o o o t o SijciUccIil" Enterprise. IT- r. IVMIT ifln Oll TIlTl" Ground, ou Thursday, a thief stole a fiomfon. Ssm. Brown, of Marion t.' ntlil SUll'ieU Iioiui mi mis uuuij-. count tin" I(,storp0(l at the house of !Ir. . S. I.ir L. i-ce miles this side of Mr. Brown'?, Till .- ..,..1 broke in Before he had succeeded siting anything but a gun, however, a 111 r , Cn in charge of the house (the i :u-hci'iat the Pair) surprised him. .,,,,1-ave chase, pursuing him so closed v tliatlc cut thtrap with which the horse vis tied, mounted him and-got away. Mr- i;rown(iiU!mdiately teh-graphod to the ollicers of this place, giving a descrip tion of the horse, and the same evening. i uitt past seven o'clock, the thief tJI.petl at tllC Brilli:int Saloon in lllis h"ct. to allay his thirst, when policeman Kelly captured hi:n and lodged him in 'I Fri'l iy morning Mr. Brown, who had start rd back to Salem, taking '"O ' , ,i r ...til. I.T.., the , jiofrae and iiuei nn !" L1TKI1VRV NOTICES. II viu-KFt's Ma(;.v7.ink for October con tains more than the usual amount of in lnvting reading matter. Aiuong the urinv excellent articles which it contains Wl. "would particularly mention Border lleiuiniscencea and a Health Trip to Bra-,.-il. fa,i:i which we give extract this T?ik Masonic Msanou. e have rece: TfXo. 1 ''lls ncw candidate for or. It s edited by 1'. M. Ama- r kl ". Bishop, and published by Freder ick U. Caiijek, San Francisco, Cal., at siji)ter annum. As indicated by its name it is devoted almost exclusively to the interests of the Craft, and the number hrl'.ire us certainly commends itself to their favorable consideration. A Favokkd Locality. Last spring the C.Mires.-ional Committee- of Ways and .Means visited this place on '-official busi ne.v." Next came Vice Fresident Colfax aniHiov. Bross, prompted by the love tiny had for Oregon, and nothing else. And now Gen. Tom Thumb and Con: niu.li.re Nutt, with' their suits, will give a mihlic reception this afternoon and evoji inr ;it the Court House. Their visit to thii place is equally disinterested, and persons are expected to call upon them, regardless of party prejudice?. r,Kr:s. Last week Messrs. Baker. Fer guson and IlolcohitJ went out hitntislg, mnl killed a black bear about five miles ist of thy place. It weighed three hun dred pounds dressed. Also. Mr. YY. W. Cook about the same time Killed another large boar eiht miles cast of $tiis place. His bearship and Mr. C.mk"s dog had a lively, rough a,nd tum ble light, and bruin would have come otf first best if it had not been foi' the timely interference of Mr. Cook. i Fkco!) Citoe. This week Mr. B. R. Ma- el left at our office n dozen Baylett pears, I I'-dng tf the second crop for this year. They aro(goO(l sized, and as finely ll.ivor- v as any pears of the first crop. QVc ha ve seen in our e xchanges several I notices of second crops Of various fruits ft n:il berries this ve ir. i Kkkok. In our report of the proceed I i:i,'s of theCounty Court last week, the I f'dlDwing typographical errors occurred. Iviz: M. Patterson, County Assessor, for I 121 days assessing the county. $472 00 ; I i: should have"$o72. Also. T. J. M'Car- I ver, Deputy Sheriir. Sept. term of County Court. SltruO; h should have read $:J 00. A Coon Move. A Workingnian's Mu tual rrotrction Society has been formed i It Portland. O 1'aii.y Patki: in Oi.ymima. The Tiib- I mie oiliee of Olympiahas commenced the issue of a Daily paper. It make's a neat i'iearance, but we fear thatthe popula-i - ti"ii Mtid i)nine?3of that section will not I ji-'.i!'y the undertaking. Roxnruv Ki:.