o & B dv: U)Mbl (enterprise. If. 1 ,Gvt; i.v tiik KifiiiT DiKEVTiox. We V P ' . tlio address to the public of t " ,-r.l of Statistics, Immigration ana .? i,V'r,.;lsl:vc lor Oregon. From which !-ff !m "tho object of the Associa f ;V" invite and encourage immigra- w'nOiv-on; to prorido employment " .,'.. juts on jiinm, - p!cnfiu procuring land for settle- A-ociatioa proper to dfeemm- rf!..0r'--I:out the Atlantic Mate, a an fe;;c, such statistical nd other inlbr : : in.r ihe asriculmral, coai- M.mnofactiirtoj and other rcn:r li " ... fnf. as can be collected to- .? . .1... nsft- nnd for th:s par- ;,.-v-r tor mm I'i'-"-? . . ff ' . .. . ..it i.n can. to furnisn in- f.,.;,,,! oa these subject; togethe. ' ''. w-.i-.n-uSn ui.oa the subjects coming tf ,u I"' -' - ""..,.: ac purview of the Association. T"" t. rotilutioa of the Association pro- 1:., that no charges are to be xaaue lur i ..-nf tU n 'le.'V ,..v business iruu.-'iticu. ft i.p,..fllce of the Association is on. First t bdow Stark, Portland, Oregon : a! ,1-, oilleer for the present year are 'r 1 hullKek, Frident. ! t yi J.oryea. Vice i're.-;ideut. J v Ludd. 'Pleasure!'. M. Drak 2, Secretary. V v.W. ri. Lad.I, A. M. Loryca, " j.n, Henry Failing. F. I'eknm, H. f j .;;e!l. J. 0. Alnsworth, II I.. Hbat i II. Lew!-; and II. C. Leonard. I vp. object of the Association is cer t 2- a cjia'.iu'iidable one. This, and the td' tin) cntlciiica under wl:o.:e , . a., ..t.t . ., a... i.,,.,..i,r .1 H 1.-, Miouni j;j ueui Liu: u'.'ai 'j I t' -,,',(-r;a'"a of the public, re i -Mi. J. J. Davison kindle V -d t is to make the fuliowing cx- ,s !i'"iii -a letter which he had received I V. X. Yaughu, assessor of Tillamook t c.:,my. : ! . , r it, , .1.. n. j i i'in.iuon oi luo tuiiui' iiwuuii 'luy. Vi',.::.' 06:1 --o?sab lo property fur the year J-;:'. a.',0J0 "0. Dutter made tlilo year i vi'U toiw. Land.-; open to gettleir.oiit, 4 i.iv.'O acres, mostly bottom h?.i.l fIar Astoria and Portland: and lmiils m:o a wcek from liafa yctte. lie also --ays that the laad.s in Tillamook v',:i .reiluce tue lollowing gram : :. Vt'ls.-at, with an average -f ield to the a-t-eufl'iJh'i die's. Oat?, -10 do. Barky, ti. live, Buckwheat, o1'). '. A'.'e ..eiMOI'-VTlON TO Till-' rCAl.U.'. Biir- 1 'i';!' State Fair next week ihe People's I c-jniftatioit Company will dispatch a 1- aiier IV. in this place to Salem every u . , ro follows : Ho Albany ou ATenday, Wednesday t &:ti 1'riday. Thc licho, or Success, on Tuesday, 'i irsilay and Saturday. ' ld...-;iL'e for the round trip from Oregon 1 ( s.2 .".:). All frei-U shipped for the an will be charged the usualrates.bat i inied free. i Jn:- )oi-:. By reference to thc County l ii rt nroceedioprs in to-day1- paper it 'I lie seen that the County has again ' ,i 1J. A. Smith, Justice of tlio Peace of i place, S'i 00 for proceedings had tist some one under tholicuuoua name r e . .mail 1 i.ie. " 1 : I Who is this John Doe, and what was i. c with h!:n. in thut c-ie'! I iiuiy bo aOproli table cn.stornor for ( " i'itice. but his frcoucnt appearance I 19 that court, resulting in charges to bo i i tl i out of the County Treasury, is not I gratifying to the tax payers of this i c ,:itv. I h is true two dollars is not much, but i'.vo tlollars repeated a irood many times i dm make some thing worth having. So y,v. Doe, )ou had better keep out of t curt in future, or some unpleasant ex- p -'U'es may follow. Xry is Tin: timi: to mv Cm!.:at This I Kock Mr. Ralslou has received and open- ' 1 out a line lot of new goods, consisting i 1 ' (lothing, dry goods, ecc. Persons wlsh ' ; to purchase will do well to call and f'.iraiue his stock. T'ntkutaixmknt. It will be soon, hy an alvcrii-ernont 1T1 to day's paper, that Gen. I T :n Thumb and wife, (Mr. and Mrs. 5trat- ton.) Coinmodoro Xutt and Miss Minnie