0 O a y O O o 0 O o e 0 o o o O 0 o i Y 1 A SENSIBLE GIRI.. Some writer to us unknown, tells this story of her : Twenty years ago, a young man who had paid attention to a bright, sweet girl for a long time without making any thing that was even a second cousin to a proposal, was startled one evening by the question : "llobciiedo you want to marry m.4i?" lie tried to evade' the point by asking why she put such a question to him. " Uecause, if you do not want to marry me, you must stop coming to see me. Xo mocking bird arourTd the red breast's nest, you know." Robert took the hint, and with a cool good-night, Avalked home. ""What should he care for a girl so rude as that? Good company as her's elsewhere. lie would join the club next day. lie tried to : 1 ep but couldn't. lie didn't. He didn't quite like the turn things had taken. The figure plagued him. If he was a mocking bird, who was the red-breast that he was keeping away from such a fitting partner? "At any rate, one thing is certain, Edna is smart as she is pretty," he said to him self, q" and she means business." The next morning Kobert went to the counting room. It was a long flay. 0 JJusiness had dragged. Eve ryjyody was pre-occupied, hurried, cross. Things went wrong. He was glad to go home, only it wasn't home. He took a book, b ufe found himself trying to read the coals in the grate and figures on the wall instead of the page. He threw himself on the lounge, but it was dreadfully dull. lie stood it for a while, and then put on his hat and walked down to the "Widow Graigie's. lie stepped up to the door as usual, but Edna was engaged. He asked to have her called. It seemed a month be fore she came down. At Jast she appeared. He rose from his seat and met her in the middle of the room, and said : " Edna,I have come here to-night on business. I am tired of being yourmocking bird, and want to be vol r red-breast ; will you be mv wife?" " When do you say ?" said Edna, her face suffused with blushes. " Soon as I can make a nest," replied Kobert. " I believe both the red-breasts join in building the nest," said she "and I want to do my part." This was twenty years aero. To- flay one of the. handsomest man sions in one of our cities is the nest of a wedded pair, whose life lias been sweet as a bird's song, and whose hearts, like their af fections, arc as young as ever. There is a great deal more in put ting a little straight-forward busi ness at the beginning of liie than is generally supposed. Sa?i Fran cisco Advocate. Two Irishmen, on a sultry nisjht took refuge underneath the bed-clothes from a skirmishing party of mosquitccs. At last one of them, gasping from heat, ven tured to peep beyond the bul warks, and by chance espied a fire-fly which had strayed into the room? Arousing his companion with a punch, lie said: "Jamie, Jamie, it's no use. Ye might as weel come out ! Here's one of the craytcrs sarchiu' for us wid a lan tern." Hon. Sftnelio Brown, of South Carolina Legislature, rose to ft question of privilege, recently, and said : "Sail, I ax (lis house ef day gwinc to 'low de man who jis tuk his seat to stan on de no ob dis body and talk to de Gineral as semblage ob Souf Carlina wit dat turn de crank ob do univers man ner dat am so supcViishmcnt an ondisgustible." A Good Reason. The Cincin natti, Inquirer protests against the Removal of the national capital to that city, on the ground that there $i a State law in Ohio against lot teries and grand gift enterprises, and were Grant to transfer his business tlpre he would be liable to arrest at any moment. rrM t t - . t- a ne ios avngeies cics says TVc sawa J pumpkin at the store of A. Sangerber, at Anaheini, grown Upon the farm of Mr. Theo. Smidt, that measured six feet one inch in circumference, and Avcighed one 0 hundred and fourteen pounds ; there were eight upon the vine which weighed in the aggregate, eight hundred pounds. - An Irish juror having applied to a judge to be excused for serving on account of deafness, the judge said : " Could you hear 1113' charge to the jury sir?" Yes heard your honor's charge, said .Paddy, e " but I could not make any sense out of it." lie was loft olt A richly dressed lady stopped fil)oy trudging along with a basket, and asked ; ' jIv little hoy, have you religion ?' 4 Xo ma'am' I've got potatoes.' "Decrease in tho Radical vote in Alabama, A nigger. shots at Greenville for breaking into a warehouse. 