-ktt. Tins week .fr. ITor- I nee T.aker luinded us a couple of Itoxbu- f rv Uussetts as a sample of the production of his orchard: One of them weighed a I tMind: the othtd' a little more than a L, pound. Iu the Atlantic states this varie- l tj of apple does not grow half as large; PiViTroNKn. Owitvjf to una voidable C:r- 0'itancis the literary exercises which f fie to take place, this eveuing, in tho o'od Templars' Hall, have been postpon- one month. STATE TELEGRAPH. s e e i asl Tucilac Ecalcs'ps'ige! Intra A. I-evy, telegraphic operator at this place. Okkcox Cn v.Oct.l t, 1SC9. To Ellkr Enterprise: 3 o'clock, a. m. rorn to Israel, in the tribe of Lcvr, a tighter of Jffdah Nutt weight 10 lbs. a. li:vy. Enter wo received a verbal telegram fr"mMr. Vr. Newman, that a daughter, of "h1 tribe of Newman, had been born un to the Gentiles an eleven pounder. Please don'tgend us any morj such dis I'atehes. for we are a bachelor. ft.- c,w,..-a,, ri,v vrMWz week with some splendid raspberries stautiai bridge across Molalla about 2 miles - the second crop of the season. They I above the pisent traveled stage raod, and . , . . i . . I persons coming toward Oregon City, from Ringed about an inch in diameter, and j J.Uen1 anJ .Vu;.oril wni find the road leading fie flivor was excellent -more delicate, i to said upper bridge by turning to the right e believe than that of the firt crop ' alter cns Pudding river and going from "-t, uuu uai oi inem&Lciop. ( em turn to the left a Tt. r .. . . . e iiuu was grown in Mr. 1 liv s garden on the creek bottom at the edge of town. I''ciniens ought to be taken to the Slate W.rolk Count j Times. " GoGo I o 0 o 1 i ii ii i 1 1 i i ' i ii in' T"'l' in i - On Wednesday, Mr. Win. M'Millan, long a respected citizen of Portland, died. Dauixq lionuEiiv. Samuel C Mills, Esq. Agent of Wells, Fargo A: Co., in this city, received a telegraphic dispatch last night from Mr. Woodward, the traveling agent of the Company, who is now at Baker City, stating that another highway robbe ry had taken place. It seems that after the stage had crossed Snake river, at Clark's Fcv-Vj it was attacked and the ireas-.iry box. containing $4,000, was caj -tnred. Mr. Woodward, who is very suc cessful in following up theo robberies, will no do.ubt be able to capture, the theives, as well as their booty. The out laws in that region seem determined to maintain their reputation. -Orcjon Jfr. iil. -LL-l.'-U-:eg , AtH.LIAM DAVIDSO.V, nie, Sn. C! Front Stj-ect, Adjoining the Tclegra;u OlHee, l'ortlan-l Orc-on. SPEC I A L COLLECTOR ok CLAIMS, Accounts, Notes, Uonds, Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims of every tlesei iptioiithrougbont Oregon and the Te: ritories, WILL HE MADE A SJ'Ji'JI A LTV, and promptly col'ected, as well as with a due regard to economy in all business mailers entrusted to Ids care and the proceeds paid over punctually. lou KEAL K STATS KSAT.ER. VPKCL i L XO TICKS. Jmllnoiiiiih Iode ?;. l, A. h'. aiu! A. JI.- -Holds its regular communi S'e-tio!is on the Ilrxt and TJnrd Sat "rdajx m each month, at 7 o'clock, from the 'Joih of September to the -Jotli of March, and Tr o'clock IVoni the '2th of March to the 'jmh of Seteniber. Lrethren in good standing are invited to ;ittend. 15y order of "VT. M. Ori gon Iol -it ?;. ,1, T. O. of O. f'.-- Mets ever' Wednesday even ing at 7 o'clock, in Masonic Hall, Members of the Order ore in vitcd to attend ly order. K. . Uflircra Ttvacvcv Iodicc iVo 2, 1.O. O. F. (O j$ Meet on the Second and Fourth TUESDAY JJVJJXIXGS, of each month, at 7 oVlock, in O 3d Fellows' Mall. JI embers of the IK'grec aie invited to attend. )y order of N. G. riackamas Division K". 3, S. of T. Holds its regular meetings on Friday even ing of each week, at Templar Hall, Oregon City. Members of the. Order ate invited to attend. l?v order V,'. 