Warren, will give an Entertainment at thp Court House in this place, on (he af ternoon and evening of Saturday, the lClh no.aut. These little people themselves furnish a V 'ttt worth seeing; and m nditmon to i iii they sing song., perform pieces and j present character, so (hat taken alt 0 f !T''dier their Entertainments are very at- They perform at the State Fair on the lUh and 1 .Mli of tliis month. Key. Mr. Selhvood will commence an a,hilt class in vocal music at the Upi.ico pd Church, on Thursday evening next, t'-'ot 1 ith) nt 7 o'clock. Tickets can be M at Mr. Mvevs" and at (he Tost Oiliee. r.KTn;xKi. Mr. C. W. Pope and fami ly returned last Saturday, after an nb seneo ot some six months, spent in vi-it- ?,f t)",,-, ,rP 41... CI-1r,4 t x'tvuu ii.c easieiu iu;ur. juu "Uiavlkj" pays after all, Oregon is (he rf t'hun f.,- 1 .i,.-4- i,:.,i- will leave it soon ajrtia. New Goons. Maj. Channan has return from San Francisco with an extensive II; and splendid falP and winter Stock of t Among tr.e altr?ction3 in m store we noticed a fine lot of furs for La diis and Misses. a ii-h.We regret to learn that r.eii-ah dlt-own. Editor and Froprietor of the Dom CMtic Fuss, is very sick. 1 ho Albany Heglskr comes out In an enlarged form last week. Wo clip the following items from the Albany Register of October 2 : SnooTrxo Ai-taik. Information came to this city late last evening, that a shoot ing a lira v" bad occurred, sometime during the day,"ut llarrisburg, resulting in the Jmaiediato death of a man named Janus SLi.-ts, and badly wounding a man named David.son or Davison, who received a shot ia the ti.igh. It is supposed by our infor mant that the terrible tragedy grew out of an old grudge between the parties. We were unable to get further particulars. Badly Crr. Jack Crease, of the City J3rewery. was attacked ia front of Thomp son & Irving's saddle shop, late last night by some unknown person, and three fin gers of the left hand nearly cut oif. Jack "went"7 tor a rock, and hit the fellow on the head, knocking him senseless. Jack, supposing him dead, went for help, and when he returned the individual had -reared' Hkcktit?j. Tveceipta at the gato on Wednesday were $110, a total of SSiG 50 for the two da vs. Vkll.I.IAJI DAViDSO.V, );"skf, Iq. Ci; Pro at Street, Auph.I:,- tlicj Tc-l.-TvaphOIiic?, Portland Oregon. SPFCIAL COILECTOU or CLAIMS, Aeconnts, Notes, Uonds, Drafts, and Mercan tile Claims of every description, throughout Oregon and the Teuitorks, WILL UK .MADE A SPECIALTY, and promptly collected, as well as with a due regard to economy in all busiu?s matters entrusted to Lis cure and the i-ioeeedd paid over punctually. lot! 1 VI A ft ESTATE DEAL.F.I1. XPJJCn i L NO 7TOES. v " J7ii!ino:na2i liO-itpje K'n. 1, A, I.'. and , m - rr i ! l ft A' H'J-di its re-ular commniu - ' .eAiion on Ihe '7-.v.' .., Ti:,:f. S'.if. ysv - " I fVom thc i'oth of epdember to the -mib of ! Mr.reh.aud 7 A o'clock from theiimh of March i tl. o'--.-i.teinhor lhv",min l ' to UlC O. .-.pil.inO.l. lIO,.il(;Uia SIOOU stain.il)-' are lr.vued to attend. ly ordered Vi . M. Oregon Lo.c IVo. 3, X. O. of O. Mifcta every Wednesday cven- rf- '.;, lug at 7 o'clock, iu Masonic Hall, Jdain street. Members of the OrJer arc invited to attend Hy order. Ar. ii. Kcljccca Dt-Krceliodce .No. 2,I.O. O. F. o rx Meet on the Second and Fourth 4f , m,-T) 4 -i n'V77''' of each month, at 7 o'clock, in Odd Fellows Hail. Members of the Degree arc invited to attend. My order of . X. (J. f latLaiiiis liivisiosi IVo. 3, S. cfT. I tolas its regular meetings on Friday even in. '.j of e;K.h week, at Terr.jilar Hall, Oregon t'itw Me:nbers of the Order are invited to attend, ilv order V'. 