainted with this, tlie grealcst Panacea r.f th a- or thj liealint; of nil hsuas,os fef la a TUrout a4 ucys, usduriug you that Pulmonary Syrup ias cured thousands and it wiil euro YOU if yoa t. Thi.s inva'uablo medicine is pleasunt tth ta.xj moth ing, healing and strengthening in its effects; 44. irely free from all poisonous or deleterious di ugc,. m I "Krfootly lianuless under all circuratahces. Coni!iri-te"s from many prominoM cilizcuj vX fraucioco accomoauy vvery bottlo tf NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup r.nmWrON k CO. Agents, Sun Franclsn, ALWAYS SAFE! Always Effectual, Fever and Agt.e is Speedily and ef fectually cuied by Dr. E. COOEB'b Univer sal Magnetic Balm. "PRO BONO PUBLICO!1 TRULY A VEGETABLE PREPA RATION. None genuine without bignatuia of W. It. Strong. FiKDINGToN, IIOSTETTER&.GO.. 41G and 118 Front .t., San Franciio Sole and exclusive Agenw. REDIKGT0N, H0STETTER &.C0JS, ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger, This valuable preparation, containing n a highly concentrated form all the properties of Jamaica Ginger, has become one of tho most popular domestic remedies lor all diseas es of the stomach and digestive organs. As-, tonic, it will be found invaluable to all person recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise: for while it imparts to the sj-stcm all tlie glow Snd vigor that ca; be produced by wine or hi andy, it is free from the reactionary efleets that follow the use of spirits of any kind. It is also an excellent remedy for female who suffer from difficult menstruaon, gitnjr almost immediate relief to the spasms that so frequently accompan3- that period. It gives immediate relief to Nausea, cause by riding in a railroad car, or by sea-sicknes or ofher causes. It is also valuable as an external appllcatioa for Gout. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc. REDINGTON, llOSTETTE'I 3- Co., 41 G and 413 Front st, Sag Francisco Use Electro Silicon, Or Mac ie Brilliant. REDINGTON H0STETTEB, & Co.'s For the Handkerchief. This article, possessing the most delicata fragrance of FloweVs, is unequalled as a pep fume for the Handkerchief. fOR THE BA TH ! Used in bathing it imparts strength and en ergy to the system, and gives that softneM and delicacy to the skin so much desired by all IT REMOVES SUNBUTiN, f HECKLES PIMPLES, Diluted with water it makes an elegant den tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to the teeth sweetness to th breath, and renders tho gums hard and of a beautiful color. It should always be used after shaving dibit, ed with water, as it relieves all inllammation- R ED ING TON, HOSTETTEll 4" Co. 416 and 418 Front st.. San Francisco. ELECTRO SILICON, - OR - HI a 5 1 c ISriiliaiit ! Direct from Nature's Labratory. The Best article ever discovered for cleans ing and Polishing Gold, Silver and Plated ware, and all smooth Metalic Surfaces, of whatever description, including Kitchen uten sils of Tin. Copper, Brass, Steel, etc. To Jewelers and Workers in Gold and Sil ver Plate the Electro-Silicon Is of inestimable value ; the time saved, and the vexation pre vented by its use, will forever endear its name to ail who have had evidence of its merits, REDINGTON, HOSTETTEll $- Co. Sole Agent, San francisco . Q JTOR FLAVORING, REDINGTON, HOSTETTER & p EXTRACTS Are 1 he best. Redington, Hostetter & Co'& Florida Water ! 0 USE NO OTHER. Unexcelled fcr Toilet Use and for the Bath .7 - .' 1