1. AVill:tsneie- ho.ls;e 1" T. O. G. T Meets every Saturday evening, at the rooms. S.E. corner of Main and Fifth streets, at 7 1-? o'clock. Visiting members ute invited to .itteud. liy ordwr of V. T. " T.v Tims of Pkace Pkepark for W.m:." So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper's Magnetic Ibdm, an uncqmiled preparation for Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Cramp. The instantaneous relief of Uurns, Druises and Sprains. Not a Sl'I'.tkct of Dnrr.T. Tlint N'cwcll'.s l'liimonan' Syrup is the most ef fective ajul never f.iHing remedy' for afl'ec tions of the throat and lungs. , Saddi.kuy. J II. Scluatn, of this City, is now maunfat ".taring the be.-t Saddlery and Harness i:i t!ie State. He wi'.tliav: at h'ft-t "0 sets of all grades, from iilic to com mon, tiuiJied and read- lor sale ne.t month, and more than that number of Saddles. Ib is bound to make a trade with any man who wishes to buy of h;m. He uses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, and bis Work bears a most excellent reputation abroad. We hope that citizens of our own county wili think of this, when they want any articles in his line. Vai.uaIH.e Land for Sale Ciikap V.'e know of 430 actes of good lands for sale in this county, being the land claim of .1. Ii. Stout, in what is known, as Ihelungold Settlement. It, will be sold i i lots to suit purchasers, on very fair term?!. This land is only 12 n ilcs from Oregon City. For further information apply to Xi W Kaudal!, of this city, or ol .1. b. Stout, Unity, Uakcr's Hay, W. T.. or of Andrew Stout, in the above mentioned settlement. IS?! J Oil I'HIXTIXtt XT1ATI.Y KXT?t T T- ed a t t h e I". X T 1'. lU'lilSF. O V I" I C K. J"USTICF.S" Hr.AXKS. of every descrip tion, printed at the HvrKKi'Kfsi-: ollieo. u FAIX KILLEU . FOR CHOLERA AND ROWEL COMPLAINTS. -o- For Roils, Ccts, Bruises, and Scalds, Old Soros, Sprain., Swcll'ngof the Joints, Tooth ache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, and liheu-miiti-tnij Fro.-tel Feet, Felons, SORE THROAT, SUDUEN COLDS, COUGHS, lc. Use it for any cf these; and you will never do "without it."" Its sneeess as a v;tlualk familv medicine has induced others to imi tate and counterfeit the Pain Killer, to some extent. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. JTOTICE. I hereby given that my wife Sarah E. Lamb, has left my house and home without anv just provoc item and this is to warn all persons 'ainst truing her, as I shall pay nodebtiofb.cr contracting from i,cr this date. H. A. LAM L. 4s t Saturday, October -2nd, lo9. JOT ICE. The travi lin- public are herebv notified j at the bridce across Molaba on 'the stage j ml h ading from Oregon Citv, via Raker 5 j tli ro: Am iL.ilow's Prairies to Salem, is in a very unsafe and dangerous condition, and that riackamas Count v will not be responsible for v. short distance above Josep Parrot t's Scnr. farm houeon a";d road done by order of the County Clackamas Cour.tv. or?gon. J. M. 1RAZER, Coant'i Clerk. 45.Ct. October otii, 1SGD. ,j i m nj t SniILIA SIMILMITS CTJEAITTTJE. UV3IPIliCs-s MOMEOvVATEJSC SPECIFICS HAefpSncP' FR THE MOST AMPLE nnivArlT- lclfcnt an1 Jieliabte. They are the ln"them. tkcs cannot e made in Thy Svo?ni -r,fint?i,to be aUva-v9 Pliable, all and Mn the commer.datiou from ", ana w ill always render eatisiactiou. Koi. Cents L Cures Fevers, Congestion, Inflammation"- .'"J Monnrever, Worm Colic.25 rj InpColic or Teethinp: of Infautsta 4, 5, ?: .5: 11, 13, JJ5eiitery, Gripinsr, Hiliotid Colic.33 liolera-.Tiorbu Voin r I-. . Jl 11-.. 1 ... t it omuing 25 Aeurlsia, Toothache, Faceaclie!".2S JIeadaI.osSicklIc:idache.Vcrtigo23 IepsiRl Bilious stomach... . 25 Ilressc4l, or I'ainful Periods... 25 iiiles. too profuse Periods.. . . i'r?.lil'.- Vou'h- Uiflicnlt P.reathin..25 Suit lillPlllll f'rv-t,-, lb 15 A7i it J5!"""3Msvin'enmatic pains. .25 coi Ytri tun 1 V 1 U Yl iALX.nith directions ctmrcuiutg double quantities each, for DO tent at the same jmces siren below. 