1. Willamette L,o1gc J.'o. J.3--I. O. C-'o T Metds everv Saturday evenm at Ihe rcc.r.S5 S.E. corner of Mam and Filth streets, at 7 1-2 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. Hy order of V C. T. A YEilY UOKGTEUL 21AXI. G. Y'. Former, a man about five feet six, with a powder-burred lace, is a very forget ful man. lie forgot to leave some sixty dol lars' worth of furniture anj other articles belonging to mo when he left 1117 place, on or about thc ."th of September, Mr. Ik-iijamiu Thomas, of Cathlamet, W. T., iaurms me that he bou.aht a lot of pota toes lr'.;rn this same powder-faced man, and i.:..-. e... ,Ha.vi 7.., l..o Cu.-m U sJ. 1 1 , , , , , ..i In s, 1, ...",' . n.';!i .; ?r:j, iimt rout t hpii (..,.,.. . ,u left next morning at two o'clock. Mr. V. E. Fcrchcu, of Astoria, informs me that he handed tins s.rme man hi, which he agreed to pay to a neighbor of his, Mr. R. Elliot, of Cathlamet, but he forgot it and There are other cases that we could men tion, but this is enough for the public to know at present. JOHN 11. T11ESS1XG. MihvauLie, Oregon, Sept. 20, liCO. My business connection with the above name 1 John II. Thcssing has amounted to thousands of Dollars, and I have at all times found him to bo a correct and reliable man. J. R. RALSTON'. Oregon City, Sept. I'l, hiO'J. G. W. Fonner received of S. Luelling, of Milwaukie, fifty -sx dollars, and forgot to pay it back as agreed on. S. LCELLIN'G. I hereby certify that G. W. Fonner bor rowed of me ten dollars on trie 23d day of August, which lie promised to pay back on the loliowing day, and which he did not do, nor has he ever seat word that he would or intended to pay the same: consequently, I think ho wilfully forgets to pay an honest debt. 15. F. SMITH. Statu of Oitr.nox, ? Clack amas Coi xty. j I, J. M. Frazeh, County Clerk of county and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the gentlemen above name:!, to wit: J. II. Thcssing. B. F. Smith and S. Fuelling, are citizens of this county, and are men of un doubted veracity. I have the utmost confi dence in the truthfulness of their statement. In testimony whereof I hereunto set my nauie as such County Clerk. J. M. FRAZER, County Clerk. o- 43.lt TOII PUISTIVCJ XKATI.YF.TiKt'rT eJ edat, the ENTERPRISE OFFICE. "FUSTICES' BLANKS, of every descrip- O Hon. printed at the LxTKurnrsE o: lice. TTSETATX KILLER FOR CHOLERA AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS. -o- For Boils, Cuts, Bruises, and Scalds, Old Sores, Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, Tooth ache, Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, and Rheu matism, Frosted Feet, Felons, SORE THROAT, .SUDDEN COLDS, COUGHS, Ac. Use it for any of these, arid .you will never do without it." Its success as a valuable f.unily medicine has induced others to imi-l-a-ie. and counterfeit the Pain Killer, to some extent. . HE WARE OF COUNTERFEITS. SIMILIA SIMIL1ETJS OUEAimiB. HUMPHREYS HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS HAe?nSTP; FROM THE MOST A5IPL3 j-x expeiior.ee, an entire fucccs Siirr.lp sent and 2JeS :a ole They a"4F thl il llLrrrCtlK adapted Popular uTe' t,$&!: ?l c tha mtake3 cannot be made in eer ft1!10?,5 fi?.nnle33 S3 to be free toto per, ana to cfiicieut 33 to Le alwavs reliable illVdl?lfed thc h5,'lcst commendation froS an, nd v, ill always render eaiiifaction. 2c. i: ; Cents 1, Cures Fever, Co?fecst!on,TnflammatIons.ssi 7 , ,!.oriu- orrl l'ever, Worm Colic.25 41 5yac-ColicorTeetliinfrofIufautBJ t rrltxa. of Children or Adults. .SS r JVVery, oninn Bilious CoUc.83 ii' P"ie;sia, Uuiona Stomach..... 23 1-2 P s CO. or Pain ful Periods. . . 23 ,.V lsitcs. too prorate Periods...:.. 25 13 Cf'Il?-rysiPela3j-ruptic:ns-3 4 V fP r.'r-, Rheumatic pains. .23 .i, rf above (wsputvpm VIALS wVh dirtf-tinna containing dwibU quantities cac.r! ...... K Jt!tf,niou'inrj cu-e ctyputvpin viah aid art e ht at the ?a?ne vnces git: en Mow. 17' Avor AS"?, Chill FcTer.AffoeBSO 17, " 1'iles, blind or bleeding......... . 