'T- -'Ttll Mrs. Jones, a farmer's wife says : " I believe I've got the ten derest boys in the world. I can't tell one of them to fetch a pail of water but tliat he Jl burst out cry mg 5J A clergyman, consoling a poor widow on the death of her hus band, remarked that she could not find his equal. " I don't know about that," replied the sobbing fair one, " but I'll try." 1 A QUEER LAW CASE. A funny lawsuit is attracting attention in the town of Wauwatosa, near Mil waukee. Charles Last hired some land of Charles Hummel. From the bargain came a difficulty. Last, being a sort of ingenious delegate sowed fifteen acres of the lease land to Canada thistles, where upon Hummel brings suit against him for damages, bringing forward witnesess to testify to the fact that Last did sow thistle seed. From personal experience gained when a body on a farm in Chemung county in this State, we know that Canada this le are a great nuisance, and harder to get out of the soil than statesmanship out of Grant, or nearly so, Last was arrested and brought to trial, when he deuied everything, and called for proof. The thistles have not yet made their ap pearance, and they cannot find the seed in the ground. And as a man cannot be tried twice for the same offense, there be ing no proof against him at present, it is the opinion of legal authorities in that country that Last has the best of Hummel, who next year this time can re joice over a crop he little expected. Somebody has said that those are mighty cunning chaps who live out West. If this be the case, Last must be one of them. There is a little more novelty attached to the suit from the fact that Last said he should not ever have thought of sowing the thistles but for the fact that Hummel sowed thistles in his domestic path by saying sundry funny little things to Mrs. Last, and making divers propositions to her of a sort of Don Jnanic nature, when the exasperated thistle-sower thought her affections were of that kind which would forever last. In the view of all these thistles, in the language of St. Paul, " It is hard to kick against the pricks." An order has been issued from the U. S. District Court for the District of Ore gon, for the sale of the Fideliler, on a de cree of forfeiture to the United States of $30,000 on fraudulent transactions in the meaning of the revenue laws. Among all the papers that discussed the action of Grant in the case of Pratt, we have found but one to applaud and attempt to justify his usurpation, and that the Imperialist. n ran ! imihuii .'iubmb Arrival ami Departure of the Mails at Oregon City. Daily mail to and from California, 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Oregon City to Dayton, via Buteville, .Newelsvule and ht. OJair, leaves Mondays, weancsaaj-s ana t riaays at i a. jm.; arrives at Oregon City on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 1'. M. Fairfield to Oregon Citv. via St. Louis. Waconda, Parkersviilc, Monitor, and Needy, arrives at Oregon Citv at G P. M. on Tue's- d.tys, and leaves at 7 A. M. on Wednesdays Oregon City toAumsville, ia Beaver, Mo- iolla, (rlad J ldings, Iiute Creek, Silverton and Sublimity, leaves Monday at 8 A. M. and arrives at Oregon City Wednesday at 6 v. 31. Ollice hours from 7 A. M". to 8i P. M Sundays office open one hour after depart ure of each mad. Money Older office. J. M. BACON, P. M. Oregon City, August, 1869, Electro SiucoN.-This curious and valuable substance U confidently claimed to be the best article ever discovered for cleaning and polishing Gold, Silver and Plated Ware, and all smooth metallic sur faces, of whatever description, including kitchen utensils of tin, copper, brass, steel, etc. " Is Time of Peace Prepare for War." So get a bottle of Dr. Cooper's Magnetic Iialm, an unequaled preparation for Dysentery, Diarrhoea "and Cramp. The instantaneous relief of Durns, Bruises and Sprains. Not a Subject of Doubt. That Newell's Plumonarv Syrup is the most ef fective aud never failing remedy for affec tions of the throat and Juns. aS Pi: CIA I NOTICES. Saddlerv. J. II. Scliram, of this Cit', is now manufacturing the best Saddlerj and Harness in the State. lie will have at least 50 sets of all grades, from fine to com mon, finished and ready for sale next month, and more than that number of Saddles. He is bound