44 fver-Aue, Chill Fever, AgncM 1., l'Hes, blind or hlecdiii.r wi IS, 19, 80, 21, ?, 2.J, 2K 25, !, 27, 28, 44 44 44 Asthma, oppressed ireathiiig SO I-.ar WiseliarjiesdmpairedhearinrjO Neroiu la. enlarged trlai!ds,sweUin-s50 e 1 1 e ra I D ebi 1 i ty.ph vs i cal w eakueetsSO lroijy, and scant v Secretions. . . 50 Nea-.sit-kiiess.sickiicss from ridinefA) Iidtiey-fiJiNoase. Gravel 5J Kervoiss lebillty Nenilnal J'.im.vioiis, involuntary li- charirc "100 So re Mo u t li , ' k'n ker . . . . . . 50 V r i ii a r y Ve a k it e . w c-1 1 i n "bed ra I atiiinl lerioti, with epasms..50 fieri ii.x at change of )ilc;, 1 no ICpilepsjsSpa-mst.VitusDaiicel 00 liiphtiieria, ulcerated sore throat. 50 20, SO, 81, 32, S.1, FAMILY CASUS Of 35 to GO large vials, morocco or rosewood case, containing a sspeciJic lor every ordinary disease a family lis subject to. ana books of directions From $l6 to $35 Smaller Family and Traveling cases, with -0 to As vials trom to $8 Specifics for all Private IieaKCM.Ioih for Curing and lor Preventive treatment, in vials and pocket cases, $2to$5 & POAD'S EXTHACT, Cures ISuriiv. IJruises, Lameness Sorenesj,Sore Tiiroat.Sraiiis.'3otI acle, Karaelxc, IVcnralia, ISlicunia tism, iiinibaso, Jl'iles, IJoil, Stiii N Sore i;yes, S!cedin of tie Lmii' Nose, Ktoniach, or oi Piles; Corns, di cers. t!d Sores. ' ' dnaVi"; !z 50 lnt -0o; .K.fCTK'"(; liemedioe, except FOND'S EX HiACl, by t lie case or single- box, are sent to any part ot the country, by mail or c-spross, frce of charge, on receipt of the price. Address Humphreys' Specific , Homeopathio Medicine Company, Office and Depot, No. 5C2 Bhoadway, New York. Dr. IltTMPiiREvs is consulted daily at his oflice personally or by letter, as above, lor all forma ui disease. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ' THE Commercial Department - OF THE I'orf i.-taat? Academy Ami Female Seminary. Under the Superintendence of T. II. Craw ford. A. M.. affords excellent facilities for the Requirement of a practical Ihisinc-s Education. Tuifiou In the Commercial Hcpat tinent, $12 per Qi The Course in the Academic department, Hcsides tl e usual Knglish studies, embra ces the Natural Sciences, 'dathem itics. as tar as Surveying, and sullicient Latin for pro'e sional purposes. These Course, sys tematic and complete with'n themselves, are especially recommended to those who cannot spend six j ears in College. Zr$f Young Ladies avc under the immedi ate c;ire ot the l'reecjdress, Miss Ktni'y J. Y'ork. For new Cataloue, containing names of Graduates and full inform ition, Addie.-s: T. iM. HATCH, Principal, 12. j Portland, Oregon. OK A3f, WILLIS & Co., LIVERY. FEED AND SALE" s&ss rEir1 u. "iss :et . OREGON CITY, OREGON. Having recently added to the Livery Stck new Cairiages, Hugjies and Horses, arc now prepared ai all times to let '.he same, at reas onable rates. Horses be tight and sold, or kept by the day or week. jAIJR & AlOHIUSS, BUTCHERS, FOR OREGON CITY AND VICINITY. o Will deliver to their patrons ad the het qualities of Stall Fed Pcef, also Mutton, Pork, Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays ! Thankful tor pat favors of the public would rcspectiuily a-!s a continuance of tho same. X. 15. Au abundant supplv of good poultry on hand. ISAAC F Alt R, P. D. M OUR S3. JTSSOLUTIOX NOTICE. The Co-partnerlrp heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the iirnt name of DIELER ."tWiibEEU, is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. L. DILLER. Sept 7th, 1S09. A. F. MILLER. The business wi l be carried on as usual, by the undersigned, at the old stand, Lincoln Rakerv, West, side Main street, Oregon City. Sept. 7!h, 1 $;;)--! 4. 