60 5?pt!ialm''anclEOreoi',nr,akErcs50 i,V , iari-acute or chronic.InflnenzaSO S'; I. "looping -Couh.vioientcou?h50 SV u stJ,nia' oppressed Preathing... .. 50 u ar iisscjla,ii'os,impaircdhearinj50 21, 2f. en e ra IDebili i y.pliy PieahveaknelsiiO ircpisy, siul scanty Secretions.. . 60 Kea-Sitliiicswickness from ridingCO O- d "P. KcrvouN EJeliillty SenViiViil . r js.u.i?iui!(, involuntary Uis charges i m wrc iiioniB, t anker 50 f' I'ritsnry Vci!ne.wcttln!jbed50 ol, " 2.a!nful Periods, w'ith spasmus di, nfiVriM-H at change of life l ' Jiiej;sy,SPa?ms,bi5Vitus-Danccl t, Lii)Itiieria, ulcerated sore thr&iit 00 fvri liiltlieria, ulcerated sore thrott.CO FAMILY CASES Of 33 to GO Iarsc lals, morocco or rosewood tae, contaf nitf a wpceilic tor every ordinary tltjease a laistify is subject to, and books oi' directions Prom $10 to ?35 Smaller Family and Travcliiijr ease?, with 20 to as vial irom $o to $9 f peciiics for all lri vatc 3ioascs.l)otli fur c'iirirt- iut for lrevcsttivo i IT' t T)i . t ih. islj m-i- . f .. . .. im..' ' - rOND'S ES'iTfSAC'S.', Cnrem Hums. 12vulc, lampnen orcucsx.Sore Tli rca I ,Sp rain s. 'IToo I !i- afIlc' luaraclic, rcar.-iSia, ISI&ciiRia.- i,Vn t ii.lmr. r:iA, r..:i.. : Sore l-!vcs. CU(-1tn- u w....,- Rose, Moia&eli, or ol iL'iicK : Corns. 1 - cces. 5Jd Soros. JPrlce, G ox., SOcts.J Pints, l.QO : Quarts, i?1.75. ' ' .-ST" These llemcdtcs, except TOXD'S EX-Tli-iVCT, by the case or siui-lo bcr, are sent to eny part of the country, hy mail or c-ipreee, free Of charge, on receipt of thc price. Address Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Company, Office and Depot, No. CC2 Dkoamvay, New York. ocronallvor hvln..r -- c,:.- n . mseube. w--Juaj J-1 J- Vi-.ij JJi.OVjUWiD, . T H E Ccrrsmcrcla! Dopartsnent op Tnii Poi'tTmsd .lea ;I-:.3y i. i. . - i.. I J . A 12. 2J -i j. Under the Superintendence of T. It. Craw ford. A. M., a f lords excellent facilities for the acquirement of n practical Ihisine.-s Education. Tuition In the Commercial Department, $12 per Qr. The Course in the Hoides ti e usual Kngiish studies, embra ces the Natural Sciences, Mathematics, as tar as Surveying, and sufficient Latin for pro'cssional purposes. These Courses, sys tematic and complete Within themselves, are especially recommended to those who cannot spend six years in College. ZZoT Young Ladies ate uneer the immedi ate care of the l'receptress, Miss Emi'y J. York. For new Catalogue, containing names of Graduates and fall information, Addre-a : T. M. GATCH, Principal, 42.J Poj ilaml, Oregon. QUA?!, WILLIS fc Co., LIVERY. TEED AND SAIJlH riLi" .. m ' -i r.jzi c OREGON CITY, OREGON. Having recently auded lo ihe Livery Stnck new Carriages, 1 higgles and Iloises, are now prepared at all times to let the same, at reas onable rates. Horses bought and sold, or kept by the day or week. jARU & MOHPJSS, butchers, FOR OREGON CITY AND VICINITY. J-.TT Will deliver to their patrons all the be.-t "qualities of Stall Fed Beef, also Mutton, Pork,' Poultry etc., as usual twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays ! Thankful, for past favors of the public would respect: uUy asks a continuance of the same. N. 15. An abundant snpnly of coed poultry on hand. ISAAC F Alt it. P. 1). MOKRISS. TSSOLUTIOX NOTICE. The Co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of DILLER & "MILLER, is this day disooived, by mutual consent. L. DILLER, Sept 7th, ISG. A. F. MILLER. Thc business will be carried on as usual, by the undersigned, at the old state.1., Lincoln Bakery, West side Main street, Oregon City. Sept. 7th, IS.;!)- l l.it I L. DILLElt. H0 THE TAX-rAYKUS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY'. Notice is hereby given that the undersign' ed As.