to make a trade with any man who wishes to buy of him. He uses both Oregon and California leather in his establishment, and his work bears a most excellent reputation abroad. We hope that citizens of our own county will think of this, when they want any articles in bis line. Valuable Land for Sale Cheap We know of 430 acres of good lands for sale in this county, being the land claim of J. L. Stout, in what is known as IheRingold battlement. It will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, on verv fair terms. This land is only 12 miles from Orpo-on Citv. For 1 f"rtj'?r information apply toN. W. Randall, V r n'or ot ' Stout, Unity, Baker's iay . ) . T or of Andrew Stout, in the above mentioned settlement. 3:ly JJSK PAIX KILLER FOR CHOLERA AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS. , For Boils Cuts, Bruises, and Scalds, Old bores. Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, Tooth ache, Tdio in the Face, Neuralgia, and Rheu matism, Frostcl Feet, Felons, SORE THROAT, SUDDEN COLDS, COCGHS, &c. doUwithofutr uT A W' and on lU ?cce8s as a valuable H :,: "r' ?snd"c, others to i: far) irrt ..r....:. r . 1111 1 extent" uuie,lcl1 llie Killer, to some BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. COunTSSY pOSMOPOLITAN HOTEL. FORMERLY ARRIGONI'S, FRONT St., PORTLAND. W B.SEWALL and J.B.SPRENGER PROPRIETORS. The Proprietors of thig well known House having superior accommodations, guarantee entiresatisfaction to all guests. t3, The Hotel Coach will be in attendance to convey passengers and baggage to and lrom the" Hotel, free of charge. UM Office Oregon and California Stage Co. S. D. SMITH. Geo. U COOK. The OCCIDENTAL, rORMEBLY X7 ESTER N HOTEL. Cor. First and Morrison Streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. &W Messrs. Smith v Cook have taken this well known House, refitted and rerurnislieh it throughout, built a large addition, making thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the dining and sitting rooms, making it by far the best Hotel in Portland. A call from the traveling public will satisfy them that the above statements are true. SMITH & COOK, Proprietors. N. B. Hot and cold baths attached. 40.tf JJATILOW IX THE HO TEL Business Again. HAVING TAKEN GEO. A. SI1EPPARD as copartner in the business and leased the celebrated CLIFF HOUSE, of Oregon City, for the term of one year, we would say to the public, come on, we are ready for you, and will accommodate you to the best of our ability. BARLOVV & SIIEPPARD. August 21. -tf. N EW COLUMBIAN HOTEL. Cor. FRONT and MORRISON Sts., TORTLAND, OREGON. KIT The most. Comfortable Hotel in the City. Board and Lodging, from one to two dollars per day, according to rooms occupied. Free Coach to and from the house. 4ntf EDWARD CARNEY, Proprietor. piONEEU HOTEL, No. 5 North Front Street, between A and B Streets, Portland Oregon. PATRICK MOERISSEY, Proprietor o 5Th:s well known Hotel has been newly Furnished and liehttcd, and oifers superior accommodations to the I raveling Public, and is situated near the steamship landing. Board and Lodging per week 00 " " " day 1 00 filT Coach to and from the Hotel, free of charge. (40. tf JTEW YORK HOTEL, (DcHtfches Gafthaus.) No. 17 Front Street, opposite the Mail steam ship landing, Portland. Oregon. H. R0THP0S, J. J. WILKENS, PltOPTvIETORS. o Board per Week $5 00 " " with Lodging G 00 " Day 1 00 MERICAN EXCHANGE. (late LINCOLX HOUSED No. 84: Front street, Portluiid Oregon L. T. X. QUIMUY, PKoi-niETOK, (Late of Western Hotel.) This house is the most commodious in the State, newly furnished, and it will be the en deavor of the proprietor to make his guests comtortable. liie Baggage Wagon will al ways be found at the landing 011 the arrival 01 steamships and river boats, carrying bag gage to the iiouse tree ot charge s HADES SALOON. G. A. HAAS, Proprietor. JUAfJY STIiEET, Oregon City, O Best BILLIARD TABLES in OREGON Have been introduced, and the Proprietor in vites the attention of the lovers of this popular amusement to them. T H E B A li I S S UP PI J EI) With all the choicest qualities of Liquors and Cigars. Scotch, Irish and Bourbon alreadj famous Whiskies and Punch. Also STAFFORDSHIRE JTONE VlIi ! OX DltAUGIir. j8S'Families supplied. " THOMaS M. BARRY, Dispenses JMPERIAL MILLS. Savier, LaRoque & Co., OREGON CITY. tnKeep constantly on hand for sale, flour Midhngs, Bran and Chicken y ced. Parti purchins feed must furnish the sacks. Jacob Stitzel. James K. Upton ST IT ZE L & UPTON, Heal Estate Brokers and General Agents, Corner of Front and Washington streets, TORTLAND, OREGON. O Will attend to the sale and purchase T- lit.. . . .... 