4t L. DILLEP. rJX THE TAX-PAYKKS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Notice i hereby given that the undersign" cd As-sessor for the County ot Clackamas" State of Oregon, will attend at the otiice ol the Count)- Cleik of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, On Jlomlft!, Spf;m7 r11t), 1 8G0, And With the' assistance of said Cleik will juiblielf examine the assessment rolls and correct all errors in valuat'ons, descriptions, or qualities of lands, l-'ts or other property. M. PATTERSON, County Assessor, Sept. 11, is;; 14.41 Clackamas Co. WASHING MADE JSASlT, BY USING THE Automatic Clothes Washer and Boiler ! rrMlE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE limes, as it doe away with rubbing an(j w0ar and tear on Clothes. An ordinary w asllin? can be done in from on? to two hours -S AYES TIME, LABOR AM' LN- iM-'VsK; Warranted to give enure sausiat, tion. For sale by .T.C. MARDY, Manufacturer, 14o Front street, one door north of lltj- Taylor street, Portland. nl'. FELIKY, BROKER. ronTTANP. Oregon-. Cor. Front ami Washington Ms. Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and Manhat tan Life Insurance Company. j5F"Government Securities, Stocks,Bond3 and Real Estate bought and sold on Com-uaiegiou. pi!iaim j-, and sore or weak Eycs-50 V"Jarr,l,acute or fhronic.Inttuenza50 iiOOIil!i'-C'oii'ti vif.li'iitci-.iifrJirjl COURTPSY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY. NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CQMP'Y ! CD 4 I' i OT OF THE Uhited States ofAherica. WAS1I1XGTOX, D. C. Brnwcli OiKce at Pltilatlclplila, "Where the business of the Companv is transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be adJie.-scd. O D1UECTORS : Philadelphia, Clarence H.Clark. Jay Cooke, F. Rafchford Sturr, J. HincKlev Clark, (IcO. l' Tyler, W. (i. Mom-head. Washington Henrv I. Cooke, E. A.Rollin Wm. E. Chandler, .John D. Defiees. New York, Edw. Hodge, II. C, Fahncstock. OFPICEnS t CLARENCE H. CLAI1K, President. . JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance And Executive Committee. IIEXRY H. COOKE, Vice P-esidint. E.MERSOX W.PEET, Secretary and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Assistant Secretary. FIIANCLSG. SMITH,M.l)., Medical Ditect ir. J. EW1XH MEARS, M. 1)., Assistant. WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, 1). C, and Or-o. HAUDINC, Philadelphia, Attorneys. O 'Flic Most Successful Life Insurance Company of The World ! Having issued in the first TEN month's of its existence, 3,395 Policies, - INSURING 15,142,800 Dollars ! This Company j llords to its Policy Holders PERFECT SEOtfHiTY! IJy its Cash paid up Capital oT One Million Dollars, and guarantees to the Insured, by iis Low Rates of Premium ! LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, OR, A REVERSIONARY DIVIDEND OF 100 PER CENT. BY ITS Return Premium Flan ! -o- s, Fargo & Co, GFAEltAL AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. W. E. HALE MAN AG EI AGEKT FOR CIXEGO.V. OFFICE .V C It EE'S JiUIEPIXG, (Up stairs, bet. Front and First sts.) EJVTRA.XCE ON STAKK STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. S. D. POPE, LOCAL AGENT. Oregon city; tiENiUtAt AGi3NTSI JAY COOKE ft CO. No: 210 Rroadway, N.Y. General Agents for New York and North crn New Jersey. J. U; Orvis and D. C. Whitman ManngcrSi E. W.CLARK ft CO. Hanker? ITo. d5 South Third street, PhiiadelpniaGcneral Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer sey. C. 5. Russell, Manager. JAY COOKE ft CO. Washington, General Southern Agent-. E. S. Turner, Manager. J. A. ELLTS ft CO. Chicago, General Agents for Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minn. JOHN W. ELLIS ft CO. No. 122 Walnut St., Cincinnati, General Agents for Ohio and Central and Southern Indiana. S. A. KEAN ft CO. Detroit General Agents for Michigan and Northern Indiana. H. W. Kcan, Manager, T.B. EDGAR, St. Louis, General Agent for Missouri and Kansas. C. Orvis, Manager. ROLLINS ft CHANDLER, Boston, General Agents for New England and Eastern Provinces of Canada. J. P. Tucker Man ager. JOHNSTON BROTHERS ft CO. Baltimore, General Agents for Maryland, W. A. Wi song, Manager. WM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, General Ggcnt for the DoBiiaion of Canada. Hendee's Photograph Gallery. y THE ONLY PLACE IN PORTLAND where you are sure of getting No. 1 Pictures at alt times is at Hendee's Gallery, corner ot Fir.