-essor for tho County of Clackamas State of Oregon, will attend at the oiliee of the County CLnh of Claekavnas County, State of Oresron, On Jfon'tn;, frptcrnlvr 2'7t, 1SG0, And with the" assistance of said Clerk will publiclr examine the assessment rolls and correct all errors in valuations, descriptions. 1 or fiv nullities of lands, lots or o'.her property. M. PATTER-OX, County Assessor, ?pi. 11, 1;: 11-11 Clackamas Co. WiiSEirJQ HADE EA3j HY USING THE Automatic Clothes Washer and Boiler ! HTMIE GREATEST INVENTION OF THE X times.'as it does away with rubbing and wear ami tear n Clothes. An ordinary ,VoStr;n- enn be dons m Irom on to two 1 1 on r s "t5 A Y E S TIME, LAROR AND EX PENSE. Warranted to give entire satisfac, tion. For sale b.v .1 C MARDY, Manufacturer, 145 Front street, or.e door north of 41 tf Taylor street, ihntlamh r; p. FEiuiY, BROKER. rKTL.vvP. O cecov. Cor. Front avd U'tuh'ioa hit. Agent North British and Mercantile Iii.sttrance Company, and Manhat tan Life Insurance Company. - i Covern men t Securities, Stocksdlomhs and Real Estate bought and sold on Com- t S VoM lironcUitis...r..:..S S' ?"r?iS:!aTyothacLe,Faceache..23 misstou IFE IKSURANGE C0?J ! Xf- y m O CO OF TUE United States cpAmeeica. ivASiuypTOjy, d. c. Branch Office at Pliilatlclplila, Where the business of the Company 13 transacted, and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. O DIRECTORS : Philadelphia. Clarence If. Clark, Jay Cooke, F. Ratehtoid Starr, J. Hinckley Clark, Geo. F. Tyler, V G. MoorheaJ. Washirjrton, Henry 1). Cooke, E. A. Rollins Wm. E. Chandler, John I. Octrees. New York, Ed-.v. Dodge, 11. C. Fahnestock. CLARENCE II. CLARK, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance And Executive Committee. HENRY T). COOKE, Mice P-csident. EMER.SOX Yv'.PEET, Secretary and Actuary E. S. TURNER, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS G. SMITH, M.D., Medical Director. J. EYVING MEARS, M. 1)., Assistant. WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington, 1). C, and Geo. HARDING, Philadelphia, Attorneys. The Most Successful Life Insurance Company of The World ! Having issued in the first TEX months of its existence, 3,305 Policies, - INSURING 15,142,800 Dollars ! This Company affords to its Follcy Holders PERFECT SECURITY! By its Cash paid up Capital of One Million Hollars, and guarantees to tho Insured, by its Low Rates of Premium ! LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, OR, A REVERSIONARY DIVIDEND OF 100 TER CENT. BY. ITS Ectum Prenmmi Plan ! -o- Wel!s 5 fci la f5 ;j;m:ii.vl age:;ts FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. W. E. HALE MANAGER. AGEKT FOR OREGO.7. OFFICII A' CUFF'S BU1LDLXG, (Up stairs, bet. Front and First sts.) FA'TRAXCF OAr STARK STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. 8. 0. POPE, LOCAL AGENT. OREGON CITY". GEXERAI. AGESTS 1 JAY COOKE & CO. No. 21G Broadway, X.Y. General Agents for New York and North crn JS'ew Jersey. J. U. Orvis and D. C. Whitman, Managers. E. W.CLARK ct CO. Rankers, No. 3" South Third street, Philadelphia,'General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jer sey. C. S. Russell, Manager. JAY COOKE k CO. Washington, General Southern Ageuts. E. S. Turner, Manager. J. A. ELLTS & CO. Chicago, General Agents far Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minn. JOHN W. ELLIS & CO. No. 122 Walnut St., Cincinnati, General Agents for Ohio and Central and Southern Indiana. S. A. KEAN & CO. Detroit, General Agents for Michigan and Northern Indiana. U. W. Kean, Manager, T. B. EDGAR, St. Louis, General Agent for Missouri and Kansas. C. OrTis, Manager. ROLLINS & CHANDLER, Boston, General Agents for New England and Eastern Provinces of Canada. J. P. Tucktr Man ager. JOHNSTON BROTHERS & CO. Baltimore, General Agents for