01 ueai instate in all parts ot the City and State. Special attention given to the sale of 1 . . 1 T-fc ll . . 1 . jjiisi t 01 uuiiu properly. Address P. O. Box 4t-2, Portland. Oregon STITZEL & UPTON, IH.tf J ' Heal Estate Broker. A. J. MONROE, Dealer in California, Vermont and Italian Ufarhlp.S- Ohrlishs Mo7iumentst Head and loot rT Stones, Salem Oregon. Mantles and Furniture Marble furnished to order. 2.".t A LARGE INVOICE OE NEW Sunday School and Gift Books ! I7R0M THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIE 1 ty and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson st. between 2d and 3d, Portland, Oregon. G. H. ATKINSON, Secretary, 52.1 J and Treas. Oregon Tract Society JOHN F. MILLER, Successor to J. F. MILLER fy Co., MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IS Hoots siiad Sfiioes ! At' the Oregon City Boot and Shoe Store, Main street. THE BEST SELECTION Of Ladies Gents', Boys', and Children's Boots and Shoes, on hand or made to order. -OOGUS & A .15 UI C JIT, EXCELSIOR20L MARKET i Corner of pourtti and Main streets. OIIEGOS CITY. Troon rnnstantlv on hand all kinds of rj . . v j ' - - - fresh and salt meats, such as BEEP, POKIv, MUTTON, VEAL, CORNED BEEF, II A MS, TICKELED POKIv, LARD, And everything else to be found in their line of business. OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, CD AS. HODGE . . CHAS. E. CALEF. .GEO. W. SNELL- HODGE, CALEF & Co., BEALEBS IX DEUGS and MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND "WINDOW GLASS, FARNISIIES, BBUSjTES, PAINTERS Materia, ana jjruggists' Sundries. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. DIEECT IMPORTATIONS ! ! NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES OF Bed-Room SUITES. Just received and placed in the wareroems, of HURGREN & SHINDLER ! 1GG, 1G8, iro, 173 First street, .corner of Salmon , PORTLAND, OREGON. PARLOR SETS IN TERRY, IN PLUSH, AND IN HAIR-CLOTH. New Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment f HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE! Lounges and Spring beds. The trade supplied with goods in original packages, on reasonable terms. HURGREN k SHINDLER. HATS! HATS! HATS! OF EVERY STYLE In Large Quantities can le Pound AT J. C MEUSSB0RFFER & BRO.'S S. IF. corner of Morrison and Front streets, Portland, Oregon. o Also Caps of erery style, and Boys' and Girls' Hats in large varieties. Give us a call and examine. W. A. ALDUICn. J. C. MERRILL. JOHN M CRAKES M-CRAKEN, MERRILL& CO. SHIPPING, COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, AGENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA, Hawaiian and Oiesron Packet Lines. Importers of San Quentin and Carmen Island Salt. Sandwich Island Sugars, Coli'ee, Rice, and Pulu. Agents for Provost's & Co.'s Preserved Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles and Vinegar. Dealers in Hour, (Jrair, Bacon, Lard & Fruit, Lime, Cement and Plaster. Will attend to the Purchase, Sale or Ship ment of Merchandise or Produec in New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, or Portland. ALDKlCIl, MERRILL & CO., Nos 201 and 20o California Street, San Francisco. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL & CO., 16 North Front Street, Portland. J. F. JONES & Co., Corner of Main and Second Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Steam Coffee and Spice Mills, The best Chartres, Old Govornment Java Ground CoHee. and all kinds of Spices, al ways on hand. Orders solicited and prompt ly filled. 32:tt JOTICE. ' 1 am cleaning up and repairing THE OREG OX HOUSE, nntl will re-open it again on Sa'urdar the lfStu ot tnis month. - JACOB BOEIIM Sept. IGth, 1S0U 45.4t Harvest of 1869 ! ! Selling off to Close Business, And no HUMBUG ! Tlic Entire Stoclt! OF- DRY GOODS. READY-MADE CLOTHING, EC0TS AND SHOES, Mens' Ladies, Misses' and Childrcns' HATS AND CAPS. Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys and Burners! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc. Has got to le sold Regardless of Price! To convince j-onrself w ith respect to this matter, call at the old corner. I. SELLING, SoutJi of Tope 4' Co.7s Tin, Store, Or ego n City. IPaintiiig-, Fainting1 HOUSE, SIGN, AND Steamboat Painting Graining, Gilding, China Glossing, Imitations Of all kinds Wood and Marble ! Executed as icefl as can be done on the Pacific Coast. Examine our work and Judge for yourselvss. jfcjfEven' order a'temlcd to with care and expedition . C. E. M URRA Y, est Uuor Kaibton's Brick, Main St., Oicgon City WHEN THE BELL RINGS LOOK OUT PGR THE LOCOMOTIVE. is the Time to "While they are -o- M Cos t ' .1 3 m A T5TK mm um i Having purchased the entire Stock of Goods, fixtures, etc. of Messrs. Jacob & Brother, and moved into the stand lately occupied by that firm, I am now attend to the wants ol my customers, and having a double amount of. very desirable goods on hand, I have decided to iSeli off at Cost for the next Sixty Days, in order to reduce the stock. In order that all ask you to call and satisfy yourself. My stock consists, in part of the following articles : LADIES DRESS GOODS. BALMOR ALS, HATS of various descriptions; CLOAKS, such as Circulars and Sacks ; KID GLOVES, best quality ; HOSIERY; BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widihs : BOOTS AND SHOES : HATS AND CARS ; CLOTHING ; FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSIMERE SUITS; SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS ; BOYS? AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and qualities. 7pST A SUIT THAT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most reasonable terms. Also a larpe stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. ACIEHIAN, All kinds of Produce Bouffht.-r?" HOME MADE FU M. WERTHEIIiER, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Furniture, OIIEGOX CITY, TAKES THIS METHOD OF INFORMING tho public that lie has now on hand a large invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS. BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS. And Various other Qualities of Rich and Medium Furniture Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which merits the attention of buyers. He MANUFACTURES FURNITURE Usinp good materials, and employing th very best mechanics in the State, hence In can warrant his poods to bo as represented and he is prepared to fill all orders with promptness. He would call the attention of the public to his salesroom, as containing the mot complete assortment of desirable (joods in the State. M. AVEUTIIKirTlEK. Main street, Oregon Cit. OREGON CITY BKEWERY ! IIEXRY II U 35 B CI. Having purchased the above Brewery wish es to inform the public th.it he is now prepar ed to manufacture a No. 1 quality of EAGER BEER, As good as can be obtained anj where in t!e Stale. Ordr solicited hikI promptly tilled. J. McIIenry, 0i FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, Oregon. sS Has on hand, and is constant h receiving direct from the East,a large and carefully selected stock of Crockery, Glass Ware, Plated Ware, Lamps, etc., all of which he oilers at prices to suit the tin e. at Wholesale and Retail, ""Dealer;, will do well to c:ill aud exam ine his stock, and learn his prices, before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN MY BUS. II. C. MYERS. .J. MYERS I5M0.? UNDER THE COURT IIOUSE, OREGON CITY, OIIEOON. RETAIL DEALERS IN DKY -tiJOOBS, GROCERIES, ROOTS & SHOES, "We al?o constantly keep on hand SALEM C A S S I 51 E R E S, FLA XN ELS, TWEEDS AND BLANKETS, "Which we will sell, at the Factory Prices, and will take wool in exchange. 2'7,Wc will also pay the highest price for Butter. Eggs, and ail kinds of good country produce. We will sell as low as any house in Oregon, for Cash or its equivalent in good merchantable produce. fits' Give us a call ana sati-fv yourselves. IN7 JEW "NVAGOX AND Carriage Rfranufactory ! The undersigned, having increased the di mensions of bis premises, at the old stand Corner of Main and Third streets, Oregon City Oregon. Takes this method to inform his old pat rons, ana as many new ones as may ne pleased to call, that he is now prepared, with ample room, good materials, and the very best of mechanics, to build anew, recon struct, make, paint, iron and turn out all complete any sort of a vehicle trom a com mon cart to a concord coach. Trv me. Blacksmithinc, Horse or Ox shoeing, and general jobbiug neatly, quickly and cheap ly done. DAVID SMITH. vpposiic i.iCv;isior iaikci Buy your Goods I going Cheap ! better prepared than ever to may rest assured of this fact I ;?"RACS WANTED. Successor to JOHN FLEMING, Al Cliai ini Il'omer's old stand, lately oc cupied by S. Aekerman, Main street, Oregon City, Oregon. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN EJ? 2L2 QJ3 :BS. 3 9 -4 ! J . m II II -I 1 1 Xi-ng,y!V etc, Jl bb KEEP CONSTANTLY ox II AND V a large and well selected tock of Rooks Stationery, and Drugs, comprising in part Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Medical, Mining, and. Scientific Books, Theological and Relig ious Books. Juvenile and Toy Books, Sabbath and Day School Books, IN GREAT VARIETY. Blank Pools in Even Style, Pass Books, Memorandum Boohs, and Time Books, Drawing, Trac- ing and Tissue Paper, Portfolios, and PHOTO GRAPHIC ALBUMS, Arnolds , Maynard cb No yes,' and J)avid"s Inks, Mucilage, Sheet Music, Music Paper, and Note Books. All cf Which he will Sell at the Lowest Prices. A General Variety of Drugs and latent Medicines, Constantly on hand, for sale. itir School Teacher., and parents of Schol ars will find it to their advantage to inspect my stock and piices, before purchasing else where. Bocks Imported to Order. Orders res--pecti'ully s!:c ted and promptly filled. , Agent for t he Sr Fraacixco Times, and Eastern periodicals, and papers. JOHN M.BACON. W. F. HIGHFIELD, Established since lS4!),nt the old stand, Main Slrtet, Oregon City, Orejon. An Assortment of Watches, Jew elry, ad Seth Thomas' weight Clocks, al! of which are warranted to be as represented. 1 !et:l i I ! tn"s done fin sbnvf nnden ind thankful for past favors. ' CLARK GREENMAH, UJiEUU U1T1. t:"V, All orders for the delivery of merchan dise or packages and freight of whatever des cription, to any part of the city, will be exe cuted promptly and with care. WALL AMET ON WORKS COMPANY! Irosa EotomcIcfs, Ail ENGINE And Boiler Builders ! Xorth Front and E sts.. Portland, Oregon. rpiIESE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the jL bank of the river, one block north of Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and efficiently. Ve have secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years gives him a thorough k nnvi led crr rf t'w. , kinds of machinery required for mining and j mining purposes. e are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY! FLOURING MILLS ! SAW MILLS ! QUARTZ MILLS ! ! MINING PUMPS ! ! &e., eke., dsc. M-invfacture and Repair Machinery of all l iiHts. IRON SHUTTER WORE at San. I ran Cisco cmtand frei'jht. Wheel, r& Ran dalfs Patent Grinehr an I, Amalgamator. Ihinlmr's and, Steven's Self Adjiiztina Patent 'i.-dyn. Park ing, either applied to oil or neiv l'fn c 'finder. Qaartz Stain pern, Shoes arul dies, if tu tttit hard iron. Z:y Thomas Charman Successor togplIARMAN BllQ rpiIE DEATH OF JIY BROTHER ma X compelled me aain to change n, Af of the nnn ot CHARMAN & BRo. to 7th ,7 , the estate all the interest held by my br ?f . ... IT iicu uj Vliarm & Brother, taking ell'ect January 3d, 159 Tlic Iliisincss Will be Carried on as Isual AND A FULL SJOCK Will be kept up by me, and will consU ; ..r . 1. cm 1 1 . Hi pari, 01 mi: -luuutt uiauciies OI lde " Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats, Cajis, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Notions, Perfumery And Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Colors, Dye Stuff's and Varnish, Quecnsicare, Crockery & Lamps O Sash, Doors, and Windoic Blinds 1 laid ware, loots and Cutlery, Rope, and Nails Of Every Description. I ask Especial Attention to my FINE TEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR. o GROCERIES OF EVERY VARIETY. FarmmgeEmpIementsl S OF ALL KINDS. Kg-Attention will be paid to any business left with me on Commission. Notice. My Uusiness with all who faror me with -their patronage, will be done on a cold basis but Legal Tender will be re ceived at the market quotations. Agent "WELLS FARGO k CO. I desire to say to all who favor me with their patronage that I shall use my best ability to please them, and all orders shall meet with prompt attention. My facilities for doing business are as good as any house in Oregon, and I pledge myself to sell as Cheap as any House in good standing in M19 State. I will not be undersold by anr one Please give me a call and examin'iir