-t and Morrison streets, where be is as well prepared to do all kinds of work as any Gallery in Oregon, and will guarautee as good satisfaction for all his woik as can be had in the Sttite. Pictures of every kind can be riai? at short notice. Old Pictures can be copied, enlarged and retouched in I.-dia Ink. or Oil Colors, AT LOWER PRICES THAN ANY OTHER PLACE. 4i tfm yiIJ,AMKTTK NUKSEUY. Season of 1SG9 -70. G. XT. WALLING k Co.woidd call the attention of the public ti their large t aiid wi ll assorted stock of tine fru t trees and shrubbery, cons'stinir of chotcu varieties of CI! FURIES, PLfjMS, PEARS, APRICOTS, PEACHES, NUTS, liASPHERIES, vc, Ac. Z' Periions desirous of purchasing trees shoittd tall am' c.-iatnine our stock, which ii the largest ar t! best in .the Statd Orders (with the cash) sent to the Nursery will be prompely tilled ard forwa dd. Erf i a care taken in parking Ti'ti.S;& Addrts- all orders to G. V,'. WALLING & Co.;. 4"tf O-wcgo. Clackamas Comity Oregon. pAUL RlCln EH, DEALER IX A XI) IJBsatizi Manuracturcr of every varie'j" of FURNITURE, REDDING, CARPETS, WINDOW .SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, I) A M ASKS, M I R RO IiS,A c. Ely" All kinds of Uphol.-tery Tiimm'ng contantlv on hand. Spring and Hair Mat 1; asses of Rest Quality M ADE TO ORDER. 27 "Southwest corner First and Tayl -rsfs Pnt!.mtl. Oregon. - 4."..f;m O II E G O X BAKERY! F. 0PITZ, PROPRIETOR, FIRST STREET, P 0 RTLA NI), Bet. Washington and Slark sts. MAXt'FACTl'IlEIt OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF CRA.CIvIE;RS! IlllKAI), CAKES AND PASTRY c HACKERS Will always be sold below San Francisc. prices. All oidcrs promptlv attended to. OR KG ON R VlvERY, Firxt 1'vrtland. Orctjon. PLUUBIXG, GAS & STEAM Fitting Establishment, o. HO First Sti-c-et Poi-tluntI Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot. Water Boilers, Marble Top Washstands, Sheet Lead and Rlock Tin. "Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Lead Pipe. Wrought Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELBOW, KETETiX BEXDL MPJ'LES, I! USE IX OS, ?., for Steam, Water and Uas. ALSO . Scotch Tubes, Water Guages, Whistle Tallon Pumps, Steam Guages, Globe, Angle, and Check Yalves, tiuage Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kinds ot Brass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose l'ipes, ftc. Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. C. II. MYERS. J. R. HALSTO IS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON. WHERE HE WOULD INVITE II TS friends, and the public, in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment tif Hals sins! Cslps, Croclfcciy$ ii'occiics9 57" Having from many years' experience learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMALL PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL S deuce the Crr of Portland Prices! Oregon City, August 2Sth, ISS'J. A LAR GE IX VOICE OF XE IF Sunday School and Gift Books ! I7ROM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCLE ; ty and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson st. between 2d and 3d, Portland, Oregon. G. H. ATKINSON, Secretary. 