Maryland, W. A. Wi song, Manager. WM. DOUGLAS, JR., Montreal, General Gciit for the Hoiuiaion of Canada. Kendee's Photograph Gallery. THE ONLY PLACE IS" rORTLAND where you are sure of getting No. 1 Pictures at all times is at llendee's Gallery, corner of Fir?t and Morrison streets, w here he is as well prepared to do all kinds of work as any Gallery in Oregon, anj will guarantee as good satisfactiou for all his work as can Le had in the fcdute. Jictures of every kind can be iaI at short notice. Old Pictures can be copied, enlarged and retouched in If dia Ink, or Oil Colors. AT LOWER PlilCE.S THAN ANY OTHER PLACE. 46 Cm yILLAAlETTE NURSERY. Stasoji of 70. G. W. WALLING & Co. would call the attention of the public to their large k and well assorted stock of tine fruit trees and shrubbery, consisting of choico varieties of CHERRIES, PLUilS, PEARS, APRICOTS, PEACHES, NUTS, RASPBERRIES, &c, &o. Persons desirous of purchasing trees should call au.l examine our stock, which is the largest ard best ia the State. Orders (with the cash) sent to the Nursery will be promptly tilled aud forsvarded. XU" Ext 1 a care" taken in iacking 'lWts.SO. Address all orders to G. W. WALLING & Co., 45tf Oswego, Clackamas County Oregon. pAUL IUCUTER, ie.vi.ei: IX AXD Manufacturer of every variety of FURNITURE, REDDING, CARPETS, "WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, DAMASKS, MIRRORS,Ac. JOG"- All kinds of Upholstery Trimming constaath on baud. HpTing- and Hair Mat traces of Rest Quality MADE TO ORDER. "Southwest corner First aud Taylor sts. Pbi-thuid, Oregon. 45.fJin OREGON 13 AKERT! F. 0FITZ, PS0PRIET0H, FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, Bet. Washington and Stark sts. MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF OEAGKEES! BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY QRACKERS Yvill always be sold below San Francises prices. All orders promptly attended to. OREGON BUvERY, Firit it., 1'urtland, Orjon. PLUIIBIXG, OAS & STEAM Fitting EstablifjlimGnt, No. 1IO JFiriit Jsili-ect. .Portland. Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Jlot. Water Boilers, Marble Top Washslands, Sheet Lead and Block Tin, Water Closets, Balh Tubs, Lead Five. Wrought Ircn Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELROU'S, EETFRX BEXDL XII'TLES, JiUSlirXGS, dc. J'vr Steam, Water and (Jus. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water Guages, Whistles Tallon Pumps, Steam Guages, Globe, Augle, aud Cheek Yal ;es, Guage Cocks, Air Cocks, and all kinds ot Brass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, &s. Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences heated with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call and ex amine my stock, which has been selected with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. O. II. MYERS. Kjta 3 IS STILL AT HIS OLD STAND, CORNER OF MAIN and SIXTH STREETS, OREGON CITY, OREGON. VXTTIERE nE WOULD INVITE HIS friends, and the public in general, to call and examine his stock, consisting ot a general assortment of lBois sum! I2.cs? lEats and Caps, 'ZZT' Having from many years' experience learned that THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LIES IN SMALL PROFITS! IS DETERMINED TO OFFER SUCH INDUCEMENTS AS WILL Silence the Crv of Portland Pi ices! Oregon City, August 2Sth, 1SS9. A LARGE IXVOICE OF XEW Sunday School and Gift Books ! I7ROM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE 1 ty and Various other Publishing Houses I For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson st. between 2d and ?A. Portland, Oregon. Cr. H. ATKINSON, Secretary. 52.1 j and Treas. Oregon Tract Society. tS i " tr-.- L .. - -..-1..