your selves. Thanking you for past favors, I remain, Respectfully vonrs, THOMAS CHARMAN. G. SNEATII, WHOLESALE GROCER, 32 Front Street, Portland. GOODS BY THE PACKAGE, FOR CASH, AT SAN THAS CISCO PRICES, and Freight. ITOrders Promptly filled in San Francis co, if desired. (4't.t- X THE CLHCUIT COURT o Of the Stae of Oregon for Clackanmi County Simon S. Markham.plttf, vs. Henry Oliver and Elvira Oliver defts. Suit in equity to foreclose mortgage. To Henry Oliver and Elvira Oliver defts: In the name of the State of Oregon : You are required to appear and answer the com. plaint file d against you in said court, in t,h above entitled cause, within ten days after the service ot this Summons upon you, if served in Clackamas County, or twen'y davs if served in any other county in said 'State. And unless you appear and answer said com plaint in said time, or on or before the first d ty of the term of said Court commencing next after the expiration of six werksfroni the publication of this Summons, to-wit:0n The fourth Monday of October, A. D, lsr.y, the Plaintiff will' apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint, namely : A judgment against you for the sum of three hundred and three dollars and thirty-three cents ($:jt3.3:)-IX) in U. S. gold coin, and interest thereon s'nee 27th May, 15-07. at ten per cent, per month, and fr a decree foreclosing your equity of re demption in the property described in com plaint, to-wit : Lot No, 4 in block No.4f, in the town of Oregon City, Clackamas countv, Oregon, and for the costs and disbursement of this suit. By order of Hon. W. W. Upton. Judge. JOHNSON & MrCO WN, Sept. 17, 1SCP ir.Gt. Pltff's Attorneys JX THE CIRCUIT COURT Of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Pter Paquet, plaint ifE r. Ne'son Allison, defendant. Suit to foreclose Mort gage. To Nelson Allison, Defendant : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in said court, in the sthove entitled cause within ten days after the ser vice of this summons upon you, if ferved in Clackamas county, or twenty days if seryeil in any other county m said State. And un less you appear and answer said complaint in said tune, or 011 or h.-fcro the fir;f dnv of the term of said ccurt, commencing next after the expiration of six weeks from the publication of this summons, to wit : On the fourth Monday in October, A. I. IS-",'.!, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the com- plaint, namely a judgment against ycu for the sum of "." in United States gold' or silver coin, and interest since M -y Gth, and for a decree fo.-eclosing a mortgage on land drscrioed in complaiut ; also, for costs and disbursements. By order of Hon. W. "W. Upton. Judge. JOHNSON fc McCOWN. 44.Gt Attorneys for PlaintiiT.Q QOUNTY COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. All persons who have heretofore -nuchas ed lots of ClackamasCountv,in what is known as the County Addition to Oregon City," Clackamas County, Oregon, and who have not received deeds for the same, are hereby notified that the County is ready to make them DEEDS, UPON PRESENTATION OF THEIR BONDS for the same. Ts notice is also intended to apply to the successors to the right of Dr. John McLaughlin, to have seventy four lots reserved from' the operation of said McLaughlin's conveyance to the coun ty. The County is ready to convey the same upon proper selection and proof. By order of the County Court. -4tJ J. M. FRAZER, County Clerk. DMIXISTRATOirS XOTICK In the estate of JOHN FOSTER, deceased. Notice is hereby given that I, lsaacM. Foster, Administrator of the estate of the above named John Foster, deceased, have filed in the County Court cf Clackamas feuinty, ?te of Oregon, my final account in said estate, and asked for its approval, and that I be dis charged from further liabilities as such Ad ministrator, and that Monday the 4th day of October, A. D. 1869, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., ot said day, at the Court Ilonse in Oregoa Citv, in Clackamas County, State of Oregon, has been appointed by the" said County Court as the time and place for hearing and setting said account. At tvhich said tisie and place, any person interested in said estate may ap pear and file exceptions in writing to said account, and contest the same. ISAAC M. FOSTER, Administrator. Kept, the 11th A. D. 1SG3 14 it A O C 1