52.1 and Treas. Oregon Tract Society. - - -I . - jTOTICE. Change of Time! o UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Tine People's Transportation Cos STEAMER j,(r?fa-.i Al.KRT OU SkXATOK, Will leave the Company's dock, Portland, Every morning at ." o'clock, Sunday ex cepted, Connecting at Oregon City with steamers for o SALEM AND DAYTON, ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Ot each week, 0 Mals provided for passengers on board sleamer ALERT, ot Fifty cent. A. A. McCULLY, President. August M, lSfi'.t. (40.tf) WALTER bros". tcw CAltlPETIIVGIS VELVETS, BIlXrsSELSj THREE - PL Y, OIL - CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, PAPER -HANGINGS, LACE- CURTAINS, &c, &c. We Would Call the attention of 'pur lies Jit ting up houses, or being in mcd of anything in our line To our Stock', which is OXE OF THE CO 21 PL ETEST On the ItficIIc Coast! 0c Goods being specially selected at the Factories iu England and. the Eastern Slates, ice can sill AT THE LO WEST ;a.iaIE'sa itcisco Prices WALTER 15 BIOS., No. SO Front street, between Alder -55.) and Washington, Portland Oregon Dr. J, H. HATCH, Eate JHuck Hatch, DENTI ST, The patronage of those desiring first Ciar Operation, is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. R. Xifroiis (Kryde administered for th Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office Corner of Washington and Fron streets, Portland. Entrance on Washingtoi. street.. DENTAL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN. During my otir of two years in the Eastern States I "havf iiltJ money to make tnvsc'f per fect-familiar with and master of my pro fession. Those desiring the best work that the nature of the case will admit of can find me at my otiice, 107 Front street, two door. above McCormick's Rook Store, Portland, Oregon. DR. J. G. GLENN. yM. 13R0UGIIT0X. Contracor aikt Builder, Main st., OREGON CITY. eC3" Will attend to all work in his line, cot sisting in part of Carpenter and Joiner wor framing, building, etc. Jobbing promptl attended tj. rH. UTTER & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, AND GENTS' FURBISHING GOODS. -O- Ci FPvONT STRE"ETi UNDER COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL, 40.3m) Portland, Oregon. i"o. 109 FRONT StftEET, PORTLAND, OREGON. o Watchmaker i&iM And Jeweler. And Dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELERS GOODS. Agent for Wilcox & Gibbs' Letter "G" Sewing Machines, which are now being sold singly at cost; or whole sale less than cost. Other goods at greatly reduced rates. (40. tf ' A. G. AVALLIXG'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OttEGOA'IAJV BUIJ.D1AO, IVo. 5 AVasIiington Strctt, PORtLAND, OREGOX BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv 3eircd pattern. MUSlC HOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety oi stvle kno.vn to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. 112 131 FIRST STREET, Near Yamhill. FRONT STREET, Near Morrison Street. KAST & CAHALIN. New Stock of Soots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED! Best Selection in the City Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as Benkert'e, Tirrell's, Fogg's, Iloushton & Coolidrrc's. Reed's OnrtrvA,-'! and numerous others, of cents' and boys' wear. jmso .Miles, ftieueriichs, Burt's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children s wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, which we ill sell cheaper tban ever. P. S. Boots made to order, and an assort ment ot our make constant? on hand. ST0RH AT COUGHING MME OP. YOU C.d'T, AS T "WIS ITT you. You have tiK-a very remedy but Ha Ml K-s.iiii-1, by its iutrmsic mini. Hupor44 Uk sii lir prc-paratmns. It is wot surpriutiiit y V!ui.l:u;l to tiy somoihiaz 1ko iflof thu w4 Vnmc-iits von navo nui'io or trashy ou tfiated mi o public n a crtnia ur j buff S rcnlly tho VKnY BF.ST rwo2y hkor eoapontf or tin; curtt f t'oiiRtis, I'oMj, Soi-o Tlircmt, Alhn, A'hiMijiinn C'ni;li,liriH-hitis and l'onsuiupirji..l smils of Holc in California and OrKun hr 1 ready huuclitu-d by tho surpriin;j carativ fw'f 'NEWELL'S-: ri1 with cno nccrt-ii pf'o ft thctr rmaMfx KUion. Wo nyw a&drrsd wui.tlves to all who ra u iriuaintiil wiilitbis, ihe feriat04t Kanoctta .f or the hi aliu'f'of nil di.st.