- -v JOTICE. Change of Time ! UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THC People's Transportation Co.'s STEAMER J?uL Alert or Senator, Will leave the Company's dock, Portland, Every mornii-g at 5 o'clock, Sundays ex cepted, Connecting at Oregon City with steamers for SALEiV3 AND DAYTON, ON MONDAY, TUESDAY", WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Of each ireek tQ 27"Mtal3 provided for passengers on board steamer ALERT, at Fifty centi. A. A. McCULLY, President. Au-ustU, lSG'j. UO.tfj WALT! , U.' lew CAK-1PETINGS VELVETS, BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, OIL - CLOTHS, WIIIDOV'-SHADES, P A PER - II A 11 G I II G S , LACE- CURTAIITS, &c, &c. We Would Call the attention of par tics Jilting up houses, or being in need of anything in our line To our Stock, which is ONE OF THE COMPZETEST On the Pacific Coasts Our Goods being specially selected at the Factories in England and the Eastern Stales, ice can sdl AT THE LOWEST 5iiaF'asaclo Prices. WALTER BEIOS;, No. 89 Front street, between Alder 85.) and Washington, Portland Oregon Dr. Jf H. HATCH, I.aU Mack cf Hatch, DENTIST, The patronago of those desiring irst Class Operations, is respecttully solicited. Satisfaction in all cases guaranteed. N. R. Nitrous Oxyde administered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Office Corner of Washington and Fron streets, Portland. Entrance ou Washington street. JHJENTAL NOTICE. HOME AGAIN. During my tour of two years iu the Eastern States I have i-fr'rs-K sparca ueuner time nor -IJ-UJLJLtJ money to make mvself ner. fectly familiar with "and master of my pro fession. Those desiring the best work that the nature of the case will admit of can find me at my odiee, 107 Front street, two doors above McCormick's Hook Store, Portland, Oregon. DR. J. G. GLENN. yyM. BIIOUGUTOX. Contracor and Builder, Main St., OREGON CITY. 3- Will attend to all work in his line, coa sisting iu part of Carpenter and Joiner wor framing, building, etc. Jobbing prompt! attended to. n. UTTER & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, AND GENTS' FURNISU1NG OOOD& O CI FRONT STREET, UNDER COSMOFOLITAN HOTEL, 40.3m) Portland, Oregon, pG. STEWAIiT, No. 109 FROXT STREET, PORTLAND, 0 REG Oif O Watchmaker And Jeweler. ud Dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELERS GOODS. Agent for Wilcox & Oibbs' Letter 'G'' Sewing Machines, which are now being sold singly at cost, or whole sale less than cost. Other goods at greatly reduced rates. (40. tf A G. CALLING'S Pioneer Book Bindery. OREGON IAN BUI L.DING, No. 5 "IVasliington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK ROOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. MUSIC I5O0KS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound in every variety ot style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly at tended to. 112 131 FRONT STREET, Near Morrison Street. FIRST STREET, Near Yamhill. KAST h CAHALIN. New Stock of Boote and Shoes just received: Lest Selection in the City Comprising all the leading and best brands known, such as P.enkert's, Tirrell's, Fogg's, Ilotighton & Coolklge's, Reed's, Godfrey's and numerous others, of cents' and boys' wear. Also Mile's, Sieberlich's, Hurt's, San Francisco and custom-made ladies and children's wear. Our customers and the public in general are invited to call and examine our stock, width wc will sell cheaper than ever. P. S. Boots made to order, and an assort c:cut of our make constantly on hand. STiDP THATGOUGHING Mxsrn or you can't, axd ivb pitt J yoa. Tou Lav trtid every remedy but tb OKB itfsiint-d, by its iutriuaic merit, to supersede ali sii J.tr prvj arutiDiis. It is not surprising you abttM k luctaiit to try something after tU kiu HiniQenU you have made cf trasby VkfimM4$ UUiw4 u the public 3 a certain cur; HE WELL'S Pulmonary Syrup really tb TIRY 15 EST remedy ever compoande or the euro f