-aus f tho TkrtMt 'uiis, iisduiia you that NSWELL'S';. Pulmonary Syrup ias cured thoasan and it will euro YOU if von uf k . e ..... Thi? fnvahirtulo fnedicine is pleasant to' tho taaj onthifie, healing an. I streiigthcning in ltt bflocU; a in.-ly free frow all poisonoust.or Uolett'nous tlruv in 1 V-rt'-ot!y li.-irnilcs.s iuuli:r all circunistaiicos. Ccrtit'ii-utt-s from many proniiiiifnt caizciuj vf SJ "rauciaco aocvj:aaay cvory bottle of IfEWELL'S : Pulmonary Syrup hTPJV.JTON & CO. AjBts, San FTwafvie,- ALWA YS SA FE ! Always Effectual. Fever and Api.e is Seedilj. anrf f f lecttially cured by Dr. E. COOf ER'S Unirei al Magnetic P.ahil; "PRO fidWO PUBLiCdl1 lhVi:Y A VEGETABLE PREPA RATION. None genuine without slgnatuiff f W. R. Strong. RED1NGTON, 1IOSTETTER & CO.y : 4IG and 41)S Front i-t., San Francisco . Sole and exclusive AgentV REDINQTONi llOSTEtTBR &QQ& 0 ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger This valuable preparation, on talking lrf i highly concchtiatcd form all the properties if Jamaica Ginger, has become one of t!i most populaf doyifcstic remedies tor all disea. s of the stomrich and digestive organs. As 4 tonic,- it will bfe f'oiihd invahiblfc to all persons recovering frorfi debilltr, whether protiuc4 hy fever or othcr-Stise;. for whjjfe it iihfafts i6 the system all the glow and vior thit cid h. produced by wine or biandy. it is frfee front .he reactionary effects that fallow the use of spirits of any kind. - - It is also an excellent remedy for ftff!!fe'" who suffer from diffichlt menstruation, giirinjF almost immediate relief to the spasms' thai -o frequently nccompanv that period. -t -' It gives immediate relief to Nausea, canJ hy riding in a railroad car, or by Bca-sickncns r other causes. It is also valuable as an external application for Gout, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc. REDING TON, IIOSTETTE7 Cb.t 416 and 418 Front st, San Franclcd Use Klcctro Silicon, ? OrMagU Briiliaaii REDINGT0N H0STETTEK St Coi For the lidndler chief fragrance of Flowers, is unequalled as s pef fume for the Handkerchief. , FOR THE BATiit . Used in hilf.hitip- it imnrtrt atrano-ttt antt MtL. orgy to the system, and gltes thitt softness ttl- 11. -.4. . a - aim ticucacy to ine skiu so much desired b all , . IT REMOVES s uxb tin N, FRECKEES - PiMPiSt Diluted with water it makes an elegant den- tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to the teetll sweetness to the breath, ahd renders th gums hard and of a beautiful color It should always be used after shaVirig dilnt, cd with water, as.it relieves all inflammation4 RElilNGTOX, UOSTETTEIi Vo. 41G and 418 Front St.. San Francisco. EEE C TR O SILICON - ou - Magic BEiiliJinl 1 Direct from Nature's Labttttoryt The Rest article ever discovered for cleans ing and Polishing Gold. Silver and Plated ware, and all smooth Metalic Surfaces, of whatever description, including Kitchen aten sils of Tin. Copper, Brass. Steel, etc, To Jewelers and Workers in Gold and Slf ver Plate the Electro-Silicon is of Inestimable value ; the time saved, and the vexation pre vented by its use, will forever endeaf Its ham to all who have bad evidence of its merits, REDINGTOX, HOS TETTER 4' Cf. Sole Agents, Safi Frantisdf. J70H FLAVORING, REMXOTON, 110STETTE& ft C F XT R 1 C TS Are the best. Eedington, HoStetter & Co'a Florida Water ! USE NO OTHER, Unexcelled for Toilet Us and for th JJath.- Ss)--isst. " - "- "Trf -I in niai ' ulmonary Syriip Iriilmonary Syrnj f i I A i it o o o 0 i. 8 o IS o o