Coughs, Colds, Soro 4'hroat, AsUitna, M'kooir.g Con gh,Bront hiti and Consumption. Tfeou tanda of jieojdc iu California and Oregon have- We Jremiy Uiutiittfcd by in suryrnic curutiv jkiwmi WEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup trttb eco tecord gf ro It ttieTr enaaHfle4 9ff mtioa. We bow address ourselves to all wko are kequainted with thi3, the greatest Panacea of the a;. Vr tho Lealiag of ull ducauj f th Throat ituj Uiio fraiuxiug you thai NE WELL'S Pulmonary Syrup cured thousands and It will euro YOU if you tif This nraluaM medicine !s pleasant to the tastq oothing, healiug and strengthening in its eflecU; . troly free from all poisonous or deleterious .drugs, Uid perfectly harmless under all circumstances. rliSeate"s from many prominent citizen f a rraucic uccompiuiy every bottle- cf HE WELL'S o Pulmonary Syrup EXSIVCTCW -4 eo. Ajenta, Sou Fraaclsc. ALWAYS SAFE ! Always Effectual, Fever and Ague is Speedily and ef fectually cured by Dr. E. COOLER'S Univer sal Magnetic Balm. "?H0 BONO PUBLICO!" TRULY A VEGETABLE PREPA RATION. None genuine witbout signature of W.It. Htrong. REDINGTUN, IIOSTETTJER & CO., IG and 418 Front bt., San Francisco Bole and exclusive Agents. EEDLNGT0N, H0STETTER &C0S ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger. This valuable preparation, containing In a highly concentrated form all the propertie of Jamaica Ginger, has become one of th most popular domestic remedies lor all diseas es of the stomach and digestive organs. As tonic, it will be found invaluable to all persons recovering from debility, whether produced by fever or otherwise; lor while it imparts to the system all the glow and vigor that can be produced by wine or brandy, it is free from the reactionary eflects that follow the use of spirits of any kind. It i3 also an excellent remedy for femaTes wdio suffer from diflicult menstruation, giving almost immediate relief to the spasms thai so frequently accompany tbat period. It gives immediate relief to Nansca, caused by riding in a railroad car, or by sea-sickness or other causes. It 13 also valuable as an external application for Gout, Rheumatism, Nenralri3, etc. REDING TON, 11 OS TETTET 'Co., 416 and 418 Front tit, San Francisco. Use Electro Silicon, Or Single Brilliant. EEDmGTOH HOSTETTEE, & Co.'s Fioi'Icla Water J For thc Handkerchief, Thla article, possessing tho most dellcat fragrance of Flowers, is unequalled ft3 & per fume for the Handkerchief. FOR THE HA Tit t Used In bathing it Imparts strength and en ergy to the system, and fives that softness and delicacy to the ekin so much desired by all IT REMOVES SUNBURN, FRECKLES PIMPLES, Diluted with water it makes an elegant den tifrice, imparting pearly whiteness to the teeth SWeetnpsa lo tho breath, nnd renders tho gums hard and of a beautiful color. It should always be used after shaving dilut. ed with water, as it relieves all infiammation- REDING TON, 110 S TETTER Co. 416 and 418 Front St., San Francisco. ELECTRO SILICON, - OR - Magic IBs'illisiiit ! Direct from Natures LaLratory. The Best article ever discovered for cleans ing and Polishing Gold, Silver and Plated ware, and all smooth Metalic Surfaces, of whatever description, including Kitchen uten sils of Tin. Copper, Brass, Steel, etc, To Jewelers and Workers in Gold and Sil ver Plate the Electro-Silicon is of inestimable value ; the time saved, and the vexation pre- -Tented by its use, will forever endear it3 narao' to all who have had evidence of its merits, REDING TON, HOS TETTER fy Co. Sole Agents, San Francisco, JTOR FLAYOFwING, RED IXG TON, HOSTETTEE Co EXTRA C TS Are thc best. Eedington, Hostetter & Co'a Florida Water ! USE NO OTHER. Unexcelled for Toilet Ue and for the Bath. o G o o c o 0 o o o o o o X ........11 in mmBW- 9 ----- - - it ' i ii r "-v